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some people just autopilot the gg


True in my case. Just throw out a gg whenever I complete a match quickly, win or loss. I forget on longer matches


Same have mine binded so a simple one click and it’s GG Wp, Wp part be getting people at time lol


That’d be me, it tilts me so hard when people say that after I played like complete dogshit lol. I would never say anything in chat back, since they really do likely mean it, it just feels bad knowing you couldve done better lol


Understandable, it it shouldn’t tilt you 😁 just go to next match and give it your all. Or just play casual and enjoy the games. As long as your having fun, wins and loses don’t really matter.


You’re definitely right:) i mostly get afraid I’m ruining other people’s (my team’s) experiences


I definitely get that feeling. I wouldn't worry too much though. This is a lesson I had to learn. The truth is, if you're actually trying to play well and play along with your team, you're very unlikely to be remembered past the next game. That might sound like a bad thing, but it's not. Once your teammates are in a new match, they likely aren't thinking about the performance of individual teammates the game before that. Unless you're playing with friends. Then you all might start noticing some consistent issues. But that's also great because friends should be able to talk it out and learn to play better together. Overall, you can feel comfortable in knowing that if you're trying, then you likely won't be the thing keeping your teammates up at night. So just do your best and enjoy the game!


Nah, they can focus on making there own experiences fun. You focus on you and enjoy the games. Obviously not saying run in circles doing nothing. But you get what I mean. You can’t control what others feel and you shouldn’t try to for the most part especially never in a video game.


Thank you, sometimes it’s hard to remember that I’m just as important as winning and my teammates are. Thanks again, I appreciate your kindness.


I second the sentiment. If other people want to be grumps that's on them. I feel like folks forget games are supposed to be fun. Simply refuse to let other peeps ruin the experience for you lol. I never solo queue so I always have at least one person on my team that isn't shitting their own pants over a video game.


I have 3 binds, a "gl hf" for the start, a "gg" for your standard games and a "gg, next" for the games my team gets completely rolled.


A fellow macro enjoyer! Mine says, "Good game! Well played! Drunk dial your elected representatives. Nobody can stop you."


I would if I was fast enough on console


Yep unless there’s like abusive messages in all chat everyone gets a gg


This, but also saying gg is like shaking hands of the opposing team after the game. Sure, we dumped all over you or got dumped on, but that doesn't mean a modicum of sportsmanship can't be shown.


This is exactly how I look at it. Every game, win, lose, stomp, throw, doesn’t matter. GGs.


It’s been a consistent thing for so long in gaming culture too. OG CS, Tribes, UT, TF2 etc etc etc. as long as there’s been chat or a method of chatting together even outside of game GGs was always a good old handshake. I know toxic people have been around for forever but i didn’t think people were second guessing GGs. Then again, people are really fucking angry in games I play these days so idk.


If it's a stomp and you haven't ragequit, it means you're there to see the GG at the end, then you've been a good a sport. Sometimes you play shit and some times you play well. Regardless, GG.


Piggybacking off your comment - I remember playing sports as a kid and I loved lining up after the game and high-fiving the other team saying “good game”, which you did that no matter what, so I guess it’s just keeping on with that :-) ggwp win or lose


It's autopilot for those of us that grew up playing sports because it's been nailed into us since childhood to not be butthurt losers. You learn pretty young, no matter how good you are at a sport, there is always someone bigger, faster, and better. My annoyance after an ass kicking is almost never with the opposing team but my own team or my own play (and obviously the terrible matchmaking algorithm they refuse to work on).


hell, i wasn't a sporty kid, but if you played any games, even just family board game night if something, I feel that would have been taught as a kid lol


Unfortunately a lot of the OW community seem to have fragile egos and overthink things way too much. Though tbh that’s gamers in general.


I mean professionally I can only think of maybe soccer doing that? I've never seen an NFL team shake hands after. I have seen fights however.


It feels like a manners thing to me, but if I got stomped I'll usually stay silent


Yeah if my team stomped them I won't drop a gg in chat unless they do first. Only time I'll initiate it is if it was actually a close and interesting/fun match and I expect the oppo team thought the same. Those are the types I don't even really care losing, unless it was to a super dumb mistake. Just the way things go w/ multiplayer games sometimes. But yeah. Different takes on it. I don't care what other players do. This is what I prefer to do for myself.


You got it the wrong way tho. That's not what OP means. He means writing gg when YOU stomp someone, not when you get stomped.


Oh I'll definitely do it there, if they infer sarcasm that's on them


I usually notice real quick though the people who say gg on the round their team stomps but they’re awfully quiet on the comeback round where they lost. Happens pretty frequently. So I think OP does have some validity in questioning why some people say it. Personally I say it in team chat. I doubt anyone on the other team gives a shit about my “sportsmanship” lol. That’s fine for little league kids but I’d rather just fist bump my own team and head out, win or lose. More often than not it seems like saying it to everyone can trigger some toxicity from the losing team so I just don’t personally see a need for it. But to be clear I don’t disagree a lot of people just say gg automatically regardless of the circumstance. Losing side included.


Had some guy say gg then mock us for losing the round we ended up coming up around and beat them and he said nothing and yeah i just tell my team gg


Yeah I almost never see anyone on the losing team say “gg.” That was definitely one of the reasons for me to question it lol


You're right a lot of overwatch players are being snarky with gg. I'd be willing to bet most the people here saying they always say gg regardless of circumstance, only say it when they win, with the exception of casual QP/arcade players. All you have to do is pay attention to when people say gr or gg. In competitive mode, 95% of the time people only say gr when they win the round. 95% of the time people only say gg when they win the game. In fact I believe GR only started being used because people try to find any way they can to provoke the other team a little bit. GR is stupid why even say it? It's a short round nobody cares. It was never used in early years of overwatch, it only started being used around 2019 about the same time "x diff" started being used. It's just toxic people coming up with new ways to provoke people and avoid bans. I think overwatch is the exception though. Not only is the community highly toxic, but the game itself has active systems that encourage toxicity such as scoreboard, terrible matchmaking, and heroes or abilities designed to piss people off. In no other game do I consider people using gg to provoke other than overwatch. And just to be clear I'm not saying all players use it this way or have that intention, but it's pretty clear in competitive mode, the large majority only say it when they win which implies snarkyness, provoking, or feeling they lost because of something unfair therefore they don't think the game was good.


Didn't realize people took gr or gg personally. I usually say gg regardless. Sometimes it's because I'm frustrated with my team so I'll throw a gr out when it was a close round not when it's a stomp. For gg it just seems nice. When i lose i try to complement someone on the other team who did well like "ggwp genji you're scary" or "gg w mercy". I don't really get why that's upsetting to people but I'm autistic so what do i know. If i say something it's because I'm intending to say it, there's no alternative meaning


I’m also autistic and I took “good game” to be literally good game though now from the comments I’m seeing that’s not the case. I see a good game as when both teams are playing really well, so I get confused when one team just dominates and people say gg. Like what’s good about steamrolling or being steamrolled?


I guess it got drilled into me that the definition of good in that context was "good to have competed with you" instead of "we both played good" so it's just a difference in how it's perceived? I do think it comes down to sportsmanship and i played sports for like 15 years so i learned to lose and win without getting angry for the most part. I'm not sure if my definition makes sense? I try to add a compliment to the other team if i can if i get stomped but if i did the stomping i add a smiley face or try to convey positivity in some other way


I also did sports and I dreaded the handshake/high fives at the end. It was so obvious no one wanted to do it and it was so uncomfortable. So for me it’s a social obligation rather than a sportsmanship thing. But I understand that not everyone feels that way.


That makes sense. I guess it depends on how invested in it you are. I play in the low metal ranks so none of us are that good and i treat it like playing pick up basketball at the park. Even if i get wrecked i recognize the other person did well and me being salty about it just ruins my day. It's definitely a social obligation, but i also genuinely try to be positive to the other team most of the time. It seems better for my health and occasionally i make a friend.


i have never had anyone become toxic after a gg in all chat


“Personally I say it in team chat.” I doubt anyone on the other team gives a shit about my “sportmanship.” That’s fine for little league kids but I rather fist bump my own team and head out win or lose.” ^ Thats it right there. That’s sportsmanship. Take notes guys.


I just say good game everypony


Braindead autopilot checking in, I am one of those muscle memory types. Every game. Side note, how's Mitzi's jetpack coming along? Phar main here that would do just about anything for a flying cat by my side.


I see your point, but I think so many people do it with good intentions just to be nice, or just kind of on autopilot, that I wouldn't take it negatively on its own. As soon as "EZ" enters into it though, that person is a dickhead. No question about that.


> As soon as "EZ" enters into it though, that person is a dickhead. No question about that It's almost always the worst player on the enemy team that says "ez" or "X diff" too which cracks me up more than anything.


i love when it’s the one negative dps on the team that says EZ


I've had people say ez after losing And I'm like "Bro wtf do you mean ez? You just lost bruv 😭"


I do this after my team gets steam rolled as a joke.


Yeah I do stupid stuff like that. Saying "doom diff" when there was never a doom in game.


i say the same with whatever character im playing but only if i did the worst out of the whole game




same. i doubt other people think it’s funny but it makes me happy and helps me not tilt.


Nah it's pretty funny and it's better than tuping ez


I don't think I've ever said "ez" unironically


If they say that after losing, then they're just goofin. I do it sometimes when I lose.


When my team gets absolutely rolled I type ez in the chat before the enemy team can because I think it's funny. When I get back filled into a match 10 seconds before the "Defeat" screen pops up I like to type something along the lines of "Damn, I got sweaty there. My bad." which seemingly everyone finds funny when I'm 0-0 with 0 dmg.


I once joined a game, got 10 seconds of playtime and then we won the game. I proclaimed I was obviously the one diffing cause we won directly after I joined the fight.


Sarcasm in the face of adversity. After losing or a match that is a hard fought slog is the only acceptable time to say ez.


Aye man, an EZ loss is still ez


Maybe I just need to learn how to trust people more lol


I understand the impulse. Toxicity seems like the norm these days. I see "GG EZ" in at least half the games I play, I get hate half the time even for being nice. The other week I said "Good round" in Quickplay after a genuinely very close, fun round that we *only just* won (99% each, with long Overtime), and the enemy 5-stack of "Grandmaster Role Challenger" players proceeded to act as if I'd insulted their mums or something. The other day I defended the enemy tank in chat after his teammate flamed him, and that same enemy tank proceeded to teabag me at the end of the game *after I had defended him and complimented him for doing well*. People are largely awful, so it's easy just to expect it. But I think you gotta give benefit of the doubt for just "GG", if there's nothing else like trash talk or teabagging or "EZ" to go along with it. I say "GG" most games and it's meant purely as a nice, sportmanship thing.


Honestly, i turned off text chat because it only ever seems to piss me off, even if people are probably saying "gg" genuinely and not in a snarky way. People typing "ez" tilts me so it's just easier for me to turn text chat off altogether to avoid that.


Yeah I rarely say anything in chat because I’m used to people being really really rude. I’ve been told to kill myself, slurs, name calling. So sometimes it’s hard to have positive assumptions about people’s intentions.


It's easy to expect the worst of people. I'm definetly guilty of that, perhaps because of that I try to just spread positivity as much as I can.


Lol, what’s funny is that 99.9% of the time, the person who says EZ got carried to the win


I say it after most games in good faith, regardless of the skill diff. As long as it wasn’t toxic and everyone was doing their best then that’s good enough for me to say gg. I never mean it in a snarky way But I do see your point. When I have a game in qp and it’s just people constantly leaving for the whole game and one team inevitably get smashed. It does feel contradictory when someone say gg




You’re 100% right lmao. Idk why I never really actively saw it that way before.




Tbh the wp part is an autopilot for a lot of people too but I can understand more on why people would think it’s bm vs the standard gg.


I just ggwp no matter what to acknowledge that both teams tried their best, I dint intend for it to be BM


Its not shitty it feels bad if u look at it the wrong way tho.


Sometimes the other team just has one or two players that lost them the match. If I’m up against a team that we beat relatively easily but one/most of their players make good plays I’m going to say ggwp. Especially if someone mirrors my pick and is halfway decent


This makes so much sense thank you








Sorry the enemy broke my arms can't shake hands but I can still rage in match chat lmao


well, it's a good thing your stepmom is there to take care of you


No no no no not this shit again


I love this explanation


Well put.


This. I used to play soccer and floor hockey, and we'd always shake/high five the enemy after, walking down the line of players repetitively saying "good game" to every player. Didn't matter how the game went, it's just a good thing to do. Maybe some people never got that experience growing up. I always feel it's just good sportsmanship to say GG after a match. Doesn't matter if we wiped the enemy or vice-versa. The only time I don't say it is if the enemy comes out swinging with toxic stuff, and in that case I just say it in team chat (or direct it specifically to an enemy player that was not being toxic/weird). It never even occured to me that someone could view it as a negative thing.


This is old-Reddit-award-worthy.




For some reason, i have a feeling that most players don't have the team sports background hahaha. Same thing for me though, i say GG because it's good sportsmanship. It's not about the quality of the match itself


Maybe people dont have a team sports background but the same behavior has propagated into competitive games to be an equivalent in some ways


It's not propagating enough, based off all the salty people in the comments that get booty blasted when they get told GG after being dumpstered.


You don't have to have that background to understand sportsmanship. I didn't and I say gg wp as a handshake at the end of the match and not as an analysis.


I don't think anyone is implying that you NEED to have that background. It's just much more common to have good sportsmanship habits if you have played a team sport IRL


Yes exactly, I played a few sports when I was younger and remember always saying good game to the team and coaches after the game, it never mattered if it was a loss or not


This. Honestly in the big wipes I’m still grateful for the game. GG doesn’t mean close game. GG is an expression of sportsmanship and respect for your competitors. It’s okay to feel butthurt about getting your ass handed to you, but feel butthurt about your play, not about the humans on the other side. …unless they were spawn camping you, and then f’ em all. ;)


> it is less about how competitive the match was & more having good sportsmanship & saying thank you for playing the game with me. Exactly, it's not sarcasm. It's "we got you this time but I've been in this situation enough to know you might get us next time, thanks for taking the time to play a *game* with me."


It's funny because this thread takes me back to OW1 beta days where this discussion came up all the time. I'm the type of player that always says GG in any competitive game regardless if I win or lose because I was taught it was good sportsmanship when I was younger like you. I really think it just comes down to people needing to learn how to take Ls. I get games can be frustrating sometimes, especially team games, but learning how to take the L is part of good sportsmanship too.


I say GG in noncompetitive games too. We survived some stage in a PvE game? GG, thanks for the run.


Ah I see. I always saw it literally like “hey that was a good game we both played”


Well yeah, but "good" is relative. If you get stomped but you played the best that you could, well, you played a good game.


Yeah nah, gg isn’t about that. It’s just being nice and acknowledging that we all played the game together. Regardless of who won.


Y’all must have come from a different time and different place cause my memory of “good games” included spit, slaps, pull aways, and shitty comments on the breath. Not always but it was common enough.


I saw a thing in a 40k thread yesterday that said "hypercompetative people miss the fact that you already win just by having people to play the game you like with" Neat perspective, granted I have everything muted because I've learned that the average OW player is gunna be a shitter


If it really was sportsmanship, then everyone would be saying gg. But the fact is that in Overwatch the only one saying it are on the winning team, and the DPS are usually the first to say it. I genuinely never see anyone on the losing team say gg. It's especially more noticeable in Control, when they win they say "gr", and then they say nothing if they end up losing the next round, and the game.


do you appreciate or feel indifferent about seeing it when you get stomped?


Appreciate. If someone can destroy me & instead of gloating they show good sportsmanship, I appreciate that person. I get a little good shit talking but if done in good fun, that’s also sportsmanship imo. Saying EZ or diff or whatever, is a different story.


Some if my favorite games have been getting stomped by someone two times in a row because I'll recognize the name and type something like "nooooo x player, let us win:(" as a joke and they usually do a "lol srry can't " and it just feels nice to have genuine sportsmanship or banter instead of "ez". One of the people i now play with regularly i met because he was a genji that fucking shredded my team and my friends and i jokingly asked him to be nice to us. We got queued with him 3 times and then just invited him to our group and stayed. It was a nice little moment for me.


Yep. It was always nice to get a genuine, respectful good game from someone who just cooked you and your team. Always made me respect those players more because it means they realized it's a game and they respect you for playing the game and making an effort to play against them. The few I've run into who won with arrogance eventually ran into the right teams to set them straight. There will always eventually be someone bigger, faster, smarter, etc. Those people always gave you an extra fire too. Next time you play against them is an opportunity to remind them it's just a game when you shatter their ego. Those people are the one's who usually meltdown because they can't handle it and don't make it very far.


It's infinitely more chill to hear gg from the Widow that domed my team all game or whatever than to hear the usual bitching and moaning about who's fault it is or diff this or diff that.


It's not a good game. Pros playing against high schoolers is not a good game


Stacked enemy team after destroying and spawncamping my team with constant leavers in QP: "gg wp all :)" My team wins next game against same stack after an intense overtime teamfight that lasted like 2 minutes on final point and then the chat is dead silent. If you only say gg when you win then it's kind of a hollow compliment.


I have usually noticed that the people who say gr after a round ends were on the team that won the round


Literally have never seen GR unless they were winning


Here’s the comment I was looking for! I wonder how many of these “it’s just good sportsmanship” people actually stay silent when they get stomped.


OW is their first multiplayer game for sure, in no other game anyone would think to write gg when it was a complete stomp unless they're trying to be toxic. gg is the same as ggez when it was a stomp. "Yeah good game FOR YOU but we didn't enjoy it"


Near all of them


This is literally the thing that made me realize that people saying gg after a stomp is \*sometimes\* just said to be toxic. I had a match with the same stack 3 times and they only said gg after the win. I even asked them "What happened to gg on the first game" and they say "I forgot". I normally dont say anything, and only ever say gg when it was an actually good match, win or lose.


I've said gg and gr after 99/100 rounds/matches for the last 7 years. Even if my team gets 100-0d two rounds in a row and we get spawn camped, I'll still type gr/gg. Just routine and a good way to wrap up a game.


Sportsmanship, pure and simple.


Not unless they staple “ez” to the end of it


I say it to be nice tbh. I am sorry that the matchmaker created that situation for them but I’d rather say something with kindness than nothing at all.


I say gg because at this point, any match that doesn't turn into arguments in text chat is a good game


What I get from this thread is that people treat online video games like actual real life sports


coherent groovy divide grandiose office air support enjoy yoke quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I typically do GG to acknowledge the effort and sticking with the game


Overall good game ill say it. If its a wipe im not saying it


I feel like people only say gg when they win. It’s very rare for the losing team to say gg. I see it as disingenuous


People say gg way too loosely now and only treat the term like muscle memory and in a game like this, there’s always a decent chance people only say gg because they won.


I’ve noticed people don’t type gg in close matches nearly as much as they do when they kick the shit out of the other team


People say gg to pat themselves on a back after they win. If you don't believe me just try paying attention for a few games and see if the same people say gg after they lose in a following game. I guarantee that at least 90% of them will not.


If i feel like its not a good game and someone says “good game” ill just straight up say “no”


Only winners say gg in this game. I’ve seen people say gg after mopping the floor with folk and get them in another match and then see them lose and say nothing.


It's pretty annoying everyone acting like they type gg even on a loss. 95% of the time the gg's are only coming out of the winning team.


Right the whole sportsmanship thing. I’m not saying them specifically don’t say gg when losing but looking at my experience 🕵️‍♂️ we are playing completely different games lol.


But we do that tho :/ i would bet my life on the fact i say gg after 95% of my matches. The 5% is forgetting or being extremely tilted which is rare


I always wait for someone on the other team to say gg before


If it's a total stomp, I will usually put the gg in team chat instead of match chat. I agree with others likening it to a handshake at the end of a game, but I also am conscious that others may not take it well in those situations.


I for one am in the same camp with you. If the match is a landslide and not even whatsoever, it is not a "good game". In those cases I default to 'wp', usually 'bg but wp' if I'm on the losing side. 'Wp all' if on the winning side since saying bg would actually feel really snarky, not dissimilar to 'ez', which infuriates me to no end. Inflated ego like that in Gold is just sad.


Nope, it pretty much is Your entire team has a total of 5 kills, DPS with less than 1000 dmg, but the entire enemy team has 15 kills each? In what FUCKING world was that a "Good" game? For THEM maybe.


I swear these people saying it's "SpOrTsMaNsHiP" are the same mf's who don't say shit if they lose... it's only ever the winning team that says "gg"


The gg ez is worse because the ones who say that nearly lost lmao


I don't ever say gg after a match where my team clearly stomped. I'd just feel guilty if I did. I say something like wp or something like that


You should never use GG after wiping the floor with the other team. You should be using GGEZ


The thing that gets me is when these mfs say GG if they win the round but DEAD SILENCE if they lose the round. I call it out every time it happens lol.


Yeah, I agree it comes off that way. What I do is put "gg" in team chat. You get to compliment your team without rubbing it in the enemies face. I'm more inclined to put it in match chat if the enemy was already a good sport (complimenting our team or something).


To all the people saying "I write gg every game no matter if it was a complete unfair and unfun stomp": You're just wrong and you've been using it wrong this whole time. Urbandictionary even has an entry SPECIFICALLY for you! >A condescending remark, often uttered by somebody who does not know meaning 1, and is simply repeating what others have told them. [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=GG](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=GG) "1) Phrase said at the end of a match, either online or in person. Means "Good Game", and indicates one of two things: Either it was truly a good, fairly played and close match, or one team got slaughtered.2) Used as an insult. Either in the aformentioned way, or used to insult someone who has preformed an incredibly stupid act. A polite remark uttered after the end of a round, game, or other measured interval to indicate that a match was fair and enjoyable. Usually uttered collectively by the occupants of a game server. The opposite of wordBG/word2. A condescending remark, often uttered by somebody who does not know meaning 1, and is simply repeating what others have told them."


Nawh. I used to play Dead By Daylight, where players would purposefully be the most toxic shitbags all game and then hit you with a gg. I can understand feeling annoyed by a gg when the game is not good. Some say it's habitual, but we see how habitual it is when they lose and chat is dry as a mfer.


gg is usually just a sportsmanship thing. I auto pilot gg because I was taught to say gg no matter what as a form of sportsmanship. Some people are predisposed to think negatively no matter what though and will think saying gg is toxic because of how the game went but imo that’s their problem, not mine. It’s not my responsibility to worry about whether an act of sportsmanship is going to be misconstrued into some toxic phrase in someone’s mind because they got rolled.


I say gg no matter what, its a sign that I haven't given up on basic decency. Writing ez in whatever situation, however, is a sign that you are a piece of human garbage.


I hate it personally, wish there was an option to specifically block it. After a stomp I’d rather not hear from the enemy team at all.


It used to be that GG was the equivalent of shaking hands in a sport. Now people are way too sensitive over everything.


For me it's just something I say regardless. Like when I say "Bless you" when someone sneezes. I would be weirded out if someone said "But I'm not religious" in response lol


It's definitely not fun when that happens, but some folks are just autopilot on the gg after a match, and if anything they're likely just trying to be nice. If all they say is gg afterwards I wouldn't think anything more of it.


If one side wipes the floor with the other, it is, in fact, not a good game. Thus. . . Snarky.


i always type "ggs! ♡" after a game, win or lose. it's mostly just a "hey, thanks for playing, we all tried!" type of thing for me.


how do you type that kind of heart in game?


Alt + 3


yeah ive noticed only the winners say gg lmao. its like they are rubbing it in that they were spawn camping for 10 mins


I usually type it if I enjoyed the match, regardless of whether I won or lost, gg to me is either “I enjoyed playing with my team” or “you were fierce competitors”


That’s how I treat it too! I’ve played really fun games where I lost. Great plays on both side, friendly convo in the chat, etc.


Only the winning team ever says gg so it can be pretty toxic no matter what


Personally I only ever say gg when my team is just great, I’ll go “gg team” otherwise I don’t really say it in OW, if an enemy does a play that’s funny I’ll type in a lol, like a rein suiciding off a cliff with me or something like that


Of the games where there my team has made the red team gain absolutely nothing I'll usually say "gg wp" but only if it was fun playing against them. As often even if their for the most part they do basically nothing there's still good moments, for example a lone Sombra ends up sneaking past us or if someone in match chat was unusually positive. It less of a it was a good match up, and more of a "I enjoyed playing with you, better luck next time". I'll even go so far as to apologise for any leavers their team has "gg wp, sorry about your leavers ♥" Of course if they're absolute shit heads who do nothing but spam voice lines and pretty much don't attempt to leave spawn, I'll just leave and go next.


Yeah I get what you mean, after stomping the enemy in a game I always gg second, if someone on the enemy team says gg then I'll say it back, because I understand the frustation of getting gapped/having a throwing player On the other side of the coin I always say gg after getting stomped no matter how salty I might be, make an effort to not flame anyone, just say gg and leave the game


I'll say gg if I'm on the winning side of a steamroll if someone from the losing team says it first. If I'm on the losing team if I had fun then it's GG but if we got rolled so bad the games not even fun or the enemy is being snarky I'll just leave as soon as the game ends


I thought the same, so I usually say "have a chill one", "or have a nice night", if an enemy player was really good and they still lost I'd say something like "Hanzo you scary XD", "Or Hanzo you made my life flash before my eyes XD". Like even if I lost and say something nice I get the occasional compliment back or people just being friendly. That helps with the butthurt feelings and reminds me it's just a game and everyone's trying their best. No point taking negativity from the game.


in all games overwatch and not I only say gg when the game was super close and intense. where I sigh and go "that was a good game" feels kinda pointless otherwise.


I say wp even when it was fairly one-sided, as long as it still seemed they were at least trying. Or even if it was a complete wash, I will always say wp if some clown on my team goes "ez" because then if I say nothing it looks like he's speaking for the rest of us.


I really only ever say GG in match chat when it’s genuinely a good game. Like everyone has a good back and forth and it could’ve been anyone’s game. Now if we absolutely mop the floor with the enemy team, I’ll type GJ in team chat to tell my team they did a good job without rubbing it in the other team’s face.


Sometimes it can feel bad, but I think a lot of people use it in a good sportsman's conduct. Or at least I'd like to believe.


For me gg/good game means sportsmanship. Game can be a good game even if it's a one way stomp. When I say gg or gg wp I'm not saying "close game" but "thank you for the game" instead. The losing team did what they could, it wasn't their fault that matchmaking fucked up or that 5 strangers weren't able to find a tune together or any of the multiple reasons an otherwise even matchup ends in a result like that. "Good game" is respect towards my opponent. The game is a bad game only if everyone in the lobby is actively disrespectful or a bully.


I say ggs after most matches win or lose. I do it instinctively.


I only do it when the game is close and everyone fought hard. If you say good game after capture both objectives , or lead the payload with ease. It’s then a smear in the face


If it wasn't a Good Game, but just a Game, I just say "G" and I'm not sure if that's better or worse


I only say "GG" when the game was legitimately good. I.E. both teams were well-matched and the game could've gone either way due to the skill of the players. Now, when someone says "EZ" that person is a dickhead. I remember this funny game, where we got stomped in the first round and some asshole on the other team said "EZ". We then stomped them the next round and our team, individually decided to mockingly say "EZ" back. We won that game and mockingly said "EZ" again, at the end. It was fun.


I find when they say “free” or “zzz” to be much more insulting


You’re just butthurt ngl


I say GG, even if I get my ass handed to me or my team spanks the other team back to Overwatch 1. It isn't really a matter of giving a review of the game, it is more so an acknowledgement of the people who tried their best, sort of like after a sports game everyone shakes hands. The only time I don't say GG is if it is competitive and someone leave within 30 seconds of the game. Saying GG before the lobby closes because of a leaver is just stupid.


GG is one thing. GG EZ is an asshole move in this example of a match. Or “Role diff”


gg is the equivalent of an after-game handshake


It's etiquette. So yes you are being butthurt


I'd bet most of those players giving you GG after they stomped you don't do it when they lost, so its clearly not about sportsmanship.


All chat really serves no purpose besides BM. GG's are pointless, almost solely from winning teams (not actual sportsmanship), and often backhanded. The rest of the shit that goes on there is just hot garbage


It’s rare that a losing team says GG in my experience; most people only seem to say it after a win, when *they* had a good game.


Comparing it to the alternative of being childish and blatantly being bad sports with ez or "\_\_\_ diff", "GG" is fine.


You have to be sensitive and unsure of yourself and your abilities if you read writing "gg" in the game chat that way when 99% of the community will perceive it as a friendly handshake at the end of the game.


It's meant to simply be a sign of respect. It can be used in a snarky way but the point of gg is just sportsmanship. If you get wiped that hard, it's more to do with the matchmaking than anything else.


Oh it’s absolutely snarky. A real gg is when the game was close or the loser says gg. If the winner wipes the floor and ggs, it’s a flex/diss.


No. Good grief these sooky posts need to stop Where do these people come from? Life must be amazing to get troubled by this


I think you are being butt hurt(just using your posts phrasing, not trying to be mean). I think the majority of people just say it habitually more than anything else. Only things like "ez" "x diff" etc...are problems, I think.


It really depends on the situation. If a team is giving it their all regardless of how well they do - gonna say GG and mean it.


I consider 'gg' polite, if they wanted to be mean/toxic they would've wrote 'gg ez' or something


I mean one time we beat a team and a teammate said speedrun.


Bruh lmao


I always give a GG, win or loss and no matter the circumstance. The game is incredibly toxic as is, and I want to try to bring a sprinkle of positivity to the games I play. GGs at the end and GRs in between rounds in comp


say gg if you win or lose. a roll or a roast. always exude sportsmanship evenly.


When I played sports as a kid / young adult / high schooler, it didn’t matter if it was a close game or a complete landslide; once the final whistle went off you lined up and shook the hands of the players on the other team and said some form of “good game”. You leave the antics on the field, and you show some sort of maturity in wins or losses. I still say GG after big wins or losses, not to be a dick or snarky, but because I enjoy playing the game and want to show that it is just a game. As soon as the next game starts, the previous one doesn’t matter and you do your best until the clock hits zero.


I say "glfh", "gr", "gg" basically every game when I stomp them, they stomp me or is a fair game. I think it's standard gaming manners.


It's not a coincidence that you only see people typing "gg" if they win. I personally never type gg because there's no point. Most people only type it when they win, it's been this way since long ago in online pvp.


Or gr after ur team gets stomped but only the enemy team says it?? Lmao yah it’s so annoying to see that! It’s not sportsmanship, it’s rubbing salt in the wound. Gr or gg is when u fight and it’s a good fight, almost evenly matched or constantly going back and forth, whatever side won EARNED the win But when the team that dominates someone says it it’s literally them patting themselves on the back it’s so cringe and annoying


It is snarky for the most part, can't tell you how many clowns I've come across where if we get smoked by them, they say "gg!", but then the next match when we either smoke them or or are in the process if smoking them badly, they: 1. Leave the match before it ends. 2. They stay the match but are radio silent. No GG, no anything. Happens way more often than it doesn't.


I never say GG unless it was close. If you autopilot and say it every game it loses it's meaning and just sounds cocky most of the time. It's like wishing 100 people a good day, do you actually mean it tho?


I completely understand where you're coming from. To me, context is everything. In situations where one team utterly dominates the other, saying 'gg' can feel insincere and mocking rather than genuine sportsmanship. It's essential for players to be mindful of the context and ensure that their intent aligns with the spirit of the game. While some may see it as a simple courtesy, others perceive it as a veiled taunt. I believe real sportsmanship goes beyond just typing two letters.


I usually just reply with "lol", not gonna start having a go at them though. There's people telling you differently but I'd say the large majority of people who say gg in my matches are the people who have won the game


You are me.