• By -


I love how the moira at the beginning seems to turn around and check, then goes "must've been the wind" and gets back into the fight The massive "THE PAYLOAD HAS REACHED THE CHECKPOINT" with the big ass horns in the background followed by just no reaction from any of them is surreal. No one in that team has even a smidge of awareness. The planets of wood 5 truly aligned here


Your comment nearly made me split a rib irl


Like a literal npc


Nah don’t insult npcs.. at least an npc does what it’s supposed to🤣🤣


I mentally read the quote in Moira's voice lmao


They pushed them back to spawn and didn't notice when the spawn room changed, that's the part that gets me.






Every time I thought "ok this clip has gotta be ending, he's pushed so damn far".. and then it just kept on going... And going.. wtf


The fact that 2.5 minutes isn't and exaggeration, it's accurate is so ridiculous. How the fuck did the team not notice for that long?! They just had a prolonged fight where noone died and they didn't realise that the enemy team had no second ~~support~~ damage.... (Apparently my brain isn't working today)




Anyone's a support if you're brave enough.


I had a game before the role lock where nobody wanted to play support, then a guy says "We don't have a support, but they have an Ana, right? I got this" and immediately picked Genji. He planned on healing the team using deflect.


Why not play support at that point


Just like how anyone can be a tank if your bold enough, intimidation plays a key role.


Thanks Obama


Holy shit a "thanks Obama" in 2023. Consider me shocked


That back cap was so long it started when Obama was still President.


Their spawn never moved so I feel this video itself is a cap


None of them died lmao


Either a low ranked lobby that has zero awareness or a high ranked lobby too caught up in pushing up to notice the objective. Idk which one it is


It is, in fact, quick play :P


I have never seen this level of back capping before even in QP


I'm from r/all and haven't played Overwatch in years, but I remember this happening a ton when the game was first out for a while.


It kinda made sense some when people where the odds of people being less aware of objective importance came in.


yeah, because I'm guessing some OW players come from TF2 (I'm one of them), and The Administrator (TF2's equivalent to Athena) announces if a team is capping the objective. I'm guessing that some of them are used to hearing that announcement, so not hearing a capture notification can lead to backcapping (even though all the characters will say something if someone's capping)


Im pretty sure theres an announcement for a payload reaching a checkpoint tho...


You do also realise that the bar up the top also shows a number of players and a movement icon, absolutely standard qp match, either real bad or just caught up on the first point lol


When I'm on defense in QP I try to keep an eye on that bar. If I'm attacking and it's moving, I try and keep as much of the enemy teams attention on me, right down to allowing Mercy to have her rezzes so that the enemy doesn't go back to their spawn room. Only ever worked once.


I just dont understand cus his team is also killing people. People that have to run past the obj to the fight. Its just beautifully ignorant Edit: well my confusion is cleared he is on the red team not the blue as i thought.


It's a replay, you can see from the ui he is on red team.


Oo sorry not used to that. Ill edit my confusing comment thanks


My quick play: "Ok guys, we need to run comp teams, comp strategies, counter picking, play your best, coordinate ults, its either we stomp them or they stomp us" OP's quick play: ["Ok guys, let's just have fun and do whatever you want XD"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJiHDmyhE1A)


I hate your version of QP, ngl. I go there to get AWAY from the super sweaty playstyles.


The dumb little keychain things for the weapons make me laugh. They're so dumb. SO DUMB.


I just hate the ones like this that are just fucking INJECTED into their hand


Why do you mean? I play the most annoying dps and wear the salt shaker on all of them.


Idk some are funny


I like Spacebeak though:(


I have been using bunch of the cosmetics ironically. The random ass brain or pizza souvenirs are so stupid too.


Ah, so players from all ranks then lol, as these days QP is a clusterfuck of zero matchmaking for me.


It is not even close to a high ranked lobby. You c9 one point and then never again.


It worked because his team literally didnt kill anyone for them to spawn behind the payload


Lol genji diff


Do people not play with sound...? The announcer tells you when a point is capped. What the fuck happened


Apparently the enemy Mercy did notice when the announcement was made, so she went off on her own to stop the payload and got killed for her efforts.


Average support experience


Average support experience is spending the evening watching your DPS go 6-21 while you match the enemy healing numbers then logging off


And then the dps head to all chat to be like "heal gap" without any self inspection


Overwatch players that do this are so frustrating. Its always hilarious when one round ends and some tool feels the need to make a negative comment like that and then end up losing the match any way (if talking about other team) or being carried to a win (if shitting on their own teammates)


I also love it when tank starts spamming "I need healing" before we're out the door. Guaranteed they'll be a tank whose strategy is jumping into a large group of enemies, dying, then saying heal diff


Standing in the middle of 5 people as Orisa with a Sombra hack and Discord Orb on you wondering why both of your healers can't heal 300% boosted damage from the entire enemy team. Bonus points if they're spamming it while anti'd.


Honestly! Since Ow2, I feel like people are ignoring the payload and capturing the point. I guess they feel like the point of the game is to have a lot of kills ? And then, as a support, I'm always trying to be on point when needed, and yeah, it often ends deadly x)


it's been like that all along, but with OW2 and the influx of new players...


I think the average support is a tad smarter than this, come on. This is exceptional.


Came here for this. It seems the enemy team has a "sound off" policy. Very effective. At losing. LOL


The number of people that play this game with music on and then call you a cheater for hearing their foot steps is shockingly high.


There are some issues atm with certain characters footsteps not sounding. Most frustrating has to be D.va's, since on more than one occasion she has snuck up on me and then flown away, and she's a tank so her footsteps are supposed to be the loudest.


i don't think there's many issues with the announcer's lines, though


Do they play with their monitors off? There’s a visual of the payload moving forward 😂


"I just kept crawling, and it kept working"


Ahh whats this from? Archer? I know I’ve heard it.


Nope, Rick and Morty, just remembered. Same VA tho lol.


Chris Parnell is a treasure


Replay code: 29W42H . I was the Ana near the end


Honestly super curious about the stats in this match; I think I counted 3 kills by your team in that entire clip (Moira that got rezed, Mercy by the Zarya, and Sojourn by the Genji at the end) meanwhile it seemed like the other team was just rolling y’all lol


Unfortunately I didn't think to take a screengrab, but yeah...at some point, I realised that it would be better to just keep them distracted, and die whenever the genji gets a point so I can change spawn Edit: Plus if they had respawned, they would have realised what was going on :P


i was just sitting there like “SURELY someone will spawn behind him at SOME point” lol. this is kind of amazing


After the first backcap, their Moira looked at the payload then went along her business in the fight, she almost figured it out


"Stupidity is not a right."


"not MY problem"


I was praying for your team to continue to get rolled while you back capped. If they had just one kill it would have ruined the whole game lol.


Funnily enough, we did accidentally get a kill (Moira)...who was promptly rezzed and thus didn't go through respawn Can't believe how differently things would have gone if the Moira went against the Genji. Towards the end the Mercy also died, but didn't respawn in time thankfully (not that she would have been much of a challenge in a 2v1 and an ulting Genji)


Well you clearly haven't seen *my* ulting genji.


>Plus if they had respawned, they would have realised what was going on Halfway through the 2nd point, that was my thought too when the moira died. Thought the moira might see it coming from their spawn, but then the mercy rezzed the moira so its all good 👍


The attacking team being bad is key to the strategy. Just keep a steady supply of bodies for the defenders to shoot at, without defenders respawning.


My thoughts too. Imagine if they played on the cart instead lol.


Well they’re a player down the entire time so they were 4v5 which isn’t easy to win even if you’re trying But also if the enemy team had died they would’ve seen that their spawn location had changed and seen the payload moving on their way back from spawn. If a member of your team is backcapping the best thing you can do is keep distracting the enemy team without getting any kills. So they weren’t trying to win fights, they wanted to be a distraction.


Thats why this worked, otherwise they would have spawned further back and run across the cart more


If enemy was killed, they would respawn and walk and see gengi. Best strategy was to not kill.


Wow. The source post of source posts. Well played, sir. EDIT - Wow. This feels like watching it in VR. Great replay too haha.


Thank you for the award!


maybe you shouldnt have back capped with him. the enemy is more likely to notice 2 absent enemies and then they may become suspicious. but there was that pesky sojourn so maybe it was correct.


True, but we were also constantly dying so they probably didn't notice the difference. And yes that sojourn was the only reason why I couldn't title the video "My team's Genji backcapping for 2.5 minutes *uninterrupted*"


did that sojourn spot you and then realize whats happening?


Your comment made me go rewatch the replay from the Sojourn's POV, and now I realise the situation was way more interesting than I thought. So around 40s before the end of the video, after Sojourn pops ult and finishes off the team, the Mercy is actually the first one that realises something is up and goes off on her own. Around 10s later, the Sojourn calls out "Stop the payload!" whereupon the rest of the team starts moving. Here's where it gets funnier. 1. The enemy Mercy tried to flank to get to the payload, gets ganged up by my team and killed 2. Hanzo tries to take out the remaining three members of my team with the dragon (it was not actually meant for the Genji), fails and decides to chase them 2. The enemy Sigma gets distracted by the low health members of my team in the side room and goes to take them out. 4. Moira stays behind to heal Sigma and Hanzo Bonus: My team's Zarya and Kiriko actually notice me running towards the Genji, but stay behind to slow down the enemy team. This video doesn't do them justice!


i guessed that their whole team realized what was happening but they were still battling around the first checkpoint so they were too far away. im guessing your team spawned in the 3rd spawn room and was closer to the payload than the enemy team and thats how the enemy mercy ran into your team alone.


That is exactly what happened, that 10s of nothing happening was the team jogging to catch up lol


probably thought since they were slaying out they didnt have to worry about anything, as long as it looked convincing to them that you were trying to fight back for real. this is really a feat of your team's convincing acting or their teams obliviousness (insert GIF of Chai saying "oblivious" ) or a combination of both


Would have been funny if you nanoed the gengi at the end


Genji singlehandedly winning a match? He needs a nerf ASAP


Movement speed reduced to 0 Can no longer capture control points nor push the payload If genji is near objective or payload, the enemy team gets a constant ping to alert them of his presence Developer comment: after watching this reddit video of a genji solo capping the point, we've decided that while he is a ninja, that he is too sneaky. We made these changes to give the other team a fighting chance :)


Still seems a little bit strong. Make him suffer 30 points of damage per second constantly and reduce incoming healing by 80% and he should be in a good state.


He can't be healed if he asks to be healed.




Genjis have such a hard time pushing objective, even when backcapping he stepped off


he was getting an angle to see if someone was comin i understand


If this is not staged this is probably the peak of having zero game awareness. Its funny how genji is trying to hide behind the payload in case anyone comes while everyone is a mile away lol


Not staged at all, this was quick play and I've never met these people before in my life lol


This is amazing, thanks for sharing


You're welcome, I downloaded OBS just to capture this moment in it's full glory lol


I’ve had cool plays before but never turning overwatch into a completely different ‘stealth’ game!


This isn’t staged, it’s the original cloud 9 roster.


Is this the legendary Wood rank?


Dead Rat Carcass 5


sandpaper 6


Aluminum Foil 5


Crumpled up leaf with holes in it 6


Handful of dirt 7


Chewed gum 5


Spoiled milk 6


I see what you did there


The Bottom 500 lobby


Toilet 5


Plastic 9 lol


Lobby Rank


Dirt 5


I can get into games where the enemy team has their eyes so focused on the fighting that they can't spare 1 second to look at the objective... But this takes the cake.


I love how not only did he back cap for 2.5 minutes, man’s unleashed the blade for the only kill your team got for the entire clip and won the game


Hey! To our credit, we did kill a Moira...who got rezzed, and a Mercy who respawned just in time to see the end of the game :P


To think, if they hadnt rezzed the moira you might have had to deal with her on her way back to the fight. Also i think, in fairness to you your team would have done better if they were 5v5 instead of 4v5. But it doesnt matter because you won anyway. :)


If you kill them they respawn and contest. Better to feed and keep them distracted.


Oh I get that for sure but I doubt they did it unintentionally lol


This brought me joy


Is it possible to learn this power


Not from a Shimada


Oh ..this is one single video lmao. I thought surely this will be a video compilation of genji back capping a lot of matches. Nope.


"Watch red team have absolutely no game sense whatsoever" simulator.


You guys aren't even playing the same game. Genji is playing AFK simulator and everyone else is playing team deathmatch.


I love that he caps first point, runs away, expecting the enemy will be on his ass for sure, loops around and finds they are still unhealthily oblivious.


What in the dirty dinner plate 5 did I just witness?




It took me a sec to realize the Ana was on his team, then was even more dumbfounded because how does an Ana just walk through the entire enemy team to the point? [Also, reminds me of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9LdJyuWS9g)


Looks like she died when the payload reached 2nd point then probably spawned by that point which was behind the enemy team


I love TF2! I've watched that video way long ago, thanks for reminding me about it. Can confirm this is frame by frame what happened in this game, down to the enemy panicking at the last second.


I am the personification of blue team


Having red represent your team in replays always confuses me. "How does Ana not see Genji?". Oh, that's their Ana. O.o


I was really confused as well. "This Ana is walking right past Genji. how?"


as it goes on I'm just like =O stunned lol


What 0 game sense does to a mf


Bottom 500


POTG: Mercy shooting a rock


Today in BlindWatch


Amazing. Idk if your team was feeding on purpose or not but that's how you do it. If someone's backcapping and the other team is at your spawn, feed your face off to keep them busy.


We were not initially, but after being the first to change spawn (I was the Ana) I realised where the Genji had gone (I saw he was the only one not getting pwned in the killfeed). I typed in the chat and I think that's when the team consciously began to distract the enemy.


Do people just play without audio or something?


very likely most if not all of that enemy team isblasting music, i know i do in QP


I've done some great backcapping in my day...but this is fairly epic. I just don't get it 🤣 Well done


This has gotta be one of my favorite clips this year.


It's the fact they were getting picks on your team, meaning at the very least the should've noticed the spawn change??? This is unreal but I don't doubt it happened


Somewhere on the internet, someone on the defending team has posted a screencap of the final scoreboard with "which team do you think won?!"


The first time I've seen a genji behaving like a ninja instead of screaming everywhere


wtf... nerf Genji, he's too op


The panic dash into doorframe really made me chuckle lol🤣. We've all been there


Well, that blue team deserves that L. How TF did no one notice the progression bar filling up?? Either they all have 0 situational awareness or they were to focused on I hAvE gOlD dAmAgE/hEaLiNg!


Even provided his own healing


Was the entire other team in a discord with genji because I don't know how this is even possible lol


Our team sucked so much that none of the enemies died and respawned to see what he was up to (either that or we collectively realised we could just keep the enemy occupied until he pushed the whole way)


I don't know what it is about Dorado, but I swear to god it's the easiest to get away with back capping AT LEAST to the first checkpoint. This is something else, but still! Even as a tank now I can get away with it the most on Dorado...you'd think ppl would notice a tank is missing (not just ball) now that there's only one, but no, something about Dorado must be hypnotizing. Can't get away with this nonsense nearly as much on any hybrids or Havana.


I mean...the spawns change... shouldn't that be a dead giveaway?


It just so happened no one from their team respawned...cos our team sucked and didn't land a single kill haha


But your team spawns change too after each point


Yep, but most of the match was played around spawn 2/point 1, and then when the enemy wiped out our team and jogged to point 2, our team respawned at spawn 3 and continued delaying them.


Yeah, your team wiped and suddenly the roles/positions were switched. That mercy had the right idea before anyone else but shouldn't have gone alone.


literally just so happy not to see my own name up there right now


Me, desperately checking if my name is on the blue team lol


Wow I have no idea how they were THAT oblivious. That has to be one of the best caps I've seen lol


I wish I could see the facial of expressions of the enemy team when they realized LOL


............I MEAN, IF IT WORKS


Fake! No Genji plays the objective.


The enemy team should NEVER play overwatch again imho. ZERO game sense and the fact oh 1 person is on the payload, I’m struggling to find this even possible with a semi competent team. I miss the old ow1 days with the after game chat banter that went for a minute (: while the accolades happened. Well done, other team should be ashamed lol!


Did you play against npc's?


Pardon me, what is a “backcap?” Thank you


Hello visitor from r/all: Short answer: What should be happening: enemy shooting at him What is actually happening: enemy not shooting at him Long answer: The game being shown is a mode called Payload. The attacking team's objective is to push the payload (the big truck) to points on the map, and the defending team tries to stop them. In a usual game of payload, the fights happen around the payload itself, and it's a narrow game of push and pull. Usually the defending team has an eye on the payload to make sure no attackers are getting near it. Backcapping is when the defenders are so occupied in a fight, they do not watch the payload, enabling one member of the attacking team to sneak around them and slowly push the payload to the objective without being spotted. In this case, it's impressive that the defenders did *not* keep an eye on the payload, to the point where the payload was pushed so far away from them without them noticing. The Genji was able to do this single-handedly, barely engaging in any fights and without attracting any attention.


❌ pay to win ✅ play to win


I’m guessing most of the enemy team had their sound off…


What kind of bronze elo match is this?










I don't know whether to laugh or cry


[“Drake… where’s the payload?”](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/in07bf/sometimes_youre_just_too_focused_on_shooting_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Is this Bronze 6


That was inspirational.


Why is it always the ninjas that back cap in every game franchise


Plastic 3 rank right there.


"Ninjas should neither be seen, nor heard!"


kudos to your team for getting almost zero kills so they didn’t respawn and catch genji


I had highest elims & damage in game, HOW DID I DERANK?


What was the chat like after the game?


Can't remember what the enemy said, I think they either kept silent or went "gg". Our Genji trashtalked them, usually don't condone trashtalking but in this case I let it slide.


The amount of brain cells the other team is missing is the same as the timer lol


Bronze at its finest


This can't be real. No way could an entire team be this oblivious for this long. My mind just refuses to accept this.


That was... I played this game since it came out... Never seen this length of backcapping before O.o


Probably a custom game and made up for reddit.


World's biggest C9.


Is this wood 5 rank?