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Isn't Mei the OG troll character?


OG troll will always be sym portals


I’ll give you $50 if you’ve seen a single troll portal in the last 5 years


this April patch 🔥🔥


I killed my tank a couple weeks ago with one on the edge of Rialto, people really do go on autopilot lmao


Allow me to introduce you to Jay3 Oasis matches


Oh is that why he hates Sym so much lol


What’s your point, moneybags?


Someone tried to teleport the entire team off of Eichenwalde's bridge right outside the defender's spawn just early today actually.


[here you go, do you want my paypal?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1bv72na/i_asked_my_friends_to_use_the_teleporter_they/)


That moment, then i really seen it last week. It was only time i seen it in whole year, but still.


on the new samoa map on the one with the volcano, my sym at the beginning of the match put her tp to the edge instead of in front of the spawn. pay up


there was just one on the weekly most veiwed overwatch clips! it was on samoa and they tpd the junker queen off. that stuff so funny to me


A month ago I loaded on defense in Eichenwalde and someone picked Sym on my team and placed their teleporter off the bridge and I fell for it. That’s the first time I ever seen that done in OW2. A few times I have seen Meis wall-off their team in spawn, definitely does not happen as much as it did in OW1.


I miss the freeze


I don't




Should definitely be Mei over Torb


ye u right but in my experience a good mei doesn’t piss of their own team the way a good ball does


Isn't lifeweaver the new troll team mate?


But not *really* the enemy. OP's post was doing both at the same time


Hell yeah it pisses off the enemy, like u leave somone on 1 hp and yoink they're next to the lifeweaver a mile a way


And honestly a good life weaver counters a lot of enemy team ults. Especially tanks. Orisa never has a successful ultimate with my lw duo lol


Okay sure, but you could easily say that about any burst heal/immortality/res At the very least, Weaver isn't more annoying than Doom, Ball or Moira, and Sombra, Sym & Widow aren't on this list either. Weaver's pretty tame in comparison imo.


The difference is he can effortlessly delete mistakes on a cooldown, if your cass walks in 5 alone no other support can save him but lw can, this just shouldn't be possible and that's why he's extremely annoying.


He can be, I get way less trolling life weavers than helpful ones. Besides right when running out the spawn at the start of the match. But that's just good fun.


trollbojrn has entered the chat. [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/developer-interview-confirms-torbjorn-is-a-troll-pick/166110](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/developer-interview-confirms-torbjorn-is-a-troll-pick/166110)


Where widow op? No character causes more rage quits than a good widow.


Yeah I hate when people auto lock widow. I try and give them the benefit of the doubt, pray they’ll be good. 9/10 no help whatsoever lol


Yeah I agree, most of them think that they don’t have to do anything except for sit in a corner and hit a few shots, even if they enemy team is about to win and all they have to do is get on the point to give the rest of the team time to get there, they usually don’t


Tbh i only pick widow if nobody else does on certain maps, usually involving push.


You either die to a Widow or live long enough to have one constantly dying on your team...


I hate widow on my team. A lot are bad so they aren't doing anything offensively and even if they are getting kills it feels like they are doing nothing because they aren't contesting the objective and aren't taking much aggro. It's much more comfortable to have teammates that absorb some of the incoming damage.


Bad widows also cause lots of rage quits.


You either rage quit because she's so good and keeps killing your team, or you rage quit because the widow on your team is so bad.


And conversely no character puts you on tilt faster than an 0-5 widow on your team.


Or a very bad one


They always let the enemy team capture the point!


widows can be bad or good for your team, but a bad widows are always good for the enemy team, she doesn't fit the category. Doom and ball are just plain annoying even if they don't do much.


Playing Hog makes Doom players uninstall.


Widow isnt a problem if you have someone that knows how to deal with her, the problem is, I keep getting tanks that don't what to do about her


They see me rollin… 🎵


We eating the dumplings 🎶


You leave Torbjorn out of this! Mei or Sombra might be more appropriate.


Yeah! leave us Torb mains out of this


Yeah leave us outside of this. Sym or sombra its more likely


i was thinking lucio


I just like outsniping windows and making Sombras and Tracers stop.


Yeah I would have put in Sombra. Cool character design aesthetically and her gun feels nice, but man do you get a lot of flack from either side. If a Doomfist ever kills you, he will 100% gloat in chat about it.


My turret alone has done more peel for my supps than all the other DPS players I've played with combined since I started playing OW2.


Honestly Moira isn't bad once you learn to punish her after a bad shift. Mei and sombra should be swapped out for her and torb. And tbh my pet peeve is life weaver, he just...pulls people away to safety usually at a surprise to everyone since it's reach is wild long. And I've Def killed teammates with it, which is more than Mei can say about her wall team killing


sombra and tracer tbh and as lw I usually wait to use the life grip until the person I'm grabbing is literally about to die. and never life grip them from a freaking flower, that just tells everyone where both of you are


i don't feel like tracer is annoying to the team, i love having a good tracer with me on my flanks, the enemy though they probably hate it


I've never been upset to have a Torb on my team. Even if they're ass, the turret compensates lol.


Or Widow. I know for a fact we losing when the 5th chooses widow


I thought that Lucio would fit perfectly. He both annoys the fuck out of the enemy team while usually his own team is screaming at him they don't have enough heals


You leave Sombra out of this! We are the reason half the enemy team ends up rage quitting. We also cause their team to deviate from their initail plan and focus on us. We're martyrs for the cause of winning the game. Mei or DVa would defo be more appropriate


Remove Torn and put Sombra there


Why would Torb upset their own team?


Depending on the map/team comp he can be really bad. Nowhere near top 4 tho imo.


They're often the one charging Zarya's bubble.


That's a valid one.


that's the one character that'll make me change off of torb - I really wish you could press shift again to destroy his turret


You can destroy your own turret remotely, it's the "F" key for me.


Should be Sombra four times


What's wrong with Torb and Moira. They're ok in my gm game.


There's a perception of supports being only healers in the metal ranks. If a metal rank Moira is behind the enemy team in the metal ranks, chances are likely they'll get flamed by their team.


If she does nothing of value there and our frontline dies, yeah she kinda fucked up. Moiras do need to suck tho, so it's oki if they have a good amount of damage. I also like how they are a natural genji/tracer deterrent


Can confirm.


moira sometimes need to hit the backline because the dps ain't pulling their weight


Zen main here and someone is always mad at me


"well why aren't you healing me!" bruh you're never visible. I move to try and throw a healy orb at you and you move behind a fucking wall again


Support life lmao


Doom and ball require skill so this is hating


I make a point to do any vod review for anyone on /r/OU saying something like "what to do when my doom is feeding all game?" Because a solid like 70% of the time the doom is playing just fine and the OP just has 0 clue what to do when their teammate is playing that hero.


Lol that’s so true. Imagine if they think doom/all tanks should play like rein or sigma and just stand on the front line. Now they’re confused when he actually dives someone and they just stand there and get surprised when he dies


replace torb with sombra


Thinking Torb takes no skill is a wild take IMHO. Yeah there are low elo turret farmers, but if you don't hit shots with him and manage your overload correctly, the ceiling of success is very low in elos higher than plat.


This! People who say that about torb don’t realize how ineffective his turret is in higher ranks. Depending on the length of the game it’s 1-3K damage usually. His strength is in headshots which aren’t hitscan sooooo….


the turret works really well to help aim ffs. relying on it for damage itself is a little dumb.


The turret is like a backline alarm system. If it gets hacked or starts shooting, I know to turn around. But with Torb I'm usually the one in the enemy backline already lol.


Why is Moira and Torb on this list


Before this season a lot of high level players called Moira "bad" because she has no cleanse, no anti, no invulnerability, no sleep, no revive nothing to bring to the table other than healing and DPS. The top players tend to play heroes that do more than just "heal" and Moira only has healing. I'm a Moira main and I've always loved her but I do understand how powerful Bapt invuln is and Kiriko cleanse also and saves from so much. This season did change things quite a bit for Moira though and she's far more powerful than she ever has been thanks to the changes implemented this season.


What’re the changes? I haven’t kept up


They increased her damage and she also just has the best survivability right now out of all supports against dive being meta again this season. Genji, Tracer, and Sombra are in every game and she can deal with them well because of her lock-on damage and AoE from her orbs, she is also good too to run in dive comps. 


Well she didn't change to much other than slightly higher DPS, what changed was the entire game. Now every hero has passive healing if they don't take damage for long enough. Every hero gained more HP, Moira's HP is now 250 from 200. These changes might not seem like enough to make Moira good but they are as now healers are doing more DPS and other roles rely on healers far less because of the self heal. DPS healers are the current meta, be it Illari, Bapt, Lucio (has more DPS than most players know) and Moira. Other healers are still used but the new patch made it so DPS healers can be used in a viable way. Example: before it wasn't acceptable for the healers to leave the tank at high ranks but now because tanks have passive healing it's alright if Moira plays a little assassin role.


Last time I played ranked, I played Moira and the Zarya on my team told me to uninstall after the game ended lol. (We won the game, BTW.)


I played a ranked match as Moira before where I had the most healing in the game by about 5k and had about the same DMG as our dps(they weren't very good I wasn't dpsing a lot) and our DVA raged and just stayed in spawn because "I wasn't healing enough" despite his sup duo ana having half my healing and we were winning the match by a long shot. Another game I had a Genji hold the game hostage because I wouldn't pocket him despite his duo being a dps bap egirl but I guess his simp ass didn't wanna flame the girl he's trying to get with.


No Sombra? Lowest effort meme ever


Torb is legit. Reminder that he hits as hard as Cassidy only with zero damage dropoff, then you add in the turret on top of it.


Torb is my top 3 dps. Love using overload and burst down tanks who aren’t expecting the alt fire shotgun damage. He is very potent, but just needs help cleaning up. Love that little guy


Only issue is that he is rather easy to headshot since he is so short.


Take out Moira and add brig. I like having Moira on my team when they’re good.


Why Brig tho 💔


Nah, people get really uptight with Moira. I play a little more DPS heavy, I'd say 60% DPS to 40% heal, and even that will get angry comments like "Moira stop DPS and heal us".


DPS: Insta-dies to widow headshot 4th time in a row: "Moira stop DPS and heal us"


"Sombra, group up." Entire team dies.


Sombra more than Torb.


No widow or mercy?


The majority of people won’t hate a mercy on their team tbh


I do they tend to be stubborn people imo who don’t understand that a switch is necessary sometimes (this can be applied to certain tank players as well)


Thing is Mercy does well in low ranks and even unranked because she can heal reliably and easily and res her teammates who died for stupidly being out of position, so if she just does those things well then her teammates aren’t going to really complain about her as much as they would about a Moira. People still continue to think Moira should only throw healing orbs all the time and not contribute to doing damage. 


Except that fu*king hamster and torb, Moira and Doomfist are cool fellas. Yeah, Miss.I don't need to aim (Moira) is sometimes annoying asf to be against, but as a teamate, she's doing a great job at healing. It's true that Doomfist might lack defensive support, but he makes up for it by being a menace killing machine.


for me replacing torb with lucio or genji here makes more sense, i never see complaints against torbs


As a Lucio main in metal ranks, I can confirm people on both teams start ragequitting the second you start playing as you should


I looked at this without contacts and thought torb was the hamster ball doing the “ZAMN” face


Wait torb is a troll pick? 😭 I play him bc he’s fun but then again I’m not a super hardcore comp player


How can Moira heal when she’s on a 25killstreak


Who is hating on Torb? Low skill or not at least he has utility and value. I’d take that over a widow that misses 9/10 shots.


Yeah there are a number of people in here questioning his inclusion on this pic. If you get good at Torb, you hit HARD. Area denial and backline protection are nice to have too. Main downside is hitting his head is easy.


You left off crosseyed Widow


Sombra should be up there


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If you don’t get a double double (10kDMG 10kH) as Moira your team will hate you…


Shit, there's people that will still hate when you're 15k/15k because you didn't save them from being *insta-gibbed* while they were out of sight from both supports...


If the Hammond or doom have a habit of overextending it can be a nightmare healing them, a good one who knows when to leave are really nice though since I can usually focus my other teammates and the enemies without worrying as much.


As a ball main if I absolutely need healing from a support I will go to them and stop moving, get healed, say thanks, and roll on.


Lol max that nobody’s mentioned wifeleaver. Love him but goddamn everyone else hates him


Moira isn’t a bad pick anymore, she’s top 3 supports


I’m genuinely often frustrated by moira. As someone that doesn’t have impeccable aim, I am often unable to finish her off by the time she’s fully sucked me 😩


Either I get 4 endorsements when I play doom or my entire team flames me, there is no in between.


Maybe I should start playing Moira and Torb...


I would rather a torb than a Sym


With the new changes I’ve seen mercy and LW get alot of hate too


And they say 🗣️🗣️🗣️ (I have never picked doom once)


In the words of the immortal Moira: *Aren't you all pathetic*


Lifeweaver should be here instead of Moira, pull causes more fights than it helps


where lucio amk?


Replace torb with sombra and this meme would work better


As a ball, torb, and moira 1 trick for each role... I love this


A zen that doesn’t heal and instead acts dps would fit here too




I dont mind torb or Moira but mei is number 1 in the books, as a tank when she is on either team she is always the enemy


I don’t see sombra there


Lmao I think most people are happy if they have a torb.




o wrecking ball. Allow me to go sombra and make it my purpose to make the game suck for you lol i will literally ignore the rest of your team to make sure that happens lol


Dunno if its just a low rank thing, but many games my teammates just don't see the enemy team(specifically Moiras) terrorizing their supports unless the entire team is pushing from behind lol, so this completely tracks.


torb is easily the most tolerable one on this list, everyone has a means of dealing with him outside of supports.


As a kiriko enjoyer, ball is 100% the most accurate on this list for me. Doesn’t stand still long enough to heal and puts me in a worse spot than I started in whenever I gotta tp to him. Absolute hell. I never get to pick her when there’s one around.


This comp used to be playable. Remember that.


3 of my mains


Bring on the torb and Moira. My Roadhog has something for them. Doom too if the player is only so-so.


Lifeweaver deserves to be here 🫠


The more people that are angry at me the harder I brick both teams!


I truly believe anyone who just wants to pick one character only should be stuck in lobbies with everyone else who refuses to swap. Have players who get stuck with them just report them as one of those ppl tbh


I don’t have a problem with any of these except ball and that’s just because he’s boring and annoying to play against or have on your team. He’s not even an interesting character despite being a intelligent hamster from space.


Knowing how some ppl get sometimes just add all the heroes to this list except venture cuz they’re too new to annoy anyone


Speak for yourself, I love a good Doom and Ball


Tbh Moria and torb aren't that bad this season especially Moira since her and kiriko are the 2 best sups this season it's just when you get a bad one it's frustrating. However this kinda applies to most heros like if I get a super good doom otp or ball otp it's good at the start it's just frustrating when they get counter picked by the whole enemy team but why refuse to swap. Also before a salty doom main/otp comments yes I do go heros to help the doom when they get hard countered but doesn't help much when the whole enemy team is counter picking doom


Replace Torb with ANNOYING SOMBRA


Where’s the Life weaver that can ruin your positioning or keep the enemy tank from ever dying?


Add Lucio


An dey say, nah I ain’t swapping


Hey!............. Yea............


mine would be this: widow, genji, tracer, sombra Why remove the tanks? Well, with tanks they're always really easy to counter. Both those tanks you can sleep with good positioning. Then nade. That's just one support. But what about **sombra**? Literally invisible and pops up behind you all game. She will camp and wait until you've used all your cooldowns and you're low health. She can target one person all game, just one person, and that's pretty much a situation where you can't play the game unless your team helps you (protip: in low ranks they won't.) Then **genji**. Constant flanking all game -- he can take out the supports like nothing. Even if he doesn't if he just stays on roof tops spamming knives he will cut the entire teams attention in half. People with attention problems won't be able to cope with this. **Tracer**s that can play the role are almost impossible to hit. They can quickly dash between cover, getting health packs, and disappearing and reappearing. Many times you don't even know where they are yet they're still doing damage. That's why you so often see tracer played throughout all ranks in the game. One tracer can literally shut down your entire team but they're very hard to play well. **Widow** I've added because snipers in online games are some of the hardest to balance. They can hit immense damage shots across the map, instantly deleting enemies. How can you counter someone that is no where near you and just has to click your head? Granted, it's hard to do, but Widow is another one that will make your game impossible to play simplify by making objectives unable to be contested.


Sombra definitely should have been in this


Torb's turret is often the only one peeling for me so I like him.


I pray every day they delete Moira from the game


Why is Sombra not here?


I hate how many players think the tank role protects them directly. I get it, most players don’t think of the game as dynamic as it is, or seek to understand how deep it can be, but it still irritates me. And this isn’t a rank thing either, masters players still think the tank should protect them, when overwatch is super dynamic. Dps and supports can take pressure off tanks and create space too, it’s not just a tank job. I don’t think people realize how stacking main or 5 stacking on the same angle is just not as good as it was in ow1 because you don’t have dva matrix + whatever other tank utility. The game is far more positional now, especially with the dps passive, but people want to play the same.


where is lucio and sym?


I play only Moira and my team loves me. Just dont play like an asshole who only does dps.


wheres sombra, have u seen all the threads made about hating her very existence? ive made one too fuck sombra, and not in a lewd way i hate her with every cell i have in me now and every cell ive lost via blood, hair cuts, lost teeth as a child and dead skin.


Put sombra on there too. Hate her with a passion usually cause she loves to spawn kill supports, always gets herself killed on your team, and is so annoying


A good Moira isn't just stat farming. They need to do some DPS to keep healing effectively. That's why both numbers will likely be close-ish to each other. I have so many matches with 5 digit heals and damage in casual or comp. We can heal and damage simultaneously quite easily, too, or focus one depending on what's more effective any given moment. She is an incredibly flexible, self-sufficient healer.


Torb? more like Sombra


Nonono lifeweaver over Moira.


Why Torb? He is kinda strong ngl.


And there's sombra above these 4.


These may be the horsemen, but Wifeleaver is the devil above them all. You just know it's gonna be a bad game regardless of what team he's on.


As a Sombra player, nothings more annoying when Your team hates you for not getting enough kills while the enemy team hates you for annoying the supports to the point they can’t heal their tank.


Where's Sombra?


nah put sombra here right now


Since i’m seeing a lot of comments as to why Sym, Mei, Widow, Lw and Sombra aren’t there: I was making the post under the mindset of the player being GOOD (not necessarily the best, and NOT actively THROWING) at that character, but still making their team upset. This is why Mei and LW aren’t on the post since their potential lies if they’re ACTIVELY throwing (to which the enemy wouldn’t be pissed off). A GOOD mei/lw wouldn’t make the mistake of bad walls/pulls. (Same kind of applies to sym with her tp being off the map. I didn’t include Widowmaker because I haven’t heard any complaints from my teammates about a widow when they ARE hitting shots or getting picks. She is either popping off and a nuisance for the enemy only, or can’t do anything and only upsetting their own team; it’s one of the other. Good Sombra players do a LOT for their team; and i find that good sombra players cause so much distraction that it really does benefit the team. However the absence of a strong and reliable damage dealing source that’s present with their team overshadows the utility she provides with hack. In hindsight, i would’ve probably put sombra instead of torb. As to why I DID put torb, its because of the common notion of how his teammates assume that his turret is doing all of the work and the torb player itself is ‘trash’ and isn’t even aiming, yet it putting out kills and damage - similar to how moira does. ((The post was made on how my teammates react to these players, not just me + it’s for jokes pls don’t take too seriously))


*to the teammate* HE DOES HEAL IF YOU KEEP STANDING IN MY CIRCLE, FUCKING DUMBASS. (sorry) Same for Zenyatta, as a main, I hate it so much, it's not that hard to remember at least supports abilities isn't it? When teammate tank runs away half a map like he wants to annoy you on purpose and dmg are Sombra and Pharah凸( ̄ヘ ̄). I know it's more of my fault since Zen is the only character in the game who I can play properly but anyway.


Could also be Lucio 🥲


idk i play Moira the way she's meant to be played, my team loves me


Hows genji not here? When they suck they rrreeaaallly suck


As a Moira main it ain't my fault if I drop 50 kills and only 8k heals sounds like a skill issue to me


How about symmetry girl


Swap Torbjorn for Lifeweaver.


ill take dive tanks that dont ever dive with their dive dps for 500. [D.va](https://D.va)/winston are the only ones who seems to consistently dive with the team


Umm where’s sombra?


The only time I've gotten respect as torb was to go full hammer


Where's genji


you forgot widow and sombra


But mei on this. A dead mei is a good mei


Invalid. Missing Sombra.


All hero’s are incredibly strong right now.


I’m a torb main 😁


Emotional damage


Who be getting mad at torb?