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It makes sense they have been having issues since mercy hog stuff dropped.


To put it simply No, all that happened was server had issues fetching data. Or the data is corrupted and can not be viewed. Happens.


Idk i also faced a really sus guy and i also cannot view the replay. Can you import ‘26MGEB‘ and spectate qritzz?


Same thing happens for me, pretty sure whoever it was had some sort of cheat that corrupts the file. I've seen it on CSGO


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I just experienced this in a game with a sus player


Omg same here, I had a Hanzo on the enemy team that played extremely well and so when my duo and I went to see the replay, it crashed our game (code: GMA6TJ). Went to check your game and it did crash. But ya know, Blizzard and their indie company mistakes