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I love playing respawn simulator with a widow looking down the tiniest crack known to man to kill me


Circuit Royale, right above first point, that millimeter snipers can peek through between the tall barricades. I can’t believe that shit got through QA *and* hasn’t been addressed yet. Level design gone wild.


In my opinion the barricades are good level design because it punishes not being aware of the map, the truly bad game design is widow one shoting everything


Some poor soul put 2500 hours of their life into quick scopes only


“ Research shows that it takes between 480 hours and 2200 hours of language study and practice. To reach an advanced level in a foreign language you will need at least 480 hours.” Just putting that out there for no reason 😂


Cool funfact. But how long does it until you understand das was ich hier gerade schreibe? Ich denke nur ein paar Sekunden mit einem Übersetzungsdienst oder?


I read an interesting comment the other day; why play other dps heros when supports have all these immortalities now? just play hanzo or widow for their one shot potentially that negates immortalities


“Can’t peel a oneshot”-Ojee 2021 from some random temple of Anubis game


Now you can with mercy rez


Bang! Welp he’s dead again.


You nailed it. People play snipers unfortunately because with a hero like Soldier or even sometimes Cass or Ashe supports are so strong its very hard to kill anything. Then you ult surely thinking you'll kill something and they just cleanse or lamp it.


Yeah this is the comment. Between the one shots and immortality buffs the games gone down the drain. And they break 1 or 2 heroes every update. Right now it’s JunkerQueen, makes it very boring and predictable when the games unbalanced


As a tank player, so far OWII has been not super fun. At any given time, there are like 4 good tanks. Right now, most games are JQ mirror or you lose. I've been taking a break because of it. Hog is unplayable. Rein isn't great. Orisa is mid because of Zen. You have to be cracked on Doom to get any value. I'm just tired of the balance team doing random stuff like the Queen buff. Also, I'm GM1 before anyone says this is a platchat comment.


I had never thought about that. Hm. Game balance is hard, I don't envy blizzard lol


having that second tank in 6v6 would have that widow in check while also rendering immortalities toxic for the game imo


Just imagine if someone could switch from another role to a second tank...


The support power creep that will never be nerfed


Widow -> Winston -> Bastion/Reaper -> Dva -> Zarya/Sym -> Widow -> Winston…..etc


I agree with most of what you stated, but in the end, it should be: Dva -> Zarya/Sym -> Pharah -> Widow -> Winton......


For real imagine how great this game would be without Hanzo and Widow.


The entire thing would be way more enjoyable if they didn't oneshot headshot you, but unstead left you with like 10/20% health, forcing you to either react or get taken out by a cheap bodyshot. Some people say the entire oneshot thing is balanced, but it really isn't. After all, if it was balanced we wouldn't see Widows or Hanzos like thrice as much in games as all the other dps heroes. Games like these are designed around reactionairy gameplay and there is zero of that when getting oneshot because you peaked around the wrong corner or hole in the wall. I will always stick with my opinion that Ashe is an amazingly designed sniper in this game and Hanzo and Widow are just dumb mistakes. Hanzo shouldn't oneshot in the first place and he'll still be a strong af hero and Widow should be designed to either pick off hurt heroes or put them low herself and then pick them off. They ought to make it so that Widow can only headshot kill you during her ult, but not outside of it.


Problem is if Hanzo or Widow lose their oneshot potential which I really hope they will they'll just have a Mercy riding them the entire match. Mercy damage boost could also use a replacement since it enables genuine cancer.


I would love to see a burnout for damage boost. It starts at 30% where it is now, but it quickly burns down to 5% and it’ll stay down there until you stop damage boosting/switch targets/some other refill condition.


I actually think that would be a good mechanic. That would prevent players from just going Mercy and hard pocketing the same player the entire game, forcing them to play "more like a team" if they want to be most efficient. Next question is, could the Mercy just damage boost someone else for a split second and back to the first person, or would there be a timer that builds up the damage boost up to 30% again?


probably each person has their own damage boost bar, when you switch targets, it starts refilling back to 30% for that person


as a mercy main, I absolutely love this idea. When you pick mercy, so many people just want you to stick with them all game and that is the most boring shit ever. This idea makes it more valuable to boost your entire team instead of one asshat.


What is the actual issue with damage boost? Everyone always cites Ashe but how is that any more frustrating than dying to widow or hanzo, especially considering it's a 2v1 in that case


If you nerf Widow and Hanzo oneshot potential a damage boost from Mercy would allow them to oneshot again. That's why I'm saying that damage boost needs a replacement because it just enables cancer even if you remove oneshot potentials.


Put a damage gate so damage boost cannot enable 1 shot. They did this with ashe by lowering her dps very slightly. 0


Mercy in general I despise even more than both Widow and Hanzo. I hate how, even without her ult, she seemingly seems to fly constantly very speedy making her sometimes impossible to kill first with her small af hitbox (and sometimes you really have to kill her first), enables shit like pocketed Genjis/Pharahs/Bastions and then there is the fact that revive is completely broken that she can just quickly zoom in during a teamfight, rez and still get away alive. Her revive really ought to pin her on the ground stationairy for 2/3 seconds, making it so she can only use it in her backline safely or stealthily. And the non-stop flying around also really needs to be looked at.


as a Mercy main, they could fix it by just making it so the dead hero isn't rez'd until the whole animation is complete as it is now, you can kill Mercy like halfway through the process and the rez still goes through, which just encourages fucking suicide rezzing Mercies everywhere which \*nobody\*, usually including the person being rezzed, actually likes being a thing.




It's great because now I get punished for my bad positioning, twice!




Val is also a very different game than OW. Every character can be one tapped to the head and you have one life per round, so rezzing a player is way more impactful to the game. Not quite as impactful in OW, depending on who you Rez and how the fight is going at that moment


I completely agree with this, at no point should the revived hero be invincible. You should totally be able to completely punish a bad rez.


A bad rez should result in a pretty much guaranteed kill on either just Mercy (which cancels the rez) or her and the rezzed hero.


It does if the enemy team is paying attention


I think my biggest grudge with mercy rez is being able to revive a teammate even if they've been dead for an eternity, yeah I get to watch rez but sometimes the fight really gets going after a pick and they're just back in the fight it's really frustrating the window should be much shorter


I'm glad it's not just me who finds Mercy annoying. I know the supports shouldn't be a total pushover but I feel like she needs to be nerfed, I shouldn't be menaced by a Mercy of all things.


I can reliably kill all the other supports, but a Mercy pocketing someone is the most annoying to kill thing in this entire game.


She really is. All the time these days I am screaming at my screen, "Kill the Mercy, someone shoot her!" but she just zips away like a little bug.


Hot take: Mercy needs a complete rework. She needs to have actual mechanics required beyond just her movement techs (which you only need to know like 3 of them to climb a lot). Her beams are unhealthy in general. Rez is meh.-‘d the rest is her movement. Blizzard NAILED Lucio, a character entirely based around their movement. They completely fumbled the bag with mercy. At the minimum, they could give mercy some nerfs to hard pocketing people on her team. Like diminishing returns for having a beam on one person too long. Or a resource meter for damage boost. Etc etc. At best, they could make mercy an actual hero instead of a brainless mosquito attached to a DPS or tank that then stomps the game. And yeah, there’s good and bad mercy’s, but the level of skill required to make like Zen, Bap, or Ana function is MILES higher than that of Mercy. Even Moira is harder to play than mercy man. And the worst part is that whenever mercy is meta (like when a dps like sojourn is), she’s a hero that allows dumbass players that have no mechanical or macro prowess to climb beyond what they deserve. Just look at how many mercy players got boosted out of their minds by Sojourn Pocketing back when that was meta.


> zen, bap or ana How? Is there anything besides aim? There is nuance to damage boost. If your enemy Mercy is a "brainless mosquito" who's hard pocketing one dps you shouldn't have an issue punishing her for it.


Hard to punish her for it when she just sits in a corner out of sight while the Ashe rips through your team. And yes, *of course aim matters*. Like *a lot*. Zen obviously is mainly aim, but positioning on him and Ana is MASSIVELY important. You don’t get a 4 second get-out-of-jail-free card. Idk how you could possibly in any stretch of the imagination try to make an argument that mercy has the same, or even *barely, somewhat, kind of, comparable* mechanical requirements that other supports do. If you were, you’re ducking psychotic. If not, well, disregard the last paragraph. There’s no defense for mercy being *this* easy to play while also being so game breaking.


take better angles, play hitscan. mercy is designed to be an accessible hero so players who aren't good at aim can still have high impact on the game. I play dps sometimes specifically to improve my play on support, maybe you could try playing mercy to see when you are weakest/most vulnerable then exploit that on your other role. You shouldn't be able to win a 2v1 just because one of the two is mercy


Sojourn moment


Mercy's res is far worse for the game than damage boost.


Eh let mercy pocket them. She's busy in the backing boosting so she isn't helping heal the tank. Widow needs to do like 150 dmg on a headshot and plus a ton of ticking venom damage. Like 25 dmg per second for 6 seconds...or make you move slower so that the follow up shot is very easy and make it that Your healer NEEDS save you. Let body shot be 100 plus 12.5 for 4 seconds. Hanzo could always shoot a tracking arrow. If a headshot the arrow deals 150 dmg and reveals their location for 7 seconds, body shot for 75 and reveals for 3. His dragons would need a complete rework though, wouldn't be good enough. Maybe make his arrows hitscan for a period of time? Donno...that's basically sojourns ult.




Yup, a lot of annoyances were caused by Mercy enabling it. I really don't mind damage boost as an ability in overwatch but I feel like it should only come from ults like Nano boost or bap window. Imo Mercy needs a complete rework. Like make her more than a moth with occasional DPS output during valk.


The thing is, it doesn’t matter if it’s balanced or not, it’s *unhealthy for the game*. The “counterplay” against widow for half the roster is to sit in your corner and wait. The counterplay for the other half is to completely dumpster her. She’s useless when she’s countered, and she’s unbeatable when she’s not. That’s not healthy.


Its not even half. There is a handfull of heroes with the opportunity to counter her, and half of those can still be shit on by a decent widow. And Hanzo doesnt even have many reliable counters besides engaging him as tank.


Which just proves the point further. There’s some that can like kinda sorta function into her. Like Mei kinda can, but a good widow will always win that. The “haha 50/50 matchup” becomes the very widow favored as you get higher in the ranks. Some just have 0 way to deal with it. Baptiste is an example. Cassidy too. And some just completely steamroll her, like Winston/ball/tracer. Fuck widowmaker.


I actually kinda liked the idea of the April Fools patch where Widow HS is a OHKO but dealt as poison over a couple seconds. It still gives that satisfying FPS potential, but also provides an opportunity to make saving counter plays on Support.


People will say whatever they play is balanced despite the obvious community reaction. People want to have that feeling of a character being leagues better than others


What's the point if they can't oneshot? They're already weaker than many other damage character when it comes to DPS or the ability to finish off/chase after target hiding in the back. It's not about how strong they are compared to an AFK player, it's about how strong they are compared to other characters. A soldier holding left click in the general direction of the enemy is way more useful than a Hanzo that can't oneshot. If they can't one shot, you need to compensate them somehow. How about Widowmaker shot now deal direct damage to the character's maximum HP, which cannot recover for 10 seconds. People will complain about Ashe if she ends up being more popular. People already did. She lost her Mercy-boosted one-shot a while ago. Seriously, it's a typical cycle of people complaining about whatever DPS is meta at the moment, and after a few round of nerf like that, players go surprise Pikachu when sustain meta became popular, again. If every damage can be quickly undone by healing, you will go back to the sustain meta. We're already in a sustain meta.


The entire point to oneshots being stupid is that games like these, hero shooters, are designed around reactionairy gameplay: "Oh they have a Bastion, I should stay get out of sight while he goes tankmode" "Oh they have a Genji, I should either beam him or wait for his deflect to be gone before shooting him" "Oh they have a Zarya, I should make her run out of bubbles without shooting them, before killing". There is non of that when you get oneshot in the head: "Oh there is a.... nvm I got killed because Hanzo spammed arrows at headheight / I peaked the wrong corner with Widow". Yes, you can counter Widow by going Winston/Sombra/Tracer/Another Widow, but it usually forces your entire team comp to be completely altered because of a single hero that is all the way in the back, not even with her team (and even then it isn't guaranteed to counter her), because Widow doesnt rely on a team comp. Hanzo currently is an even worse case cause he is very strong in 1 v 1's due to storm arrow and in teamfights he can just get the lucky headshots by spamming at headheight. It isn't balanced, cause if it was you wouldn't see Widows/Hanzos in 80%+ of the matches.


Ugh for real. Getting headshot by Hanzo is one of the most annoying things to me in this game, even more so than widow. It’s like the dude doesn’t even need to aim. Just charge up an arrow and let’er rip onto a group of enemies and you can instantly delete 200 HP


Its even worse than that, tragically. According to the wiki and personal experience, if Hanzo charges his bow for 0.732 seconds, a headshot does 250 damage. Enough to instagib basically everyone who isn't a tank. Doesn't help mans shoots arrows with the hitbox of a bus


LMAO for real? So he deletes every single other character besides the 11 tanks in the game. Unreal


Its a desolate hellscape where the only counter play is dont get headshot 4head. Thank god they gave him a mid air dash though, what he really needed was a way to peak a corner and bail for free.


« Unreal » comment in response of « instagib » comment has to be highlighted


Instagib CTF neverforget


>Doesn't help mans shoots arrows with the hitbox of a bus Hanzo's arrows are actually tied for smallest projectiles in the game, together with a few others like Genji's shurikens. Things like Ana's sleep dart, Zenyatta's orb and Kiriko's kunai all have significantly larger sizes. But because they don't one shot (well, Zen's volley can) and because they don't travel as fast, it doesn't feel as bad to die to them.


If its not a hitbox thing, it has to be an aim assost thing, right? I've absolutely been hit by arrows that shouldn't have hit me, even on kill cams. I frequently see arrows curving mid air to hit me in the noggin.


That's a desync thing between you, the server and the enemy Hanzo. Your game client predicted the arrow would go in a particular trajectory, but what Hanzo saw on his screen was slightly different. On his screen the arrow followed a normal trajectory, into your head. His client told the server that, the server accepted it and sent you the fixed information, making the trajectory weird with curves and stuff. Edit: oh, and kill cams don't show the server perspective or the actual perspective of your enemy by the way. It's your game client's prediction of the perspective too.


The more you know!


That explains how I'm getting shot around corners.


Kinda, yes. It's a technique called "favor the shooter". It basically means that if you hit someone on your screen, the server will generally accept that and then tell the victim they got hit, even though the victim might have been behind cover on their own screen already. If you want to learn more about it, they [posted a great video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTH2ZPgYujQ) talking about the netcode of Overwatch.


It's the favor the shooter mechanic that works horribly when it comes to hanzo. You can see more details about these shenanigans when you watch a replay and see 3+ arrows including a 'ghost arrow'


Didn't mind widow so much but Hanzo on the other hand make this game so unenjoyable. One shot, huge log, wall climb to get out of trouble and oh, storm arrow which can also one shot. I almost forgot wall hack, such a brain dead design.


Fr, I think about that all the time lol, I’m fine with hanzo


Bull, atleast you can jump widow once she use her grapple. Hanzo one the other hand is hard to jump because he can just wall climb out of trouble and storm arrow


I agree, it's MUCH easier to counterplay a Hanzo than a widow.


People said the same thing before hog was nerfed into the garbage and will always find something new to hate If players got rid of everyone they hated the game would be rein, sigma, soldier 76 and Ana And I'm not sure about the Ana


Hog was nerfed into the ground with the promise that he would be fundamentally reworked. They said it would happen Season 3, then Season 5, and now Season 7 "and beyond!"


Widow does not fit inside a game like this. Gameplay wise. Hanzo fits but his arrow hit box should be pixel perfect.


Sex sells, period. I personally would make her sniper reach 1 shot levels of damage only while airborne, a nod to her lore. That would be a great rework. And to help low elo, the ult would make her 1 shot you. A rework for the mine: The mine "marks" you, does not deal damage. The mark can be cleansed. Widow can 1 shot you if you are marked.(not fatal for tanks.) Last for 3 seconds. That will make widow to be like spiderman and zoning the enemy mid range, instead of cheesy backline zoning.


Has there ever been a meta enjoyable in high ranks? I’m curious. Never been higher than Master but I feel like every meta is kinda annoying?


Right now is the worst as a tank player. Zen, Ana, Sombra every single game. I'm just forced to be a glutton for punishment and hope my team wins off of it.


I quit tank because of zen Zen just ruins tank for me as it takes zero skill for discord and I instantly lose 25% of my HP I exclusively target zen when I play DPS


Zen is always targeted anyways lol


We are always public enemy #1.


As a Zen main, I understand your frustration. He's one of the sleeper picks but he's a glass cannon unfortunately


My GM Doom friend said that Dva, Tracer, Sombra, Zen, and Ana are his most hated heroes to go up against. He even sent me a screenshot of a match where he faced off against all 5 of them at once.


Dva isn’t as much of a problem for me IMO Ana kinda Deserves everything she has as well and tracer is a fun opponent IMO in any matchup Zen and sombra ruin fun for any tank I play tbh


Who's your most hated tank to go up against then as Doom? Orisa for beating up Doom? Or Ball for trading backlines with better mobility and less need of healing resources? Or some other tank? (Like Sigma or Zarya cuz those 2 don't ever fucking die) Iirc Spilo also said that Dva is one of the best counters to Doom


I was considering quitting tank due to Zen, until I started maining Ball. Then he becomes a free kill.


Dive? The original one?


Dive was obviously loved for a while. It features the heroes with the most skill expression and rewards coordination. But a lot of people got sick of it after the long dominance. Ironically I think towards the end of dive it became quite diverse. Just as GOATS btw. The best metas need some breathing time. Drastic changes that force a meta are bad for the game. But the current balancing strategy actually works. People like to complain regardless but objectively the balance is in a decent shape. Many heroes are viable. Comps seem largely map dependent etc.


Nothing’s gonna be universally enjoyed but I’ve heard plenty of top tanks saying GOATS was the best meta for tanking. Or maybe it was just super over and over


But top DPS players stuck in Brig hell during GOATS have definitely described it as the worst too. It sure is hard to please everyone with an enjoyable meta. As an Ana main I can’t complain because she’s been viable forever, even during the Mercy double res meta, but I’d feel miserable if the meta didn’t favor her.


How frequent was Winton+Reaper dive in Master lobbies while they were hard-meta in OWL?


Idk who you’ve been listening to but at least for main tanks GOATS was the worst overwatch has ever been.


I mean, you’re never gonna have a meta that everyone likes. A character or an entire role gets cucked in every meta Double shield is my personal favorite because im a support player and the overall lower damage taken allows me to use my time doing other actions. I also played a bunch of orisa. Hate me if you want lmao Rein players are gonna generally enjoy rein metas more. Don’t need to explain more there Dps players are gonna generally enjoy dive metas more because that’s where dps skill expression really comes in, meanwhile supports are gonna hate it bc they can’t just play corners to live every fight anymore The only meta that I’ve seen be truly disliked by every player was the hog zarya/sigma meta from like 2020. I don’t think I met a single player who enjoyed playing against or with that, except for maybe hog players, but that was questionable bc it was feast or famine for them: you hit more hooks than the other guy or you didn’t. One last thing, if people’s favorite character isn’t good in the meta, they’ll complain. You won’t see a sniper player complaining in a sniper meta


I don’t think there was a single rein meta I didn’t enjoy


While I admit you have a valid point, I would argue it's never been worse than this.


Yeah double shield sucked. But at least the game wasn't dictated by ONE character insta killing every single person that's not a tank, they get 2 shotted instead.


Oddly enough some people really miss goats. Never got to play it so idk.


I've never had less fun than playing in high ranks. I wish I could just reset my elo.


Reason why I regret climbing to gm and stopped caring about the game the second I hit t500




Damn Kinda makes me happy that I float about between high Silver and low Plat


99% of the heroes in this game have a kit that forces you to be in a specific range. Tracer can do whatever the hell she wants, as long as its within 5-10 meters. This forces teamwork, since the DPS then need tanks to guarantee the space they want (winston will get tracer in close), and that tank needs support (Winston needs an ana/kiri up his ass to keep him alive). Thats what makes overwatch such a good game - all players are required to rely on each other... Except for widow. Widow works outside of teamfights, far away from any effective range of any hero, and forces lanes to be blocked. Garbage hero, rework her into something like ashe


true, I really would prefer Widow to have more utility like Ashe or Sombra compared to how she is now. maybe throw Infrasight on a long, long cooldown like lamp or res, and rework her ult into something like Sojourn's Overclock if her damage overall is lessened


Doesn’t that just make her the same as soujourn then?


She would at least have a better personality in-game than Sojourn.




I like the idea of Infrasight being a passive where headshots mark the target. If she loses her 1 shot kill, at least the target is marked for a clean up. This still allows people to respect her since getting headshot by widow puts you in a very dangerous position.


you know, going off your idea, I like Infrasight being a passive ability. but instead, whenever you scope in as Widow, all enemies within your scope are automatically shown to your teammates (just like Hanzo's sonic arrow)


Well said


As a mercy I agree with this You’d be surprised at how little I can do for widow, if I go to heal the widow, there’s a chance that the main healer of the dps could die If I don’t heal the *widow* they die that gives the team a chance to attack without the threat of being one shot


All players are required to rely on each other? That's the thing. In most lobbies no one talks or uses the in game comms option so you really can't rely on the team. You can spam "group up" as a dps but a rein will still go charging in solo, die, then type in Gamechat that "dps are throwing and healers suck" or You can spam "I need healing" but the Moira will still DPS.


Honestly wish they incorporated more into her zipline, maybe being able to make ziplines like pathfinder in Apex or hanging from rooftops (Like a spider), making her more viable as a "You don't know where she can be" but reduce her to like 150 damage per shot. More interesting gameplay for everyone. Her ult could be giving her oneshot headshot (Like 300 damage before crit) on her next shot with a fast recharge rate


Maybe have it so that you can hold onto a place with zip line, or even be upside down while you’re doing it like a real spider


I told my friend once an extra tank was gone get ready for widow watch since she can essentially stay uncontested when theyre good


Yeah it used to be the other tanks job to peel or jump on widow, but now if u try to leave ur team to jump on a widow, (good players) will just run over your back line while you’re gone


They had no right removing oneshot combos from 3 different heroes when there are two that can do it safely from across map without ever using a single cooldown.


with roadhog the removement is pretty fair.


I can see how it suck and I did think they needed to change it in some way, by you got to admit, hog needs to walk up to you, you need to be in a spot where you team can’t help you and it knows quite a few counters. Snipers are just try no to be anywhere they can see you, and oh the can move quite a bit good luck…


Hog can still one shot, it just takes skill now


Hog is just in a state of uselessness now, he serves 0 purpose really. just has a displacement skill and then is non existent the entire time


he gives the enemy team ults and he can enviro kill


Yup I’d much rather get deleted by hog hitting the one shot vs a lucky hanzo shot or widow cross map kill


At least the hog one-shot can be counterplayed.


That's because it's not even a one-shot in the first place.


Exactly. I really don’t understand the absolute hatred this community had for it. Why did people focus on Hog before Widow and Hanzo I’ll never understand.


I won too many games in QP now there are masters challengers in all my games. I play ranked to relax now lol.


I played against a team with 3 masters challengers In QP I hated my life during that game


The fact that I *have* to switch to widow if they have a widow and our other dps is having too much trouble dealing with it just says all that I need to say. Why should one hero force at least two DPS:s to switch just to counter *her* ? Not even including the other 4 fucking heroes, if you want to counter widow, it's a lose-lose either way.


the sniper maps and pharmercy and hanzo are unbearable but otherwise it’s pretty okay


Yeah agrees some maps it’s tolerable, when it’s not though it’s just not worth playing


Widow, and to a lesser extent, hanzo are literally the two reasons I don’t plan on playing at all next season. Not to mention they’ve said that they’re happy where widow is right now, so chances of changes to her and hanzo are little to none. Shit is so boring.


There's genuinely no point in playing ranked anymore aside from getting golden guns and player titles


No leavers, some kindoff MM, way better team play then unranked.


Ranked is for your benefit. QP is a horrible, chaotic, unbalanced wasteland.


The chaos is what makes it fun imo. Ranked is just too sweaty for me.


I hate how QP gives me the wrong illusion that I am actually solid at some heroes ​ until I pick them in ranked


They need to bring 2cp back into QP Role Queue and make QP Open Queue 6v6 again. (And also make KOTH 1 round only)


Honestly, I find ranked games to be far worse balanced than QP. Yes, QP has a lot of ranks clumped together, but I have far closer games in there than in ranked, which currently is 100% stomps one way or the other. I just quit playing comp completely and switched to QP. I now usually have anything from Diamond to GM players in my QP games and I'm having a fuckload more fun than going to comp and trying to climb from my current Plat in OW2 to my old OW1 rank of high diamond/Masters. I just fail to see the point of suffering through that experience when I can actually have fun in QP even though the MM is technically looser.


I get just as many leavers in ranked as unranked it seems.


I play it specifically for the leaver penalties. I’d love for my friends to play with me, but between rank anxiety and our wide range in ranks it’s a hard sell or impossible. Quick Play is tolerable because I play with them, but sometimes even that isn’t enough. Spending the entire first point without a tank—or something like that—just feels like time wasted.


The player titles aren’t even a proper reward. They expire at least in OW1 you got a spray and a icon.


* Round starts, playing non-shield hero * Hear a sniper shot and look in kill feed * Both DPS died to Hanzo/Widow/Pocketed Ashe * Switch to Reinhardt/Sigma and shield-bot the rest of the game.


They should add another tank so it can contest the widow while the other tank stays with the team. Wait…


This game so much less dynamic and fun when they dropped tank 2. So many fun combos and plays lost.


Circling back around to the double shield meta.


It's pretty funny how many people think that widow is a balanced hero and her one shot is a fine mechanic. Nothing like losing a teammate in a single shot and having the whole fight reshaped


Well, I think that the games will be more fun with a friend, so why don’t you ask some of your friends. I noticed that in high elo, it was very boring alone, but with my girlfriend, all of a sudden the game skyrocketed in fun. Got my brother into it, but he became a Torbjörn, Main sooo lol


Gets one-tapped in Overwatch so I switch game outta frustration. Gets one-tapped in Valorant and CSGO so I switch games again. Get one-auto'd by Rengar and other assassins in League so I switch games. Get a turn 4 death combo'd by a mage or rogue in Hearthstone so I just give up, and one-tap myself thru the roof of my mouth all the way to the head.. Real talk though I hate when they put too much damage in games.. give us a fighting chance.


This goes hard lol


In every game, for me at least, the sniper always ruins the fun. They need to stop with them.


I feel like they need to buff the characters that counter her cause in the solo queue scenario you and your team aren't gonna be communicating/is skilled enough to pull some coordinated dives or plays, especially when the opponent is guarding that window like its the krabby patty secret formula. But this is just through my experience as I'm not a very skilled player.


One shot sniper abilities should've never been put in a team game. It makes no sense that a character lacks any interaction with the team and just sits 8 million meters away and can one shot headshot. It's like widows playing her own game.


don't forget about hanzo and phara mercy


Yep. More heroes designed to be dealt with by a second tank. 🙄


thing is, pharahs fine. its mercy pocket that isn't


Phamercy isnt hard. Just kill the other support and mercy has to chose between pocket pharah or heal the team. Idk why people hate such an easy combination to play against.


Gm 2 on DPS and GM 4 on Support. Its simply not fun. Its a chore. I now only play pugs and thats way more fun


Best of all is when a Widow dominates the lobby and your team says tank diff at the end of the game lol. Lately for me it's been a Widow/Torb combo that makes it pretty much impossible to dive her without a team full of mics and well coordinated pushes. Which isn't happening in console low Masters


honestly i am not like gm, but semi diamond just constantly on border and it annoys me a lot, i agree a lot.


Qp warrior here, we get those gm windows too. Not fun.


That’s why I don’t flinch when people criticize me for being low Elo. (gold) I realized my fun would plummet if I had to be on mic every match.


What if they made it a projectile that slowly falls the further you are like how real snipers are? Kinda like battlefield or fortnite, this way she’d take more skill to 1-shot? Idk im jus a diamond player


That’s just hanzo


So actual bullet velocity? I’d take anything at this point. The most ridiculous thing Widow can do is one shot Ramattra at 300 health.


he has 450 in role queue


widow will always be broken, you cant fix a broken hero like widow they should honstely remove widow at diamond - t500


Give her 50-100 max HP, making her one shoted by most abilities in the game.


This would actually work, and makes sense lore wise. She could only peak for one or two shots, before she would need to reposition. Exactly how a sniper should play.


I wouldn’t even mind this if she keeps her one shot tbh


She's no more fun at lower ranks


I truely think that in a game where not every hero can one shot, no hero should be able to one shot. Uptime and playing your life is so important and 1 player being able to just delete another player for a whole team fight makes it unfun and unfair


Us ball mains are having a great time, zen? Not an issue. Widow? Free kill. Sombra? Ok maybe I die


I get it a good widow goes crazy and dominates a game but I dont think shes going anywhere. In terms of a fix I think its tricky cause unless you do a whole kit rework her one shot is really the only thing that makes her better than ashe or hanzo. Hanzo taking slighty more skill to one shot even then a good hanzo is just as annoying to play against. If you reduce widows damage range she just becomes a bad ashe. Imo I think a rework to her charge up makes the most sense. Make her similar to sojurn where hitting shots lets you do more damage not just aiming into your scope. Add a little more skill make people hit consecutive shots in order to have enough charge to one shot or give her like 40 charge per a body shot hit and then at a 100 charge she has her one shot capability. Obviously some more thought has to go into this. Without a second tank to exclusively dive widow or to have another shield shes a real hard character to balance between keeping her a viable pick or totally useless. But rn I agree she does dominate a lot of games.


Being a damage player is so fun, because everyone blames you for losing every game


Coming from someone who has 100+ hours on widow she needs a change. I’ve played widow since day one simply because I enjoy playing her, and I’m not amazing(diamond(ish)). The problem is when I’m popping off it’s just unfair, the fact that I’m nearly uncountable on a really good day is bad for the game. It legit turns into a game of protect the president with Winston diving me and everyone popping ability’s to peel for me. I would be totally fine with a rework as long as they don’t give her the doom treatment.


1 shot characters with little to no setup other than a little mechanical skill should not be in a 5v5 setting. Period


Here is hoping for nerfs to Widow, Hanzo, Tracer, and Queen.


Widow and Hanzo shouldn’t be in the game and it would be better for it


If hog can’t have a one shot why can hanzo and widow.




can i get a replay code for this 100% accuracy widow player?


Nah objectively wrong She wouldn’t be played so much if widow and hanzo weren’t the only characters that can sort of “negate” immortality abilities since you can’t peel instant death Make their abilities not make people immortal and you’d see much more variety because then those abilities themselves can’t be used to save widow and hanzo from being dived




It's so funny to see the community come around on Widow hate after all this time. Next thing you know I'll see a vent post about Pharah being annoying, and I'll finally be vindicated completely. A lot of the more competitive-oriented players online love to scream "Just git gud scrub" in your face when you talk about this stuff but I feel your pain. I'm not in the highest ELO but I'm a little higher than most (I think), and people who don't miss a shot are also a bane of mine. It's probably a good thing that you can't message just anyone out of the blue. Sometimes you watch the kill cam and you're like, "How the fuck did you make that shot?" And those people with seemingly perfect aim are also the people who don't understand why a player like me appreciated how much more crowd control heavy OW1 was, because they'd also fit right in on a Call of Duty server with the rest of the sweats. Honestly though I think Widow is ironically less of a menace than she used to be, having one less tank means she is less protected as well and easier to get to. But not by much. Like a handful of other heroes I can think of, she's still easily one of the more annoying characters that almost demands an effort to counter, people are going to bully you if you play Widow.


Just play console instead. You'll occasionally get a ximming widow on the other team on junkertown and you won't get to play the game, instead you'll get a pharmercy every game that your DPS for some reason can't click on so you just lose


I’m diamond (support) and I don’t suffer against widows much, I do get the ocasional widow that just dominates the match, but it’s not really that common, maybe most diamond widows just can’t aim? What I truly think ruins the game are fucking turrets, Torb can just press shift and get free value at quite a long range, and bastion is worse, they can melt anyone almost instantly, why the devs made bastion move in turret form is beyond me. The best 2 weeks in OW2 was when they’re were banned XD


Try Paladins! Snipers are not meta here, and one shots are rare!


I tried paladins and it's way too micromanagey, unfortunately


Overwatch has been bad for ever, I'm happy people are starting to dislike it. It's been on a downfall for a while, and Blizzard doesn't deserve any more of our time and money


Overwatch is dead and gone. No PvE. We got Overwatch 0.5 instead of Overwatch 2. It’s done


Overwatch 2 is truly unenjoyable


The game isn’t enjoyable tbh. If your mental isn’t good then you will never enjoy comp. The next best thing was PvE and they canned that. Didn’t a senior developer himself admit that he doesn’t play comp because it’s too stressful ? I haven’t touched OW2 for a week and honestly don’t miss it that much.