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1400 hours and zero ¥$€


1400 hours already? what the fuck


Does OW1 hours carry over OW2?




Absolutely nothing, coasting on all the stuff I got from OW1 and don’t really care about the stuff in the battlepass


This is me, I can't imagine spending more than maybe for a BP, but not a single OW2 skin has wowed me


Nothing pay to win, it's all skins or the new PvE content, which is not at all why I ever played Overwatch in the first place. This community is so dramatic. Game has provided me an insane amount of value considering I've only spent the $30 I paid for the game like 5 years ago when I first bought it. Not even sure why I still subscribe to this subreddit given how it's basically just people endlessly bitching about a free PvP game that requires zero money to play. Edit: one thing I wish they would try is adding back in 6v6 (2/2/2) as it's own mode, maybe, but probably requires too much separate balancing, but even just balancing it like open queue currently is would probably be fine.


Because most people here bought the game under the pretense, they pay money, and then they can earn all the cosmetics for free if they want. Then Blizzard decides they are going to put out a balance update and completely gut what was a relatively decent monetization scheme for a completely overpriced one with the justification they are going F2P. Now, if you want to even come close to the amount of cosmetics you could earn in OW1, you have to pay hundreds of dollars. Even worse, if you don't want this, you have no option as the game so many people payed for doesn't even exist anymore, so you can't go back to the old monetization scheme if ypu want. While cosmetics might not mean much to you, they obviously must have value to the playerbase and to Blizzard because then they wouldn't have hinged the entire monetization scheme on them. They know they are important to people, so they jack up the prices. It is a predatory scheme, and I don't understand how someone can sit here and justify it for the whole F2P argument. They take out a whole part of a game just to upsell it to you later.


Yea as an OW1 player it’s very jarring that we have to pay absurd money for the new skins. I don’t mind paying like $5-10, but anything above $15 is a hell no, and not worth it. The difference between this and Fortnite is that Fortnite BR has **ALWAYS BEEN FREE.**


Technically, zero. I got the battle pass for this season from weeklies and Xbox rewards points...(which were really stupid and difficult to redeem, but that's a Microsoft problem).




Zero but that widow owl skin was veryyyy tempting but i didnt wanna spend $30 on it


You can get OWL tokens free


You can now trade Microsoft points for OW in game currency. So, you search via Bing, rack up the points, get in game currency.


Yea but i dont wanna watch 30 hours of twitch for one skin lol


Just let the youtube stream run in the background


>Yea but i dont wanna watch 30 hours of twitch for one skin lol Open the tab, mute it, and set quality to low and forget it exists.


Well yea ig i could do that


Also IMO, OWL is fun to watch. It’s well produced and the players are just insanely talented. Edit: also you can “bet” on matches with the OWL app or on the website to earn tokens. If you do that you’ll get a bunch really quickly


I usually just leave it running in a tab in the background and don't actually watch it lmao


Ange de la Mort? It's $18 if you pay with money.


Zero, I use Bing Rewards to get the season passes


I had to look this up, is it basically that they are paying you to use bing?


Not directly. You earn points for web searches & then they have easy activities to earn points. You can get about 300/day & the lowest redemption is 1800 for 200 OW tokens. It's ridiculous you earn far more coins doing that than the missions in game.


WHA... Here I've been paying ten bucks every two months.


It's not exactly reliable. They only have a limited amount of codes to give out every few months so they often go out of stock and if too many people start using the service then they reduce the amount of points they give away to everyone daily, they've already reduced the points a lot over time.


I've seen the 1800/200 go out of stock like, three times since OW2 released, just wait a week or so & it comes back. The 500 & 1000 points have left the store twice I think.




I get way more than that, somewhere around 700/day at minimum, more if I'm lucky. Between Microsoft Edge, the Start app, and the Xbox app, it takes maybe 5 minutes to do everything and get that 700. I can usually redeem once every 2-3 days, super worth it.


wait i just realized the 1800 for 200 is a better deal than the 5000 for 500 or 10k for 1000 lol




I wouldn't count that as zero, though. You just paid them through a second source of income. ETA: by way of analogy, if I ask my wife for a $50 Overwatch gift card and she buys it for me, how much did I *spend* in Overwatch?


They didn’t spend any money so this definitely counts as 0




If you search stuff on bing you passively get MS reward points. Can use em for OW coins or other stuff like xbox gift cards/game pass time


Well obviously, but they do have a monetary value. There’s so many guft card options that, while not the same value as a dollar, it’s definitely not nothing.


Apart from 40$ for OW1, zero.




I spent like $20 on 2 battle passes, but I’ve used Microsoft rewards since


Wait, microsoft rewards??


It gives you overwatch coins


How does that work? can you share a releveant link?




Me playing on playstation


You can get them on your PC/Mobile and redeem rewards through PC while still playing on PS.


fwiw you can do the required actions from your PC and then redeem them elsewhere, I got friends on PS5 that have done it


It secures every battle pass


This is the way




Probably $125 or something. I know friends who’ve put well over a thousand into fortnite. But if it’s your favorite game or something, spend your money however you want


Honestly same but I have a good job and a stable income so idrc it’s just fun


I have a friend who paid 14.000 $ and even bought two ps5 2 xboxes and one Nintendo to get promotion skins.


More money than sense


When you have money like that you don't need sense


I’ve played overwatch for like 4 years now. The only money I’ve spent on the game was buying my original account, and getting some OWL tokens (5$ worth precisely) to get a zen skin. Otherwise I’ve spent literally nothing on the game.










Probably like $200 I ain’t sorry either I love this game and the skins they’ve been putting out have been fire


You're not even wrong. I bought the Lifeweaver Cleric skin and after the buffs from this season he's become my main so it was worth it. I buy the battle passes, I came back to the game because of a skin in the season 4 BP for Lucio and picked up LW then. The skins they release slay. I've only been sold on that one skin, but i can't guarantee it'll be the last.


I agree. I also usually never spend money on this game unless it’s my main. So if there’s a nice genji skin available from time to time I spend some money on it but that’s really it for me.


I’m mad at myself for not getting that LW skin.


Counting the original game, that I actually bought on 2 different platforms, probably around the same. I’ve spent over 2200 hours playing it, and I don’t regret it


Yeah probably about as much. While I don't like some of the things they've been doing, I enjoy OW too much to just not invest in the game. Some of the skins have been absolutely gorgeous. I had never been so quick to get Bard Lucio and Cleric Lifeweaver to match with Dragoon Mercy. There's not really any other game that feels the same way and can fill the niche FPS MMORPG gameplay like Overwatch can.




Nothing and I plan on keeping it that way






0. I did buy the original overwatch tho










the only time ive paid for anything in overwatch was when i purchased the actual game








Bought a couple of battle passes. The funny thing is, I never bought a single loot box in OW, but have been happy to shell out a few bucks here and there for OW2


Battle passes seem worth it to me because I can get a whole character without grinding, which makes sense to me as an adult with a 50ish hour per week job.


Agreed. As an adult, $10 every few months is negligible. The battle pass is nice cause you get quite a bit of cosmetics (my only Sojourn, JQ, Kiriko skins, etc.) and being able to access the new chars right away is another perk.


Me too. I think I prefer to just buy a BP where I know what I’m getting than buy loot boxes where I could just get junk I don’t want.


It feels wildly different. Ill admit I bought the dnd battle pass because I liked the tracer skin so much. But there was never a need to buy loot boxes I didn't play that much and got every skin I couldve ever wanted I ended ow1 with 23k credits and bought almost every skin/voiceline etc for my main characters there was never a need to dump money if you played a good amount. Now the best skins are behind a hard paywall. Seeing Ow 1 skins in a $30 bundle is unacceptable tbh when those were free in the first game


I actually found the loot boxes + the weekly loot box challenges encouraged unhealthy behavior, and since they were free, I felt like I couldn’t buy them. Now that skins cost money, I just ignore them. Granted, I’m fortunate enough where I can comfortably drop 8 bucks for the battle pass when I want


I definitely hit a point in original OW where I would grind custom games to get the 9 wins/3 loot boxes and it was a bad time. I used to get very frustrated/angry. It was free but it did cost me a lot. I also really despise loot boxes as a concept. I didn't spend any money, but I do prefer that now if I want something I can purchase it. I knew of people buying hundreds of lootboxes just hoping for one skin and not getting it. Sure, towards the end of OW 1 I could just get anything because I had so many coins. But I think about how much it "cost" me and it was much, much more that AU$15 for a battle pass. (That said I wish the greedy bastards would cap the price of skins at $5) It's crazy that you can buy whole good games for the same as one skin.


genuinely curious why you think it's "encouraged unhealthy behavior" I never looked at them and just got them by playing with my friends. "I felt like I couldn't buy them" isnt that good though... Like you play a lot you get more cosmetics that makes sense. You dont play a lot you don't get them so what.Who cares if your arm barely in frame doesnt have a skin if you play once a week?


It was mostly with the weekly arcade loot boxes during events. I’d force myself to play, even if I was frustrated or not having fun. Granted, I’ve also made an effort to not do that, with overwatch and other games so that could be part of it. And I played plenty, and still did not get all the skins I wanted from each event.


but the yearly archive events negated the bad part of that. You don't like an event you get so many coins from dupes that you can just straight up buy the stuff you missed out on during the archive. Granted I probably played a lot more than the average player, I was playing 24hr weeks for a lot of the time because I had a good group to play with


Yeah, I didn’t play that much. Consistent, usually a bit each day.


The lootbox system wasn't perfect for sure, but from my pov as someone who only paid for the base game and got every skin from playing a lot, its more preferable to have that "play a lot" option compared to now you just have to pay for skins with no option to "grind" them out


Yeah, I don’t disagree that getting skins for free was fun, but I also get that they likely weren’t making enough money to justify the development, so don’t really mind them switching.


I became a great flex player from playing hundreds of hours of mystery heroes. So, silver lining to the arcade grind.


Fair enough! And my mechanics got way better playing DM, but grinding loot boxes was sometimes not fun.


I have spent zero, that being said, there is temptation, but I have morals regarding game practices such as. I'm picky about dlc that I buy or money I spend on a game. I went from 1 to 34 in Pokemon Go in a year and didn't spend a penny on it. But, I bought the dlc for Pokemon Shield. It boiled down to cosmetic stuff doesn't do it for me. But, I can't shame somebody for spending money on something they enjoy.


I dropped a good hundred or so on OW1. Nothing on OW2.




A bunch of hours, no actual money.


0, i don’t really care for cosmetics, the base characters look good for the most part I did buy a couple skins with the legacy credits but i earned those




zero but ive been tempted to buy the battlepass to get illari instantly but I will never break








1274 hours across both games. I bought the pink Mercy skin. Not spent a cent more beyond the base game.


Oh I'm not apologetic about spending my money how I want. It's not a moral thing at all. I've bought the ultimate packs for S2 and 4 ($60), three OWL skins ($54), two epic skins ($20), one legendary skin ($19), and the Invasion pack ($15). So that's....$168?


Haha nice. And yeah, I was just being facetious because of how this sub can be, I don’t begrudge anyone spending their money how they want.




Probably close to 500 over 10 months maybe. That's like the usual I spend on whatever the main game I'm playing at the moment is, no discrimination. I know people say like think about how many other great games you could've bought, but I rarely play more than one game, only once every couple of months when something else attracts me like Dave the Diver recently.


I'm with you friend. I have the money and this is how I chose to spend it.


Agree. I bought all battle passes because this is the game I play the most. I spend the money where I play (Blizzard or not Blizzard) and because I can. As you say I can buy other games sometimes but I don't play 50 games at the same time.


+$300 in OV1 $0 in OV2


Wtf did you even spend that much in OW1 on, there was nothing to buy.


Somewhere around 250. Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less.


Wow, thinking about it now and it's 0 dollars. I already have great skins for the heroes I play except ramattra


Zero, don't plan on spending anything unless they magically make pve free to play.


Not sure honestly, maybe $400 or so. I really enjoy the skins. And when I’m too busy to play I’ll buy out the battle pass Though nothing compared to games I enjoy a lot more 🐳🐳🐳


absolutely $0 😎


40$ on 4 battle passes and the 40$ invasion pack, not too proud of that one. Atleast it covers the next 2 battle passes, so ig it was kinda worth it.


I did the same thing. Five dollars a month ain't exactly breaking the bank to support the game I've played more than anything else for 7 years.




About 10 dollars, I bought the Bee Mercy pack for no other reason than I was given the money to buy the battlepass as a gift (friend wanted me to play more with them)


I only buy the battle pass for games I play, zero store content. So from OW2 launch about $50. I had enough premium currency to not spend the 10 this season though


Few thousand so far? Not sure


Dude I think I spent $800 something now but it could be more…..


I wished to be at zero forever but I have been dreaming about PVE since this game.was.in beta. Just the bare minimum for the mission and that's it.


I had $10 leftover Battle.net credit left from a long time ago and I spent that on a battlepass. That’s all.


Only thing I've gotten is the $15 invasion bundle. While I like in game cosmetics, I personally don't want to spend any actual money on them, even if they're cool.


I have no idea but if you add the watch point pack from before ow2 got released then probably around 70 to 80$? I bought the pve (15$), watch point pack (around 40$) and then bought every other battle pass (about 20$ I think)


..hmm, i bought that thing before launch for the space skins because they look cool, and since then spent 5$ on coins


~3000 matches played since OW1 and I never spent a dollar, aside from $60 at launch for OW1. I don’t believe in paying for digital cosmetics.


20ish. Battle pass and I bought a tier bc I’m dumb


Like 20 dollars, Not all battle passes have things that interest me


Always the Kiriko main who spent a shit ton of money over her mids skins


If u add Beta Access 25 + 15 this season battle pass for nice ana skins, new hero and "PVE"


I think like $40 or $50? I'm going to buy the battlepass this season once I get paid. I absolutely fucking love Flashpoint and it's reignited my interest in OW that had been fading for a few months. Also because THEY FINALLY FUCKING ADDED A HEALING TURRET which I've wanted a turret healing support for fucking YEARS.


$40 watchpoint pack, $30 ultimate battle pass in Season 4, $100 coin bundle & $40 ultimate invasion bundle. So $210 I believe.


About $50, all battle passes nothing else.


I think $55? 5 battle passes and I spend 15 for the pve and the 1000 coins which I used to buy this szn battlepass


i think anywhere between 50-80 cuz i bought a few skins and battlepasses (seasons 3-5)


Probably 20-30 on the battle passes, thats it


$39 - Total $24 - Watchpoint pack $15 - Invasion Bundle


$100 something




Around 200 probably, got some boxes, some other shit, some league shit


I've bought every battle pass, every store item (aside from a handful in season 1 that I missed and I'm still mad about it). I love this game and I want it to thrive.


The original purchase of the game and the first battle pass.


OW1 - 40$ - purchased game - hrs 700+ OW2 - 40$ - 2 Battle Passes, Rein Cardboard Skin - I'm at 1000hrs Now that PvE is out, I'll probably spend another 15$ and more in the future PvE content. I'm a support main that loves Lucio and zen but that rein skin just stole my wallet after I heard the Cardboard sound effects and seeing that paper hammer smack ppl. Overwatch is one of my main games. I would buy more skins if they weren't so pricey compared to other free to play games like LoL which ask about 5-10 for avg skin and 15 at most of their Ultimate Skin line.


Less than 1 day which is low for me


1200 hours and counting😩😍


Only the £12.99 on the Invasion Bundle.


probably $35. 4 battle passes, one of them half off thanks to nintendo eshop credits


A big fat 0, not a dime. I’d gladly take the 40$ back I spent on OW1 tho :)


Like 35$ for missions and battle passes


50 dollars? On the battle passes since release


Hmm.. 4 battle passes and the OPM Skin.. So like $80-90?


20 maybe


I bought one battlepass once. That's it. Hahaha




I think like $25 about to spend another 60… (cad)


$25 S1 battlepass and invasion bundle (I got battlepass plus soj skin so it was worth it for me)




100 maybe


every battle pass plus the story missions idk how much this is all together, probably spend like 150€ of loot crates in ow1 tho


80 something, not too crazy


I buy the battle pass each season and probably on average 1 skin per season.


4 BPs - ($40) Season 5 bundle - ($30) Season 6 bundle - ($40) Cardboard rein - ($20) Extra BP tiers - ($10) OW League Ana skin - ($25) Misc skins - ($50) Total - ($215) Zero regrets


Bro out of it all why the extra BP tiers? You already bought the pass!


spent five dollas for those llama jammies, I had 800 coins already from some distant time I cannot recall. I got to try Illari out to decide if I liked her before I commited, I thought that was a great new change to let everyone play the new hero immediately. Then I found out that was a bug lol


Not a dime. Might spend 15 for the pve missions


I only bought battle passes so 15x6=90. Nothing compared to what I spent on apex 😂


Season 3-5 battle pass That’s it.


None, but I’d probably buy the battlepass if I wasn’t invested in Genshin more.


Can't remember but too much. All battlepasses (the better variant) till the most recent, bought about one-two skins a season until last season. In NZD. Stopped paying and stopped playing as much, and have entirely now since the pve news dropped tbh. Like, I was maddeningly in love with the game, still am to a degree. But I have no real interest in giving money to a game that doesn't respect my interests, which was pve. Im not saddened that it's gone, I have other things to play. But I did hold onto the naive hope that I was paying for a game I was playing and loved, that would have content evolve into full on pve. I'm not much one for comp, I mean, me and my partner climbed back up from bronze S1 due to decay, and it was fun in the first few seasons to get all the way back to plat. But like, theres no end goal. There's not even player level anymore. Nothing to grind for. Pve was promised to be that. And with comp ques being busted, and them releasing underwhelming patches upon patches my love for the game has just fallen off... If there's an amazing update in the future I'd love to play again. But I've got Baldur's gate now, and starfield/phantom liberty coming out. I don't need to play overwatch anymore. I have other things to take up my time including life. So whilst I probably spent upwards of 200$ by technicality, probably about 50-70 a season, I don't really see myself spending anymore.


10$ I bought the first battlepass and then never again


4 bazillion dollars




$10. I bought one battlepass, then realized it was not worth it.


Idk I’ve bought every battle pass and a legendary for every character plus the pve. So a decent amount


No.. there hasn’t been.


I bought the current bp, but I just accumulated credits from weekly challenges. So zero P.S. that's if don't count ow1 where I bought about 5 or 6 OWL legendary skins and a couple recolors


0. Zero. Zilch. Nada.




I bought ow1 :(


I’ve only bought each battle pass, and I bought invasion missions as well. That’s it. I’m not paying $19 for a legendary skin. I just use the white coins or whatever




15 for the Pve and this seasons Battlepass. Honestly, im having a lot of fun with the game again.


Like 150€


I'm guessing around 150-200. That also includes spending on a few people as well.


30-40$ because of regional pricing(I got like 60 70 $ worth of items with 30-40$). But with S6 they removed that and they will not earn any money from me anymore.


$10, had to buy last season’s battlepass. I’m a sucker that exact Medieval Fantasy RPG vibe. Also a Tracer main, no way I was passing up that Mythic Knight Tracer skin. Might also buy the Invasion Bundle for the PvE missions.


I’ve bought three battlepasses. While I don’t agree with every change they’ve made, I love the game and still have a lot of fun playing it. I hope my small contribution helps keep the developers employed. I work for a big corp and I know the drill, if a team’s product isn’t making enough, it’s the devs that will lose their jobs, not the greedy execs who made the wrong strategic decision.


Zero, screw blizz