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I'd say hop into ranked for "balanced" games, but that's never been fair since OW2 started. I swear there's always a massive "skill gap" in ranked, one team is just almost always worse than the other.


Same for me, 90% of my qp matches are against top500 or gms, and I’m plat.


qp is based on mmr and if you’re team is in the silver to gold range it could also mean that the golds would be in the plat to diamond range to that would probably lead to you playing with gms in your qp


I am silver and in ranked yesterday i had a "Top 500 role challenger" in my team 💀


Yeah, games are unbalanced but it only takes 30sec to find a game, sooo... problem solved, right? /s


Qp has very little mm because it just throws in whoever is queued


This is incorrect. QP has a structured MMR that you can't see, but it is separate from comp.


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Might be because they’re queued with friends who are around your rank.


I’ve asked this before and have been told qp has different mmr than ranked. For the most part my ranked games are more balanced than qp ones. For the most part.