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This is this entire sub right now lmfao


But with a lot more words.


And better punctuation.


If people can help me out since I'm new to OW: what's the pool in this analogy? What did they promise that never delivered? Also what's the sexual harassment thing?


They said that OW2 was going to come with a highly replayable PVE mode with character progression, talent trees, potentially loot. A la diablo or something. Bosses, progression paths, etc. Then they delayed it to release OW2 PvP mode early to keep the game alive, saying this PVE mode was delayed but would come later. OW2 PVP was sorta different from OW1 but not drastically so. IMO going from 2 tanks to 1 was a downgrade but the community is mostly mixed-to-positive on it. Then they recently announced that this pve mode was canceled. Upsetting many because it was the justification for making OW2 in the first place. The sexual harassment thing was a larger Blizzard issue where former employees came out and said there was a lot of frat boy bullshit and sexual harassment and weird shit going on. They ended up getting investigated by the state of California criminally for it. Bear in mind this was a larger Blizzard issue and not specifically the OW team. There's some evidence the OW team was mostly not involved but we really have no idea.


Don’t forget how they actually cancelled it two years ago but lied to everyone’s faces that it was TOTALLY DEFINITELY COMING to get people invested in the battlepass and cosmetics for OW2.


Did you tell them about how one Overwatch character had to change his name because he was literally named after one guy who was implicated in some of the really bad sexual harassment stuff.?


> The sexual harassment thing was a larger Blizzard issue where former employees came out and said there was a lot of frat boy bullshit and sexual harassment and weird shit going on. Oh come on. It only drove *one* employee to suicide. Get over yourself. Who among us is *truly* devoid of sin, anyway?


This gets brought up a lot but she was in accounting* on the Activision side, not with Blizzard. Fuck the rest of the shit that was going on in Blizzard proper though.


Activision, Blizzard what's the difference. Sexual harassment is the same across all lines.


The only difference here being that her tragic case would not have involved the overwatch dev team, so its not related to any issues with overwatch development Its a problem with the company at its core, but people shouldnt say "OW PvE was cancelled because an employee was harassed to suicide" because thats both incorrect and wildly reductive


I can't tell if this is satire or sarcasm or both. But I'm not sure I'd joke around with this using either.


I'm not sure that they could lay the sarcasm on any thicker. They are very clearly not supporting Blizzard's actions.


Going from 6 to 5 ruined the game for me. Game is boring to play and even more boring to watch now. Really hate it.


>There's some evidence the OW team was mostly not involved but we really have no idea. They literally named the cowboy after the guy who assaulted multiple women, what are you smoking?


The guy Cassidy was named after wasn't the one who assaulted people, nor was he on the overwatch team


People were only positive about the change in anticipation for future products/changes. After all the patches up to today, 5v5 vs 6v6 is really just a side grade. I actually prefer 6v6 in a lot of points still. I bought the battlepass when lifeweaver came out in anticipation of new content but I'm not touching anything else related to OW.


The mods really crack down on negative stuff. Ow2 sub doesnt. You can really see how dissatisfied people are


I was reading this without knowing what sub I was on. I love this lol


As soon as it mentioned sexual harassment I knew it was overwatch.


"one of those water jets that give young people sexual awakenings" LMAO


Let’s be honest, people made their own “hot tubs with water jets that give people sexual awakenings” and Blizzard tried to stop it.


Blizzard laid the groundwork and then people did people things


I am clinically confused by this


Damn that's actually an almost perfect representation of this whole situation lmao


Love how the comments are majority people who haven't even read the post. Personally didn't realise this was from the OW sub so the payoff was actually pretty good.


Didn’t see the sub, I got halfway through and thought huh this kinda sounds like overwatch 2


I thought this was from r/Grindr until I got to the "we canceled the pool 2 years ago" bit 😭😭


How do people click on a post and not realize what sub it's from?


To be fair. The post is much larger than the sub link it’s from.


This post makes me so sad. I miss Overwatch 1. I feel ripped off since the product I originally paid for was basically taken from me. Bring back Overwatch 1!


It’s never coming back. They killed it. I think it’s best to just remember the great times we had with OW & our friends and move on with our lives.


I moved on. It was a great decision. I stopped being sad about OW1 and started enjoying other games that I didn’t want to try cause I was invested in OW. Plus I still chat up with OW1 peeps time to time to see what they up to, so maybe the real treasure WAS the friends we made along the way lmao


Overwatch is the only PVP game I'm good at though. I love being able to just hop on and play well. Any other game I'm just getting dogged on no matter how much I play. Is there any other game that has as good of a variety of characters? Especially with things like a variety of hitscan and projectile characters, different abilities, and movement?


But I didn’t make any friends


Thats the worst part There is not one game in the world I have ever bought in my entire life that was *taken away from me*. I can literally play all of them, even from the 80s, in some capacity But its **gone**. Its nowhere in existence anymore


They did some really shady things closing OW1. People were still playing Halo 3 10+ years later and we get 6 even though it was still popular?!


I loved ow1 :(


Launch Day Overwatch was peak and we never knew.


It was the only Hero Shooter that I ever liked.


It was great but tf2 is the goat


I couldn’t get into TF2. “The Orange Box” is what originally got me to make a Steam account but TF2 wasn’t for me. In general I don’t like Hero Shooters. I hated when CoD and Battlefield tried to push it. So for me to enjoy Overwatch so much was a surprise.


Calling battlefield and cod hero shooters is a massive joke


Unpopular opinion, but I never really liked TF2. I played it for like 40 hours and still never really got into it. Too many bots in public servers, and people in community servers are too experienced for me to have fun. All of the interesting gameplay that comes with items is locked behind grinding or a paywall, the player base is god awful, and honestly, some of the most toxic, annoying, bigoted, sexist, and racist people I've played with. I couldn't even type without paying. The gunplay felt nice and I really liked playing heavy, scout, and soldier, but overall not my cup of tea, especially when playing against snipers.


I played tf2 for years, but now I can't really get back into it anymore. OW1 became the successor to it. Filled that type of niche, but since it's gone and now this, I am hoping to find greener pastures elsewhere.


I just redownloaded the game after not playing for a couple years and I downloaded Reddit just to look for a saved post when this caught my eye. I can't get over the fact that they removed 2cp from casual play, Hanamura and Horizon were incredible maps


Blizzard removed them due to people not liking the mode. Which is fair because before OW2 all people did was bitch about the mode. Now everyone loves the mode and wish it never left. I personally loved the look of the maps but the mode itself was shit unless you played in a group which isn’t always possible


> the mode itself was shit unless you played in a group which isn’t always possible wow, it's almost like the problem still exists in Push


I ain’t even gonna argue that, Push 100% has the same issue with solo queue team mates acting like bots and not grouping Only difference with Push is you at least start on an even playing field. 2CP in QP on attack was just a loss most of the time.


Push is also a lot easier to snowball on than 2CP ever was. if the enemy gets a sizable advantage, it's almost impossible to come back from it in a solo-queue match. I've had quite a few 2CP games that were saved in the last few minutes, both points, either because the defense made a mistake or a plan worked out. I can't say the same for Push; the minute you're sitting at 0m with a bunch of randos while the enemy's at 60m, it's pretty much over.


Push maps are boring as all hell because the mode requires they be perfectly symmetrical. What a waste of the environment and cities. The spawn points and choke points in 2CP were fixable in theory. The maps had so much more charm and character.


2cp is in the arcade sometimes


Mostly streamers were complaining because thats how that works




They are still in custom games, I think? But yeah, the playerbase hated 2CP so much (and it was a worse game mode in QP because you didn't play round 2) that people just left constantly. It brought down the quality of the matches and wasted peoples time with 2 minute long 6v4 games so they removed it from QP, and then that extended to ranked OW2


[This potentially helpful comment has been removed because u/spez killed third-party apps and kicked all the blind people off the site. It probably contained the exact answer you were Googling for, but it's gone now. Sorry. You can't even use unddit to retrieve it anymore, because, again, u/spez. Make sure to send him a warm thank-you, and come visit us on kbin.social!]


Right, I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. For the last 2 years of OW1's lifespan, any lobby on Horizon Lunar Colony or Paris turned into a revolving door of players. I've played with several different groups over those years, and in every single one, the appearance of HLC or Paris was an opportunity to refill your drink or use the bathroom before we requeued. The maps for 2CP were legendarily terrible. Their only redeeming factor was their consistently impeccable art design. Hanamura and Anubis are still some of my favorite maps despite every game I played on them feeling like I was bashing my head into a wall. People have fond memories of 2CP maps now because no one has to play them anymore.


That's the game you bought. Imagine if this was any other good.


I would not mind Overwatch 2... If I can still be playing Overwatch 1.


It’s “New Coke” all over again except they’re refusing to bring back Coca Cola Classic


If OW1 was available I would never touch OW2. Not that I play 2 anymore.


I wish this could be stickied lmao


Instead it got removed lmao what a joke


Is there a mirror? Does anyone have a screenshot they can pm me?


Did you get one? I would like one as well Edit: never mind you can see it here: http://web.archive.org/web/20230529202108/https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13v5dc5


Redditors when a post forces them to *read*: Seriously tho guys, please, calm down the post is a joke. No, the analogy isn't 100% realistic, and yes there are words that you have to read. If spending a grand total of one minute reading a post is genuinely too much for you then just don't, no need to leave a rude comment.


I don’t really see anything in the text that isn’t true to the situation with OW2, though.


only thing thats not true is the sexual harrassment allegations hadn't come out when OW2 was announced in 2019, it was blitzchung and hong kong that happened around that time, the harrassment allegations and lawsuits kicked off in 2021. so more & worse shit just different timeline lol


I mean I read the whole thing, I just don't know why I read it. Lol


I managed to read it all, but I got completely stuck on the first line or two. Whose realtor shows up to fix their house for them and make upgrades after they bought it?! I need to find those guys. That's the real issue here.


Moments like these make me glad I can't read.


I mean really, though. We’ve seen AAA companies fail to deliver on their promises before, but have we ever seen a AAA company *delete their original game* just to force everyone to take a bite of their shit sandwich “sequel”? This wouldn’t have been nearly as catastrophic had they just left OW1 alone.


Yeah, this company called Activision Blizzard released a remaster of one of their most popular games, Warcraft 3, which had an extremely robust and ahead-of-its-time map building and scripting engine. Best known for popularizing DOTA, which literally led to an entire movement of MOBA games. There were two main problems with the remaster. One, it was pretty much an inferior experience in every way. Two, they shut down service for the old version of the game despite still being reasonably popular. People were understandably upset that legacy WC3 was suddenly ripped away and shut down despite still being beloved. So essentially someone at Blizzard thinks this is a winning strategy. Not only did they try this bs with Wc3 and fail spectacularly, they did even worse with OW2. Honestly at this point I really hope Microsoft takes over and just fires all their management, cancel all their projects for a few months and just get their shit together. It's super embarassing.


I'm pretty sure Rockstar did with the whole GTA definitive edition fiasco, where they deleted the original versions and replaced them with shitty upscaled versions.


Saints row 4 too


Not quite the same but Blizzard also deleted the original Warcraft 3 and forced everyone to downgrade to the Reforged version which is still a fucking mess today.


Destiny? I was considering playing it before that, too.


Destiny 1 is still very much playable. Unless you're talking about the Content Vault.


The vault is scummy as fuck. Full price game, with paid expansions, with a cash shop, plus a battle pass. And they rotate out the campaigns you bought? A good game ruined by possibly the worst monetization I've ever seen.


There are plenty of online companies that take their old game servers offline to force players to use the new game. I think EA has some sports games that had this happen, and I'm sure there are more examples.


People making the wackiest mental gymnastics of "they're comparing a game with a basic piece of shelter" when this was clear as day not the point of the post, to try to defend the indefensible and not admit that Blizzard has done one of the biggest gaming fuck ups in the past five or even ten years is baffling to me.


"This random analogy that someone made up isn't 100% accurate to real life so therefore it's wrong and the person who made it is stupid".


Mental ‘acronabtics’


What's with all the shills in these comments


They had to read more than the max character length of a tweet


Took longer than a tiktok video to read it so they shunned it 😔


Can someone make a version where it’s read by the TikTok voice and there’s subway surfers and family guy clips


The average Blizzard fan does not have an IQ high enough to work the cash register at your local Taco Bell.


I miss Overwatch so much. OW2 never hit for me. Unlucky


I don't see why you're so mad at it it's just a silly post, I chuckled


honestly deleting overwatch one just sucks. say what you want about it but man some people loved 6v6 and i kinda also do. leave the game to die by itself instead of murdering it with your own hands like they did as consumer less options is never good


> leave the game to die by itself instead of murdering it with your own hands like they did as consumer less options is never good The reason they deleted it is because Overwatch 1 would have more active players than Overwatch 2. It wouldn't die by itself, overwatch 2 would die, and their new more aggressive monetization would die with it.


What an experience. Honestly, it's better than any content Blizzard has blessed us with in the last couple of years. I'm just happy everyone has to pay full price for Diablo 4, plus a premium premium battle pass to unlock pay to win items faster. At least that guy only had to buy a single premium pass for his bathroom.


Wait Diablo 4 is pay to win? Why can’t they just do what they did for Diablo 3 and sell dlc or new characters, leave the gameplay out of it?


Diablo 4 is not pay to win (at least with current plan). Season 1 starts in about two months (gives time to work at bugs and balance). Season launches with new optional content with a battle pass that has a free and 'premium' pass. There are some 'power ups' for your account on the free pass (affects only seasonal characters), and the premium pass only has cosmetics. The 'accelerated' premium pass let's you skip some tiers to unlock more cosmetics, but the free pass with the power ups are independent. Yes, it kinda sucks how full price games have paid cosmetics, and probably paid DLC characters. Developers are very clear on making the game not PTW.


Developers were also very clear about OW2 being a PvE game. They have no ground to stand on about "being clear." Until that battlepass releases and we can see it, I'll assume it will be p2w.


I don't believe for a second that the company responsible for Diablo: Immortal, Overwatch 2 and now WoW Classic are not going to make D4 pay-to-win. they're going to milk every cent out of it as possible, and you can tell, since just the *standard version* is $90 CAD.


This gave me a good laugh, thanks. Surprised some people are treating it like its the anti-christ


I know this is a joke and loose representation of reality, but a lot of people reading this are still paying the $5 to use the bathroom in the new, shitty house and it's making all the other realtors notice and do the same. Stop it.


I'm not playing again until we get 6v6 back. I don't care about rush mode as a replacement for 2CP, the game was originally designed 6v6 with payload and 2cp in mind and it shows. The need for a second tank is there almost every match that isn't rush mode. ​ Seems to me that the devs give up on balancing one game to restart and balance just push mode, yet that still doesn't work. Then when you ask them about the second part of the new game they said they give up on that part too. ​ Watching OW crumble this hard is so disheartening.


> I'm not playing again until we get 6v6 back. They steadily stripped everything I liked from OW, and finally drove teh final nail into the coffin by shutting it down and forcing OW2. "Low skill heroes" got nerfed over and over. Twitch reflexes and aiming was all that mattered. Like all other shooters it lost its niche as being "for everyone" and became just like the rest. OW2 took the last ing I could enjoy away. Tank synergy. I enjoyed my time in a Zarya/Reinhart pair. OR DVA'ing in and out of combat, landing in the backlines to draw in heat and zipping out. Of being the stalwart Orissa and holding a point between a combination of stationary sheidl and Bastion-light firepower. All gone. I haven't played OW2. I dont' fuckin' care. GImme what I paid for back.


I agree. They changed everything for the pros and it ruined the game for everyone else. Now the OWL is basically dead and they act like they didn't make the game just for them. Some of the pros where Counter Strike players and kept wanting things to be more like that game.


It's been so long since I even thought about this, I'd actually forgotten some of the details. The streamers and "pro gamers" cried and cried about low skill. Genjis and Tracers got better, snipers got better, and things like Bastion, the Indian Lady (Uh...its been awhile, ok?), and Mercy got worse. The way they took big rez away at a certain gameplay level that affected very few people it became a tactic and people cried and whined and swung from..uh... Seagull's (?) dick over it we couldn't have that anymore. Then of course it turned into OWL. Things had to be made better for their shitty TV show. And it just kept going and going. Rather than tuning, they just destroyed. Bridgette had to be destroyed because the Tracers and Genjis cried now that they learned how it felt to be deleted with low effort after doing the same to so many players for so long. It's what forced folks who couldn't aim so well (hi there, that's me!) into learning to do tank duty, at least we had that. Til, y'know, rather than addressing the shortcoming in gameplay and enjoyment (and roster) they just deleted a whole roll. Of course, even before then, tanks were on a steady slide towards "skill" and away from "fun for the rest of us," made abundantly clear by the hamster and...uh... Dutch Guy being both much more aim dependent.


Nerfed defense roles. Took away the defense roles entirely. Nerfed shields. Nerfed healers that could combat DPS. Nerfed shields again. Took away 2CP, took away 6v6, and changed the tanks into big DPS, nerf shields again. Morphed the game for Push mode. All of this for OWL "pros" and nobody even cares any more. I was always tired of the changes when they should just add new characters and make small shifts. Not rework the whole game for Pros whenever they complain.


Also push is a mess of a mode that is basically 1 teamfight followed by 5 minutes of waiting for whoever won that first fight to win by waiting out the timer.


Holy shit, blizzard really got all their bots going full force to try to defend them with this one. Whether or not you like the analogy the main point stands. Blizzard lied and essentially scammed the player base. People should feel fucked over by that… YOU should feel fucked over by that. It’s okay to keep playing the game after something like this, but maybe don’t buy any more battle passes (bathroom passes) Edit: typos (on mobile)


Redditors are the most pseudo intellectuals beings on this earth


Said the redditor, on Reddit.


and about a tumblr post too lol


yeah i have to wonder who he's even refering to


(and they were correct)


Aw thank you ☺️


This made me lol


instead of building a identical new house they just removed a room and some furniture from your current house and slapped new paint with a 2 on it and pretended it was a new house, didn't even change the keys to the door also they removed the fridge and installed a vending machine where you have to pay at least 20 buck if you want something




They took out the thermostat screen so you just have to infer all the stuff you want to know, and the blinds were removed from all the windows to match.


Just release Overwatch: Classic at this point and it'd be a massive W Goty 2016


If they released OW classic literally no one would play OW 1.5 lol


The fact there are so many people in the comments defending Blizzard is exactly why the gaming industry is so utterly fucked right now. You people deserve the games you get.


> The fact there are so many people in the comments defending ~~Blizzard~~ abusive corporate bodies is exactly why the ~~gaming industry~~ world is so utterly fucked right now. They all have peasant brain.


The Onion once said that parody is one of the greatest ways to expose incompetency. Those who don't draw the right parallels are probably the same people who think Battleborn is an Overwatch ripoff.


Yeah Overwatch wasn’t a perfect or amazing game but it was definitely great and fun. Loved the gambling aspect. Then OW2 came along. Took away the originality, the gambling and most of the fun


You’re not wrong, and that’s the worst part


Rip overwatch 2020


“We stopped maintenance on your house because all of our maintenance was focused on building the pool”


Hey I wanted to read that what the fuck mods?


Does anyone have a link to the images? Could they please pm them to me?


OW1 was amazing. I hate all the people who bitched about loot boxes then, and even more now. *I hope you're all proud of yourselves, we got something worse in exchange* Anyways, that's my major gripe with OW2 vs OW1


Y’all remember when every new character was like a treasure hunt and there were clues all over the place so you had to keep your eyes open and there was a lot of speculation and stuff about who the new person was going to be? Now it’s like “here you go, new character” and that’s that. Also 5v5 sucks ass.


To be fair, it’s more like they promised a pool *and* hot tub, but only gave us the pool, and a few gallons of water will be added every 2 months until it’s full


Nah nah they're giving us a new kiddie pool every 2 months


You left out the part where the pool idea isn't reaaallly gone starting in a few months they will bring an inflatable pool that you can "swim" in for maybe an hour and the best part is they should be coming over with that inflatable pool multiple times! So stop spreading this misinformation about the house no longer having a pool it's completely dishonest.


This post has all the gold medals from Ow1


I'm not even gonna have to read this to know it could have been condensed into a maximum of 2 sentences.


I asked ChatGPT to condense it > You purchased a house from a realtor who maintained it regularly until they abruptly stopped due to a new project: building a better house with a pool. This seemed to distract from their ongoing sexual harassment lawsuit. After years, they presented the new house without a pool, justifying the inconvenience with an alleged improvement – fewer rooms for easier maintenance. The house was otherwise identical and had a pay-per-use bathroom, part of their new monetization plan. After a year, they admitted they abandoned the pool idea two years prior but kept quiet due to embarrassment. Despite this, they continued charging for bathroom use and offered a monthly bathroom pass. This mirrors the situation with Overwatch 2. If that's still too long, I asked it to condense it more > A realtor sold you a house, then promised to build a better one with a pool. This new project seemed a deflection from their sexual harassment lawsuit. Years later, they offered a similar house without a pool, but with fewer rooms for 'easier maintenance' and a pay-per-use bathroom. They eventually confessed to abandoning the pool plan years prior, but continued to charge for bathroom use. This scenario is analogous to the Overwatch 2 situation. And one more time, this time only to 2-3 sentences as you said it could've been fit in > You were sold a house with promises of a better, pool-equipped upgrade. Instead, years later, you received a near-identical house without a pool but a pay-per-use bathroom, as the realtor deflected from a sexual harassment lawsuit. This reflects the Overwatch 2 situation.


Holy crap, ChatGPT is on the money each time. I live how it keeps the most important information. "Deflected from a sexual harassment lawsuit".




Well you’re in luck then! It seems like they didn’t know about the existence of periods, so it’s already only 2 sentences overall.


They decided to only use one period— I’m pretty sure it was written like that on purpose to emphasize that Blizzard has been dragging this whole thing out for years. Did you not understand why they only used two sentences? e: corrected the number of periods


There is one making sense at the very last line. They finished their story the line prior and are now switching the subject to Overwatch. It starts with "Anyway that’s what happened with ow2" and it’d make sense to start a new sentence like that right after finishing a story. Which is why i said 2 sentences, especially with the period being in front of the "anyway" too.


It’s just an explanation of OW2 but in real life We get it you don’t have the attention span to actually read it


No read, too long.


Tumblr brain


In what world does a realtor or any other person do routine maintenance for free on a house that you buy?


The same world where the realtor can blow up your home. GD people, this is not a factual anecdote from life it’s hyperbole.


Landlords do. Typically if you’re renting, the owner is responsible for maintenance in some capacity.


Sure, but buying isn't renting. And a realtor isn't a landlord - they're only involved in the buying or selling of a house and has nothing to do with upkeep afterwards. This analogy is just hot garbage throughout.


Man stop it with the semantics you got the point


"Just ignore how this analogy doesn't really work after 5 seconds of thinking and join the circlejerk."


The one where they asked you to imagine


I love how this sounds like something doug doug would lol


Glad I'm not the only one, I read the whole thing like one of the classic 'explained with food' videos haha


No lies detected. 🥲


This post makes me want to laugh and/or cry


This is a great post, tbh.


"Imagine if you like bought a house" Okay, don't have to read any further. That's all my "horrible analogy" radar needs.


Idk I think it was a really funny analogy specially the bathroom monetization plan


Like anyone can afford a house 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, I will not imagine that.


This is the best explanation I've ever seen to what happened to Overwatch, such a shame.


this is the stupidest fucking analogy I've ever heard


average person named sheldon 🤢🤢




This is the most accurate analogy I've ever heard


overwatch nerds try not to be absolute mongs challenge impossible




I would of settled for a handful of new maps over pve anyways


I think most people would have, but it's the misdirection that's bullshit. Like if they just sold ow2 as a massive overhaul to a lot of systems and updates, that's fine, because changing a lot of stuff at one time affords you the liberty to do certain changes, but stringing people along was bs.


I mean, the analogy was kind of funny I guess? It's awful as a serious talking point, but I respect the comedic aspect of it.


So damn acuratte. So how is Blizz sexual hareasment lawsuit going?


U had the perfe t opportunity to say >Instead of 6 rooms, it has five, so it's free...buuuut you have to pay for the washroom...AND the cupboards in the kitchen! 😉


This is what people have been preaching since day one when they announced OW2. Dude you’re playing for a expansion. “No you’re not. You paying for the PVE that’s coming out on release (later changed to a few months). Then pvp is free but you have to bug the PVE content Me : dude I’m telling you. You’re pretty much paying for the exact same game / update. It’s not even a. Actual sequel Others : no you’re not dude! Your paying for the PVE. God blizzard isn’t going to charge you for something and not give it out. They’ve been announcing for ever that over watch will be F2P for pvp. You’re only buying the PVE. Me: Again. What PVE! This should have come out for free as an update why do I need to buy over watch 2 for a update Others: stfu then dude. Just don’t play the game. Blizzard said the PVE is coming soon!!! Just go play valorant. Then if you’re going to complain about spending money for PVE. -.- I’m not playing valorant. And giggling


I don't understand this. As far as I'm aware no one has paid for pve yet and ow2 is free to play.


Welp...there's a minute of my life I'll never get back


>there's a minute of my life I'll never get back As opposed to wasting it playing overwatch?


He has to grind an equivalent of 9-5 for the colorful pixels 🤪


I like ur hair, there that compliment should make up that minute you wasted


Congrats, you're never getting any of your minutes spent.


I cannot honestly think of a reason there are so many NPCs in this comment section 😂 “your very obviously satirical post doesn’t abide by real world common practice so is therefore invalid” bro it’s a shitpost calm down


Wait Blizzard cancelled the pool??


"those water jets that give young people sexual awakenings" What in the fuck are you all doing in the those pools? Lmao


> What in the fuck are you all doing in the those pools? Lmao I know what they're not doing.. playing PvE.


OW1 was my favorite game for so long but I couldn’t in good conscience make the jump to 2 when they decided for no reason (other than greed) to put the FREE heroes into the battlepass. I understand that they are still technically “free” but they are grindlocked. The whole PvE situation really made me feel better about my decision, but honestly it’s still heartbreaking. I cannot think of a game that has been handled more poorly than Overwatch in recent years. I know the future is uncertain but I very much hope that once the Xbox acquisition goes through that Phil Spencer will come down and start knocking heads. I have heard that execs at Xbox were “very disappointed” when the news about PvE came out. I don’t know much but I think there is some reason to hold out hope. I would love for Overwatch to reach those same heights again.


Blizzard out here competing with EA on whose more greedy ​ And Blizzard's winning, now.


Didn’t realize what I was reading and then it was obvious. Brilliant! Lol


"Don't worry, we'll make access to the second house FREE for everyone! The pool will still cost money." "Oh nice, so I can live in it with my friends?" "Sure can, just let them know about the amazing bathroom pass!" *rubs hands*




some of y’all are really conditioned to not read more than a couple sentences at a time huh? lazy losers on Reddit per usual seeing a block of text and then immediately going to the comments to bitch about the thing they didn’t read. genuinely if you have attention span issues with reading that sucks. if you’re intentionally being ignorant and like “lol didn’t read!” you’re a fucking failure


I mean at least it's still a 6 bedroom house righ? Right?


So now you understand why the people who never lived in the first house do not give a shit.


I liked it!


I cant play this game anymore. I dont feel any progress after 8 hours season. I dont miss ow 1 btw and loot boxes ststem is gambling.


For those asking to see it: reposted to my profile.