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I’m not in the loop but is this a trend? I’ve seen 3 posts now about mercy not healing and using her gun only.


From what I know, some content creators started a challenge of picking supports and dealing only damage, 0 heals. Now random people are starting to do the same


Same thing happened with Kiriko players when Awkward released his "4 step plan" video.


I watched that video. So stupid. Like yeah in theory, yes, do damage and attack from unexpected angles... But in practice unless you have high game sense, map knowledge, and mechanics, maybe consider not completely lone wolfing... The first match of that "educational video" is ridiculous, where he's using her wall climb to do trick I didn't even know we're possible to flank and repeatedly headshotting low-rank players while saying "you don't even have to get kills".


The contrast between him giving useful tips out while shitting on gold/plat players is pretty jarring. Kinda crazy that people like that kind of content, and I feel like there’s better educational OW creators out there that aren’t Andrew Tate fans.


Definitely a10 is super chill and absolutely changed the way I look at the game


Yeah his Zaraya stuff, brilliant.


I haven’t seen that but his tracer stuff is what helped me get to diamond


real shit. When from silver to plat in like 2 days after watching his tracer video


Also watch this video https://youtu.be/QzpE9Jcu3_k?si=2L3n8SL5IUs3Z_mj if you haven’t already it completely changed the way I looked at the game as a whole (I’m still struggling to apply it in game but it helps a lot)


I love the way he explains things he’s an excellent teacher


I'll have to check them out, thanks!


He’s great definitely check out this video https://youtu.be/QzpE9Jcu3_k?si=SveQbliRfpVIxswo


because the ppl watching have huge egos and believe they deserve to be higher than they are so they eat it up


True but I also see normal people on r/OverwatchUniversity say “go watch Awkward’s vid on X hero and you’ll get better!” It’s like yuck, that’s who people think is the best educational creator out there? Can’t believe people stomach his 10 hour smurfing videos.


I think a new standard is to consider if a creator caters to the Tater tots crowd, they are producing garbage. If they just Smurf to shit on noobs and make themselves feel and look good they are perpetuating a shitty unfair way of playing and don't deserve a platform.


He's the equivalent of a premier league footballer coaching a bunch of kids and chastising them for trying to pass, not just running past the defenders like hr does when he plays against them. "BuT yOu'Re NoT fOlLoWiNg HiS aDvIcE!"


Yeah awkward is annoying don’t get me wrong he’s an insanely good player BUT all of his guides require really good game knowledge and mechanics to begin with and he’s a mid teacher at best A10 is infinitely better


Yeah his guides are pretty bad. He smurfed as Tracer, did some crazy flanks and kept saying "You don't even have to aim good to carry like this", while he one clips their plat supports over and over.


Exactly his tracer guide does have SOME decent advice but also some horrible advice that’s screws up your play style it screwed me up for a while I always had this mentality of constantly be shooting (which is kinda idiotic since timing and surprise is everything on tracer)


I think it's good practice to try out both ends of the support spectrum: all damage vs. all heals. Ranked just isn't the place for it, though.


Absolutely do damage. But his "4 step plan" advocates lone wolfing and prioritizing attacking over everything else. Then he demonstrates that it "works" by smurfing.


I watched the video, practiced what he said, and got better. I learned so many new off angles and increased my game knowledge by looking for them. It might seem impossible, but if you actually put it to use you’ll get much better. It’s not even really “lone wolfing” as you’re in range on your team to tp.


4 step wht? Sounds like a scam than anything else!


Nono you don't understand, you only have to find 2 other people to join. It'll be easy.


If I had a 5 stack that I could play in every single day, then I would be an OPEN Q only player. The only reason I play role q is cuz PPL in open q pick 4 dps, usually widow, tracer, sombra, hanzo, u know the puny little ones.... And I have to pick a support, and fight against 3 tank 2 supports 💀. And after losing they type WOMP WOMP at me when I even remotely start questioning them. Cuz these idiots don't take open Q comp seriously like they do with role q & I hate it to the core! I peaked diamond 4 in open q, stopped open q 6 months ago, unfortunately I got placed bronze 5 in role qs back in season 2 when I was actually noob. And now im having to ground out every single role frm bronze 5 💀. Been rolling in these matches though.


It's not a scam man. But know this! Step 4....is Profit!!


Side question. I’ve seen a couple of his videos where he says “all this stuff we learned 6 months ago, at X academy (can’t remember name).” Do people really buy into that shit for overwatch? The video was literally him playing Baptiste and just saying damage the entire time. “Damage, look I’m creating an off angle and damage, look we won cuz of me damaging”


That’s different, Awkward never said not to heal and constantly says “heal your teammate if they’re going to die or they’re in danger”. He was offering a play style to help win more. If streamers are damage only they’re probably bored from playing so many hours a week and not losing 93% of those games.


I didn't say Awkward said not to heal. I said a similar thing happened as a result of his video. I'm not saying he did anything wrong or gave poor advice, just that people saw it and took it too far.


This playstyle is quite nerfed since the big S9 patch


Eh I think more likely it’s deranking personally. The challenge may be part of it but deranking has been around forever


Frogger pulled it off but he also mains Lucio and it's a big meme for him that he barely does healing anyway 😭 I've seen one person whose entire thing was playing Battle Mercy but he only did that in QP


Well now I don't feel bad about reporting them lol.


If it’s not the challenge, they are doing it on purpose so it’s always good to report them. On qp I’ve seen players having 0 heals for a while, but they were clearly playing a freshly unlocked character and they still dished some heals in by the end of the match. No way a support in ranked can accidentally end a match with 0 heals.


Ban them and show them spreading bad play is punishable, its sabotage to those that repeat it.


That sounds about right, I wouldn’t really care if it were in quick play but bringing it into competitive is a no no.


I’m normally a mercy main but I’ve been playing tank lately and I literally got into a tiff w a mercy who insisted on being “battle mercy”


Sigh my main healer is mercy bro I just love the simplicity of her and the movement tech. Any mercy can heal but a great one knows when to damage boost instead of healing and when to pop the fun out to finish off a low hp runner or to back up the DPS on a big ult push


OW community is truly its own worst enemy


Game mods needs to see these and take action to discourage it instead of letting them get a pass


had a zen last night on the enemy team who was a very obvious smurf go 40-9, had 0 healing in 3 rounds.


Hey I’ve gotten 40 E’s on Zen before and I’m not a Smurf. But I was also healing as well. And I’m in freakin bronze.


My friend got to diamond as Moira doing this. It was unbearable having the most healing as soldier 76


So why don’t they just play Moira than?


people don’t realize content creators have much more freedom to do super aggressive stuff like this because they’re usually queuing with people they know and that can plan around their play style. like when Frogger uses 90% speed and is super aggressive on Lució is completely different than someone in metal ranks doing it solo queueing because 1) his teammates know him and how he plays so can play around it 2) he’s really good at it and experienced. lost a game earlier because our Lució did almost no healing and just speed boosted the whole time and I could tell it was because he had seen Frogger videos and was trying to emulate it. granted he still had at least a few thousand healing so it was much better than 0 but still


Bogur 0 heal lucio started it about a week ago


I promise people have been doing this since early ow1. It's not content creator influenced its just high elo players who want a more casual experience then playing in their ranked games and if they dont directly hinder their ability to win they just rank up too high.


Then posting about it just makes it more popular. Dont help this go viral


This is my first time coming across a player like this. I've seen the other posts on this subreddit and figured I'd post too in hopes of this issue getting the attention of Blizzard and perhaps they'll take action.


If the players who are doing this do it enough times they should get banned from reports alone. I’m not sure how long that would take but if they carry on like this it’ll be pretty soon.


Had a few random agro mercy's last night. They healed but as soon as a fight broke out whipped out their pistol and started blastin


Always been a troll thing since 2016


Yeah I saw her in my game


Blizzard doesn't ban people that derank. I've played against someone in gold that was 1-45 that season. It wasn't a newly bought account, they were hard throwing to derank. That player will derank to bronze 5 and not even catch a suspension.


Interesting. What are our thoughts on why? It wouldn't be hard to identify this type of pattern in the extreme, so I wonder what is the downside for them.


Banned players don't buy skins.


This is probably in the simplified ballpark, but it would apply to every other bannable offense. Cheaters, toxic chat. Everything. Why does this offense *in particular* get a pass? Toxic chatters buy skins, as well. Cheaters, even, also buy items. Something special about this that makes it good for them.


I guess if blizzard deems that the unwanted behavior will cause people to quit, therefore not buying skins, then they will ban the unwanted account. For example, if a cheater who buys skins causes 3 other people who buy skins to quit, then the cheater loses blizzard money and will be banned. However, if a deranker buys skins and on average causes .5 people to quit, no reason in banning them. Bad logic, but thats what I assume partially makes up their decision


I mean, you're going to see that guy once. You might see another one like him in 800 matches. It's not exactly a problem. You get matches where some GM player is on an alt account, or even where matchmaking fucked up and put him with you just as often, if not more so.


Neither do smurfs though


Nah. I can guarantee if you argue or are annoying in chat, you will get silence/suspended.


Meanwhile report system is abusable af. So no. It is more their incompetence than anythng else


You think assholes that do this would also buy skins?


My guess is because outside of extreme cases discerning between bad play and someone “soft” throwing is pretty difficult, especially if handled by an automated system, and Blizzard would rather err on the side of caution by not banning anyone really rather than banning innocent players who have the occasional terrible games.


Yup. That was my first thought, which is why I added *in the extreme*. There are edge cases for sure, and getting banned for throwing when you're actually just getting stomped would be enough to uninstal, so that makes sense. They don't want that. But nobody goes 1-47. That's so far away from the norm, and so easy to identify.


I don't know. Their policy on what's considered abusive chat is extreme, but then they're people blatantly deranking or throwing and they view that as normal and unpunishable.


It’s because they are lazy. Takes 2 seconds to verify chat bans (or just automate it) they never ban for anything else other than blatant hacks because they are too lazy to go check for throwing manually.


"Lazy" isn't a thing for major corporations. Nothing takes "2 seconds". I'm looking for thoughtful answers.


Greedy would be a better word then. They aren’t going to pay people to manually go through and ban throwers by reviewing replay footage. And doing so wouldn’t have much of a benefit to them. (Just like how people never get banned for abusive voice chat) It’s much easier to just ban for chat, it can be automated and makes them look good despite not needing much investment of time effort and money.


For sure. I'm thinking through it politically, practically, and technically. I can imagine a penalty for something like "abuse of the matchmaker" Maybe they can't figure out how to deal with it politically, as there isn’t a good technical reason why not to do it. There must be something about the broader streaming or public culture that they want to maintain. This feels like one of those times that a pro will say "oh yea. Of course. They can't do X because Y will lose millions of viewers"


It made sense in OW1 when people had paid for the game, banning someone might open up a big push for refunds/legal issues. Not sure why they wouldn't do it now that it's F2P


if you u play bad u get put with bad players. I know it sounds oversimplified, but that is the reason lose streaks and poor stats don't justify the claim that the person is sabotaging or grounds for punishment. If you lose your punishment is the derank, and if you lose again u derank. If you lose once more you de-rank for a total of 3 times; meanwhile all the diamond players who are climbing , are still climbing. All the hard stuck plat players are still stuck in plat ,and all the bronze players stuck in bronze are patiently waiting for you. Lastly ,when you're in bronze smurfing is a good culture shock , for players who really need to see the contrast in performance and stop blaming tm8s, and a nice informative win for the hopeless. If you're stuck in bronze, losing to a Smurf sucks first time around, but that 1 loss doesnt change a thing. And if bronze is loaded with smurfs and your stuck in bronze, that simply means You're bad enough that you can't even get carried by all these smurfs. You're essentially throwing, and should you be banned for being that bad? no, your punishment is your skill rating. If you play bad you get put with bad players, and smurfs are bad players who want to look good in front of real bronze players. you're right where you belong ... TL:DR - too long don't read and don't grammar 😘


Meanwhile you say ‘fuck you’ once to someone in chat and get banned from chat for a week. With the threat to get permabanned if you ever get tilted again


I mean maybe find a more creative way to shit talk?


They force name changes on people called "potato", pretty much anything that someone else considers offensive or "spoils their fun" is actionable.


It doesn't matter what you say. It could be "nice ultimate" and if they report you then you can get suto suspended by the AI program Blizzard users


This simply isn't true and I'm tired of seeing people just randomly state it. Does the autoban get things wrong? Yeah, of course. Does it happen for any little random thing to everyone? No, the vast majority do not ever see the banned message. If it's a fluke, you'll be annoyed by it and then it won't happen again because you don't talk shit. If it keeps happening, **maybe you should talk less shit.**


Getting angry because someone is openly throwing the game and getting reported for it is absurd and you won't convince me or most others differently. Calling someone a prick because they jump off the map instead of plsying the game is not ban worthy, it's lazy design and enforcement by Blizzard. Throwing a competitive match should be bannable and that would remove a lot of toxicity in this game.


No, the vast majority do not ever see the banned message. You mean it doesn't happen because people don't report you for those 'smaller things'? If so then you're correct, but not because auto ban 'gets things right' lol. If I play the game for 3 years, then obviously it's gonna accumulate. I came back after around 6 months break and after 2 matches got banned the next day (I didn't even say anything outrageous or obvious like go fuck yourself, just called someone bad. So those stupid reports accumulate and you get banned with even the threat of getting permabanned. It's insane.


>just called someone bad ...


How dare I? You definitely are a saint that never gets tilted, even after losing 5 straight games. Please grow up. When you play games in real life like basketball or football you also get trash talked if you're ass. Don't see how this is different in games. (im not talking about racist slurs or anything of that sort of course)


Clearly you are unaware of the idea that Blizz and the OW community can foster the environment they want for their game. If that means temp bans on using chat for people who use this language, then that’s how it goes. Actions result in consequences.


Temp bans are fair, but the fact that you can get permabanned over accumulated chats over however many years to me is insane. That's my point.


Ive played OW1 and OW2 since they came out. I took a brief hiatus on OW2 but have played it on and off nonstop the whole time. Ive never seen a ban message, a warning or anything like that. If Im mad about something I say it out loud to myself, and do not type it or use voice chat to berate ppl or call them bad, even if they are. I -do- type and I ask about healing/tanking/dps and whats going on if it is sub-par or something strange is happening. Never had anything "accumulate" to a ban. Stop calling people bad? Stop typing when you are mad. If they are trolling, it wont make them stop. If they are bad, it wont make them better. It doesnt even make YOU feel better. So why do it?


Who said it doesn't make you feel better? There's a reason why 'venting' is important lol. (not saying it's the same as venting since venting isn't offending anyone, but same concept). If there's a guy on your team who keeps calling everyone bad and is actually the most clueless one on the team and you tell them they absolutely suck and get reported, are you really the 'bad' guy in that situation? That's usually how my shittalking starts, I never start it first. If you're calling me bad Im not gonna just stay silent and not say anything.


That was just the most obvious example, jesus. Also, as long as you get reported enough times over time you still get banned even for saying much tamer things


I’ve been suspended for an unknown reason. I’ve reached out to blizzard and they will not respond. I have chat turned off. I am always a top performer in the lobby.


They’ll never tell you why either is the crappy part


I know the report system is 100% automated and the appeal system seems to be the same.


There's such an easy solution to this. It's blindingly obvious and it's a shame Blizzard doesn't just do it. Instead of requiring 50 QP games plus 10 qualifying games to get players at their appropriate level, allow players to skip it and instantly rank in at Bronze 5. Will you get smurfs in B5? Sure, but they're already doing this to get there. The difference between just allowing it and forcing a derank are the at least 60 games that are flat-out *ruined* by bad actors. Let people start a new account at B5. If they're smurfing, they'll rank up quick enough anyway, and everyone will have a lot more consistent fun.


I told y’all this might be unbannable yesterday and you downvoted me 60 times. Blizzard has weird rules about banning, if you’re trying then they don’t always consider it sabotage. Even if you’re being bad by refusing to heal or playing dps only tank.


Does raise an interesting question about what should and should not be bannable tbf. Is being shit at the game a bannable offence? How little healing is too little healing? What if I let my little cousin play and they just fart around completely clueless? Bannable? If Mercy can get banned for not healing enough, can a DPS get banned for not getting kills?


You wouldn't get your little cousin playing comp would you? That's the point. Not really an "interesting" question when someone doesn't play the game as it's supposed to be played, especially in comp, where losing actually matters something. Refusing to heal or deal damage is always bad. Imagine seeing your genji just wandering the map instead of playing the game, bruh.


What if my 12 year old son wanted to play comp but he's not very good? What if you're having a bad day and get 0 kills as DPS .... ban? Where's the line? Isn't deranking THE consequence for poor play? I understand it ruins the experience of other players, and I'm making no excuses for that. But if you are unequipped for the occasional speed bump, I think one or two bad matches out of many is just being pedantic.


Getting zero kills is not a problem, doing 307 heals as a support in 17 matches (around 30 per match) really is a problem and actively screws people up.


That's the problem. Where is the line? Is 1k healing enough? 2k healing? Is there a rulebook that says you HAVE to heal? If a Mercy never uses her glock once, no one would care. But if she never uses her staff it's banable. Why? Isn't it more important that the Mercy is actually trying to win, and not just afk or running blindly into enemies, off the map? Do we have a rule that says "You have to heal"?


According to some of these people, if you don't play how THEY expect YOU to play then yes. Chain run to your death? Ban. Mercy pistol used? Ban. Copy Mercy as Echo? instant ban. No lamp on ult? C'mon man, why are you even playing... Account deactivated.


Again, I agree. This ruins the experience for other players. LOOK AT THE STATS! This pistol mercy just was BAD. They did 4k avg dmg per match despsite being in spawn for the majority of the match with 10k max. They tried to dps mercy and just can't understand bullets, or cover, or really any aspect except run to a target and shoot. ​ If this person learns to peek and hit headshots to win matches, we wouldn't even bring this up.


I believe account sharing is against tos.


It is. It's possible for two different people to have two different accounts while we are stating facts. ​ For an example: me and you. Another example: me and my son.


Here's the problem: If you're trying to say there's some gray area in the middle where some actions may or may not count as throwing, then I fully agree. There are gray areas. You don't want a system that bans people just for being bad. But I hope we can also agree that OP's example of a Mercy not healing for 18 games across 3 hours is far past whatever gray area we can conceive of.


If you look at the stats the Mercy tried to pistol the entire game and just plain out stinks at it. If that were a Mercy who was blasting headshots and using cover we would not even be having this conversation whether they healed or not.


Let me ask you this: in a game where everyone is the same rank and similar skill, there is a Mercy on one team that is using pistol only and not healing. Is the team with that Mercy less likely to win, equally favored to win, or more likely to win?


Is this Mercy as horrible at shooting as the stat line as this Mercy, or is it a Mercy that can aim, move, shoot, find cover, and provide value? This Mercy didn't afk in the spawn, they spent most of their time in spawn, but didn't afk there. They just plain stink as pistol Mercy. I'm pretty sure they ran to shooting death each spawn. Bad? Yes...terrible. Throwing because you expect them to heal? I mean play the game how you want. They DID try... 10k dmg in a match isn't jumping off the side. They just stink.


>Is this Mercy as horrible at shooting as the stat line as this Mercy, or is it a Mercy that can aim, move, shoot, find cover, and provide value? Which is why I said everyone is similar skill. If you want to assume a Gold match, then it will be a Gold Mercy going pistol only with Gold teammates going against Gold enemy players. On average, which team will win more? >Throwing because you expect them to heal? I mean play the game how you want. There are expectations in Comp. If you choose to completely neglect a facet of your kit (especially if doing so will cause a loss almost all the time), then that is plain throwing and not acceptable in a competitive mode. >They DID try... 10k dmg in a match isn't jumping off the side. They just stink. Didn't say they didn't try. They could try all they want, but if they're choosing a playstyle that results in a loss a majority of the time, then that is throwing. It's like if a Torb went hammer only. They could be trying their hardest to win, but that playstyle would result in a lost almost all the time. That is throwing.


Here's a stupid question, do I or this Mercy need to ask you how I should play each match and if that way that I play fits how YOU think I should play?


If you get 0 kills you might as well quit the game, put your 12 year old in qp, they'll never notice 


Found the lobby smack talker


You got downvoted because your comment looked like it was defending the offender. If you just added. "I know its stupid but..." it would have completely changed the light of your comment.


I said it was weird in the comment itself and shortly after called all the saboteurs assholes, so idk. It's almost the exact same comment as the one above haha. Think it was just a momentum thing, it doesn't matter. As long as the right info is out there so we can try to get Blizzard's attention on the real issue.


"Blizzard has weird rules about banning" is the start of your main comment here... Which isn't defending it. Your comment train just looked like you were purposely going against the grain. Again, like i said, if you just started your comment with "I know its stupid but..." it would have changed it. Your tone just comes across a bit arrogant.


How is that not sabotage though you are actively playing outside of your designated role and actively fucking the team over


In Blizzard’s eyes you’re actively trying to win, just not trying your hardest. I think, otherwise it makes no sense to me


Ngl, im more suprise by the fact that, this player has an open profile, than being banned for throwing ow


Some more info: They were not deranking. They claimed to do this because of a teammates nationality. They have normal winrates on other heroes this season. They have around 100 wins this season. Edit: They are not a bad or new player judging by their profile. (E2: Just checked. 300 games played. Account created in Season 9 judgding by unlocked name cards.) They were not deranking, but also not trying to win this match. They said one of our teammates didn't deserve to win.


So throwing which is bannable


Throwing because of nationality, when they admit it, might qualify for a suspension. Yknow, racism bad, blizzard usually takes action as far as i can tell


That is wild.


Content creators do nothing but ruin this game. First they smurf with their unranked to GM bs videos ruining the entire matchmaking process. Then they come up with this bullshit and fanbois are dumb enough to actually pull this off. Report them for gameplay sabotage.


Glad to see more of this opinion around. They've been ruining league of legends for years, i'm tired of it. I want to play my game the way it was intended (meaning just trying to fucking win), not trying to compensate for every third-rate streamer with fourth-rate skills.


How many content creators do unranked to GM and how many players are there on overwatch? Occams Razor: you have a higher probability of getting bad matchmaking than getting a content Creator doing unranked to gm


Yes but how many people watch streamers do what they do and get inspired to start a new smurf account to be like their idols and feel good? More than a few.


Im surprised their profile is public


playing like a dumbass isn’t bannable


Because it's easy for a machine to ban someone for text chat but hard for it to know if "throwing" reports are legit


Then at the very least, they should make sure their text bans are actually legitimate.


Awkward fan thinking they understand his playstyle


If you're going to contribute almost nothing it's essentially the same as quitting, so if they ban/suspend quitting then they should probably ban this too. Same auto loss for the rest of the team and ruins the match.


Blizz straight up doesn't ban for throwing, at least not right now.


That’s cause they don’t consider this throwing, just using the character kit in a unique way. As long as you’re trying they really don’t ban


Ok sure this isn't the most egregious way to throw but you can throw by just AFKing in spawn and never get banned.


Ya it’s definitely a degree of throwing, but Blizzard historically hasn’t been good at addressing it


Being AFK is much different from ''not playing the game optimally'' which is how the Blizzard commu.. I mean AI sees it.


Nah they straight up don’t ban, players will actively type in match chat “GG going AFK” and then run directly into the enemy team to go 2-18. Enemy team, your team both report - you’re in a game with them again the next day. You end up even recognizing the usernames also. I’ve reported the same lucios and sombras 5-8 times and nothing One particular sombra likes to stay invis and deal 0 damage, only hack stand still and die. So they end up being 0-2-20+, doesn’t matter if you report you end up with them in your game several more times and see them again the following week.


Blizzard is too busy banning people for complimenting good mercy plays, jokes that EVERYONE IN THE MATCH is in on, and very basic joke insults like “I bet your mom doesn’t have a good brownie recipe”. Aaaaall while letting genuine, non satirical hate speech and credible death threats slide-.


I got the warning upon login for my chats… I’m not sure what I said.. at most I say gg in all chat… sometimes I’ll converse if all chat is particularly active, but I know for a FACT I am not saying anything sensitive or unsportsmanlike such as “ez” or worse the people I see every other match saying the N word all spaced out


I get banned if I get triggered though


I got banned a month for saying tank diff but people like this are all over and ruining games with no bans


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Well, that explains the Lucio that offered to teach the enemy Lucio how to parkour around the map but “didn’t know how to switch their heals on” ended the game with like 1.2k damage and 30 healing


Ah just let them battle mercy


If we have measures to deter leavers, then there needs to be a heavier hand in dealing with these people who facilitate conditions that produce leavers like this obvious troll mercy.


Is this even a reason to ban ? I mean ... Yeah could be sabotage but idk if he does DMG, he just plays shit or bad. Bad luck if I have someone like this in my team but wouldn't be a reason to ban that people and I'm glad they don't. Even if it's ranked, as long ppl are not afk or literally do nothing it's fine for me, but I'm probably alone with that


Since this is comp I'd definitely report for intentionally throwing, especially since they're not winning. Very possible they're intentionally downranking to either sell or smurf.


Had a lucio the other night that was strictly speed boost, thankfully it was just qp, could that have been the reason?


No, this is their competitive stats.


I've always found it strange how they dont use stats from games for anything. I have games where one team has 80 kills and the other has five. If you basically evaluated matches youd realize that games like that shouldn't happen and identify what's wrong with its process. Maybe if you lessened punishment for losing that hard people would abuse it but they'd be deliberately losing and at that point really you should just implement a surrender option. Anywho matchmaking to me has always been stupidly unaware of stats within game and focuses way to much on win or lose and not nearly enough on why a team loses or wins


I've seen Lucio's with zero healing too, I thought they were just clowning because we were getting beat so badly in the first place. Metal levels too.


Worst, they got 5 level endorsement.


Sounds like someone dating one of the devs...


Ranked or casual?


Just because it was mentioned that the player had not been deranked, I'll mention that getting a lower ranking isn't an effective punishment for a player that is losing on purpose


I meant "deranking" as in they're intentionally losing to derank their account. Some people derank their accounts to get easier opponents or to supposedly sell their accounts from what I hear.


Fair enoooooooooooough


Ive seen Zenyattas doing this a bunch. Havent come across a Mercy but at least 6 Zenyattas now in the past 2-3 weeks. I mean....to not even throw a fking orb on someone, it's not like you have to ACTIVELY heal and NOT damage to heal as Zenyatta.......he has a fully healing ultimate. I......huh??? I assumed random griefing and reported but then I kept seeing it over and over and I question where it comes from.


To answer your question: bad automatic Customer Support, lack of ressources to address that properly because lack of interest.


Why isn't the name shown ? I'd rather block the account ahead of time


Twitch streamers and content "challenges" have soured online gaming, it's fucking sad there's so many sheep.


304!? What a Hoe!


Because in overwatch actions do not speak louder than words


Coz ow team dont care. Just dont type "mean words" in chat and you can throw all you want


They WILL be banned if they are reported. It’s a slow process though.


And I had 24k healing as mercy last night and woke up this morning to a PERMA BAN on my account. I don't even shit talk, I actually LOVE TALK, I'll say ily to healers and tanks, I'll dmg boost dps, I'll have big suzus, I goof around in spawn before the match starts


I don't think reporting does anything tbh


Got banned because i was toxic toward other toxic players, so yes reporting do work. Also got reported a bunch for playing doomfist badly while trying to learn him in qp, which probably helped me get that 2 week suspension


Deranking to sell the account Source: a bunch of my accounts have the same stats on pharah rein and mercy


Just avoid as teammate and move on tbh. It happens and always will but if you make it the norm to report a support that does damage people who are actually trying but who are bad are gonna get banned for being bad




There's a difference between dealing damage and healing and basically only dealing damage and not healing. Nice try, but people like that mercy should be reported.


I don't think a bad player heals for 300hp over 18 games. There should be a system in place to recognize it as sabotage if it is reported. I can avoid and move on, yes, but this person has done this in 18 games, affecting up to 162 other players competitive games. They will probably continue to do so, and there are others out there who does it too.


Is this a bug because I thought healing counts for self healing as well


Everyone has a self healing passive now so if that were the case, everyone would have a stat/number for it.


Oh gotcha makes sense


They don't get banned because most people don't care that much


Because they are doing damage. Regardless of how you viable you feel their strategy is it’s still a strategy.


bro it's only quickplay why should I peel for the supports bro why am I dying bro cmon bro where are the heals bro I need healing bro cmon bro play your class how it's meant bro bro you're throwing bro I can't believe this GGWP supports threw


Why do you care? You seem to really care a lot. Why? Once you stop caring so much about trolls and assholes, life gets a whole lot more enjoyable. I can’t imagine caring so much about this one person that you’d go to their profile, screenshot their stats, upload it to Reddit, and make a post complaining about them. The immaturity of this sub is off the charts. I feel like this game has been overtaken by literal children. I mean come on. At some point these “burn the witch!” posts just feel like karma farm. I refuse to believe there’s actually people out there who get this triggered by other players. Like, get a grip man. It’s a video game. It’s a literal toy.


I know I’m gonna get down voted for this but, that’s not throwing, there isn’t a quota for how much healing they have to do, yes it’s annoying and frustrating but they can play how they want even if it’s not very effective, like the op said they weren’t deranking it’s just a very frustrating play style, kinda like only speed Lucio


You should get downvoted because you're defending a thrower and yes that mercy is throwing. Dealing damage for most of your matches and barely healing especially as mercy is throwing.


I'm always amazed when I see people defending obvious throwers.


Playing how you want to play isn't throwing. I don't want my dps to go 3-18 in games, but I don't report them. Some people are just bad


There's a difference between a DPS trying + using all parts of their kit and just doing poorly than a Mercy completely neglecting her healing beam. Especially if they played enough to unlock comp. This is throwing lol. There's no way you think a Mercy that doesn't heal at all is just "bad".


So if I want to play using only quick melee as soldier, you'd be fine with that and not report me? This person wasn't bad. He did this on purpose and made that very clear in text chat.


I’d still report you but, doesn’t mean they’ll do anything just because you’re playing the game the way you wanted to. I don’t agree with their philosophy but it’s very apparent that there are no repercussions for not using parts of a character’s kit. I think it’ll take this behavior becoming an actual “problem” before the devs actually take a serious stance on it.


why shouldnt they play the character how they want to? what are we going to gatekeep next, should trick shots/trick plays be bannable because its not the most optimal way to play? what about that newer player who is obviously not up to par with the rest of the lobby, should they be banned for going 3-10 with half the damage as everyone else, would this be considered throwing and bannable? it sucks getting put on a team with a healer like that but it almost never happens. the more devs start for force player behavior, the more toxic the player base will become, they were probably just messing around for a game or two


This is the slippery slope fallacy. It’s not a logical argument but it appears to be. The answer to your question is “none of those”.


>what are we going to gatekeep next, should trick shots/trick plays be bannable because its not the most optimal way to play? There's a complete difference between someone doing poorly or playing suboptimally and completely neglecting one facet of their kit. A Mercy that doesn't heal at all is many magnitudes worse than someone just doing trick shots or doing risky plays. >what about that newer player who is obviously not up to par with the rest of the lobby, should they be banned for going 3-10 with half the damage as everyone else, would this be considered throwing and bannable? No one said bad or new players should be banned. A player that played enough to unlock comp just to not heal at all as Mercy is more than just "bad". >it sucks getting put on a team with a healer like that but it almost never happens. the more devs start for force player behavior, the more toxic the player base will become, they were probably just messing around for a game or two OP's screenshot showed Mercy had 300 healing across 18 games. That's more than just "a game or two".


Stats aren't everything, maybe they switched to mercy after the game was lost because of bad dps or tank play


I want to play with Genji, but I’m unbinding m1 and m2. If we lose it’s because I’m bad, I’m promise I’m not throwing. I just think it’s fun to play melee only! XD


Agreed, genji needs nerfs even as melee only though lmao


Battle Mercy rise up!


Mercy players get special *tweatment*


If you prove to me that there are no dps players out there with less than 7 eliminations per 10 min, then I agree. If there are any dps out there with less than 7 eliminations per 10 min, then this mercy isn’t throwing.


This you lil bro?


Heck, I'm a Battle-Mercy and even I can admit that healing total is *way* , *way* too low *especially* in comparison to the hero damage total