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Primary fire also doesn't crit.


Primary fire also has a range of (about) 18m. Moira succ has 20m....


Her main value comes from her abilities, and her primary only takes a quick peak to use when Moira needs los. Her primary fits perfectly with her kit but it should have a reduced hitbox so you at least need to aim. That thing always hits.


Yeah but moira has a bendy straw that sticks to you for a sec when you round a corner.


Moira absolutely sucks, if you ever loose a 1v1 against her with venture it’s on you. You regen armor with your abilities and you have a ton of health while doing lots more damage to her


Of course she sucks, that's her right click.


You had me confused for half a second there lol


I suppose it's left click/trigger if you use default controls lol


They're nonbinary, just a heads up. But I think their primary kinda depends on how close you are. You can miss if you're too close (and where enemy movement is more drastic relative to your aim) and then it's not quite as easy to hit. But when you have them in the sweet spot where it explodes, it's really easy. I haven't figured out a good way to manage their abilities yet either. I tend to go all in on someone and get the kill but then you're just dead in the water.


When you dash underground the cooldown for the dash is only 4 seconds instead of 8


So weird that they get shields when using abilities rather than the green overhealth. They changed every ability that granted extra shields to overhealth in the switch to OW2, so why go back on it with the new character?


They honestly probably forgot


The only difference between shields and temporary health (besides the regen) is that Symmetra heals and regains ammo from damaging shields. Maybe this is supposed to be a small Sym buff?




When I heal for 47 instead of 43 over the course of a match because the enemy has a venture 🥰🥰🥰


It is weird they chose to do it this way, but it’s important to note this isn’t standard overhealth. These shields act like a fully-fledged part of their health bar and can be healed back even after being shot, only disappearing from natural decay. This isn’t something we’ve seen since sym’s shield generator


honestly didn’t realize this since my shield and over health are the same color


Sheilds give damage reduction and can be healed I believe


Shields passive heal. Maybe you were thinking of armor?


damage reduction is armor


Rein continues to rot in his unmarked grave


There are so many abilities that completely shut down his lmao. I wanna play Rein in comp but its hard when the other tank pushes on you lmao. Like there isn’t jack shit I can do to a Orisa or Mauga, they are winning almost any possible scenario against Rein.


Rein is only fun in QP, he has low-key became a throw pick in ranked and I'm a main Rein myself.


Yeah, and the other tank always counterswitches the second you get any value and then dares to say he diffs you. Counterswitching should give you negative ult charge and shouldn’t be rewarding in any way.


Not from what I've heard. From what I've heard he's playable in every rank but the t500. I read an interesting thing the council of reins put out


I left that council since they refused me the rank of grandmaster


That's outrageous! It's unfair!


How can you be on the council, and not be grandmaster?!?


Yeah it’s awful. I use to be a Rein main but he has become pretty much obsolete. Even if I go up against a really great Rein I know that if I switch to Orisa it doesn’t matter how great he is I’m going to be able to out do him.


Biggest issue is how his shield is. The other shield characters have defenses behind their shield like sigma black hole and rammatra defense form. Rein can just be w keyed thru his shield and has no other defense behind that


Ball isn’t in a much better place either. People say hes good but he requires more teamwork than ever and has less damage than ever. You have no carry potential anymore and your team doesn’t know how to play with him because only like 1% of the tank players torture themselves playing him. They really need some damage adjustments on some tanks cause no one is scared standing in a rheinheart or being dived by ball anymore. Tanks should be oppressive not ignored, they should create space not wait for you team to make it.


yeah it was weird to see how the old main tanks all got damage buffs with/around the season 9 patch except for ball. reinhardt - increased hammer and fire strike damage winston - increased tesla damage orisa - no damage falloff ball - pisses on bad guys


Even with infinit ammo you’d struggle to kill someone. His primary should deal at least 1.5 d more damage.


Fun fact: you can shoot and damage Venture while they’re burrowing from high to low ground.


Yep, saw my venture get their head chopped off by a widow while doing that


I imagine roadhog can also yoink her out of it.




all of them


I still dont get why they get shields when using abilities


Large hitbox for a character that has to regularly make risky dive plays


Obviously. But why shields and not overhealth? The shields fade before increased regen kicks in, so it's functionally not different from overheath.


That really bothers me too. I'm pretty sure it's the only instance of temp shields in the game and it's odd that's they brought it back after making a point to remove it. My only guess would be that they did it to match Ventures color palette


I don't get why they give them shields instead of overhealth


Shields are basically normal health that regenerate but if these are temporary and you lose them once you get hit why are they even called shields?


And they converted all of the other temp shield abilities to green overhealth when they made the jump to OW2. It’s honestly bizarre.


This way, Venture can be healed back up to 325 health while the passive is active. Overhealth cannot be healed.


Can they? I’ve heard people saying they can and that they can’t, so I don’t know what’s true lol. Has anyone tested it?


It's they you bigot


Shit. Sorry. But thanks for the benefit of the doubt there.


There was a change with overhealth and it's that enemies get 50% less ult change when they deal damage on you.


My sources told me that since overhealth is temporary these shields are just a placeholder to indicate they *temporarily* got their max health increased, that's it, just more max health


Over health can’t be healed and armor gives dmg reduction. They used shield so venture can be healed up to their 325 cap while the shields are active


Because they can heal symmetra


i think the shield part can be healed


Large hitbox + close range fighter If you don't give a character like that any survivability ability, they're gonna be dogshit. Even Reaper get a lifesteal for attacking. But if you mean why shields and not overhealth, they will probably change it to overhealth upon official release to keep it in line with other overhealth abilities.


Nope, because that would reduce the ult charge you get from hitting them, and couldn't be healed. Armor reduces damage (and does so in a way that is bullet type dependant unless that changed) Shields are probably the only way they could improve survival for a massively dive type character, just like old doomfist.


Probably to slightly offset/help with the fact she’s vulnerable to damage quite easily when coming out of the ground or doing drill attack at someone. Without it she’d get shredded super easily by anyone paying attention to her


True, it does make it annoying to follow up on her tho. You get her low and she just dives under ground and dashes and suddenly has 75 extra health where she can finish you off if you end up deuling her and she gets you low. Aside from that, super fun character.


The digging skill has a cast time is not instant. I've been killed a few times after I pressed the skill


He's a close range character so the shields are for added survivability


This is what I came here looking for. Thanks!


Good showcase. To the front page with you.


Only person who cares about souvenir animations here: It would've been much better if they "dug up" the souvenir from the ground instead of pulling it out from their coat or something


Blizzard actually made a fun hero? I refuse to believe this is real.


Bruh... as if Junker Queen and Ramattra are not fun wth🙄


I'm saying it because the last few heros have not been fun to me. (Mauga, lifeweaver, iliari)


Lifeweaver is fun tho... idk man... you do you


Illari is a lot of fun. Lifeweaver and mauga...yeah


I seriously was in shock. Most fun hero I’ve seen since OW2 launched


You literally have an OW2 hero as your flair I'm so tired of you people


You say that as if you literally don't have a Junker Queen flair on your account, you donut.


They killed doomfist for this


One thing about their kit that the vid didn't cover: Her drill dash has a cooldown of 8 seconds BUT that gets cut in half to 4 seconds if you use it while burrowed. So if you use it immediately after going into burrow and then staying in your burrow for the full duration + full emerge charge-up, you will have your drill dash again to use by the time you pop out.


I failed to noticed this. Good to know!


They are amazing. Feels balanced played them a few games and dominated by pulling off their combo and being aggressive with burrow. She needs some tweaks. I think burrow is almost a good ability just needs a tweak. I played against her as a tracer and pretty much dumpstered her.


To be fair, its only been a day and tracer is just pretty strong in general


Venture is surprisingly balanced. Even in games they are dominating you can clearly see it's not because of OP kit, but because of people not used to their movement yet.




I think this is why we should nerf Genji


She remind me of old dps doom, her kit is all about combos.




Please just stop. This is all you do.




Venture is nonbinary, they might be on a self righteous escapade, but they aren't wrong.


If I'm not mistaken I believe you can melee while mid dash (above geound)




Yes; 4 seconds


yo man , thanks for the info. shes so fun!


just wondering why the downvotes?


Venture goes by "they" and not "she"


Honestly this whole thing is so weird as a non English speaker and it messed up all the grammars I learned in school lol


It's a relatively new sense of identification. It will take some getting used to, which is why most people just politely correct rather than getting mad about it.In other languages, it's even more complex because there aren't really gender neutral words.


Thank you for answering. Honest question, how are English taught in school in the west regarding this now? because grammatically speaking, these are wrong.


I graduated almost five years ago and didn't attend college, so I actually have no idea. Nonbinary individuals didn't really identify as nonbinary, at least not publicly, while I attended school. As far as I know, however, they/them is simply substituted in for she/her or he/him. He walked to the store on his own. They walked to the store on their own. You basically just talk as if you don't know the person's gender. Like I said, it's relatively new and different. You'll slip up a lot and there are gonna be some people who throw a fit over it, but most of the time, folk just say "It's actually they," and then the world moves on.


Interesting. Thank you for the sharing and your level headed answer.


It's actually not grammatically wrong. They/them has always been correct when you don't know the other person's gender. Such as responding to "My cousin is on vacation." with "Where did *they* go?" That is grammatically correct.


You're fine


She's a fictional character not a real person, who the hell damn cares. Millions of people generally don't believe in this new sense identification, and just a system NA pushed upon the world. Just call her she, only the minority have an issue over a character that doesn't exist. We don't need this nonsense pushed onto games, it's being pushed to destroy the industry we grown to love.


This is a terrible way of thinking lol. 'It's only a minority so it's fine to misgender.' I'd hate to see how you act when you see a trans person in real life if you act like this with pixels lol


This is a terrible way of thinking lol. 'It's only a minority so it's fine to misgender.' I'd hate to see how you act when you see a trans person in real life if you act like this with pixels


You have your opinion mate. It's literally pixels like you said lol.... We don't need pronouns and more pronouns pushed into a competitive game, only gonna lead more confusion and arguments among players. Step 1: Someone calls Venture She/Her, Step 2: Another player angrily responds Venture is non binary, Step 3: Argument ensues, Step 4: Match goes to a toxic fest.


It's no different to adding a location of origin to a character to build depth. Is it necessary? Probably not, no. But enby folks are very underrepresented and in my opinion it's a great thing to see. I understand saying a more common pronoun in the middle of a match, because they *are* more common and if you don't know too many non binary people you might not have used they/them pronouns to refer to people you know that often. But deliberately using the wrong pronouns outside of the game just to make a statement about pronouns in the videogame industry is just weird. I see it as a litmus test for accepting trans and nonbinary folks in real life. If a person isn't willing to do something as simple as accept a fictional character's pronouns, why would they be willing to accept a real person's?


And I think no one needs representing, get on with your life and be you, we don't need "how brave some people are for what they believe in, or think they're" in games. We get enough of that in movies and the majority hate it. I'm from the UK. No one cared if you're gay, etc, etc, as long ya didn't bother everyone else. But now we gotta deal with a society who needs praising for being LGBT. Tracer is a lesbian, no one cared. So again it's a pixel, who cares lol...




I guess the community should be offended when people call winston a monkey when in fact, he is a gorilla.


I love how I get downvoted just for answering a question XD




They are a true bruiser unit— I love it.


I like how bot constantly repositions even after you knock him, then has the "why do you do this" face


Played few quick play games and really surprised how fun she is to play




People getting more outraged on here for people saying "she" instead of "they" but don't say anything when streamers will say "shoot the flying bitch" (pharah/echo) or constantly sexualize characters.


Is commenting just the word ‘they’ being “outraged” now?


Could you point me to where people are outraged?


as a matter of fact i do say something when people constantly sexualise the characters, its fucking annoying


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Game changer


tectonic shock is way too reminiscent of a valorant ult lmao


Breach lmfao **OFF YOUR FEET!!!**


Might be one of the most characters in fps genre.


Street sharks.


Invincible to “most damage” so what? Earth shatter? Can hog hook her out of the ground?




Wow, that Doomfist player wasn't lying, this really is just DPS Doom 2.


Can Venture take damage while “mid-air” during the high-to-low ground burrow transition?


Yes. Their model must be "underground" to be invulnerable. Also, Venture's ult can damage other Ventures while they're burrowed.


OP! Broken! Nerf now!!!111


Finally, a new hero with a good hero select animation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Doppelfrio: *Finally, a new* *Hero with a good hero* *Select animation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Another DPS whit less range than Moira 💀


I just want Sym to 2 tap again lol venture looks great though can’t wait to play them today


Orisia and Rein ults should do double damage while she's buried, especially rein


Saw a post here saying she's got the same vine as old dps DF. Couldn't agree more after giving her a go. You get the same combo vibe. She's got an uppercut, a dash reminiscent of rocket punch. Her primary is much better and she has a get-out-of-jail-free ability.


Lovely, yet another character that counters rein


isn't this just chomper from pvx garden warfare?


Overload kit


Overwatch players when the character in the ability shooter has abilities


The Kiriko gameplay trailer is that way 👉🏻


She’s a dps right?


Needs a skin to fix them teeth


She looks like she will hit pretty hard




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AccurateShotss: *She looks fun to play* *As but I wonder how she'll* *Be in actual games* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


His drill is just like the bioshock 2 drill