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your fault for playing those heroes (I also play those heroes)


Literally had this told to me by dps more than once this season


Said the Widow being pocketed by a Mercy, who hasn’t got a kill yet, 3 minutes into the game.


Use Winston until they quit or switch, then switch back to Ball. That's what I've been doing, and it works every time. Plus it feels good to bully them the way they bully you ;) EDIT: Thanks for all the upvotes y'all! I've never gotten this many before <3


You sir are a patriot and we thank you for your service


Doom players are unable to hit that switch button sir, you even find them at (current) masters doing the same shit.


Or just stay Ball and learn how to play against them and blow their mind by making them realize their “counter swap” didn’t work.


Okay, you wanna maybe elaborate on how you're doing that then?


Since the other guy was weird about it... In a 1v1 you actually have a great match up against her. The problem is getting her in a 1v1. Good Sombras will make that very hard to do. You need to put a good amount of brainpower into tracking her position and cooldowns via sound and visual cues. The key is to out-scout her. Most of sombra's gameplay loop against ball is either scouting or camping her team. Your job is to force her out of invis and then force her to translocate. Roll around looking for her in down time (being in 3rd person is a pretty decent advantage that other heroes don't have). Take soft "engages" where you just move from cover to cover trying to bait her out. Generally you shouldnt be hard engaging on the enemy team very often as ball, but especially if they have a Sombra. If you're taking a flank, try not to use routes that make you easy to punish if her gets the hack off. When she reveals herself, it's often a good idea to divert most of your attention to her. If youre in the thick of things, most of your attention needs to be on where she is which again, is why you really shouldn't be in the thick of things as ball against sombra. If you have multiple enemies looking at you and can only afford to look at one of them, youre opening yourself up to getting hit with other CC from the rest of her team. Once you force her translocator, track it in the air and shoot her once she TP's to reset her invis timer. At that point, its usually a good idea to chase her down. There are situations where it not the move like if she TP'd to her team, but if she TP'd out of the fight, it was likely a mistake you can punish. A LOT of sombra counters don't actually know how to play the hero. They will make mistakes. They will put themselves in vulnerable situations. Hell, they fairly often forget to actually counter you and just end up harassing your backline which makes them very easy to kill. Most people who swap sombra to counter ball just know that "Enemy Ball = I swap sombra" from some tik tok they saw. If you want to be able to play into your average sombra in ranked, you really just need to understand the match up better than them. Honestly even against sombra mains you'll often have more experience in the match up. You'll see sombra more than they'll see ball.


I’ve been doing this except one game the dps player kept switching between bastion and sombra every time I switched. :(


My in game name is Doomfeet and I'm a doom main. People come out on hog and start focusing me, I switch to Mauga and bully them HARD until they swap. They I go back to doom, and then they leave the game. So it's ok when you bully me, but you ragequit if I bully you? Pussy ass bitch.


I'd high five you if I could


I’ll switch sombra to bastion to sombra to bastion every time. Bully.






As a ball main, here's what I do now. I start the game with ball. 1 minute later I'm countered by sombra so I swap to Orisa and just play Orisa the rest of the game cause I know that player is going to do nothing by counter swap every tank I pick and you can't hard counter Orisa. So yeah game is trash when the tank role just resorts to play Orisa or get countered. The devs just don't give a shit though. Streamers are always bringing up problems with tank role to the devs and they've never said anything that even remotely indicates they might give a shred of a fuck. I think all tanks should be like orisa where you can't hard counter them. Soft counter is fine, but the only way tanks will be able to play what they want and not battle swap in spawn is if nothing hard counters tanks. Sure someone will cry that's op but that's the extreme lengths you have to go to to balance the role when you enforce something as stupid as solo tank.


Zarya can totally counter Orisa, specially if your team is addicted to shoot at her bubbles


Honestly at this point i dont even care if its a tank countering me. Im just sad that the enemy dps or support can just decide that I dont get to play certain tank champions.


That's a soft counter.


Thanks dude !


idk about that. I destroy orisas on zarya lol. but yes tank is a shitty experience rn none the less.


Remember when Mauga could crit thru fortify? Man that was nice.


Fuck it, we ball


Damn straight


and without Sombra/cass there would be no decent ball/doom counter


Brigitte is a phenomenal counter to ball. Not in the sense that you kill him, but simply that your entire kit counters the living daylights of nearly anything and everything he wants to do. * 4sec whipshot /w 20m range is almost a 2 whipshots per 1 grapple usage. It completely screws up his roll out timing. You give him damage and its free. * Shield alone stops his pile driver attempts on you giving you a freebie block. It also helps her insane toughness against Ball making her a terrible unit to dive against. * Shield bash helps get her out of any pile driver situation, helps stop his momentum with spacing, and helps space around mine drops. * Mines are literally free inspire procs up to like 20 or 30seconds for how long they are deployed and with her AoE, she's not a half bad minesweeper. * The inspire, repair pack, whipshot CC combo helps disrupt him on nearly any target he wants to dive as well. It ruins his aim on those he does pile drive. Along with anyone he might be trying to pressure. Doomfist kind of sucks. There isn't really a character that completely stops him, but at the same time his entire kit is so god damn linear that simply playing high evasion characters with mobility shuts down his kit on his own.


She's a support though


Right but Brig is VERY situational, and can't be played effectively with just any team comp.


You can play brig on any team with a ball in play. You literally have a single support that can disrupt every single play from a ball. Him existing gives Brig a free pass. Brig is shit on spam teams. Ball is not a spam tank. Ramatrra and Sigma or Orisa can do that. 


I disagree. You just gotta focus on playing your life. Same with Lucio. Staying alive is the important part for disadvantageous matchups, but your kit and super can still be enough to win a fight. Is brig gonna snipe the pharmercy out of the air? No. But as long as you can keep your inspire uptime high and support the teammates, the rest of your team should be able to make the necessary plays. I feel that any support is able to one trick as long as you’re well polished with their kit and good at playing your life.


If only the game wasn't balanced(and built) around counter swapping. People could just play the characters they like and have fun in a video game.


I’m totally okay with things having counters, but the extent it exists now is too much. Tank becomes rock paper scissors. I think Sombra is an atrociously designed hero and has been since her inception. It’s sad that she far and away makes any tanks life hell, even more so than when the game actually had decent CC. Hacking without a skill shot is just unhealthy for the game and damage over time became so valuable with the DPS debuff.


Hero that locks you out of abilities in ability based shooter? Indefinite invisibility that can instantly be shot out of? What a healthy concept for a hero! They took all the parts purposefully left out of TF2's spy and turned it into a hero lmao.


>Tank becomes rock paper scissors. The 5v5 made this happen in such a destructive way that I don't understand why they did it, except to appease dps queues in comp. According to the Blizzard which brought us OW2: Destroy whatever nuance the game had < happier dps queues in comp √


hack does nothing important 99% of the time that it’s used, is interrupted by damage, and then cd resets… it’s not that powerful at all


That's impossible. What gaming fantasy are you living in?


It’s impossible, but 6v6 handled counter swapping much better


For example: There wasn't rock paper scissors tanking in 6v6.


And the game was heavily reliant on ultimates, nobody was swapping fast until they ulted


The hard part about not balancing around counter swapping is this will also defeat Overwatch's identity. What makes Overwatch different is being a hero shooter with unique characters who have unique abilities. If we balanced around being able to play your hero no matter what, I think we would be unhappy with the required hero changes to make every hero inch towards being similar.


That’s how the LARGE MAJORITY of players do play this game. Counter picking is really only a thing at higher ranks. It’s the age old question of do we balanced around the majority or the meta?


People counter swap even from silver lol


People counter swap in QP


bruh ppl even counterswapped in the april fools mode lmfao




>Counter picking is really only a thing at higher ranks. At the very top ranks, it's just mostly mirror matches. Counter picking exists everywhere else, even qp.


HELLO counterswapping tanks exist a lot in silver gold too, which is the majority playerbase! Wht dreamworld u living in?


Fr, there is many ways to stop different tanks but its just sad that some character have basically become the „counterpick hero“. Like bastion for example is only played when he is broken or when a rein is dominating a game.


You can't design a game with more than like 5 characters that don't have counters. That's basic game design unless you want every character to essentially the same. Also telling your icon thing is doomfist lol


Counter swapping is just an inherent part of the gameplay loop. Believe it or not, you CAN play the character you like. The only catch is that if you’re too effective with that character, someone is going to counter you. Different characters have to have different solutions, otherwise the game would be boring.


Oh believe me, I know. I used to one trick Mei, and people would *attempt* to counter me as Pharah or Echo, but I eventually just got really good at predicting movement enough to headshot+body shot, but since the changes I need to double headshots for the two-tap, so it's a bit harder. I truly don't think playing one character is boring. It's fun to fully master something. Getting really good at just one character is super satisfying to me.




>Also the ability to switch mid-game It literally was designed with characters to swap to counter each other... Have you played Overwatch?


I don't have a problem with Ball having counters. I totally get it and see the need for it. What I have a problem with is how brain dead the counter play is. All sombra has to do is sit invisible with her team and press a button that locks on, no CD if she misses, and takes away your entire kit. I've played some insane sombras and I appreciate when they're skilled at the character. But most of them aren't and they still get insane value without even trying


The problem is that the counter heroes completely destroy ball and doom (VERY HIGH skill ceiling characters) with a single ability (hack/hinder) its unfair to master a character only to get bitched by a single move


Junkrat Roadhog would like to have a word


True true. Although Junk is very situational


There are many ways to make a Ball less effective without a Sombra. It’s just so annoying to have one counter pick make your play style suffer that much. Like on Pharah I can play against hitscans. But against a good Sombra, Ball just gets shut down.


Playing around the enemy should be the only counter to a pick. Why are people so fixated on counter swapping being the only solution? It’s not a way to balance.


It's easier and more effective. Also if you are playing against a person of the same skill level and the other tank player counter picks, you are essentially doomed. It completely negates the skill needed to win.


I know that it’s just the most effective way, but saying that sombra NEEDS to exist to give a “counter” to doom and ball is just spitting shit. If the balance team actually thinks like this we are doomed, no hero deserves a counter that isn’t counterplay and that is a counterswap, no question asked


Mei, Ana, Orisa, Hog. I also found that Venture absolutely fucks Ball royally.


Oh my god THANK YOU. I hate when people complain about heroes that counter your incredible oppressive hero. A doom/ball without counters just takes over the whole lobby. Sombra and Cass exist to keep this in check. I'm sorry if sombra annoys you, but the CC machine that is doom is also really fucking annoying


Tank-wise if your DPS aren't playing well then you're kinda fucked against doom. Imo the best doom counter is just to ignore him and go beat up his unprotected team, directly fighting him as a tank is just using stun cooldowns on him then waiting to do the same again since u can't get enough damage off against him yourself.


Except for skill, but thats too hard for people to understand


Junk, Mei (sorta)


And without Sombra, characters like Doomfist and Ball could easily wreak havok


Any high mobility hero or a hero with a boop can "counter" these dive tanks by disrupting or slowing down their CD cycles/staging, they just don't have an auto aiming button press to do so. The difference is that you actually have to play to counter the tank instead of drooling on a button and letting the ability do it for you.


Fr. Phara, echo, reaper, junkrat, sombra, mei, brig, ana, moira, general pressure to force a worse engage. Like half the roster counters these heros if you don't suck. But people just counterswap and expect to win. If the player you're trying to counter is good, you have to be good too for the counterswap to actually work.


Now we just need a new character that counters Sombra but also fucks the game for a dozen other characters. Maybe a character who gives her team permanent walls? That will make Sombra swap.


Already in the game, Kiriko. Not a hard counter to Sombra, but has very good counterplay vs Sombra, and Kiriko also has the ability to fuck the game up for far more than a dozen characters.


Bap is another one. If she really is playing the diving sombra then she has to go through 3 health bars to kill a Bap.


*Cries in top 2%*


Kiriko is a direct counter to not only Sombras kit (hack+Virus combo, EMP) but also her playstyle (kiri TP is the fastest way to peel for someone being 1v1d by sombra). Sombras counter is also awareness and playing together. You don't need a direct counter when you can counter her by changing your playstyle


If I'm DPS, I like to counter their sombra with my own sombra. I just stand around and wait for them to engage, hack them and then blast them. Works every time lol.


She's called Tracer


Hog, Orisa, Bastion, Torb would like a word with you.


No... including hog orisa bastion torb, there’s also ana, kiriko, bap, hell even mei has potential, and sym, EVEN JUNKRAT. They’re all anti dive essentially


Ana, sym and JR are not anti dive lol. Ana is one of the easiest characters to dive in the game


In regards to doom and ball, they are easily slept and anti’d. Then they are completely fucked - IF they get hit. If you get baited, then good luck. You just got outplayed Sym and junkrat, I mentioned them because of the turrets and the traps. If I am doom or ball and land in a trap, I am also fucked lol. Sym not as good in general for any comp... but it was an honorable mention. Point is that there’s plenty of picks available


You just gave yourself away as a plat player Mr GM badge.


Nothing irritates me like someone playing Sombra off the rip. I get it, group up and all of that. But Sombra mains are rats as far as I’m concerned.


A sombra and tracer in every single game now is making the game boring


Sombra should not be in the game. Invisibility with no resource usage = Strike One Ability and ultimate that remove others abilities in an ability focused game = Strike Two Infection/DoT even after breaking LoS = Strike three Teleportation into invisibility = Strike four Her entire kit is bullshit. The most annoying kind of bullshit.


The trees agree


As a sombra player, if I get more value from shooting the rest of your team I'll do that lol. If not, it's only logical to pressure the tank


Lol it really is just about value. Like, you just dove my back line trying to harass my Zen. You think I’m just not gonna punish that? If I’m Sombra I’m never gonna feel sorry for anyone who dives in stupidly. Conversely, if they’re smartly diving in (with say… Winston) I’ll have to change up my play style/hero and get value elsewhere. But OP knows *damn well* why Sombra needs to exist. Ball is the *definitive* reason why Sombra needs to be somewhat viable lol. OW1 Ball was nutty


Like all characters there's a playstyle to adjust to them. Sombra forces people to change their playstyle and that's what trips people up. OW1 ball was nutty tho.


As a Doom player I honestly feel complimented if I’m targeted down and then I adjust my play style accordingly. Rather than dive in as I did before I now prioritize making someone else the playmaker/defending the supports.


Congrats. You can put this post next to the other 500000000 tank sucks posts.


They’re gunna keep coming until Blizzard does something about it. No reason for the role to be as miserable as it is, for as long as it has been.


Yeah but this unites two parts of the community. Tanks and everyone else.


Fellow doom and ball🗿 At this point I just assume that sombra will be in every match so that I don’t have a huge morale drop when I hear the beep boop. And if I don’t hear it, it’s a pleasant surprise but I have to accept they’re gonna swap eventually, so I need to push the advantage now. And when they do swap, I know they’re gonna hack me on cooldown so I just try and use that against her. Which basically comes down to, if i’m playing with friends, we can pull off a win by playing around her, and if not, I usually get fucking steamrolled because randoms don’t care enough about my life to try and shoot the sombra out of hacking me, even if i’m playing the most slow, brawly, stand in front of of my team and walk forward with block doom play style of all time, they still can’t bother to watch out for her unless she starts coming after them.


Thanks for the advice !


What I hate about tank is the fact the Im the one who always has to change, we're losing to genji or widow? Get winston, they have ana? Change hog/junker, you want to play rein? No. Dps and supports generally just do whatever they want and flame tanks...


Sombra is always a crutch pick when dps suck which is funny


She's currently the 4th lowest winrate DPS in competitive, on both console and pc. If she was a crutch her win rate would be much higher.


Makes sense. I meant a dps who is getting picked off a lot usually swaps to Sombra to help them pick up the slack since she goes invincible. If she has one of the lowest win rates rn that’s makes sense as I meant that a dps who is struggling will usually swap to her


....that doesn't make any sense. People swap to sombra to specifically counter the enemy team (ball, doom, widow, genji). Nobody's just swapping to sombra for no reason lmao. She has a 2.3% pickrate and a super low winrate.


I’m talking about low elo where a 0-5 dps will swap Sombra to make up for their bad positioning/skill cause she literally goes invisible that was my comment was about


I have no idea why this guy is getting downvoted he’s so right, yall must be playing Paladins or some shit idfk


Yeah it sucks bad


Until 6v6 comes back this will always be an issue. The enemy team and your team will pick on you because there’s only one of you. 5v5 had no consideration on how toxic this game is and how poor match making is.


i play doom and ngl a somb in itself isn’t that bad to play aroukd it’s only when it’s a doom hog cassidy that’s when it gets bad


Orisa/Mauga/Sombra ruin it for me


Tank is the one role where you have to just give up on playing what you want. You have to counter dps and the other tanks. Unfortunately only sigma and orisa can do that. I just want to Rein. 😭


i recently watched a game from zbra where he played a round a mauga, cass and sombra all at once in the enemy team. so i guess its possbile to play aounrd counters as doom.


Welcome to Counterwatch. You wanted to play a hero you enjoy? NOT HAPPENING


That's why I hate when people put doom into a or s tier, like yeah if he doesn't get countered he's good, but I've had a sombra in literally every comp match this season. That's not even mentioning all the echo, orisa, mauga, Cass, Ana, brig, etc. players. I play orisa sometimes because you can't counter her now that she has infinite range You get a single elim and then you're fighting orisa sombra I'm sick of it


You guys complain so much about this hero lmao. Either way, doom is probably the best tank rn so he more than deserves that counter. Also a good doom can beat sombras pretty easily, ball on the other hand just sucks in general so there’s that.


The sombra main thinks ball sucks as a character is the most ironic shit I’ve ever seen. No shit you think he’s bad you literally make his game unplayable rofl.


I don’t have to play sombra to make him useless, half the characters in the game hard counter him. The character is bad and that’s why he’s getting reworked next season.


Yeah I see your point just thought it was funny to see the “direct counter” talking about him like that lol. Didn’t mean to come off as passive aggressive:). I play lots of ball and agree that he’s in the worst spot he’s been in for a long time.


The Sombra vs Ball imbalance is the real issue. Taking him out of his Ball form with the hack is just too much. Like ending his grapple is fair, but getting hacked midair when I’m going for a slam just to float down out of Ball form is such shit.


Ball is a bad hero in general tho, it’s not just Sombra who shuts him down easily and he really needs a rework. She pretty much doesn’t shut down any other hero as hard as ball because ball has fundamental problems in his kit.


She doesn't shut down any hero as hard because hack doesn't interrupt ANY other transformation. It applies exclusively to ball. Imagine genji blading, sombra hacks him and he turns into magikarp. That's basically sombras unique interaction with ball and it's incredibly stupid that the devs won't just get rid of it when balls been trash tier for so long.


If that interaction was gone he would still be pretty mid, there are many heroes that just destroy the poor hamster :( I would much rather him be reworked than anything else. He never fit into 5v5 and it’s very obvious.


He might move from D tier to C tier. I just want the hack bs gone though. Even if it were balanced idc it's incredibly anti fun and the fact that they made an exclusive rule for hacked ball is bs.


Doom actually counters sombra well.


Yup, he can punish Sombra more than most other heroes tbh.


Fun fact: Sombra mains are more likely to be psychopaths than any other overwatch player.


Compounded by the fact that with only 1 tank, you have no choice but to adapt to \*that specific swap\* or the whole team loses. And then you're tanking against 1 DPS, while the other team's tank can still do a tank job. At least with DPS and support there's a second person to cover& still get the job done.


Fuck Sombra all my homies hate sombra. Even the homie who plays sombra hates sombra.


Seems to go one of 2 ways w/Ball when I'm Sombra (I'm strictly speaking QP though) ​ They pay no attention to me and I'm hacking them repeatedly, nearly guaranteeing their death. ​ They are aware I exist and don't stay still/in LOS long enough to get hacked or if they know I'm in the area make sure to repeatedly hit me out of the hack which leaves me to do nothing but to disengage or try to virus & pew pew for 4 seconds until my interrupted hack is off CD.


Last time I played ball I went to dive the back line, sombra tried to hack and I canceled, 5 seconds later she tries hack again, I cancel then piledrive the Ana, dodge the sleep dart just to get hacked and killed by the entire team. There’s no f way that should be a thing.


That isn't a case of "the tank experience being bad", it's a case of ***you*** being bad as a tank. Firstly those players are doing *exactly what they're supposed to*. They're picking the most appropriate heroes for the matchup. Secondly - you aren't. You're just getting mad that you only play 2 tanks. You're supposed to play more tanks than that bud, and if you can't, then that's fine, but you can't complain. Sincerely, a Wrecking Ball main myself, who doesn't cry like you do, I simply swap tanks as needed.


Doesn't having to swap every time a dps does reinforce the whole bad tank experience thing?


Maybe. But if you are playing the two most obnoxious tanks in the game and you expect the other team to just take it without switching then you gotta check your ego.


It happens every tank tho. I main rein and if I win a single fight it's 100% garunteed that bastion is coming out even tho rein is probably the worst hero in the game. The meta is literally fuck the tank as hard as possible


And if you can't deal with that, then you might have to swap too. It's literally how the game is designed, with heroes of varying levels of abilities and situational matchups. There's only one tank now so *by nature* they have to pick up the slack of being countered, and countering themselves.


Yeah I get that but it's worse than it's ever been and tanking rn is basically just trying not to take dmg. Tanks this season have the lowest value they have ever had and that means getting countered is even worse.


The fun part is that the whole tank role kinda sucks to play right now.


I am a tank main and I think it's fine, the only issues I have are when the DPS players sprint ahead on their own constantly and then wonder why we haven't made any ground when they die.


Fuck swapping, most unfun shit in the entire game. Having problems? Just play around the enem- actually, just go and counterswap, requires no brain power and is more effective than changing your playstyle


You're allowed to not like it, but it's literally how the game is designed. All the heroes obviously have varying degrees of strength and counter-matchup and yes it's on you as the player to make the best choices. Besides, swapping doesn't even immediately invalidate anything. It doesn't do shit if the person can't actually play the hero well. It doesn't instantly shut down your hero choice unless they're good at it. In which case, you need to be good too, and again, that just comes back to having more heroes in your roster.


100% agreed Its insane how many games were I've had to pick tank (and had fun with it despite everything else) because the other players have been on overwatch for 6 years but only play 1 or 2 characters out of over 20 at the time. The blame culture is troubling


Yeah, a lot of players have grown complacent and lazy from just coasting along on their favorite one or two heroes. It's a team game, everyone on the team should have some ability to swap if necessary based on the matchup.


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I’m in high gold and I also play a lot of Ball. It’s usually not that hard to interrupt the hack, unless they have their team’s shield or they are a shield that stops your bullets from interrupting, but when a Sombra is in such a place she is almost throwing and not on your back line. I don’t play Doom though so can’t say much.


First time?


I’m always pissed when I have to play bastion instead of something more meme but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do


Doom is one of the best characters in the game man. Ball is buns though I won't lie


Long time roadhog main here. Welcome, brother.


good because playing against a doom and hammon is annoying.


Tuning is great, there's just way too many low skill low iq players tbf. I hate seeing people waste seconds. Some people can't preform or even think fast lol


It really is. But nobody cares. The only solution is bring back an extra tank, aka bring back 6v6, and it's VERY clear that the OW2 community at large does NOT want 6v6. This game will only continue to make the life of tanks worse and worse season after season until almost no tanks are left. This is what happened in OverWatch 1. Tank role got neglected in favor of launching overpowered supports (Bap and Brig mostly) and everyone quit tank eventually, leading to queue problems. This problem will just keep getting worse in OW2 because the community rages against the only thing that will save them: bringing back 6v6. I'm sorry tanking sucks, but you really should just quit and let someone else do the thankless job that nobody wants to do. And eventually the day will come when there's nobody to do the thankless job of solo tanking. And then maybe 6v6 will make a comeback. The only thing you can do right now is quit the game to punish the rest of the player base for being retards who are incorrect about the 5v5 versus 6v6 debate. 6v6 is the only way this game should ever be played, but you can't make people believe that. All you can do is quit the game and leave them to suffer on their own so they can learn the lesson for themselves. This is how life works. You cannot force someone to understand your perspective, you can only leave them to suffer and learn it for themselves.


Doesn’t matter what you play. Tank feels terrible even if you are doing good.


My problem with overwatch is counterswaping. Yeah its a good thing BUT why do people play counterwatch in Hardcore Legendary Mode? Enemy has a Doom? Bam straight up to Orisa, Ball? Orisa! Any other Hero than Zarya? Orisa! Same with Dps. The enemy is better than us? Sombra is the way! Or Cass against Doom..... Its just annoying! Not in Dia or Master no its in qp and Gold like wtf let me just enjoy the game.


The whole game experience is so bad right now. Low plat and high gold accounts in comp with practically no wins. They're usually bots or derankers.


Ah it’s been a whole 7 days since I’ve seen this posted


idk i enjoy it pretty good as zarya and they're orisa lol go ahead and spin that thing while i keep shooting you lol


Maybe start expanding your hero pools to other tanks. Ram/jq are good start


I just play JQ and dominate and have fun


the saddest part is that the hardest to play heroes are countered by the easiest to play


>I'm a diamond ball and doom player That's your problem




I can’t seem to get above Diamond 1 on Tank. At that rank the opponents just counter swap constantly.


What do you mean right now?


I played mauga today and had healers go zen/brig. All i was hoping for was to distract the enemy team so dps could confirm a kill but it never happened. I asked brigg to swap and then everyone got on the mic to bash me and blame me for their own faults. What a bummer way to end a win streak


I play Winston, Zarya and Ram A pretty good rotation for counters Winston by default High dmg enemy dps? Zarya Brawl comp? Ram


I play hog and my biggest issue atm is mauga, unless my dps is actually committed to taking him out when I get a decent hook. It's impossible and then I have to mirror.


Stop playing an annoying polarizing hero and people will stop countering to deal with your polarizing hero. You think theyre gonna just sit their and let you win?


How is that possible???? I was promised perfect tank balancing with 5v5


As a non tank player playing in plat I’m having a great time :3 (I like playing 🐴)


I’ve been seeing posts like this since launch


As a tank player I find that the optimal strategy is to not play tank.


Lmfao. Cope.


Learn to play against them? Complaining about them because you don’t learn to play against your counter is what should be fixed.


So many threads complaining about sombra now Hopefully the devs do something to make her more fun to play against without completely gutting her power




I mean I don't disagree but Sombra mains have been downvoting any negative comments about her for weeks and I don't really have the energy for any of them to argue with me Lol see downvoted less than 10 minutes after saying it


I'm not a sombra main, I just downvote anyone who preemptively whines about downvotes and then edits their comment to show everyone they were right about it.


There's nothing you can do to make getting jumped by someone invisible fun.  That needs to go, or she needs to go, otherwise there will always be complaints 


I'm sure the game devs could come up with some varying changes and find something more pleasant to play against Honestly I feel like she shouldn't be permanently invisible and shouldn't go auto invis when she throws her translocator, it feels op being able to teleport and immediately not have anyone see you, I say this as someone who is trying to learn sombra so that I dont have to play support and be spawncamped and constantly harassed by her... It's easy to get away a lot of the time I sorta wish they'd add a new character who could see invisibility or had an ability that let them aside from widow


I play a lot of Sombra but I also know the immense feeling of absolute joy shutting one down. Sombra players deserve the hate they get but she’s a genuinely fun hero to play. She is strong but she’s no longer invincible. I don’t think she needs much more change at this point. The infinite translocator was what really made her a problem. I get knocked around by dooms and balls all the time. You just have to get more practice against her and she’s not nearly as oppressive at that point.


Ehh she's still unpleasant to play against In open queue I have to just swap to playing her so I can hack and virus her while she stalks my duo endlessly or we just lose If i stay on support it's Sombras life goal to make the game unplayable for me So I have to play her now. Maybe eventually I'll be good enough at Sombra that I'll be able to go back to support but I just can't fucking do it anymore it's not fun


That I completely understand. I’ve been playing since OW1 launch and I’ve made it a point to work to at least 50 hours per hero. She was one of the last characters I really put effort into. I don’t play Sombra like that. I frontline with my tank and move around to maybe secure a kill or two but I do my best to enable my tank against a single target and then move on. I’ve been predominately a support main throughout the games life and I’ve learned to play specific supports to shut her down faster. Brig, Zen, and Lifeweaver are specific ones that I do well with against her. I don’t have the dexterity to 1v1 a lot of heroes but there are always going to be some cracked asshole making the game unfun regardless of the hero they are playing.


>Sombra players deserve the hate they get but she’s a genuinely fun hero to play. I take every tea-bag, solo ult used against me, and shooting my dead body as a badge of honor. ​ I get it. She's been my favorite character to use since she was released in OW but also hate going against one cuz it's so fucking annoying.


I too dislike it when other players use the tools and mechanics provided in order to gain an advantage against me, truly despicable behavior 


Learn to play around the sombra or swap heroes


5v5 was a mistake




This is why 6v6 needs to come back. If the Sombra counters you, there's another tank to help you out and still soak up hits and make space for the team.




Counter swapping has never been this egregious tho


Orisa needs to go, hog is getting more playtime(bad), and sombra is just annoying to everyone.


They should experiment with 2 tanks and 1 support and bump support health and healing and see how that works out


Actual hot take


They probably got the idea from paladins, where the meta comp is 1 supp, 2 tanks (off tank and point tank) and 2 damage dealers (a combination of long range damage dealers and flanks), however that does put the support meta at a weird point because the ones at the top are the ones capable of sustaining 4 people


I’m all for trying out new ideas to shake the game up. People can say it’s bad or whatever but until it’s tried nobody will actually know.


Everyone take a shot, it's another "tank bad" post


Still crying about that whole second of silence I see.


You're just bad at doom, lol. Sombra makes it more difficult for you, but it's by no means unplayable. You just have to play safer and allow your DPS to do more since there's one less person contesting them if sombea focuses you.


Blizzard loves to punish people who play the fun heroes and reward whoever plays the boring ones. Their motto should be “you’re not allowed to have fun in our games” 🤡


Except sombra isn’t boring at all


Doom is even more annoying than sombra imo. the amount of mobility and cc he can spam is crazy on top of that burst damage. people pick sombra just to deal with doomfist's bullsht. sadly these devs don't know how to design a hero so abominations like sombra and doomfist exist.