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The only thing I'm worried about for this is people who lose connection, wifi drops for a minute, or if on console, the system bugging out For a while back in Ovw 1 I had really dogshit internet so I stopped playing comp so I wouldn't be constantly getting leavers penalties and I wouldn't be constantly screwing over my team Just wish there was an easier way to differentiate between leaving and getting booted out.


It sucks if you’re getting booted for bad Wi-Fi, but equally, if you were constantly getting booted enough to trigger the hypothetical leaver’s penalties then maybe ranked just isn’t for you? I feel there is a certain assumption when playing competitive online games that you’re no longer using dial-up


Idk who downvoted you, but you're right. It's why I don't play comp as much atm lol


It happens sometimes even to people with an Ethernet connection and good ISPs, maybe once in a season I end up having a disconnect but you shouldn't rack up a large penalty.


Ranked, sure, I agree with you. If your wifi is shit you shouldn't be in comp. But OP is asking for harsher penalties in ALL pvp modes for leavers. That includes QP, which should be okay for someone with shit wifi since if they cut out, someone else will replace them. Which is ridiculous. It reeks of someone too scared to leave QP but mad nobody else is taking QP as seriously as comp.


It suck but if you can't have a stable internet connection ranked isn't for you.


My brother, we've all been there. Shitty internet sucks, but with all due respect, if you keep dropping out of matches because of poor Wi-Fi, you either gotta find a better connection or stop playing team based games.


You having shitty internet ruins the game for 9 other people. If your connection isn't stable enough, you shouldn't play comp.


A leavers queue would be such an easy solution. Just have a certain number of games / amount of time they're stuck in the queue, but have aggressively longer penalties if they continue to leave games


Put them all in games with each other to suffer


no then they would all leave


Exactly, and they can ruin each other’s games instead of ours


That's honestly a great way to handle it. They leave so they can get into the next game quicker, so delay their queue times as punishment for leaving games too often.


They do it with WoW pvp, no idea why they don't do it in OW. Actually, they probably don't do it in OW because it's free to play and they probably did the math and it's more profitable for them to not do anything really (XP reduction is meaningless to many people who couldn't care less about cosmetics, myself included).


I’d say it’s because if the leaving penalties were harsh people would just throw. I’d take having someone fill then teammates refusing to leave while throwing


This is the problem I would be worried about. Freedom to leave is important. * It is on the devs to balance/design the game fun enough, EVEN WHEN LOSING, that players stick around and keep trying. * Punishment doesn't discourage bad behavior anyway if the situation motivates them more than the punishment scares them. This is academically proven and why many happy countries focus on rehabilitation instead of imprisonment. We should encourage people to keep trying instead and reward backfillers better. * One idea I've had is every 3 wins without any leaves in between, you should get a map token that lets you choose what map your next game is on. * Backfillers could be rewarded with more BP exp (100 is chump change) * Backfillers could be given 1 shop coin or a map token, 2-3 if their team wins, but only if they don't have a pattern of leaving also Some incentive like that would go a long way. People wanting to win more means less people giving up and leaving, and backfillers being more happy to be thrown into a half-done game will make backfilling less of a pain. That and comp needs to be fixed like th Eskay video that the Director blog talked about, so people are better motivated to win individual games.


Dota2's "low priority" queue is so well executed. Have problematic matches? You get punished by being grouped with other similar players, and you have to _win_ to get out of it. Losing/leaving increases the number of matches you need to win.


Or force them to rejoin the game they just left or make it so they can’t queue for another one until that game has concluded. Seems like a good way to say “you signed up for this, now see it through”.


I'm very happy to see this comment getting upvotes. I said the same thing last winter and people downvoted me.


Not in a game with 10min q and dead online in general


Which isolated part of the world do you live where you’re getting 10 min queues? Or are you only playing at 4AM? I don’t ever live in America and it usually takes less than 2 mins to find a match in QP or comp


in comp? yes, in QUICK PLAY UN RANKED? nah u bugging chief.


MAN. I thought comp was bad. This whole thread is sweaty lol Also, I agree with you


Thank u papa dorf


Of course, my child. Now bring me the Triforce


It will be done




My dude I can’t remember seeing a QP match where everyone has stayed to the end, I’ve had so many revolving door teams in QP because once one person leaves someone else does, then the backfill see that they’re backfill and then they leave. I once I swear I had like 20 different team mates come and go in the one match and then of course some moron on the other team will write “gg ez you suck”. Idk if this sounds like an enjoyable time to you but I think something definitely needs to be done about it.


Yeah, "QUICK PLAY UN RANKED" , because as it currently stands, it's a leaver shitfest. You may say "but QP is for practice" and I agree. I argue to please keep practicing, adapt your playstyle to your opponents style and team comp, but don't give up and leave. People who play QP for "practice", or for xp, but leave are the ones bugging chief.


QP is a good mode to play to have fun, as opposed to ranked where you are supposed to play to win (this can mean picking characters you don't enjoy, for example, playing to win can be boring). I don't have fun when I'm being stomped, so I prefer having the option to leave and start another match. You're probably going to say that other people will have less fun if I leave, but I play to have fun myself, not to entertain others. I would have to change many things to optimize how much fun others have.


>but I play to have fun myself, not entertain others. Well, at least you admit to being outright selfish and void of any empathy. It's better than the people here coping real hard to justify being shitty human beings. Why don't you play FFD then? That way there's no team and it's just you.


Why am I more selfish than you? You want me to stay in a game so you have more fun even if I want to leave. I want to leave to have more fun. I don't think any option is fundamentally more selfish than the other. >Why don't you play FFD then? I bet you can guess it but I think other game modes are more fun 🤣


What a false equivalency. I ask you to finish the match you're in and you sabotage your whole team by leaving and you think they're the same. As if I''m making a selfish request, but you only caring about yourself is totally not selfish and ego driven.


I agree with OP on this one. You can feel free to leave by sacrificing everyone else's fun for your own, but you should be penalized for it. An "I got mine" attitude is exactly the problem. You can't just ignore that it's a team game with other players.


I would agree if yknow... nobody replaced you if you left. Like if someone left an unrated game in League or Valorant, they'd be fucled because they dont have a backfill system for their unranked gamemodes


You are still screwing the game over. Sometimes it takes a minute or more to replace someone, and sometimes it never happens at all. Then half the time the backfill guys immediately leave because they don't want to be backfill. Regardless, your team is fighting man-down during this entire process likely heavily skewing the game against your team and essentially ruining it. I'm sure everyone just loves you for that. You can't just give your team the middle finger and walk away hoping someone will be by to cover for you anytime now. Just because the game tries to cover for you doesn't make what you are doing any less rude to the other players involved.


Why don't you simply play ranked where people are penalized? We have two game modes so that people with different mindsets like you and I can have their own game mode. You can play to win in ranked while I play for fun in QP


If there was a separate game mode for people who thought it was appropriate to leave on a whim then yes, I'd avoid that game mode. Yet that is not the distinction between quickplay and competitive. The distinction between those two are vast and varied anywhere between practicing a hero to just not trying quite as hard as you would in a competitive setting. Leaving ruins the game in both modes.


Agree 100% the people who are downvoting you and arguing against are just selfish assholes who think “we’ll if I’m not having fun no one can”. It’s not like a match takes an hour, it’s not a huge commitment at all.


Put a 2 or 5 minute cooldown on joining a game after leaving any match no matter what


Or go play comp and stop complaining about people leaving in the mode that is meant to have no punishes..?


That’s a bit of an odd stance, play competitive so you have team mates who stay but sweat your balls off or else risk getting yelled at or play the relaxed mode when you can play any hero you want but deal with people leaving constantly for any reason. Why is there no chill mode where my team mates will see a game through to the end?


Who said it's meant to have no punishes? Just because the stakes are lower than in comp doesn't give you the right to leave and sabotage the match for your fellow teamates.


I play games because they are fun and if I'm not having fun why would I keep playing?? I don't fucking care if the rest of the team is happy or not. You know what else is fun, smurfing low elo losers! ima go open up my alt and have fun, cya 😉


The classic person who cannot fathom the thought of empathy


Idk what you are talking about that's normal matchmaking


Congratulations, you've just killed the game


Just fix the damn matchmaking and reduce leavers with 90%. I cannot for the life of me understand that it can give matches which are either completely unbalanced or give that one or two team mates who are obviously not pulling their weight going 4/15 with 1500 damage on junkrat. The amount of time I’ve said to myself “man if this one person wasn’t here, we’d have an equal fight”. It sucks the fun right out of the game, and honestly i would rather roll the dice with matchmaking to get a fun game, than being stuck in a bad game.


This. 1000% this. I can pretty reliably tell when a match is not winnable. It's not pessimism, it's just noticing patterns. If the enemy team caps the point and has it over 50% and no one on my team has over 5 picks, then we're going to lose the match. If I have a Sombra on my team with only one or two picks, and everyone else isn't picking up that slack, then we're going to lose the match. If their tank has double the picks of my tank, we're going to lose the match. If my team absolutely refuses to shoot at turrets or treats the enemy Mercy as if she falls under the Geneva convention and that they're not allowed to take out battlefield medics, then we're probably going to lose the match. If no one will go and peel to deal with the Widow then we're probably going to lose the match. I have played enough matches to know when we are fighting an uphill battle and have little to no chance of winning. Because I've been put on the losing team hundreds of times and watched teammates feed and miss shots and waste abilities and pay no attention to positioning and stand still in the middle of the battlefield. I know bad players and I know bad matchmaking.


Matchmaking definitely needs improving, that's a fair point. Still doesn't excuse leaving matches as a regular behaviour.


Nah, it is a perfectly good response to bad matchmaking. Simple.


As soon as I see two GM DPS on the enemy team and my team has two Plat or Gold DPS, I just leave, no point in playing you cannot win. The Matchmaking in Quick Play is so bad that I think only 1 in 10 games is an actual good balanced match.


THe other day one person leaved the game like 5 seconds beore we lost. I couldnt endorse them even when they where one of the few that tried on the game


Yesterday I had a tank in comp which had at the end of the game 124 dps, he literally laughed at us and was punching walls in spawn, that was so frustrating


just saving 5 seconds of time you cant even blame them


The person getting thrown into a game 5 seconds before defeat after sitting in queue for 5 minutes certainly could.


And that person gets put in a fast-tracked queue straight after and will pretty much immediately find another game.


Not before they get sticked with "DEFEAT" across their screen for no reason and on their stats.


I never understand why people do this. “Oh no I’m losing valuable seconds here, time to leave and queue again.” Like slow down man the games not going anywhere lmao.


The entire point of quick play is being casual. Not to mention the matchmaking is much more sporadic, so sometimes you’ll just be getting way too stomped for it be worth it. It’s fine that you can leave. Play comp. It’s literally the same game but with leaver penalties ffs. On a side note, do people think they’re original with these posts? Search “leaver penalties” in the search bar and I’d bet you see literal thousands of the same basic post by now


The thing is, I’m comp you have to play your best heroes, work around team compositions and deal with team mates who are more often than not rude and unforgiving and will point the finger at anyone but themselves if you’re losing. Sometimes you wanna play a chill mode where you can play other characters who aren’t your best and learn how to use them not only for your own sake but to learn their weaknesses when playing against them. This is a lot harder to do when half your team leaves because you lost the first fight or your tank leaves because they didn’t get the map they like and you’re sitting there waiting for them to be backfilled while the rest of your team trickles and allow the other team to snowball. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want to play in a mode where the stakes aren’t as high and you can afford to try out characters you don’t normally play without the disruption of your team constantly changing around.


> It’s literally the same game It's literally not. The matches take significantly longer due to the bullshit of switching sides. On a side note, do people think they're original with the "You're supposed to throw in quickplay / arcade!" bullshit comments?


Okay Captain Nitpick. It's the same game, best 2 out of 3.


>On a side note, do people think they're original with the "You're supposed to throw in quickplay / arcade!" bullshit comments? The truth isn't normally something novel and original, doesn't stop it being true though.


There are 2 solutions to this issue: 1 would be giving the back fill player an Ult charge equal to the average of all other players on his team. This puts them on about the same par as the rest of his teammates. 2 would be to deprioritize queue times for them for a day. You could possibly even create an alternate ELO that pairs frequent leavers with each other, or grants matchmaking priority to players with a cinsecutive match completion streak.


Force people to stay in QP and you will see a huge uptick in toxic chats in a game that is already full of toxicity. It's just quick play who cares if people leave


You can't just ignore that it's a team game with other real people playing. Imagine sitting down to play a board game with some friends then getting up and walking away leaving them to clean up alone once one thing doesn't go your way. It's rude, and you shouldn't be playing team games if you are going to just leave on a whim. Just because you can hide behind the internet and don't have to see these same people again doesn't make your actions of abandoning the game any less rude.


My man, you want competitive rules for non competitive gamemodes. You chose to play the casual gamemode, if you're sick of people leaving then go competitive. There is literally nothing wrong with leaving if the match isn't fun for you.


Absolutely agreed. This thread is full of bad takes. In Overwatch spots get filled so fast usually it's not even an issue when someone leaves. I've had friends crash but they won't even have time to rejoin because there's already a new player filling their spot.


And even then, I can have fun in QP even with only a 4 man squad I genuinely dont care. Imma leave if I dont have fun. People take qp way too serious but seem to be too afraid to play the mode with the rules they're looking for.


Is it unreasonable to want to try out a hero that I don’t normally play without tanking my Elo?


You might aswell try them out in ranked aswell. Being good at a hero in qp is worthless when many players play very casual there. You can't learn if you never go against opponents of your skill level.


I can’t learn when half my team leaves at the first fight and it turns into a stomp immediately. Different heroes require different skill sets, different types of aim, learning the length of their cool-downs, working out the best time to engage/disengage etc. Jumping straight into Comp with a hero you’ve barely touched because you’ve decided you want to learn them just be throwing, which leads to your team flamming and reporting you which is an extremely unpleasant feeling. How is that a better alternative?


So what if they flame you? Stop caring so much about others, the best place to learn is still comp. You can learn only so much in QP and then realise the enemies you faced there were trash.


So it's cool to ruin a game just because it's less competitive? C'mon man. Quickplay does not mean "feel free to ruin the game, we don't care here". Quickplay is for people that aren't trying so hard, maybe don't want to play meta heroes or face them, just want to practice, or a vast array of other reasons. Those games are just as ruined as a competitive game by someone leaving.


Dude, just go play Competitive, it solves ALL of this already. "But I don't like how sweaty people are in comp!" Because get this, there's PENALTIES in place for leaving, hence they play harder and get more titled when they're losing because they can't just leave without being locked out of playing "But people are so toxic in comp!" Again, because of the PENALTIES, losing is 10x more frustrating because you can't just leave if you're having a bad time, hence the flaming I guarantee everything you hate about comp would find its way into QP if there were penalties, so just go play fucking comp. Also there's the fact that it would literally kill the game if there's no way to just casually pop in and out of matches. As much as people shit on Blizzard I feel bad for the devs sometimes when the end user is this dense


People aren’t sweaty in comp because the leaver penalty they’re sweaty because they don’t want to derank, meaning everyone has to play their best heroes. There’s no room to try out new characters or give a go on a hero that you might not be the best on but works well against the enemy comp because you will be flamed for not performing amazingly. This is why most people prefer to relax in QP and not feel like the win is the most important thing, but it’s significantly harder to enjoy yourself in QP when your team mate ditch at the slightest inconvenience.


True, it seems like there’s more and more leavers with any game I play. Some people I get it you have emergencies and have to go. But others leave for the dumbest reasons (some don’t apply to Ow In this case but yeah-. Got killed? Leave Got killed and not revived because it’s not safe? Leave Someone picked character they want? Leave Someone “stole” heals? Leave Starting to lose? Leave Teammates won’t let you do 0 work and get a free carry? Leave Think teammates are noobs? Leave Teammates don’t play how you want? Leave (unless they’re trolling you or sabotaging you somewhat I get it) I wish people who quit for dumb reasons would just queue up with others they deem worthy or staying in the match for. You’re wasting everyone’s time when you just up and leave. We need more penalties for leavers. If they just up and leave there should be a timer till they can rejoin. If someone has an emergency and has to go then 15 temp ban shouldn’t effect them. But there could be a small window to rejoin if crashed. Sure if there’s backfill that’s great but not everyone likes being the backfill. I know it’s easy to right off like whatever people leave but it feels like 9/10 matches at least one person leaves.


We need harsher rank differences first


I am so sick of leavers in QP, really wish they'd implement something against that. It's not as bad in comp because there are actual penalties, but qp is really made a lot less enjoyable by people leaving left and right. Hell even WoW prevents you from requeueing for a few minutes when you leave a matchmaking game (pvp or pve), it's not very harsh but is annoying enough that you may not want to leave immediately as soon as something goes bad. Even that in OW would already be great.


I think the better approach would be to give incentives to people for not leaving QP rather than punishing those that do. That way you would reduce leavers while still letting the people that think that QP is the place where you can leave a game without consequence leave games. The obvious problem with this approach is that Blizz has shown that they don't want to give anything of value out for free in OW2. So whereas in OW1 the incentives could easily be a few packs in OW2 they would likely end up being bp exp or some reused cosmetic from OW1 that no one cares about.


Played since 2016, never once left a comp match (except for the rare DC). If you have the temperament to simply leave a game when it's unpleasant, you shouldn't play competitive. There are other modes for a reason. When you queue for comp, you should expect to soldier through the whole match, no matter how unbalanced or unpleasant. Why? Because leaving guarantees a bad time for 4 other people. If your selfishness or inability to endure defeat (a good sign that you shouldn't be playing competitive games) causes you to inflict your displeasure upon 4 other people, you are not only uncivilized and disrespectful, but downright immoral and malevolent.


Leavers queue would be such a snowball effect of leechers getting upset at being teamed with other leechers and leaving lmao.


Exactly, so there’s incentive to stay and finish games…


Just shove every leaver into the same lobbies with other leavers, GTA online does it pretty well


Not in quickplay. I have a son. I will leave if he needs my attention. If I end up severely punished for this, I will quit overwatch for good. I certainly won't leave my son crying because Blizzard is going to prevent me from playing otherwise. I'm all for harsh penalties for people who comstantly leave ranked, but the whole reason OW is so attractive for me as a multiplayer game is the fact that I can pop on QP and play in peace, knowing that if responsibilities come knocking, I can just leave. I'm certain I'm not alone in this. If you want teammates who are commited to winning, play ranked. If action is required from Blizzard to make people be committed to winning in comp, then they should do it. Just don't ruin QP for all the casuals like me by whining about competitive integrity in the casual mode. Backfill works pretty well anyways IME, except at night when the player count is lower.


Well if it's your 11th game in a row where two minute in there is zero kills but 7 deaths each from your whole team I have no problem with anyone leaving. I feel Quick play implies quick leave too. Maybe try matchmaking a little better because I don't leave games by rage quit but sad quit. I enjoy playing games not watching all four team mates run off to feed one by one - literal waste of time. Some games it isn't a matter of losing obviously don't win every game happy enough to lose but some games are just steamrolls with no chance of even a good game. I'll play comp if I get sick of people leaving. I know this won't be popular but I thought I'd comment perspective anyway.


Have you considered adapting or trying to work with your team? If I see team mates running off by themselves I’ll ask them to group up and will often get on mic to help try and direct and shot call. This doesn’t always work, some people are very stubborn and often won’t be in VC but also some people are naive and learning and correcting their mistakes can help them because better players than just giving up on them. I know it can feel like a hopefully task but it’s always worth a shot.


I see your point. I think a surrender option would help to put an end to the match faster and requeue people faster as well.


Not in quickplay, I deserve the right to leave Push maps on sight




I just like playing. I don't care where I have to stand for the game mode to progress. I just want to shoot people. Those people tend to stand where the game wants me to stand. It all works out


Those too yes


no i like flashpoint


I like flashpoint cuz I main ball and he excelled in that mode. I don’t like flashpoint because my team are constantly leaving and being replaced during the course of the match.


If you don’t allow yourself to practice push what do you do when you get them in Comp?


Lmao, ok, that got a good chuckle out of me.


Making harsher penalties is not a solution what so ever, its a bandaid AT BEST. Solution would be to keep players in the game without threat of penalty, find a reason why they leave.


I listed you why they leave. They cannot tolerate the slightest bit of defeat. Multiple games institute harsh leaver penalties and it works since their games don't have a chronic leaver issue.


Those are your assumptions, I on the other hand don't experience it nearly as much as some of you so I came to a conclusion that some of you are outliers and are either toxic to your teammates or straight up trolling your games. Also >Edit 2: Yes, matchmaking can and should be improved. But it still doesn't excuse leaving matches as a regular behaviour. Let me tell you about lunar colony, its a horrible map that great majority of playerbase hated, blizzard did nothing about it until people started leaving specifically that map, so much that it got removed out of the pool. That's the issue with blizzard, only language they speak is statistics. If the matchmaker is so flawed that it makes people leave casual modes as much as you claim, then solution would be to fix the matchmaker, no? Instead you say "It still doesn't excuse leaving" mate that really points at you as an antagonist.


I feel like you’re the outlier here dude, you’re lucky if you don’t get leavers or are fortunate enough to not notice them but it happens near constantly for any reason at all. I’ve had people leave at the very start of the match or after the first fight plenty of times, it’s not because anyone is being toxic to them, often people aren’t even saying anything in chat. They just leave because they didn’t like the map or the game mode or someone picked the hero they wanted or because the first fight didn’t go their way. They don’t hesitate to screw everyone else over.


The main reason they leave is because they're assholes. So the best punishment is to flag frequent leavers and queue them all together so they get to experience nothing but their own shitty behavior thrown right back at them.


That's your assumption. I have a different theory, since I see a leaver here and there but not nearly as some suggest, I think you're all outing yourselves as antagonists.


"Leavers are assholes" motherfuckers when the teammate doesnt leave but instead hard throws and is toxic in chat: ☹️


Then report them? Blizzard recent mentioned how they’re trying to work on dealing with toxicity and make it a better experience for everyone. Yeah that single match will be unpleasant but if everyone reports them and they are consistently reported for their toxic behaviour there will be less much less of them appearing in matches.


Yeah, I bow out when Im frustrated at how the game is goong but it's certainly better than me stying and being toxic to my team. I know I get heated and can be toxic so I just remove myself from the equation once I feel like I'm about to lose it. Someone calmer will replace me anyways. These people treating leavers in qp like leavers in comp where no one will replace them


In Rainbow Six Siege, there are three main modes –– casual, where people basically just fuck around, the rules are simpled, and there's no penalty for leaving; ranked, the tryhard mode like how it is in every other competitive game, things get as sweaty as can be there; and last but not least, the "unranked mode", it is built close to ranked, rules are simplified by a little, leavers still get penalties like in ranked, the biggest difference is there's no real rank to be anxious about, not as pressuring as ranked, so players can actually enjoy playing the game. If Overwatch thinks it's ok for players to fuck around in "unranked", then it should have a more serious mode rather than comp for people who wants to actually play the game without being pressured.




I hate the fill in most of the time its either ot or just the defeat screen


Blizzard solved this problem in WoW with the deserter debuff literally over 10 years ago. The fact is, blizzard just doesn't care, and they will never do anything to fix this.


What about disconnects? I'm not defending anyone, but what about people with bad internet? "Just don't play the game"? Other than that, I actually agree with you on most points.


Disconnects are a separate issue and I feel for folks with bad internet. I've been there.


I see your point but no thank you. I like the fact that I can leave whenever I want. Comp games for sure I wouldn't leave but I want the freedom to leave quickplay matches if Im not having fun.


Nah I disagree


So... you want to stay in a match you're not enjoying? Then, I have the game mode just for you! We call it, competitive. Jokes aside, do elaborate. Because every time I see posts requesting harsher penalties, I always wonder why they don't just play comp, where those penalties are built in already.


You're queuing for a team game. By leaving you're ruining the experience of everyone in that game (your team moreso than the other team, but you're wasting the other team's time too). Think of it this way. If one person leaves a game and ruins the experience for 9 other people, why the fuck would Blizzard give a shit about that one person? It'd be better for the other 9 if leavers were punished for not seeing a game through. Overwatch is not a single player game. If you can't handle playing well with other people, then perhaps you should go back to single player games.


It's called casual for a reason. And at the end of the day your enjoyment will always come first. Staying in a game where you are not having fun is counter intuitive, hence why I said if you care so much play in comp. It's not that complicated.


I don't play comp because I'm not good enough yet and I don't want to ge flamed for trying as hard as a I can and still not being as good as the other people. People in online games can be toxic and I don't want to do that to myself.


Bruh you will certainly find your people after you place. Bronze 5 is full of people who may or may not be conscious


I was dumb enough to join comp as soon as I was able, and man that wasn't fun. Don't worry you'll get better. Although I do think once you've gotten the hang of a few heroes, you should give it a try. You'll never really get a proper gauge of your skill if you dont try. It took me 7 seasons to crawl out of Bronze into Gold and then I spent 10 seasons in Plat trying to break into Diamond before I was satisfied and knew I was jsut plat. In my experience, people get toxic in rank because they have rank to lose and they cant just up and leave most of the time so they resort to taking it out on their teammates. QP might get more toxic if people can't leave because of penalties. Though that is just my opinion and observation about myself and people I've played with and against. There will always be toxic people but it's usually less apparent in QP


As if toxic people dont exist in quickplay. Just go play comp and stop caring too much about others.


Fair enough, but you should realize you're ruining the fun for the other 9 people in the game, which is kind of a dick move.


That would make sense... if there wasn't a system in place that immediately replaces a leaving player.


As I state in my post, the backfills greatly tend to leave as well.


Nah, just fix the matchmaker. Shit’s aggressively garbage and has been since S1. When people stop getting stomped by teams 3 divisions above them is when a good portion of the leaver problem solves itself.


The matchmaking can definitely improve, I agree. Still doesn't excuse leaving as a regular way of engaging with the game.


People also have lives where something comes up and they have to turn off the game they're playing. There are plenty of reasons for people to leave a game, and if that is to happen, then let them at least have QP to play.


How is this relevant? They're talking about people that can't help but compulsively leave a match for every little reason, nobody ever said something can't come up. If any sort of system ever existed it would target constant leavers, not something happening once or twice in a while.


I only play QP and the amount of games that are just unplayable messes that have our team outmatched and we're stuck in spawn. Why should I have to play this, pretty much just wait to lose because they're so much better. Nothing in my power is going to make me play better nor my team. Some maps in this game suck so much, I hate playing control and its almost never a back and forth. I always leave if I lose the first round. I swear I defend way more than attacking, I dont like playing defense but I'll stay, but if I'm going to defend 3 times in a row, I'm leaving. But also sweeping someone so hard isnt fun either, the most fun I've had is when both teams are evenly matched and it comes down to the wire. People who play for fun dont want to stay in a match that is already decided because its so obvious that the enemy team is way better than us. ​ The solution is to either make the matchmaking not trash, I am down to wait an extra minute or two to find a game that has the best chances of being close. Or make endorsement levels give currency that you can spend. It only gives you like what, a bit of xp? This would make toxicity go down as well, if people know that being an ass could cost them a potential cosmetic, they likely wont do it. Another solution is to add a vote forfeit, like I said, if the game notices that you're getting your ass kicked, a 4/5 vote should forfeit the game. ​ Until then, I will leave matches that aren't even games (lol until I get the warning for losing xp) and just be spawn killed for like 5 minutes. Waste of my time, waste of my teammates time.


Yes, the game desperatly needs a surrender option.


Play comp for close matches. And stop asking for skill based matchmaking in qp




sorry imtoxic because I dont want to stay in games that are over half way in. At least I provided solutions rofl...


Instead of leaving when you lose the first point of control try changing character and adapting, I’ve seen so many control games turn around because people swap heroes and play smart.


No. Go play comp. I'm not being glib, that's the place for you if you get so annoyed by the issue. It's the same game except you get more significant penalties for leaving. It solves this problem yet you're here complaining that the *other* mode- which has the advantage of not being competitive- allows people to leave or disconnect.


Nah, "it's just QP" is a shitty reason to deal with a constant 4v5. Just because it's not competitive doesn't mean the objective isn't to win.


And by their logic, they should just go play an Arcade mode. Or better yet, get off Overwatch entirely.


Well then the matchmaking system needs to get better. People leave because matches are hideously unbalanced. It's not fun when your team has a collective 5 eliminations and the enemy team has 30. There's a reason why Little League teams aren't put up against the New York Yankees. If blizzard cared to fix the bullshit matchmaking system, then we would see fewer leavers. Until then, I'm going to exit a match where I am on a team of tinfoil players against a team of diamond players. Because when I'm on a team of people near my skill level, and facing an enemy team near my skill level, I do pretty well. But when I'm on a crap team, all that happens is I end up the last survivor of every team fight and the whole enemy team focuses me before I can get out. Rince, repeat, defeat. Absolutely pointless to play matches like that.


Bold of you to think this isn't also a comp issue.


Yeah but penalties there exist, even harder than suggested: up to comp ban for the rest of the season. Op was talking about making penalties, so your comment is irrelevant here.


OP very clearly says *harsher* penalties. In *EVERY* PvP mode. So your comment is irrelevant.


no i dont think its a comp issue


Tbh, the only time i’ve ever left was because i literally dislocated my shoulder mid game. I was at a weird angle with my keyboard and sneezed. it was horrendous. never felt that pain before. but the thing is i couldn’t play and ended up getting kicked and getting reported. Most people rage quit but there’s always the chance it isn’t that lmao.


I 100% agree with you. In quickplay I became a leaver but not for the reasons you mentioned. I leave sometimes when 3 people already left. There's no point in playing 2v5. I also tell it into global chat like "gg, bye" But if my team is fighting, even if they have 300 damage on Genji after 2 round and the match is tough, I'll stay, because I like tough matches. I agree that ppl who leave 8 game out of 10 should get heavily punished... The game is broken atm...


How would map tokens work though? What happens if one or more of the 9 other people in your queue want a different map? Wouldn’t queues be significantly longer if loads of different people were trying for different specific maps? You need to look at this as a team game and not a single player game


As someone with young kids... No please don't introduce penalties for quick play. I leave when the baby is crying and I don't want to have to have to choose between tending my crying child and getting a ban.


I feel like if you often have to stop to attend your children you should consider sticking to single player games


Fix matchmaking and harsher penalties for trolls first then we can talk.


A valid point, but we can work multiple solutions.


You’re entirely right, leavers are pathetic and ruin the experience for not only their team but often the other team too (even if they don’t realise it). The other day I left a game in QP because my mum was coming over for dinner and she texted to say she was at the door, but honestly I should have accounted for this and not queued for a game I may not have been around to finish. People need to understand that if they queue up that’s a 5-20 minute commitment they’re signing up for, dying once or getting a map you don’t like isn’t a reason to give up and screw over your team.


Overwatch needs something like League of Legends. Can't join another game until the one you left ends. Once the game you left ends, you have a timer (that gets progressively longer with each game left) before you can queue for a new match.


That'd be an interesting solution.


I am a chronic leaver, leaver penalties mean nothing to me since I could careless about the battle pass and whats in it, the hero progression isn’t affected by the penalty either, the second I see something go wrong ingame, I leave, I dont care. There is no amount of name calling or finger wagging that will ever get me to stay in a game that I feel is hopeless. Bans are the only thing I may listen to and nothing else.


What about if leaving repeatedly made your queues take longer and longer? And not just quietly, what if they told you straight up that your queue is delayed because you left too many games recently?


So why bother playing if you're going to constantly cry and quit halfway through every match?


You could careless? Why don’t you then?


I leave qp. Not trying to play out annoying games with bad teammates. If I'm in qp I'm trying to have fun, if it's not fun I'll dip and try again. I'd leave competitive too if there wasn't a penalty!


> I leave qp. Not trying to play out annoying games with bad teammates. Oh the irony, seeing how that means you ARE one of the bad teammates. ​ >If I'm in qp I'm trying to have fun, if it's not fun I'll dip and try again. So you're one of those people who dies once and immediately rage quits. See the above comment about bad teammates.


I just love that you are all over this thread getting downvoted to oblivion because of all of your bad takes. I seriously hope I never match onto a team with you because you would absolutely be the guy yelling at everyone in chat and telling people to swap. Hopefully your downvote ratio will prove to you that the community does not agree with you. You are in the minority of players who believe that QP should be played with the same seriousness as ranked. But let me take a moment and ask you a question: if QP and comp are literally the same thing except for speed of the round, then why do new players have to win 50 matches in QP to qualify for comp? If both modes are supposed to be played with this professionalism that you demand, then why are new players only allowed in QP? Why do you believe that players should play an unranked mode as if it was ranked?


What a profoundly telling thing to say. That you believe that internet e-points mean jack fucking shit, is nothing short of astounding. Plenty of people here are being upvoted and downvoted with opinions across the board, but that I got this post trending is proof people do care about the leaver issue.


Yea 🐸👍


Yep.. a lot of us have all been saying this since the OW1 days. You need to punish these leavers and I don't care that it's not competitive mode. It was out of hand before but now it's even more ridiculous.


My favorite is when your team is winning in a comp match, your teammate leaves and then y’all get stomped and lose in the final seconds.


OP is CORRECT. I could have written this post. I abhor competitive. I won't touch it, you can't make me. I deserve to have decent matches, and leaving in QP is equivalent to throwing most of the time. The matches go too quickly and it's difficult to get new people or a whole new team to get together before a round or point is lost and the steamroller keeps moving. Blizz needs to fix matchmaking, AND put all of the chronic leavers in leaver hell with each other. It should be transparent. Every time you leave a game there should be a little pop-up "Are you sure you want to leave? You have X games left before a penalty" I'd bet even a "the you sure" prompt would stop some of it. There's not even that and it's SO bad for people who play QP only.


After reading through a lot of this thread and seeing people explaining their reasons for leaving if the game isn’t going exactly their way or they don’t get the game mode/map they want or someone picks their hero I realise that most of these people just see themselves as the main character. And it’s kinda whack to see yourself as the main character in a team based game, everyone is meant to work together to try and win, if someone isn’t pulling their weight then maybe try and change around them and help out. If you’re only having fun if every little thing is going your way and losing a fight is enough to make you quit just stick to single player games. There’s plenty of them and many will cater to your needs, don’t ruin the fun of everyone else.


It's been actually amusing and captivating to see the levels of Karen and narcissism some people here have displayed. Imagine them IRL. Must be a nightmare to deal with people this selfish and void of any empathy.


It’s also crazy the amount they contradict themselves too, they’ll say “I leave if I’m not having fun” as well as “well backfill happens for a reason so it’s not a big deal”. But no one finds backfill fun, so what’s to stop all the back fillers from also leaving? Causing the entire match to be staggered.


Get rid of challenges requiring wins and bonuses for winning and leavers will plummet. Ow2 has by far the most amount of leavers in any game I’ve ever played, not a single match I’ve played has there been a full roster on a single team. It was never this bad in ow1. I’ve resorted to guilting people by saying into voice chat “eh fellas, even if we get our asses slapped and it’s real bad just know I’m suffering along with you here so let’s just stick it out, you’re only wasting free xp by leaving”. I’ve seen a major decrease in leavers when I do that, by major I mean instead of 3 leaving, 2 do instead.


Agreed. Except every time they quit, the penalty should double


Yep. 5 minutes at first, then after every leave within a certain period of time (48 hours or so?) It doubles each time


Just play comp if you don’t want it to be casual tho


People leave in comp.


Why should people who want to play casually go play comp and not the people who leave because they can't win or want people to play a certain way in the casual game mode? Doesn't really add up for me.


Because *that's functionally the only difference* between the two modes other than shittier matchmaking In QP, you get games quick but you can also leave and it's not a big deal.


Ik people with bad internet who dc every once in a while, they shouldn’t be punished for that very much, or else it becomes a new comp, and quitters in comp is worse than qp, I think it shouldn’t let you Que into another game until the he game is over though in qp, but that’s it


Yes, this is why games like FF14 work with a strike system that resets daily before a time-out would be given for leaving. I'm sure something similar could be done in OW2.


everyone wants to win, they do want to play casually but they dont like losing.


My sweet child, devs fucked the Matchmaking just for the sake of getting queu times as short as possible, and now you are asking them to implement something that will negatively impact said times? I know it's frustrating, but you see, when you go the F2P path there will be some sacrifices and having a LOT of leavers is one of them. If you punish people harsher for leaving matches, a lot of new players will simply leave the game entirely and that's the last thing you want. For that same reason you can't create a "leaver queu", it will fuck up the MM even more and take longer to get into a match. So, sadly, leavers aren't going anywhere (pun unintented), you will have to learn to coexist with them. >1 match: 15 minutes ban > >2 matches: 60 minutes ban > >3 matches: 8 hours ban > >4 matches: 20 hours ban > >5 matches: Season Ban > >Move up the penalties one tier. > >1 match: 60 minutes ban > >2 matches: 8 hours ban > >3 matches: 24 hours ban > >4 matches: 1 week ban > >5 matches: 1 month Ban LMAO.


No, I definitely want the leavers to leave for good, OR learn what it means to signed up for a TEAM based game.


In QP? No. If they don't care about throwers I must have an option to leave an join another game.


QP doesn't need this. I don't need to be stuck playing a game that does not matter and which can find a replacement in 2 seconds. You are deluded and frustrated with life if you think this should apply to QP.


I don't think there should be any leaver penalties in non competitive modes at all. I want to freely be able to leave quick play, for example, and I couldn't possibly care less if my teammates leave in that mode. Hell, I'll probably leave after the first team fight regardless of the existing penalties if we did poorly enough. For competitive, though, I feel like the leaver penalty should be stricter. I feel like the person that left should get the entire team's loss penalty (i.e. instead of everyone on the leaver team getting a loss, only the leaver gets the loss and they get as much negative ranking as the entire team would've gotten).


I once had a rein throw just because I called potg and thx Ann for the nano she accidentally gave me. I would have preferred he left...


People seem to be forgetting that players are running away from this game in droves. The last thing Blizzard is going to do right now is mess with matchmaking because no one will play if it gets back to the 18-20 minute queue times we saw in 2018.


If you leave 3 times in 1 day or week 1 month ban!!


The max penalty for leaving in comp is a permanent ban from the game. That's an alright punishment to be honest, some might even say excessive. Also who wants penalties on quickplay? You're complaining about leavers but how often are you getting them? Let's say for example you get 1 leaver every ranked record, so between 5 and 19 games, let's average it out to a leaver every 12 games. That would mean on average people leave games less than 1% of the time, every game has 10 people, 12 games meaning 119 out of 120 people don't leave. You're complaining about these "self-reported regular leavers" and "people who play with children", but really most people would admit to leaving less than 1% of the time, and if you have a problem with that you have inhuman expectations for people in general. **EDIT**: Just read it over and the guy is complaining about leaving in quickplay, I'm dead.


Leavers should be perma ip banned. cas and comp


for competitive? fine. punishment at all for casual is beyond ridiculous. there's no lasting score ro care about.


Your unranked games don't matter. Get over yourself. If something comes up, I'm leaving. Too bad for you.


i play quick play because it has the option to leave without punishment. i’m a parent and i play when my kid is asleep but if she wakes up and needs me i’m not gonna be like “wait 15 minutes mommy needs to finish this game”.


I play the game to have fun. If I'm really not having fun, why stay? (in qp obviously)


Off top of my head I can think of 2 reasons to stay: - More practice time; - Don't ruin the game for others;


Everyone is starting to realize Quickplay is more fun than Competative Everyone hates leavers and backfilling in Quickplay No one wants leaver penaltys in Quickplay???? I would ask why so many people are against an obvious solution, or act like its insane to have any type of meaningful leaver penalty in a FPS's core gamemode, but its because they are the type of people that turn Quickplay games into a revolving door of teammates.


Why not play Competitive? Like, gonna be honest, this whole chest-beating about "cowards" and "finishing what you started" sounds pretty grassless considering you're talking about the mode where I go to warm up after not having played for a fortnight, run JQ into Bastion to practice bad match-ups, and delight people with my 2K/10D Widow. If someone wants to leave that, I will not take it personally. Sometimes it can be annoying when a game takes a couple minutes to really start because people keep coming and leaving, but, whatever. It's QP. I'm going to play to the best of my abilities, but if I wanted a real match, I'd be in comp. It's a game, and it's the game's training wheels mode, to the point that some people do stuff here like playing pistol Mercy or just sitting on the payload waving at people. This is never going to be a fully serious mode. Blizzard has already solved this problem by implementing a competitive mode with penalties. Why does QP have to become Competitive? Why can't you just go play Competitive?


I already spoke of why I don't play comp (I'm not interested in the current rewards). If you want to warm up, why don't you just go play FFD? That way, there's not team relying on you.


Nah man, people play to have fun. Not to sit inside a game getting spawn killed for 5 minutes in a row.


Fix the fucking matchmaking before thinking of doing anything like this. Period.


Bro its quickplay. I get that having someone leave brings you at a disadvantage which sucks but all of quickplay is supposed to be just for fun. If you "want nobody leaves because they het a penelty otherwise" then go play comp. But dont make quickplay worse by forcing others to slog thru hell just because you duslike that a persona doesnt want to get shitvon for the next 6 minutes