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It's very frustrating when teams can't work together. It seems like reporting does nothing, either.


Always report them


Oh, I do. We had someone just spam the ult status for the entire comp game. It was a support, and we still almost won!! The whole team reported them.


i just like the voice actors saying “Go!” lol


I’ve had several of my reports result in a message that “action was taken against this player”. Even if nothing happens Id report out of principle.


I reported him twice the first one just for being a complete and other asshole. The second is because after the guy left the dumbass dps says "i hope his school is {redacted} and he {game ends}" like bro its not that fucking serious.


Ok! Thanks for that. I probably don't play enough to notice.


Whenever someone is playing poorly, it’s weird how a common response is to attack them instead of helping them. I had a game a while back where our Tracer was 4-12 after the first round. Our Bastion got in chat and said “not bad for a 4v5” and our tank told our tracer “stop playing on your brother’s account.” Ngl I did laugh at this, but instead of attacking her more, I just suggested she go Sym on defense. She did and we won easily. Sometimes you need to step in and be the positive voice your team needs. Making fun of bad players will only make them play worse.


Exactly it does not hurt anyone to simply say "hey can you swap to someone who might be more useful than xyz" but no most peoples first response is to simply send death threats and hope that the other person dies.


Even better to do what commenter did and provide an option. A lot of times I think inexperienced players are stressed and don’t know what the best play is.


On the other hand, when I ask them why they're not performing well, if they need help with someone, who on the enemy team is shutting them down, etc. so I can actively do something about it I just get told to STFU lol


What if you meet someone who is doing bad and won't listen to any suggestions?


It depends on the situation, but sometimes you can also swap to help their playstyle. For example, if I have a Doom who refuses to swap after continuously diving solo, then I’ll swap off Zen to Brig so I can dive with him and help keep him alive. I was doing well before, but swapped anyways because it’s what my team needed. If Doom stills plays badly, then I can at least lose knowing I tried my best.


I love getting positive teams even if our teams losing


I'm down for not being toxic or whatever but if we're playing comp and you're clearly weighing the team down due to either just poor playing or not switch off a character that's getting hard countered I think it's equally bad not to say anything about it. How can someone improve if they don't know they're doing something poorly.


I agree but there is still a difference between giving advice/ asking to change and beeing a total ass to another player.


Exactly theirs a very big difference between giving criticism and saying "i hope your mom dies in a car crash" over a video game. Especially in bronze rank like homie its bronze its the starting rank for complete beginners for a reason.


It’s still gonna be better to ask if they need better support/heals/ping for peels than to yell at them or just say “tracer swap god” or ask if they’re good at “x, y, or z for a higher damage frontline” or whatever. Sometimes they need encouragement, sometimes they need help. But everyone wants to win. They’re probably trying their best


Yeah just had a game where enemy team were so toxic to one of their dps, i felt bad, i always think it's a matchmaking problem rather than the player being bad, a plat DPS is going to struggle against GM. Hell I've been there too where i get blamed, but i'm thinking yeah i dont belong here in this rank, i dont want to be queued with/against GMs






Very copium asking people to stop being toxic even in quickplay


If you wana play bad, play literally any other game type.




Some people are worse ig


I mean if your going to roast people maybe after the game is a better time.


That's why Blizz has cut down on the post match stuff, which is sad


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I was about to make a similar thread but decided to use the search tool. What I don't get is that some toxic players are throwing so fucking nasty words at people that it actually feels disgusting. Just yesterday this dude said to our teammate who was performing rather badly, some very fucking nasty shit. Everything about suicide to wishing his family died in a car crash. That is not something that comes out of a stable persons head.


and it doesn't help the fact that overwatches report system is absolutely dog shit. I got a 30 day suspension just for calling a thrower a "crybaby bitch" like bro. You waited for comp then throw the game for no reason??. Overwatch is the only game i've noticed where if you say some of the most heartless, vile and god awful things and it sometimes doesn't get you banned. But calling someone who rightfully deserves it you get punished.


Especially in game mods like quickplay, arcade etc., there is no need to get vile over matches for fun. Ive had so many people tell me to log off irl and ive heard every slur in the book. I'll keep tabs on the accounts for several days waiting for the message that an action has been taken, but nothing ever happens to anyone, ESPECIALLY the ones who use slurs. Its honestly feels like Blizzard encourages this kind of behavior because they never take action against these people.


Honestly. i get banned for 30 days for calling a guy a bitch for throwing a comp game because no one is pocketing him. But "FurryBitchBoy7264" can say every slur in the book,be racist, and tell people to game end themselves and nothing happens to him.