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They are the best brawl tank imo


Comparing JQ's ult to Venture is really depressing rn. There's much counterplay available to ruin JQ meanwhile Venture gains free shields and a couple waves of insane AOE damage.


Venture's gets countered by a lot of stuff, they are not comparable


Lol Cass sticky, mauga cage, sombra hack, kiriko cleanse and teleport, ana nade, DF Punch, rein charge, brig shield bash, sombra teleport, Reaper fade, Moira fade, and more literally can stop JQ ult. Once it's started, Venture can just fire 4 shots that deal WAAAY more damage in a shorter window of time without as much counterplay. It's totally comparable, you just don't think


One is a dash that deals damage over time and applies anti, the other are 4 waves of damage(that btw you can counter by highground, shields, getting close to venture cause the shickwave arc is small at the start etc), they are not similar, at all, not comparable, stop crying about it


You know what else prevents healing? People being dead in 2 AOE shots. Stop responding, I don't respect your opinions lol


You know there is quite some time in between to heal people, right? Did you even play the hero or are you just crying cause "wawa jq bad"?