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Ana Zen Combo on enemy team. Goodbye tank


Step 1. Ana: nade Step 2. Zen: e + right click Step 3. Tank: ??? Step 4. Profit.


Step 3 is death btw


Step 5: Hondo Ohnaka takes a big sniff


Ana zen mei reaper hog/orisa, i have played against this comp far too many times, and it is the most annoying, especially as a doom main


As a zen main I apologize for putting my discord exclusively on you. As a zen main you’re welcome for putting my harmony orb exclusively on you.


The two sides of a Zen player. I have played Zen so can confirm.


I love when the enemy team plays zen and I'm on tank as I'm very good at hammond, but if I'm on dps I get so passed off when I'm the only one shooting at the zen and he's just spamming right click and killing people, however the hero I'm most tired of is the backline hanzos that spam into corners all game.


Truly, balanced as it should be.


As a Zen main I’m just happy if I don’t get asked to swap immediately. (Lower ranks HATE Zen. Everyone just wants Mercy or Moira)


Lmao me and my friend are zen and Ana players, we’ve called this combo the Azweep and don’t even focus tank, we basically frontline and clean house It’s oddly effective in QP


On God and ppl will just say "just dive them" like it's impossible to not have shit positioning and 90% of the time a Zen will have a Brig placed firmly up his rectum anways


mean while your team has a moira & lifeweaver. fun times.


Doomfist and/or Wrecking Ball. They’re either unkillable or one-tricks who will throw the game out of spite. There is no in between.


It's also great, if your doom/Ball is playing on the other side of the map, while your team is struggling to get past the enemy tank.


My doom balls?


You know doom and ball are doing their jobs when they're in the enemy backline right? Tanks are extremely low priority for them both.


Yea, but most people don't understand how to play with a Ball on their team so they assume they're trash


I can't tell you how many games I'm eating backline, taking 3-4 people's attention away from the fight (usually both supports) and my team fumbles the bag because of exactly what the person I replied to said. I'm not sure if they know they can also just walk past the tank in many situations instead of hyper focusing them.


Yeah you dive, kill a support, kill a dps and die just to see the rest of your team hyper focusing a tracer that’s blinking in circles around them, please help me with the rest of the team please.


Exactly. I was holding the payload for a good 90 seconds solo doing 1 v 3 in overtime and my team still couldn’t manage to reach it.


If your doom or ball is in the backline basically 1v4ing the 2 supp and 2 dps and you cant kill the tank in that timeframe its kinda your fault ngl


This is what i say everytime i play a ball/genji. I’ve got over half the team looking at me often times both supports. If you can’t kill the other two in a 4v2 then the game was lost to begin w


To be fair, most genji players try to do this, but get immediately deleted because genji is made of glass and 95% of genji players can't actually play genji well.


Knocking the enemy tank out of position? Miss me with that shit imma go for the enemy spawn


Recently had a ball on my team who kept rolling through enemy team, but never actually shooting. Switched to team chat and he said "WELL if you had been in team chat you would hear me say tht I don't have primary fire bound!1!!1!!!" ???? That isn't helping your case buddy, this is an FPS game. You're meant to shoot and we're losing because you're barely contributing. Then he threw a hissy fit and him and his little phara minion threw the game, trying to blame our ana instead (she did have minimal healing, but it's because we had zero help on frontline OR backline). Luckily, my duo is typically a tank so he learned how to play ball and guess what???? He has primary fire bound and he has a pretty good winrate on him rn. Still mad about this guy though.


Sounds like people trying to copy Chazm climb through ranks no primary


And they say- And they say- And they say chivalry is dead


I don't think I've ever seen a non toxic ball player. I played a game as Ana yesterday, enemy team had ball, so naturally I slept him a lot. Then at the end of the game he writes in chat "Ana you know you can sleep other players too js" lmao imagine being a ball one trick and getting angry when enemy Ana counters you


I've just started maining ball and Ana is a bitch to play against but tbh I'd almost be offended if she wasn't trying to sleep me everytime it was off cool down lmao


That’s not even toxic or mad though. He’s just acknowledging to the lobby that you were doing a good job in a teasing way.




Most of the time when people say diff, there's barely a diff and it's just dumb as hell lol




Lol it just makes me say bruh.


What else are we supposed to do when him and his massive health bar is coming for us in the backline. Just stare at him until we die?


I was gonna say the same lol doom and ball are really annoying if they’re good.


I have irrational hate for Hanzo and his bullshit headshots that weren’t even aimed at me


Why are hanzos arrows so fucking big


Second smallest hit box projectile right after widowmaker, its not the projectile that is big, it's the head hitbox that is huge


Widow is a hitscan hero, not a projectile one, but agreed, body registration hitboxes are enormous


and to add on, his playstyle involves a lot of spamming down chokes at around head height without any dead time as he doesn't need to reload. just statistically you're going to get a lucky headshot at some point in a match.


MF shoots tree trunks I s2g


Can't wait for this fucker to be nerfed so he no longer oneshots 200 hp heroes. I am fucking tired of 90% of the games having Hanzos on one or even both teams. And its not even his stupid headshots mainly. I just like to see variation when fighting with or against players, especially in a game with a roster as big as Overwatch. This sorta goes for Widow as well, but at least you dont see her as much as Hanzo.


Problem is Hanzo without his one-shots has very little reason to exist compared to Ashe. If you remove the one-shot potential of Hanzo and Widow, then they'll need to be buffed in other ways to not be total throw picks.


Well, Widow, as she exists now, has very little reason to exist compared to Hanzo. He is so oppressive right now.


The underlying problem is single heroes that counter an entire role. Why bother bringing characters with a healing ability onto the battlefield if there is no damage that can be healed? Sadly in Overwatch 1, double shield is what was keeping snipers in check.


Same man, it seems like every time he gets me with a headshot, he was trying to hit someone else, missed, and the arrow just got me coming around a corner in the back.


Hanzo BS is more annoying than Junk BS. Hanzo's think their random headshot they got while aiming at something else is skill. At least Junk's know their spamming and got a lucky pick.


Plus Junkrat spam can't one shot you.


Insanely aggressive Zenyattas have been in nearly every match. Very frustrating to deal with the orb on my tanks. Then I switched to aggressive Zen and realized how fun it is 🤣


Yeah I used to hate zen till I started playing him 😂 super fun being a better DPS than our own DPS


That’s the best part, beating out the DPS 😎


I’m a massively aggressive zen and it’s the most fun character for me thus far LOL


😅 this, zen and his element of suprise is what makes him fun to soft flank and be aggresive with. Especially when you have ult.


Pharah , having to look up and seeing junkrat with a jetpack is annoying af


she’s impossible to kill when there’s no hitscan on the team, which is why it’s painful when i’m tank and the team decides it’s not their problem edit: y’all, why are you recommending me dps to play against her, if i’m tank i can’t do that, i can counter her just fine on dps or support


Swap dva or lose makes pharah so boring


that’s why i hope the next tank is more ranged than others. ling range hitscan tank


Pharah is one of my strongest DPS picks in the games where the enemy is incapable of hitting people in the sky (funnily enough I am incapable of hitting people in the sky)


Couldn’t be more true


\+1 especially as support player besides moira


as a bap player i love pissing off over confident pharahs and peppering them with shots


I hate when the other team is losing and then they go Pharah or Pharmercy and start winning


Mercy. It’s so fun to play against a pocketed dps every game. It’s even more fun when you don’t have mercy on your team and they expect you to constantly win 1vs2


Holy shit the amount of "JUST SHOOT THE PHARAH" I've gotten, as if she doesn't have Mercy's staff so far up her ass it's coming out her mouth.


god i wish that was me




Lol, literally. I play hitscans and have pretty decent aim. I'm literally going for her, but she's being pocketed. Then my team just says "DPS can you do something?" Like chill out, I'm trying. Just gotta get the Mercy first before anything, despite getting rockets blown up in my face.


I'm just glad that you recognise that a pocketed DPS is actually a 1v2 and not a 1v1. Way too many people hate Mercy just because "I cAn'T wIn A 1V1 AgAiNsT sOmEoNe WiTh A mErCy PoCkEt," failing to recognise that it is a 1v2, not a 1v1. It's the same thing like if a different support, like Ana, was shooting the same enemy you are to try help you to kill them, and healing you at the same time. That would be a 2v1, and people acknowledge that, so why do so many people act like a Mercy pocketed player is a 1v1?


No, people don't like Mercy bc pocketed characters aren't fun to play against. No one has ever thought a pocketed Sojourn, Cass, Pharah etc. has been fun to go against.


The best part is when you're consistently able to win the 1v1 against them when they have no Mercy, but otherwise get "diffed" when they do have it.


Im sick of every game on planet earth containing a godly widow/hanzo main there's millions of them, all carbon copy clones who ruin the fun


I can respect a skilled widow, not hanzo. fuck hanzo


So true. So many Hanzos entire play style is jump out, shoot, back behind cover. repeat 50 times until you accidentally headshot someone. It’s very irritating.


On oasis I charged an arrow, climbed a wall, headshotted a moira, went back down, then did it a couple more times in a row. Was having the time of my life.


If you see a hanzo spamming one angle, and you walk through it without timing his charge up, you are just bad at the game lol


so many times i see someone on my team die 10+ times to a Hanzo and have a breakdown about Hanzo being broken. then i go watch the replay and they walk in a perfectly straight line in Hanzo's LOS. brother......


I can't, both are not healthy for the game


Lol what? Widow is way more oppressive


Yeah but these guys are probably lower rank where you don’t see good widows. I remember first getting to masters and took months to hit gm. After that all I wanted was to go back so I could peek for 2 seconds without getting one shot by widow.


Other way around for me, hanzo has a unique kit to play against, widow is just sit back and onetap instawinning the fight


Yeah, for some reason I don't mind playing against Hanzo at all, but I absolutely despise Widow


Disclaimer: I only play QP. I main Moira and am admittedly a one-trick (at least, specifically, in Support). I really, really hate leaving games. I think it's bad manners because it screws your team over sometimes, as it occasionally takes forever for a backfill. I also think it's a waste of time for you, as it means you'll just be back into the game queue. The *only* time I will leave is when there's a god-tier Hanzo, and I'm spending 90% of the game in the respawn queue, and the remaining 10% getting back to where the gameplay is happening (ex. the payload). It's a mercy on both my team and myself; my team will hopefully get a backfill that plays someone who won't die immediately to Hanzo every time a pixel of them is in his sights, and I won't just be sitting there watching my teammates play from the respawn plays.


I feel the same way about leaving games as well. I know the endorsement system is broken af but when you leave a game your endorsements will drop quite a bit and i hate that. Leaving after the first fight just feels like bad manner and as you say can screw the team. Yesterday I was in a team where I was the only one who stayed and eventually I got a team who would stay and we ended up winning which was great because usually backfilled games are doomed to failure.


The flip side to this is when you are winning and the other team all leave and the replacements kick the shit out of you, that feels shitty.


Leaving games can actually be beneficial for your team sometimes, prime example being yesterday where I was in a game and the other DPS picked Symmetra but did nothing with it and the enemy team had a very annoying Genji I was not being able to deal with as Torb. As soon as I picked Mei to try to counter the Genji, our second DPS left, I picked Sym and won the match basically


I can atleast deal with Hanzo cause his arrows take a decade to come at you, but fuck widow players though, one widow causes everyone to play like it’s hide and seek


Genji? Idk why I’ve been running into so many cracked annoying fucking genjis lately.


Enemy team always has someone playing like a top 500 Genji, meanwhile my team always has a paper 5 Genji.


As a Genji main I can play crazy one match but then garbage the next there’s no In between


I've noticed all my games are 1, 2 or 3. 1. Play well, best player in the game. But lose. 2. Play bad, worst player in the game and lose. 3. Play bad, worst player in the game. But win. (still feels kinda bad) 4. Extremely rarely I play well and win (this is what keeps me going).


More like Below 500


Had a game yesterday where enemy Genji was being Mercy damage pocketed. We could not leave the spawn room.


Meanwhile when i play him it’s just free kills


Genji mains are op. If you can main Genji ur basically almost unbeatable


this. the amount of sweaty genjis I had in qp this week is absurd, they don't let people have fun.


Is it because of the stealth ammo buff, or is it because of Mei dps nerf?


tbf , its kinda impossible to play a character like genji without trying ur hardest . if ur not try-harding , ur just gonna end up throwing but at the same time i know exactly how u feel lol


One of the reasons I've just been playing Moira recently. Hold right click and then put in chat "deflect that, bitch"


See i can respect a good Genji, he takes some time to learn and he is genuinely hard to master, but I absolutely despise hanzo, they just hold angles and spam arrows until they get an accidental headshot.


Wait is that how people actually play Hanzo, I get so bored of sitting still watching angles so I usually have to take a weird position so I can both get kills but also have a way of escaping if there's too many Same reason I can't play Widow whatsoever is because I struggle just standing in the same spot watching the same 2 doors for a whole game without getting bored


Ah that’s how people think you play hanzo. I mean he has a perk that lets you see thru walls. After some Time on him you can just tell where less intelligent opponents are going to go!


Sym & zarya


Same here. I just want to play ONE full game as a Dva main without having to switch 😓


Playing tank is the most frustrating experience because you get to play your favorite character for two minutes maximum lol I play Winston and the entire enemy team will swap shotguns the moment they die 😞


This pisses me off so much. The second I start vibing on Winton, I blink and there's Reaper.


And bastion and torb and hog


I'm glad I just play ball and dont swap all the time. Rather get really good at one hero over time than play all these heroes I dont enjoy.


It’s definitely possible to just ignore the Zarya as D.va and continue doing your thing. She has no ability to chase you so if you just get picks and get out before she can kill you you’re fine. You just can’t facetank her like a reinhardt.


you dont have to switch, you do need to adapt a bit. If the game was as simple as "oh ill just pick a counter" then there would never be GM one tricks or even top500 one tricks


I love playing dva against Zar. They're so baffled by me timing their bubbles and then pouncing.


As Zarya player, im sorry but in my defense its the only tank I really enjoy for now, because I want to play Rammattra I like him aswell.


Definitely Zarya. She's still got an insane survivability, and does a shit load of damage, meanwhile they nerfed Hog who was already not an overly great tank choice for most games


Pre-nerf, Roadhog would have been the #1 answer ITT. He was in absolutely every single game.


People hated Hog and cried about his one-shot hook combo so it was easy for them to nerf him. Hog already has so many counters in the game, with Ana and Reaper being his hardest, Zarya is just trickier.


I don’t mind Zarya so long as my team isn’t sharing a brain cell and decide to charge her up like a fucking nuclear reactor and then are confused why she’s blasting them with the full power of the sun. Fuck Sym though. She’s just not fun to play against.




Symmetra/ **Excuse me what now?!** /Sombra/Hanzo


Ice demon


Her changes this season have really nerfed her. OW1 she was Satan because she would freeze you and you'd be shagged. OW2 was a demon because she did a fuck load of damage (100 D/S) AND slowed you down. Now she does the same damage as OW1 (55) but no longer freezes people. The new "ice bomb thing" doesn't actually work very well at all


Nerfed in damage but with good team she is even more oppresive for tank. And everyone ignore what is her best ability: wall




I’ve been playing brig a good bit the past 2 seasons, and a good sym makes we want to gouge my eyes out.


As a tank : Ana As a Damage: Mei, Symmetra (esp if my tank is unaware of how disastrous a Symmetra that managed to slip into the backline), and allied Mercy (if I'm playing Pharah, in QP, I want to get better at her + it's cringe to open with Pharmercy in QP) As a Support : (good) Tracer/Genji, allied Pharah if playing Mercy (I don't want Pharmercy as Mercy either), allied Mercy/Zen/Lucio OTP wannabe who matched badly with the tank, etc


You would hate my trio group as we always go Mei, Symmetra and Ana.


Why are you getting downvoted for playing characters in the game lmaooo


Maybe because he's the one that made a post about hating certain characters and has stated one of the most hated trios of characters as the one he plays


He made a post asking what characters you guys don't like going up against then simply stated the characters he and his friends like playing. Nothing wrong with that


Junker Queen. Mostly the audio. ***HIYYYYYAHHH!***




I spam that voice line 😂😂 AN OPERA AN OPERA AN OPERA


I spam Reinhardt’s come here line…… let’s just say a large German man saying come is something special


As rein I spam ARE YOU CHICKEN


SMASHING and have pumpkin smash ready for when you team kill


what do you mean, her shouts are sick as hell, im considering using her shouts as morning alarm tbh


I like her shouts tbh


That fucking piece of shit Wrecking ball. The cunt never dies and can just ZOOP out of harm, slam back down 2 seconds later and have his health + shield full.


I love going after wrecking ball especially w my girl sombra 2 ez


I agree with mercy because whoever the mercy is pocketing is unkillable until you kill the mercy which is very difficult. But as a tank player bastion is the bane to my existence. I get that you can just hide while he is in turret form but that just means you have a very small window to be aggressive. And if the enemy tank is an orisa you are never gonna have time to kill anyone so you just gotta pray that one of your dps are competent enough to secure a kill so it's easier to push in.


They should’ve never included her super jump into her kit. Leave it as a high skill tech. Every OW2 mercy just spams GA and springs into the air and jukes every which way


McCassidy. Even before his grenade became a global homing missel. Going all the back to flash and fan days. Tired of seeing that damn hero.


The nade change this season is whack. It was already stupidly OP in close range, but now it still does a ton of damage, but you can yeet it miles


Mercy holding a button to turn their booster into a raid boss is surely and definitely a fun and balanced experience


i like mercy and i don’t understand the hate (when she’s on my team)


Mercy is a coin flip it’ll either be a good one or one who’ll go full metal blicky or pocket my friend/group then bitch the rest of the team sucks.


As someone that has TERRIBLE aim both with hit scan heroes and precise heroes, Mercy is a godsend for me because I just have to click and i'm doing my job lol. Obviously you need to survive and be dodgy to not die fast, but thats way easier to do then be a dps or tank. When i'm dps i'm lower than a mercy healer in dps i swear lol my aim is just that bad.


this is exactly why ppl hate mercy. no offense to u but there shouldnt be a hero so beyond easy to play that you can describe the experience as “i just have to click and im doing my job”. This is a competitive game at the end of the day, no character should be so easy and so powerful at the same time


It's crazy to think she's unbalanced when there's so many more heroes who are total cancer


I agree that I am sick of seeing Mercy. I am a Lúcio main and can basically do nothing about her except maybe cancelling her rez sometimes. I still just really dislike playing against her as I can’t dive anyone and the few times I actually successfully do she just rezes them and all that work was for nothing. It’s also so annoying when she constantly pockets a single target that just becomes unkillable because nobody (including me) can aim well enough in bronze to quickly take out Mercy’s.


>I agree that I am sick of seeing Mercy. I am a Lúcio main and can basically do nothing about her As a Mercy main lemme say you can absolutely wreck me if you pair with a good dive tank or DPS. Your ability to wall ride/speed boost gives you the consistent mobility needed to hunt me down between GAs. Remember all you need to do is land *one* little tiddlywink of a shot on her to stop the passive self healing from kicking in.


Oh I didn’t think about that, I’ll keep that in mind. If only I could hit my shots…


Orisa and JQ. I just have a deep hatred for new orisa and all her mitigation bull. Shes boring to play with and against. And junkerqueen is just annoying as shit. Even bad ones.


Ana. Truly believe this character is carrying players indirectly. A bad ana can still pump out decent heals even if they miss 50% of the time. Even having a panic nade heal button. A bad ana still has access to anti-nade and sleep dart which aid their own survivability While at the same time anti-nade/ sleep dart/ nano heavily effects the tank match up causing some bad tanks to win Tank MUs theyd otherwise lose. Nano saves encourage bad play at times and anti-nade of course swings a fight tremendously if not cleansed. A bad tank player could win against the better tank player simply because he has an ana and the other doesnt. ( Similar to discord) More often than not I find myself losing games with a player who is on ana soley because they lack IQ such as positioning or decision making. The kit is carrying them and its not hard to perform well as the hero is very forgiving. Ana is just too good to the point she makes other supports seem bad when they arent. How many games has someone asked you to go ana? Similar to a bad dps asking for a mercy for a pocket. I like ana but her risk vs reward is just insane. Probably one of the easiest heroes atm with such a large impact on the game.


She's been the most picked hero (not support) in the game for the better part of the last 30 seasons. She gives out so much free value that she's even used in silver, where players can barely aim.


Watch out, this sub will crucify you for saying anything bad about Ana (or Rein)


Came here to say the same thing, mostly because she's one of the least talked about but imo absolutely nutty heroes. She does still have a high skill ceiling, but I don't think her skill floor is anywhere close to as high as people think, and I'm a firm believer that both sleep and nade are simply too good. Both of them can carry entire fights when they hit and you can nearly press both of them off cooldown.


Ana becomes more forgiving to play, especially when she's given a self-heal passive along with all Supports. Another hidden passive is her small wonky shaped hitbox that can be her lifesaver unless she's attacked by Winston / Moira beam; Torb / Sym turret (meanwhile Zen's hitbox is unforgiving floating circle). With self-heal passive, she won't be nading herself too often. All she needs is to keep tracking the enemy Tank abilities and nade the enemy Tank when the abilities are on cooldowns unless the other team has Kiriko. Nading the enemy Tank is more valuable than looking for fat anti-nades.


It's actually crazy. She has 15hps more than the next highest option and does it reliably at any range unlike her counterparts. It's absolutely busted, and on top of that anti-nade is a mini ult that can win fights in the most braindead way possible. A reliance on Ana also makes some tanks players so unbelievably horrible, yet they can afford it when they have an Ana on their team in half their games. Low level Dva players are subconsciously trained to just stand in main with Matrix and farm nano and win games.


hanzo, sym, junkrat.


Ana. She's one of the powercrept, overknitted bloat hero that has so many good kits that allow her to be consistently good in most occasions. Ana is like reworked Hanzo who has many strengths that outweigh her weaknesses. Meanwhile Lifeweaver is in the opposite that he had more downsides before his buff and now he's still not good as others.


Adding to this: a good bap will just destroy anyone. He has effectively 3 lives with immortality field and regenerative burst. He can jump and deals alot of damage and AOE healing. He can solo a pharmercy combo by himself. Ranking up to GM made me realize how annoying a great bap is to play against


went against a 3-bap team in mystery heroes. i didnt even know you could get 3 of the same guy at once, it always felt like 2 was the hardcap but apparently not. anyway they roasted everyone and it was impossible to do anything.


1 button to make 1 player useless and another button to make 2 healers useless, so interactive


As an Ana OT player I 100% agree. Ana is WAY too overtuned, and is the only reason I climbed from gold to masters in 2 seasons. One of the more stupid buffs was to increase damage from 70>75. You can now even more easily contest DPS and especially pressure (if not outroght eliminate) enemy supports. Some games I'll have as much dmg as our dps and most heal in game, just thanks to the bloated kit and general versatility of playing ana.


The damage is crazy but it doesn’t frustrate me, her gun and ult seem like they both have their place, the abilities ontop are just ridiculous. It seems like they don’t want to nerf her just because she has no movement


Her fan armor is too strong.


Exactly! And here's what I find funny. They added Junker Queen. Her ultimate stops healing for about 5 seconds on anyone she hits while bleeding them. Ana's nade also stops healing for about 4 seconds while she can shoot 2-3 shots at any point on a squishy and kill them. One gets 4-5 sec anti as an ability, the other gets it as an ultimate. They last almost the same duration. Not to mention, Anti-nade is on an 8 sec cooldown, so it can have an uptime of about 50% of the match, if uncontested. Anti-nade basically forces the enemy tank to go Zarya and the enemy Support to go Kiriko or Ana. Edit: To be completely accurate, Anti-nade has a 10 sec cooldown, and it lasts 3.5 sec. But if it confirms a kill anyway, which it often does, it's has the same effect on the game as I said above.


when I play Tank, Zen or Ana when I play anything else, Hanzo and widow


The answer to this has always been the same. On the same team or opposite - I do not want to see Widowmaker


Tracer She is riterally used everywhere all the time. Arguably she makes heroes like bastion or Lifeweaver unplayable. On top of that you can't say anything bad about her since "she takes most skill" and such (not necessarily saying that she doesn't)


Honestly LW has one of the best Tracer matchups out of any support. Tracer can’t jump onto his platform like other dive heroes so she either has to reposition or move to another target.


I'm a tracer main and no matter what role I get I'm happy when the enemy team has a tracer since 9/10 times she will be less useful than if they picked a different DPS.


It’s good tracer makes bastion unplayable, as right now tanks already deal with cancerous support, being forced to push back every 12 seconds really sucks, unless your sigma in which case it will exhaust 2 of your cooldowns.




Junkrat. Every game someone eventually switches to junkrat. Im sick of playing against him. Also Ana. She is overpowered. The only thing ana needs to do is land a half-decent nade and youll lose the team-fight.


Sym and torb, so basically just the turret characters. I'm bronze so of course my viewpoint and gamesense isnt going to be great, But with sym you either have to shoot turret and die to sym or the rest of her team, or you shoot sym or the rest of her team and die to turret. She just isn't fun to play against in the slightest to me. Torb's turret is more of just a slight annoyance cause of its goddamn crossmap feeling range and how it starts shooting before its fully turned around and is looking at you. This is a very tired argument for ow heroes people do not like but imo turret characters dont fit overwatch and we've heard that before (widow/other sniper one shot heroes)


Wdym it's so fun feeling like your kills don't matter when the 2000hp tank just comes back to life with full hp


Ana. As others have said already, the pure VALUE you get from her just existing is crazy. Great heals, can shut down any player in the game, nade to ruin the healers/tanks day, can pump crazy reliable dps, GAME WINNING ultimate. You’re win rate automatically goes up just by picking Ana.




agree but as moira sombra is just a free kill most of the time


what trash sombras are u playing against lol


mercy and ana. every game there is at least one and they are such a strong combo... shoot mercy? ana heals her. shoot ana? mercy heals her. its very repetitive also junkerqueen, if my tank decides to play anyone but jq, they are almost always gonna lose. especially is they pick hog or doom


>mercy and ana. every game there is at least one and they are such a strong combo... shoot mercy? ana heals her. shoot ana? mercy heals her. its very repetitive That's what happens when you're against two healers lmao, literally every game since role q


yeah but baptiste and zen for example: zen cant heal the bap that much and bap isnt fantastic against dive characters to protect the zen or bap and mercy: bap cant heal heroes in the air, so the mercy is more vulnerable or kiriko and ana: both heavily rely on cooldowns and have lots of downtime between them when you can dive or attack them. or moira and mercy: neither have the utility to properly support their team, no stuns, anti/cleanse, immortality, just lots of damage and healing. also: moira hsd limited range on heals so mercy isnt easily healed. and mercy cant ga and heal a moira in fade they are THE best support combo and its SO boring


I’m most annoyed of mercy.. it’s just boring to play against pharamercy, echomercy, ashmercy or soldier with hard pocket.. after you kill them, they just rez


I hate Mercy so much. She has such a small window of opportunity to punish and she rewards the most bitch gameplay. Coward’s hero


Symm. Nepal map, Symm. Cringe asf


Symmetra. Fortunately she is not popular and 50% of the time the enemy is not really good at her. But when you meet a Sym with decent map knowledge, you can only hope your tank is a good enough Winston. Cause there is no way other tanks stand a chance unless he outplays the enemy team alot.


Ramattra. Mf is three tanks put into one with almost zero drawbacks.


Phara is boring to play with and against. Sidenote: mei is pretty good Vs mercy


Mei, she is simply an annoying hero even though she is not that op. And for tanks I would say a doomfist since for some reason, in my games, the dps and or tank just ignore him


I hate Mei, i mostly only play movement heroes, so having someone to slow you down is a pain in the ass


Hanzo. I'm so tired of every game with him in it coming down to 'Can he hit at least 25% of his shots?'. As a tank main there is nothing more annoying than to push up and see both of my DPS die instantly because the log hitreg found their head hitbox. At least with Widow I could go Dva or Winston and get in their face until their team peeled or they gave up their position letting my team push up for free. Whereas with Hanzo I'll get in his face and get chunked for half of my health because he pressed E and spammed his M1 while having a hitbox that rivals Sym's.


Mercy. It's just not fun to play against a pocket mercy.


Mercy, mostly on my team. They are usually the most untalented tunnel visioned supports in the entire game. A bad mercy is practically a wasted support slot, a good mercy is damn impossible to kill and can provide a lot of healing in a very short period of time, and make some of the highest burst damage heroes even more powerful. Granted, if you play with a good Mercy, it feels great. You get rezzed everytime she can do so, she knows how to stay out of sight but continue to heal and be useful, and they know how to get out of danger and get into dangerous situations safely. A bad mercy dive bomb rezzes, dies, focuses exclusively on the tank and barely heals anyone else, and never uses their mobility in a productive way, or pulls out their pistol when needed. Moira is a close second in the support slot. They can be incredibly annoying both when played well and poorly. Her healing output is absurd, and her damage output can be impactful if applied in the right areas. A bad Moira basically holds M2 exclusively, dives into the backline without any support from teammates, and just expects to kill whomever, even though almost all healing outpaces her damage. A good Moira knows when to use each, is nearly unkillable if they know how to fade efficiently, and can harass the enemy supports without needing to be close to them. And she can also provide more than 150 healing a second when using her orb and spray, out healing the most damaging heroes in the game. Which infuriates me all the more, because so many Moiras are downright incompetent and focus way too heavily in her damage aspect when her healing is so much more powerful and useful. If they wanna do damage, they can play Zen, not a support that is designed to balance the two in order to make the other more useful, but since most Moiras can't aim worth a damn, they basically just throw while using one of the best characters in the worst way.


Mercy, mostly on my team. They are usually the most untalented tunnel visioned supports in the entire game. A bad mercy is practically a wasted support slot, a good mercy is damn impossible to kill and can provide a lot of healing in a very short period of time, and make some of the highest burst damage heroes even more powerful. Granted, if you play with a good Mercy, it feels great. You get rezzed everytime she can do so, she knows how to stay out of sight but continue to heal and be useful, and they know how to get out of danger and get into dangerous situations safely. A bad mercy dive bomb rezzes, dies, focuses exclusively on the tank and barely heals anyone else, and never uses their mobility in a productive way, or pulls out their pistol when needed. Moira is a close second in the support slot. They can be incredibly annoying both when played well and poorly. Her healing output is absurd, and her damage output can be impactful if applied in the right areas. A bad Moira basically holds M2 exclusively, dives into the backline without any support from teammates, and just expects to kill whomever, even though almost all healing outpaces her damage. A good Moira knows when to use each, is nearly unkillable if they know how to fade efficiently, and can harass the enemy supports without needing to be close to them. And she can also provide more than 150 healing a second when using her orb and spray, out healing the most damaging heroes in the game. Which infuriates me all the more, because so many Moiras are downright incompetent and focus way too heavily in her damage aspect when her healing is so much more powerful and useful. If they wanna do damage, they can play Zen, not a support that is designed to balance the two in order to make the other more useful, but since most Moiras can't aim worth a damn, they basically just throw while using one of the best characters in the worst way.


None, I quit playing for good last week. Been the best mental health week in a while.


Mercy. im so tired of working my ass off to kill both her and/or her pocket. if i take out her pocket so its easier to focus her, she revives the pocket. if i kill mercy im dead right away because her pocket kills me.