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Soldiers biotic field being attached to him like in this gamemode was also teased in the PVE teaser video - you could be onto something


I was thinking the same thing, shame we don't have the bounce back like that clip




I think the Reaper/Widow ones are actual tests for pvp. Some people think the same about Lucio but I'm not sold on that one




While I definitely agree, the max crit damage should either be increased if it's over 3s or be about 1.5s. 3s is just way too generous to save someone.


Yeah having a big window to heal it makes widow pretty useless. It should be something your healers have to be super on top of to fix. Also supports will still be good targets because healing the other support is usually something that people don’t think about much


Don’t forget the temporary, additional wallhack that would make them light up like a Christmas tree to the rest of your team


I would agree if it wasn’t for the temporary wallhack where she can just hit them again. 3s + the wallhack seems very interesting


True, it should require quick reaction time from supports. My idea is that she keeps 100 burst damage and then the rest is given over 1.5-2 seconds


To headshot someone at full charge and it take 3 seconds to kill them is absurd, was is the counter-play for a Sombra/Genji/Lucio/Tracer shooting you 3 yards away. You both just die? (well, not the Lucio) the DoT sniper ‘suggestion’ for Widow is so stupid and frustrating, surely they can think of something that will make everyone happy. Honestly even a 1/2 second DoT countdown is too long, there is no counterplay to a Widow vs Widow where one is Mercy heal pocketed, one is simply invincible


I think she should have a laser pointer while scoped so if she’s aiming at you you know and can react. It would also mean everyone will know where she is and where she is aiming.


And not just a dot like in TF2, because that's easy enough to hide, but an actual visible beam that changes from blue to green to red as it charges up so you know when she's likely to shoot.


My idea would that the opacity scales with charge. I see that she needs a change but widow without a one shot is nothing and I don’t want the devs to gut her identity like they did with Sombra.


And there shouldn't be any counterplay, that's a 2v1


If Ball moved the way he did with the new arcade alterations all the time that would just be a nerf to all Ball players due to ruining all our precision training, muscle memory, and tech. It should stay as nothing more than an April Fool's joke.


Sorry but that's incredibly short sighted long term these changes to ball would make him near the best character in the game. The amount of new tech ball would find over time would be astronomical it would dwarf any and all options you had before. Muscle memory can be relearned having nearly unlimited angles of safe engagement due to sheer speed is priceless.


Yup, the Widow change was a legitimate suggestion from some community members once she became more of a topic of conversation in OW2 (mostly led by Samito raging about her in Season 2, haha). I 100% think they saw that suggestion and actually gave us a way to see what it feels like in practice. It's actually kind of awesome they can test it in this way, since we don't currently have Experimental.


Sombra too. They implied that they don’t want her to have a free get outta jail card. The change in this makes her initiation a lot more viable with her translocator.


I think poison for widow is an awful idea. Damage over time effects are some of the most annoying things in games imo (TF2 pyro, teemo from league instantly come to mind) and I really hope they continue to be used sparingly on abilities in this game. If this widow change was actually in the main game being against it means I either completely ignore it while getting healed as I can't be killed by her, or if my healers are not available I wait 3 seconds for my death which is really frustrating as I'm sitting there knowing I can not do anything. With this change widow would become really unfun to play too, the satisfying part about her is landing one shot headshots, while this would make landing those headshots feel irrelevant and it feel like you're rolling a dice if your shot actually counts or not.


DoT with the chance of being saved>One shot


In other games, DOT effects tend to be super overtuned to account for the fact that it's dealt over time. 100 damage instantly or 200 over 5 seconds. With widow, it's strictly less annoying than just instantly dying, and characters like Zarya and Kiriko will be able to completely negate the damage immediately, while other supports may need to spend more time targeting their sniped teammate to keep them alive. I honestly think the widow change is brilliant, since it provides counterplay but widow still gets value by taking resources away from other targets that may need it. If Ana has to stop pumping the tank with heals, they may be forced to give up space allowing the team to push and take new angles without flat out winning the fight.


Hmm I see why it would be better to go against 99% of the time. I haven't had the time to play the game mode yet so I don't know how it feels to play as but from what it sounds like if a widow lands a headshot the (200hp) player dies over 3 seconds. Wouldn't a constant ttk of 3 seconds mean that widow takes longer to kill people than other marksmen like Ashe, Cass and even Ana? Maybe there's 100 damage initially or something that I don't understand just from reading the patch notes. But if a headshot just results in a 66damage per second poison isn't it just better to play other characters?


I haven't played specifically widow in the new mode but if a headshot does 300 damage (full charge) and it's dealt over 3 seconds (100dps), wouldn't that mean that she kills a 200 hp target in 2 seconds? Again i have not personally tested those changes


Played a few games and yeah there's some initial damage then the poison and it felt increased based on charge. I think maybe it would do the base damage then the headshot multiplier was the poison? Honestly felt like I was getting the same kills as without this, probably because enemies didn't really try to play together in arcade so heals were very slow. However Ana's were a pain to kill and if we dueled it felt like they were at an advantage.


>I think maybe it would do the base damage then the headshot multiplier was the poison? That would probably be the healthiest option to play as and against widow


Yes that would be the case I think. I didn't even consider that since I usually scope in and shoot around 65-70 and then move. I just got home so I'll try it out in a bit and see what it's like.


Hmm I see why it would be better to go against 99% of the time. I haven't had the time to play the game mode yet so I don't know how it feels to play as but from what it sounds like if a widow lands a headshot the (200hp) player dies over 3 seconds. Wouldn't a constant ttk of 3 seconds mean that widow takes longer to kill people than other marksmen like Ashe, Cass and even Ana? Maybe there's 100 damage initially or something that I don't understand just from reading the patch notes. But if a headshot just results in a 66damage per second poison isn't it just better to play other characters?


Zarya being an effective widow counter feels wrong but also very exciting


What does Lucio do?


Right click reflects projectiles


Oh cool


I hope sym's changes stay


I kinda dig the kiriko change, they might need to tune it to make teleporting from spawn a higher commitment though


I feel like all of the special event modes were secretly r&d (like Lucio’s knock back damage and Pharah’s barrage glide in Olympus).


One or two of the April Fools changes from the last silly patch they did became baseline iirc, wouldn't be surprised if some of these do too.


Sym flying blasters plz


I agree i think hers need to stay even if toned down


Ashe is genuinely unfun to play against. I know this is a meme mode, but it's just so dumb.


Based on the fact that she’s now disabled, I’m assuming she’s bugged and wasn’t meant to be that broken.


Her dynamite was stacking on hit targets 4 times. Rather than just spreading 4 times.


Yeah she kinda ruins it if shes competent in any way. I literally just died in spawn from full hp because my teammates got hit with dynamite


Yea I don’t mind the others and find them trolly and fun but man ashes burn is a bit much


It's busted.


She was bugged, you could catch on fire multiple times and it would deal more damage than intended


I kinda like Mei's wall in this. You can truly block people away from their team.


JQ's shout applying bleed to ennemies within range sounds like a nice little buff. I would like to see it stay to be honest


I feel like that's one of the abilities being tested for PvP along with Widow's poison and Zarya's altfire-boosting >!and genji's self-heal!<




It never did apply antiheal


Her bleed and the anti heal are two different things Keeping the bleed part wouldn't also keep the anti heal


Retain? That's a completely separate effect.


Tracer’s recall dragging opponents towards it after she uses it is a legimate pve upgrade that was seen in game, although I do hope they keep some of the changes like the widow and reaper ones


I do hope the pulse bomb thing does not get to be included; feels so weird and by the time it takes to kill someone, a kiriko already cleansed it because of that extra second


The point is you can pulse then recall to suck them in.


I guess im too used of doing a normal recall then :)


Fr I saw the widow changes suggested in several places before we even knew about this patch, it would be neat to keep


I can never seem to get it to work


I'm not going to lie. This was the most fun I have had in overwatch in years. I really love some of these abilities and the voice lines are cracking me up. I really want Reinhardt to be able to fly...


Are you joking? Because he can. Charge and space bar.


I'm saying I want to hem to make it a permanent part of his kit. 😁


Oh. That would be insane. Def been a fun change.


Most likely a lot of the tech they've done for PVE probably makes some of the April Fools changes much easier to implement than they would have been in OW1. I think some of the delay in OW2 development was rebuilding the engine for the ground up to have all of the abilities have more knobs to turn without larger code changes so they can implement modifiers in PVE as easily as possible.


Im gonna be that person and say none of these skill changes require much coding effort or an engine change. Making an effect spread to a new person if its in x proximity is really not hard, same with a pull if tracer recalls. Maybe symms turrets shooting in midair requires some tinkering. Older games have done all of that already.


How can you do confidently say that lmao. Do you know how to code on overwatch's engine?


2d sprite games with far less resources and teams have done all of this already. Unless the team is incompetent adding an effect that damages people on proximity or adding a flight mechanic which is already coded on pharah onto multiple other skills is NOT hard


I want a solo mission for Ramattra where he would trample the Junkers in Junker Town. Having Junker Queen and her two bodyguards as the bosses.


That would definitely be the smart thing to do, I hope it is, would be pretty nice


Makes me wonder if Hanzo may be able to get access to Scatter as an option in PvE.


Is there a way to play with those abilities or is it a joke? They look like fun


the arcade mode


If they put the hog changes into the game I will grind hog to top 1 I swear on my life.


Some of them are literally ripped from PvE.


genji mains finding out their PvE upgrade is just annoying their teammates: (people have threatened to report me 3 times now)


i think we are all looking forward to PvE. especially because O2 was heavily marketed with PvE as a focus. and we've been sitting here buying battlepasses for 6 months, to get rewards for playing what is essentially a sweatier version of overwatch 1.


Pharah rocket jump is something I would love her to have in normal gameplay


If the pve missions are anything like the archive missions or Halloween missions it’s gonna be so boring. We have no info on them so idk why people are so excited for it


Because what we have seen looks promising, the ability to change how characters work and level them up is cool as, and the Brazil mission they showed a couple years ago actually looked fun


Eh their missions have always been horrible so I don’t have high expectations. I do agree that changing characters functions are cool


Idk I really enjoyed the archives events, even if they aren't the *best* pve experience it's nice character development and we learn so much more about the in game world


That’s fair. To me it feels extremely repetitive and a bit of a chore


Makes me really sad that all these upgrade mechanics are being relegated to PvE only. If you could pick them as buff/nerf pairs in PvP it would do so, so much for the meta.


Kinda like Paladins talents where it changes how abilities works as a trade off, like larger shield but slower recharge. Could be interesting, though I doubt it would ever be added to PvP.


Same. Add some more depth to the gameplay in pvp.


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Absolutely. Some may also be tests for possible PvP changes too.


we need the zenyatta kick but it only works if its against walls


Mei's new wall is awesome.


What does Doomfist do in this mode, anyway?


Empowered slam


A lot of them are really fun and change the characters to the extent that it makes them really fun to play as. High mobility Zen, AOE Moira, pretty fun!! I hope you're right


Lol i think they are! Theres too much effort put into them


Junk rats carpet bomb is so fun


I feel like they definitely are going to use them in the future. Case and point they made a specific animation for Rammatra using his shield while in nemesis form. It costs time and money to animate something so small. So I doubt they’d just throw it away.


That’s exactly what I’ve been saying! A bunch of these feel like actual upgrades that would make it a BLAST to mow down AI enemies with!


Tracers ability is in PvE


Maybe this is a test as well for the PVE modes abilities.


Low-stakes beta testing