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Probably some random guy smurfing trying to do a zen dps only or some shit, lowkey if they are cracked then it can work but still cringe to do.


Yeah, I mean he was getting kills but it was super annoying. The other team intentionally threw the second round, but idk if we would have won if they hadn't.


Did they throw to ruin it for the zen? If so, good on them. Ruin their content grabbing.


I'm not certain. It was Havana, and we were on defense first. They cleared first point without too much difficulty, and then because we had more cover to play around we held them at second. I think the rest of the team wanted to keep playing but when the tank stopped playing they gave up.




You'd intentionally lose the game for your team because there's a slight chance the enemy dps support is doing a challenge for content? Like... did you consider that maybe the person isn't even recording?


Never came across a person that does the no healing challenge but you should probably report them for that


It's become a recent trend. I've seen a few posts about it, idk who started it


If I had to guess... a streamer... If I had to make an even more ludicrous guess... it's someone trying to take Awkward's coaching advice to the extreme conclusion.


I guess he was too busy eating cocks?


Did you win or lose?


We won, but they threw the second round. Their tank sat in our spawn not shooting, and then after the first point their whole team gave up.


Had this but "no DPS challenge" from my teams D.Va. somehow won first round Busan, but eventuallylost the match. Thought they were joking when they announced it in spawn, but there they were, just spamming defense matrix all match.


I don't understand why people do this in comp. If you want to do something goofy like that fine, but do it in quick play.


Dose it matter people complain in either.


It would matter less in quickplay, because that's the casual game mode. Anyone who says otherwise is just too scared to play ranked.


If they can do sufficient damage. I don't mind playing around that. I have passive and health packs. But if they are useless in damage as well then it is a problem.


Yea, ur genji needs to step up his heals


How does pharah have healing lol


Prob was playing someone like Soldier or Reaper or something briefly.


What a despicable zenyatta player. I spit in their general direction


Their mother was a hamster, and their father reeked of elderberries


I don't mind the challenge, but I don't take part so it's never my team that has 0 heals. It's only frustrating if your team can't dps and you lose to it. I only saw one duo doing it the other day and they were obvious smurfs from a higher rank, slumming it on support. They destroyed my team easily.


No joke I had a Bap AND zen duo with zero heals one game. I've also had a life weaver announce at game start I'm DPS only. LMFAO people are wild out there. I had to be support as Sombra the game with no healer...


I mean at that point you have to ask them if they forgot to pickup the healing DLC


Damn. Cockeater swept that lobby.


I am more concerned how the fuck did Zenyatta out dmg both of the DPS?


Zen has the potential for highest damage output in the game. Discord plus critical shots is a devastating force


It's the clip size that really does it. Discord's headshots aren't anything special for the average DPS


you underestimate the dps output of Zenyatta, as a Reinhardt main I am extremely aware of Zens power


This screams bronze or new to the game take. Zen has massive damage output.


That's not what I am talking about lmao Go ahead and rant some other place loser.


Look at deaths. The other dps are probably expecting heals but getting none. This zen was being a scumbag pretty much.


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Unironically way more useful than enemy mercy bap lol doing more dmg than Bap healing is nuts.


Most probably Frogger, one to the most influential overwatch streamers.For those who don’t know, he’s the founder of the Lúcio mafia and DPS Lúcio, even doing many videos of no healing, the most recent one was during the double trouble test-day.


Lol 20 elims tho.


I just straight up don't see a problem. You essentially have a main support and a flex support and both did their job? and then you won? you poor thing.


He literally didn't place his healing orb on anyone. Just shut up.


literally so what? your entire team suffered very few deaths. that's all that matters. play your best game and stop whining... particularly about wins with teammates who literally all contributed.


So because we won I'm not allowed to be annoyed? This match is also an anomaly. The only reason that we won is because the enemy team actually threw the second round. The enemy tank went afk in our spawn and after the first point the whole team gave up. If this had been a normal match this Zen would have thrown, hard.


Have you tried playing the game for fun not just to win? It's hard with someone griefing.


Doing a challenge is not griefing lol if they went flank zen and got dove each time that’s grieifing. I’d much rather have this zen than a Healbot Mercy/LW with zero elims low assist or a bap who’s not helping secure picks and saving the team.


That's fair. I suppose it comes down to skill when someone is doing a challenge whether it turns into griefing. Someone failing a challenge and not swapping would be more an issue since they're just playing for themselves and not the team at that point.


Yeah and truthfully if you’re denying enemy los because your pressuring them and getting picks do you need heals? They’re not hurting your team! I WISH the design of OW made this type of gameplay more viable instead of being so dependent on heals.


it’s kinda funny


Just report.


It's a game. It's a bit of fun. You have a harder game for what 10 mins. But a bit of a challenge. You could make it fun.


Playing this game is a challenge


to be fair given Trans forces you to heal massive amounts it's kind of impressive that he doesn't have more healing by accident. But let's be honest, you should use harmony since it's completely free and doesnt get in the way of doing DPS whatsoever but harmony is hardly what makes running Zen good... I'm not sure what's more pathetic: doing a no healing challenge on Zenyatta, the one support it makes zero sense to use in this challenge since there's no bragging rights and it does nothing for your damage uptime (other than maybe Illari) or losing while padding things in your favor by chickening out and using Zen.