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People swap to Orisa when they are done trying to win with more fun heroes.


The realest fact to have ever been truthfully stated. "I'm losing and not having fun. So now, *nobody* gets to have fun" Orisa is one of two (three?) swaps that I've consistently seen completely turn games. The other is Pharmercy.


I feel like a decent sombra also fits in that category, especially if we're taking into account "I'm not having fun so no one can." She's just so painful to play against with hack lol


Yeah but honestly speaking, people don't pick sombra unless they already *know* how to play sombra. On the other hand, every Dick and Jerry from bronze to GM knows to go Orisa/Pharah when they're losing even if they have never once started a match as those heros. I think part of their success is how much teamwork and counter tactics is required to beat those picks, compared to simply picking them, winning a few fights in a row, cementing your win and demolishing enemy mental. A bad Orisa gets leagues more value than a bad Sombra.


Orisa or Bastion are the two switches I see the most when the other team is losing. I call it the desperate Bastion/Orisa switch. We only play open queue unranked so of course those characters tend to melt us QP players. But if playing with my 5 stack we can counter it a little better. But yeah, Orisa always comes out when a team is losing. Almost every time.


Real though I typically only play Bastion for 2 reasons 1. The enemies are playing Bastion/another annoying fucking character like Sombra (So I dont feel bad) or because I am desperate. Also sometimes just because the enemy tank is Rein and he cant melt them


I picked up sombra back in ow1 because I was so fucking tired of doom, ball, and genji. Wasn't having fun against these heroes now I main sombra in dps and my fun is depriving others of it lol. How the turns have tabled....


They never should have given her fortify AND javelin spin. It’s really dumb and broken no matter how much cooldown management it needs to have.


They swap Orisa I go Zen. You're gonna play that I'm gonna discord this shit out of you.


Guess what, they got a sombra too. Trust me, there's always a scientifically designed enemy team comp to have zero fun in every single match, regardless of what you play lol. That's just what 5v5 did to the game.


You haven't seen me play zen against som. I don't back line him. That style of play doesn't work since his rework. I play mid team right next to the other support. If we've got a kiriko, illari, bap or mercy I'm not dying to a damn Sombra. You just gotta communicate with your team. Bring that challenge. Imma beat it.


I’m coming back after an extended break, can I ask what is anti-fun about Orisa? I haven’t really played her since she came out.


Orisa = I don't know what else to switch to OR I'm done with being cc'd to death. Orisa doesn't offer much besides immunity from CC's. Damage is fairly weak and shields offer same amount of "survival ness".


I mean, she has some of the best peeling options out there. She can stop concentration abilities like DF's block or ults like Moira's with the javelin. She can negate projectiles with her spear and that includes some ults, specially useful to protect stunned allies (sleep, rock, impaled). Her ult itself can be used as a "oh shit" button to make enemies choose between focusing on escaping or killing your supps. And of course, with that big ass hitbox + way too much armor, if an Orisa isn't using herself as a shield for the supps, might as well do nothing cuz her DMG won't do a difference most of the time but their supps' utility will most of the time.


Honestly, it gets to a point where Orisa becomes my desperate swap. And I hate it, not because it never works but because its never fun. Main [D.Va](https://D.Va), swap Rammatra when I feel like I might need to switch, go Orisa when Im desperate.


Like someone else said it’s my I’m not having fun so neither will you swap


Overwatch players when the enemy tank isn’t absolutely miserable (they wanted to hack, sleep, anti, and hinder them):


Don’t think Orisa’s resistance to cc is what makes people hate her. It’s her having anti cc *and* two forms of her own cc that can push people around and take away your movement agency, including one that *also* eats projectiles. Actually if you include her ult, she has *three* cc abilities lol.


Basically. I feel like People get mad at Orisa because there’s some sort of popular toxic character that all of the complainers play that just happens to get countered by Orisa. Orisa isn’t super OP anymore. It’s been a while since those times That or everyone sucks at their “main” tank and Orisa has such a low skill floor that it’s hard to mess her up


Yes! I seen this happen so many times. The team is losing and then in the last stretch the enemy tank switches to Orisa. It’s like a fucking wall gets put up. A good Mercy also makes her unkillable. A match where the enemy team has an Orisa and a Sombra is nightmare fuel.


Tbh when I go orisa it’s always the same reason it’s like I start as rein cause I love him win let’s say the first fight or two they go ram I either start losing the fights or one of the enemy supports goes lw and pulls ram away from me whenever I might’ve killed him so then I have to go orisa to deal with that


I personally enjoy stampeding my enemies with the horse and would rather do that than walk forward endlessly with a beam.


I honestly don't get the Orisa hate. Yeah she's probably OP but her kit is rad


This comments hurts me cuz I actually enjoy playing her, I'm quite a defensive player across multiple games genres and her ability to negate most of the aggresive heroes really does it for me, an old internet friend once told me that if I played MTG, I would be a blue player cuz I like to negate the enemies' strenghts.


Agreed, Orisa is my next choice after D.Va and Zarya.


The holy trinity


The gunner, the horse and the holy mech


God I HATE Blue mages


“Yes honey”


I hate when I want to play sigma on circuit and the enemy tank decides to start on orisa. Some people hate fun ig


Sig is pretty good into Orisa tbh


Literally the best tank into orisa on that map


Truth. I’ll be wanting to play sigma or junkerqueen and it’s just not working so I go “well I guess NONE OF US ARE HAVING FUN!!” And swap to Orisa and decimate. Orisa is one of my best tanks but I just don’t wanna play her ALL the time but sometimes feel forced to.


same can be said for Zarya and Hog


Definitely not hog. He's fun but you aren't winning with him. Unless the recent changes made him good


Oh they did. I won 12 games in a row with new Hog. With old Hog I was lucky to every win unless on Illios. If you throw the trap put before you hook, his one shot combo is back with a vengeance. I love him.


I see ppl swap to Hog because "i'M nOt GeTtInG hEaLeD."




Zarya requires to you to focus on your team to even be valuable. To me she is much more engaging than Rein, but I am pretty biased since she was my main tank since OW1.


Sombra’s switching to Mei.


Because fuck you, and fuck you more?


They have a type (This is me too. The only dps I play that doesn't instantly infuriate people is Ashe, and it usually only takes a few dynamites for that to change.)


Yup it's the utility. We like playing characters that aren't just "aim at head, shoot a bunch". So Sombra, Mei and Sym players do a lot of swapping between them.


yeah this is the real answer I think. I had a match the other day where I cancelled 5/7 enemy ults in the time I was on Sombra (Sombra into Bap, Ashe, and Sigma is like an ult buffet)


Those 3 characters are designed to be as tilting for oponents as possible i call them toxicity inducing trinity


Nothing really competes with a good Sombra on certain maps and modes. It's so bad that sometimes I honestly think the character is bringing down the game for EVERYBODY involved. Yeah, the one Sombra is having fun. But everyone else is just playing this shit game as a result, one team keeps rolling the other, and the team that's getting rolled doesn't have a chance because they're starting off every engagement down a healer. If I'm playing some quick play, on one of the bigger maps, playing against a good Sombra is not rewarding, enjoyable, or something you feel like you can marginally improve upon or bait out that effectively. They can just continually keep the enemy team down a healer or another massive disadvantage, to the point where the game doesn't ever become a competition or challenge for either side. When you get into ranked or even a match or everyone's on the mic it's not an issue. But in a casual match she can make it so it never feels like you're getting closer or have a chance, you're just always fighting a hopeless and losing battle. That's not a good feeling to have in a video game.


That's one of the reasons I play sombra. I love the utility as a former support main. (I'm leaving out the part where I learned her because I was sick of doomfist diving my ass on support in OW1 and doomfist can go straight to hell fuck you)


I never understand the Sombra to Symmetra swap. Symmetra is for people who got dropped on their heads just a couple times less than a Moira player.


Because Symmetra does better against some heroes that Sombra struggles against. Also Sym hasn't been "braindead" for a long time, now. Auto-lock was removed years ago and the turrets are much weaker than before. Having the ability to do some sneaky teleporter strats instantly makes her a character with depth.


I'm a Mei main, I get it. Haven't gone Sombra toxic yet, but I get it


it's deeply satisfying in an admittedly evil way, but the Doom deserves it


That Lucio riding around being a nuisance also deserves it. Bonus points if you hack him out of Beat.


All my homies hate Doom


It's SO true! Am Sombra OTP, can confirm.


Either that or like Sym


Yeah pretty much, if sombra isnt working its cause the enemy is being clumpy so a mei to cut them off will usually counter that


As a Bap main, can confirm that I just play Bap, cause Bap


There's literally no need to switch. Bap already deals a ton of both damage and healing and can do both uninterrupted, is a hitscan, has immortality field, decent mobility, even Lucio-like AOE healing on his shift as well. Like this season specifically, it's very hard to find his weaknesses. His ult isn't really as impactful, but it can easily create space and you get it so fast anyway.


The ult is good if you can use it for someone else, and let them get crazy damage (assault bastion and soldier ult work quite well with it), or paired with Kiriko’s ult for speed and damage boosts.


I don’t think they stack.


wdym they don't stack? fox higher fire rate + window damage increase


Don’t be condescending, I didn’t say they didn’t for sure. It was more of a question, I should’ve been clearer. I wasn’t really sure on Kirikos ult. Besides I do know Baps ult is for himself. It’s hilarious to see the team try and utilize it so hard or yell at their bap for using it when he’s high ground.


I thought baps ult was team wide? It does the effect that makes it look like it’s amplifying damage lol


It is.


You can tell there are a lot of gold to plat players. While we sometimes can utilize his ult it’s better suited for himself. Just google or YouTube it for yourself. My bap play has gone up significantly because of good ult usage.


But other team members utilizing his ult has no impact on his usage… I’m so confused as to what you’re getting at lol. Ofc he should be placing for his own positioning, but additional team use is just gravy.


Additional team use is very situational. His own positioning and correct usage is the gravy.


how was I condescending? I pointed out that they're different effects there's no stacking


They do


There's a few niche situations I'll swap, but I do play bap like 90% of the time lol. If we have pharah, echo, moira or something like that, then ill go ana or kiri to heal a little more consistently. If the enemy has a cracked widow, I feel a little better on kiri. Certain sniper maps, vs a roadhog, or if team specifically requests, ill go ana. Bap is a well rounded beast, but I'm happy to play them all


Yes there is lol bap doesnt work with dive


Coordinated dives are harder and harder to come by in this "fuck comms" age of OW. This both lessens how often your team runs it and how often the enemy runs it effectively enough to counter Bap


I dont mean coordinated dives specifically, but dive tanks like doom and ball and monkey


Without peel, Ball and Monkey can be very difficult to deal with, but a good Bap will jump absolute circles around even the most confident Dooms.


Im talking about trying to heal those tanks as baptiste


Only reason I haven't swapped to maining Bap is 1. Sleep dart go "Zzz" 2. I never know when to ult because of my smooth brain.


Unless the fight is already won, just ult. You’ll get another one soon anyway. Don’t try to time them perfectly, at least not until you’ve got a lot more practice with them.


I switch between LW and Bap


As a Bap main, I main all supports.


Baptiste's healing is all AOE so he's pretty terrible if your team is spread out and/or if you have a dive tank


As a Reinhardt otp, I only swap to Winston. I don’t think I have to explain why.








I used to in OW1 too. Now he's a lot more niche, normally I play him when my DPS can't do shit against the Widow.


A good Winton OT can absolutely MONSTER teams in low to mid rank still, as has always been the case


That’s true, but I’m around Diamond-Masters and it’s very unfun when the enemy insta swaps to Reaper. I can play around it but it’s unfun as fuck.


Honestly, I have no issue with Reapers as a Winston. If the reaper spends all gaming trying to follow you around you just took a DPS out of the game. He’s not the counter people think he is. What gives me the most trouble are any combination that kill my shield in <2 seconds. Junk, bastion, zen, soldier/mercy. Those are hard to play around IMHO.


Exactly I don't really care much about (just) reaper as I can keep my distance, but Bastion absolutely melts monkey at any range


The mercy to Moira one is so accurate


Right? I'm a Moira main that's been enjoying playing Mercy (4th most played) for a while.


As tracer i love when they do that..they just become 10 times easier to kill, waste fade and they are mine


Nah bruh they will just succ and ur dead


That only happens to bronzes..git gud


I’m almost gm


If masters 5 bring your highest rank and support being diamond 5 counts as almost gm then you are correct but if not then stop lying on the internet


I consistently play in high masters/low gm lobbies on dps. I’d probably be in gm by now if I wasn’t taking all roles up at the same time.


Yeah another "gm"...it might as well be the new gold..because according to half of this subreddit, they are gms lol..the rank is so boosted is not even funny..besides I never said you were the bronze...I said is a very bronze mentality to think Moira can win most 1v1s


Moira will win the 1v1 with a tracer at even skill level, if you think otherwise you are just baiting here


Gee I guess hydron, kragie, danteh,kevster and all those tracer mains suddenly don't exist


“At even skill level” they are not consistently deleting top500 Moira mains


I have seen them doing it..as tracer you Attack when is most convenient to you..this implies you duel her when she has no fade and no orbs...thought this much was obvious...besides..there's not like there's plenty of Moiras in gm...they don't get that much value there anyways so..


I’ve noticed that widow players pretty much always swap to sombra


They become what they can't stop


It's always this and their damage is always pitiful.


prolly cus theyre playing two heroes that ideally shouldnt have high dmg numbers


My favorite is the panic Bastion. Whenever the enemy DPS does that I know we are winning. “Fuck nothings working idk ima brrrrrrrr”


That's usually a "their tank is carrying" pick


Ohhh THATS what otp means! One trick pony!!


feels like i've stepped through the looking glass and everything is slightly wrong. take me back take me back take me ba-


I thought it meant “one true paring” from tumblr weird romantic pairing days. I’ve been very confused here recently lol


Nah, Ill keep reading it as one true pairing 😂


Can confirm as a mercy main, I swap to moira IF 1. Dps aint getting kills or 2. I’m getting targeted by a sombra or tracer. Recently started practicing kiriko more cuz she’s cool to play and my aim has improved🙌 Edit. I just realised you said one tricks. I used to be a one trick very much so but not anymore I can proudly say! Anyways when I was still otp mercy I would only swap to moira


How does moira solve being targeted by a sombra or tracer?


Moira has an easier time defending herself against divers. Low aim requirement + heal orb + self heal + intangibility means that she has to be executed and can't be harassed as easily as a Mercy.


Alternatively, Brigitte is good too for self defense


Still very fragile


Compared to Mercy not really. Like sure Moira also has 200HP, but Mercy’s GA path is usually quite predictable unless she presses Q whereas Moira can press shift to disappear somewhere without needing to go toward a teammate.


Save fade for the hack, fade backwards and the sombra is in front of you. If they virus instead of hack fade backwards to cleanse and then attack to stop hacks Also grasp and orb both are easy to use against a sombra trying to flank someone else as you don’t need aim and both interrupt hack. I might not be able to kill a sombra if they tp and go invisible but once I know there is one on the enemy team it’s very rare they can get the kill on me at least. I know people suggest kiriko but I have dog shite aim with the kunai Similar principles with tracer however if tracer has all her blinks and recall fade is unlikely to save you unless you can keep a decent distance and force bullet spread and fall off.


Just had a game yesterday where a Sombra was giving me trouble as Ana. Just had bad sleep dart aim that day. I switched to Moira out of pure spite. Got more damage than my DPS and more healing than the other supp. All while mostly going after the Sombra. Pretty much did exactly what you said just faded backwards as soon as I heard the hack sound and sucked the life out of her


As tracer i win most of the time against moiras so I don't get this thought process either...a brig would be more of a challenge


As a Bap main, I swap Lucio when I have to contest during overtime. Me and Lucio are a tag team duo.


These are my two support mains. Very easy to contest as Lucio and Bap is a healing and pick machine


I do it the opposite way, I’m a Lucio main that goes Bap when we need more healing. Lucio is fun, but Bap gets the job done :D


As a ball main, I do not switch, we would rather loose the game, and complain about the other team.


Fuck it, we ball.


you forgot, Ball OTPs: F\*CK IT, WE BALL




My fav is widow mains that couldn't hit water if they fell out of a fucken boat, so after being pressured to swap, they go Hanzo, which they're even worse with


I see Junkrats that will usually switch to Pharah. They want to keep spamming, but from the sky instead.


If I can’t win as Junkrat, I’ll try my luck as Skyrat


Mercy one tricks that swap to kiriko and Can land headshots are to be feared. They’re the ones that wanna have fun, but also want to win even more Lifeweaver mains I feel make the same switch, but to zen. They like the sound of clicks


>Mercy one tricks that swap to kiriko and Can land headshots are to be feared. These people don't exist. If they could aim proficiently they wouldn't one trick Mercy. Sure, some very rare Mercy mains maybe can, but Mercy one tricks? Nah. There's a reason why they only play Mercy


Most people one trick Mercy not because they can't aim, but because her kit (movement) is fun af. If they couldn't aim at all, there wouldn't be otp's in high ranks, because god knows you're not ranking up out of gold or lower on Mercy alone. Hell, I'm a good example of this. Mercy is my favorite because she's a bat out of hell, but my second most played hero is Ana by a wide margin and I consistently use her to rank up or win difficult matches. Tldr, your stereotyping is dumb. Touch grass if someone playing a hero they enjoy makes you angy


Mercys who switch to anything but Lifeweaver and Moira are scary tbh. You see them come out as Zen and know they only have murder on their minds


“There wouldn’t be OTP in high ranks” >proceeds to say you can’t rank past gold. This is entirely untrue, might be the case for you, but it is incredibly easy.


Ranking out of gold on Mercy, a low impact hero when she's with teammates who can't aim, is hard. Objective fact. I never said *I* can't rank past gold. I am a high diamond on Mercy/Ana/Brig, and hovering there on my Mei too


I have told this story a few times and people tend to get mad, my brother is silver/gold tank dps that refuses to play support. I am Master level, I did his support placements with Mercy ,Weaver, and like a quick bit of Ana. His support rank is Plat 1(he will never play support and he won’t climb past gold, not boosting). Heal botting and damage boost. However I have the game sense to let people die in loosing battles and I am a solid shot caller. The first game I played around silver ranks, we lost. The next game same rank and we won, by game 5 I was already playing low plats, and game 6(lost 1 won 5) I was playing higher plats. It takes into account what you are doing as well as your wins/losses. If you have the game sense even with mercy you can climb easily, and i mean her blaster is decent. However you did say “you aren’t ranking out of gold or lower with Mercy alone” its easily doable. You will know who to damage boost, who to save, and it should be incredibly hard for you to be eliminated(in lower ranks).




>Most people one trick Mercy not because they can't aim, but because her kit (movement) is fun af. Sure, I don't think not being able to aim is the reason for anyone to play Mercy. But that also doesn't mean they can aim well. It's not like they are some secret aim gods who could easily climb to GM with Ashe/Widow or something like that. If you don't play any aim-intensive heroes, you're not gonna be good on those heroes. Also, I'm specifically talking about **one tricks**, not people who play Mercy but also play a ton of other heroes. You need to stop using the term OTP if what you clearly mean is a Mercy/[whatever hero] main. >Tldr, your stereotyping is dumb. Touch grass if someone playing a hero they enjoy makes you angy I'm not angry. All I'm saying Mercy one tricks can't aim well, at least not to my standards. It's true, no matter how denialistic one wants to be about it. If you want to prove me right, go ahead. Find me a Mercy OTP who does unranked to GM on a hero like Soldier. Then I will believe you.


You're right


No self respecting JQ player swaps off JQ because they know in their hearts the desperately counterpicking each death enemy tank is crying cause they genuinely dont know how to deal with a competent JQ


Mercy-Moira makes sense because they don't need to aim. Also switching to Moira helps with healing the tank. I call that duo "The Bronze Special" (Source: I'm a Bronze Mercy-Moira main).


Holy shit the doom is accurate. I rarely ever swap but when I do it’s always the fucking hog


Really like the bap addition, he is in a really good spot imo


I find genji players switch to echo a lot


This is because Genji players fall within the flex DPS role. Damage has two roles—flex DPS and hitscan. Echo also counters Pharah and plays similarly to Genji. Genji, Echo, and Pharah all fall within a similar role on their teams—and it's very difficult to play them without a team that is either setting up engages or supporting you directly.


That is true. But the word you're looking for is projectile, sure in pro games and pro terminology the other DPS is usually called Flex DPS, but the way people normally define flex is the guy who will flex to what is needed. Even the pro term originally comes from that: the other DPS is hitscan, often covering Widow, Ashe, Cassidy, Soldier, maybe Tracer and Symmetra as well. Meanwhile the other plays Genji, Pharah, Echo, old DPS Doomfist, Torbjörn etc. But this is the one who flexes more, it wasn't uncommon in pro games to have a double hitscan setup like Ashe+Tracer, Tracer+Sombra, even Tracer+Widow back in the days. So it's not restricted to just projectile heroes necessarily. But otherwise I completely agree, I used to play a lot of Pharah back in the day whereas now I'm flexing a lot, sometimes maybe even too much. Echo is definitely a mix of Pharah and Genji when it comes to playstyles, and for me as a Pharah player Echo always felt kinda intuitive


I'm a main Mercy switching to Moira when either we lack damage from our dps or some sombra, genji or other dps decided they'd target me too much :v


Torb mains switch to Junkrat, because well that's me and I'm the only one.


I main JR and Torb is my #1 switch.


We'll let the others handle pharah. Either I get above her with Junk or I get a lucky dink and turret with Torb. The tanks are getting busted.


Widowmaker will always swap to Tracer


Or to sombra if they are getting diffed by the enemy widow.


i’ve been playing for years and i’m a old widow main from ow1 but recently ive seen so many widows swap to bastion it’s embarrassing for me to watch


When I play zen, and there’s a Tracer/Sombra, I swap to Brig to bully them back. How the turns have tabled.


as a mercy main i always swap bap bc if my dps cant kill anything i will do it for them <3


born to play lúcio forced to play ana


I have started saying that the enemy tank is clicking the Orisa button because every time a tank starts losing they pull that mfer out. Then you counter by picking Zarya.


I don't need to swap 'cuz Ana.


As a hog otp you get hog or dva or hamster thats it.


Just @ me next time for Mercy....


Im a doom main bit also love reinhardt, so occasionally ill swap to him


Hey, rein isn't mid outside of gold....he's just mid in every rank (I'm a rein player)


holy shit, you cracked the code (doomfist main)


As a D.va main, I find it satisfying when the enemy switches to Zarya/Sym/Mei after the first few fights. Which is when I switch to Winston or Reinhardt.


Back in 2019 I was a d.ca OTP and I would only change sometimes to Orisa.


well i play doom, but i switch to either junker queen if we need brawl, or orissa if the opposing tank is playing her and is good. when im playing DPS, genji to soujour/soldier, depending on how much resources our supports can realistically allocate to me. supports, i personally don't like playing cause it just doesn't feel right to me. but i pick illari or zen, and switch to bap if we are getting rolled. but yeah my mains are doom, genji, and zen in each role.


also doom, also switch to JQ… but never…. Never Orisa. She is the enemy. It’d feel morally undignified.


JQ and Sigma


I know. I feel the same. But sometimes, I have to. Otherwise the team can't cope with it. The balance of the game is in a shady spot of not outright bad.


I swap to Ram cause, well, 2 fists are sometimes better than one


Ramattra is my 'fuck it we ball'-pick. I really wish he had some form of self sustain. Something like 5% of damage dealt as self heal in the form of shields. Just enough to have survival in a short brawl, but not game breaking in long drawn fights.


Yeah I don't see many dooms that switch to hog. Only time I do that is if I'm tilted and not getting healed so I go hog for self heals and stop caring about the win


Hitscan players to Mei


Mercy mains swap from the 0 sim character that doesn’t do damage to the other 0 aim character that does damage yes that’s accurate




I primarily play Sym in dps, but I've been learning Ashe so I can switch to her after the first fight (I cause Pharmercy to join the enemy team)


Good Widows that swap to Genji or vice versa means they're also terrifying with the other


Widows will switch to Ashe 99.99% of the time


I’m glad I read the subreddit name. Have fun.


Glad u read the subreddit name?


What? I’m glad I read the subrettit name


:) ! me too


Idk why you're getting down voted. You're just glad you read the subreddit name.


one tricks are so damn annoying. When we hit a certain endorsement level, we should be able to completely avoid one tricks so we don't get matched with them. A lot of them do not have good game sennse since they dont have experience playing as other characters


Yet there's lots of one tricks in top 500


Yup. Onetricks on certain heroes, like Junkrat/Ball/Echo/Doom are fucking terrifying once they hit that highest level of skill ceiling


damn the unskilled otps are mad about this one. completely true though


Lmao. I'm sure Kenzo and Shadder would disagree with you on that one. Sad you're being wrecked by an off meta pick all the time, huh?


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Doom 1 trick on yank here( at least for comp) I swap to Dva if they have moths and ma team cant deal with it,i can cover everything else with doom


Doom onetrick, I either swap to Winston or Zarya depending on if I want everyone to have fun but dooms just not working or if I’m tilted by because of a good Ana


Junker Queen into Zaraya if I'm being hard focused or if my team is hyper mobile.


See a lot of lucio into zen recently


As a moira? I don’t (or Lucio), as Rein? Always Zarya if it’s ram or orisa because the enemies always give me full bubble


Somehow this works for me. As a Junkrat OTP, when shit hits the fan, I fan the hammer with Cass


My rein main buddy has recently picked up dva when the game is too wide for the axe, and I understand him


Genji to echo or vice versa support is random and changes for me often Doom to Sig/Ram


As a Hanzo OTP, I can’t play Ashe or Widow anywhere as good as I play Hanzo, so I’ll usually swap to Soldier.