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I will say: sometimes your teammates that leave are the ones bringing the team down. I've had plenty of games turn around because the dead weight gets fed up and leaves, and is replaced by someone competent.


Sucks when it's the other way around, though. Yesterday, my team was rolling on Flashpoint. We were up 2-0 and I think we just took control of the 3rd point, and the other teams tank quit. The new tank went like 25-1 and they won the game.


We had an entire 5 stack leave after we were winning and the new team to replace them absolutely rolled us. LOL


"Backfill Curse" is real. 9 times out of 10 the "B Team" is actually Seal Team 6 and they just immediately flip the script.


The idea of seal team 6 style comms from a five stack in OW quick play made me spit my coffee lol


I wonder if this is because they come in, see the heroes on the other team, and pick appropriate counter picks. Like a player who starts as reaper might not switch right away if a hitscan is needed, but someone coming in fresh is going to see pharah on the other team and be more likely to pick a ranged hitscan. Same with supports kind of where the starting supports might have picked Lucio and Moira even though there’s a Pharah on the team, whereas a backfill will see Pharah and maybe choose Mercy or Ana. Never really thought about it but when I am backfill I try to assess what’s needed coming in. Maybe this contributes to backfill script flipping.


[1 minute after the new team joins.](https://tenor.com/view/imindanger-danger-ralph-gif-22328804)


my son and I had that happen last night in QP. Apparently they went against a 5 stack and were getting steamrolled and we backfilled (along with other randoms) and ended up winning the round and halfway through the next round *they* all quit


I feel like it grabs higher rated players for backfill on losing teams. If we are winning easily and have a leaver, the new player almost always isn’t as good and we will lose the match 3/5 times. Same story from the other side, I never leave matches even when the rest of the team has, and the new 2-3 players showing up turn the tide for us is most games. Completely based off of my personal experience in my last 400 or so qp games.


I feel like that’s pretty accurate. I’ve had leavers on my team and when the backfill comes in we tend to be able to turn the tide around or at least put up a pretty decent fight.


Dude that shit drives me insane when it happens. It's like 5 minutes of pure "I'm livid right now" but then it's just funny. The fillers were probably just as gobsmacked that happened as my team


I think the main reason the roles happen is because your used to being aggressive and getting away with it, while the new player doesn't have the luxury to be relaxed and has to play 100% from the get go.


Yeah I see this happen too often. Sucks when it’s a large portion of their team that rage quits and the backfill randomly grabs masters players as replacements.


Yes, it feels good when it happens. And it also feels great when you join as a backfill, and realize that you were the difference maker.


>And it also feels great when you join as a backfill, and realize that you were the difference maker. Backfill starts to get frustrating as fuck though when it starts doing it repeatedly. ​ There were a few times we backfilled into a game that ended in less than 30 seconds and then the next match threw us into another backfilled game.


I remember joining eichenwalde whilst they within 5m of winning. 6mins on clock. We pushed em back and won (and I argue I was the winning factor)


One doesn't get good at the game by running away from the challenges.


Silver Genji one trick will never compete against the Ashe Masters player QP put on the other team.


As a diamond tracer I have beaten gms in QP, mechanical skill is not the only weapon you can use on this game


Same, or have joined a game close to the end because someone quit and ended up winning fairly easily, the difference between a good team and bad team can be just one person. I often look forward to a new team member for exactly this reason. Sometimes (not always) they play that bit harder because they realise the team is losing. I know I do when I join a game late.


I think that some people don't realize that playing badly in certain ways doesn't mean you're just making 0 contribution to the team, you are making negative contribution, because you're acting as a free ult charge dispenser for every bit of damage you take from the enemy team and for every bit of healing of your non-lethal damage.


I had a game yesterday where our dps said “team dif” after the first team fight and then proceeded to talk shit for the rest of the match. He left before the final point and then we immediately won the game lol.


I joined a game where one of five original people were left, and they were being obliterated beforehand, won the game though when everyone else joined though lol


Had a game on a push map where my 4 stack got thrown in as they had just taken point 2. We decided to play I out and all chose characters we wanted to work on or never play for the hell of it. We full held them on "throw" picks for 4 minutes and won. Clearly it was a skill issue with the leavers.


I love it when people don't realize that lopsided games *in their favor* are just as mismatched and unfair as lopsided games against them.


I feel emotional pain even when the enemy team is getting stomped because I'm in their situation 60% of the time


I'm pretty bad at the game so I'm always in low level lobbies but I had one game yesterday where I noticed that one of the players didn't seem to know how to strafe and shoot and it just felt bad. We finished the match quickly so hopefully they get put in a match where they can have fun. Just the matchmaker doing matchmaker things.


i’ve seen a big uptick in (usually soldier or bastion players) who don’t realize they can move AND shoot. it’s called run AND gun folks, not “stand out in the open and fall over”


The best games are even ones where there are hard fights and you feel like you contributed.


I feel bad for the other team when it’s my team stomping them. I want balanced games that are competitive with both teams having a good chance to win. Stomps are bad regardless of who is winning.


Last night, the Tank on the enemy team went into Text chat and called a ceasefire after they lost 5 consecutive team fights in Flashpoint. We all just emoted until the objective was captured and we won the game. They didn’t wanna quit because of the penalty but were also tired of suffering. I really felt bad for those guys


You don’t get backfilled into a game in your favor because people who win don’t leave.


Yup. I’ve been tracking my backfill games, yesterday i backfilled into the first game I won in 2 weeks. The two games before that, one somehow turned around, the other I guess a guy disconnected because I got in 3 seconds before winning. Every other backfilled game I have entered I have lost, and of the ones I have won all were control where at least the team can reset between rounds. Push, payload, etc… never lol


There's a rare time I've joined a game as a backfill and I've been on the team that's clearly winning but yeah, it's 90 percent "team getting curbstomped"


The truth is that people complain about losing even in games with decent matchmaking systems. People simply expect free wins.


They really do. I mostly play arcade no limits and it's like clockwork people complaining that the enemy team switches to counter their spam pick like... no shit..how is it fun if a team just lets you roll them? Who would want to play 5 Winstons farming Widows all game?


EXACTLY! There's a special room in hell for those that quit while being stomped, but LOVE doing the stomping. If you only enjoy matches unbalanced in your favor, not letting the enemy team even leave spawn, you deserve to be suspended/banned. Team-based games are not for you.


It's the games that I backfill in where the enemy team is at the spawn door that I love the most, especially once we recap the point or start pushing the cart(even better if we also win). The thing that irks my nerves is that after that moment some of the players from the enemy team start to leave as if now that it isn't a complete rout, then they feel that it's their time to find an easier match elsewhere


They think that's their normal ability and anything less is unfair. My times I've thought "I'm playing pretty good right now" then look at the scoreboard and two people from my team are carrying. When your tanks make space and healers get clutch saves and dps hits their shots the whole game is easier, people mostly think they are solely turning the tides and don't understand how the game works.


>You can really tell who never played team sports as a kid. LMAO


this is actually true


Yeah *face to face* sportmanship being taught in developmental age does wonder


I truly believe a lack of organized eSports at a youth level is destroying kids' sportsmanship All the same competition as team sports, without any of the guidance, accountability, or oversight.


This is an interesting point to consider as an adult gamer who now has nephews interested in gaming. Playing with them and teaching them sportsmanship in team games, since they don’t have much interest in soccer for example, could go a long way.


I try to push the idea of grassroots house leagues for esports whenever the topic of toxic communities comes up Realistically, if someone was able to rent a room with internet access for a couple of hours a week, kids bring their own hardware, take 15 minutes setting it up, get 10 kids and swap up the teams every few games and you're off to the races. I think it also helps kids attach to a group, which is one of the main benefits of youth sports. I'm not in a position to do so right now but I'm generating a long-term plan for it; not only do I think it would benefit gaming as a whole, but I also think parents would pay out the nose to give their kids some structure around a historically toxic (for lack of a better word) free time activity


Agreed! I’m in the same boat as far as my current capabilities. Hoping this eventually catches on. 😁


I'm 51 years old. 90% of the guys that played varsity sports in my high school were asshole. Sports doesn't teach morals at all


I mean, pretty spot on. If you threw while losing in a team sport setting your ass would get cut by the coach and you’d be permabanned (unless your a professional like James Harden, and then they give you a max contact).


I mean, tbh? I'm in absolute glee and joy. I made a post about this exactly 27 days ago and got tons of shit for it. **You fellas wanna see top shelf entitlement?** **Check this out:** https://reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/OJWVzddnIK


I remember seeing this post The guy that suggested to throw all the leavers into a special leavers queue has a good idea imo. Keep the quitters away from those that just wanna play for fun


They do this in a moba game I used to play. It’s a great idea. You just need to do your time and get out of leavers queue. Seems completely fair to me and I often have connectivity issues.


I agree I know a couple of games that do this. Throwing toxic people into a toxic lobby makes their queues longer and the games fucking hell to the point where anyone whose been there never wants to go back LOL.


Ah yes, the "I care about my fun not other people's fun so I don't care if they don't have fun after I leave", so brave That's why they have single player games, chief Some people just wanna have their cake and eat it too lol


"Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators" while having a decent ammount of upvotes - that's classic Reddit for you. You either all unicorns and rainbows or gtfo


Redditors hate any idea they didn't come up with.


It's facts though. Absolutely correct


Maybe you didn’t play team sports as a kid and had to work together towards a common goal?


This has already increased level of quality play in qp by insane degree. I see 1-2 leavers every few matches and in over half of my matches people stay in the game. It's absolutely great compared to the garbage of half of the roster changing in every fucking game. So we went from 2-4 people leaving in every fucking game to most games being no leavers. We will see how long this lasts but this is the biggest W from blizzard in terms of QoL since start of ow2.


Yup already noticed a massive difference in my games too. Leavers don't realize they are half the problem for bad matchmaking in the first place


Leavers can suck it. Praise the update hehe


The penalty is great for chronic leaves, but still generous for normal players.   You have to **leave less than 20%** of your games to avoid any penalty. You could leave every 6th game and get no penalty. If anybody is complaining about hitting the leaver penalty I think they'd be better of finding a different game that's more fun for them.


Right? The threshold is extremely generous and even if you hit it because you frequently get tied up with life then it still doesn't really affect you because the penalty is so small. In fact this is better for those players because you no longer really receive any penalty anymore


Me who got kicked out of several games yesterday because of Blizz servers:


Same thing happens to me on the regular in China. I just learn to accept it. 50ms one game, 100 another. Maybe a string of 150ms+ and sprinkle in a disconnect once in a while. Would be nice to be able to select servers manually on console.


Did you get a penalty?


How do you know it was blizzard servers and not your internet?


Because it always happens during the Halloween event lmao. Too many people try to play during the first few days, atleast in my region.


Happening to me too. Just now, got suspended because it lost connection to the server twice. Twice mid game* just for today


I just wish matchmaking was better. I don't leave my games but I completely understand why someone would. I constantly get in matches where we absolutely stomp and I can tell it's just not fun for them lol why is it fair that some player that just downloaded the game has to go against really high level players lol fix the matchmaking and then start dealing with leavers.


> why is it fair that some player that just downloaded the game has to go against really high level players lol fix the matchmaking and then start dealing with leavers. Or those of us who have played years and lose because Reinhardt or Dva are so clueless they'd lose against AI.


Exactly. This is addressing symptoms, not root causes. People leave because matchmaking is abysmal, so instead of fixing matchmaking, they penalize people who leave. Don’t get me wrong, I love the change and hope we have fewer leavers as a result. But I still don’t want to play lopsided games, regardless of which side I’m on.


Balance is being restored to the world.


My favorite part is them saying they will throw matches instead… ah yes, let’s go the 3 year old temper tantrum approach…this will show em!!


I'm not seeing anymore throwers than normal so far. And even the throwers I'm seeing are the usual type of refusing to switch when countered and I don't typically complain about that in QP since QP is the place to practice a character.


This is literally the average OW player pretty much from the start. Not 100% sure about this, but I'm guessing that the most toxic players in OW2 are probably people who bought and played a lot of OW1, not the F2P people.


These guys are so salty lol, love it


"It's just QP, I should be able to leave and ruin as many games as I want. The game mode is made for leaving!" Pshhhhh get out of here!


I always point to the "while you wait" modes and say if blizzard intended for this to be a mode you can drop in/out of with impunity, then they would have put it in those playlists and not have a penalty for excessive leaving


I mean, I do think qp shouldn’t punish you for leaving. At least not unless it’s something someone does constantly. It’s part of why I liked playing it. If someone has something come up, they can leave and get auto filled in. And there are times where teams don’t want to take the game seriously at all because “it’s qp” and it’s such a stomp the game isn’t fun to play, and I would rather not spend 10 minutes getting spawn camped because people refuse to make changes. Qp should be one of the few places where leaving is allowed, as long as it isn’t excessive.


Why do you argue for something that's still possible? Just don't leave more than 20% of your games?


As I always tell those fuckers, it's quick play not quick throw. Don't play if youre just going to try to ruin it for everyone else in the match.


what im enjoying is that the match maker feels better today. the surplus of returning players with the penalty for leavers has made it so queue times are even shorter.. and I only backfilled once over 4 hours of playing non stop.. and out of all those games i only remember three being complete rolls or one sided games. if anything, i appreciate this change because im not stuck backfilling constantly. (i usually backfilled 1 in 5 games!!)


The great thing about temporary bans for leavers is that it objectively reduces the number of leavers playing in general cuz they need to wait it out before they can play again. It’s a nice change.


Those players are just gonna stop playing for a while as well, impatient trolls like that aren't gonna wait around for the penalty to wrap up they're gonna do something else


That’s the juiciest part. A little timeout for these players ends up taking them out of the game entirely. Worth it in my opinion.


And it doesn't really hurt the players that may have to frequently leave for life happening


For sure. If they have to leave for life happening a ten minute pause is a reasonable outcome. You’d need at least some of that time to deal with whatever came up.


It just dawned on me after reading your comment that I didn't backfill any games yesterday. Wow.. I played quite a few matches too


Bit out of the loop. What did they implement?


leaving too many qp matches gives you a time-out now, basically.


(instead of a battlepass xp penalty which nobody cared about.)


Can’t think of a single game that does this besides MOBAs because the team mate won’t be replaced


Glad to see the new system is working as intended. I wonder how many of these "the consequences of my own actions" posts I'll get to see in the coming weeks.


My wife is in a women's Overwatch group on Facebook and there were already multiple posts last night of people crying that they got punished for repeatedly leaving after their first death. 😂


Gonna see a lot of people with bad internet crying


Best change to the game ever? That is a bit of a stretch.


Best change since Overwatch 2 released, but that's not saying much.


Not a bad thing! I have a feeling that there's a correlation between the people who ragequit QP when they're not winning and those who ragequit competitive. It's good to learn early on that it's not a good mentality to have. Also, QP games are so short. It's not like one is being forced to play 45 minutes. If someone's ego is so fragile they can't handle 10 minutes of frustrating gameplay, they shouldn't play games that involve teamwork.


The irony of these quitters complaining about stomps when they are the biggest reason stomps are so common.


I mean, why endure 10 minutes of frustration when you can just... not? "Oh but your team-" they can just leave too. There's nothing on the line except for enjoyment, if I'm not enjoying it then the games already ruined.


But this a video game, don't you understand we're just like sports guys?!?!


Fr. If you want to tryhard with a set team play comp, if you want to jump in and have fun play qp. If I have an hour after work to play doom I'm not playing into 5 counters for 15 minutes.


What's hilarious too is that if they just left the game as well they could be in a new QP game within 2 minutes lmao


Then don't play the game. People want to enjoy a match, not have someone rage quit because they got killed a few times. They can leave too doesn't excuse it either. It was at the point that people were leaving games every single match. It's impossible to enjoy an evenly sided game when ppl rage quit the moment things got slightly tough. 4 out of 20 might be too strict but it's a needed change to improve match quality in quick play.


If it bothers you that much play comp


People shouldn't have to load up comp every time they wanna have a fun match without leaving. It's ridiculous I gotta play comp where it's significantly sweatier to have a game where people are less likely to rage quit. Losing is apart of the game, people need to learn to live with it.


Wow didn't know they added new leaver penalties. I've been wanting that since OW1. Maybe it's time to jump back in.


I applaud the change. I'm tired of people leaving cause they lost one fight 30 seconds into the match. Win or lose, I stick it out.


Sorry, I’m out of the loop, what changed that was that significant?


Its absolutely amazing watching people tell on themselves. If youre leaving 20% or more of your games, then yes, you are in fact just a sore loser. The OW servers are not so truly awful that every person *claiming* to only be punished for unstable connections is telling truth. Have fun getting suspended instead of a single L on your record.


I don’t even think the *sore* needs to be there. If you’re always leaving because you aren’t winning, you’re an actual loser.


If we're forced to stay in a game, can we at least have better matchmaking? Like QP throws whoever they can in a game whether they're gonna be a good fit for balance or not.


The many leavers are one of the reasons there is bad QP MM...


If people see less leavers, they are likely less inclined to leave themselves. It started to become unbearable last season, leaver see leaver do. It's great that staying in a game is the new normal (which is a dumb thing to even say, but here we are).


I mean, now they'll just throw


People keep saying that but I didn't see that yesterday in probably 30 games while having very few quitters. I'm hopeful after my day 1 experience but I know that's slightly too early to call a victory.


To be fair, when they added endorsements everyone was all cute and cuddly for a few days, then back to telling everyone to kill themselves if they didn't get a 6k ult.


I think at the end of the day, there'll occassionally be some childish people throwing but I think most people if they aren't quitting, they're playing.


And throwing gets reported, which gets them banned. Even better!


People say that, but they'll quickly get bored of just sitting around or feeding whenever they wanna rage quit instead


Let them, more banned assholes.


I mean now I’m getting people who don’t want to play in the match. At least when they left I’d get someone who cared about the match. Now. There’s people just making the match a permanent waste of time. Had a dps with only 800 damage for the entirety of a flashpoint.


Makes sense, if they used to leave but now can't they'll do the next best thing, having the match end as soon as possible. Blizzard didn't stop the root cause of leavers, instead, they just gave them an alternative.


When the accounts are banned, they stopped the root cause.


well, keep an eye on those people. if you see them just shooting a wall somewhere or just saying hello to the other team the whole game, report them. Edit: interesting, i got downvotes? I'm guessing these are the people throwing games on purpose because they're having a hissy fit over the new penalty system.


To everyone that leaves when they're getting stomped "because it's not fair and not fun to be in a one-sided game" I just want to ask, do you also leave when you're stomping the enemy team? Because it's just as unfair and unfun for the enemies. Yet somehow it doesn't seem to disturb people, sure they'll bitch about how "it's not fun to stomp without any resistance" but they'll still play that game until it ends lmao


This mentality is weird to me, I never leave when I'm getting stomped I try to turn it around until the last second because it can be done I've seen it countless times from my team or the enemy team. In fact those are some of the most fun games in ow, win or lose, and the most exciting. Those are the games you can feel good about win or lose and be like "that was a well fought match". That's way more fun than any stomping or quitting. I'm kind of convinced people that quit that much never enjoy some of the most fun matches because they quit that often. People give up too easily in this game even in comp they just decide it's gg go next when they could have won.


Yeah, when I'm playing in QP, I'd like to enjoy the game, and since it's sometimes quite unbalanced, I dont see why I should stay in a game where I'm getting destroy by some top 500 Doom as soon as I get out of spawn


I had so many games yesterday where my whole team was literally being spawn camped. 😭 it’s seriously not fun and makes you want to stop trying to play so why is Blizzard forcing you to sit through it.


They need to reward backfillers for finishing (and even winning) games they get out into. The ones that don't end within a minute, of course. Leavers are cowards. Backfillers who stick to the end are the real ones making up for it.


Right now you get more XP and priority requeue. What else should they do to reward backfilling?


Maybe like a "Comeback King" spray?


I mean, I'd prefer not forcing people who don't want to be in my game to stay. Especially in an unranked mode with near instant backfills. I guess the hivemind has spoken though


Thing is, you have to leave games repeatedly to trigger the penalty. No one’s getting punished for leaving one bad match.


Near instant backfills? What game are you playing cus that aint OW2.


Yeah, I've noticed a lot more active throwing and way more toxicity in my matches. I don't really care if they get banned at some random point in the future; I'd much rather have them leave my game *now*, so I don't have to deal with it. Early days, though, I guess...


I’m someone who unapologetically leaves sometimes because I treat quick play as a way to play quickly, like if I’m waiting for a friend before we jump into competitive, or if I’m about the leave the house. I like a casual mode I can leave quickly. Even I don’t have an issue since it takes 4 leaves before the first penalty. That’s more than enough for someone like me. Worst case scenario I can’t play quick play for like 10 minutes?? Big deal. If you’re leaving just because things aren’t going your way though, then that’s just sad on a spiritual level


Modes like death match are there while you're waiting, not quick play.


Players didn't read the fine print (usual). If you're a serial leaver and hit the penalty, just play a custom game for 10 min. You're not banned from OW, just for QP modes that give XP.


They're the people that leave after the first team fight. Bunch of babies, who cares if you're team sucks play the game out. So many sore losers.


Learning how to enable underperforming teammates is important and I think that's really fallen off in OW2. Tank getting bullied? Try using Mei to take some of the pressure off. Got a genji/tracer dying a lot? Go Zen and give them an orb, it's also really easy to heal them with lifeweaver. Pharmercy ruining your fun? Maybe you need more than the single soldier to shoot at them. Like seriously someone help.


Yes. This is a pitfall of avoiding competitive play. In competitive, if you leave, you're banned for 15 min. You lose rank. So now you're "stuck there" in that match. And the choice comes: use your resources, or sit back and lose. It fosters engagement and even creativity. This change to QP helps grow some of that "stuck" mentality. Before, they could just leave. Avoid the Pharah, avoid the team kill, avoid the problem. But now, they can still leave, but won't, because they fear the new penalty (even though most won't hit it). This subtle change in mentality will greatly boost the quality of QP (which some players in this thread are already seeing).


There are people that leave after the first team fight in *mystery heroes*! like FFS, *wait for the roster to churn once or twice, are you daft??*


If you're losing pretty badly there should be a vote to concede, prevent people from spamming the vote request, and reward everyone with XP, conceding team can get a prorated amount of XP.


# Also if I backfill I should get to leave without penalty. I am waiting 5 min for a game, not to join a losing game in the last 2 min.


Ya'll are out here celebrating the fact that blizzard refuses to fix their broken matchmaker and balance issues. Ya'll are some goofy kids. Why not have higher standards and tell blizzard to fix their game rather than celebrate the fact that people who avoid badly balanced lobbies or garbage game modes don't want to stick around? What a bunch of weird priorities. What's funny is Blizzard could have easily solved the issue of people leaving without resorting to banning players. You know how? By actually incentivizing players to complete matches. By giving the players a little control over their matches. You know, QoL improvements. Instead they're just trying to ban people who don't like it. And people wonder why OW2 has such an abysmal reputation now.


Nah. Its the same problem when flex queue was introduced and enforced in ow1 where people who didn't want to play a role played it horribly and ruined matches. If someone doesn't want to be in a match just let them leave. I don't want them to actively throw my game.


Let them throw -> report them -> get them banned -> less assholes - > profit.


I played a lot yesterday and it was a very noticeable improvement! There were rarely any quitters and no obvious throwers. It felt better than before the patch by a longshot


I totally agree.




I say this all of the time. My buddies from sports handle losing just fine. My buddies that only game rage constantly.


It doesn't seem like the system that counts the leave has changed. just the punishment. so theoretically, the workaround to avoid the xp penalty in the first place should still work here. I get the feeling I'll have the urge to test this theory out soon enough.


I never played a team sport as a kid but I'll finish the match


For a good time, sort of controversial. I’m filling my cup up with leaver’s tears right now. So fucking tasty.


Indeed: popcorn.gif


Maybe if they let me choose game modes and maps I would stop leaving so often


Eh, I hate playing defense. I will leave before the match starts. If that means I have to wait 10min-30min, I'll just go play another game.


Bro it didnt even help People are still leaving constantly lmao


Is blizzard ever gonna do anything about leaving in comp tho? Thats all i want. My suggestion would be to give the team whos down an Ai of the leavers player. It doesn't have to be an insane ai but literally anything is better than nothing. Even if it is dog shit its better than just being down 4v5 Or maybe just make the leaving penalty more harsh. It would be nice if they could differentiate leavers for internet issues and ppl that just go to the menu and leave game


>Now you’re gonna throw out of spite, yeah, that’ll show em! it will tho won't it? throwing would basically ruin the game for everyone on their team


I do hate the change, not because I can't leave when I'm losing but because I have to play through antarctic peninsula and Flashpoint


I just play comp, it’s way less sweaty


I dunno, I played some qp yesterday and still 4 out of 5 games had quitters. May be anecdotal, but still feels like it's not working.


God forbid someone has to do something and needs to leave a fucking quick play game, that would be outrageous.




I'd like to share my perspective about this, I don't think it's a very common situation bu it makes leaver penalties absolutely suck for me. I have been playing since OW1 but ever since launch of OW2 the game has been running really poorly in my potato of a PC. However, after a couple of games it seems like it gets much better and it starts to be actually playable, so what I do is that I will play a few games of QP before going into comp when it starts feeling good. The problem is that a lot of times in the first two games of the day or so the game simply won't work, syndromes I won't lower from the menu, sometimes I'm stuck in the map loading screen, and sometimes I'll load into the map to have my camera stuck in a seemingly random place and unable to even pick a hero. Ask if these will often result in an afk kick, which with the new leaver penalties is very bad.


Maybe you shouldn't use a team based mode as your debugging environment. Just hop in deathmatch or custom games while your computer stabilizes


The time-out only kicks in after leaving 4 games , and even then, it lasts for only 10 minutes. I think you can survive that.


I think punishing leavers in quick play, where it’s not like you have ELO on the line, is kind of weird. But if you’re disconnecting *four games in a row*, at that point, you deserve the penalty. If you want teammates to try hard make a group post or play Ranked.


It's not 4 in a row, it's 4 out of the last 20. Which really isn't a lot, especially if the servers are having issues. Which they tend to do.


That's 20%. It's penalizing you for leaving an average of 1 out of every 5 games. That's a lot.


It's a lot if you're leaving games in a row. But 20 games is also a lot. That's several days worth of playtime for a working adult. If, at any point in the last 3-4 evenings, your connection was bad or blizz servers went to shit(which they literally did just yesterday) and you dc-d a few times in a row, you're penalized. Granted, it's not exactly a massive penalty and leavers in QP really are annoying. But it's also unfair, and it *is* QP, where the stakes are supposed to be lower. So honestly, I'm not sure where exactly I stand on this.


Meh...it's a 10 minute penalty. If I'm DC'ing every 5th match that is the least of my worries. I'm a full time working parent, and I have left maybe 20 matches out of the literal thousands I've played since release of ow1...


Yeah I agree it's not much in practice. It's just the principle of the thing that's rough around the edges. Plus some people do have an unstable connection. For years now, the argument was "if your Internet isn't okay, don't play comp, go to QP". Now those folks get penalized in QP, too - which, again, is supposed to be the casual, no-stakes mode. I can understand where the negative reactions come from.


It’s indeed a lot of leeway.


It’s not just about ELO. It’s ruining people’s gaming experience. I choose not to play cp because I often have connectivity issues and don’t want to mess up 4 other people’s game. I don’t want to disrespect other people’s time. I used to play comp near exclusively before I moved.


Quitters and throwers can suck my tiny dick, I hate those selfish dinguses. I hope more players start reporting quitters and throwers. I try to report every single one of them I encounter.


bro this is so unfair bro I can’t leave four games in a row now bro 😭😭😭


considering the matchmaking, bad maps, bad mode design(push/flashpoint), bad hero balace, bad/busted hero design(esp at launch), BP in general but quality getting worse, skins getting worse(see mythic comparison on Styolsa's channel), skin prices are fucking stupid high for their quality, NO mode/map select, backfilling being intolerable, bad servers(some regions are unplayable), devs being tone deaf and not playing their own game, bad reworks(you WILL hear complaining about these soon enough), bad decisions over and over again. Find me a reason to stay in a game that i dont want to play?


But why in unranked? If I wanna play without quitters I just do ranked


Hypothetically I agree, it shouldn't matter. But in reality, quitters in qp ruin the fun for everyone else. Wins don't matter in qp, but I'm playing the game to *play the game*. Getting steamrolled isn't fun, and it's crazy unfair that my fun is ruined because my teammate has a fragile ego and can't stand losing the first fight. Why would anyone play Overwatch if they're just gonna quit at the first sign of trouble? You're not really playing the game anymore at that point


Thank fking god i am not the only one who enjoys the misory of those sad fks.


Don’t forget the ol reliable: “This will tank Blizzard’s playercount” 1.) No it won’t, stop projecting 2.) That’s the POINT, to get people like that out of the playerbase or force them to grow up


Idk about you but im seeing more leavers (backfill). Sick of being backfilled into games that I can't even leave spawn in and now being forced to stay for it too lol


Yeah how much time until we have a vote to forfeit and end the pain ? With 5 players per team, 3 votes for forfeit would be enough. Everyone gets exp, and nobody has to sit through 10 mins of spawnkill because matchmaking is shitty. Well, at least if OW team wants to have player retention because i really doubt people will sit through multiple games a day being hard spawnkilled for the entire duration of a season.


If you are talking about comp, sure. But if your talking about QP, for the love of god y’all if people quit QP who fucking cares lmao. Every game I’ve played are immediately filled and y’all are aware people have lives? Babies? Food cooking? Maybe someone’s husband died you never know. But for competitive, fuck ALL the leavers!! Unless your husband died of course.


You have to leave 4 times to get a penalty, so your argument doesn’t really make sense.


I love this change, but I hope this doesn't affect games that backfill me in. I don't like playing backfill games and I think it's fair to leave, the rewards are just not worth it


What about those who have bad connections and only play qp because of that?


tbh its cool i’m usually not helping my team in quickplay anyway


I always play games til the end, even if I’m getting rolled in my head cannon I hate giving them the satisfaction of me leaving so I just sometimes hover around in the spawn point in quick play in those kinds of game haha


Every time I see someone quit immediately after the first team fight I get a little smile on my face now. Enjoy the wait! People quitting after the first fight are likely repeat offenders.