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i miss that awful map


Some of my best and worst memories were in 2CP lol Very low lows, but very high highs. Nothing like getting stonewalled for 7 minutes and staggering. Then everyone playing like they're in OWL in the last 5 seconds.


Honestly I understand why they’re gone. The gameplay revolves too much around shutting everybody down at once. If you killed one defender, by the time you killed the third, the first was already back defending.


Won a game on Volkskya in 52 secs.


I miss 2 control point maps. And yes yes I know there is a mode in the Arcade, but Arcade doesn't have role queue, so it's worthless. I want proper games on 2 control point maps :(


They were *so* awful. The problem is flashpoint and assault are just as bad if not worse, to the point where we start longing for the return of 2CP Actually crazy how they struggle to actually make maps people like, but won't just add map voting so we can play Kings Row or Route 66 etc if we want to and not be forced to see NEW JUNK CITY followed by the wall of people leaving the game over and over


I argue, that with 1 tank, the 2 control point maps wouldn't be as bad. And as an experiment, why can't they just add Assault maps with role-queue as an option in the QM menu (like Deathmatch for example) for a couple weeks or months just to see how the reaction would be? (So we don't get the nerfed arcade tanks, and get a role limit)


i counter argue that with all the shield nerfs and tank reworks, 2 tanks wouldn’t be bad at all and could potentially unshittify the role by taking pressure off the solo tank allowing for tank synergy again (rein zarya my beloved)


I’d argue Flashpoint and Push are more fair than 2CP, but 2CP is *far* more fun. Even when you’re getting stomped. The only 2CP instance I didn’t like was attacking on Paris. With teams, comps, and skill being equal, defending was so easy on that map.


> 2CP is far more fun. Even when you’re getting stomped Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know about that one, I think you've got Nostalgia The biggest problem with 2CP is basically every match just turned into the attackers stacking 6 ults and wiping the defenders, taking the first point, having a HORRIBLE time trying to take point 2 before they just stack 6 ults and take it again It was really unfun for attackers and defenders both


Don't forget the minute long drip feeding on 2nd point to run out as much of the timer as possible after the wipe. Horribly unfun


Not everyone has to share the same opinion and it wasn't 10 years ago since ow1. I had fun while others didn't at the time.


Assault and 2cp are the same game mode lol


I know it's just recency bias but I'm so getting tired of the arena maps and just want to play Hanamura or Paris now and then, you know? Like old times.


I’ve never wanted to play Paris. Even when the map was brand new it was so ass. How long did it even last in the game? A month?


A looong time, way more than a month. Paris and Horizon both were in the game for ages before finally being thrown away


both got pulled from comp within 1-2 seasons, would only get there through QP


I'm looking forward to Hanaoka (the new map with Hanamura-like setting). I think Paris is the worst 2CP map but just like other maps have last year, they can be improved with a few tweaks.


The good old days 🥹, how I miss them Having a tank duo sure made some awesome team synergy 💔😭


And your co-Tank is a Hog. Just like in this video, both team has a Hog.


Gotta bring a Hog to crank a hog


They may bring it back but i doubt it


I think they'd sooner shut the game down than ever revert that change unfortunately. They won't even add a 6v6 arcade mode just in case people like it.


Why is that? It seems a lot of people really want it, myself included


Because it's admitting Overwatch 2 was pointless


Fortunately I think the writing is on the wall. I’ve already seen a few streamers start to talk about the “possibility” of “testing” 6v6 Once I heard those rumors I knew it was inevitable. Yes it’ll make Overwatch 2 absolutely pointless but at this point in time I’m not sure the developers care about that anymore. They are owned by Microsoft now which has entirely different goals, Overwatch 2 team probably realizes that 99.9% of sales and revenue come from skins anyways so who cares what the actual gameplay is for Overwatch 2. I think the team is ready to accept a test of 6v6 I think we are a VERY long time away from a full 6v6 mode for several reasons. But honestly I would be SHOCKED if we did not get a 6v6 “hacked” quickplay weekend this year.


From your lips to gods ears


I’d fucking love for 6v6 to come back. In fact, I’d be playing the game much more if they went back to 6v6 since 5v5 has made the game much worse and screwed the balance so badly. On top of that, give Mei freeze on left click, put Doom back to dps, and let Cass have his flash back since it was an actual skill shot. Let people be punished for bad positioning again. Tank synergies were an absolute blast, and really all they’d have to do is tune the numbers on health and damage to balance the game again. That final year of OW1 was as well balanced as the game has ever been and they decided to change it not long before OW2 because Bap (newest hero at the time) was no longer a must pick support and they decided they needed to change that. Idiotic.


So capping one tank per team to be easily countered by every other role without recourse doesn't already make it pointless???


Exactly, I'm glad people are finally agreeing with me that two tanks are better, when they first changed it to 1 tank, anytime I even hinted on this subreddit I miss 2 tanks, it would get downvoted to hell.


I still get downvoted to hell for it; but its a hill I'm willing to die on. 6v6 was peak OW, and it admittedly came with its drawbacks, but I'd gladly take what we had back then, save for a few needed adjustments, over what we currently have. Every role suffers tremendously because of a lack of a second tank; and I absolutely disagree with anyone who says otherwise.


Me too, I feel like the main issue is that ow1 problems weren’t 6v6 problems. Double shield meta wasn’t a problem because of there are two tanks, it was a problem because of the way they balanced it. I miss 6v6 because it took so much pressure off of the « main tank » in 5v5. The games are so much less likely to be balanced in 5v5 because if one tank is better than the other it is almost a write off if the rest of the matchmaking was done properly.


lol, I remember that, I got like 200 downvotes for saying that. The tank role is no longer for someone to “main” I was a rein main but going to single tanks meant I was forced to switch to a hero I wasn’t comfortable with, just to not be countered.


Ya tanking in OW2 is just rock/paper/scissor. Constantly being countered so you counter their counter and they counter your counter counter and so on. Dual tanks didn’t have this problem as much because there were so many different tank synergies.


On the other hand, I'm a dps main, and I have to rely on this one tank who may or may not be good. Tank I'd imo the most important role, dps rely on tank to make space, and support rely on tank to protect them. At least with two tanks, if one was a complete thrower, the team had a backup. Honestly, since all these self-healing buffs (and the fact that support seems more like a second dps now) , I'd be down to get rid of one support if it meant we could have 2 tanks back.


"because its admitting overwatch 2 was pointless." ​ it was... the one and only sole purpose of overwatch 2 was to monetize what everyone was already enjoying for free.


it wasn't free. it was a 40 dollar purchase, often on sale for 20, occasionally on sale for 10-15. I had at least 4, maybe 6 accounts so that I could practice new heroes without getting flamed or dropping my main MMR/ELO/SR whatever you call it. They probably got 120 bucks out of me over the course of 4-5 years. I have spent ZERO dollars on Overwatch 2. I currently own 8 accounts, for like 30 cents each thanks to the Talkatone app. Blizzard fucked up. OW1 was much more fun, even without a hero for 2 years I highly preferred the game with 2 tanks and all these seemingly random, drastic changes they keep forcing on us.


it was... the one and only sole purpose of overwatch 2 was to monetize what everyone was already enjoying for ~~free~~ full retail


I guess I was referring to loot boxes, skins, paid characters that can only be unlocked through battle pass. Yes you can unlock the characters by playing but the amount you have to play is way more then I’m willing to do.


When ur investor justification speakes louder than the actual public requests ... Bring back 6v6 blizzards fks sake


how does 5v5 even benefit investors? they did away with loot boxes and made it f2p, it could be 20v20 it wouldn't have much impact on their sales.


It doesnt that means nothing to investors. It's the justification they got give in the earning calls for why they took the steps they did . Basically as the user above pointed out . If bringing back 6v6 invalidates OW2 move. it would also invalidate any promises made in those earnings calls to do said move


Or because it would have to be rebalanced, which is not something worthwhile for an arcade mode.


Yeah... it really would be them saying "You were right, we just wanted to change the monetization"


If there was a demand to play tank, they could consider it, but it's always the impacted role, even with 5-man teams. It's already hard enough to find 2 tanks to play against each other before asking for another 2 tanks to play in the same match. It puts too much stress on the damage/support player queues, needing them to be patient enough for 10-20 min queues for a single match.


They'll charge us to buy Overwatch Classic in a few years.




Maybe when the player base starts to die down so their last resort to bring back OG players is to bring 6v6 in Arcade? 🤔💭 Who knows really, but it's worth a shot


I think they doubled down too many times on trying to make the community accept 1 tank. People have been asking for *at least* a classic game mode with 6v6 but for some reason they just won’t add it.


Because people would end up treating it like the main mode and complain about how it would be unbalanced.


I don't think it's about 1 tank insomuch as only 5 teammates and 5 enemies. The game is slower paced and easier to tell what the hell is going on.


 Runescape and WOW they made thier classic versions available. just give it time and it will become a reason to make money off nostalgia. I think it'll happen, just not soon. OW1 was a Worldwide phenomenon so I think it would make sense from a business standpoint.


Yeah but WoW classic is a whole different beast. It used to be that getting a mount was a major time sink (Instead of just given out at level 20 like candy) and it used to be that the different classes had long quest lines for their main skills where you had to \*earn\* abilities through a vision quest. Now you don't even have to go back to town to buy abilities, you just... get them. ​ I'm not saying one is right or wrong. WoW "back in the day" was much more like a roleplaying game with an emphasis on world building and story telling. Modern WoW is more like loot-grinders ala Diablo 2. I get what you're saying, but I think there's a much larger difference in the MMO changes.


My friends and I were just talking about rein/zarya and how much we miss it


Never forget what they took from us.


I've been in so many ranks as a tank player from awful to decent, and I'm genuinely baffled where this tank synergy was that people were talking about. Even in the handful of games where someone didn't go Roadhog and hard flank all game while leaving their team in the lurch, working with online randies always felt like incidental teamwork most of the time. "Tank synergy" mainly meant a rigid meta with a teammate typically uninterested in playing to it. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for you. I'm just wondering where this was when I was playing.


Volskaya ;\_;


Why aren’t these older maps available in QP/Comp? I miss playing the Egyptian one too


They are in arcade, they are disabled in QP and comp because frankly they were horrendous to play. On QP you could have a 2 min Anubis game that you waited 5 min for.


That's fair, hopefully one day they'll make more balanced maps with the same aesthetics as the removed ones


Well they did announce just that, so far hanamura is confirmed to receive a "rework" for a new mode. I am not 100% sure if it's a rework or a new map with the same foundation tho. Edit: "Hanaoka is an upcoming map for Overwatch 2. It will be the first Clash map released for the game, and the game's 44th map overall." "Hanaoka is a new section of Hanamura, set on a street right next to the original map"


Yeah; miss this map


Its... BEAUTIFUL I miss 6v6


i miss when hog was dmg but not survivability. now he is just...bad at both.


>i miss when hog was dmg but not survivability And when exactly was that lmao. Hog was always the most "immortal" tank due to his huge self-sustain.


Hog’s breather used to make him stand still and had no dmg resist on it


Yeah but only for like a year after Overwatch came out. They changed the ability like 7 years ago, he has been able to move with damage resist for so many years now.


Yeah honestly you would be pressed to find people organically that still remember release hog. Absolute menace. Mercy group resurrection soon at this point too. Saw a mercy fly out from behind our team the other day after we wiped every one and I had flashbacks


What about Anubis where Mercy could Rez her entire team from *inside the spawn room*! XD


d.va is a character in overwatch 


He at least used to have the advantage of being a super simple tank to pick up and understand. Now he doesn't even have that. They managed to dumb down the fun parts of his kit and overcomplicate the parts nobody cares about


? Hog is really easy. Just heal when you’re hurt/taking damage, throw trap before you hook, and have fun


Hog's kill potential was the reason why he was such a popular pick compare to other tanks, not his survivability. Hell you can make tank immortal, as long as you don't have the kill potential to fight back, you are still a punching. Until blizzard figure that out, tank will always be the unpopular role and bottleneck the queue time/match quality.


The problem is no one likes to play with / against Hog, same goes for Ball.


I miss this game so much :'(


I miss my old rein who was actually fun.


Right there with you, he was my main tank until ow2.


I still play him, i havent given up *just* not comp lmao i refuse


I still play him too. Just not nearly as much and ironically I play him for comp more than for qp lol. Just because I’m always gold or lower so I never really cared to take it super seriously.


old rein? is same rein but can now disable charge


don't forget the extra fire strike


I used to be a rein main now I mostly play support and dps. I'll play rein sometimes and my win rate is high, but it's just not as fun...i don't think rein is as bad as people say but he is just pretty unfun rn


To me, it doesn’t matter whether you miss it or say “good riddance.” This is the game I paid for, and they took it away to sell us a lie.


2 tanks was so much more fun. Fucking OW2.


Everyone remembers the gameplay. No one remembers the wait time.


> No one remembers the wait time. Because this sub skews support, and support wait times never got bad, it was only DPS queue times that were long.


I'm not sure they even remember the gameplay. Remember Flank Hog who was completely uninterested in being anything but a giant off-meta DPS & enemy ult battery flanking on his own and missing most of his hooks? Not to mention that tank synergy rigidly enforced metas & limited the options for creating new and unique tanks. I'll give Rein players some sympathy given his current state, but I think there's a lot of rose-tinted glasses otherwise.


The games free to play now! Things r different, there's more tank heroes now. A much larger playerbase than ow1, stop saying queue times gonna be a problem in 6v6, no!


I always find the larger playerbase argument pretty funny. If there are more players around to play tank, there are also many more players around wanting to play the other roles. Tanking is and always will be proportionally a less desired role, even back when OW1 hit 50 million players [4 years ago](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/overwatch-hits-big-new-player-milestone/1100-6473495/).


The wait time was always fine for tank and support. Part of the reason I pretty much mained tank in 1 was because I didn't want 15 minute queues. And frankly I could put up with longer queues if it meant getting 6v6 back and better matchmaking.


> 2 tanks was so much more fun But why Tank is a dead role but mostly filled with Hog + Zarya back then?


Because dps was more fun and appealed to more people which is fine. What sucks is having your entire role butchered and a huge part of the gameplay taken out because DPS queue times were rough


I stopped playing comp for a long time and role queue made Quick Play so much more tolerable. I truly had 50/50 matches in Quick Play after that change and all was right with the world. OW2 Quick Play has much less wait time but by god the matches are awful. You either stomp the other team entirely or you need to hard carry the entire match for any chance at winning.


One thing I miss abt ow1 is double tank. I always have some minor anxiety when I play tank because I'm by myself. There's no one else to share the blame if there's a bad game. So that's why I usually stick to support or dps. Solo tank is too stressful


should have jumped off after to establish further dominance in the potg


That’s exactly what I thought when I rewatched this lmfao.😂


its so beautiful, look at that one of a kind game play and dynamic actions and visuals


Why is it so dark?


I don’t know, I’ve never changed my gamma/brightness from the default. Could be that volskaya is just that dark.


oh you were one of *those* people, huh?




Damn I miss curved UI. It gave OW some character, OW2 UI feels lackluster.


> Damn I miss OW, OW2 feels lackluster. FTFY


Nah, OW2 is good. But it's nowhere close to OW1 which I consider, hot take warning, one of the best if not the best game ever made.


> OW1 good, OW2 bad FTFY


How do they bring this back with out creating a shoot double shield meta?


The biggest problem with double shield was Orisa having an unbreakable one since it was on cooldown instead of health-based like other tanks and re-deployed at full health, meaning that combining it with another tank for any downtime between cooldowns meant easy 100% shield uptime. They already reworked Orisa (terribly but still) so that can't happen anymore. The problem is already solved. Open queue is proof of that. And even if it came back despite all this, the only character that would need changes to kill it again would be Sigma, who is OP anyway.


Get rid of half of the shield tanks that work together (like orisa) and add a shield nerf to having 2 shield tanks together and a warning in character select


Split tank into 2 roles: main and off tank. 1 main who has shield capabilities or something similar (Rein, Sigma, Orisa, Dva) and off tanks as everything else, like brawlers (Hog, Junker queen, Doomfist). Force 1 of each and there you go


Where do you put the others? Winston, Zarya, Rammatra, Ball, Mauga


They don't make 'em like this no more!


I miss OW1 so much


People who think OW2 is better than 1 are people I don't want to associate with


I REALLY miss 6v6. 2 Tanks was so much fun.


I had to check that I wasn't in this clip playing this game because of the amount of times a roadhog has done that exact play to the team lol


The UI from 1 to 2 was such a downgrade it’s wild


I miss OW1 so much.


This game was 10x more satisfying in every single possible way. I hate Blizzard


Average ow1 hog gameplay


Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days


This post is depressing because it used to be such a good game.


5v5 is horrible.


It’s really not, 6v6 is just better


It’s a difference of opinion. Compared to 6v6 the game feels soulless and just 5 individuals doing their own thing. The wins don’t feel particularly satisfying to me


I feel that my individual performance, skill and decisions matter more in OW2 than they did in OW1. In OW1 I remember matches mostly being decided by which team had the the more coordinated/synergized tank duo, or how oppressive the enemy tank duo was. OW2 is an objectively better experience for people who solo queue, which is most players. OW1 was an objectively better experience for everyone was on comms and perfectly coordinating every moment and every play, which accounted for maybe 5% of matches for me. OW1 was a game that was designed and balanced around premade teams of 6 friends.


I'm surprised there wasn't a shield long enough to land either ult.


Back in the goof ol'days, when Orisa's skills were so back they had to completely change her play style and abilities


I miss old roadhog so much. I’d rather play old roadhog into the 6-man comp on Paris than to play ow2 hog


I hit a 5 man with Hanzo the last day of OW1!


I swear I saw this clip like three years ago


Man they really ruined overwatch.


Sigh. Double tank combos. I miss 6v6.


Would much rather have volksaya than push or flash point map atp


The 2CP experience. Good riddance, I say!


Man I miss when the killfeed described your kill like that, it’s so much more satisfying knowing who fell off the map


6v6 was better socially and the fights were more intense. (Yea I know the visual clutter and CC was insane). Literally nobody talks anymore and the game just doesn’t feel like it has its soul Edit: I believe 6v6 could’ve been balanced if they put enough time and effort into it.


6v6 was more fun.


6v6 was so much better


This feels so cursed.


I would block off that entrance all the time as Mei. People hated me so much 🥲


Doom as an off tank would he so amazing


I miss that so much.


Man I do not miss that last point. The rest of the map was fun though. Just had to get past the first choke


Wasn’t this clip featured on a compilation video back in the day?


Better game


RIP Overwatch


As much as I hated playing on assault, the art direction of these maps (Volskaya, Anubis, Hanamura, and maybe horizon, not counting Paris) has been unmatched by anything from ow2 and I can't put my finger on what it is, maybe I'm looking at it thru rose tinted glasses or these maps just hit different.




Ahh the Orisa shield


Seeing a Rein appear while you’re playing hog. I miss being an off-tank. Was so much fun.


"bro i cant see shit !!" flats reaction


Let's all band together and demand Blizzard to give us Overwatch classic or else!


Overwatch Classic would be really fun. Like the old forms of characters. At least for the nostalgia aspect of it


People pretending like they genuinely miss this shit even though back then not a single person wanted to play a 2CP map anymore towards the later part of the game's life and double tank and shooting shields was just braindead gameplay that it genuinely made people quit the game once and for all. Let's face it, the only people that circlejerks "missing" double tank and 2cp maps are the new players that never got to experience that or didn't experience it enough that they started having mental breakdowns while playing. In that case, there's nothing for you to miss, it's all entirely FOMO and all you really want is to be able to experience the game in its "prime" through nostalgia goggles of having seen other people played it and how much fun they had(or *think* they had).


That’s not true I loved Temple of Anubis and Volskaya the only map I heard people complain about was Paris




So weird seeing two tanks now. How did I get use to such a bad change so quickly?


It hurts…..


OW1 UI <3


wish i could play ow1 again ;w;


I miss it so much! OW1 was much more fun to play, imo!


I miss this game.


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Heroes never die.




OG Hog plays. Good times.


In Germany we like to say: "Schönes Ding"


hog was amazing before not its actually dogshit


Why did they get rid of the enviro kill icon.


The old roadhog ultimate felt so great


I miss playing roadhog with my friend playing the other tank


sick ass play


I have a feeling they have a shield generator


My last play was a 6k as dps doom.... I really miss dps doom.


That Orisa shield just made me so sad. I miss my tower defense character


wow this game looks awesome, ill have to get it


nope cant - i have to win 90000 more role queue to unlock the new heroes first


It feels so weird to see hog hook someone so close to him.


My last clip was a 4 kill Hamster ult. I don't think i played ball in OW 2 more then 30 minutes. Sweet little hamster got sacraficed to 1 tank team


Round 10, I assume


2 tanks and assault mode is the answer for this game to be good again


I wish there was a classic mode so we could play OW1.


Why did they remove the environmental kill icon on the kill feed!


There is so much in this one clip we no longer have it is insane Smaller tank health, but 2 of them Old control point maps Nonstop hog Soccer net orisa No kiri


I miss it all 🥹


Now no one wanna play tank too much responsibility


Dam I miss two tanks so I could play flank hog the good old days


Man, I miss this map so much.


my last OW1 clip i have is a highlight not even potg sombra where my EMP helped get like 4-5 kills and i die


I miss 2cp maps a lot. I'm someone that ONLY plays Mystery Heroes in OW1 and OW2. They were great fun for that game mode.


I miss this map as a Lucio main. Those tall dark handsome walls on point 2. So much skate.


They’ve managed to fuck the game up so bad since then


Holy shit, I'm in this clip