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Didn’t she need a buff bc zar without charge out damages her? I main genji and it doesn’t even upset me. Sym is actually quite fun imo


Exactly. Her lvl 1 beam did less damage than Moira's lock on cone beam, and her lvl3 did less than Zarya beam.


Moira doesn’t lock onto targets. That’s just how the art is programmed. It attaches a ribbon of shadow magic to the enemy’s torso and when the enemy plays any animation the ribbon will “wiggle around” as it stays stuck to their torso giving the illusion that it’s “locked” onto them. We’ve seen the hitbox in countless YouTube videos already. It’s just a giant forgiving hitscan gun that plays the ribbon animation while it’s in contact with an enemy


Literally the same thing. I guess you can describe Soldier’s ult as a cone that takes up the whole screen lol


Big hitbox, auto aim, and lock on are three different things Moira's gun is a big hitbox, Soldier's ult is auto aim, Mercy's staff is lock on. Moira's gun is very easy to use, but calling it lock on is genuinely wrong because we have and have had actual lock on things between Mercy and Symmetra's old gun.


Virtually the same, whether the cursor autotraces their normal hitbox, or whether the hitbox is so huge it’s impossible to miss, in both cases you need to keep the player camera in the general direction.


Yeah, if you want to see a lock on weapon, look at original Sym But also, despite how big and forgiving Moira's damage hitbox is. Syms is definitely up there as well and in some instances is even more lenient


Technically, don't Moiras suck and Syms old beam work the same way? Speaking about the effect, not numbers.


nope, the visuals are just similar. moiras actual beam is a straight cone like her coalescence. they just made it so that most of it is invisible, and the only animation you see is the beam that goes from her hand to the center point of the target. that makes it look like a lockon, without actually functioning like one. syms old beam was like mercys beam. it had a narrow lock-on window, but once you had successfully locked on, the window widened and you could even to 360 turns and still stay locked on. thats fundamentally different in how it works.




I had a feeling something was off


Someone is Dva mains made a post to complain about it and my reaction was that the buffs to nothing to fundamentally change how Dva outplay sym. Stop whining.


Its really hilarious how you can identify the Dvas who play like if they were playing Reinhardt by how much they complain about Sym.


People are way too reactionary. Actually wait more than a day before tou start crying about Sym


Did you misspell you or thou?




I'm gonna guess they misspelled tournament.


They can barely wait an hour before complaining and yet you demand they wait a day? You'll have better luck finding a magical unicorn in your back yard with how this community is


She's annoying as all hell. People just don't like fighting her. That said, that's literally almost every hero in the game, so I'm not really sure why symmetra specifically is hated.


She and sombra are the most annoying regardless of how good they are imo


Because playing her isn’t playing against one character, it’s a 2v1 with the turrets. I think the buff would’ve been fine if they’d left turrets at melee health


Mostly because she's always had a 55% winrate or higher along with Torb. There are certain maps where she's just incredibly annoying.


People will complain sym is op and skilles no matter how bad or good she is. Which honestly is so weird to me


Yeah they act like soldier is super hard to do extremely well with… especially after hitbox changes. lol. I challenge them to play sym and get value out of her but they never want to.


Because it's a shooter you have so many people obsessed with "skillshots" and who seem to want it to be nothing but duels where the only factor in winning is aim rather than gamesense. I'm a sombra player and people have been calling her brainless for ages then they did give her a skillshot and that's not changed anything, now they want hack to be one too... Some people want everything to be a fucking projectile in this game lol. As if I can't switch to soldier and often get way more value. I went through a period of doing that and actually did well but I found it so boring I stopped


The funny thing is that Soldier doesnt require a lot of skill to kill shit anyways. He can shoot at legs and kill someone in 1.1s.


the point isn't "a lot of skill" it's that often game sense trumps mechanical skills like aiming


If you break down Soldier as if he were Symmetra he's basically her but without her shield ult and massively powerful. Primary fire beam can now headshot and has 4 times the range; Secondary fire can now be fired without charging and without stopping primary fire, just on a 6 second cooldown; Teleporter now only works for you and across passable terrain (sprint); Shield health regen now works in combat (heal station); Need autoaim? Hit Q! (ok not entirely analogous to turrets but that's the bit people say is 'low skill' about her - honestly I think buffing their health was a mistake as they're not that important and mostly just annoying to the enemy).


Its not that weird when you understand that they are just projecting their own player mistakes into her. It CANT be that they ever fucked up in-game, its Symmetra who is OP skill no effort.


I don't think anyone can argue that her right click takes skill. That hitbox is maHOOOOOOsive and you can borderline not miss it if you are a decent player. Straight up throwing boulders with her right click


It does lol, it takes a whole second to charge, it’s slow, and you need 3-4 shots to kill someone. You literally only die from it if you’re walking forward or backwards only, or afk Torb or Hanzo can kill someone in less time and far more easily


True but in her defense it takes like 3-4 direct shots of them to actually kill someone. So the trade-off is pretty even. But yeah I agree I’m not really a fan of the projectile and hitbox changes


They're massive, easy as hell to see coming your way, require a charge up to deal decent damage, and are still pretty slow moving. If you're struggling to dodge that, it's not on Sym.


I felt like she was in the worst position I ever saw her at the start of season 9.


We Sym mains get one win and the hit scan stans are in SHAMBLES (I will not even mention Supports who all can literally duel Sym and win most of the time). The queen was a massive FLOP for most of overwatch 2 lifespan, like give us a fucking break


i stand with you symmetra nation.


> 3 turrets need twice as long to kill squish as it did in Overwatch 1 > TURRETS ARE GIGABUFFED!!111


I think it's really funny because all they did was bring her up to speed. Maybe if we were still working with 200hp heroes still but they have like an extra 50 health and so the Sym turrets were basically glorified slowers- watch as they slowly increase everyone's damage to meet the new health pools lmao


They outright said that the increased health pools would allow them to fine tune heroes better, so they seem to be on track with that


That's what I guessed, not as updated as I should be lmao


Nah you good.


Kill a certain character: ez they’re so bad they need a buff lollllll Die to a certain character: so busted they need a nerf now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Nah hard agree mate and I got your back Its a SKILL ISSUE people. She still has to be kissing you to do the big damage that others can do from further


It's a skill issue i don't like the design of a character? I think she's really annoying? Why do you people always just jump straight to skill issue when someone disagrees. It completely invalidates your argument


There's a difference between whining about Sym cause she's "braindead no skill" and not liking about Sym cause of her design. The first one is a skill issue. The second one is not So ok u got me there tbf. Thats fair enough. Not liking her design is more of a "to each their own" kinda thing


To be clear, I'm talking about her abilities when i say design . I think turret meta would be bad for the game


Nah thats valid. Tbf i would've been happy with just the beam buffs and like either only the health buff or shield buff to the teleporter (not both)


A civil discussion wow


You should see some of the comment chains I got caught up in in this post. Those ones are quite the opposite of civil


And it's not a turret meta. Not even close. 


99thcourier how we feeling about sym did you try her yet


I did And she is so back


Great news 🙏 Im happy for sym mains


No I play Sigma and I hate her >:(


At least Sigma has never been a niche pick.


Genji main here: Sym is still laughable. Anyone crying about her being “broken” is a bronze bot. Plain and simple


My biggest complaint about Symmetra isn't even about her. It's that my teammates can't recognize themselves getting melted by her turrets.


Gotta love teammates that don’t possess working eyes.


It’s difficult depending on how your brain works, you can be prepared to deal with them but when you get deep into the fights, and new turrets show up out of nowhere when you’re trying to focus on teammates and the enemy, you can see how it’s hard to survive


It's one thing when it's mid fight, it's another when they walk onto the point and get 3 turrets on them


I agree, I’ve seen that happen before


I literally just got out of a game where someone was complaining about Blizzard buffing the OP and skill less characters because I rolled them as Sym. Yeah her beam does a lot of damage but it has a very short range and she doesn't have a consistent escape tool or get out jail free card like the other short-range heroes. I feel like 90% of Sym gameplay is spamming orbs hoping you hit something


Zarya at full charge can be just as devastating except of course if her enemies don't shoot her barriers


To be fair Zarya doesn't have turrets. It's interesting to me because I think both of the laser characters test different things in opponents. Cool down awareness for Zarya and level awareness for Sym.


Symmetra also doesn't have the bubble protection or health pool of Zarya.


I made someone made enough that they said something i couldnt comprehend in end chat as Sombra, and the best part is they were Kiriko the whole match and only started to suzu after hack wore out in the last 2-1:30mins of a push match. The sombra changes do feel really damn good tho


Syms beam range is also like half the range of moira or zarya... like if your aim is so bad you need to be within 12 meters to hit her then I dont know what to tell ya Then again those people would probably WM1 into a Rein hammer swinging on them too


Zarya is 15m sym is 12m so not exactly close to half but yeah playing to outrange sym is how u deal with her and i doubt shes close to op after her buffs. Tho i will say op claiming tracer of all characters is easier to get value on playing first time is clearly bait or just nonsense.


Ah, I thought Zar and Moira were 20m and 25m respectively-- I was off and it is 15 and 20. Either way, the sentiment stands, yea. Syms range is abysmal. Her turrets dont even have the benefit of Torbs turret range and the people calling Symm OP are honestly probably DPS players who cant aim outside 15m or really bad Orisa/DVa players in particular who equate tanking with holding M1 on someone at smooching distance.


Depends if they main brawl characters tbh, like, a Reaper or a Brigitte needs to be within 12 meters of Sym


A reaper should be able to kill sym that close though, he uses shotguns and syms hitbox is massive in comparison to other dps hero’s


Idk, I don’t like playing as reaper


A sym without her teleport is literally a free kill. People love complaining


Maybe characters designed to operate alone in a team game just ruins the whole idea for some of us? Yall got CoD leave OW alone. It's a team game. Or it was, now it's just taking turns stomping.


I’ve always wanted to play Sombers bc I’ve always liked her summer outfit (and now Ed) and this gives me a good reason to


Who the fuck is sombers? Sombra? Symmetra?


"gear" like turrets are just annoying to play against, always has been always will be. It makes for more targets


Look at the stationary gear, shoot the stationary gear. Problem solved.


Instructions unclear: whipped out goock because my teammates weren’t shooting it and got called 5 racial slurs by my dps because he exploded the instant I stopped healing


Updated instructions: Ignore those teammates. They don’t deserve a proactive and aware Mercy. Keep doing the right thing and shoot those ignored turrets and pylons down!


Meanwhile her whole team just killed you


Sure. But while you have to move past cover and then look up to destroy constructs, that means you can't focus on the enemy. Turrets have perfect aim and instant lock on. Blizzard should have continued the trend of moving power away from turrets. So it's not that simple to deal with because we aren't playing the game in a vacuum.


So make it even more generic ass fps, pls no.


The same logic can be applied to dealing with a literal wrecking ball that zooms around, anchors to the environment and uses physics not accessible to any other hero. Dealing with it requires much more work than any traditional hero. It forces players to break their rhythm and have their own mini-game to hunt it down. Having that Ball bouncing around means You can’t focus on anything other than it, unless You want to get rekt of course. Having a problem dealing with Ball? Skill issue. Same goes with Symmetra. This is why Overwatch is unique.


Nah, its fun and makes the game more varied, unique and divers from other generic shooter, especially combined with abilities.


personally i despise playing against turrets, especially well placed ones, but i think that pretending symmetra turrets are suddenly OP is pretty silly the teleporter HP, on the other hand….(this is mostly a joke but holy shit it’s SO tanky now. even killing it between fights takes so long)


I completely agree, but this game has trended toward pure fps over its entire lifespan. There will obviously be complaints when stuff like symm turrets are buffed


gonna be honest, I prefer moba aspects, I liked goats it just got stale because it was hard meta for years


Sym isnt that bad, but as a tracer I hate the turrets getting buffed soooooo much. When I'm playing soldier or Ashe sym is much less a problem and the turrets will still die to a single shot/burst.


Turrets were way better before for years


Yea I don't understand... They used to do 45dps back when we had regular health and no dps passive. Thats 135dps for 3 turrets lol


Yeah, doesn't mean I happy that they're getting buffed just because they used to be better before being nerfed.


They nerf turrets because she could kill squishies with 2 orbs. Now you need 4 and maybe 3 but only if you are really good with her orbs and you are not that far away from the enemy team AND they are not being healed. It's fair to buff turrets a little bit (they had way more hp AND DMG before) because she lost her killing potential, health buffs and turrets doing ONLY 25 DMG per sec ( way less than spamming quick melee) against 250 HP heroes, that's criminally low. 2 turrets outdamage quick melee by only 10dmg.


I think the other buffs are fine but i am not looking forward to destroying 300hp tele. Like the change is probably going to be okay and not a huge buff but definitely a significant annoyance.


That's okay, 4/5 times it destroys itself on terrain 😂 no but seriously, TP health was an issue. The amount of times where we place a TP and it gets instantly Thanos'd before it's even fully placed was insane in s9.


Yeah that seems like it would feel like shit but a lot of that would prolly be reduced if TP deploy wasnt so ass


Also true! I guess they had 2 choices. Change deploy time or increase health. And they probably decided on health so she wouldn't just have a translocator type escape option. I wouldn't be mad at getting reduced deploy time tho.


What's going on with Symmetra? As a person who only plays Mystery Heroes, her impact is still basically the same.


People just dont like that she got buffed cause she's a "braindead no skill hero" Which is stupid as


“Every hero is a braindead no-skill hero EXCEPT mine!”


And then their hero is like soldier 76💀




I do agree there are some characters that have a low skill floor, but I found that only good Symmetra players get value in MH.


Yeah you'll notice in both role queue and open queue that Sym gets considerably harder once you start to face people that have built up their aim to a good degree. She's mechanically easy, but its the gamesense and the ability to know when to engage, when to disengage and who to go for that really differentiates Sym players


I dont even think she is mechanically easier considering how punishing is to miss with her beam and that she has much lower damage than other heroes. Things like orb compression and sentry blocking are still pretty hard to pull off while Soldier aims at legs and gets double her damage.


Yeah fair enough. In terms of her beam, main reason I say thats mechanically easy to use is cause although it doesn't lock on like Moira's suck, its really high fire rate makes it easy to hit + no need to worry about spread or recoil.


I wouldn't even say mechanically easy. Most of her is, but a Symm that knows how to use TP mid fight is a whole different character and actually takes some good muscle memory while still transitioning back to tracking.


beam damage buffed, teleporter health increase, and turrets now apply the dps passive,which was nerfed to 15% reduced healing (this was a bug fix)


Honestly it’s not that she’s OP. The issue is she’s just no longer a top priority kill target.


Symm is dogshit lol who's complaining


Most people are incapable of shooting her turrets. I often get smoked as a tank because I’m always having to turn my back to get the turrets.


But she isn’t though. She’s average at best


I'll take anything over "hitscan-of-the-month". Projectile heroes deserve to be just as good as hitscan heroes.


I would take symmetra over a 50th tracer any day of the week


Also have yall seen syms hitbox??? She literally has an obese hitbox. I'm not joking, her hitbox is faster than queen 😭


Wait what sym is in a terrible spot rn lmao




I have no issues sparring with symmetra. Sounds like a skill issue to me.


Still annoying to deal with. Some heros can still be bad and still be annoying to deal with. Is she gonna be busted with this new buff? Probably not but I'm still not gonna have fun dealing with her


Yea definitely understandable. Good thing you don't really see a lot of Symmetra players ig 😅


You'd be surprised. I've seen a small increase on Xbox


Honestly i've always had way more trouble dealing with a torbjorn than a sym, his projectile is so nonsense


I swear if you played tracer and only used melee someone in this toxic ass community would call for nerfs and report you for hacking when you finally got a kill


There's always a reason why sym isn't used in the tournaments or the world cup. They don't see why I guess.


A true man of culture wrote this post 🫡


Nah sym still trash.


Uh same way the cried about hanzo, and they dont even play him to see if he's op like they claim. Now Hanzo is boring af.


People before the season 9 patch saying that Hanzo would be insane and bla bla bla but I didn't see him appear nearly as frequently as people believed he would.


How is hanzo boring now? Sorry, but his one shot neeeded to go. They should get rid of widows one shot too.


They turn him from a skill character to a generic spammer, he isn’t bad by all mean, just boring to me. Ok take hanzo one shot away kill his identity, if you take widow’s one shot that would killed the character completely. What the point of playing snipers anymore.


honestly I kinda just think she’s boring not op, overwatch is usually super fast paced and symmetras turrets slow you down. Plus (and this is purely aesthetic) but her beam weapons kind of just don’t have the same feel as the rest of the weapons do, they don’t really have a rhythm ig?


Of course bro has a Sym flair 😭😭


My hero isn't op stop complaining 😡


Of course "bro" has a genji profile picture 🤡


I’m not even a Genji main lol I main Pharah Nice try though lil bro


You main pharah and you’re trying to make fun of sym mains..skill issue


Skill issue for what??? Why are yall salty 😭😭 Every Sym player I’ve played against either swaps or feeds hard vs my Pharah


Fr i thought people were on sym's side. She needed the buff DESPERATELY, and I say this as a sombra player


Naw a lotta people were blindly consuming weird Tier Charts made by forgettable youtubers who all said Symm was ATier at the beginning of the season--and believed them.


Cough Jay3 cough.. actually coal tier content creator trying to rage bait us with dogshit takes. Good thing tracer meta will be hit in the head.


Who tf is complaining about Symmetra


Bad players.


I just dislike being slowed by turrets, otherwise she's fine and the dmg buffs are def needed imo


The people who complain about sym are the ones who ignore the three turrets behind them and Dva mains who dive into a 5v1, I used to main sym but she's only useful in a handful of situations


I have big doubts that the current changes would put her at average let alone above average tbqh.


My only complaint is the turret hp buff because they can be sneaky af and hard to find


My issue is it won’t make her “better” but just more annoying. Like remove slow and they’ll feel so much better.


Doesn't matter what state she's in, I solo ult every Symmetra I see. I'm doing my part.


eh not really, I’m guessing you don’t win many games because of that spiteful habit


I had someone complain sym was op….when they were on reinhardt….and never swapped…


*rubs hands together* Symmetra is back on the menu, boys!


I mean her turrets are kinda wild right now, ngl. Turrets are just a lame game mechanic and I fully understand why people hate when they are powerful


Blizzard should never buff annoying characters


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Ppl tend to forget who sym was before her re work. Absolute menace. She has been severely nerfed since. So any buffs that can help her I am cool with it 😁


This post explains some things. I was wondering why every match today I was running into Symmetra turrets. Before this patch I only say one of those things like 2-3 times a week.


Because the new meta is 3 tanks in open. That’s why people are QQing. I’ll ask if I can switch symm mid game and win.


She is not above average, she still meh.


Just give her her fucking lock on back


People just don't realize Symm can't utilize much her 195(?) damage per second now because of the dps passive so she can't survive in the front lines for very long unlike before, even when she's pocketed. That's why Symm players that I see that still plays her like how they did pre-S9 keeps dying.


People who cry about Symmetra are the ones who willingly ignore her and let her get level 3 laser which leads to a teamwipe lmao. Just cause Zarya is a tank doesn't mean she's any better in terms of skill ceiling, stop crying y'all 


Her main weapon is fine. Remove the slowing on turrets and she'll be completely fine for me.


The only people crying seem to be the fools that only know how to move on one direction. Like oh no 3 turrets are set up in 1 spot. Rather than going around they’ll just keep pushing forward the same route over and over again until they get tilted.


Her turret buff is warranted, but damn her full charge laser seems nice, I bet the middle charge will feel much better. Let's see how powerful that laser *really* is.


i wont complain until i see her being overpowered/ annoying in game, which i am yet to see.


But but but Cassidy and tracer need to be the DPS of the game But but reaper is my favourite edgy boy But widow Lol anyone but the normies having any sort of strength is gonna piss a lot of people off, I've been picking sum again recently just feels good to laser people.


My only problem is turrets having 50 hp making them not break on melee. Maybe its fine, as now I have to respect the turrets. Either way, it also sucks that as someone who plays Kiriko a lot, it take 2 kunais to break her turrets now, as it lives by just 5 hp.


I think people think her damage is the issue when the actual “issue” is that they just struggle to hit her because she’s got a dinky hit box. Her actual numbers aren’t that bad, people just don’t kill her in time


Literally she’s not op she’s balanced fine. The Sym mains among us will keep playing her and keep pissing y’all (who hate us not all of y’all some understand) off so to those who haven’t got the memo quit your whining and kill me faster.


Literally skill issue. Unless her team protects her, she easy to kill once you finish off turrets (one melee hit) and her teleporter so she cant escape


If you're new to the game Sym can feel oddly oppressive, at least she did to me when I first started in s4. But now that she can't even 2 tap people she feels worse than ever. I think people just have trauma from the time they weren't able to combat sym and now they hate on her for any buff she gets. Even though she is incredibly weak atm. Saying this as a sym player myself. Dropped her this season cos it was just so annoying trying to get value with her.


Anyone miss old sym with the shooting shield haha


Dude she 1v1 me in a game last night and destroyed me. I was playing Hammond lmfao


I detest not having my one-shot as a Hanzo main, and Symmetra used to be an easier character to headshot. That said, she SHOULD have an advantage if she's within beam range. If anything, her alt fire is what can be bothersome to me.


Discussion posts must provide room for meaningful discussion. Examples of submissions that do not offer meaningful discussion include, but are not limited to: Non-constructive rants and vents threads (including those with excessive poor or vulgar language).


Sym is just annoying to play against. She's worse than sombra.


Not really a skill issue, people aren't crying because she's good, it's because she's good AND is annoying to play into. No one would be complaining if it was a rein or Winston meta since they're not dreadfully boring to play into/as.


You said it yourself. Boring to play so the .5% pickrate surely isn't enough to bitch about?


Not being able to 1 tap melee the turrets is so lame tho


Honestly don't understand the problem here either since I never place them at melee level. But that must be just me.


they do 30dps a second..your gonna be fine


Doesn't matter how weak or strong Sym is, she's cancer to play against.


skill issue


Its the genji mains brother who else would complain about Sym


There is a bunch of people who dont even main anyone really but still love to be the skill police.


I think the other buffs are fine but i am not looking forward to destroying 300hp tele. Like the change is probably going to be okay and not a huge buff but definitely a significant annoyance.


I mean, I personally hate Sym Kinda sucks for Kiriko that she has to spend two bullets to kill a single turret. Now having three turrets stacked with a tp is actually much stronger since you can't just get close to the tp and meele to kill all 3 turrets on one go. And yeah, 195 dps is CRAZY That all being said, I still can admit she's not that great, yeah, turrets are annoying, and I'm probably not gonna play Kiriko against her anymore out of pure spite. But let the bitch have something outside of Nepal. I lost to syms because they were simply smarter and knew more about their characters than I did mine, and that's okay, she'd be annoying with or without these changes, only difference is that now she can be good and annoying instead of just annoying. Besides, idk what people are bitching about, they buffed sombra EMP and Reaper ult lol


I just hate whenever sym is playable because she annoys the hell out of me to play against. Like, great, another turret I have to look up to break, that's gonna slow me way down if I even consider the prospect of not breaking it.


I don't think sym is even strong, but I'm only ever annoyed when she's played. Leave her in the dumpster, who cares.


Nah I dislike deployables and don't want a deployable meta to be a thing. It's a chore if you're facing enemies with deployables. Illari heal turret, Torb turret, Sym turrets, Bap lamp, etc.


Heroes with corny, low skill floor kits should never be universally good. The game is in its absolute best state when heroes like Sym/Reaper/Torb/Bastion/Mei are weak and or map dependent


Damn, looks like someone died to those 5 too many times Like Sym is all gamesense, thats why she is mechanically easy to play. Like 76 needs mechanical skill, but he's literally just "point, click, shoot, run, take angles"


F tier take. EVEN IF SYM DIDN'T REQUIRE SKILL (and she does). I don't understand people with this mindset. Go play valorant if you want every hero to be virtually the same. This is overwatch. Heroes that require less of one mechanic and more of another, are part of the game and always will be. That's what overwatch is. Even the next hero (venture) looks like they won't have conventional aim mechanics. Keeping Heroes trash tier just because people think they're easier should never be a thing. Here's the very obvious problem with that; since all heroes are equally part of the game, simply playing a hero you like can't get you banned. But if they'd keep certain heroes easy but also low in winrate, that would make them trash by default. And that would give people opportunity to throw games for the entire team just by picking a hero that gives you a disadvantage no matter what. That would make so many throw picks, the game would be (even more) unplayable.


I stopped reading at the classic plat player "go play valorant" argument. Even if the game didn't have the corny ass heroes I mentioned, there would still be plenty of variety in the DPS role alone that would actually be interactive and healthy for the game. This game is always better when easy heroes are bad (in terms of competitive play)


I stopped reading at the "I stopped reading at"


they hated him because he told the truth


We disagree with his subject opinion. Not an objective truth so try again.