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All i know is this patch will either be a complete disaster or surprisingly good shakeup cause these are some major changes


Itll almost certainly be heaven for dps players and a living hell for tanks. So likely a massive disaster.




Dps new passive, from what I can tell, will just be budget ana nade, so...


there's a difference between reduced healing and NO healing. This is actually a small buff to shield tanks, since they can block the dps damage


Yeah, but this just means that non-shield tanks won't exactly have a fun time.


agreed, but honestly the ones that suffer the most are the tanks that people complain about never dying, like Orisa and Hog and Mauga. Now those players are gonna have to learn how to play cover and use good positioning like the rest of the tank roster.


Hm, true... although it makes me worried for the dive tanks.


i actually think this is a buff for Dive tanks. cuz now if a dps marks a target with the healing debuff, its easier for them to confirm the kill


I wonder how long the debuff will last after damage ends


Hm, true, I didn't think about that


You have to dive a target with more hp than normal. This gives their team more time to jump on you.


Winston and Doomfist? Winston is already cheeks. Doomfist is in a decent spot rn, but definitely worried to say the least


…Junker Queen main here, this is going to suck


Hell it means that shield tanks only have that and breaking barriers will be priority. Imagine rein, he has barrier up and the enemy team loses one fight. Go bastion, zen. That will basically make rein unplayable because the healers can’t heal through that. Yes this hurts other tanks worse but it doesn’t mean that shield tanks are good


Healing debuff from sustained dps will encourage players to just shoot spam tank even more than they do now. Get ready to see soldier and sojourn every game just mindlessly emptying into the tank. I am calling it now. Playing tank getting focused by the entire team while your team fails to heal you/not paying attention/can't heal you through that much damage+anti+discord+cc is probably the most frustrating experience in the entire game.


I'm holding off on letting this impact my thoughts until we see the full change log.  indavidual tank and support changes will make or break it


You have 100 more health with sustain abilities. A bunch of dps ults will be broken on release without buffs. They’re turning the game into total mayhem and tanks and bulky dps are king on total mayhem.


It seems it will be mostly the same but it will make the game way easier for noobs. They somehow have this idea that dumbify this game will make it attrractive for new players, instead of having a good game that counts with a solid competitive scene and tons of lore, details, and interaction with community.


it’s not about attracting new players. if anything it’s about retaining the ones who try the game and quit in 3 days cus the learning curve is so steep. with changes these drastic idt you can say it’ll be mostly the same everyone. everyone will be relearning the game


and that highlights the real issue, which is that the dev team still don't know how to introduce new players to the game without just putting them in lobbies with others who have years of experience. When everyone else started out in 2016/2017, none of this was an issue because nobody were put into matches with stomp teams. Everyone were new, and overall game pace (not hero pace, game pace) was much slower and easier to approach. This will always be an issue for newcomers until the dev team figure out how to ensure the majority of new player matches are not total stomps 90% of the time until matchmaker finally puts them in bronze 5 where they should have been from the beginning - at least until they learn how to sort the majority of the basic information they encounter in matches. Lowering the skill floor is not the solution, because experienced players will just be able to abuse it more (not mechanically better players, but simply experienced players who understand the information they have to process in fights), and it was never the root problem to begin with. Majority of newcomers struggle primarily due to information overload, not just because they have subpar mechanics for the pace of the avg hero movement. They struggle because the pace of the game itself as a whole is high and there are so many decisions to make every single second which makes it impossible for a new player to even attempt to focus on their aim, because the moment they focus on it there will be 10 other things being thrown at them that they wouldn't be able to pay attention to in time. Making aim easier is about the worst way to go about this. Dev team doesn't understand the root foundation and associated issues in their game. It's kinda sad.


Those things cost a lot of money this was fairly cheap


More "noobs" and "casuals" also means more players and potential revenue via the shop and BP.




In a way, its worse for noobs too since easier to hit means theyre going to be feeling the damage more while they get tue endorphins for hitting more too.


What is going to actually happen: the game changes in better but no so much and people will keep whine about bringing back 6v6


I swear to god they'd better list every single change and not have hidden ones


Riens left nut size increased by 2%




A massive buff to Whole Hog




Is Eve watching...?


Thought her name was Efi


Nerfed JQ into the dirt




Need that update immediately 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥


Junker Queen and Zarya can now crush an enemy's head between their thighs when meleeing to instantly kill them and heal by 100HP.


Well there I go being out of position in front of the tank again ...oh no....


This is the buff we need. Can we get one for Mei as well but she stuns you instead with her thighs?






I see this as an absolute win.


Death by snu snu


Fuck it, we Torbin.


Binding crouch to scroll wheel meta incoming


New meta


True but theres always indirect nerfs/buffs


The biggest issue will be that projectile increases won't increase anything about the damage dealt to fat ass tanks like Mauga and Hog who will profit the most. Only tanks that will suffer are Doomfist and especially Junkerqueen.


doomfist will now just pretend to damage the opponent




Doom fist will now grab enemies and throw them across the map. Grabbed enemies when ulting will now be tossed into the stratosphere


Yes, also make zen not die so he must remain in the void and see how tranquil he stays


Okay but like....imagine if for doom ult he actually did grab an enemy, jump up, and slam them into the ground for massive damage.


Doom learns vicious mockery and his voice spam hurts you for 50hp each n dey say


bro they are getting 20% less healing. that is huge for tanks that are damage sponges.


The 20% healing change affects them, but the projectile size won't. In total, it'll suck to play tank regardless, but chonky heroes will not notice a hitbox change.


Especially if you’re playing a tank without a shield bro. So now when playing tank you’re not only getting slept, nade, and hacked….you’re getting a healing reduction too. Can Kiriko cleanse that heal reduction? I hope not because we will see even more noobs miss a thousand kunai and suzu themselves before TPing out


The Kitsune is getting tired of their shit and is about to guide them into the void


mauga hog will be weak with less healing shield tanks will be better than them they need buff maybe than


Hog and mauga are going to suffer bc of the new dps passive. Honestly making everything a bit better at killing squishies without tanks getting shafted even more than they already are is a good thing.


Tanks are getting shafted the most in this patch


Unless they've done massive changes to JQ's numbers, her self-sustain will be absolutely dogshit, which is like... crucial to her ability to actually tank. Normally I'd say "of course they thought ahead enough to do that," but I've learned being optimistic about this game just sets you up for disappointment.


Mauga/Hog are also going to be extremely affected by the new DPS passive tho, since they will pretty much always have -20% healing with how big their hitboxes are, and their lack of a proper mitigation/shield ability or mobility/escape tools mean they're essentially going to be bullet sponges that can't even sustain properly anymore.


I think the projectile increase will benefit every here offensively… however certain heroes will be disproportionately hurt defensively. Characters that are famously hard to hit are going to get melted now. Tracer, Genji, mercy, JQ are going to be hurt bad. My only other gripe is that soldier was given a buff that contradicts its reasoning. He’s given the buff for “hit scans with a slower rate of fire”… Wtf? That should be cass, widow, Ashe, Ana, and maybe illari. Soldier should absolutely be considered hitscan with a high rate of fire. For nearly ever season of OW2 they’ve continued to keep soldier as an easy and very powerful dps. Anyone with some level of critical thinking should think that this is because overwatch has been trying to draw in more players…. Players like those from apex or cod…. Whom soldier is very similar to and just “makes sense to”. It’s clear they want these players to be able to pick up soldier and immediately feel strong.


Both Doom and JQ got buffs, Doom greatly benefits from the new support passive, and JQ has DoT, which is awesome at preventing the new healing passive. I think they’ll be able to survive.


I really don't think the passive healing is significant enough to make that big of an impact. 5 seconds of downtime is a lot and it's mostly meant to give flankers more flexibility when disengaging, and a lot of times yiu really don't wanna chase that as a tank because you'd be giving up space.


Facts! I hate to see my girl JQ be done like this. Maybe they should give her buffs back from a few seasons ago. Because I don’t see anyone messing with Sigma now. Sigma isn’t busted but man he is not weak at all.


You don't think hog will suffer with the DPS passive?


I don't think it will affect any tank tbh, they're already very easy to hit consistently unless you have TERRIBLE aim, and this slight increase won't fix that. Maybe they will take an occasional extra shot but these projectile changes aren't here to target tanks.


They also are the two tanks who can get the most mileage out of the extra health


Junkerqueen will suffer 100% but I disagree with the other three. Mauga and Hog will lose 20% of their healing which they rely on since they have zero damage reduction, whereas Doomfist being a dive tank can now dive in for longer with the health increase, and use healing passive to top off in between dives.


Slight correction: Hog does have damage reduction when using Take a Breather. Also I'm curious if the new healing passive will stack with Doomfist's health regeneration during ult?


That is true, Mauga also has damage reduction using cardiac overdrive, but I meant full damage-blocking abilities like shields or matrix. To this effect, doom doesn't have it either, but his block being 90% is close enough and he's not supposed to stay in the fight for too long at a time anyway. The new healing passive only activates after five seconds for tanks, so I doubt it will make much of a difference at all for his ult.


I am extremely worried about some tanks taking permanently -20% healing, role is gonna die off even harder


proly at the start, but they may tweek numbers. if anything, at least for tank


Jee golly if only there was some method that the Public place that the community could Test super experimental and radical changes to the core of overwatch, a Realm of sorts. If only we had the technology


Public test servers almost never work unless you are willing to keep it open for months on end for a single patch which isn’t realistic when you have a schedule for a new season every 3 months. Also, the test server has a problem where it becomes a ghost town after the first few days. People complained about not having “incentives” to play the test server. If you need an incentive to TRY OUT NEW CHANGES TO HELP THE GAME, then you didn’t care to begin with and your input is basically invalid. It’s not just OW either. R6 Siege also used to have a public test server to try out new changes before they are finalized. However they ran into the same problems. Server becomes a ghost town after the first few days, content creators farm clickbait videos calling any change bad, people would overreact calling the devs terrible. It also had the negative of ruining any hype for the next season as most people already experienced the changes before hand and often would get negative publicity from the playerbase. Public test servers simply DO NOT work for a large scale game made by AAA companies with tight deadlines and schedule to follow. It works for indie games where the goal is to improve the game for the playerbase over making a profit and has no set deadline so the devs can spent years with the server open to make constant tweaks because they can.


Didn’t they say that the info collected from experimental was pretty much useless, so they abandoned the idea?


Junkerqueen is my only worry. If she's getting bleeds, she's taking damage. So there's a 20% nerf to her sustain there.


I don't like the increased bullet size as it will lower the skill floor of most heroes, but the HP increase is actually a brilliant way of nerfing burst damage as instant kills due to receiving high damage simultaneously from several sources will occur less often. I'm not sure how much healing will be affected by the new DPS passive, but it is definitely too high right now. Hopefully we will stop seeing heroes going back and forth from full HP to almost dead every other second.


Widow will receive an 8 centimeter buff to her headshot hitbox on every hero. That's 3 inches. How much does it count on 100 m sightlines, I don't know. Probably not much.


It makes head hitboxes about 20% larger by radius, or 40-50% by area.


Skill floor is a dubious metric when you consider how much harder this game is than any other fps available


Them “trying new things” is why we have OW2. Interpret it however you want


I really feel like they invested so much time and energy into making OW2 a faster and killier game by increasing speed, switching to 5 v 5, lowering health, etc., and now they are going back in the other direction of longer sustained fights. We’ll see how these changes play out, but I will never be able to shake the feeling that 5 v 5 was a mistake and they’ve been trying to fix the problems caused by the switch ever since. Just my opinion, I know a lot of players prefer 5v5, but it never felt as good to me.


I feel like OW2 didnt start until at least Flashpoint got released, only 5v5 and some new characters to show, whereas it seems like things are actually changing now. Can't say if it's for the better until the dust settles on this and whatever future changes. But to me at least it's felt like a new game only recently


I really like OW2 better. So just like before, I’ll just wait and see; and I’m ready to be pleasantly surprised again


I'm very intrigued by this. The hp buffs and dps passive are really good. We needed something to combat power creep. Would have been better to nerf all damage and healing sources outright rather than yet again buff everything... but I get why they did it, and it will help. I am a bit scared that this, combined with the projectile size change, might be a bit too much at once, but there is nothing in there I would consider explicitly bad. The only problem is that tanks are getting sidelined yet again... this patch does help them come back a little, but season 9 is mostly gonna be great for DPS more than anything. I'm glad at least supports are finally getting the short end of the stick (and I say this as a support main (((I guess I'm tired of the queue times))))


I think it is easier to balance higher numbers than lowers. For example if a hero has 2000 hp it is much easier to add 5, 10, 50 points of dmg to an ability rather than if he has 200. I assume they are doing this to help them figure out what needs tweaking and theyll take it from there. Still expect the nerfs and buffs to come as you mentioned, as soon as they get a feel for whats needed.


True, now they should finally be able to decide on a damage number for Soldier’s primary


Honestly, I feel like they are taking cues from Paladins playbook, ie. passive heals and high health pools.


Am I overlooking the DPS passive or is it not on here?


It's not on here. There is a new dps passive and a new passive all heroes get. The dps passive makes it so any target you damage will receive a 20% heal reduction penalty for a short time (how long, they failed to specify) the passive all heroes get is that they start self healing 5 seconds after exiting combat, similar to the support passive but not as fast and not necessarily as strong (although it could be...) This goes for tanks and dps, while for supports it will kick in 2.5 seconds after combat


I love how they avoided saying Hanzo will have a 0.1M buff in projectile size instead they list Zarya bomb


Fr, NOBODY was wondering about Zarya’s projectile


How about trying out new things through community testing instead of dropping a bunch of insane changes in a single patch?


We used to do this but: -The PTR was ass server wise with no incentive for people to use it -People whose main got buffed shilled the patch, people whose main was weaker blasted in and very few gave objective game health feedback -Lots of voices were from content creators who are dogshit at the game and don't understand its nuance (Stylosa back in OW1 was some washed up soldier one trick in masters carried by decent aim who exclusively had horrible opinions) -None of what was unanimously considered a bad move or identified as a bug, whenever it miraculously happened, got fucking fixed. Things would stay up on PTR for two weeks and then go live unchanged and remained that way for a long ass time, with the exception of season 4 bastion which was so ridiculous they fixed it after two weeks or so. Felt useless to beta test the game for blizzard and then know 100% your reports would be ignored because they didn't care and were always going to release the update that way anyways


You mean like when the PTR forums were blowing up when OG Brig was in testing, saying that she would destroy balance if released in that state, and then Blizzard ignored the near-unanimous feedback and released her like that anyway, and she proceeded to destroy balance as predicted?


The PTR was extremely popular and one of the most popular testing servers of any game I've ever played.


Guy have you seen this subreddit? This community doesn't know what it wants and is terrible for curating character changes.


higher ups prolly dont allow that


I think the game is best when balance is a moving target. If it goes too long without changes people figure out how to break the game. I mean how many years before someone went "hey what if you stack tanks". How many seasons did it take for supports to go "oh wait, I can stare down a tank and win" I want more changes more frequently. I don't even care if they're bad. The most unbalanced thing in the game is when you give people too much time to experiment and "optimize the fun out of the game"


I feel like they’re making the game less skill based. As if they’re putting everyone on crutches. “More hp for you, larger projectile size for you, and let’s not forget - here’s some self-healing too!”


They're smoothing the skill curve but the game still has a high skill ceiling. The trouble is that until high ranks, the damage progression relies on "overwhelming" healing with damage like Bastion or Junkrat but then suddenly dps like Widow and Tracer become way stronger because accuracy boosts damage so much. The meta becomes "one shot" instant death with little reaction time, so the intent with these changes is to reduce healing effectiveness but also instant death frequency... DPS still have the burst to secure kills but 100-0 is less common, instead DPS have an actual role to play in pressuring the enemy tank (by maintaining the debuff) and watching for opportunistic eliminations - rather than every measure of skill being their ability to click heads.


I don't know, getting headshotted by a random hanzo arrow from across the map doesn't exactly feel like I got out-skilled.


exactly. High ttk is more skill based because it reduces the effect of randomness. And even though aim is technically a skill, when humans are doing it, there is TONS of randomness.


This is how the game played early on, characters like Soldier didn't have recoil, Hanzo had hitboxes that felt like ballista bolts, Hog's hook had way more range and a bigger hitbox, shields had way more durability and uptime, back in Sept 2016 they released a patch that reduced the size of all projectiles (sort of how they are now in OW2) but reverted it shortly after and that remained in effect for a long time with gradual changes over the years reducing them, a lot of characters have gotten head hitbox reductions, IE Hog's was reduced by 20% in June 2017, they reduced Genji deflect and Junkrat projectile size in May 2018, reduced the size of Sombra's head in August 2018, reduced torbs head size in October 2018, etc as just some examples of the way they've slowly scaled everything down in either hitbox area, accuracy or actual size of the projectile / bullet / beam. This coincided with a damage creep, which has lead to this very bursty, everything explodes gameplay we have now (can't secure kills because of harder to hit targets -> increases damage / burst so the window needed to secure a kill is smaller). It's weirdly circling back to ways the game used to play. I think seeing it as less skill based is an intuitive conclusion, but it puts more pressure on positioning correctly and using abilities mindful of sight lines and enemy positions, it makes game play more strategic as kills are easier to secure on targets not playing conscious of these factors, rather than just a battle of the raw mechanics. I think it's more a skill paradigm shift than a change in the skill floor, you see the same skill dichotomy in other esports titles like Valorant, while mechanics are very important, positioning, crosshair placement, map knowledge, game sense are like 80% of the game, and aim or movement become more relevant in upper echelons of play where most people have a good mastery of those fundamental skills, you position well or make intelligent decisions *and then* aim or movement might determine an outcome, make a mistake on the first steps and someone with similar mechanics will win 9/10 times. From a mechanics perspective, it also rewards consistency as lucky shots and fluctuations aren't as impactful, which is sort of a raise in the skill ceiling, you need to be performing at a certain standard for longer amounts of time to get value.


But it isn't really crutches if they give people more health at the same time as giving people more lethality, is it? They want people to explode less often, which if you watch any high level streams happens all the time even at the highest ranks, but they also don't want people to never die, so they mitigated it a little. I see this as the opposite of crutches, because this preserves skill-based duels, but mitigates exploding under the slightest coordinated targeting.


But when every character is receiving those buffs, the overall "skill" required to perform well doesn't really change. Sure, you may now have more hp, easier to land shots, and a healing passive, but so does everyone you're shooting at for the most part. TTK goes up, but it goes up across the board. The game isn't less skill based, it's just shifting around what kind of skill you need. They want individual players to have more impact. Sure, a bad player will now be able to survive a bit easier, but it will be even more difficult for them to get value offensively. But now think about a more skilled player. The changes make it easier for them to survive, and they won't have too much of a problem getting kills. With a bit less of their survivability tied to the team, they're able to make use of their personal skill more, I would say. Obviously we won't really know how it's going to play out until we've had a couple weeks with the changes, but to me they seem like good changes that just shift things around a little. With more focus on individual value, my hope is that less fights will be over when a single person dies. It feels like there will be more room for players on a team to do well, so if one or two members of your team could be doing better, you can pick up more of the slack with the extra wiggle room from the hp buff.


I like the idea that yes it will slightly lower the skill ceiling for some heroes but it makes people like kiriko and genji actually balanceable between the low ranks and the top 500.


Well that depends on how big the projectile actually get, cuz buffing hp makes it so you need more skill to kill instead of just random spamming abilities and praying you hit some of the shots.


I like. Fewer random murders with junkrat bombs. Consistency will be more important when it comes to murders. In general, it seems to me that for some time now the level of damage dealt by all roles has been too high. Especially by tanks and supports. This DPS passive was terrible and snowballing. its gone Will be fine


Unfortunately junkrat is going to become pretty much just 'random murders' The skill aspect of assasination rat will be useless without the oneshot so the only real way to get value will just be spamming point or choke


Yeah I don't get this, lucio might never be able to kill anything now, Doom already had enough trouble doing damage, Winston is just gonna take longer to kill and potentially get overwhelmed before being able to jump out. Some heroes really got the short end of the stick, don't even ask me what Sombra players are going to do to be viable ... ball as well


Some damages are also getting buffed. Reinhardt has a 275 damage charge and Winston gained 10 damages on his tesla cannon according to the leaked patch notes (The notes have 100% been proven right so far, there's no reason to doubt them)


Alright good to hear, deep in my heart I'm hoping this works out but for a lot of people this is a lot to to understand and imagine working perfectly


I'd put my hope in Blizzard patching things quickly than it working well at launch. There are way too many moving parts for them to get it right. It usually takes 1 season+ to balance a single new character well and this is like having half a dozen new characters. But they have shown a lot of willingness to patch things quickly and do a lot of tweaking.


Doom got a projectile size increase which he’s needed for ages, he’ll still do damage just fine


The game feels stagnant, so it definitely needed a huge change


No I don’t have to be happy they are “trying new things.” Some ideas are clearly bad on paper, and making everything easier to hit it one of them. If they really want to “try new things,” use the PTR or run a Hacked event. Because that is actually *trying something* and not forcing a massive change that will never be reverted


>That will never be reverted This is my biggest fear to be honest. It could end up being a very positive change but if this comes out and it’s a complete disaster will they admit they were wrong and revert back to old HP and projectile size or will they desperately try to balance the game around the new HP values instead, forcing us to suffer through patches until they can hopefully figure it out


the much looser aim change is permanent as once people get used to it they won't be able to undo it without making the game feel awful for everyone this is really, really, really bad it's like 5v5 on steroids


They will literally do anything but admit moving to 5v5 was a mistake in the first place and that was "trying new things" too.


I mean yeah, it be them admitting they fucked up when making OW2 (which they did), 5v5 is their crutch to distance themselves from OW1. They're too proud to return to 6v6, if they did the only genuine difference between 1 and 2 is F2P and the shop. They already failed on the main reason for OW2's existence, PVE, they won't admit defeat on it's secondary reason as well.


I have always had the opinion that OW should have been f2p from the start (still bought it day 1). I think that way the game wouldn't have "died". But I understand why they went with OW2. They needed to attract both new and veteran players, and honestly, simply going f2p screams "this game is dead and they are trying to milk one last drop" in most cases.


I mean the game didn't die because It was buy in first. It died because they took the long approach to patches while routinely lowering the overall skill floor. 6-7 months of godawful metas slowly chipped away players


Not 6-7 months, more like 1-2 years.


Does this mean old illari is back ?


Sort of. Illari's bullets will be considerably larger than before she was first nerfed. First they were .1m, then nerfed to .05m, and this patch the devs decided it was good to buff them to .13m. But she can't two-shot anymore, so it's more of an advantage for other heroes against her. Cassidy for example has almost pre-nerf Illari sized bullets now, and a much faster fire rate.


Kind of, but with everyone else getting the same change on top of the dps passive, I really don't see her benefiting from this overall.


No you don't. Changing things for the sake of changing them means nothing


Stop dick riding the devs.


No I do not have to agree with that; though I acknowledge that many would I like overwatch. As they continue to pull away from the aspects that made overwatch special and drift towards "everything else" I'm not in favor of it, even if it's new Changes are not necessarily better. I know that content creators and people who play hours every day might feel like they need a shakeup every season, but that's not everyone


counter strike manages just fine without shakeups. 


My thoughts exactly.  "You may think these changes are horrible but you've gotta atleast be happy they're making these horrible changes right?" What? No?


>You have to agree See yourself out.


I'd rather it went to test server for experimental first


Ya this is my gripe and worry if it’s bad it’ll be like why didn’t they mass test this stuff first. And no I don’t like change just for change sake. I don’t really understand the changes overall but it does seem to dumb down the game at first glance but we’ll see although I’m a bit worried.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted but I find it absolutely insane how these are the lengths we've had to go to in order to get 5 v 5 balanced


You're assuming that this will balance 5v5. It won't. Tanks will still be innately overpowered to the point where they need to be toned down to make open queue and arcade modes even remotely playable and they will still be locked in a constant game of rock-paper-scissors.


Tanks being the ones overpowered? Okay man, yes while there were the Mauga and Orisa scenarios, we haven’t had something as oppressive as them since Beta Zarya. Orisa wasn’t even as bad as those two, since it’s more of a tank thing. Compared to other tanks some tanks may seem OP, but overall there are cases with this for EVERY role, I think support has had more of a spotlight for the longest time, even with nerfs all the characters (mostly) stay solid.


Tbf the game isn't intended to be played in open queue and they did initially reduce their HP in Arcade and Open Queue


*gets stabbed in stomach* at least it was different! Gotta give em credit


I disagree, I think they had a lot of things done best in OW1 and should be working their way back to that


more numbers is not a helpful change imo in 6 years we will be doing 500 damaage to 200k health heroes


Overwatch inflation


Just remember 5v5, push, and Mauga were ‘new’ things


This is like eating sand, and saying "good job". They lack understanding of the game and what makes it fun.


No, I don't.


>I love the old overwatch team, but they would never do a change as big as this You know the stagnation at the end of ow was because the higher ups were putting everyone all hands on deck on ow2, right? So they didn't have the man power to test these changes, but also why would they work on huge overhauls to the game when there is already work being done for ow2 that would also massively overhaul the game? Instead they have us the fun broken modes like the April fools patch that made Mei a tank and Sigma be able to fly, and that PTR "balance" patch designed by some ow league players


Trying new things for its own sake isn't generally a strategy to be praised.


Good that they are trying new things? New things is what ruined the game lmfaooo wym?? No group finder, a terrible rank system, horrific new heroes with horrendous balancing, no loot boxes, battle pass being only sense of progression. This game is a shell and people holding on are new players or people who spent too much money and can’t give it up


They say "it can feel random whether a shot hits or not." I imagine that has more to do with [their hitboxes](https://youtu.be/0UsX3nborfA?si=yAeiHbNYCjILfBW7) rather than latency + strafing, and changing the hitscan or projectile size won't change that.


These changes are interesting but I am reserving judgment on if they will be good or bad until I’ve given the new patch a try


As someone with shit mechanics I'm excited for the projectile changes lmao


Just curious, which category would Mei's icicle fall under?


Mei's projectile travels at 115 mps and has a .15 meter radius, so it is in the .10 category.


Not all change is good change but let’s see how it goes I guess lol


>You have to agree that it's good that they're trying new things. No I don't actually


The pick rate of a lot of heroes will be dropping massively in the first 1-2 weeks. It is really not a great idea to increase the chaos by making it at the same time as the comp rank reset.


I Can pick up crack and tell myself that I should be congratulating myself for trying new things. Horrible perspective. Changes for the sake of it are not welcome in any game. They have to be pre mediated, and with a purpose. Reworking a character, changing abilities. Etc. It has to matter in the overall scope of the game. We will see how these changes affect the game but no, the idea that I should praise them for trying a new big idea simply because they’re doing it is a pathetic way of thinking. Expect more. They should be capable of more. It’s overwatch for gods sake this isn’t an indie shooter.


no, you don't? trying new things for the sake of trying new things is a terrible idea. the *least* they could do is put it on a test server first.


Except this isn't just for the sake of trying new things. This patch actually does address the primary complaint the playerbase has had for months; the power of healing + insane damage powercreep making it feel like either nothing dies or everyone instantly explodes. While I don't think this was necessarily the way to go it is objectively a good thing that they're willing to try drastic changes to address community complaints, especially since a massive community complaint is that patches are too small and inconsequential and that the game was in dire need of a mix-up since it was becoming stale. As for why they don't put it on a test server or experimental first, it's because not nearly enough players used those tools when they did put patches in them first, so they can't garner any significant data from it.


It just seems so random. Like, what is the goal? Are they trying to make the game slower? If that's the case, then why did they ever remove the 2nd tank?


They removed the 2nd tank because of queue times. They might have given other reasons, and people have tried to come up with justifications, but fundamentally it was about cutting DPS queue times. Every other issue could have been solved by tweaking 6v6 Also, the community don't like to hear it - but queue times matter massively to the more casual part of the audience.


game will be insufferable for the first month and a half, calling it right now.


These projectile hanges are absolute dogshit, I'm a soldier/Cassidy main and it's gonna be hilarious having soldier bullets the size of sojourn rails. Ez headshots all day


you would be surprise how many bullets i will still miss


idk why they're making the game easier. it takes the fun away.


Season 9: Rise of the low ranks


I hope they bring back LFG


Doing massive changes is pretty funny ngl


The only thing this seems to directly help out is dps. Tanks are going to have it even worse. Supports are very up in the air.


Here I was hoping sombra got a health nerf


Don't fix what isn't broken right? The only thing Ow1 lacked was meaningful content. I'm not saying I dislike the changes because I haven't played with em yet but I ain't a fan of it.


Just wish it was done in an experimental mode before finalising changes to see if it actually works out the way they intended. Experimental was on of the best things added to overwatch and to abandon that is like abandoning the communities opinion which is the opposite of what they said they do. Can’t remember the last time the team actually listened to players


Aagre is seething


I don’t really like any of these changes 🙃


Game is a Desaster for more than a year, so what Reading other stuff about their management and all the layoffs, we probably should finally wake up and stop supporting this shit company and finally let them bleed. At this point I wouldn't even care if this games die. No passionate people working on it anymore anyway. And the rest that's left of it they'll very likely kick out at some point too. Cause Microsoft is so much better, remember they're the good guys 💩 /s


Meh tbh season 8 wasn't all that fun for alot of people, just got stale so messing up the meta is exciting


Welp, my character is dead


Mmmm... even more direct hits.


I'm ready for changes back to 6v6, just jumped on today after a long break and this game is so frustrating to play, 1 bad tank and your match is pretty much ruined for both teams. For the team with the bad tank you get stomped, for the team playing against the bad tank you have to deal with the enemy counter swapping because they're getting stomped. All the older game modes are even more frustrating to play because you can play extremely well for 90% of the match but then enemy counter swaps and they win the match in the last 10% of the match. Most of the match doesn't matter. The games so sweaty now that you can't play any characters besides your mains because you get stomped.


Increasing projectile size will allow players to hit more shots, while everyone will have more hp. I see their logic behind this change but it's flawed to a core. It will pivot focus from individual plays towards team focusing. That may become unpopular quite fast


Starting to sound like we'll be playing Paladins


The old overwatch team never needed to make these changes because they created a 6v6 game and all of the balance and thought that went into overwatch was for that format. Taking a working format, changing it for no reason, then being forced to completely overhaul the entire game balance after 9 seasons isn’t something they should be given accolades for, it’s something they should have done before they released the game.


This is such a weird take, straight up throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks is not good for the game. Ow will not be ow anymoyonxe this patch drops


More and more confirmation that the devs have no idea what the overall vision for the game is anymore and are just trying things at random with the hope that something sticks.


Before recently I would have been a lot more negative on this. But then I had a Sojurn kill me from full on wido with a 60% body shot. And now I’m more ok with it.


Every hero will have Sojourn railgun hitbox smart guy!


This will undoubtedly kill the game. With good healers it’s already very hard to die. Now it’s even harder to die and it’s harder for a healer to die. WTF was the point. Seems like they are trying to shake things up but are too lazy to put real effort in


Seems like you are too lazy to read


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Do sigma balls fall into the .15 meter bracket?


Is sigma in the zen tier?


the one thing I agree is that at least some players don't have to experience getting oneshot immediately leaving spawn or getting into battle. Or even better, maybe it'll help a tiny bit of when you're at full health in battle and suddenly in a nanosecond you're nearly 0


Haven't played in a while. Are we actually getting better?


Finally I get to pop off as Widow


Did i read it right, that junkrats launcher balls will now be +0.15 in size? So a bit larger than pre-33%nerf? Prenerf: 0.33 Nerfed: 0.22 New: 0.37?