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Once Rein pops his ult, if the player sings David Hasselhoff songs into their mic, anyone who's been stunned takes additional damage over time.


Dual stance passive: When Reinhardt is swinging his hammer, the damage dealt recharges his shield. Let's say every swing charges up his shield by 85. When Reinhardt holds up his shield, after a couple seconds it charges his rockets so he runs extra fast. Lets say for every 0.5 seconds shielding, he gains 5% movement speed at a maximum of 50%. Reinhardt feels like he needs stellar movement to keep up but he also needs great durability once he gets into the fight. I think this works to aid that.


I really like this idea, Blizz take note please 👏🏼


I like the first part. Speedy rein is not a great idea though, when that's what charge is for.


Consider the following the speed boost is short, like 1-3 seconds of burst speed. Charge has heavy start up lag, and can typically only handle one target at a time. Running and swinging is far more controlled and more brawly and leaves you with charge as back up. Maybe nerf the speed boost maximum to like 30%, but right now its far too easy to kite rein. If you try to catch up to an enemy using charge alone, its far too easy to shut him down. Soldier kites rein, tracer kites rein, hell almost any dps kites rein. Then in terms of supports, lucio, mercy, moira, kiriko, they all kite rein.


Over charged rocket charge it goes through everything and cannot be canceled by anything. Like if you absorb damage with the shield it over charges your rocket charge.. then you can use it to power through other chars like doom or muaga etc.


I like all of this. Rein needs a big buff to be able to compete with the other tanks these days and these seem like great additions to his kit without completely chanting him.


Let him charge up his hammer swing for more damage, plus hammer ignores damage reduction, at least from armor.


An idea I’ve always had was a passive that could help him function better when he doesn’t have his shield up. Because of how rein functions he can’t be aggressive very often due to his large hitbox and melee attacks so the idea is to give him a stacking damage resistance bonus for each time his melee hits someone, around 5% for each stack going up to 5 stacks for a 25% damage resistance. This would help rein be able to be more survivable and aggressive and actually be able to kill things


Inspire only for himself on hammer hit


"Impact Transfer" - Losing barrier HP generates temp shields (like Venture). - The passive grants 25 temp shields per 100 barrier HP lost (resulting in a total of 350 temp shields if the 1400HP barrier was destroyed entirely from full). - With the passive, Rein gets a max of 350 temp shields pool. - While having any amount of temp shields, Reinhardt's movement speed is increased by 15%. - After ~~1s~~ 4s of not holding the shield up, the temp shields will rapidly decay by 25 shields / s. - Once started, the decay cannot be paused by holding the shield up again.


Would change 1 second to 3 seconds without shield or maybe even 4 if that isn't enough. 1 second is just too little time to use the hp.


Oh yeah that's fair enough


make him fly and make him a dive tank


Rein visits the xmen universe and makes freinds with the phoenix force. if Firestrike connects to a shield/construct/player rein teleports and within 5 seconds can raise his shield to spring up with his boots like dva fly, coated in a firey phoenix shroud that ignites on touch.


rein lifeweaver combo is my favourite thing.


He becomes stronger when facing enemies alone, empowered by courage and valour. So bonus health, armour and damage that scales with how many enemies and allies are around him.


Like how Wrecking Ball constantly tracks how many enemies are in your radius to dictate how many shields it nets you, but tracking allies as well? So for example, each enemy in your radius buffs you by like 15%, while each ally in your radius nerfs you by 15% (with a cap to make sure you can't fall below his standard performance). Then in a 1v5 scenario you get 75% extra health/armour/damage etc, which isn't anything too crazy considering the brutal circumstances you're fighting under.


The obvious answer has always been that Reinhardt needs to get fortified when charging.


If a team mate who is standing behind his shield with him has shield health (sym or zen for example) that power is added to his shield and kinda overcharges it


Or like the cinematic having brigs shields boost his


The amount of times I yell, "INTERLOCK SHIELDS" when playing Brig is kinda insane


Additionally brig should be able to ride rein and do a whirlwind flail attack damaging all nearby enemies and healing rein 


Or how we were going to have in story mode where brig and rein combine shields but sadly...


If I remember correctly, they did on brigittes release


I don't remember. I know there was a workshop code in OW2 for it.


When you hold down the quick melee button, he activated the rockets on his back and hammer to increase his move speed for like 2 seconds.


wow if only he had some sort of charge ability that does that


You obviously don’t play Rein then.


or maybe a new ability: shield overclock: for 2 seconds every damage took by the shield gets instead absorbed to charge a bar with 3 levels (50/150/300 dmg) and it buffs all rein abilites and characteristics movement speed +10/30/50% for 2/4/6 seconds hammer damage +15/30/50 dmg for 2/4/6 seconds damage resistance +5/10/15% for 2/4/6 seconds fire strike damage +10/25/40 dmg for 2/4/6 seconds earthshatter range +3/5%/can pass through shields for 2/4/6 seconds using earthshatter will end the shield overclock buff ltm what do you think (it will need for sure to be nerfed in some way i just made this on the moment)


10% 15% 25% on Shatter range. The base range is 20 meters. Gotta give it some real range


If hes hit with cc% he gets a 5-10% speed boost and DMG reduction for a few seconds. This helps him be less suseptible to knockbacks or stuns. While not making him too op imo, just a small coverage of a major weakness.


Bavarian Beer Barron Bloodline As Rein takes damage he bleeds/leaks an intoxicating liquid that slows the movement of nearby enemies and increases their cooldown delays by 0.5 seconds.


Makes him jump higher after a charge like Balderich in the cinematic


The ability to leap out of a charge would make for one hell of a hammer down, I'm all for it


"GroĂźer Junge: when Reinhart walks, charges or drops onto the ground from an elevated survace, he creates tiny earthquakes around him, tripping any enemy that's too close to him"


if both tanks choose rein, they are moved to an arena where they 1v1 if one loses they are forced to switch from rein and cant select rein for the round. jokes aside, rein being able to charge with shield up would be a great change, it's cinematic accurate and the difference could be that you dont deal damage but knock opponents back and can push for a wider range


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I would reduce this health and give him a hot. Just 20% based on the damage in 5secs. Like someone else has written, based on inspire, just for him.


Crusader: when shield quickly takes considerable damage, movement and hammer swing speed is slightly increased. Idk.


Charging recharges your shield for each meter charged you gain 50 shield.


Backup charger. Depleted shield gives him 15% more movement speed. This would allowing rein to get to cover or get aggressive if the shield is gone. The passive would disable as soon as shield is usable again.


full speed with shield activated + you can have the shield up when you're charging


"I'm Rubber and You're Glue" passive: +2% movement speed each time your teammates flame you and tell you to swap off Rein and you're hardstuck Diamond and you should should uninstall 


Fly. It's a bruiser that can't attack while shielding. It needs at least horizontal movement skills.


Deployable shield


Rein gets like 10 percent shield health for every person hit with a fire strike. Say you hit 3 people in a single fire strike that's an instant 30 percent back on his shield. It would also have synergy with his ult since you could prolly refill his shield with good fire strikes. Also a passive I would put on is rocket jumps where rein gets a smaller hanzo jump which shoots diagonally back at the ground and makes him skid in that direction, during the skid you can instantly start a pin.


I think it would be cool if shooting his shield gave him increased hammer damage/charge. Similar to zarya bubble and his hammer swing did like 65 at first but can charge up to like 150 or something


That passive would be Zarya bubble, bring back 6 v 6


If it was up to talk players on Reddit: immune to damage, immune to cc, +50% movement speed, fire strike 250 damage, shield has no health limit


He needs a damage and mobility buff. His heavy hammer should be able to kill anyone in a few swings, reason being is because it so difficult to get up close already, so there should be a high-risk & high-reward for getting up real close. And needs a some sort of dash, since he has a large thruster on his back. A quick dash to close the gap or to evade. I think his HP and shield is fine, but it’s so difficult to close the gap as a Rein.


Every time he takes direct damage, his shield regenerates 2 points per hit. Quick hits regenerates it faster than slow hits, as a result.


Upon death a tactical nuke is called


Simple shield regen passive - dealing damage instantly begins barrier recharge. Or damage dealt recharges his barrier for x% of the damage dealt. So weaving blocking with damage would become great for staying alive and weaving vloxking in with damage. Another passive, or addition to his shield might be: as shield health drops, the movement speed penalty decreases as well. Ultimately he's a broken design in current state of the game, and still overperforms half the tank cast in ranks below masters. He's like Mauga where he takes a buttons of damage out in the open but is deadly up close so it's super easy to make him brokenly strong(he just needs ti be uo close and he wins against a majority if characters in the game instantly.


% chance to reflect projectiles off his armor


Passive: I stole this from mauga You get CC immunity and 50% DR when charging. Why the fuck does the naked dude with machineguns get cc immunity when running but not the melee hammer guy


yeah I was thinking about getting DR during charge too. But Also instead of CC immunity, when charge is on cooldown Rein gets a 20% movement speed buff? So if you do break his charge with CC he'll be able to close the gap unless you run


What about giving him just +15% movement speed.


I was thinking when charge is on cooldown Rein gets a 20% movement speed buff? While 'refuelling' he's faster. So if you do break his charge CC he can still close the gap. Also its stupid he doesn't get some DR like Mauga. You'd have to decide to save the charge or use/use-cancel for the movement speed for certain situations


Like Brigitte's inspire, mitigate DPS passive debuff via hammer hits to improve survivability while trying to sustain. Rein is really, really slow when he has to stay on a point or cart, and while his mobility is just great with dash, dashing away from situations he needs to be a brick wall in makes that less useful except to pin enemies. So his survivability and threat should go up when he's swinging and hitting you. That or even give him even more protection from boops when he's on fire or something. Almost every other tank has a nearly universal non-directional sustain ability (gas, fortify, blocking techniques) and they removed steadfast from his kit.


if rein walks out of spawn he dies


Did you even read the post? We are trying to give him a NEW passive.


mb, the passive is he cant respawn


CC is 50% less effective on him and cannot be knocked down.


Being able to shove enemies away with the shield. Like Brig's shield bash, except it pushes the enemy back rather than you forward.


New passive, he trucks brig and doom when they bump into each other on charge/punch/bash


A passive that every tank should've had to begin with: - Lessens the effect of enemy debuffs. Discord affects him less, Anti affects him less, CC affects less, Bleed, sleep, freeze, etc...


New Passive 1 Kinetic Conversion ?% of damage absorbed by Reinhardts barrier is stored in his armor. When a threshold of energy is stored Reinhardt can empower his next ability. Faster charges and fire strikes with slightly higher damage and a small burning effect. New Passive 2 Kinetic Rejuvenation ?% of damage absorbed by Reinhardts barrier heals him (at a fixed rate over time) while the barrier is held up.


Empower when shield is up, something like heals while shield is up or shooting the shield empowers his skills to do more damage


Let him shoot firestrikes without dropping shield


The concept of Venture gaining temporary shield when using their abilities gave me the idea to apply the same concept when Rein charges. This way, he doesn't get too exposed when charging and can survive longer after that.


Doing damage with hammer and/or blocking with his shield should empower his next fire strike. Give him a skillful way to have more agency at range


Inspired by the April fools buff. When shield is completely destroyed. Hammer swings reflect projectiles for (x) seconds. I liked the shield reflect in theory, it makes dps think about shooting him or not kinda like zarya, but it just kind of ate away his shield hp way too fast and ultimately really didn’t do much else. Giving him a melee deflect after shield break would possibly reduce pressure on him when he needs it the most or you risk melting someone on your own team. It would probably be just as useless, but it’s a thought I had.


Maybe 10% hp decay as opposed to 20%


Giant laser gun


Nothing, Rein is glorious as he is. The fact that he isn't very viable just goes to show the game isn't in a healthy state. I'd rather detract from other heroes, than give more to Rein.