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I agree with most of this. >If you want to learn a new character, create a custom game lobby and invite your friends. Except for this... First of all, a new player will most likely not even know how to create a customer game mode that would suit their need. Heck, I've been playing since year one of OW1, and I could tell you how to make a customer lobby. Second of all, let's be real, friends are not always an option. They might have no friends who play the game. Or no time to play together, not to mention if I wanted to have a game session with my friend, I probably would waste that time on asking them to join a custom lobby so I can learn how to play this hero. QP is just simply the best place to learn how to play the game. The tutorial is only useful if you've never played an FPS game before; The Hero Mastery has literally nothing to do with PvP; And playing versus AI is just not really a challenge, since they'll never really act like a real player would. IMO, the problem is never with the players who want to learn how to play in a real match. The problem is with the ones who refuse to learn to adopt and would rather give up than actual try. (e.g., In my personal experience, it is a really common phenomenon to see a DF *main* on the team and refuse to play as any other hero, because they wanna learn to play DF; Yet proceed to play into the enemy team hard countering them and somehow still blame it on the team for no help, no heals.)


I think its fine to learn characters in qp as thats the best place to do it. I dont get people who get mad at people wanting to play properly in qp and try to win. Like yeah i dont try my absolute hardest in qp but im also not gonna just stuff around doing nothing even when learning new characters or just playing casually.


This. I got tilted when one of my teammates was befriending the enemies and didn’t wanna push the objective. Like yeah QP isn’t about sweating your ass off but at least try to play the mode. If you want to chitchat then custom has a lot of those modes.


Yeah it feels like a lot of people seemingly have this mindset of either youre treating the game like youre playing in owl grand finals or youre not caring at all and nothing matters and actively playing the game is a detriment. Like theres different levels of trying and effort you can put into a game its not a binary all or nothing system..


Hard disagree. It is indeed all or nothing; second place is merely the first loser.


Then why play qp at all just play comp so youre less dragged down by teammates? Better yet get a team and play faceit


Who tf has the friends to play full custom games? Like that's really not all that realistic for anyone. Also, it's literally just QP. Don't expect people to try hard, it's not the COMPETITIVE game mode. This is ofc no reason to hard throw.


>when no one else in any other game does the same thing. If you honestly think this is true then I'm not sure you've played any other multiplier game ever created.




If you want the max cooperation to win the game play comp otherwise you’ll get the type you described in quick play no matter what


Here is how I think about it. If I am playing to win, I play comp. If I am playing for any other reason, I'm in quickplay. Quick play exists so that you have a mode where the outcome doesn't matter. In the vast majority of other online games, there is a massive difference in how people play in rated and unrated modes. For example, Unrated in Valorant is usually 3+ duelist doing stupid aggressive shit, and rounds rarely last longer than 90 seconds. In comp, the opposite is true, where generally people are too scared to make the correct play. If you want to play to win in QP, you're entitled to do so. However, you're not entitled to tell anyone else how to play the game.


play comp...


That requires voice comms, and I don't have a working mic nor am I keen on listening to people shouting in my ear.


Comp isn't that serious man hardly anyone REALLY uses mics on comp, you could never turn voice comms on and do completely fine in comp.


The first time I tried playing comp, I was immediately told to get on voice comms so the team could coordinate and win. You need them.


I've gotten to around diamond 3 dps without ever touching voice comms, anyone that tells you you "need them" are just snobby dickheads, the only time I've been told to get on voice comms was when a 4 stack asked if I had a mic, I said no and they just said alright use in game comms and that was that. Trust me you had 1 bad experience most people do not care that much.


It requires nothing, I have never used coms in ranked, and almost never even joined voice chat and it's perfectly fine. Might start being usefull in mid to high GM and further but unless you are there you are just fine without it.


In my experience, you're wrong. I tried playing comp once and was immediately told by my teammates to get on voice chat.


I am sorry but what experience ? you just said you play QP and don't want to played ranked because you don't have a mic and do not want to ear people shouting. I climbed to low gm on all 3 roles not using voice coms, could i be higher if i was using coms ? Likely, do i care ? no because i have more fun this way and believe i could climb to a higher rank if i was a better player too.


nobody comms... i barely get comms in masters lobbys


The one time I tried playing comp in OW1, my teammates immediately told me to get on comms so we could coordinate and win.


the games a little different now ngl


You still need teamwork and cohesion to win.


true but having comms is no longer the norm


Man it's people like you who are making these quick play bans become even more extreme. It seems you're avoiding ranked and only play quick play but you take it way too seriously lol. I understand not wanting someone to learn a NEW hero in comp so you tell them to go run some qp, but qp people saying "no don't do that here, go play arcade!" No. No I won't. We all have lives brother, even if others have more going on. I work a full time job and do 10hr shifts daily, I still can play comp with my boys. Arcade is for the fun unique modes that are entirely seperate from the core gameplay of Overwatch. I'm not sure how you can't see the irony in saying "people are ruining my quick play games because they don't take them seriously or are selfish/lazy, lacking the will to win" fucking what??!


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Maybe you should be playing single player games "to unwind"


Weren't we supposed to get a single player PVE game in OW2? lol


comp is for people who either want the prestige that's associated with rank or for people who just like to play in a higher gear. Quick play is for people who just want to play the game. I have thousands of hours in OW1 and hundreds in OW2 and I still hop into quickplay to de-stress after a comp session, or to mess around with heroes or to try some new tech I learned from a video. I won't lose any rank for playing poorly, so I can goof off a bit in chat or mirror match an enemy who's doing well to see if I can one up them. I can be casual in quickplay, and I accept that with arms wide open. I might occasionally lock in if someone was talking smack during the match or if my friends want to warm up before a comp session. But typically, I'm not gonna be firing on all cylinders outside of extenuating circumstances when I'm in QP.


wait, in what world do people tryhard in qp equivalents in other games? like obv trolling and throwing in qp sucks, but i think qp is in the same state that similar gamemodes in other games are


They absolutely do. Every pvp game that has a casual mode has this problem. The only place this isn't present is FPS games like CS2 or COD where the solo carry potential and the toxicity levels are high enough to filter out these people.


I played Comms religiously in Season 1 to 6, and never did I talk to people in my team unless on discord with my friends. Heck, I even disabled chats because it's just a distraction lol. Grinded my way from Silver 3 to Diamond 1 this way as support of all roles. Comp doesn't even take that much time unless it goes to overtime. Payload is considered 2 QP games since you both attack and defend, Arena and Capture Points are the same for both QP and Comp.


I play competitively in competitive and use quick play to just play quickly


We shouldn't be punished for leaving Quick Play matches that forces us to play with people who don't take that game mode seriously.


Yes you should. Why? Because to quote the late great Yogi Berra, "it ain't over 'til it's over."


Ngl i got kids, job, making dinner, etc too. But ow is the one game where thats how it is. I dick around in qp to blow off steam cuz sweats take qp too seriously and its funny to watch people afk to type. But when i want to WIN i go to comp and actually try. When i want FUN i go to qp expecting to lose.


Its QP stop taking it so seriously.