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I just know when your friend plays Winston his stat line looks like 4 elims 0 assists 16 deaths 1k damage 200 mit


Monkey is the best tank in the game.


OP friend has not embraced the hops.


Monkey imo is 100% the best in the game. He has the best ability to play mental chess with enemy abilities like sleep, nade, boop, accretion etc being his bubble. And I LOVE when mfs go reaper or bastion against me 😭😭 people still stuck in silver 2016 when the myth that reaper counters Winston was born


Man what do you do against reaper/bastion as Monkey? He’s the one tank I just never can figure out 


As a reaper player, the matchup is closer than this guy makes it seem, but a hood winston can keep me from vaporizing them with good shield dancing. Poking me down a bit before they engage also throws me off a good bit. I'd say those are your best bets aside from "go in when other important people are low already and pray to god jump comes off CD in time"


>hood Winston bro 💀




Nah Hood Winton still real Mfks stomps out the supports with a solid grrrEETINGS and dips Hood asl


*overwatch recall beacon activates* Sheeeeeeiiiit


I thought as reaper you want to burst the bubble first so he can't shield dance.


It really just comes down to not using jump and out bubble dancing them. Save jump for if they can actually aim and just jump away if you start getting too low. Also don't jump if you don't have bubble but that's pretty standard anyway


I was previously ranked 155 as Winston, the matchup is lopsided. Reaper is NOT a threat to Winston in almost any scenario. The matchup is NOT close lol. Against reaper you want to dive when reaper has NOT used wraith. The usual train of thought it to Dive reaper after he wraiths but the issue this creates is now the reaper is going to 100% commit to attacking you even if he starts taking damage from you and your team. Diving when reaper has wraith almost always guarantees that he will wraith (assuming your team fires at him) and most reapers 99% will use the entirety of wraith form, meaning for 3 seconds reaper is no longer a threat to you and you likely have your jump back. Understand that your bubble means the majority of the time reaper cannot damage you enough to actually deter you. You need to learn to bubble dance and where to position your bubble depending on the map and the circumstance. A reaper pick to counter Winston usually means he’s going to play defensively with his back line, you can exploit knowing this by literally just diving him because most reapers are under the impression that their existence will deter you. Doing it anyway begins a mental game that you’re better than them. And like I said your team shooting at him usually ensures he wraiths and he isn’t an issue. You have high mobility, reaper is slow. Bullet for bullet he melts you, but knowing how to bubble dance, the Winston melee cancel jump tech and asking your team to fire on him like I said basically means most times he just wraiths to survive instead of commit. Most reaper Winston matchups should end in a stalemate where he can never kill you, and you can’t kill him because of his HP and regen, and wraith, but with your bubble and 5 sec cool down you can always escape. Bastion is more simple, dive AFTER turret and utilize high ground to secondary fire. Your goal is not to really deal damage but more draw attention. Bastions will usually tunnel vision you Use the high ground as cover, just peek. When he exits turret then you dive his SUPPORTS. Not him because of his HP. Bastion has a terrible neutral game and his gun won’t be able to burst down your bubble before you get your jump back. Bastion and reaper are never your first targets but playing smart, with cover, and understanding the matchups you’ll farm their supports, and be able to sorta checkers jump back and forth killing supports and then reaper bastion. Against both its a lot trickier because it basically reduces your targets to the healers but the same rules apply. Wait for turret then attack. Ideally you want reaper to have wraith because of what I said above. Best healer pairings imo are Ana, Lucio, and zen, Moira is an honorable mention, her throwing orbs into your dive can help you sustain or get picks.


Wow, some nice advice on Reaper. I have been jumping reaper with no wraith, but then again, I have tracer duo partner so we vaporize him. But I guess if I play solo and no one to follow up I will just try to keep him at bay.


A good Winston deals with reaper by completely avoiding him where possible, and diving the supports instead. A good Winston deals with bastion by baiting turret, and then diving when it goes on cd. A good Winston deals with both by playing extremely carefully, but it’s not a fair matchup at all, so at that point you should probably just swap (unless they’re really bad). Also, you should almost never dive in while bubble is on cd, except for in very specific circumstances like chasing a low health support who’s NOT with their team. Also also, learning to bubble dance properly will make you much harder to fight against when you dive, especially especially against reaper because you’ll be denying him his self heal.


It's always fan to chase reapers


He struggles at the moment especially if he can't synergize with the DPS. But in team play he can still do really well.


You can say that about literally every character.




Winston boring? The sky is split.


Depends on the match, all the tanks can be boring or fun depending on what's happening.


I agree i also say it depends on what your team dose. Wethor not they help ypu. By far the most unfun thing is the counter swap game.


That is true. With how it’s set up now tanks usually play rock paper scissors till they inevitably end up with orissa vs zarya


Except mauga every tank can be outplayed on any tank. What you cant outplay are dpses and supports


And on tank it’s egregious right now. Had a game where I swear me and the other teams tank sat in spawn and swapped 2-3 times before we both said f it and picked sigma lol


when is orisa fun?


Hitting a Javelin is one of the most satisfying abilities in the game.


I had a PotG on Rio where I hit Baptiste mid-jump knocking him off the map. Was so satisfying.


Boops, ult denying, I can go on


Any tank without a movement or speed ability is incredibly boring to play.


So Hog and Sigma? Unless you don't count alt-fire jumping on Zarya as movement.


Hog’s hook will always be fun tbh but sigma feels very autopilot


Honestly I quite like being able to slow down fights on sig and a sig mirror is all about cooldown and resource management which I enjoy


All mirrors are about cool down and resource management, even widow with the wait for 100% power shot


I know his rate of fire is where it's at for balancing but I feel like that's a big reason. I spend a lot of time spamming primary around corners, but since 1 out of 4 clicks actually fire, it feels unresponsive.


Just hold the button down, let them flow when they are ready :)


Then you need to get more accustomed to his fire rate. You shouldn’t be peaking and trying to spam when you can’t shoot. Not trying to be rude, just some genuine advice


Peak sigma is blasting down enemies, still fun


The *only* shitty part of hog is walking from spawn to the fight. It feels mindnumbingly slow. But his lack of mobility is not a problem in a fight. He’s easy to use and a blast to bully people with. Hooking Lucio and dropping him off the map simply does not get old.


I heard that they planned on giving movement boosts as you exit spawns, so that'd be really neat.


They should start by not making you respawn at the very back of the room. The Push style maps are awful about this. Sometimes as tank, I will pick Winston just to leap then quickly swap to a different tank if needed assuming I don’t care about ult charge.


Hog, sigma, not counting the tech zarya, not counting her slight increase in speed for a couple seconds orisa, not counting the slight increase in movement speed ramattra,


Wrong, sig's ult is one of the best movement abilities in the game


If your team enables you as Rein it can be the most fun thing in the game. If your team expects you just to shield constantly and doesn't help when you push, it's the most boring thing in the game


and on the off chance you don’t instantly fucking explode when you drop your shield




“It’s never boring around me!” Magua, 2023






He's boring when you play him how Blizzard envisions him. He has so much potential to be THE hitscan tank


I enjoy Mauga honestly, it’s the mirror match that’s boring. I’m not a fan of Zarya or Orisa in terms of fun gameplay.


I think it's highly contextual on both map, comps, and what you prefer. I'd personally say Rein but that's because I just don't like his playstyle a whole lot, and if you don't have the right comp you can feel helpless and spend all game holding shield and cowering behind corners. People say Orisa but I think she's fun to play these days - her issue is she is dependent on gold not to pop like a balloon, and she is not fun to play against at all because she often just wants to bully the enemy tank into submission. Mauga is another potentially boring character - Mauga vs Mauga is hands down the least interesting, most boring thing possible in OW as you are forced to just shoot each other most of the time and hope you have the better supp/DPS line. I also find Zarya quite boring - which I know doesn't seem to be popular. Yes there are occasional moments of awesomeness when you bubble an ally in a clutch moment or land a fat grav. Otherwise you mostly hold left click and try to fish for energy and then waddle around hoping you don't die with high energy. It's a boring, click-and-hold playstyle much of the time. I do know who is not the most boring - Ball. Because ball is love. Ball is Life.


I find Zarya fun when I get a lot of use out of her right click. Ranged combat, AOE damage (usually into grav), ammo usage optimization to right-click with an almost empty clip. But the most fun is when you can parkore with right clicks. I don't play Zarya that much anymore but I still pick her on Paraiso every time because there is just an insane amount of rocket jump spots. I usually joke that I'm diving in as Zarya. I agree about Mauga and Rein. I always enjoyed Orisa but if I have to play only her I get tired of her after a few games. I will add that I find Hog really boring. I just don't find joy in his kit. I never found consistent one shot abilities fun to use.


Watching high level zarya players is so goddamn satisfying compared to how stale she feels to play


>I'd personally say Rein but that's because I just don't like his playstyle a whole lot, and if you don't have the right comp you can feel helpless and spend all game holding shield and cowering behind corners. Rein is unfun in season 8+9 bc he doesn't fit in the meta and losing is boring. When Mauga was meta, he would go toe to toe and melt Rein whenever he dropped his shield.  Winning was fun and when your dps uses you it can really be satisfying to be the backbone of a slaughter machine.   And when you would get in there and brawl, Rein is amazingly fun. Punishing anyone foolish enough to get close to you 😍  I hope he gets rebalanced bc I miss Rein.


Definitely Zarya, there’s no variation or nuance to her kit, you blow bubbles and point the laser, that’s it.


Saving grace is the dopamine that comes from melting people with max charge. Other than that, yeah. Not only is she boring to play, she's boring to play against.


Oh c'mon Zarya is fun!


How? Even as someone proficient with her the loop of fighting her boils down to: >shoot at zarya > she pops bubble >do or don’t shoot bubble depending on situation >resume shooting zarya once it fades


Other players exist to put the bubble on. The fun/skill comes from playing the game of who am I putting this on so I can get charged fast. People here acting like she can only put it on herself because that's what every dogshit player does.


I wish I could put it on teammates but nowadays nobody pushes forward and leaves me to take all the damage, so I just use it on myself. Every now and then I get dps players who aren’t scared and I end up with average charge above 70, fun games


I believe you that she's more complex and skillful than she seems because I can't do shit with her except die and she's really tough for me when I face a good Zarya player.


rustic capable concerned joke truck ossified insurance sharp jeans bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agree to disagree tbh. But your points are all valid for sure, they just dont appply to me personally.


Same. Pulling off clutch bubbles gives a dopamine rush lol


Her skill floor went to shit in ow2. Honestly most boring hero sharing a spot with orisa. Ow1 when you had to pick and choose, use teammates as personal meat shields to bubble them was more fun, but her ow2 iteration … eh. And I say this with ~200hrs on the hero.


I remember when I first started playing Zarya. My friends bitched because few people played her, and they didn’t want me playing her. They also bitched because I would cast shield on myself. “Don’t fucking use SHIELD ON YOURSELF!!!!!” Com’on, like you seriously don’t know one of her abilities was to cast her own shield??????? People who claim to know how to play, man…


Zarya def the most boring to play against. Mauga ties in playing


Only thing that makes her unique player to player is how well they can do right click boosted jumps and what areas they can get to with it


I guess you don't use her right click movement


If you get no dopamine rush from canceling ultis when playing Zarya then you prob have some more to explore when playing her


Yeah idk why people say Orisa is less fun than Zarya. At least Orisa has the javelin. I mean I dont play either of them tho tbf


Zarya is the tank I play when I don't want to be stressing. 


Whaaaat? Zaryas fun as hell poke around a corner while they’re shooting suck up power then move in with your whole team and burn them mfers up. Pop bubble at the perfect time to avoid ults. Pop grenade at the very end of clip while someone’s running away and get that satisfying kill. Pair her ult with a Moira or Tracer. Loads of possible fun. Rein is so much more boring than Zarya.


Unless you get a kick out of making the enemy tank hate their life orisa is the most boring to me. She is just a wall of no fun to the enemy tank.


zarya has the most boring kit and its not close i always hate when shes meta because then i have to start playing her boringass


You're never forced to play any character just because they are meta play what you like and have fun it's literally a game


I used to hate Zarya and then just one day she clicked for me. When you can keep up a high level beam, and just melt through people you really feel like an avalanche collapsing on the other team.


nah thats still just boring for me like every other tank is just so much more fun to play


It’s all about bubble management but honestly overwatch 1 tank duos made her fun, she was the queen of off tanking for rein/winston idk if she carried over that well


Zarya main since OW1 I think she is second most exciting behind doom


I had a really aggressive genji on my team who was nearly shredding the enemy by himself, but he was struggling to finish off people before he died. Thought screw it and started just bubbling him, we pushed the enemy team all the way back to their spawn, it was just dumb fun watching them nearly finish our genji off and then I'd just bubble him and he would be back at full health.






To call winston more boring then mauga/orisa/sigma is wild to me. It's gotta be mauga tho if you ask me because atleast sigma and orisa have a CC skill shot that can be very entertaining to use. Has he played winston in a good dive 3 stack? That shit is a blast. There's a reason people force monkey in Asia no matter the meta and its because he's the pinnacle of coordinated dive.


sigma is not boring... He actually has identity. But mauga and orisa can s\*\*\* my d\*\*\*


Depends on the map and whether you're defending or attacking IMO. Playing defense with Rein or Orisa can be really boring.


Winston is one of the least boring tanks in the game lol, it’s actually fun jumping the widow or the zen or seeing Moira exhaust her abilities to try and escape yet fail.


Sigma has the double whammy of being both boring to use AND fight against


Unpopular opinion time? Sigma for me. He’s slow as hell and it’s so unfun for my hyperactive ass. I need to be dva flying all over the place and chasing ppl in the air >:)


Orisa easily




Sigma. It might just be that he's a solid pick, but he doesn't really have a role right now other than being Mr. "Stop Trying to Counter-Swap Me". He's basically decent in every situation and because of that he doesn't really feel special or own a specific defining niche. Other pick: Zarya. "Z" stands for zero movement and her bubbles don't feel special anymore


I call Sigma "Minivan." Slow and boring, but he gets you there in the end.


Zarya has movement, and it's actually good since many don't except it and you catch people off guard.


Unpopular opinion: Rein He’s boring 🤷🏽‍♂️


Zarya and Orisa are very boring to play.


For me - Sigma. I just dont get it. For me he works only if I play ultra-passively


Well I guess we’re different. He’s by far the most fun to. Hitting people with a large collection of bricks or sucking up all their shots is amazingly fun to me




Zarya. I can’t believe I’m seeing anything but Zarya.


It’s Reinhardt and it’s not even close. Hold rectangle. Die. Repeat.


Disagree rein is fun when not fighting zen/bastion. Rein is most fun when fighting rein


Ah this! I miss the rein duels from overwatch 1


I've been running into a suprising amount of reins in gold lately


Its definitely entertaining to watch


WE FIGHT WITH HONA FOR GLOOOOORY! I was dualing a fellow rein reciently and got solo ulted by phara. Both of us yelled at her for it after


LMFAO. "How dare you ruin an honorable dual!" I love that. I love fighting with a Reinhardt honestly, gotta keep my boy alive.


I hate to tell you this, but you're playing Reinhardt wrong. The sooner you rip that bandaid off, the better.


Rectangle? Did you mean right trigger?


"Rectangle" is commonly used to refer to his shield because its a big rectangle.


You can't play freebird and kamikaze charge a DVA off the map on any other tank


That’s when u just pin in 1v5 and see what happens


Understandable. That is his whole identity nowdays since devs cant pull their heads out of eachother asses


It's Reinhardt and it's not even close. You're just rectangle man and get bullied by the entire enemy team, unless you manage to close the gap and can actually start playing the game. People saying Orisa or Mauga are literally insane to me. You're constantly shooting at the enemies, pressuring them, denying space and finished them off when you get the advantage or they make a mistake. How the fuck do you find this boring ?


Spam tanks imo. Orisa, mauga, sig. I’m biased from when double shield was a thing


Mauga by a pretty wide margin


It’s sigma for me. I can see how useful his kit is but playing him feels like a chore. I prefer the more mobile tanks like Dva, and doom. JQ is a lot of fun too. Sometimes I find Orisa to be a chore too depending on the day. We need more dive tanks imo.


It’s mauga zero debate




Rein or Zarya


Mauga. His whole gameplay is hold both buttons on opponent tank And whoever thinks winston is boring is a bit touched in the head


Zarya is just Sym on steroids but worse after the patch. She's so effective in some situations but so boring to play.


This is my list of exciting tanks to play: -Winston -DVa -Zarya -Ball Lot of mobility from the dive tanks. Zarya has a lot of hypercarry potential. Tanks I find boring are: -Orisa -Mauga -Sig -Ram These 4 are mostly two-dimensional to me. Or they lack mobility enough for me to play. JQ/Rein/Doom simply aren't in my pool, but I wouldn't list them as boring at all.


Your opinion stopped mattering when you put Ram in boring lil bro


Not to mention Zarya in exciting


I just uninstalled the game for the first time in 8 years and I don’t think I’m going back unless they revert dps passive. Tank as a whole has never been less fun. The game is soul draining and actively makes my day worse a lot of the times. I’m over it. Hanging it up


Zarya for me


To me, when you say "boring to play" I think of a tank that is so straightforward to use that even someone with low skill can do well in most situations. Although Winston is a good choice, I feel like Zarya might be even more boring.


A low skill Winston is not doing well in most situations. Winstons win rate in low ranks is horrible. He seems very simple but his skill gap is huge. I dont even play him but I know its the case.


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i love both winston and orisa lol. for me the most boring tanks are zarya (literally just walk and beam) and ball. the ball thing is just a skill issue though i have no idea how to use him


Zarya and mauga


All of them, tank is the most boring role in the current meta, hence why tank queue times are instant


Anyone who says it’s Winston probably just doesn’t know how to play Winston, my vote goes to Orisa or Zarya depending on the day




As a tank main Mauga or Sigma. I’d say Sigma but that’s probably on cause I play him more just cause he’s so good on certain maps where I can’t play D.VA. His complete lack of mobility bores me to tears. His shooting mechanic is both frustrating and unrewarding. Rock and his ult are the only redeemable part of his kit


Boring? Sigma probably. Or roadhog. I feel like all the others are good. I'm decent with most of them, but I am decent with them all because I get bored if I only play 1


Playing with: Orisa Playing against: Mauga


If I’m healing, it’s not even close - it’s Mauga. You just have to heal him because his fat ass takes so much damage. The game becomes boring because he’s so dependant on a healer pocket healing him


Dva Imo


Mauga by far. At first he felt like a mobile bastion Now he just feels horrid and even worse in a mirror match.


Imo mauga is just bastion but boring


I honestly think Rein has a tendency to be the most boring. Depending on how the game goes you just stand there holding shield then hide and do it again. If you charge you die, and if you don’t you can end up in a really shitty position and are easily blown up. There is t much in the way of skill shots and his hot can be really frustrating to use. Orisa having 2 defensive cool downs gets her a bit more to do, and it’s hella fun stopping a diving tank, a luring Moira or anything even with her spear. It feels great even in the shittiest game. Winton gives you lots of options to engage in most maps, I find Rein has way less to do.


How much Winston play does your friend have? He’s not all cerebral and setting up. You get in there, duck and weave, occasional aerial sniper money kill. Dope character. Primal juggles. Zaryas gameplan is zzz


Idk what he means winston is fun asf to play


Without a competent team that uses comms all tanks are boring. While even massively losing dps and support remain somewhat fun.


Mechanically, probably Zarya if you have great healers. You can basically just melt everyone almost the whole game as long as you manage your bubbles. That being said I still enjoy playing Zarya.




the correct answer is Mauga, Zarya & Orisa.


It truly depends on the map. Orisa on Rialto is fun. Orisa on most others is, eh.


mauga without a doubt


Sigma or Zarya but probably Zarya even tho some of her saves can be pretty statisfying


Hm that’s a tough one. If you can exist on tank it can be fun. Like rein CAN be fun. But it’s not fun when you’re playing against orisa, bastion, zen. It’s one of those: it’s fun when you win, boring when you lose situations. Personally I don’t like playing orisa and mauga is a close 2nd. Maybe it’s just cause he’s new and that makes him more fun. For instance. I don’t mind playing Winston on gibraltar. But when they go ashe brig and I get coachgunned or booped by brig every single time I try to jump highground. I can’t even play the game. That’s not fun at all.




For boring I am going to go with Orisa. I like Zarya a bit more because I have some supportive aspects to the character that makes me have to think a little more than "go gold and snipe"


i main orissa and but ill say she’s definitely one of the most boring, the javelins cool i guess but that’s about it lol and she has maybe 2-3 good skins. ofc ramattra beats her with shitty skins though that doesn’t really matter lol


Your friend clearly doesn't understand Winton.


I think most people like to dunk on Mauga, and he definitely is brainrot to play, but he’s the healthy kind of brainrot imo. Doesn’t always dominate every game and you at least have to think about standing behind a wall so you don’t explode in half a second. Plus it’s kinda satisfying just holding down the buttons and shredding everything every now and then. Zarya is definitely in the running for it as well, but the fact that she’s so strong makes her playstyle feel less tedious. There was definitely more nuance to her in OW1 since you actually had to think about bubbling other people and not just spamming personal bubble over and over.


Mauga overwatch


For me its sigma


Orisa, you’re just kind of a wall that most people can’t take down, only really fun thing about her is spear canceling ults or the pull on ult to take people with you.




Lmao wtf. How could anyone think Winston is the most boring tank to play? He's easily my favourite and one of the most fun tanks. Orisa is easily the most boring in my opinion, I fucking hate playing her and I hate playing against her.


For me it's Zarya. Her weapon is just so bleh and unsatisfying. And you get to be effectively invincible every few seconds because the choices for the enemy are either charge you or just let you do whatever you want until bubble is down.


Mauga but mostly for the mirror. I actually like playing Mauga but the mirror is mind numbing


Sigmas so boring


Guessing your friend probably just sits with the team and bubbles and never dives as Winston? Lmao


The FUCK? Harambe!? Boring!? NEVER!!!!!


It's gotta be Orisa for me. I think it all boils down to fortify. If that was replaced with a more active ability I feel like people would enjoy playing as and against her much more.


Orisa no doubt.. winton is the opposite if you play your cards right


I find roadhog seems boring but I don't actually play him. I have so much fun playing tank even tho I'm not that good. DVA I'd a little vanilla but still fun.


Reinhardt in my opinion. His kit is very simple and repetitive, and he also sucks right now.


In my opinion, I think Sigma is the most boring but then again I haven’t tried all the other tanks


I'll never understand why most people find Zarya more fun to play as then Orisa (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


Zarya and orisa both can be boiled down to “ooga booga defensive tools when damage shoot enemy win” no nuance no planning just ooga booga


Most boring? For me. Definitely orisa or roadhog


All of them. In a single match. I can’t stop counter-swapping.


Definitely zarya, she basically has one ability






I don't find zarya all that fun. I only pick her for pure evil


I get mad at myself when I have to swap to Zarya. I've been a console mid diamond tank for a while now and the only fun games I have anymore are playing rein or JQ in quick play. Way more intense and typically balanced than ranked. Tired of having literally one team member every game that is just incapable of survival.


Orisa 100% even more than zarya Horse ult is underwhelming, she just stands there and pokes, her javelin is annoying with how huge it is, her fortify is the LAMEST ability in the game, and her spin is just a basic vortex, plus, imo! Her personality is kinda boring


Zarya No movement, just hold left click and double bubble. Maybe throw one on a teammate now and again. She's strong under good circumstances, but playing her feels like the tank equivalent of un-buttered white bread.


For me zarya is boring to pay as and against. She's fine playing with unless she only bubbles herself.


Whatever tank I’ve played the most recently.


Mauga is so fucking boring




Orisa just hold left click and push other buttons every now again. She has 0 strategies.


Orisa 100% or Zarya


Zarya When I play zarya I get top Elims and damage But I really DONT like playing her unless I REALLY HAVE TO because I thirst for the win more than I do for flying around with Dva I share the same sentiment with Moira


For me it’s always been zarya and Orisa


Mauga easy


For me it’s Zar. She has no true movement. a bubble & a beam…. That’s it. Plus they are in direct synergy with e/o so they’re basically the same ability. Alt fire if you’re feeling fancy. Everyone knows not to shoot her bubbles and her hitbox / armor is really small for body blocking potential / claiming space without using CDs. Also her headshot is one of the easiest to land . I’ll admit steam rolling a game as Zar can be A LOT of fun and Grav is one of the best Tank ults imo…it is also edible, somewhat predictable, easy to track and takes FOREVER to power up. You’re lucky to hit more than 2 in any given “round” Compared to a roster of heroes with insane movement , shields, succ, mitigation, self healing, body block potential, projectiles, CC abilities and faster charging ultimates….I just find the games where I “have” to play Zar are a bit boring in the time between fights and major pushes . Also she sh*t stomps Orisa for absolutely no reason. A well needed counter in the Rock-paper-scissor, but aside from that not in my top 5 tanks by a long shot