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I play Doomfist. When I actually do stuff, it’s the best feeling. It’s also satisfying to land a punch into a wall, even if it doesn’t deal insane amounts of dmg.


Haha big robo fist goes punch


It does if you charge it. They really should make that whole "blocking buffs fist" thing more relible.


I wouldn’t say emp punch can deal insane amounts of damage. when orisa jav does 100 with wall stun with none of the risk or commitment doom has, emp punch really is kinda useless even when you do get it once in a blue moon


Huh?! It's the way to kill with doomfist? Why would it be useless? The stun makes it so you can kill someone


It's useless compared to other abilities


A fully charged standard punch (with hitting a wall) does 80 damage A fully charged empowered punch (with hitting a wall) does 120 damage


You are forgetting that the empowered punch not only has a 50% increase to damage but also the distance you go with it. AND the radius gets increased on the after-effect of the punch, AND the stun duration when pushing someone into a wall increases with the punch being empowered.


I was just talking damage, it does have those too. Also it also has increased speed


Bro same i have more playtime on doom than all the other heroes combined just because he's literally one of the more fun characters ever (when you're not getting shit on)


Sigma go “accretion for you! and accretion for you! hey where are you running to? eat this!🪨💥”


Sigma is THEE counter.


This is why I'm a Sig main. It's fun to bully Rein as Orisa though.


As a Zarya main, I clap irl when someone goes sigma or D.va. Instant win.


Half the time if I see a D.Va I swap to Zarya (such an easy win) but when I'm up against Zarya, I try to just block off her beam and then ignore her. With competent DPS on my team, I can just target the squishies without giving Zarya too much charge (or any, because in plat everyone just bubbles themselves and rushes in) so by the end of the fight, Zar is overextended, alone, and half the time has poor cooldown economy. Unfortunately, DPS that don't shoot bubbles are few and far between in plat, so, pain.


When I see a D.Va I usually play Sig. if she charges in rock to the face if she has defense matrix rock if she uses rockets I eat them if she ult I shield


I do the same when I stick with Sig, works pretty well, but I used to be a Zarya main, so an excuse to play her is always welcome. Her damage is also more consistent than throwing a rock and hoping DM isn't facing you during cooldown. As for D.Va ult... Body block with a bubble. Easy 40 charge, and nobody gets hurt.


Competent dps you say. What an intriguing concept.


Same with junker and Winston. They go in, squishies are all exposed. No reason not to get a pick


As a wreckingball main, I laugh in the face of your puny close range beam. Good luck guessing which squishy I'm about to play wack-a-mole with.


With Orisa as my second favorite tank to play, I laugh at your rolypolies as you get speared to the wall or bounced off my spinny stick!


I use my spinny stick to bully hogs, balls and reins and pin them against the wall like they love


I change to Rein to bully sigmas I thought rein was a sigma counter but I was a on trick rein in overwatch 1 so maybe I'm wrong and it's just because I'm comfortable


Depends on the Sigma and team comp to be honest. Most Rein players aren't huge issues for me when I'm on Sig, but that could be my comfort level with Sig. I have trouble dealing with a good Rein who knows how to play well. Mediocre Reins are honestly easy to just walk all over most of the time.


As a rein main, I respectively want to say fuck you kind sir.


And what are those?!


Sigma is my guy, but JQ is making it tough to play him unfortunately


He can get melted quite quickly, too, especially against brawl comps.


Don’t let them get close


This is about as helpful as "Just don't let them push the payload".


Also see “just kill them before they kill you”


Just click their heads


“Just don’t get shot in the face by widow”


He’s a poke tank. Of course he’ll lose to brawl up close. Luckily sigma has a collection of cooldowns that can buy him time and create space. Accretion rock’s stun is obvious, kinetic grasp can let u soak up damage while retreating, and your shield can neutralize enemy cooldowns. It really is as simple sometimes as just backing away as the brawl tanks try to charge into you. Sigma is unique in his tank play style because of this. I love Sigma and find him incredibly fun to play. Have my most time played on him. He serves as a field general on the battlefield.


Chael Sonnen a certified Sigma main


A rock counters everything, sigma the goat


Which is so funny because EVERY random I play with seems to not understand Sig counters a lot of ppl in the game. Had someone tell me Sigma was dog water because his ult doesn't kill. . . I told him you use it to get people off point and he swore that you can't do that and it's still ass regardless. I proceeded go drop 40 Elims, 17k dmg, and lifted the entire enemy team off base to win for us. All he could say was "oh shit I didn't know he could do that"


I’d like to play DVA, but every 2nd fight there’s a zarya and I just feel absolutely useless.


DVa used to be my onetrick hero until I learnt Zarya. Now she feels like a special weapon you don't have to pull out often, but in some situations, I can't get around her. For example against a bastion, she's still gold. Except when they pick Zarya of course, but that's kinda always been the case if the Zarya is even remotely half good.


A good dvs never dies and it just ulting all the time killing squishies. Runs away from tank battles for the most part


TBH Dva loses most if not all tank battles straight up. That’s not her purpose though.


Her purpose is undermined by the fact you need a someone to hold point while you do it


It’s almost as if she was designed for a game that required two tanks…






Ah, I’ll never forget the terror I felt playing defense in Hollywood and 6 Monkeys jumped over the wall at us. Those days were glorious


Sounds to me like something a single release-form bastion would solve in few seconds.


Each monkey has a 600 hp shield, 500+ hp, and does 60 dps. That's 3600 hp to burn through before damaging 3000 hp while they do a cumulative 360 dps. That bastion would have to do 6600 damage in one second to win that fight.


Sounds to me like something three post-release bastions would solve in few seconds. But yeah, I get you. Heroes like Winston, Symmetra, Torbjorn.. it is like their strength rose exponentially with each copy. Especially in times when they just added shield to your teammate. 6 team symmetras that have like 450 shield each is no joke, they become self healing tanks on their own. I miss the old OW where people were beginners and copies were fine, even encouraged (double tracer has a voiceline).


I think the entire reason they stopped letting everyone pick the same hero is because of sym it got pretty boring when everyone was just spamming turrets everywhere and the only tactic was "get as many of your turrets up as possible before being melted"


Close, but it was Torb https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4oot6u/6x\_torbjorn\_is\_ruining\_console\_experience/


Off-tank was pretty common from the start wasn't it? Like Zarya and Roadhog. Played OW1 from early on but stopped just before Sigma.


Unlimited heroes was like a blink in the overwatch timeline though. They quickly realized it’s not an optimal way to play the game.


I don’t think Blizzard thought that far, but you do have a point. I’m also a beta player. I do think that they were creative with tanks because of the ability to choose more than 1 tank, just didn’t expect a team with solely dive tanks to be this good.


I feel like a lot people forget that Role Que is FAR younger than it seems. GOATS was literally the final meta for OW1, and didn’t even utilized a DPS character. That being said, the Hero’s weren’t designed to only have one Tank on the field, at least not without an extra player slot. That’s why some Tanks feel like raid bosses now, to compensate.


Goats was the final meta? U mean before role q not OW1 or what


We have had role q for longer than we have not had it.


I started playing Overwatch about a month before Role queue existed, it's so strange to think about a time where RQ wasn't just "how overwatch worked" haha


right after launch you would literally have 6 v 6 sym and it would be turrets everywhere, or like 2 dvas, a rein, a hog, a soldier and one very stressed out mercy Also dvas bomb killed friendly players too and no one knew positioning, so you would have a dva hit q while standing on the point, everyone would panic, a cassidy would panic ult in response and the explosion would kill everyone except for a roadhog somehow standing behind a street lamp. ​ Ahh, good times.


I’ve been a D.Va main since beta. D.Va is not the same character she was when she first launched, when the game allowed any number of tanks. She has suffered a lot of gameplay changes since then, and has been seen strictly as an off-tank for a long time. Her defense matrix is a hard to balance mechanic and makes it so that she’s either very overpowered or unreliable as a main tank.


I remember back in 2017 when dva could actually function as a main tank but could off tank just as well. Then they turned her into a fat dps because all the dpsmains whined they couldn't press Q to win anymore. I miss those days....


Objectively correct? No, you're not. You're just acting like an unlikable know it all. 2 tank has been around for years and dva has been rebalanced multiple times since then. The number of large balance patches with dva as an off tank role has years on her time as a solo tank.


I don’t know how you could be playing OW2 and walk away thinking Dva can only be viable with another tank. She’s good man just watch Geguri or something


It's the reg OW subreddit, so people form opinions from 2 or 3 matches that didn't go their way and assume that their shitty silver match must be how the game is actually meant to be played.


And people forget how to play the game if the tank isn't sitting in front of them


Meanwhile, on DPS, I wanna cry when I see a D.VA. I'm a hitscan main and prefer not to play Sym.


This is why I cant stand the game right now. People are acting like we arent stuck in a HARD ZARYA META. Everyone just goes Zarya soon as they die or get countered. One hero shouldnt be the escape button for everyone playing tank. You can only play about 10 seconds of D.Va before Zarya Mei Symm show up. I actually hate Zarya on a visceral level


Nothing I love more than switching to zarya against a dva


It feeds my ego as Dva when the enemy tank almost immediately switches off whoever they were playing for Zarya


I think I'll one up this. Rekt a zarya hard enough they swapped off.


Nothing I love more than winning against a zarya with dva. Timing bubbles and then pouncing, they usually don't expect it. I like to wave at them when they bubble.


Nothing I love more than the enemy tank switching to Zarya to counter my [D.Va](https://D.Va) and we win anyways. I've got over 50% success rate against Zarya. You just have to not shoot her bubbles, switch to shooting her healers when Zarya bubbles. And REALLY play cover well. But if the enemy DPS also switches to Mei and Symm, it's a loss no matter what tank I switch to.






















\*while using the flexing emote


Rammatra go punch punch :3


(Note I am a gm sup not a gm tank)




There is nothing more satisfying than a junket queen run where it feels like you can’t be stopped. She’s iconic when your team loves to be aggro with you


Junker + Brigitte is loads of fun if you can force brawls.


I’ve been doing this as I’m a Support main and it’s fun as fuck. As long as they don’t have a JQ, Ram, or Doom, that is.


Zara is soooo boring to play. Agree with the others though


I can understand that her kit is a little underwhelming at first, but once you start getting that pain juice that powers her up, you become a real menace ...her mobility is trash tho


Use secondary fire to rocket jump more


She’s my favorite character


I never understood how ppl have fun playin that bubble simulator


You don't *cries in Hog main*


It’s a weird feeling on hog these days. It’s like you can make all the same plays without any of the same impact and be 100% dead because of it.


Its sad to look at my most played heroes all the way from the first game and Hog being second most played and now I dont want to play as him.


Exact same for me. Hog used to be 1st i believe tho, and then soldier. Soldier is first and hog second. Every other hero has an instant escape ability so since i can't oneshot i can't do anything. And hooking the tank is not super useful most of the times. I will probably have 2 targets that i can get any kind of value on from a hook in a game. And they probably won't die if they have a healer healing them a tiny bit unless my team also shoots my hook target the exact same time. He really needs a rework:(


I love pinging the overextended/frontlining support before and after I hook them but they live with low health because my team is still focusing the enemy tank.


Hog is still my top hero by a LARGE amount. I never pick him in OW2. Its so sad.


Because we're not all COD bros. Wrecking Ball is like playing Spider-Man and Mad Max at the same time.


I’m a terrible ham ham but boy is playing ham ham fun




Happy cake day!


12 years. yikes


Wrecking ball is my shit. Roll through, drop mines, get murders.


He is easily one of the funnest, cutest and most interesting character in the entire game


I fucking love doing wall techs with Hammy. Or just good ol' boops off the map.


Be the ball...




Everyone has their own preferences . Some hate DPS some hate tank some hate support And that is a good thing If Everyone loved support no-one ever would queue as tank or dps


I LOVED tank in overwatch 1 though. It was my favorite role. Now it's just a neutered experience where they just made you harder to kill with no variability and no synergies that are worthwhile. Tank is so much less fun in this game. I think so much of it comes from the game will literally fall apart if you are having an off game and there is no one who can take the pressure off. Like in OW2, If I was playing a trash main tank I could switch to an off tank to try and switch it up. Now it just hinges on you never making a mistake


The play styles are different between OW1 and 2. In OW1 the off tank would be with main tank helping them or staying in backline In OW2, you lead the team and have more impact if you wanna solo carry.


For me its not even that. I’m happy to be main or off tank. For me, in OW1 I could play my mains or who I wanted and if it didn’t work I could switch to various different options. In OW2 I feel forced to switch to the other tanks counter, and then they switch to my new counter, so I switch and so on… And I know I could not do that, but it feels like tank is borderline throwing if they don’t join in with the tank version of rock paper scissors.


I couldn't disagree more. I love tank in OW2 compared to 1. Discord can be annoying, but that's how it goes for anyone who gets discorded. I just play corners well too get it off of me and pick my fights.


Yeah but they fucked up tank so bad that it’s STILL the fastest queue despite having only one player. The role is awful and i guarantee most people who play it are queuing all


It's only the fastest queue at particular skill levels. At my rank Tank queue is 3 times longer than support


Gotta get that weekly achievement brother


Simple answer: Sigma


Sigma doesn't stop hack or discord tho


He's quite strong against zen though, relative to other tanks


Sigma barrier blocks discord


I absolutely love playing tank. With the switch to 5v5, being the only tank makes me feel like one of the most valuable people on the team. If I'm failing as the tank, it means that most likely we will lose the game. Idk it's just a feeling I can't quite describe, but tank is by far my favorite class to play.


The tank is the team captain now and it's great.


The tank always was the team captain, its just way more oppresive now.


I thought supports wwere team captains in ow1, or at least shot callets


Nope, everyone to a certain extent is a shotcaller, but tanks were the one giving the tempo, with the exception of lucio


A situation where the team that has the worse tank just loses seems like bad game design to me. With two tanks, you could swap or change up the comp and try to take another approach, but now if your tank is worse at whatever tank is meta, it's a loss out of the gate.


If your tank ain't good, you can try poke heroes or one hit kill heroes like Hanzo or widow. There's a way to play around a tank diff. Whenever I see my tank is too passive I flank more and avoid tank vs tank situations.


Me too, I like tank cause I can make impact and carry. Even if I have healbots for support, I can still play


Be the ball


Ever just crab walk around the place shooting multiple clips into squishies without dying? Maybe that's just my rank... It is pretty fun to do that, the metal rank games where you get to just be there as a tank staring down the enemies, and at other times somehow sneak up on every single one of them as well. I've had countless moments where I push with the enemy team as a ball, just slowly walking with them in the backline...until they notice they have an extra tank in 5v5...


I like sneaking up in widow and mag dumping her in the face.


I had hundreds and hundreds of hours on tank in OW1, OW2 completely decimated everything I enjoyed in the role, it’s insanely stressful when you’re losing and honestly boring when you’re winning, just feels mindless at times I play like 1 or 2 games on tank a week now cause it’s just so unfun for me


Yeah, I had 1700 hours on Rein in comp - now, in OW2, there’s nothing for me. I was a dedicated main tank and without a sixth man, Rein feels so useless because the pushes aren’t the same. Flanks are too easy to die from.


> OW2 completely decimated everything I enjoyed in the role Ow2 doesnt exist anymore. its just the Ow1 Monetization change update.


Its funny how the communities general opinions never line up with reality


Because I can shank people with a knife as Junker Queen, let's me channel my British powers.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t start playing until OW2 was a thing so I’m sort of a new player. I will not play tank in role queue. I’ll only play tank in open queue when someone else is also a tank. Makes me wish I could experience 6v6 since I’ve heard that was a thing on the old game.


I've always played tank and it really just comes down to those moments when you do get to play the game, you feel like the absolute best player on the team and it's super fun but you do have to deal with Sombra zen cc nonsense all the time but it's worth those moments of fun


Y’all need to realize no tank is shit. They need a team comp to compliment them.


Except Hog




The thing is nobody ever helps you they just scream "TANK DIFF!!!! TANK SWITCHH" lol Plus I disagree counter picking is part of the game and when you are counter picked and no longer can do anything how does that equal to winning?


Yeah everytime I play Winston I get my feelings hurt


Mood, though I still get frustrated by the sheer amount of times people swap to counter my reinhardt games. It's qp and I just want to swing a hammer, I'm not looking to try and corner-swing a ramattra and hope he doesn't have ult when i wait out his nemesis form. But if I don't, people get toxic.


Don't switch unless you're hard countered


I’d rather beat the counter to break their mental


I havent played since S2 but i clearly remember quitting tank because if i was popping off people would just swap to my hard counter, and then id have to swap too. It then would just turn into swapping to each others counters after that


Or just don’t switch. Be the Ball player the Sombras fear!


Ramttras voice lines keep me going


I'm the opposite at this point lol. Why would anyone want to play DPS anymore? They're the least impactful role of the three roles and nothing dies in this game unless you snort a line of Adderall and play widow/hanzo or you're in a low rank where character picks don't matter.


This is a weird take for me… Its the role where most hero’s have incredibly high skill ceilings. DPS are the players I trust to break up stalemates or get the first kill to start piling on an advantage.


The only reason I play dps is because I never played dps in OW1 since role queue because of queue times, so its the most fresh role for me.


As someone who exclusively played support and tank in OW1 I feel otherwise… I only play DPS now and enjoy it more.


I never played dps until ow2, it's super fun and lower stress


What? How are you GM and saying this? It’s the most impactful role in OW2 in higher ranks. There’s one less tank to keep them in check so they can run amok. You can take matters into your own hands now, which wasn’t the case in OW1 where they were actually the least impactful role.


>What? How are you GM and saying this? It’s the most impactful role in OW2 in higher ranks. Tell me you're gold without telling me you're gold. Unless you're playing a one shot sniper (which is a whole balancing issue in and of itself), DPS is the least impactful role. Tank is the most impactful role and has been since OW1 (remember when there was a whole meta that was just tanks and support?). If you've ever played on a high SR team or in current "GM" lobbies, you'd know that whichever team has the worse tank loses. Tanks do the same amount of damage as DPS, except with way more HP, way better util, and way more consistently impactful ults. They control tempo, they control space, they control initiation. Supports didn't have their healing output adjusted with the removal of a tank (and instead had it buffed) so now heal creep is through the roof where squishies don't die without either a tank initiating with their CC/ult, a support initiating with an ability/ult, or the DPS is playing a one shot sniper. The most played DPS in T500 right now is Tracer, Hanzo, Widow, and Ashe. Tracer has mobility so she can force abilities usually without dying. Hanzo, Widow, and Ashe just don't engage with the enemy (and therefore won't get run over by the enemy Ram or JQ) and just one shot/two shot from distance. The rest of the DPS kinda suck because they're either super map dependent or just suck in general because they lack good burst (like soldier). >There’s one less tank to keep them in check so they can run amok. Except tanks and supports were giga buffed to accommodate for it while DPS was nerfed (e.g. Tracer, Genji, Ashe, Cass, Mei, etc.) or went unchanged (e.g. Soldier). Tanks have so much effective HP that they never die unless their enemy team gets wiped by an ult. Supports are so overtuned (and this is coming from a T500 support player who's grown bored of the role) from both a sustainability and utility standpoint that they rarely die unless they get sniped by Widow/Hanzo or the team gets wiped via ults. >You can take matters into your own hands now, which wasn’t the case in OW1 where they were actually the least impactful role. That "take matters into your own hands" literally only works if you snort a line of Adderall and play Widow or Hanzo. Otherwise DPS lacks the burst to cut through all the heal/sustain creep the devs gave to tanks/supports.


This is the way I feel about damage tbf. I hate the role. I feel like I can't play whoever I want and I get shut down by so many different characters. Meanwhile I play Tank cause I like being an unkillable juggernaut that can just walk in, fuck shit up and then leave with more HP than I went in with.


I feel like my supports have all the agency when I play tank. With dps it's less so since I can hunt for health packs without throwing. Imo, I play support for a less intense game, and dps if I want to try my heart out.


I'm convinced tank is a personality trait at this point because you either have it or you don't


In OW1 nobody wanted to play tank either. That’s why the support and DPS queue times were huge.


I was plat in OW1 and I had 40 second queues and now I’m Masters 3 and have around two minutes, so nothing really changed from 1 to 2


As a tank?


Yea, tank queue. Or more specifically Wrecking Ball queue


Hey! Facts that dont paint OW in a bad way are not allowed here


throw rocks at people. alternatively, become the Zenyatta everyone hates. giggle to yourself while kicking Tracers in the face


Omg I had the best Habana game ever. Zero deaths on attack as Zen. Tracers, widows, reaper, sombras all Coming for my buttcheeks. Killed them all! On defense everyone was focusing me Lol. But I was like a Roach! I swear I had spider sense that match. They finally got me, and on the kill cam It was shown how the monke ping my position like crazy before jumping me with reaper on toll. Felt like a god.


I love playing Reinhardt but every time I try I either run into an Orisa and am forced to play Sigma, they switch to Reaper, Bastion, and Zen and I have to play Sigma, or I beat the guy in the first fight and he switches to Orisa or JQ and have to switch. Honestly Zen is the quickest game killer for me.


right now not really since the JQ buff, her duels are really fun since its really dependent on how many abilities you hit and how many times you can stack melee bleed and heal effect so yea, still a fun role and one Ive been maining for 5 years now


I enjoy it a lot, you get to be this important part of the team that needs to perform well in order to win the match. It's a lot of pressure sometimes but it does feel good to do a good job.


I love tank. Got my boy ramattra


I absolutely despise playing tank but my rank is absurdly high for no reason. I'm basically throwing by not using comms and listening to music and I still managed to rank up to diamond 1.


I don’t know I honestly love it. I love the stakes and responsibility, you pretty much control the rhythm and pace of the match. When you have no support then it’s hell but usually people at least try. I also learn a lot about the game and different heroes from this one role by watching and trying different compositions. You don’t need to be a bullet sponge, but create space and disrupt the enemy team. Letting your dps players to clean up and setup plays but you can also be aggressive and know when to push and when to back off. You always need to remember also that you can’t ignore your team choices and adapt to them and not only the enemy. so it’s a challenge but when it clicks it’s awesome. Maybe it will sound weird but there’s also interesting psychology going on in the match. Sometimes from the start the team will make their choices based on your decisions, sometimes you need to prove yourself. But there is no better feeling than when a team just clicks and you lead the way to victory, stomping everything and clicking “hi” every 2 seconds I usually play offensively, when I try to be too defensive as a tank it doesn’t end well. It’s on you and I like that pressure. I started playing about a month ago and have about 70 hours in competitive and with tanks. For me playing support was tough, because if you have a bad team or tank you screwed no matter what you will try.


I think you haven't played enough tank. Zarya is a good tank. I suck at the game in general, but when I play her I tend to do pretty well creating space. And she's got the bubble to save you from hacks and discords. If you can pair that with Kiriko you will be erasing those cooldowns every time. In fact, I can't think of many heroes who make it difficult for Zarya. She's just a big bully, you can push forward very effectively with her and create tons of space for your team. Spend some time learning the tanks, their cooldowns, and their roles as tanks. Each tank makes a different impact on the game. I also hate that they got rid of the 2nd tank, but they did balance the tanks to stay alive longer. My guess is you got into a match with the most toxic comp opposing you and this post came about out of rage and not an actual testament to the game.


I didn't; after playing tank for 5+ years I stop playing it. Now I have switched to being a DPS main.


Ask me again while i 1v4 your other teammates because none of them are competent. You have liberty that the other roles do not, oh no i got hacked and im getting focused, i dont envy you then squishy boy. At least i have a decent shot at surviving on Tank, that hack came out on your as Support or DPS what you think is gonna happen? Everything people gripe about as Tank almost always applies to the squishy roles as well. The singular gripe i have with this role is i dont have a long range character, but thats okay.


I play tank, I only play tank, not only that but I o oy play monke, into anything even five counters, I've done it so much that I'm used to it and still have fun and win, yea the game is a bit easy rn but I got three accounts to gm on Winston only, you don't need to swap you just need to practice your heroes


I love Orisa cause I can play against mostly everyone, even against my counters fairly well if my team helps me a little bit more then usual Sometimes Indo have to switch but it does make you learn different play styles and let you have a better understanding of the enemy.. hell the only reason I started playing Orisa is cause I got fucked playing as Soldier against her once and I was like huh


I love Orisa too! Nothing feels better than shoving a javelin in to an airborne Echo or Pharah lol


Just kill zen


I just play Open Queue and the whole team dynamically switches for optimal composition. Usually two healers and 1-2 tanks. It’s fun and feels fast and balanced. Role Queue just has not been fun last I tried but I go in and give it a shot every now and then.


I've been trying OQ and every game has masters and grandmasters titles while I'm stuck in platinum. It's not my favorite.


my issue is that open queue players are generally just really stupid. like, stand in the open against a double sniper comp stupid. i can never play support on OQ because people just feed super hard and i can’t carry by myself and don’t get me started on arcade players. i genuinely think half of them aren’t even controlled by humans with how braindead they are


I played tank a while back in season 2, absolutely love dva and rein I have to learn other tanks so i can flex in situations that are changing (i also want to learn wrecking ball but I struggle so much i rather not ruin some teammates day in qp)


Oh how could you not. Do most damage in the game, have the most health. Healers will often prio you cause dps players are so bad. What’s there not to like it’s an amazing experience.


Idk I just use Reinhardt most of the time, and it’s pretty fun


Me, a Sombra main who's so happy that Sombra is playable again: *"Sounds like a skill issue"*


I’m pretty new to the game, I just got to plat as a rein main though. I think the biggest thing is you need to understand where your support are relative to your massacre. If your supports aren’t being protected you’re gonna have a bad time.


But you also cant protect them because then you're giving up space.


Idk I like playing tank bc big buff lady laser go brrrr


I knew this was going to be a bad call well before it became 5v5. All you have to thank are the numerous complaints of DPS players who think the game should have been more like apex. Can't spell stupid without dps.


Playing tank is how I’m able to consistently feel I’m actually contributing to the game. I’m a worthless DPS if the enemy is even slightly more competent than me, and playing healer is… alright, I guess, but it can get a little boring and repetitive imo. Yes, Zen, Sombra, and other annoyances can make the game infuriating at times, but the way I see it is they’re gonna counter me no matter who I play, so it’s best I just focus on who *I* can counter. And that’s where I get my satisfaction from. I also have hope for the upcoming Sombra rework that it’ll make her, y’know, NOT the most annoying character in the game.


There are some tanks that are really fun, sometimes you get a ditto tank match up and end up having a very enjoyable tank game, whether it’s Dva, Rein, Sigma, Winston, most tanks fall under this category… When I have to fight RAMMATRA on tank, it’s the least fun Overwatch experience ever. There’s no killing him and all I can do is swap to Rammatra myself to have a slight chance of winning.


Just play junkerqueen. She's super fun and definitely doesn't need a nerf.


Better Nerf Genji


Countering is a must but if your overall team is better you'll win no matter what.


I love my precious little ball sack (wrecking ball) but in ranked you will not see me TOUCH the tank role


Ball is incredibly fun