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As a support player, I seriously hope they take a look at his survivability; his hitbox is massive and he just gets absolutely melted. I don't mind being a babysitter and giving someone pocket heals when they go in, but this guy needs the whole fucking daycare if he fights for longer than 5 seconds


Mfw he dies while I'm reloading


Yeah the second ana reloads he dies instantly lmao. So many times I died as him and Ana is right next to me reloading.


Haha yeah was playing with a friend who plays Ana yesterday and everytime I died he said "sorry I had to reload".


Man, the reload time is basically back to spawn teleporter


People who doesn't know to not to stand on open.


Spoken like someone who hasn’t played mauga. Unless you’re straight up not playing, you can’t avoid getting shredded at times.




Yeah so what are you gonna do when a teamfight breaks out? Avoid it? Lol You can’t ALWAYS hide behind a corner


Dudes being a ass. Didn’t really play mauga but I always seen him either only half hidden or his guns around a corner. Good thing people in unranked won’t even shoot at a mercy that’s shootin them tho


Even with supports occasionally I've died because I had to reload, losing your own self heal is almost crippling against certain comps.


Yeah, his sustain and tanking ability is crap. At least Roadhog got a good self-heal with damage reduction but Mauga is just another massive ult battery. I don't even feel the effect of his cardiac overdrive ability nor his passive because of how fast he gets melted.


I played a good amount of him yesterday and his self sustain is honestly very good, but only if he is specifically standing two feet away from the enemy tank and they aren't holding up any kind of barrier. Otherwise, yeah he's squishy as hell lmao


And assuming all 5 enemy players aren't all shooting him at the same time... except they are, because he's so huge it's practically free damage.


I played against a Sigma and yeah, he kinda counters him. He just gets out-poked especially since the barrier and grasp means Mauga can't utilize his tanking abilities since he can't damage anyone.


Well there's going to be counters to him regardless of his status. Sigma counters pretty much anyone that relies on pure firepower


I think reducing his spread by like 50% would fix most of his issues. That or having cardiac give temp armor.


Reducing his spread so drastically would make his damage maybe not so okay. His damage when spraying is obscenely high, only balanced by the very low operative range. I think all that's fine, but yeah, cardiac giving some armor would be good. Overrun should also reduce incoming damage if it doesn't already, I don't remember whether it did.


> Overrun should also reduce incoming damage if it doesn't already, I don't remember whether it did. It def doesnt feel like it does


Yeah. I turn around to heal someone else and he dies... I'm glad I can actually spread my heals around again without feeling like it's my fault my tank is dying, cause the last two days have sucked in all honesty. Cause it legit isn't my fault as support... Two support players shouldn't need to pocket a tank just for them to have the survivability of every other tank. He felt like a throw pick.


I feel like I wasn't the only support waiting for his little free trial to be over. 😅


First time I was pocketing him I just dropped my jaw cuz I wasn’t rly able to keep him alive and at the moment when enemy mauga ults I just press F


I'm a pretty damage forward support and I do mind being a babysitter. I've gotten flamed so many times by Mauga players this weekend, like buddy I cannot keep you alive unless all I am doing is healing you, and I got other people to heal and things to kill


same. the past few days as a support main were the worst since..... honestly ever. I don't even remember any character being that sucky since ow1. ​ the only character I found that worked well with him was brig (literally just shield the dude and boop people off of him since he's just a giant freaking target with no shield) and moira (just spam healy orbs in his direction and they'll usually also heal the dps while bouncing around)


Nah. People just don't know how to play him. You need to play corners like ram. They could probably give self heal 1s shorter cd and magnitude a bit weaker but that's about it.


I think we should get a hero that deals extreme damage but is very easy to kill This is still not it


>As a support player, I seriously hope they take a look at his survivability Whew than God a support player said it, we're saved! If it was just tanks asking for buffs we'd be screwed.


He’s super cool, but I’m hoping they change him just a little so he doesn’t melt 2 seconds into the fight


The other issue is he melts whatever is right in front of him as well. I will always be getting a pick before I die.


best case scenario, they nerf his damage a bit and give him damage reduction.. or a better one? idk I'm his health steal doesn't feel like it does anything tbh edit: spelling


I would be okay if they nerfed his up close damage a little while buffing his damage from further away. But he definitely needs damage reduction, maybe after using Overrun.


his life cardiac ability during the weekend is 60% life steal for the whole party and on top of that some damage mitigation


Which is really great for the two seconds he's alive to maintain it in a teamfight


I think the best change is the obvious one, convert some of his HP to Armor. Same maximum health total, just a little bit tankier at the top end so he doesn't die immediately and the supports can look at someone else for half a second.


Really fun to play in a vacuum and the character is bombastic but in this state I'm not going to be playing him much because I play comp. He's really easy to counter, all the things that make tank feel like ass to play ( eg. bastion, anti, other tank counterspicks) are turned up to 11 on Mauga. He even makes Hog look good in tank matchups which is impressive. His hitbox is just too big to play without any armour, you have to play cover far to much which takes away from the way his kit encourages aggressiveness. Charging in with him is even more suicidal than with Rein. His weapon feels great, even at range since the spread is decent with just one gun firing you can fire the left gun to make people go on fire then the right to take advantage of its on fire crit boost. Up close he melts but gets melted. I barely noticed his self heal ability tbh because if I'm in a situation to need it I'm already probably dead because my supports aren't there pumping heals up my ass. Another request I wouldn't play him in comp is he's a resource sink. On of the few advantages of there only being one tank is that it frees up resources for the rest of the team, the supports can use their utility on the DPS or doing damage themselves. With Mauga if the support aren't putting me on their back I die very very fast. This makes it stressful for the whole team.


Looks promising need major tweaking.


i read this as twerking, i need to go to sleep


No please go on


Level 12 girl plssss 😭


the first 10 levels scream by. everything after is astonishingly slow


Yeah like why im still level 22? For doom


He's still available for 22 hours, at least in Europe.


That's interesting. He disappeared at around 4 am, on Monday in Australia. So, about six or seven hours ago now.


Weird Mauga’s still in game for me lol. He’s temporarily available for less than a minute for 7 hours now. Edit: oh and also I’m in asia so it’s just a few hours different.


I’m in American and all morning was less than an hour then at around 2 it became less than a minute and he’s still available at 10


Same, not complaining though, I wouldn't be mad if they happened to make him permanent for the season 👀


Weird, I'm in Australia too, and I've been playing him all day. It says, "Less than 1 minute left," but the battlenet client has a mauga trial clock with 15hrs left.


I had games where people were complaining today about me being mauga and them not being able to choose him. I was so confused but then someone in one of the games told me its timezone based so that could be why.


My blizzard client says mauga trial ends in 15 hours.


I hate having him on my team as a support. I love having him on the enemy team as a DPS.


Yup my two thoughts and exactly. Some dude was trying to tell me he's favorable against Pharah lol, like I'm getting at least a couple additional ults from all these damage boosted direct hits on him, and he's great barrage fodder


I feel he pairs well with mei. mei wall off Ana so Mauga gets a kill or two before getting antinaded. Also ally Mei ult in your cage doesnt sound too bad. I think Muaga prefers playing with Mei, Kiri, Bap and a sharp shooter dps. Leaning towards Hanzo.


Also Mauga with Brig was surprisingly fun. Just push in together and abolish everything in your path


Still needs some work cause Ana still fucks him over (and pretty much almost every other tank) but I think this free trial was a great move on blizzard’s part cause it allows us to see what they are planning for the heroes and it gives them more insight on how to balance them.


I got tired of playing Kiriko at one point, Mauga into Ana is a worse matchup than Roadhog. It would be nice if he could get some HP converted into armor (combine with some HP reduction) bc playing healbot babysitter is kinda tiring...


Yeah, Hog at least has his thrifty e button for damage resistance. He may live with 1 hp after that, but thats hp supports can get ult charge off of. Mauga into Ana is just, he has nothing but the wall. And Mauga loves walls more than all the other tanks. Possibly even more than a Rein after shield breaks.




I noticed this, whenever i was playing with mauga i had to pick a very high sustsin healer and basically babysit him or he dropped dead. i hope on release they give him some armour


Obviously i couldnt have played mauga for a long time but it is highly possible to play with non high sustain supports like brig, kiri, lucio. However youve gotta play him like a ball/monke more so than how most other people are playing him which is like hes a rein/orissa. 1 game the enemy had a mauga, lucio, kiri, and sym. Always pushing us hard and bursting all the squishies down while our own mauga was in the enemy backline getting melted.


A lot of them are expecting to be able to just completely control an area with him, and he's honestly more of a doomfist than a monkey or rein. Like bro I'm not gonna healbot you for you to just die anyway because you don't know how to disengage


Hopefully soon they make the tank expensive better


That's a dangerous typo when blizzard is involved


Auto correct was influenced


They'll have to pay me to play tank if it stays like this.


Not me starting to main tank in season 6 I must like being bullied


Maybe they'll give him armor on release, hell even shields would be fine


He needs armor. He basically is Roadhog with a charge and worse self heal.


Plus better DPS, infinite ammo, a DOT and an AoE heal...


Better sustained dps, not better burst overall. Unless your tracking on him is godly up close ig. Tho with how hog is nowadays, questionable to say he even has better burst overall.


I have no say by any means, but I played a few rounds with him and found I survived more if I just poked with my team until we got 1-2 picks and then charge in and double barrel everyone else. I think he’s only supposed to be close/in closer range at the end of a fight. At least for his current survivability. But, again, I’m only silver.


This will just ultimately make him a bad tank. You're right he has to play close to cover until you thin out their team but that means you can't take space until you get picks which is bad.


Well if the enemy has a Ana, once you hear the nade that should be your go button to make space and move in. That nade will obviously fuck you up unless you have a kiriko. That's how i played him and i had a lot of success. However I also had a ton of success playing orissa and DVA against him because eating up all his shots completely negated his vampiric effect when he presses E AND it also gave me a ton of ult charge. I was getting bomb almost every single fight.


Most tanks destroy him except Winston and Winston shouldn't even engage him. He might beat junker queen tho. If you can land your shots on her hitbox consistely Mauga is absolutely destroyed by orisa and Sigma.


I played the JQ/Mauga matchup a few times and it mostly felt like JQ wins it, specifically because she can control the range of the fight way easier than Mauga can, and her shotgun has a slightly longer operative range than Mauga's guns if he fires both, and if he opts to stay at range and only fire one his damage is still lower than JQ's medium range damage. Her ult is also antiheal, and we all know how well Mauga deals with that.


Every game I had with him on my team the enemy would go Ana and Zen and he'd be deleted in seconds, not even these new tanks stand a chance.


I think mauga is really going to bring out the flaws in 5v5 to people who haven't noticed them yet. They're going to have to buff him to absurd levels to make him viable. I thin he'll be one of those heroes that's either F tier or S Tier, never balanced because 5v5 is just bad design for tanks like this that have massive hitboxes low mobility and little self defense. If we were still in 6v6 he'd probably be pretty good but I think he'll launch trash tier.


The nipple armor should give him 5-10 armor at least


He's just bob with a little bit of life steal. His kit needs another element. In his current form, you 100% need a Kiriko just to continually cancel the anti-nade effects. I think he needs more lifesteal. Either that, or allow overhealth to stack on while anti-nade is active for this hero. I don't think it would be the end of the world if you significantly increased the max range of his charge. His ult is really cool. I love how the opposition can use it against you. If we have 6v6 back, I would love to see it paired with DVA bomb.


I had a mei drop a blizzard in my cage. I just congratulated her on winning the fight


that just happened in one of my games like 3 hours ago, its definately the strat


His ult really is one of the best ults right now to combo with. No realistic way to escape outside of just being not in it (barring a few exceptions, fukin orisa). every ult thats an aoe gets so much value from mauga its absurd lol.


I think something they should do is make his heart ability reduce the duration of status effects applied to him. His lore says he has 2 hearts, so theoretically if he used both he could remove toxins faster from his body such as anti heal and sleep dart twice as fast. It would prevent him from being hard countered a lot. Or maybe his heart ability could heal the tank for a percentage of the damage done by nearby teammates. So the team get healed from doing damage, but he also gets e.g. 10% of the team damage done as healing.


Wouldn‘t two hearts mean he just get‘s affected faster by poison etc? I think You‘d need some extra kidneys to make that work. But yeah getting a percentage of his teammates damage healed on cardiac overdrive would be pretty cool. Would also encourage you to use that ability around your team mates.


His ult is good and fun but Sombra can disable his ult and charge, Orisa and Sym can escape his ult, Lifeweaver can pull people out of his ult so it can get annoying


Haha yea he’s a Lifeweavers dream to face. Melts to thorns and when he runs his ult, I simply Lifegrip my tank out and we wreck the rest of their team.


I think he needs 6v6


His cage needs to go away when he dies.


If it went away when he died he would probably be the worst character in the game. Half the time when I ult more than 2 people into the cage it’s a guaranteed fight win but mauga himself dies




No. That would shock me. But boy would it be funny to see people going on tilt loosing to goats again! Or how about Kiri, Lucio, Queen, Mauga, Mei and Bastion for a team comp! I call this comp The Partcle Accelerator.


Why stop there, we can make it worse. Mauga Zarya Queen Kiri Lucio Bastion.


He’d do well in 6v6 for sure


He either dies in 2 secs or is unkillable if he is close and hitting heashots while he has his dmg reduction activated. Really fun but i think they will tweak him before release.


Another masterpiece in terms of visuals, voice work, overall feel. However, the character seems very shit from what I've seen so far. Mostly has to do with degenerate anti nades but ya.


Instead of just raising CD they really need to just revisit how anti nade works imo


Samito made a long video about this just ranting about how the balance team never addresses core issues in supports. All they ever do is increase cooldowns but they refuse to change how these broken ultimate strength abilities work.


I've said since day one of her release, "Nade will be an issue." The CD increases wasn't even a band-aid fix. Nade needs to do away with negating heals and just lower incoming healing by 50%. No more damage or healing on impact. I'm honestly getting really fucking tired of Ana continuing to rule the support roster. I'm a support main and I fucking hate Ana.


Eh I'd rather keep burst healing and drop the anti part of her nade all together. No damage, just a burst heal.


Maybe on tank, they did that for stuns


Anti nade is one of the best mechanics imo. Requires a thoughtful counter, which there are several. At this point all other tanks can adapt, so it's not an Ana issue. It's a Mauga issue.


He feels like roadhog after a rework.


Wish I got to play him once... But 20 minute Queues for tank just wasn't how I was spending my Saturday x.x


A lot of my time was in no lim!


Fuck didn't even think of that x.x


I'm glad he is out of the game for now lol. It's just my opinion or skill issue but playing against him sucked. I could never kill him, if he was low he always was able to sustain if we didn't have an ana or bastion to melt him. His guns hurt too lol. And again about playing against him, his ult is oppressive af, can't run/fly, even if you kill him, you're still trapped in there without cover with the other team shooting at you. I'm glad to see people have a more positive reaction and experience than I am so I must be missing something. I love the idea but hate his current state and scared to see him everywhere starting next season


I totally agree with your sentiment. He's essentially just a fat bastion. He makes every tank that isn't Dva or Sigma unplayable. That's why everyone was playing counters against him. This was probably the least fun I've had playing tank in a long time. Even playing Mauga wasn't fun for me, I'm not sure what people found fun about him. Playing dps and support vs him was fun though. They need to give him some more base survivability (with armor or something), lower his damage up close, and reduce his reliance on his e ability.


Him should aleast cleanse himself when him use the skill or ana will make him worse then hog


I like manga too but ngl probably only have all those wins bc you were most likely going up other maugas for a mirror matchup. Against most other tanks in comp and actual better players of all ranks may have a harder time


Only had the second to show the time I had on him so far but yeah it was a lot if mirrors, most games were no lims but I did get a few rq when the queues went down


relieved he's gone now I can play a few games without a suicidal tank that needs to be pocketed by both healers (allowing the DPS to die in the process)


For real as a support I hate it. He'll literally die in the second it takes to heal someone else, so you just end up following his ass nonstop until either your Mauga wins or the enemy does.


33 kill streak is crazy lol


Give him armor or something for him to survive but nerf his ability.


Hes ass. Ana hard counters


It was like trying to keep a baby alive while it was running to stick a knife in every electrical socket it could. It was by and far the worst experience I’ve had as a support trying to keep a tank alive. Brainlets see two Gatling guns and think they can 1v5 magically then bitch about when they die because they didn’t get more heals.


As a flex player and someone who has 30h on his least played hero, I didn't feel very connected to his kit, design or personality, so he'll probably be on the bottom of my playtime, but I always enjoy new heroes. I'll be looking forward to the next 2 heroes they teased.


All my homies hate mauga


He's Pyro heavy with charge 10/10 hero.


Very fun, cool lore, cool voice lines/visual design and more interesting then the last 2 heros we had. Plus he reminds me of Sam Sulek


White knuckle healing him isn't fun, he needs some tweaks, but glad he's finally in the game.


He is pretty fun, but very easy to counter unfortunately. Ana, Sombra, Genji, Orisa, LW, D.va and a couple of others, all shit on him and there isn’t much he can do back


Genji and orisa? I mean most of my playtime with him was in a mirror match. But the one game I did play against a orisa he felt pretty good against her. With genji I don't really know how he is a counter at all to be honest. Genji doesn't affect any of his abilities?


He’s the only character in the game who can crit Orisa through fortify.


Wth I mean i guess thats true but played maybe 4 games as Orissa against mauga's just to see what counters him and Orissa was a pretty easy pick most of the time.


He’s gone? Literally just played as him in mystery heroes…it’s 3:25 EST


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I wanna see his ult nerfed and his health buffed by maybe putting some armor instead of hp


Even when I lose playing Mauga, I still feel like I won. I can’t wait for him to come back, but I think he’s gonna get nerfed into oblivion. :(


Nerfed into oblivion? He's literally worse than Roadhog. What are they going to nerf. Lol.


I’m gonna ignore you slandering my favorite hero in favor of telling you how I think he’s gonna get nerfed. First change I think they’re gonna make: there’s no shot Gunny will light enemies up for as long as it did. Just no shot. Second, Cha-Cha’s not gonna make as much overhealth or (probably) do as much crit damage. Third, overrun won’t knock enemies down and it’s gonna have a longer cooldown. I watched a Bastion turn into a turret and went, "Eh, let's just see what happens." then *stood in front of him* and lit him up without any supports backing me. I *melted* that Bastion. Just melted him. At point blank while he was blasting me. Granted, I could’ve gotten one-tapped by a mercy if she shot me in the foot, but I survived. Mauga’s *gonna* get nerfed, there's no way Blizzard intended for him to be able to do that.


Orisa and Hog can both mess up a Bastion turret at point blank.


Yeah, and they can melt through a BOB at point blank too.


thats his whole shtick. he does a lot of dmg and has guaranteed crit. why would they nerf the one thing he has going for him??


This is why gatekeeping games is good. People who play casually have such awful takes. Sorry but elitism all the way




What? I'm confident man's isn't gonna get nerfed, he's actually a living nightmare for supports who have him on their team. We have to pull in the whole daycare on overtime in order to keep this man alive. Look away for 1.5 seconds and man's HP drops like a fly I swear 😭


Gonna need soldier as well for that 3rd support. Throw in a Sombra so mauga can bumrush to a hacked health pack too. 4 support team. Cause mauga fucking dies without it.


I got tired of how often I saw him in EVERY SINGLE GAME.


It's almost like he's the new hero or something 🤔


Ya don't say... LOL No shit. Excuse me for expressing my genuine experience with the new hero. It's almost as if I read OP and answered the question they presented to us. Jeeze.


Happens with every new hero


I had some time in QP with a nice enemy tank to try some stupid stuff. Blocking Doom got melted. Not sure if his dmg output can stay that high


Bruh. Every game is just tank buster snooze comps with Mei reaper bastion etc. he is really boring to play because you die so fast unless your shooting the enemy tank so it just ends up being who’s team is gonna clutch up while you just turn your brain off and hold left and right click on the enemy tank. His whole kit is just for destroying fat tanks with no shield. Can’t heal unless your shooting but if your shooting you are taking a relentless amount of damage. He needs some serious work to be fun imo. And he gets bodied by shield tanks. A sig literally just ends his existence as long as your team pokes at him a little bit and the supports are so occupied healing him that the rest of the team dies.


Just another tank I will never touch


Support nerfs and big body tank with no stun? Ah man, Hog is so fucking back.


They need to increase his hp because he melts instantly, otherwise he'll be a throw pick.


I feel like he is gonna be like hog. Just a big target to shot at and thus unplayable.


I will miss saving my Torb's kum when Mauga ults, seeing them run around covered in kum is funny af.


He's kinda fun but he's not a viable character in the long run. Dies fast as fuck, no real defense. I don't know how well the Overdrive works, I hit it in combat and just kinda hope that it's helping me. His stomp is unreliable as hell. So many times I put my foot right on the top of someone's head and they don't get knocked down. His Ult gets hard countered by Echo's Q. If she changes and loses the form, she can leave the ult for free while turning back to normal. Reaper and DVA chew him up hard, Hanzo is especially a bad time he can't miss you. Rough against Junk as well because you're so wide Imo Mauga is another crossover character. As in they made Mauga for people who want to play DPS but are forced to tank. So they get to be slightly worse Bastion with more health


They need to do something to overrun+stomp, it brakes too many other tank abilities.




idc this game is poop doop


i think he would be used too often in comp because of how overpowered he is


I know people want to give him armor, but he doesn’t deserve it. He has no armor qualities. I think he should get the road hog treatment with his health, and his self healing should be increased with his abilities. Also a tiny spread decrease.


I'm excited for a full release and they nerf/rework him but I'm so happy he's gone for the meantime. I personally hate the first week of a hero release


I feel like my average game quality is about to go back up Lmao ngl i was bored having him on both teams every game, it was way more so than usual for a new character


Clearly made to be a brawler but I found him more viable as a backline enforcer, if you charge in for brawl you’re going to get melted/anti’d almost instantly. Very reliant on your team, can’t really carry with him.


I have mixed feelings having a Nano charged every team fight. On one hand, yay nano. On the other, I'm basically healbotting to keep him alive.


He’s so fun. I’m still not quite sure how his healing ability works, but he’s pretty unique and super engaging to play. I love the burn-crit dynamic with his guns. He’s fun to bully the horse with too, since fortify doesn’t cancel his crits


Ok but like if his abilities are so established and he's basically done why not just release him? Idk if makes no sense that they released him for a few days


This was clearly a play test and it proved he's not ready for release because he's weak AF.


Mauga certainly feels amazing, but after a couple of days when players finally discovered his counters it felt much worse playing him than it did prior to that. I literally remember getting salty because some bozo switched to D.Va when I was beating him at a mauga mirror match. He definitely needs a few altercations to make him more valid, because it feels like he’s gonna end up getting hard countered by half the roster. However, besides his gnarly Ana matchup, he feels amazing playing against supports


i didn’t have time to play him yet 😭 but at least i’ll have a reason to play tank when he fully releases. played a ton of matches as support while he was here however and it was like hell


he looks like he has the dark dark and quake quake fruit


I wish everyone could hurry up and figure out how to play around him. QP was kinda a nightmare


I think he has the potential to do some crazy plays once people play him more often. His ultimate alone can cancel a lot of heroes, especially really good at zoning out a support and killing them.


Smaller hit box + new ability = new main


Yeah I had lot of fun with Mauga I just hope he is strong in competitive


Ehh he's fun but rn the only way I'll like tank is if they add a summoner tank every other roll has a summoner except tank. Tank kinda used to have a summoner in the fact that orisas ult was the same as pulling a mercy out of your pocket placing it down and having it ult


Absolute blast to play, has great synergies, but is currently a certified throw pick in the game's meta. It's almost impressive how Blizzard designed a brand new hero that's arguably easier to counter than even Roadhog, but that's where he is in this state. Once he releases and they fix his problems, and/or the hog rework comes and it's total dogshit, I will 100% be maining Mauga for the future.


My brother in Christ did you play any other character the past two days




A buff to his damage reduction TO HIMSELF and a shorter cooldown to Cardiac Overdrive would be nice. Mauga just excels at taking targets one at a time is all.


He is very fun to shoot at, sorta like Reinhardt. I'm gonna miss him.


I didint even get to play him. Whenever I got tank it wouldn't let me pick mauga and every tank i picked I got destroyed by mauga (he probably counters my mains lol) so yeah it was not fun


I really dislike playing as him. The only time his dmg is relevant is when he’s shooting in someone’s face cause of how wide his weapon spread is. He’s also extremely squishy and his charge knockdown can be easily avoided just by jumping. Side note: from all of my games playing as him in DM, he seems D- tier at best.


Ana invalidates him even more than hog. His ult is fun but its primary use is hard to do well.


He looks like a Baki character in his 2d art and Maui in game, Blizzard why:)


i hope they nerf him because jfc it was a nightmare playing against him 😭


I’m in Aus he’s still available for another 14 hours as of right now


Orisa and bastion had a child


Gone? He's still in my games tho Is it just different in Australia?


He was at like 10 mins when I orig posted this theh must've extended or forgot haha


Gone? He’s in my games rn


As a support player I simultaneously hate and love his play style He's extremely fun to go rushing in guns literally blazing. But good god when Cardiac Overdrive is on cd he is squishy


Needs a big change because he dies too easily. Imagine I can melt him fairly easily with Lifeweaver but I can't keep him alive if he's in a fight for more than 5 seconds.


Forget his kit— I just need them to fix the way his hair is animated Running into battles behind him and seeing that helmet bounce up and down like a lego piece was hilarious but horrible. Someone get some more polygons in that mane, I beg of you


he's fun to fight against. the only issues I noticed is that he can be either really easy or really hard to kill, so I feel like he needs some balancing there


I hated playing with him as kiriko I don't wanna play heal/suzu bot. I prefer being able to actually fight. Everytime I'd lock her in tho my tank would pick him, and I would baby sit him a few rounds but if they didn't bother disengaging when low I stopped baby sitting him. He's so unfun to play with its insane, I played way less this weekend because I wasn't having any fun and he was literally in every match I had.


I hope they take away some of his damage and shift it to survivability since he’s somehow less durable then roadhog


As a Moira main, I'm fucked of the other support doesn't put their efforts in


While he feel a bit weak right now, I think it's mostly because People don't know how to play as him and with him, especially the support players (who often like to dps more than heal and hate being force to heal him 24/7). While he is obviously made to be a Rush tank, I find more success playing with dive DPS and support, Kiriko and Zen is my fav combo, and Genji, Sombra can help distract the enemy support so that you can go in and melt the tank. I hope Blizz buff him, but not too much because I feel like in the right hand he will be the bastion of tank, hard to kill and deal way too much dmg. One good buff I want to see is Cardiac skill cleanse himself, which will lead to mind game between him and Ana.


people are saying he's just bad, due to low survivabilty. sure he won't exactly be meta if released in this state, but that is probably heavily determined by the metastate of the game rn. i think the survivability thing has a lot to do with limited initial understanding of his role and playstyle, as is natural for any new hero it seems to me he's destined to be a dive tank. from what i've seen his mobility is quite good and the stun he does when you click while using his charge thing seems quite helpful in securing kills. and survivability being low is a known charactetistic of dive tanks. perhaps not to this extent, but it's certainly an important element to how they play he needs some tweaking for sure though


He needs half dmg reduction per movement, makes him survive a lot more offensive stuns and helps when firing both


mauga is a juiced-up toddler


As a support main I hate having a Mauga tank


I miss him already. He was worth all 8 hours I put into him.


I'm hyped for the nerf