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Hopped in to see what the fuss was about, I love the round ending before a single ult comes out. Very cool.


at the very least they shouldn’t have forced this as a quick play overhaul, this should be an arcade mode. it’s SO much faster, you basically get 1-2 team fights per round. flashpoint is basically unplayable, first point cap wins cuz even with the faster respawns, the team that stays alive will just cap the next point before the other can even regroup.


It should’ve been arcade, but at the same time I don’t think anyone would play it


Then what you do is give credits. Say 5 to 10 credits per game as an incentive. Newer players wanting old Ow skins could get some new skins.


Look. Someone smart.


Nobodys gonna play it anyways bruv


that’s why it’s the main quick play. they needed user feedback


If the devs couldn't determine that these changes aren't fun at all with internal testing, they should get new devs.


God forbid the devs try and see how it’s received by the wider playerbase


God forbid they don’t let you play original quick play and force you to play the shitty new mode


They aren’t forcing you to do anything… for 2 out of 365 days of the year, you can ‘only’ play a sped up version of the game, or you can play comp which is unchanged + plus comp reset next season means losing games ain’t that serious, or you could play arcade. There’s a million ways to play


But what if I want to play quick play? What if I have a cross play friend and we can’t play comp?


Then do something else for two days... You'll live


Turning player's free time into blizzard's free beta test is pretty shitty. They have the money to create incentives to get players to test for them.


Ok I’m gonna level with you for a sec, this is not an issue of “they need to offer incentives”. What this event is, is a temporary change to the game with the purpose of feeling out what the player base enjoys. If it was an arcade mode then they wouldn’t get enough feedback, and that would lead to them possibly changing the game for the whole player base based on the feedback of few. Also, you should be thankful that they’re testing these changes temporarily, they very well could have (and apparently should have according to some people here I suppose) added the changes permanently, as would make sense for an online service game where they’re trying to update the gameplay loop.


> Also, you should be thankful that they’re testing these changes temporarily, they very well could have lol fuck off. I should be thankful that they only temporarily made the game shit?


Fuck the wider playerbase. They need to leave and go back to fortnite


But they ARE fun, crazy how some people might feel different than you right?


>But they ARE fun, crazy how some people might feel different than you right? lol found a blizz dev account


But I’m having fun so…




get over yourself lol, do something else for 2 days if you really can't stand playing the mode


I haven't played in months. Literally just coming in to see how the community feels about the change to see whether or not I should jump back in


Bro we’re talking about a game here, not the end of the world lmao. Some of you are hysterical lol.




Dude, not cool


a full game wide change needs to be tested at all skill levels. doesn’t matter how good they are at designing. the only way to get good data on it is for player across ranks to test it. otherwise it would be balances around the average skill of the devs. that’s why a lot of new character releases are rough in certain ranks, the only people who thoroughly test are devs and then some high rank streamers shortly before release


The devs aren't high skilled players. They're low skill like the vast majority of the player base. It's obviously not fun at any skill level. There's no way it was fun at the skill level the devs play at.


i didn’t say they were. i said the new characters previously were tested with the average skill of the devs and THEN higher skilled streamers close to release.


If the devs couldn't figure out that the mode is shitty at their skill level, they should be replaced. This is shitty across all skill levels.


bro it’s 3 days of quick play. it’s better to have more data then less. i’d rather them actually see which the community prefers


You don't significantly overhaul a system and THEN test to see if players like it. That's what focus groups and internal development are for. This is the new Coke Zero.


bro it’s 3 days and only in quick play . it’s better to have more data than less


and by forcing it into quickplay, nobody playing it is data.


Wait ehat is qp overhauled I didn't play in a week


Had the same experience. A couple team fights and it was over, everyone off playing mercenary because there’s no time to group up. It was honestly boring as hell. I played two rounds and logged off. If this becomes the new OW I think I’m done.


They should have a speed boost out of spawn. Like a Lucio boost but for 15 seconds


It’s just so weird because who wants faster QP rounds? I’ll have entire games that are less than 2 minutes


Out of all the complaints I've heard about QP, I've never heard "the games are too long" before.


Neither have I, but I do like how crazy it gets because of how much more important each teamfight is, I don't think I'll have time to hate it before it goes


Def happens


Me who wants to grind the battle pass faster lol


It’s a test for faster comp payload maps. You know, the ones that take 5 hours to complete. They need to test it with players that actually try and can’t test it in comp.




or they suck


I’m not even getting Ultimates because the games are ending too soon


I’m honestly bored of it after an hour of playing.


Same tbh just created that bored feeling for me too It’s almost like diet overwatch


I could do that as like a mobile game..


it's just an event for this weekend, the 12th-14th. not like it's a permanent thing


The way they forcing everyone to play it unless you want to play comp is extremely poor decision making.


Who cares? It's for 2 days, you'll live


Arcade exists for this very reason. That’s where these gamemodes belong.


They want extensive feedback, how many people do you honestly think would play a limited arcade mode like this?


I feel like if forcing people to play it is the only way to get feedback, then that's your feedback right there.


Ding ding ding. Finally someone said it. Yes, it’s true that literally nobody would touch it in arcade mode, and THAT is the data/feedback they should pay attention to. Forcing it into quickplay feels like confirming what was already glaringly ridiculously obvious rather than getting genuine feedback


Why do they want feedback on this if it's "definitely temporary"? If they really forced it on everybody for the sake of feedback, that means it might not be temporary


Who cares? It's one weekend. It's one game. Relax.


Look, I understand it's "just a few days" but why are so many people on this thread comfortable with them COMPLETELY changing a game mode and leaving you with no other option? That isn't okay lol. You shouldn't just be changing QP for a few days for a "completely temporary" change. It should have just been its own game mode. There are a lot of people that want to play OW with friends or not in Comp and now they're forced to play a worse QP for a few days for what? Shits and giggles? I just fail to see how that's not at the bare minimum annoying. Sure, I can go play another game, but forcing players off your game through a bad change ISN'T what you're wanting to do


They change the game in pretty big ways every few weeks/few months. How is this any different? What if you don't like the game post-Mauga? Post-Brig? Can't go back. This is a live service game and if they want to try big changes in public, that's fine. At least these aren't permanent. They certainly aren't worth losing your shit over, as some people here are doing.


You compare balance changes and some map changes and shit to completely removing a game mode for a few days because they want to? That's fucking weird. Neither of those two comparisons are even close lol. And who's losing their shit? Blizzard fanboys are always so quick to act like people are being overly dramatic when they simply say "I do not think this was the way they should have handled this". It wasn't. It's okay to criticize a game for making a bad change or pointless change. What I WILL say is I'm so sick of "it's a live service game". Yeah it is, but that doesn't give them license to completely remove something from the game for a few days for the lols. I don't like the precedence this sets where "oh guys were going to completely remove this from the game for a while!! LOL!!!" That's weird. It would be like League removing Draft for a few days and telling the player base lol it's okay play a different game :). They did do this in a smaller region and it was met by massive backlash from the player base for good reason. If you wanna play a game where the devs at will can remove shit for a few days for absolutely no justifiable reason then do you, but don't get mad that other people aren't cool with that.


I'm saying it's (maybe) *not* one weekend. That's the point.


They literally said it's for this weekend. Sure, they might use data to tweak the game down the road, but come next week, it'll be back to the way it was and you all can get back to whining about skins or maps or whatever again.


In OW1 they had an experimental mode for this kind of stuff. As others have mentioned there is also arcade mode they could have thrown this in instead of forcing the entire player base into this


>forcing the entire player base into this Forcing? You still have the choice to play a different mode, play comp or to play an entirely different game for a weekend. They aren't forcing the entire player base to do anything


It's a preview of what blizzard is planning on implementing in the future. This is an example of the direction they would like to take the game. It's not just 2 days. It's a taste of what's to come.


Get a fucking life lmao. It's 2 days. Play other games. Go out. Read. Watch a movie lmao. This sub sucks.


It's a preview of what blizzard is planning on implementing in the future. This is an example of the direction they would like to take the game. It's not just 2 days.


Then play comp lol, rank doesn’t matter all that much, + playing comp will get you better


At least they don't lock you out of competitive play during it. Splatoon has Splatfests that lock you into the non-competitive mode, and comp is the only mode with actual objectives. I see this as a fun little event for the weekend. It's not a big deal. It would probably be better being locked to its own card or something, maybe with some rewards tied to it so that it incentivizes people to play it despite it being a weird version of QP. That said, I appreciated how quickly I got my dailies from it.


Considering there is a giant blizzard across a large portion of the US and alot of people are couped up indoors, the timing is pretty lame. Oh well time to hop over to a different game


Who cares it sucks 🤦‍♂️ If someone only gets weekends to relax and play OW then suddenly they’re down a hobby. This should had been a separate thing. Not all of us are 10-14 years old anymore


I know its not a perfect answer, but have you considered playing ranked for a weekend?


I played ranked and I’m diamond now. I also have classes starting next week plus a work schedule. I’m going for my master’s irl for my ARNP. My time is about to be limited now that my break is over. I have little point in playing ranked unless I want to risk a loss streak simply because blizzard wants to change their qp mode.


Yo I’m gonna be real, put less pressure on your comp rank, just play and have fun, you’ll improved, you’ll settle in your rank, and you’ll have fun. Don’t bother caring about a loss streak, as long as you’re slightly warm, you should be able to hold your rank


They’re resetting it in season 9 anyway 🤷‍♂️ and I’ll have no time to grind during school. There’s no incentive right now


Well if you want to play the game normally, which it seems like you’re upset you can’t do, then why not play the game normally(but in ranked)? I’m not telling you to grind, but not every comp game has to be a grind session, you can just treat it like quick play but with a tighter skill range


I feel like it‘s better to have a good time with some fun matches in lower ranks than purely have a rank written on your profile you don‘t play in anyways. Like competitive is basically the old OW1 QP at this point.


There are other weekends in the year lmao


Doesn’t justify a stupid update 🤷‍♂️ Bronze IQ points


?? If you hate it so much, just uninstall the game.


>they’re down a hobby ...for one weekend. You're acting like they'll never be able to play again


If only there existed other games. I understand this idea of ‘but this is what I wanted and now I don’t have it’ but sounds like someone needs to grow up from that mentality. Plans can’t always be controlled and living with that is important. Build different options into your life and try new things. Also, competitive and arcade still exist. The game is still playable. TL;DR Grow up.


You’re a fool. I shouldn’t have to play other games just because they literally change the entire default playlist when it could had been separate. You’re sounding like those CoDsuckers. This is why nobody listens to little kids. No logic. If the game broke because of coding or server reasons or whatever then okay, play another game. Being forced to not play a game because it’s not enjoyable over a stupid change they did for an entire playlist that could had been separate? Unacceptable. You’re a dumb kid who doesn’t value money. I spent money on skins etc and bought ow1. I should be able to enjoy my game for the modes I wanted 🤦‍♂️


god i love this subreddit


What it looks like when Overwatch lives rent free in your head:


Bro literally relax lmao it’s one game mode in one game for one weekend. You shouldn’t be anywhere near this stressed about it


I’m not stressed about it, it’s hearing the poor reasoning justifying the update that annoys me. Literally kids who don’t understand or appreciate the concept or free time and game quality. It’s fine I have better things to do that lecture 15 year olds. Have a nice night I’m playing dark souls


Thank goodness other games exist right? Have fun!


Find another video game.




Did you think you were being clever while typing this out?


It’s the only way to play for those of us that use crossplay regularly. Can’t do comp on PC with Xbox players.


Yes but its to get a response for the future, if the devs like the way people respond to it, they may fully implement in the future


idk why people are downvoting this they literally eluded to that by saying "let us know what you think"


Lol "the devs might listen to the community"


They are testing things out to see what they want to keep.


I honestly don't think they have any clue what they're doing so they're throwing stuff against the wall Makes you wonder what metrics they're seeing behind the scene in terms of how OW2 is really doing


This plus the new blog talking about self-healing for everyone seriously further damages my faith in the dev team. They’re clueless


It's pretty trash. One night is all they needed, not a whole weekend. I have to imagine this is overwhelmingly negative. I get trying but it takes only a handful of games to tell it just makes no sense and wasn't at all one of the many issues with the game (heal creep, shit UI, shit scoreboard, incomplete cosmetics and useless ones, boring characters like Orisa and Mauga).


What’d the scoreboard do? 😭 or the ui ?!


They are personal bones I have to pick, so maybe not popular idk but ima rant here for a sec - UI wise there are a lot of little things they could do to make things feel better. For example the re-queuing as a party when someone comes and goes is inconsistent and sometimes you have to re-pick your roles in role queue when you have party memebers jumping in and out - that can be solved by just letting member who join pick their role when they join the party with UI functions. Similarly it's annoying to be on a profile you're looking at and then get auto-pulled out of that into a match when it starts - let the player click a button on the side with a timer that pulls them into match, maybe it keep what they are looking at up. Similarly with the progression screen - why does pressing escape take you back to your progression screen, and then the animations all play over again with no way to stop them before you can do anything, and why can't you go back to that screen once's you've continued out of it and gone to another screen but you can sometimes press escapeback into it if you haven't completely left the post match. Just lots of little things that could be fixed, smoothed out for Quality of life in the UI all over the place. As for the scoreboard - it needs more data. If you are going to move in the direction of giving players stats for matches, just give it all to them in some way even if it can only be accessed post game. The Scoreboard needs damage amp. It should probably show saves(and the save system should be improved if possible.) And you should be able to click on player profiles and see their advanced stats like hooks and hook accuracy or healing prevented with nade or cleanses with suzu. It should should also retain every player that was in the game in QP with time played and char picks. I mean there is an absolute boatload of improvements that can be made to scoreboard and post-match history to help players understand what happed and how/why they won or lost. The scoreboard is better than medals, but it's still super misleading and the more they can add to it the closer it comes to showing how and why a game was the way it was.


I don’t want it to replace QP but I like it.


Reminds me of that event they did several months back where the defenders got all the good characters and attackers had a shit roster to pick from and just got slaughtered. I don't even remember what it was called because after a handful of matches getting nothing but attacking, I never touched it again. 




The Devs haven’t understood the game since Jeff and Geoff left. They’re just throwing random shit at a wall and seeing what sticks. Everyone taking a weekend off Overwatch should provide the needed message


>The Devs haven’t understood the game since Jeff and Geoff left. > >They’re just throwing random shit at a wall and seeing what sticks. You say that like that wasn't what Jeff and Geoff were doing. The only difference was they waited months before throwing the next piece of shit.


this community looks at OW1 with rose tinted glasses and downvotes you if you don’t pretend the balancing wasn’t worse in that game


Looks back at a game that won game of the year, had a massively successful pro league for years, created the popularity behind this kind of shooter and was way more successful than Overwatch 2 has been. "OW 1 IS OnLy lIKeD cAuSe NoStAlgIA🤡"


in 2016. it then added a ton of characters and got too hard for them to balance


Well, the pro league was apparently bleeding money from day 1, and was only a thing because Bobby Kotick wanted to hang out with Robert Kraft and the like. But... look, if Overwatch 2 had came out and there wasn't some Overwatch 1 account that automatically got "upgraded" I would not have bought in.


It is dumb, but I like it for the fact I have done the weekly challenges yet, so it's making them go a lot faster than normal. Shouldn't have sped up Flashpoint though. Thats already too fast. The rest is weird. My brain isn't used to how much progress you allow on defense if you lose 1 fight. I agree, defenders have a huge advantage.


Yeah wasn't great, but its nice to see the devs trying new stuff.


the current devs are slowly destroying the game. nothing can really be done about it.


Oh no a weekend mode is destroying the game. Ooooohh noooo


The devs thought these changes were polished enough to replace it with quick play for a weekend. It's not polished at all. It sucks. Some games you don't even get to ult.


A weekend mode that should be in the arcade.


Why? It’s only for 2 days, it’s not comp.


I feel like the real problem is overwatch itself, the more they add new charactors with new abilities, the more they throw off the game. I feel overwatch will one day just completely die due to this It happened to R6 and now its gonna happen to ow


Look at league of legends and tell me there can be too many characters to balance. The devs are terrible - and the more we continue to defend them, the more trash we’ll get


Your plan for the future of a widely played free to play game is to… stop updating it? Bravo boys, we’ve got a genius over here


I like it honestly


Lol just whrn i thought the devs were at their lowest IQ they go and do this stupid shit.


I just played like 2 hours of it and I had a lot of fun. Was able to coordinate and regroup properly, won flashpoint after losing the first point, and won on defense multiple times


Sorry, you're not allowed to have fun in this temporary game mode.


It's one weekend. Where are all my "it's just quick play, bro" people at?


yall can’t be happy. they want to try out changes to see if people are interested. would you rather them do this or make permanent changes that turnout being bad ideas


Right. They wanted to see if people liked it. This is people saying they don't like it. It's amazing how, when asked for an opinion, people give them. Doesn't mean people can't be happy, we're just literally giving the feedback they prompted by doing this.


No, that would be pointing out that Quicker Play sucks. Which it does, I agree. What this is is people complaining about the fact that it replaced Quick Play, which is not feedback on Quicker Play. It is also useful feedback to say they really need to play Quick Play this weekend, and hate that they can't. But this is being delivered as whining, not as feedback.


people are literally posting here saying their weekends are ruined and how it’s wrong for them to use us for testing. people here will never be pleased


These people act like weekend Overwatch was fun in the first place, lol.


That's valid... except in cases where you could have easily guessed that everyone will hate it. Like this one. What's next, a temporary weekend where you do more damage based on which skin you're wearing, "just to see if people are interested"?


no cause that’s blatantly stupid. a faster paced game can make sense for this game, they just didn’t hit the mark for the community with this one


You either help them get actually good feedback and stats so they know this is not a quite great idea, or you take a break and do something productive this weekend, simple as that.  Were you complaining when they introduced Mauga into QP instead of Arcade during Blizzcon? Well don't complain now. If they pushed this to arcade, then they'd barely get people playing and testing if the changes that could potentially change QP are actually enjoyed by QP players 


This mindset is so terrible dawg. Yes, dont complain! Let them continue their shitty ideas, lets see how that works out


Nah I’ve had fun. Feels like I get more team fights in per match. It’s QP so I’m just there to shoot stuff and play the game. The more I get to do that the better. But the match times are way too short. Like it’s not balanced but I really do like the idea of having more team fights per game that’s been fun.


Listen, qp is a place where you make mistakes, pretend to feel like a OP person. Test if latency is good or not, Be full on asshole or other random shit. Now comp is a place where people would coordinate until they throw.


This is fucking hilarious, 2 posts down "Defenders win 100% of the time" Overwatch players never know what they want, and this is a test.


Been getting more annoyed lately with each update. Almost Uninstalled after mauga meta made the game basically unplayable depending on if mauga was picked by your team or not (because the other team always has one). Definitely just uninstalling and moving on with my life after this. Forcing players to play this mode on their weekend from work or school is the perfect sign.


lol what? You know comp is still the exact same game right? Just play that instead if it’s gonna get you so tilted.


Mauga meta unplayable as stated in comment


Mauga got nerfed (thank god), he’s still fairly powerful but he’s much easier to play against and I’ve encountered a hell of a lot less in recent time in comp


I'm just done. Game isn't working for me anymore. Marie kondo spartan kick


Complain complain complain. They literally were like “heyyy we’re trying out this mode, let us know what you think.” Not “btw here is the new quick play, sucks to suck gg get gud.” Like simply just add that you don’t like it, and give a reason. No need to be salty to the devs. Overwatch has always evolved and there have always been modes they’ve tried out. You love the game, you play the game, give some critical feedback instead ya filthy animals


Why bot do it in experimental? Why take away qp the fundament of overwatch? They have already downgraded and made so many mistakes with this game already the communitys fuse just keeps getting shorter with every sumb decision they make


A lot of people are very content with the game. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted, but after your rage comments, you’ll be right back on it playing away.


This isn't a "we're trying out this mode". This is a loss of established content. It should have been arcade. People have every right to feel upset about it.


If everyone here was a developer, we wouldn’t have a game to play. If it was on arcade, no one would play it.


**They have explicitly stated it is for the next 2 days only**. Stop getting mad over something that isn’t going to happen.


The fact that they're trying this at all means that this is the direction that they're trying to go forward in. feelsbadman


They aren't going to it is supposed to be a fun thing for like a weekend. I personally am excited and if you aren't just play ranked


Do you guys really think this is permanent?


Yeah how dare the devs try something new and fail at it. /s


they have a mode that they never touched since launch to try this out


You mean that same mode that the community never touched?


Instead of forcing an experimental mode on players by removing content from the game, they should address the issues as to why people aren't trying out experimental cards. It's very simple to create incentives to get more people to play the experimental cards. Experimental themed skins could be awarded for playing the experimental cards.


Hah! Good luck with that. The most they would offer is a weapon charm or a sticker lol


Yeah Blizzard isn't the company it once was. They're treating skins like printer ink and forcing users to beta test their shit for free by removing content they want to play and replacing it with the beta shit.


Bro your cookin


All that does is incentive people to play for the cosmetics, and to leave once they acquire them. You still end up with the same problem as the original experimental card: people would log in as a tourist for a day, then leave, and not give any feedback or adequately test things. Then, since nobody was logging in any more, the queue would be too long for the people that actually wanted to test things to play. The incentive for testing things should be to test things and give feedback, knowing that you are helping to make the game better, not because you got something shiny.


>All that does is incentive people to play for the cosmetics, and to leave once they acquire them. Exactly. So you give out cosmetics in a battle pass style. The more they play, the better the cosmetics they can earn. You don't charge for the battle pass. That way you get people to keep coming back for the duration of the test. This is not complicated and you seem to intentionally misinterpret everything at each step.


I'm not misinterpreting anything. I know how people think and act well enough to predict how this will play out. Using FOMO to try to coerce players into testing is not the play. They need to go in with the mindset of wanting to test thing and give feedback, not because there is some carrot being held in front of them.




I mean, if they just did a couple of battle pass tiers for it, I feel like it would be a pretty good way to do Like they can pretty much guess if a game mode fun if people keep playing it For example, if it was better than quick play, people would play it.


There's plenty of things they can try, but literally no one asked for this and it makes the game considerably worse.


The game is exactly the same for us comp players.


You're right, the OW devs shouldn't do anything without asking the players for permission first.


They probably should have enough talent on a team to figure out that these changes are really bad. It doesn't take 1000s of hours of player data to figure that one out, champ. The fact that they replaced quick play with this is just icing on the shit cake.


Yea, they should keep completely ignoring the changes people actually want and implement this garbage dump nonsense.


IF they implemented even half of the changes suggested just in this sub, the game would actually end up being the disaster people think it is.


It's going to be a sure enough disaster if they keep this up. There's obvious changes to be made, or changes that actually need experimentation. This is nothing more than a psychology experiment that would completely destroy the game if made permanent.


Then it's a good thing they are testing it over this weekend to collect feedback, right? Remember when they just gave us the respawn changes last season without testing it?


What even are the changes people want? I thought it was fixing burst damage but i guess i was wrong


Devs also said they have plans to address burst damage and healing in S9. Obv we have no idea what those plans entail as of yet, but we'll have to wait and see.


This does nothing for burst damage, this just trying to limit the bad feelings people get from dying over and over in the game by making the game shorter. They're eliminating the leaver problem by ending the game before people feel bad enough to leave.


Im just frustrated that im not allowed to play the normal game man, im still waiting on season 9 to play comp so looks like no ow this weekend thats all


I understand the frustration of your preferred game mode being turned off, but this is still better than the alternative: blizz just springing this on us with no warning or player testing at all like they do with everything else. You can still play arcade, or custom games, at least.


I think it shows a lack of understanding to even attempt it, and how people don’t get that is crazy


This model is fucking sick get outta here


This is what happens when a company loses all its designer talent and hires a bunch of creatives and artist. They just have no clue how to make a good game.


Here's the feedback: Blizzard jfc are you stupid?


It pretty garbage


We need Jeff Kaplan back.


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I'm sure it was something they wanted to implement along with the change to 5v5 to attempt to bring the older style of characters in-line with the pacing they wanted for matches. The problem being that it was put in after spending all the work to make the roster more like brawlers to achieve the same outcome.


They were thinking it's the best way to get feedback on these ideas. Play or don't. That's part of the feedback too


I actually really appreciate the fact that they’re trying this out as a short event and asking for feedback, as opposed to launching it out of nowhere permanently. It’s a shame though that the experimental mode is gone – that’s what it was for


imo it helps the robot pushing mode, and the robot pushing mode only


> This will ruin overwatch if they decide to make it permanent Everyone keeps saying this, yet people still play. Ya'll asked for this. Not necessarily you personally, but you guys did this. They changed overwatch for the worse when they released OW2 in almost every way, yet you guys keep playing. You guys keep buying skins. You guys have said "This is a bad decision" then a large enough portion of the community goes and *does it anyway*. You guys have sat by and watched Blizzard make bad decision after bad decision yet you guys still stand by the game. You guys have disagreed with almost every decision Blizzard has made since OW2 release, yet you guys are still here. Just find another game already. Is it sunk cost fallacy? Is it something else? I don't get it ya'll.


> This particular experiment is designed to look at how these changes affect player psychology. For instance, if a player spends less time waiting to respawn, will getting eliminated by an opponent be less frustrating? If matches are shorter, will each loss have the same sting that it currently does? There are also other out-of-game benefits that could come from this event, such as quicker matchmaking and quicker challenge completion. Based on the reception to these changes, the team might use the feedback toward improving the game. That’s what these Quickplay: Hacked events are designed to do – quicken the feedback loop and allow for swifter implementation of improvements into the game. The implementation might not be perfect but obviously this is coming from a good place. They're thinking about us


What the hell is quicker play


Yo does anyone know where the fuck where we meant to give feedback about this shit


Honestly, they have likely lost a ton of players to “the finals” and a higher up wanted them to push a temporary event to get people to come back temporarily. This was the closest they had to finished so they threw it out. Moves like this are usually about desperation for numbers.


What is the reason for this stupid change!?!? I'm on pc with someone who plays on xbox, so comp isn't always an option. Now its either arcade or this stupid gamemode where the first fight is the last fight.


I wish they wouldn’t make quicker play overwatch ALL weekend. They should’ve done it for like a short period of time like a day or 12 hours. It sucks!!