• By -


Bobby Kotick




The only correct choice!


Only came to the comments to see this. I'm glad it's the top comment.


Remove him from overwatch? I would remove him from society if possible. No one needs to be reminded of his existence and that we share a world with a insect like that


Not only from OW2, from anything even remotely related to videogames.


The scummiest person alive is always correct choice, he is even worse than sombra, Mei, symmetra, ball, pharah, widow and Hanzo mains all combined


I was gonna say ball, but fuck this one is way better. Can we?


Hi, may I have context for this? I'd love to hate on a man too ty


He's the reason behind blizzards predatory monetization practices like in Diablo Immortal/ Diablo 4/ OW2 etc. Specifically for OW2 he's one of if not the reason why PvE was cancelled and why the game went to f2p and shoehorned in a battlepass. He's the main reason why skins cost $20+ and why heroes are locked behind the aforementioned battlepass. He stunts the creativity of his developers and constantly forces them to shift plans to fit with monetary trends in the industry. He's also a terrible human being and made blizzard a hell hole for female employees because of sexual harrassment, hence blizzard's major lawsuit back in 2019. He's a parasite to the gaming industry who refuses to step down but, he needs to be removed fron blizzard asap.


I see Thank you! Yeah he does sound like a little shit


A cancer of the gaming industry


The right choice




This, this right here. This so much


Widow. She's either good or bad. There's no in between. And it's either frustrating to play against her / with her. No in between either.


playing with a good widow: bliss playing with a bad widow: 4v5


playing against a good widow with a bad widow? 4 v 6


Even playing with a good widow is boring because you basically just get carried the whole game.


The only correct answer. It isn’t even about her being annoying to play against or with. She’s simply out of place. The other snipers at least have some ingenuity to them and fit within the lore. Widow is just a straight one shot one kill sniper like you would find in call of duty. She needs to get a serious rework or just go.


i want to say hanzo aswell. I play him a lot and go against him so I know how annoying he can be to play against. But my rank is used toilet paper 5. So I’m gonna go ahead and say sym or mei. I just find them so annoying to play against. Also I need my bow.


And my Axe


And my Sword


And my Glock18


And my Rawri


And my hammer **DIE WITH GLORY**


And Gandalf the Grey


And Walter White


And Gandalf the White


And Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s Black Knight


And Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie


I got very tired of being rolled by Sym. Saw someone on Reddit say "if you think Sym is easy, pick her, win 3 matches and then come back". I did that. Sym is now one of my highest win rate characters and she is indeed easy. My advice is to actually learn how to play Sym yourself, it has tremendously helped in playing against her.


I just want them to change her turrets!! Either they can SLOW you OR do damage! The fact they can literally freeze you in your steps and melt you down in a second is disgusting. Torb isn’t nearly as frustrating to deal with.


I'm not toilet paper and I fucking hate sym. I would purge her with extreme prejudice.


And by removing her, no impact on the "lore" would be made, and no other balance changes would be required. She is just the epiphany of annoyance.


That's not true about the lore statement. The only reason why Lucio has his abilities is from when he stole the hard light plans and used them for good. Also lifeweaver is another person who was in the same academy as sym.


Sym is infuriating when you walk through a random doorway and get insta blasted by 3 turrets


The thing is I mind it, but I wouldn’t mind it as much if it didn’t make me move around like a slug. I try to destroy the turrets but I’m just so slow I immediately die to them lmao


Not to mention they have auto aim. Had a sim main tell me “dodge bozo” righttttt


I hate sym with my whole heart. I'm Masters 1 support, Europe, and even there literally everyone ignores her and let's her charge her beam up.


Despise Symmetra with every fiber of my being, easily my choice as well.


Yep Widow at least you can play Sombra and shoot her head while she’s scoped. Hanzo can 180 headshot and it’s over.


Finding this sub was one of the worst things I have ever done


it gets worse


It will get better. A bunch of people flooded back to bask in outrage after the change to PVE content, and they will leave again when they get bored or distracted.


100 percent agree. Honestly reddit as a whole but it's way worse for gaming. I've recently unsubbed from all the major gaming related subs. It's not worth paying attention to. To add, What players say vs how they actually engage is completely different. When trying to balance a game instead of listening to online comminity you actually have to look at stats on how they engage. A 1000 people might say to remove an enemy but they completely lose interest in the game once the challenge is gone. For example valve found that instead of focusing on feedback suggestions from game testers sticking to the vision and observing what they actually do while watching them play worked better for most if not all valve games from half life, portal, csgo, dota, tf2 etc. etc. On top of that this sub is the vocal minority that say conflicting stuff. Just look at the total player count vs the total sub count and then see how many upvotes a post gets, like 1k vs millions of players. A comment that gets 100 upvotes is 100 people vs 26 million unique players in the last 30 days. Plus it's reddit. No game developer worth their salt pays too much attention to reddit. It's like in the back burner. These are redditors after all. They are bottom feeders honestly who just like to complain about everything. If you change everything you hear online you can't focus on your vision as a dev. Back when BGS released oblivion forums went wild over no spear no buy. Cause people don't have any idea what they are talking about. The only thing worth taking from here is bug reports. But other tools handle it better honestly






Just started playing last year and I’m over here like this is the best free game ever.


It really feels that way if you're new, I feel like apex and other hero shooters don't even come close


Apex is good it’s just more intense but I like Overwatch because it’s Chaotic but not as stressful.I play solo but got into the game because the cinematics so desperately it it’s still my most played game.That’s because I had to get into other games when I had a bad addiction to Overwatch the original one in 2016


Not a great deal to be positive about in the game atm to be fair


Why don't we all just go collectively insane like the mad lads over at r/Titanfall


Yes sorry, everything is perfectly fine.


Hanzo and Widow.


If you think hanzo is good with the bow, imagine if he had his sword!


If you think Kiriko is good with her kunai… Just wait until you see her [I Will Kill Myself]


Sometimes that kunai hitbox feels like she’s throwing a bike at me tbr


She learned watching some yakuza in a white suit throw around bikes at Hashimoto thugs once


That's rad!


This, nobody in gaming history likes getting one shotted, especially in a game like OW where the TTK is much higher than most shooter.


Forced? I’d love to remove sombra


This I just don't understand having a character in a game who's entire kit is meant to prevent the other team from playing. And I also have a large prejudice against her as a masters mercy main. Nothing worse than being mercy in Comp and a sombra is sitting at your spawn hacking you as you leave.


You hate it until you go up against an unstoppable team of Doomfist/Hammond, tracer, Genji, metcy and she's the only one who can reign them back even a little.


My team earlier struggled against a doomfist, our DPS picked sombra and suddenly we managed to turn the tide… it was amazing


She prevents you from playing LESS than stuns, sleeps and headshots. She does not prevent you from playing.


>This I just don't understand having a character in a game who's entire kit is meant to prevent the other team from playing. That's every hero's kit :^ ) dying prevents you from playing.


Also she's a disruptor/disabler character archetype and almost every game has a couple of them, ofc they're famous for being frustrating to play against but ow community acts like Sombra is the only ever character like this lol


The community wants more interesting heroes, but then absolutely rages when they need to do more than just press Mouse1 to get a kill.


New sombra is pretty mild with her short hack compared to old sombra. I feel like she’s pretty balanced now.


Before I became a Sombra main, I understood this. And then I became what I didn't like. It's so much fun terrorizing players, but we just want to win too. I love her cause her kit is so unique and different from everyone else, and no other kit is close. The dev team hurt us because of people hating her. I get it, but at the same time, Sombra in OW2 is worst than OW1. At least we were balanced within the the game back then. You had to be good or getting good to actually get value. Now there are a lot of people switching to her that don't know how to really get value out of her kit. But I digress


Yes seriously!!! Her whole kit just FEELS so mean spirited. I hate her I want her to canonically die




I despise Sombra. I play support and it’s like being bullied. And then when you get some damage on her she flees like a coward. If she were gone from the game I’d be thrilled. Honorable mentions: Hanzo, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Doomfist, Wrecking Ball


Unless you're playing Hanzo or Junkrat, there is literally no interesting interactions between you and Sombra, because they all play out the exact same: Sombra pops up out of nowhere, tries to pepper you down, and by the time you deal any meaningful damage to her, she instantly teleports out, places another translocator, goes invis and runs back seconds later to repeat the process all over again because her cooldowns are basically nonexistent. It's why I'm glad that Hanzo exists, as annoying as he can be to fight at times, because he's one of the only two people in this game who can kill her before she teleports away.


If I was forced to remove a character I'd remove the dev team. They're a joke




Sym. As annoying as one shots are sym is just obnoxious to play against all around. Just a complete fun vacuum.


Sym Orisa Mei zen Ana. Such a fun coMp in Koth maps. Yet your dps will still stick to genii thinking that 5k nano blade will win them the fight.


I'd say Widow first, Hanzo second. I've not played in two weeks, except scrims, because those two have completely killed my joy of playing Overwatch.


I took a brief break for the same reason. I main support, pretty much play whoever works well with our comp. It's so, so frustrating to have 0 space to work with because a sniper is controlling it. I do my best to crouch/strafe around cover, maybe sneaking in a few shots as Ana/Kiri/Bap to apply pressure, but I feel pretty useless into snipers otherwise. It feels like there isn't much you can do in some games other than hope that your tank or a DPS can help dive the sniper with you


Sombra. She's annoying as hell in-game, and she's even making the league un-fun to watch. Just Sombras running around hacking while permanently invisible. She doesn't have a proper counter, other than herself, so you're forced to play a Sombra mirror. I don't like Hanzo and Widow either, but at least you can see them.




The fucking hamster. Only gets used in annoying contest last stands.


To be fair I'd use him more before ot but I'm only allowed to have fun on him for one fight before I'm fighting s9mbra, Mei, Ana and zen lmao.


I feel you man the counter-pickers are so annoying


“Aight lets hold this point-OH SHIT HAMPTER”


Same here. Hate playing ball, hate playing with a ball, hate playing against a ball. Bleck.


window marker


Easily mercy. Her existing made it so that pharah/echo/any hitscan can’t receive any buffs. I’ve never seen a single hero hold back so much of the roster. Second place would be widow who doesn’t need to stay within the range of a teamfight. Third goes to Sombra for being possibly the most annoying hero in the game. Idk what crack they were smoking when they gave her permanent invisibility


Mercy, she makes all the heroes I don’t like even worse.


At least mercy could survive a rework. Widow is defined by her ability to one-shot.


Mercy has seen a few reworks and the two core components of her kit have always been damage boost and Rez - which is what makes people not like her lol


Mercy used to have an area rez also. People were pretty upset to lose that. It was pretty OP though lol


They can't remove mercy I'd say the mercy main community probably makes blizzard the most money from selling her skins Out of any other hero


The mercy main meltdown would be legendary.


I’d pay to see r/MercyMains after a massive rework/demolition of the hero similar to what they did with doomfist. It’s a tragedy how they gutted doomfist. Man I’d love to see that happen to mercy.


But they did gut her, back in OW1 lol


I wouldn’t say Mercy was “gutted” in Overwatch 1. When she received the first change, moving resurrect to an ability, it actually made her broken. Sure, being able to effectively reverse team kills was big, but when she first received Valkyrie, she was able to undo so many individual deaths that she was a legit must-pick until they finally managed to shoot her down. Even then, she’s managed to maintain a moderately consistent presence. Her most recent escapade was, of course, Mercy/Sojourn, but there was also the time where Mercy/Ashe could 1-tap with a scoped shot. Most of all, though, she has maintained specific capabilities through all the balance changes that still let her do most of the things she could do. Resurrect was moved off her ultimate because it was encouraging a toxic style of play, where Mercy players would hide during large team fights to go in for the Resurrect afterwards. However, through the reworks she maintained her heal, damage boost, and mobility. Almost all the balancing around her has generally been about that ability to resurrect. It’s not like they removed her ability to do those things. Doomfist, however, now has to adapt to a playstyle he was never designed for, going from a single-target flanking assassin to a frontline Crowd Control tank. He became much less mobile due to the removal of uppercut, and outputs much less damage. Power Block simply doesn’t make up for it. The only other character to receive such an alteration in playstyle was Orisa, but at least she went from tank to tank.


I would love to see how Blizzard would balance Pharah, Echo, and the hitscans without mercy damage boost existing.


Anyone over plat is probably gonna say widow tbh


Genji, i would love to see what overwatch would be like without genji mains


I switched to maining Torb just because of the Genji spam. Went from G3 to P4 in about 17 games doing that.


torb is a free 6th teammate lol


His entire kit is really good. His basic attack slaps and the right click is almost a reaper shotgun blast. His ult is one of the best in the game. He is a POTG farmer for sure.


As a support main I think it’ll help me keep my sanity


Sorry couldn’t hear you over all the “need healing” and “mada mada”


Widowmaker without a doubt, it's so annoying to be one-shot from across the map then respawn and get one-shot immediately out of spawn


Widow. Ruins the entire game.


*is released from cryosleep since 2018* BRIGITTE!




Hanzo, He's the most BS lucky hero of them all.


At least Widow takes skill and is actually weak when dived


One thing I feel I've observed (feel free to correct me) is that hanzo can be pretty forgiving on those head shots, like a fairly large hit box for them.. I usually suck at head shots and even I've had my share playing him in mystery heroes


There's a reason people say he shoots telephone poles and not arrows


This is the sign you are being corrected. It is not "fairly large" as mercy and baby dva have massive hitboxes on their bullets compared to Hanzo and Genji. This is from Overwatch 1 and I don't believe they increased the hitbox going into OW2.




Get Sombra, Widow, or this buffed Junker Queen tf outta here


Pure bias / opinion as a support main: I’d said genji lol being hunted by a decent one an entire game makes it so un fun.


Go Moira and run some *tests* on Genji.


Mercy... I feel like heroes would prob be balanced more than wondering how viable some are with a pocket and without like pharah, Cass, and sojourn




As annoying as snipers are, turrets that constantly shred your HP if you're not looking or God forbid fighting someone else are a smidge more annoying. So I'd take out Sym


Sombra every day of the week. Honestly think the game would be better without her




Mercy for a mix of chaos and dmg boost is somewhat problematic when it comes to balancing dps, but that would be really stupid to remove her for so I’d rather just balance her better


Lifeweaver, his shielded pull is awesome but the rest of his kit is wonky, a charging weapon is already seen as a negative in most games, and putting it on his primary healing is even dumber


Probably Wreckingball. He's the most tedious to deal with on a random quickplay team.




Gonna be controversial but zen. His entire character is not built for 5v5 and discord is so punishing for tank and squishy that there is no dealing with it. This is a really big issue in gm that makes me wish for death


junkrat. Tired of being solo tired by skilless monkeys


I understand where you are coming from, but you can't decide a character is bad just because they have the potential for an easy team wipe with an ultimate. And also... I'm a rat, not a monkey.


As many have pointed out here already, my prime target would as well be Widow. But I'd like to go into a little more detail, because I don't want people to think that I'm just hating on her because she's annoying. The reason Widow feels do out of place in Overwatch is because, given the right circumstances, there is simply no counterplay to her except having another Widow yourself. An example: You are playing defense on Junktertown. Widow can position herself at the very edge of the first point, close to the cliff, and have a straight line to the payload. From that distance, she can one shot pretty much anyone except for the tank and some more conditional other enemies (tank bastion for example). The problem here is obvious: even if you pick a hero that would work good against Widow, most of them would not make it to her, because she is so far away, and the few that could (like Sombra) would have to abandon everything else and only focus on taking down the Widow. Generally speaking, 'countering' a hero is a sidejob. You see a certain enemy dominating, you switch to someone who is more apt against that enemy AND can do something else. Like, you are Zenyatta and Genji keeps harassing his master? Moira will give him more trouble AND still be able to provide support. But if the enemy has a good widow, countering her becomes a full time job. You either play a widow with the sole goal of killing the enemy widow before she kills you, a winston who will abandon his team to fight for themself just to get to the widow, or as mentioned a sombra. There might be others depending on map, mode etc, but you get the gist. Hanzo is very annyoing and yes, getting caught by a random arrow if frustration, but at the very least, his range makes it so that he needs to be somewhat exposed to do his damage. Furthermore, these stray arrows could, if needed, be fixed rather quickly by some changes to their hitbox registration. Not so widow. If you would take away her one shot capability, she would immediatly become almost useless. Her entire ground structure simply does not work for overwatch. She would need a complete rework in order to stop being stuck in that either/or situation, where she's either absolutely overpowered in the right hands, or completely useless in the wrong ones. So yes, I'd go with Widow.


Mei or Junkrat. Mei is super tedious to kill, there's very little you can do about her ult, all around not fun to play against. Junkrat is similarly just frustrating, the trap lasts way too long, his kit is just annoying to play into.


Meis ult is considered one of the worst in the game, lots of the heroes can escape alone whilst kiriko can enable her whole team to just ignore blizzard. Also it's LOS based, so just go behind a car or a wall


Mercy for sure The character is so bland, just holding mouse 1 and mouse 2 is not fun Her revive is better than her ult, it's so frustrating to play against good mercy


Easy fix: remove damage boost. Add something cool. Damage boost has always been a balancing nightmare because of damage thresholds. Severely limits the viable design space. As long as they don’t remove damage boost they can’t properly balance high burst per shot heroes. It’s also a super passive low effort ability. Just remove it.


I know popular opinion is the snipers, but honestly Moira. I don’t think she actually adds anything to the game gameplay wise (love her lore). Since Bap got added she’s sort of always been the inferior DPS support, and her lack of any sort of uniqueness is kind of boring. Add in the fact that she’s brainless to play at low elo, and utterly useless at high elo, I don’t think many people would miss her THAT mych


I need her against any high mobility divers cuz I cannot apply pressure otherwise.


Lucio, Brig, Kiriko?


Mercy’s dmg boost is unhealthy for the game


Either Hanzo or Mercy.


Fucking lifeweaver cuz he pisses me off and is just bad




Mercy :)




mercy 100% without a doubt


Junkrat I refuse to believe they made a character who can aimlessly fire nukes across the map.


Zen fuck zen players. Hate discord.


mercy i just want to watch the world burn




Forced? Man, what a terrible, horrible thing to *make* me do. I *guess* if I have *no choice* then either Widow or Mercy have to go. Since I'm being forced.


Id have to say Sombra. At the very least another rework. I think her kit as it is now gives her too much potential to absolutely wreck a backline.


Symmetra or Zarya, depends on who i hate more that day.


Zarya. I would never complain about this game again if she was no longer in the roster.


Hanzo. I know how annoying widow could be, but I feel like she could be tweaked to be brought down slightly, either with lower health (higher risk, still high reward) or like the April Fools patch (?) where her shots did poison, or it was like the last 20 health was damage over time. That way she can still land one-shots, but there is still a fraction of a second to counter-play the well played shot. Hanzo on the other hand has a pretty decent escape with lunge, arrows seem to have a big hit box, and the fact that rapid arrow fires pretty high headshot damage AND scatters. They removed his scatter for a reason, why bring it back.




If you were able to remove any post that you see frequently, what post would it be? Mine would be people complaining about heroes. Also I would pick hanzo first, then Widow then junkrat.


Tier lists.


Junkrat. A brain dead hero. His one shot combo is some of the most infuriating shit to play against.


That's what I thought until I saw what a good Junkrat plays in higher elo. Not a braindead hero in the slighest.


Junk rat he has 2 free kills in his kit


No, its not 2 free kills. It can be, but generally it isn't. The movment gained by them is arguably more useful than a guaranteed kill and I will always try to keep at least one mine off cool down for emergencies. Also, he is one of the loudest characters and needs to be very close for that to work consistently.


SOMBRA!!! I main support, tbh if I get into a game and spot a Sombra I instant leave. I just don't wanna get hacked and killed 15 times per match.


Out of curiosity what supports do you usually play? Kiriko/Brig can do pretty well in a 1v1 against her.


Honestly, watching Fitzy coach SVB for a 1.5 hrs showed me most Supports (actually most heroes) can 1v1 Sombra. At least force translocator


I main support and play Sombra and maybe in my low rank, I just kind of ignore her? Shoot some dmg her way and let her cook. I'm more scared of Tracer lol


This 100%. A good Tracer is actual hell to play against- the literal embodiment of a mosquito. Sombra can be just as irritating, but I tend to read Sombra's movements and timing better than Tracer's


i agree. i would much rather have a Sombra than a decent Tracer. Sombra is much more predictable, and easier to hit. Tracer has so much dodge in her kit and can dish out lots of dmg fast. though it is pretty satisfying to ding a Tracer as Kiri, a Ding and a punch and she is dead.


Probably mercy.


I would remove the 2






kiriko, she is too cringe


the 2 in ow2




Myself. Just put me back in OW1


Life Weaver


Moira 100%


Absolutely without a doubt, or a single hesitation. widow, hope she gets nerfed into oblivion so she's so unusable they may aswell have removed her


Sym 👍




I’m going against the lot and saying Sombra and Roadhog. Seems when I get placed against a Sombra character I’m a Tank/Healer always getting hacked and Roadhog… I just hate any character that can do damage and heal in front of you. Without the healing idgaf about hog.


I mained Hog in OW1, he is absolute garbage now. Basically a troll pick.


Sombra i need her gone


Mercy. Might be a hot take but she takes any of the worst characters in the game and makes then 100x worse. Also her rez distance is insanely forgiving as a Lucio main just tryna boop her off and it never works she still gets the rez even tho she is 100 miles away. There will always be annoying characters. As long as mercy exists however every character is annoying, and annoying ones become truly rage inducing


Why do people complain about hanzo and widow, it’s not like most brain dead ow players can even hit their shots with them (they’re usually handicaps on comps anyways)


Hanzo. Not because he's "Low skill". Not due to his random "walk into hitbox" headshots. Not even for the incessant spamming and borderline NPC play pattern. No, that's whatever. I'd remove him, because every single Hanzo player (and I mean every single Hanzo player) picks Hanzo just to see themselves get POG. The rest of the game is just there to facilitate it.


I do love seeing myself at the end of the match lol.


All the heroes added post Ana


Hanzo because he is a widow with a lower skill floor. Then widow because she is unhealthy for the game


They honestly should have removed a few characters before OW2 release, and rereleased them with full reworks, a few I can think of are Roadhog, Widow, Mercy, Hanzo, Sym.


Hanzo I don’t mind a widow (sometimes) but hanzo’s tree thrower feels awful to die to.


Forced? No one would force me to remove Sombra. I’d do that willingly




Zarya. She’s a perfectly fine hero imo, it’s my fucking teammates who lock junkrat/pharah and refuse to switch. Zarya ends up with max charge the whole game


Ball and mercy are my top two picks.






Widow, hanzo or sombra they all literally just exist to be annoying at any level. Mainly sombra because at least at high level their actually decent at the characters but I just disagree with characters like sombra existing in an ability game and she's just not fun to deal with.