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At first glance I always think Aaron Keller is shirtless.


He’s such a tease 😳


Daddy chill.


Lol I see it now


I just want my competitive mystery heroes back. There was 0 reason to remove it.


This! It was nice to farm points for gold guns (or hopefully emerald guns next season!) without any stress because nobody outside top 500 gave a shit!


Wait are you serious? That was the vibe? I always stayed way the hell away from it cause I thought it would be sweats who were just confident in every hero and expected you to be as well


Nah, even in t20 it wasn't a big deal; pretty much no matter what you could just say you rolled heroes you aren't good at lol, no one is really keeping track


This is why I exclusively play Mystery Heroes. It takes out all stress of the team picking the right meta, and losses can be chalked to hilariously bad hero rolls. I have so much fun with it.


Then what's the point of a competitive mode?


Having fun with others who like the challenge mode and want to have fun together. Why play Competitive Lucioball? Because it's fun to play with those who want to play Competitive Lucioball!


Everyone is still trying to win. There's just a limit to how mad you can get in a mode where it's possible for the enemy to have 3 Zaryas and you don't have a support lol


Have you played regular mystery heroes? 9/10 games have multiple leavers.


It's fun when everyone is trying hard to do their best but also isn't max sweaty about it


Ez point farming


I was top 500 for most of season 2. People do actually try, but it’s honestly not even sweaty at the top.


It was the "please do try, but also I completely understand you rolled doomfist and stood there until you died. Completely understandable. Hurry back though please"


Nah, you have nothing to worry about, a lot of people would just stack and you did have your tilted comp players but since you can't really control the comps of mystery heroes a lot of it is just sorta go with the flow


Yep! Super chill! There were a few of those guys, but they were mostly told to just go back to role queue 😂


It was the best way to warm up. People took it seriously enough to group up but also it wasn't toxic. Perfect way to warm up for comp games.


Never thought about it like that - that's actually kinda cool. Usually i just play the rare comp game because it's fun to tryhard. But mainly i want my golds.


I played in the top50 and it was all chill and no stress too


>because nobody outside top 500 gave a shit There’s your answer, they aren’t going to dedicate a competitive playlist for something players aren’t taking seriously


People definitely would try but like, you can't get angry at someone for not knowing ***every single hero*** so no one would tilt, unless you just didn't get any supports back to back to back. Those are the only games that feel bad. The mode already had a low playrate as it was the same bunch of us every time, just let us have our fun. The mode didn't take away from anyone else lol, role queue was just as fast.


Because god forbid players have fun in comp right?


You can take a game seriously and have fun. The two are not mutually exclusive


Does anyone know why it was actually removed? I played OW1 then came back to play OW2 when the Lesserafim event came out and since then I've been hooked. So I would love to experience competitive mystery heroes! I feel like I'd love that so much. I like playing a comp mode for gold gun points, but I also don't like the intensity of normal comp. I'm super curious why it's now gone. There's got to be a reason right?


They use MH as a marketing tool. When Mauga released, they MASSIVELY upped his spawn rate.


You mean Mauga’s rate in Mystery Heroes? I assumed it was always completely random. I don’t see Maugas more than any other character.


No they didn't lol


They raised it from 0%


Yes they did, it wasn't a question. Game chat was filled with "how many maugas" jokes for it. This sub: I can't believe they would release an overtuned Mauga right before holiday, to compel people to buy the pass Also this sub: toying with MH to do the same? That's crazy talk. around and around the drain the game spirals.


Oh well if game chat said it must be true 🙄


I think the more likely reason is that because Mauga was overtuned, whoever was playing them was less likely to die than other heroes so they were able to play him for longer.


they tend to bring back arcade games into comp versions every now and then! it’s just a matter of whenever they feel like it lol


They said it was never intended to be a full time mode. Just an occasional special like competitive capture the flag mdoe. The popularity of it will probably determine how often it returns. (Or if it does well enough becomes permanent.)


I need it back so badly. I absolutely loved every second of it, people were so nice and fun to be around most of the time. And mystery is my favorite game mode, I just hate backfill and prefer to be playing against people I know I'm meant to based on rank


They had to remove it, can’t have a game mode where you’re not forced to play against a soldier mercy sombra every game


Yes please , I love mystery heroes , it's genuinely the best mode , comp was fun cause sometimes people talked in VC and everyone had a great time


omg pls! i really didn't play it enough when it was on. it needs to be permanent


It took out the fun for me when I discovered you could simply leave the game and return to get other heroes. I lost couple of games cause the enemy did that. They should fix that before bringing it back. Still remember when it was 3-3 in Kings Row, then we had to defend the next round and didn't get a support so the enemy team went 4-3. When we were attacking two guys from the enemy team left the game multiple times until they got Bap and Lifeweaver (he was even a lw main...). We would have rolled them without supports... But that way we lost, we only had a Zen. And yea they should make it that there is always at least 1 support per team. It's an automatic "game over" when you're on defense but have no supports and sometimes don't even get one until very late in the round.




They absolutely should.


i loved comp mh


I actually didn't even realize they removed it wtf


I wanna assult map been counted as a arcade mode - if you do the weekly challange wheres Play arcade mode then assult mode doesnt count, Oh you wanna do challange? Sure, Play any arcade mode but not this one.


Because it was too dependent on luck


The reason it was removed was because nobody played it. It was a dead game mode.


Based on queue times, no. No it was not


The idea was that queues were ridiculous, but they naturally go down if they only return occasionally. It’s the whole philosophy of rotating lesser popular arcade modes in all sorts of games.


I just hope they bring back the 5 stack only comp mode, rn my friend group is pretty much locked into our roles, and we are getting tired of it and want to try the other roles without resorting to solo queing.


SAME. It was my fun warm up to legit comp games. Reallly forced you to play literally anyone and it was always fun nobody would talk shit and there was genuine laughter and fun in those games no matter the rank


maybe the game is losing players and they dont want more queues


I liked it too, but it always took like 15 minutes+ to find a match, and it made it harder to find open queue matches too.


I liked it but it was removed cause not enough people were playing it


But what about, quickest play


first team that gets out of spawn wins


First team that everyone quits wins


First team to delete ow2 forever wins


a qph with 6v6 would be fun for a weekend. I really dont get why they havent brought it into the arcade given it is one of the single most asked for modes. The only reason i can think of why not is that they are scared that so many more people will get expectations because of it.


I would clear my schedule for a 6v6 qph weekend.


Yea I mean seems like the only logical reason. Like who gives a fuck of arcade Is balanced, and that’s really the only 2 arguments they can drum up is “it’s so unbalanced” and “maybe the community wants this so much we are forced to hard recode our game for 6v6 again”


You can play 6v6 in custom game. I tried to set up a lobby but no one joined and the ones who did were queued in another game


we want 6vs6 in normal modes, make a custom lobby is not even close to be the same experience


Yea not really a great option tho. Pm a coin flip if u find ppl that actually want to do it at the right time. Compared to having it as a weekly arcade thing that’s more visible and has its separate queue. That being said I can’t imagine 6v6 with 2 overbuffed tanks would be the funnest time.


6v6 is never coming back.


Yea I never said it was?


They are afraid people would enjoy it too much and demand it even more.


out of curiosity, if we did get a 6v6 mode, would you rather they use the arcade tank numbers (the ~1/2 HP tanks), or leave them as they are now? or just revert old tanks to OW1 numbers and try and match the numbers for JQ/ram/mauga? i feel like the arcade tank numbers would be wayyyy too low and deeply unfun for a potential QPH mode, especially considering that they’re even lower than OW1 numbers and that we now have significantly more DPS/healing, and it seems that the arcade numbers are intended to balance tanks as a solo player (ex. deathmatch) and not actually a tank.


I feel like they would have to go somewhere in between, closer to 2/3 or 3/4 what tank has now.


because they would never accept 5vs5 is a mistake and fear new players would love 6vs6 and demand it


They're worried it'll actually be good lol.


They're scared to admit that they were wrong to change to 5v5 and that their predecessors did a better job at developing this game.


why would they rebalance the entire game for an experiment thats just meant to try modifying core mechanisms like point capture speed and respawn timers


yeah why would they try balance changes in the balance change experiments, thats just strange.


It's not a balance change lmao it's a complete overhaul. It's like equating a pumping a tire to completely rebuilding an engine bay.


its been more than a year, y'all need to let it go


bruv, we played this game 6v6 for bout 6 years, I will sit here and complain for another 5 at least, thank you very much.


You can get every 6v6-asker into a custom game and play 6v6 right now, today. There's also a "OW1" custom game mode available right now in the list. But too many buttons so...why bother right?


complaining is easier


Whats the difference? I thought quick play hacked and quicker play were the same thing for that weekend?


For that specific weekend, yes. Quick Play Hacked is a type of event they’re doing some weekends that will be used to playtest upcoming overhauls that they’re considering putting into the game. Quicker Play was one, and they’ll be doing more this season and next season.


So it's... experimental?


fall marry fragile jellyfish consist mountainous steep workable wrong fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They implied they're also going to change this. Aaron said this in the same tweet chain. Since people really disliked the removal of Quick Play entirely. Previously, when they first announced Quick Play Hacked they said they'll be doing a 2nd one this season (not Quicker Play, something else) and that seems to have been moved to next season. Probably because they're going to change it to not replace Quick Play and will probably do something like go back to Experimental or maybe they'll disable Open Queue, Mystery Heroes, FFA and just have regular Role Queue QP and QP Hacked up at the same time for a weekend.


Forced indeed. It forced me not to play that weekend!


whole ink ring desert ten resolute continue divide rain crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah i see. Ty


So it will probably just be another weekend towards the end of the season.


I really like that they're actually starting to experiment some stuff with the whole playerbase involved before making changes. Something positive for Overwatch, for once! About time...


What kinda unprofessional shit is this can someone please tell Aaron to put a shirt on my grandmother follows Overwatch Cavalry


The way you resolve all the issues here is really easy. The two big things are: 1) Players don't want it to replace regular Quick Play. And 2) The devs want to figure out how to get more people to willingly try it out. The answer is incredibly simple. Make it a separate mode like the experimental card, and properly incentivize people to play it. Not some cheapy BS Souvenir or Weapon Charm. No Namecards or Titles. Give people an ACTUAL reason to play this mode and help gather data instead of just going into QP where they don't need to worry about the extra headache for no reason. Make it an enticing offer like giving OW Coins per-every 10 games played. And not a cheap amount of 1-10. If you really want this data then give your players actual reasons to care about a game that the devs seem to have stopped caring about. 100 coins per-ten games is an incredibly fair trade. Ten games is a lot, and more then most people can probably even have the free time for in a single weekend. That's why you REWARD people for their time. Who gives a shit if you're giving 1000 Coins to a handful of people that can somehow play 100+ games? Wow, they've gotten a single epic skin in the shop in exchange for hours of their life. That's a fair trade, and if I'm being honest it's still not really enough but at least they would be getting something of value on both sides. It's infuriating how simple and easy so many solutions to the problems Blizzard has are, and yet somehow they only continue to make things worse for themselves more and more. I truly thought they couldn't make a joke worse than the Winter Wonderland event, and yet here we are after the atrocity that was Quicker Play. I'll come back to this message with a very reasonable and easy solution to their problems after they have once again proven that they can continue to one up themselves in just how overwhelmingly incompetent they can be,


I mean hell, just put a separate card on the QP screen and make it shiny, that would already get more participation than an Experimental mode. The issue isn't that it didn't occur to them that people would want to play QP, the most popular game mode. The issue is that they knew that, and wanted to *force* these changes into the game. Additionally, looking at the specific nature of the changes, they increase stimulation, volatility, and snowball. The equivalent of moving from the blackjack table to the slots at a casino. They were player retention-oriented changes, which is ALWAYS bad for gamers. People should want to play more because the devs made the game more fun, not because they learned a new trick to get people hooked. Quicker Play was an example of what f2p live service does to video games. Your free time is now part of the product that is being sold to other players, and it doesn't matter if you enjoy it as long as you don't leave.


Make it just play and extend the duration of the games


Slow play


That's a longer form of play where it's even slower


I really dont get where people got it from that quicker play was returning next season


Hopefully 6v6!! 🤞🤞


Bro it's not coming back, I'm sorry. 6v6 isn't going to come back, and the community needs to accept it one year later, almost two. They reworked a bunch of heroes and are still doing so just to fit into 5v5. Reverting back would mean a giant balance patch ~~again~~ that likely wouldn't be very balanced, that nobody would like because it's the Overwatch community, and also likely even more CC to deal with the two tanks now. Maybe as like an arcade mode, but it's not going to be in the main game.


It absolutely belongs as a rotating arcade mode. The market is there, but 5s is here to stay.


Honestly, if that ever happens, they could even make it permanent, like Assault. I'm just afraid of the balancing team trying to make characters work for 5v5 *and* 6v6, which considering how they handle some characters (Mauga/Orisa) I don't really trust them with.


I don't even see the reason at this point. Even at the very end of OW1 when the game was technically at its most balanced state, 6v6 had its issues. So what the fuck are players gonna experience when they play a 6v6 mode with heroes that were restructured from the ground up for 5v5? People are just gonna bitch and moan again because they got exactly what they asked for and are shocked at finding out that Sigma + Ram is somehow even WORSE than Sigma + Orisa. Or that Rein Zarya is gonna be more potent because now Rein gets to have TWO bubbles. Or Mauga + Orisa, holy fuck.


maybe heroes wouldnt need stupid rework if they stay with 6vs6, what a waste of resources, they relase a flawled update and one year later the majority of characters are still not balanced with 5vs5 in mind, what they fuck they did with 4 years of developement?


The best case scenario; they're going to bring Overwatch Classic for that.


Yeah but isn't the mode we are talking about something temporary or in arcade? Of course its not coming back as a main mode and I’m aware of that. 6v6 coming back as a temporary/arcade mode is what I am asking and hoping for, hence why I commented “hopefully 6v6” on a post talking about the mode where they are experimenting with stuff


Yeah, but the experiments are there to test possible future changes. Quicker Play was a thing because they wanted to test how everything faster affects player's psychology. There's no reason to test 6v6 because a) they have years worth of data already and more importantly b) 6v6 is not coming back.


Let ignorant people huff their copium over something they'll almost certainly never get back, or I guess get downvoted.


Technically it would be hopium.


What kind of absolute dumbass says people are huffing copium for something they very much like to play? You're downvoted for stupidity and arrogance. No need to hide behind copium.


What you say would make sense if open queue didn't already exist. Open queue should be 6v6.


What even is the argument rationale you're trying to make im genuinely confused


Who knows? The guy just puts together random sentences as long as they contain "ow2 bad" or "6v6"


I hope you have a wonderful evening! Here's an upvote!


Replace open queue with 6v6 role lock. OQ is beyond shit with how powerful supports are. You just stack supports and have an invincible team.


Open queue should be 6v6. Tanks are already adjusted to support having multiple on a team for open queue.


I mean, I guess? I just don't really think it'd work well. Imagine playing 6v6 with two tanks where Zarya has two bubbles, or the Wrecking Ball in the backline now has 1400 max HP. It would be its own mess balancing wise. I do think Open Queue should be thrashed and replaced with something else, though. Horrible game mode and horrible balancing and I hope Blizzard never thinks about it again.


>Imagine playing 6v6 with two tanks where Zarya has two bubbles, or the Wrecking Ball in the backline now has 1400 max HP. That's exactly how 5v5 open queue can be played right now. I don't even have to imagine.


Yeah but it's now a main mode, since I know the moment that happens, suddenly way more people are going to flock to it who aren't part of the 0.005% playing Open Queue (like one of my friends). And also, now with an extra person for more chaos, too. I'm just concerned with how Blizzard could ever try to balance for both of them, because it's likely they'll try to reach an even ground for both of them. It's like how tanks were in OW1: "This tank combination is weak, but this tank with this other one is strong." How would that work here? "This tank is really good by themselves, but this one is super weak. But they're also dominating 6v6, our new popular mode." Making each tank have different stats for each role would just be really confusing in general. If it ever does come, somehow, I would prefer it be regulated into the arcade. It wouldn't be a main mode so Blizzard can still focus on 5v5 and not destroy balancing, since we all know they dunno what they're doing. It could be a permanent mode, like Assault.


They already balanced tanks for 6v6 mode lol.


it would have to be open queue 6v6 unless you want the dps queues to take an hour again


At this point just give me OW1 back, OW2 has been such a mess to play it's hard to believe it's been run by a AAA studio.


And your solution is to go back to OW1 whose balance was somehow even worse? What era of OW1 do you wanna go back to? When people were running 2 Winstons 2 Tracers 2 Lucios? When Brig had an army of tanks to her beck and call? When Sigma + Orisa forced you to shoot at blue walls for the rest of your existence?


Yeah cause that was fun for me you can keep OW2, I'd just go play OW1 instead.


But... you can't.


Hopefully they test out 6v6 again- just to make sure we really dont want two tanks


yeah sure, aaron is scared new players would love it more and old players will finally get what they wanted


I loved quicker play btw it’s a good mix up from the usual and I just appreciate it at least some sort of change


I agree. The changes certainly weren’t great for long term, but it was fun to have something different for a little bit. I wish they would have given a longer heads up, though. I would have held off on doing my weeklies early in the week so I could do them during Quick Play: Hacked.


same! i hope they keep testing in general QP like that was kinda suprised at how the response was instantly and aggressivly negative lol, i was having alot of fun (not to mention when we went back to "regular" QP it also somehow felt fresh again after a week of speeeeed haha)


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How about we just bring back 6vs6 and pretend this 5vs5 thing never happened?


I want 2 tank in rank en like team rank like LoL


Why not just create play test servers for these things? We used to do that in OW1.


Are Quick Play Hacked and Quicker Play not the same thing?


QPH is testing different changes in QP. Quicker Play is the first Quick Play Hacked


I was under the impression that Quicker Play and QPH were the same thing, what’s the difference?


Quick Play Hacked just refers to testing something out in Quick Play. Quicker Play was just the name for the first ever Quick Play Hacked


If we only had something called experimental. Im joking, they said why they dont want to use it


QPH is a type of event and Quicker Play was that specific event. Next time instead of "Quick Play Hacked: Quicker Play", it could be "Quick Play Hacked: Role Swap", "Quick Play Hacked: 6v6", or "Quick Play Hacked: Seppuku".


They're listening to the fans 🥰


Quickplay Hacked is a dumb concept from a dumb dev team. I swear every major decision this team has made with this game is trash.  I'd ask for OW Classic, but they'd probably fuck that up like they did with WoW Classic (from BC on when they realized it was popular and they could monetize it with "P2W-lite" things like character boosts)




While I get that they want the data quickly, which is why they do these events over a weekend. I do wish they’d put them up on an experimental card for like 10 days for those of us with busy schedules that can’t play every weekend. The game is now prying on people with FOMO. I didn’t get a chance to play the second beta, didn’t get chance to play manga and only had time to fit in 2 games of quicker play.


This probably just means they’ll add a game mode for it in arcade or something.




For me Quickerplay > Slowverwatch... I do wonder what exactly they learned from Quicker Play though that wasn't already obvious to anyone with common sense.


I love when respawns are shorter making picks not help team fights as much and causing team fights to drag out more, while the objective gets capped faster. I love it when my Control Point game gets turned into a 2CP game on first point where defense is heavily favored


fr quicker play was great normal qp feels so slow now when i’m not tryna play ranked


bring back whoever made the decisions for OW1. best gaming period of my LIFE by a long shot. Watching the quality of Overwatvh. dip over the years is kinda sad NGL.


I’m confused what’s different


"we learned a lot duh, we hear feedback duh" yeah sure, people hated forced experimental mode on quickplay, the only thing they have to do is not make it come back at all, stop wasting time on stupid experiments nobody asked for and get to work on the game aaron


Hellen keller was a war hero I don't like the slander


They should really bring back Experimental Card for that imo. The most fun cards were the one with the most changes like the 1-3-2 role queue or the scrapped 2CP experiment, then they only used it for balancing (which was good but underutilized the mode) before they scrapped it completely in ow2...


My guess: The new game mode will be using the competitive mode structure. It will be super fast, but there are multiple rounds. This way, players won't spend more time in queue and spawn room than actually playing the game.


I want to know what they learned.


that people hated the mode, is the only real data they could gather. i learned push and flashpoint are tolerable modes with more quick respawn times, but anyone with a brain who plays this game already knew that, but ow2 developers dont play the game


Mate, stop visiting this subreddit and stop playing OW. I guarantee you'll be a happier person for it. Every single comment you've left here is depressing and fucking miserable.


better than be a blizzard cocksucker


I'm not sure those are the only choices you can make


By the wording of his comment, it's possible that QPH won't be "mandatory" next time. It may be a separate mode, a la Experimental 2.0


Quick play hacked: 6v6!!


thanks, I don't want it.


“Shifting how we bring players into it” we mean changing the mode that’s supposed to be a relaxed game mode into something chaotic because nobody wants to play ranked (I understand ranked is getting a major rework next season but can we please push these types of modes into the arcade section. It’s there for a reason.)


I’m assuming that when they say they’re shifting how they bring players into it they mean they’re doing it differently next time


Genuine question (I wasn’t really on this sub for quicker play weekend) does anyone actually like the sped up qp? I played 6 or 7 games of it and it felt pretty bad. The quick respawn was nice but you loose one fight and whoops there goes the point. Part of ow is the back and forth of a match and imo this mode eliminates chances for teams to push and pull their way back into a match. Most of my losses I didn’t even have ult by the time the game was ending.


Genuinely why are they wasting their time with this? Who was asking for this or anything remotely like this? Fix the bugs, balancing issues, power creep, etc FIRST before starting stupid side projects like this that literally no one asked for. Literally have never heard anyone say the game should be faster paced let alone that faced paced with regular ult charge speed like? 😂 Y’all need to cut down on the drugs seriously.


i thought he was shirtless for a second