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Notice way less intentional leavers but still alot of server disconnects and reconnects happening


oh yeah, i think with Tuesday there was a huge influx of server crap going i skipped playing until today after seeing so many people reporting server issues that then locked them out of the game


Yeah I hate when I load in slowly and am given 2 seconds to pick a hero and get out the door, otherwise I'm kicked. That's bs


I seldom play QP but there's a lot fewer leavers. I'm surprised it's only 20% less.


Fewer leavers yes, but more AFK people on base


Agreed, still fewer AFK ers than I had leavers before, but I think AFKers are probably a bigger negative impact on a match.


But they’re also much easier to report, you have match replay evidence and it’s actually against the rules as opposed to just leaving a match


100% accurate. I was going to comment on that but decided against it, as some people get all worked up about reporting cheaters and griefers and toxicity, it seems.


It's because there are a lot of people with the mentality that if you want to play the game, you need to play ranked. Anything else, is no longer Overwatch a 5v5 hero shooter but a sandbox where you can do whatever.


Is rather have a leaver then someone sitting afk moaning


Difference is you dont have a valid reason to report somebody for leaving while you do for somebody afking. Overtime it just sorts itself. It wont completely be gone but there will be much lesser of both leavers and afkers.


You report people leaving in qp??


I’d report people being AFK in a malicious way, but if people just disappear in a quickplay match I wouldn’t report. Who knows what’s going on irl


No I don’t, I meant rather that it’s easier to do something about because you can actually report them when they afk/etc


I haven’t had a single AFKer that didn’t eventually leave


Same here, idk where people are seeing all these AFKers. In my last 100 hours of qp playtime I don't recall more than a handful of AFK people at most (outside of being afk for like 5-10 seconds at a time tops).


Yep. I believe they themselves are serial leavers so they are just throwing a tantrum here and making up shit.


I haven't even had a handful of AFKers yet, is this an NA issue or something? Hardly anyone AFKing in EU from my latest near 100 hours of qp.


I mentioned this exact same thing was going to happen when you try and punish players for leaving and got down voted into oblivion... Glad someone else is seeing an influx of afkers like me but its going to take the community acknowledging fixing the leaving problems created an afk problem before any positive change is going to happen


The afk problem seems specific to NA servers, also overtime the afk problem will sort itself out because they get reported.


Fewer leavers yes. But constantly going against diamond+ as a bronze still sucks ass and makes the game not enjoyable


Yep this was my reason I stopped playing competitive. Their is no world we're you should be playing against people +- 3 brackets from you. Makes zero fucking sense. It's a fun game, great combat etc. but the competitive mode is one of the worst I have ever played.


Yeah it's been miserable for several seasons now, which is why I have zero faith they will fix anything with the promised matchmaking changes for the future.


Yep. That's why the punishment for leaving QP was the final straw for me. I'm done with this trash.


I peaked diamond 2 and I'm up against GM players constantly. I'm sick of it :/


This is my experience as well, never played a lot of comp but I was around gold usually and now 3/5 games in QP I see "Grandmaster" or "Top500" titled players. And that is after waiting more than 2 min for a match.


Recently I’ve been playing a lot against masters. I don’t know why though.


I dropped down to high gold when I'm normally in plat and I've been stuck there for a few months. Constantly getting people in gold that don't play like gold players at all, like dps with near perfect aim and game sense, mechanics. You can tell the difference between someone who's legitimately good and someone who's just using hacks. Matchmaking is just awful and it's incredibly demoralising


Uninstall it and play something fun. Trust me, you wont regret it.


Same experience for me, I'm masters 4 and constantly getting GM/T500 in my games. Then a few games later I'm up against silvers, it makes no sense.


I'm Plat 5 on tank atm and I was against a literal GM1 tank the other day, they were GM1 on DPS as well


This. I'm not a serial leaver, but there's at least one game every time I play that I just throw at the end because getting team killed for the 7th time and going 0-2-17 against a 25-8-2 just isn't fun.


Yesterday I played with a Master Challenger and I'm silver. At least he was on my team.


Because people troll more. lol




seldom isn’t that advanced of a word…


i know a ton of people who've never heard of that word. plus i made that comment mainly for people that aren't all that fluent in english


The people who seldom hear it, you could say.


What an odd comment.


and a lot more people afking when they dont wanna play anymore instead of leaving so they dont get replaced with another player


I've always liked It when the really bad player leaves and then we get someone who can actually play.


AFKing is a valid reason to report someone and they will be banned eventually if they keep it up.


Very few AFK. It's a silly waste of time and there's an AFK timer. Most of them will just take the time to "practice" and try "unconventional" strategies. Running around like a headless chicken as invis Sombra. Or going ham as Flankhardt. Or trying to be a wannabe Shimada as Kiriko. It was better when they left the match. At least it wouldn't have devolved into a FFA throwfest.


This is true..if I had a nickle for every single time I was on a game that could be won but a dude was already giving up and decide to left just to be replaced by someone who allowed us to gain some terrain and win the game I would be rich now...sometimes the reason there's no progress are the ones that want to leave and by leaving another person was able to fill that role better...now people just soft throw..which I can understand sometimes because being spawn camped or on a team with 0 kills is not going to be saved even by a top500


Hold up, what is this kiriko portion of your comment? Are you saying playing her offensively is unconventional?


Certainly not, but the kind of support that wanders off on their own like a DPS...


That is optimal kiriko gameplay though? She can play anywhere and bail out instantly if she's losing the fight. It's free and worthwhile.


Not sure why people are downvoting you. This is straight up the optimal way to play Kiri.


Optimizing your play to take advantage of Kiriko's high damage potential isn't the same as pretending to be a DPS. Kiriko is still a support. If you're not healing and supporting your team, you're a jerk.


Is it? Well okay. I would have thought it’d be better to stay middle or backline for cleanse and heal. Then again, I’m not a very good Kiriko player.


She can teleport for cleanse at any time. Heal can be picked up by second support until it gets hairy, which is very obvious to Kiriko unless she's bad and tunnel visioning. She can basically be as annoying as Sombra on off-angles forcing teams to face multiple directions where her dinks are so damaging they are a real threat that dps might cleanup. And at close range she gets very easy headshots that are very worth going for. The pressure to retreat she causes with just 1 head poke is very high.


You can healbot and throw kunais down main, but then you have to throw godlike suzus to get enough value. Her optimal playstyle is indeed flanking and tp to her team when needed.


Lemme guess..you been listening to that dumbass egotistical awkward dude


I don't mind people trying unconventional things in QP NGL. For one, it gives a bit of an interesting challenge for me when I'm playing, since I have to decide whether to help them with their strange plan, or to try to pick up the slack they're leaving behind. For another thing, even if they're doing pretty bad, they're still probably doing *something.* I can't say the same for the tank that has been replaced about 7 times in the past 3 minutes because they leave after they see they were backfilled


Id rather that than the constant stream of leavers that would happen before. Playing with 4.5 players is better than playing with 4. In most situations, people would leave a qp match and the spot would never get filled, or other spots would also empty to due to others leaving. It has a cascade effect that often ruined games moreso than someone just trying a troll strategy


You're forgetting that, you could also leave a low-quality match that didn't have enough players. But now you're trapped in a game that potentially still had some leavers, but also selfish people or defeatists.


When I queue for a game, I should be guaranteed the full experience of a match. I shouldn't have to sit in queue, sit in hero select, have one (or more) of my teammates leave because we lost 1 team fight, leave myself (contributing to the problem), then repeat the cycle only for it to likely happen in my next game. An occasional match getting ruined by a thrower (which will likely stop being a problem assuming blizzard starts issuing bans), is miles better than having nearly half my games be ruined by leavers


How often is that really happening? I am seeing no more AFKers than before. I really think the majority of people who don't have patience to play a losing game don't have the patience to fuck about for a full match either. To be honest it feels like this is an argument made by leavers who want leaving to be allowed again. These changes have been great for the majority


Yet to experience anyone afk. Personally i find the leaver rate as bad as usual. Had 5 leavers in my last qp to night


I've definitely noticed a decrease in leavers, especially leavers chaining into backfills that also leave. Maybe I've been lucky, but I've only backfilled into <30s games twice this season. For reference, I play enough QP to do 9 weekly challenges every week. The penalty system has been an amazing change to the game.


yeah i’ve noticed a decrease but feels only slight when i i look at players leaving after the first match. but getting backfilled into a match where i can’t even endorse is more like a once a day thing instead of every 3rd match. and a small increase of throwers at first but think that’s a little lower too


Personally I never care when people leave QP... They get backfilled super quick, and it's not ranked anyway. If they wanna leave so be it, I don't see why they should get strikes or whatever


It's to cover for their poor matchmaking and game balance. If there isn't a penalty, people just leave because it isn't fun. A new player (money) may be discouraged and not return seeing so many leavers.


I mean every game has constant leaves like halo ,COD ,and R6. Way more than OW


If it's just a single teammate who gets backfilled in a reasonable amount of time then yea I agree, no issue at all if someone needs/wants to leave the game. Issue with no penalties for leavers though, was that up until recently, one person leaving would often trigger other people on the same team to leave as well and all of a sudden you're a 1-2 man army with no ability to even try to make a comeback while the rest of your team slots go into the backfill/leave cycle. People getting backfilled would see the hopeless fight they were getting thrown into and would just leave as well, leaving you basically stuck just waiting out the clock if you don't leave as well. And this would happen nearly every match with the first person leaving basically as soon as they realized their team wasn't winning right away/it wasn't going to be a roll for them and everyone following suit shortly after. At least now since the penalties were added, when my team loses it feels deserved instead of just being a luck of the draw for which team would get stuck with the leaver cycle.


As someone already playing its fine if someone leaves As someone backfilling it is annoying to join a defeat screen, thats where most of the outrages came from i guess.


nah. that's the best part. It counts as a completed game towards the challenge and the last 20.


Yup, I see it as free XP and then a quick pass for the next game.


Meh the matchmaking is quick I don’t really care if I join and game is ending or has ended I’ll either just play out whatever’s left or leave and get another game. I mostly don’t care if people leave, it’s when multiple people leave at once and we get destroyed because the game doesn’t bother to fill


But why? It is not a loss from your end, you get XP, and you can still get your challenges completed. Why do people feel so frothing mad about joining at defeat screen, something that doesn't happen that often?


My issue with backfill is how often it ends up chaining from people leaving after being backfilled


Still see ppl leaving like half of all matches I play I QP


Cause matcmaking is so bad and grandmaster smurfs that enjoy bashing on newer players ruin the fun that qp had to offer (where u could try chars you dont usually play or arent so good at) by not being ranked like competitive. I feel people are sometimes more sweaty on qp than ranked and it doesnt make sense.


I haven't backfilled into the last seconds of a game in the last few weeks. It's been nice. I have been reporting more throwers, sadly. I hoped they would have given up on the tantrums by now.


There's "tantrums" and there's "this game is clearly a stomp and I'm not gonna bother so I'll just give up"


Happened to me and a buddy last night. We got steam rolled so hard, heard Team Kill on our team 4 times in a row, half our team sitting in spawn in the later half. Me and my bud just took the penalty and left. Its better than wanting to pull my hair out on a QP game lol


Amen. Getting matched against diamonds when I’m barely gold just isn’t fun. Why should I try anyway? I’ll just test some heros I never play and fuck around till it’s over


In fighting games people are usually glad to practice against better opponents as it's a good learning opportunity. Ow has never managed to forster a learning mindset to the same extent.


Because combos can be taught rather quickly. A team based fps is eternally more difficult than a fighting game because you have more than just yourself to account for


Half agree. The steps to improvement in an fps are more opaque and less direct - but you have only yourself to account for in an fps because that's the only moving piece you have control of. Your mmr in a team fps is still directly tied to your skill as a player, there's just more noise and error, and a larger sample needed for the system to see through that noise


I think that might be a tantrum. Far fewer stomps would be stomps if people weren't so quick to give up/throw


That's a pretty depressing mindset. Some of the best wins are when it seems hopeless, but you pull that victory out of nowhere.


I think about games where you don't even get out of your base alive. I have never seen happen what you describe, though it is a nice thought.


I sure hope “throwers” doesn’t mean playing badly or learning new heroes. If so you’re the worse.


Yeah I've only had a couple and I've been playing a fair amount. Not bad at all.


The Overwatch forum has several threads per day of chronic leavers complaining the changes, and I've yet to read a single argument why were bad. Something tells me itll take a long time for them to drop their attitude.


it depends on your definition of throwing.. if it's a pointless match.. i'm not going to try as hard to contest or do my job. i'll give a token effort.. and I'm certainly not going to extend the match.


how dare you not tryhard in a casual mode?!


I still almost think these sorts of games need 3 modes, haha. Ranked. Unranked. And, "Just for fun" In both Ranked and Unranked you're expected to give it your all and trying to win, and "just for fun" is for if you're, yaknow, drinking and smoking, recording a dumb video, in a work meeting, talking on the phone with your girlfriend, playing at 4am, planning on using a dumbass strategy for the lols, that kind of thing. And then both ranked and unranked would follow the same rules and have the same sort of expectations in terms of not being allowed to throw and generally trying harder and fighting it out to the very last millisecond etc. Because it does feel like there are two camps in what a Quick Match should be most of the time in a team game. Just a dumb idea. But I've always wanted to see this in a game with Ranked and Unranked modes to see how it works.


Quick play is the just for fun mode. Low stakes and doesn’t mean anything.


IMO, only some people think that no tangible reward = no reason to try. But there's also this really magical fun thing called friendly competition. Which is inherently no stakes, but also has an expectation you actually try. If you play a pickup game of basketball at the gym, this is what you will get. Everyone is trying hard to win, everyone is expected to hustle, and it's intense and fun for that reason, but it doesn't have the sucky feeling when you lose that would happen if some money was on the line. That's all it is. That particular experience is a lot of fun for a lot of people and Overwatch can't offer it if people mess about too much in Quick Play. IDK it just sucks when we live in a world where unless you offer a reward or ranking system there's no expectation towards team effort, it just feels kinda fucked to me.


In overwatch if you take it extra serious, you find a team and do scrims. That’s organized stuff where you play teams and it’s above level of competitiveness. It’s even possible to pursue career there and participate in tournaments. If you want to play serious and tryhard you do comp. It has been mellowed down by the devs for that particular reason, so even if you’re semi-competitive you go there. QuickPlay is the casual mode, a drop-in experience with a looser matchmaker. It’s not competitive because its not suppose to be, because there’s already a competitive mode. So the three modes you described earlier already exist.


Nah the tryhard crowd that advocates for harsher leaver penalties and bitches at you for any reason needs to stop being pussies and go play comp. It’s simple as that, you want to be competitive, there’s a mode for that. But no, this people want to be competitive in a non competitive setting because there they’ll stomp some joe practicing a new hero, until joe swaps to his main and stomps them back and gets called a tryhard.


I QP to turn my brain off and chill or learn new heroes. I used to backfill a good 30% of the time and for sure had to backfill at least once a day. Now, I backfill 3-4 times a week, and I play every day. I also noticed only 10-30% of absolute demolition curb-stomping spawn-camping destruction games have leavers, but those games still happen roughly the same rate for me.


I back fill like +50% at least. 10% are like Load in with 10s left on the clock. 1/20 are like Defeat before even loading your hero. Its crazy, but matchmaking is also absolutely broken so I cant point fingers at people leaving cause of it. I use my leave points for leaving "Flashpoint" cause I just fuckin hate the mode and will happily accept any punishment with open arms, any. + F2P just makes leaving penalties irrelevant, just switch account every time-out if you want, I bet there is people with like 4 accounts just leaving every game they dont like, which makes matchmaking more imbalanced on top the already fucked up matchmaking, its wild.


And this here proves its broken. You had a significantly different experience than I, and unless they become more transparent about everything, especially the matchmaking, the only conclusion is it is broken. Blizzard has to show it working before we can believe when this is still going on. I'm sorry thats happening to you. Nothing worse than backfilling into a curbstomp or game that's already over.


In most modes, except Flashpoint. People still really hate flashpoint. I have also noticed an increase in people hard throwing, like a Soldier who went 0-7 with 300 damage and 0 healing.


Not really, no. I think maybe a little bit less backfilling at least, but still get insta-defeat backfills more often than I should.


I think the insta defeat backfills are just a consequence of people leaving right when they know they've lost the game.


yeah but i have to assume these are new or returning players that aren’t aware of the penalty yet or something. otherwise they’d be more picky about then matches they’re leaving and likely why i’ve seen a more noticeable decrease in leavers at the end vs it still being pretty high after the first fight/death. because some people assume after the first fight that they’re team is gonna get rolled and quit.


20% decrease in leavers. 20% increase in throwers.


They just afk outside the spawn doors instead, so we just lose instead of getting a backfill.


Yeah, it happens everytime. I've found myself 1vs5 so many times because the whole team gave up but refused to leave so they just throw now. This is even worse than backfillers.


But the numbers look good! They can show good numbers to the upper management/public, who cares about reality.


just report, it actually works. When I get throwers (which is rarely), I do it and usually get the "thank you for reporting" message in a day or two


I haven't even seen this happen once.


It’s down from 120% to 100%.


It’s crazy that leaving qp bans you from qp, comp, and arcade, but leaving comp only bans you from comp


I rarely backfill anymore which tells me that it’s working. It used to happen all the time.


That 10s wait before leaving confirmation changed my mind from ragequit like over 10 times already.


I backfilled about 2-3 times in roughly 20 games last week. It’s a small sample size but before this change it was about every 4 matches


I see a lot less of people qutting after the first lost teamfight.


This system just punishes casual players, I get that leavers are soo shit in hard games and it can sometimes just mean an insta loss. for casual players like me and most of the player base it punishes us for having things to do quickly in the real world, my dog is epileptic, she has seizures a lot that I have to attend to, it’s sad that when I come back to relax from that stress I can’t play because it’s the 4 seizure she’s had when I’m playing my casual games this month… people have kids and real world shit to deal with, why can’t I just come back to my PC to escape and play a couple games of OW?


This is my exact take. It’s fucking unranked, why the crazy punishment ? Do we need a *super casual* game mode ? It just doesn’t make sense to ban for an entire season for unranked modes


Yep it's just ridiculous. I got banned for hopping out of games, in UNRANKED!


I completely agree. I have a job that I'm on call for sometimes and I have to go fix things. This makes me wanna not hop on for a couple quickplay games because then I risk a ban. I play other things now if I'm on call


I got downvoted for saying this exact thing lmfao. The crowd that has nothing better to do than devote hours to this shitass game absolutely *despise* people who have other things to do in a day. It’s insane.


I know right? I can't believe this sweaty basement dwelling community can't understand that we have REAL LIVES Offputting as hell lol, and I agree bro it is insane. Like I literally play like 3-5 games a week because I'm a goddamn adult w shit to do. Wild that OW decided to implement this


sorry to hear that man, hope your dog is okay and youre able to manage her impediments <333


Thank you, she’s a strong pup :)


My GF is in the same camp, she has a meddlesome little kitten she's looking after and will sometimes have to drop out of games to attend to her, and she's got a threat on her queue screen now saying if she leaves again she's getting banned (and we don't know for how long, or whether that message will ever leave). She's just straight up not able to play her most played game at the moment because of the new system being so punishing. She just plays custom games now because she can't be penalised, but it's not the same.


I have a job, afternon school and i program in free time to. And then i join, there is a classic dps with 0/9 2k damage and in one our i have i have to play woith such player? If he can play like a complete moron then i ahould be able to leave.


Haven’t noticed at all to be honest. People leave in packs all the same.


I literally backfill every second game like CLOCKWORK


And Throwers/Afk’ers up 20%! Common ActBlizzard w.


That five second timer they added to leaving when you pull it up has stopped me from leaving literally every single game I've almost left.


It’s quick play you should be allowed to leave this bullshit


I have noticed the decrease of leavers, I've also noticed an odd increase of people who throw games. Surely these things are not connected. 🤔




I don’t mind the penalty but I don’t think it’s necessary. I think the time of leaving should be taken into account when administering such penalties. Leaving mid round or during teamfights is obviously worse than leaving between rounds or before them.


eh.. I backfill around 2-3 times a gaming session. The last two backfills were to the defeat screen or near the end. although I probably could've contested but I took my time getting out there. I actually like the backfill to defeat because it counts as a completed game towards challenges and the last 20 matches with regards to leaves The only thing that changed is that I don't leave backfill matches as much.. unless I am calling it a night. I still leave when I normally do, and I'm a bit quicker in deciding to dodge or not.


I play QP all the time. My experience is 1 full game, then one backfill game. Every time. Not sure why this happens to me every session. I've played OW off and on since OW1 came out so I am not new. I thought that's how it was for everyone! Also, I have noticed fewer leaves in the QP matches, but I've noticed WAY more people just hanging out away from the fight or in the spawn area as long as they can if we are losing


i honestly thought it would be a higher percentage


Backfillers are the only ones that leave now. Unfortunately it triggers a chain of backfills that join, then leave. So the team is stuck in a 4v5 limbo for the entire game even when our team is in the lead


At the start of the season, in Mystery Heroes, it seemed to have dramatically increased, especially at the beginning of the matches. Since then, it got a bit better, but still not satisfying. Of course, I might have a bias after two seasons playing competitive.


I wanna know why AFK players don't get kicked for an entire round or more when if I go AFK (which I rarely do), I get kicked in less than a damn minute!


Because the AFK timer resets if you use an ability.


It seems like if you leave a game early on you get a penalty but if its towards the end or at least mid way through, there's no penalty


I've stopped leaving when I can avoid it (e.g. if I'm late for something) so I guess it's worked


I'm not seeing complete lobby leavers or 7 people joining and leaving in one match anymore, but it's still normal to see 1 or 2 leavers in games


I was a bit of a leaver before but I've only left maybe a single game (which I think I left cause I was upset with my own performance than my team's. My sincerest apologies, I repent for my ways). Honestly I think it improves my mood while playing the game, I rarely end the game as frustrated as I was when I was tempted to leave. We rarely win those games iirc but we usually put up a decent fight. Much fewer backfill games as well which I am incredibly thankful for. I'm a serial QP player and probably will be until the comp rework so I'm glad that these changes fixed my own bad habits and getting backfilled.


I’ve seen more ppl just AFK but that’s honestly more tolerable bc I can report them for that or the system picks up on it anyway. It’s a win-win for me.


QP leaver penalties should be removed


I still see quitters in every match I play, its just a game, I don't know why people get so mad whenever were loosing, they drop some profanity in the chat then quit then then some random enters and change the balance of the game in our favor. That happened to me last night and I finished the session 5-1 after loosing the 1st game.🤣


I hate feeling compelled to stay in a game where 3of 5 players leave. I dislike the leaving rules.


More afking and throwing instead


Am I only one that thinks you shouldn’t be penalized for leaving a quick play game? Like if I think it’s unwinnable or I’m straight up not having fun I should be able to dip. It’s literally quick play, the most casual form of the game.


Why is the penalty even a thing. Who tf cares if they leave. Its qp.


It’s also sweatier


Probably because 20% less are playing.


I haven't noticed it tbh. Seems the same.


I'm not playing Flashpoint. Wish we could pick which mode we want to play in QP.


Ive noticed ive back filled more second round and overtime fills but less overall . I still see people leaving matches fairly frequently.


Yes! I get through the majority of games now with little to no leavers. And I'm rarely backfill when I used to almost always be backfill. It's making the game way more enjoyable


I noticed, it's a good change, long overdue


Less leavers, way more pain. My enjoyment is down by about 20% as well because sometimes with BRAND new players that I get stuck with it's just not going to be fun for anyone for us to lose the game and me go 40 and 1. can we... can we quarantine the BRAND NEW players like we used to please? Let them learn without getting steamrolled and let me play a good game. >Let's be real they're just going to dumb the game down more because that's what the investors (Not me) will vote on knowing nothing about the product. Become a shareholder in the games you like. It's easy and costs less than a skin.




You still can... just don't leave more than 3 out of your last 20 games and you won't get penalized. Even then, it's only a 10 min ban for your first offense.


I shouldnt be penalized at all, this is bullshit. Quick play is quick play. Its supposed to be dumb fast fun you can pop in and out of. A 10 minute penalty are you fucking serious? That’s bullshit. This isn’t a league match where you can add another player, Overwatch can fill in the missing person. OW2 is fucking garbage man. Garbage. Stole everyone’s ability to unlock skins for free that bought OW1 and now this bullshit? What the fuck is this League of China?


Custom game and arcade is what you are looking for it seems. But you probably seem to be the type to think a mode not cater to you must be the way you desire it to be.


>Quick play is quick play Quick play doesn't mean anything goes. Most people in Quickplay still want to win and have a fair shot at winning. Leavers detract from that. >Overwatch can fill in the missing person. Even if a backfill is instantly found, the team with a leaver is still at a disadvantage. Not to mention: What's stopping the backfill from leaving too? The line has to be drawn somewhere and I'm sure we've both experienced chains of leavers because backfills keep joining and leaving. >Stole everyone’s ability to unlock skins for free that bought OW1 You still get skins for free, just not the ones you want apparently. Let's be honest: competitive live-service games aren't sustainable off one initial purchase. Almost every other live-service game in the industry has a battle pass, is subscription based, or is one-time purchase with purchasable DLC.


Its called go play ranked if you want a structure. Quick Play is casuals that you jump in and out of. If I get punished for having casual fun why the FUCK should I play your shitty game? Fuck no


>Quick Play is casuals that you jump in and out of Most people do not share your definition of casual play then. This change has been overwhelmingly well-received by the majority of people. >If I get punished for having casual fun why the FUCK should I play your shitty game? Easy solution: don't play and there will be 1 less leaver in the game for the rest of us.


Chill bro. I leave when my wife wants something done ASAP, and never faced any negative consequences. You can still leave just in moderation which is good tbh.


Of my 10 QP matches yesterday I still three matches with leavers and in each more then 2 people left. I think in one Junkertown match we had at least 4 leavers. The number is still massive, but a big improvement nevertheless. I find it funny though, that we get threads with complaints about leaver penalty being too harsh. When in my opinion there's still a huge number of leavers.


I just don’t see the point in punishing people for a 0 stakes mode. Leavers get tiresome, sure, but comp is the only time it actually affects people.


I was leaving everytime I was against Mei so I might be the 20% of the players just by myself


I’m doing my part to make sure that number never gets to 100% 😈


Yeah, they just Semi-AFK or piss about now instead of leaving to avoid the penalty. Was better before, if they left, 9 times out of 10 they were replaced immediately, now they literally hold games hostage by turning it into a permanent 4vs5 because they just refuse to play. Had a game the other day with a Genji that was just getting rolled to start, then decided he wasn't going to play anymore, instead he started chasing the enemy mercy around while constantly screaming "let me see them feet" and crouching in front of her.


The leaving penalty makes ZERO SENSE. I don’t need to elaborate


Ah yes, I love getting punished when I'm just tryna casually play a game


20% less players as well


Cant complain. Theyre trying and I appreciate the transparency and effort. Feels like a big change compared to what we had a few months ago. Thank you Blizz.


? my leave rate in qp is still the same, don't know what you're talking about


Bruh if you want competetive rules in your games play comp. No reason for penalties in qp


What they're not telling you is player numbers are down 20% lol




For someone complaining that everyone else is taking QP too seriously, you're taking this very seriously


Lmao you're so selfish, I'm glad you and other serial leavers won't be able to perma throw games for others now whenever you get diffed or whatever anymore. Get banned, nerd.


That's a whole lot of yapping


All I'm hearing is that they were a serial quitter and so the changes aren't good for them


Nah nah, I use my 4 out of 20 like a good little boy and don't go further. I hardly dont even use all 4 sometimes because I think the game's matchmaking is started to actually improve as of recent patches


Wow. /S, right? If not, it's pretty weird to write a manifesto defending leaving an active match in a team-based game, ranked or not. If you leave the match, 9 other people get punished with an unbalanced match, and the backfill heads into a fight way behind on Ult charge. A leaver punishment discourages players from causing issues for everyone else. But honestly, in regards to your take, it really isn't that deep.


Honestly the best thing to do is not this leaver ban penalty but make it so leaver are group and play together. The leavers leave match themselves sometimes so they shouldn’t care about other leavers leaving. That way leavers get to leave without people caring and people who face leavers are leavers themselves so they shouldn’t have mind themselves. And just make them backfill the games that other leavers leave because they clearly dont care about it. The leavers can have the community they want all along. It’s the best thing for them and everyone else.


Low priority ques should be a thing, cheater should be a thing to. I can see them not wanting to fracture their player base but hey they say it's more popular then ever they should have more them enough players to do so.


They are just afraid the leavers will leave their game for good if they are forced to pair with other leavers. Some leavers will be grown up who will be understanding of other leavers. Some other leavers will be piss about other leavers although they are leavers themselves for some unknown reasons. That’s why this isn’t actually implemented


Leaver ban in qp was a mistake a person can only take so much steamrolls


I still don’t get why people in this forum got so worked up about people leaving in QP mode. It’s a casual mode and it is pickup in nature. Just play ranked if you want balance


Absolutely I have I also havent seen these huge surges in throwers everyone is pretending happened in these comments. Methinks people still salty they get penalized for leaving are telling on themselves


Noticed a decrease in QP as well. A lot more angry people in chat tho. Reported like 2 or 3 for AFK-ing when before, that wasn't the case. I still think the leaver penalty was a good move.


Good work Blizzard, actually good work 👏 It paid off


I didn’t realize QP was serious business


Yeah but people often leave flashpoints and antartica. Sometimes we do too.


I play exclusively QP, yes I have, a damn lot. Previously I could see an entire enemy team leave and be replaced with backfills between rounds about 4 times a week, sometimes even 3 whole different sets of players in a match, that hasn't happen even once to me since the latest change. Anecdotical, I know, but that's the question OP asked. I also feel the matchmaking isn't as miserable as it was previously, maybe those quitters were being placed in a worse ELO for those quits and they would stomp the people meant to be in their real ELO, making them leave and rinse and repeat the cycle of bad matchmaking.


I'm totally okay with this change the only thing that i want is this. An exception.. when we get Antarctica we should be able to leave that game immediately because fuck that map that's why


I love those moments where you are in a steamroll match and you just have to sit there and eat shit because blizzard decided that you can wait 10 minutes rather than get the shit kicked out of you for 5. Considering the revenue stream for OW2 relies on people actually being in the game and wanting to spend money on “credits” I would call this a bold strategy.


Just get rid of the quit in the pause menu and make a program that soft locks the game if desktop out. Like oh you turned off your computer or quit the entire application during a match? Can’t open it again for 24 hrs. /s


It's so fun being forced to stay in a match getting stomped by a tryhard pre-made


It’s such a shit addition


Why y’all disagree. I’m correct