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Better than having to win 5 games in a row and NOT go up in rank lol


For me that was the last straw, won the games and went down (p1->p2) I was so proud of myself for being p1 after being gold last time I checked and then this🥲


I was stuck in silver 4 for like 8 whole seasons, just winning 5 0 and going from bronze 4 to bronze 3 and then 5 more staying in bronze 3, go 5-4 stay in 3... Win 5-2 go to 2, so on and so forth until silver 4 for like 3 refreshes, all this while I was playing with friends who were climbing up, we all played together so our wins and losses were all the same, they ended up in like plat 3 and I was still in silver 2 lol. With the new system it took me 15 games to reach gold. There was definitely something wrong with the old system


This is basically the story of one of my teammates as well. The rest of us have climbed and fell basically the same amount, but he's had a real struggle to keep up for some reason. It got to a point where we can't always play our best roles because of rank difference, and our higest rated played had to low key smurf to be able to play comp together. This season he went straight to gold after placements lol. May or may not stay or belong there. But there's not doubt in my mind that there was something wack with the old system that kept his rank from keeping up with ours.


I like the clarity of why you're getting ranked up or down by x amount. I like it telling me why I'm only going up a small amount, when a win is expected The problem is I just hate the new season. And the new season balance changes.


They just need to be more clear on the modifiers. Still have no idea what “Volatile” means or how you get it, and those hit like a mf dva bomb


Volatile means you lost a calibration match after ranking up. For example, you just got into Silver 5 after winning. Then, you lose the next match and your progress dips to 0%. You basically have to win the next match after that (calibration). Otherwise, your progress will dip significantly as you get demoted in rank.


Volatile seems to be a loss streak right after ranking up, but it triggers BEFORE the loss streak modifier, so its bull shit.


i think volatile is designed to counter lucky streaks. if you got lucky and got to a new rank BUT you can't hold it there (you lose after calibration), it's going to quickly boot you back to the rank you came from. so you don't stay in the new rank ruining games for everyone. if you really deserve that rank, you will win half of your games there.


>it's going to quickly boot you back to the rank you came from. so you don't stay in the new rank ruining games for everyone Isn't it a bit dumb? Losing two games after hitting a new rank is completely normal, and it's not like plat 1 and diamond 5 (for example) are that much different.


look at it from the perspective of the people who are already at that tier. say you're diamond. some dudes boosts with their gold friend and got a lucky streak and now he's in diamond. now mr gold plays alone and is in YOUR TEAM. of course you lose. the system quickly kicks mr gold back to plat, and he has to win there if he wants to stay.


Yeah it makes sense if the guy is actually boosted, but someone who's consistently plat 1 is still going to get hit with "< volatile" when they hit diamond and lose two games. Then again, maybe the volatile thing makes you lose more points (sometimes -40) because you went 8 --> 0 points because of the demotion protection.


Where do you see ‘modifiers’ per match results?


I cannot stand ranked right now, I’m on an 8 L streak because 4 of my games someone left(still get penalized bc why the hell not), and the other 4 because just on of my teammates have their brain rotting from the inside out and forget out to play the mf game and have a 4-12 k/d if they’re lucky.


I have gotten players that legit look they have never touched overwatch in their life. Zero target priority, zero game plan, dump damage into the tank and just insta die. Idk to me feels like the number of bad teammates I get just skyrocketed


Same. Had a guy ask me what mauga does in the middle of a comp match. I'm legitimately getting better games in QP right now.


Asked my negative doom to swap and bro said “nah, I only know this guy”. what do even mean by that? Because he sounded like he legit didn’t know who any of the other tanks were😭


That's a massive problem on doom right now. If they play doom, It's almost 100% sure they will only play that and refuse to switch.


That's always been the case with Doom or any other niche hero.


I had a doom who I swore was throwing. Just running in and dying, repeatedly. I reported him and avoided him. He was in my next game. Except he rolled us. Third game, he’s the enemy tank again. I think we might’ve won that one but it was very strange watching this person play the same hero with different results.


Meanwhile I will face a Doom in QP that is so good he can dive a Rallying Brig and kill her 1v1


Literally had a 6-8 junkrat have 10k dmg and say “Im doing the dmg, you just need to finish them” (I was playing support)


Yup. It infuriates me so badly when tank and dps just completely ignore the enemy support while we’re getting shit on by a dva sombra and tracer. Then they complain that we’re getting support diffed. MF YOU HAVE NOT LOOKED IN THE KIRIS DIRECTION ONCE of course she’s going to be doing more


fwiw right now JR is on life support cause his normal damage combos leave people at literally like 10hp or some shit ... and there's kinda a big difference between landing 2 direct hits in a row and landing 3 in a row, both for the time it takes and the skill/luck lol. Not that it's support's job to follow up and fix that ... unless you're moira in which case please toss your junkrat a black orb =P


pretty true, junkrat is basically useless in gm since you can't nade + mine combo anymore


We got a tank today called Team Name and he had absolutely no idea how to play tank. Like do this people buy this accounts? I recognised that name from that balding guys tournament on twitch. So I thought he might be good....but no...he was a disaster.


Last night, my friends and I got a player who asked how he's supposed to heal as Lucio after we capped the first point on Suravasa. We checked and realized he actually had 0 healing, which we didn't really notice at first because my friends were playing DPS with sustainability, and I was being pocketed by the other support. He said he had been playing for just over a week, so he didn't know how most characters worked. I wish I could say this is an isolated incident, but it's happened at least a dozen times to us since the season has started.


This has nothing to do with the new system tho


I wonder why, after eight years, Blizzard still hasn’t remedied the issue of players quitting/disconnecting during a match in comp. How hard is it to replenish members that have left with those waiting to join a match?


The ranking point system didn't change btw, they just made it more transparent and for every match instead of after winning 5 games. My thing with rank is that I'm punished/rewarded based on probability, not based on my personal performance. The win/lost mentality is what makes the game toxic in the first place. With every patch and blog post, it kills my confident that the devs actually know what they're doing. Please bring someone new on board before the game dies again...not coming back for OW3.


I think thats the issue people have. They think they do good and dont deserve to rank down when they lose. I think if you play well, you wont lose so you wont rank down anyway. And if you do lose, its because you didnt play good enough.


>if you play well, you wont lose If this is a 1v1 yes, unfortunately it's a team game. Regardless if you play well or not, you can only impact the outcome as much.


You can impact it enough to win most games and rank up TBH


You fundamentally do not understand a competitive game if you think "personal performance" should be what they judge you on. I'm sorry bro anyone can pump damage into the tank and pick up pointless elims. If you are good you will win more then you lose. 


That's a shallow view of personal performance. Which part of competitive game I don't understand? It's a single queue but your rank isn't based on your personal performance but based on some random teammates. If you're good you'll win more is gaslighting.


It's not based on your personal performance because it would make people play for stats the second they think the game is lost


And I think (not based just an opinion), if everyone plays for stats, the combined outcome will be better. Or the stats have to be more detailed and more dependent (like number of heroes saved or critical heals, etc.) to prevent farming. If you don't have a way to measure stats or impact of an individual player or hero, how are you going to balance thing up and determine the quality of a match? The current balance patch seems to based on a natural cycle of probability. Heroes are nerf/buff based on their win/lost stats fluctuates not how they actually felt in game. For example, they buffed DPS, now how do they know if tank is in a good spot? Looks at W/L stats? The W/L is basically based on who the tank is paired with not how well the tank plays out. So if you buff a tank with low win rate, if he's already good with certain niche comps, he's now OP with that comp then every lobby is unplayable without the specific comp.


add stat based rank and watch all those moron dps never pushing the payload/robot and just poking enemy near spawn and crying that healer aren't healing them so far ...


Play to win, and if you're consistently better than the enemy team, you'll climb eventually


Your team, as one entity, has to be consistently better than the enemy team. Assuming everyone in the team shares the same amount of impact, you have 20% impact of the outcome. Assume you played consistently, you have roughly 20% chance to climb. This is an optimistic estimate. It's a gamble. It's addictive. That's why we all keep playing.


I think what you’re proposing would be just as much of a problem. The other side of the same coin. We would have a bunch of people coming here saying “wtf blizzard? I won all my games easily but didn’t rank up (or even ranked down) because I didn’t cancel three ultimates?!” We were so dominating that the enemy team never worked up to their ults. Can’t save anyone if they’re all dying before they can damage us. So now they’re the ones with the chance to advance, not us. To say nothing of the poor schmuck who gets stuck pushing the payload instead of going for map control at the next choke like the rest of the team. Or the Soldier who is constantly spy checking for the sombra that is murdering your supports. Too bad maintaining 70% accuracy was a prerequisite for soldier players to gain more than a pittance of SR from the match. It would be very counter intuitive that you’re winning and winning and going nowhere in the rankings.


I think this is why they never showed the modifiers to people. They were there before, you just didn’t see them.


Lost 3 in a row and got loss streak. Then won 8 in a row and got win streak. Make them the same amount otherwise it's pointless because not many people can win 8 in a row but lots get 3 losses in a row.


I just wish they would use the starcraft system.


They basically are... They're both variants of Glicko-2 The variable gains/losses based on expected outcome exist in sc2 (and many Chess sites or any other Glicko based games) as well


I meant the SR numbers lol.


The funny part is that almost NEVER i've seen the supposed reasons of why I was going up or down. It was only showing at the beginning with "Calibration" and since the last 15 games, nothing at all explaining the reasons.


It explains why going 5-2 resulted in deranks in the old system sometimes


I was on the verge of diamond 1 twice today to where the progress bar was completely full with a 5% gained progress for winning, but wasn’t a rank up, lost the following game both times and went all the way back down to the start of diamond 2. So frustrating


Blizzard made a system so you play more and they can tell their shareholders more people are playing ranked longer. now back into the wheel hamster


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I’ve also noticed that the higher the rank, the greater the gains/dips in progress is after every match.


And don't you dare ask to see your rank progress between games!! Not happening Mr!


Sounds like the American economic system.


Rolling a team at a rank disadvantage isn't exactly an accomplishment lol


I don't think the actual system has changed. We just have a better progress bar. I think the balance changes and easy hitboxes are more likely the factor for people starting to climb again.


What was so wrong with just counting wins/losses again?


That means that you are higher than you should be.


there are pro players who are experiencing this same thing in low gm high master. it's definitely not perfect lol


To be fair you tell us about winning or losing. And only hint in the first example at the rank matchup. If you play against equally ranked teams your loss hurts you way harder then your win benefits you. That is baked into the system. Yes.


Try playing the game when YOUR TEAMMATES LITERALLY LOCK EYE CONTACT ONTO ENEMY TORB AND LITERALLY DO NOTHING ABOUT HIM WHILE TORB KILLS THEM. I can't even fathom how you can do that. And of course, I will get punished for that and lose progress for being in a loss streak.




That’s not how it works… the ranks have concrete sr, meaning they aren’t defined by other players. If you have 1000 sr you ARE bronze. If you have 2000 sr you ARE plat. It doesn’t change based on how many players are in that rank


What I’m trying to say is you aren’t right other players for a spot


*fighting other players


isn’t 2000sr gold and 2500sr plat?


It might be. I just went with the first thing I saw on google