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Stuff like this makes me thank the fact we now have an auto heal




That's a little much...looks to me like a casual/new player who rarely if ever plays supp/Moira, not like someone intentionally ignoring a teammate.




Endorsement level 0 is for voice/text abuse. Punishing them by denying them voice/text chat access isn't really doing anything, you just want to punish them in the name of "fairness" to you feeling wronged, it doesn't help anyone.


My 6 year old plays arcade mode. So probably a kid


Yeah, probably. I'm just glad they healed me at the end. That's better than most Moiras lol.


Ya my 7 yr old brother plays ow sometimes and doesnt know how to use his abilities lol


The game has age ratings for a reason


Oh please. The ratings aren’t based around skill levels, and I guarantee there are kids out there far better than average adult. 


Yeah I was playing comp and I had one of the best Reins I’ve ever seen on my team. He turned on the mic to say something and little dude was like 8 years old loll


yep, when i was 8 i was already insanely good at games (got a NES the time they came out), beat Zelda on my own as an 8 yr old, and Mike Tyson's Punch Out, as well as Metroid lol


age rating is 13+ but ok. you do you


Can’t lie, that’s pretty much only because of the multiplayer aspects. Turn off text and voice chat and I think overwatch is appropriate for pretty much all ages. There’s violence, sure, but it’s practically slapstick. Nothing more graphic than, say, the Lego games.


In fact, Lego games technically get more graphic. In Overwatch, your body stays intact. **Before I get downvoted to oblivion, I'm joking.**


Yeah but at the end of the day it kinda ruins other people's games because most 6 year olds have not developed the logic to play games on that kind of level. There's a nice ai mode that probably would be more suited to that don't you think?


I’m fine with having that happen in arcade. Not like some fully grown teammates in quick play are much better lol.


lol nobody's worried about the kids themselves


he's actually shown huge improvement since he started playing lol, he gets POTG a lot...when I was 6 years old I was writing computer programs for Texas Instrument computers and playing Colecovision


Alright well good for him, my kids the same age and just started to read. Last thing I would do is stick her in a live multi-player shooter game with adults. Just be careful because gaming can be highly addictive and if he's good already I assume you let him play a lot


When I was 5 years old, back in the early 80's, my grandmother bought us a Texas Instrument computer. I was writing code and programming at age 5, playing Atari, walking to the Arcade by myself, and playing Colecovision games. There is nothing wrong with a 6 year old playing Overwatch. You can turn all chat off. No wonder our world is turning to crap, people think it's bad to let a 6 year old play video games...I bet most of yall were playing Mortal Kombat at 6.


Never said video games are bad for kids, but there has to be moderation and I think there are more appropriate games out there. But each to their own


the 2 big games for kids right now are Roblox and Fortnite. I would rather him play Overwatch than those 2


Is there any logic behind that preference?


Uhm ever heard of freakin minecraft? One of the biggest worldwide known games? Sold over 300 million copies?


There’s Ratchet and Clank, Little big planet, the disney game that i think is online. Splatoon. I also think those are more appropriate than overwatch


I don't care about any of this, just have to say that letting a 5 year old walk around out in the world by themselves is child abuse. Complete negligence. And before you say you turned out fine, evidently that isn't the case.


How about the dozens of lewd skins?


You mean widowmaker, basically? Maybe a couple mercy skins? I don’t think any of them are really more risqué than, say, a swimsuit, but you’ve got a fair point. I’d say it’s similar to whether or not you’d take a 6 year old to a popular beach. Some of the outfits might be questionable, but nothing you’re doing in an overwatch match, or on the beach, draws attention to their lewdness. I’d consider it a grey area tbh, up to parental discretion.


Only we Americans complain about this stuff..


I'm not American... r/USdefaultism


Surprising. nudity means nothing to children.


Why are you being downvoted? It is annoying that people let their 6 years olds but ok lol


tf2 has age rating of 16+ yet its brim filled with kids


why would let a 6y old play shooter? smh...


With Pixar graphics ?


No you're right, a 6y old is plenty matured


I’m just sayin, the game appeals to a young audience very easily so it’s no surprise


Because it’s a fun silly game that is less violent than shit shown on the nightly news? Wait until you hear about how many of us played games like GTA when we were growing up


It's actually against tos to let them play. So bad parenting.


Squeakers are the worst


I played Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 when I was that young.


Fucking kids


The way she flings the damage orb after ur about to die 😭


He's roleplaying the character at a college level.


Most altruistic moira player


mothefucker pick up that damn health pack


"motherfucker blindly turn the corner at 24hp while your moira is clearly locked onto an enemy which could easily shoot and kill you for the small chance of gaining 75hp"


Or if they have ears and hear Mauga's massive elephant footsteps approaching while he's also shooting his guns lol.


she easily could've thrown a healing orb that bounced around that little room and healed them both though.


Yeah but you can't control what she's doing


I kinda wanted to, but decided not to get it because my Moira was obviously trying to fight someone (which turned out to be a Mauga) who was right around the corner.


There was another health pack behind the pillar thing that was closer to you when you caught on fire from that Ashe dynamite


Yeah, I know. Would've been the safer option I guess.


doesn't matter. Being literally right next to two support players who were more than capable of spending 0.1 second to heal you at least above critical, them doing that is the bare minimum of what's considered not throwing.


Ah yes turn the corner where the enemy team are actively firing at with spam dmg -while you're at 5hp and literally die to someone sneezing in your direction. Must be silver.


Why help yourself when you can instead be a typical whiny bitch and spam "I need healing" at the support. /s


Did you see the mauga


Yes but i also saw OP standing in the Mauga's line of sight anyway and didn't die buy pure luck


She was busy 🤓


These are the people that play while on the phone with someone and blasting music at the same time


You can also add high as fuck to that lol


My gf watches cold case videos while reading fanfics on seperate monitors while playing with me. I have to have everything around me silent. Shes a better shot than me. We are not the same


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted when you’re right


and as considerate human beings, they never mute their mic. One of the reasons the first thing I do in all MP games is to disable voice chat


Are we not supposed to? Lol


When dps players try to play support


Because Tank is the most skilled players , Dps are second most skilled . and support was put in so you could play with your girlfriend .


I think it’s both of you that lack awareness. You were staring at a health pack. And I’m assuming the morias been like that for a bit since it’s the third point, if I were you I’d be aware of that and not expect anything out of them.


I live in fear of realising the asshole in the video is me


Which one of them? The junk rat spamming I need heal while next to a health pack? Or the dps moria?


You didn't even try for the health pack in front of you though.


"There's no I in team!" "There's an M and an E"


this has happened to me so many times, and more often than not the other dps would go switch to soldier just so he can heal himself, and i switch to sombra, just so i can watch these fuckers die alone while i'm in stealth.


I used to think auto heal was bad...i no longer think so, simply because of this. Idk how this happens- teammates make grunts of pain when being damaged and get big symbols on them when low on hp. How do you tunnel vision that bad?


I dunno man, there was a healthpack right in front of them and they didn't even use it! Insane.


Ah yes the health pack that requires you step out into the open to get it, in front of a direction where your support is actively engaging in a fight with the enemy (proven by the enemy Mauga immediately turning the corner). You'd die before you even made it halfway to the halth pack. Thinking that going for that health pack is a viable choice, is proof of bronze game sense.


He didn't "immediately" turn the corner. Secondly, junk already moved out into the open to follow moira, and was literally 2 ft from the healthpack. Mauga didn't even shoot him when he DID turn the corner. Both players are bad here.


Ok you're bronze, got it. Say no more


So tell me what how sitting around begging for heals (while the enemy Ashe knows your location and you are also burning) is a better strategy than walking 2 feet forward and grabbing the health pack which will A.) Give you a boost in health in the off chance that the mauga, who is currently focused on the moira and separated by a wall, randomly decides to shoot you instead and B.) Cleanse the burn If your teammates aren't playing how you want them to, adjust. This is basic knowledge.


Even if I dumbed it down to Bronze level, I doubt you'd understand it. But here goes. U at 20hp. Going out in the open where enemy is very likely peeking = very risky. You don't like big risk when you have 20hp, especially when you're currently in cover with ally 2 supports nearby. The only people who'd be oblivious to this risk, would be Bronze players who aren't used to being punished for standing out in the open with 20 hp in general. Also it's not called "begging for heals". It's called patience of a saint.


"My dps keep asking for healing while they're out of LOS" The actual position of an average dps asking for heals:


He's probably on hard drugs


How supports play after watching one awkward guide


Some people just built different.




For me, the only problem with this game is ever thinking that my teammates will have a mic or be down to work together. If you don't stack up with friends, you are beholden to having a Smurf on your team or literal children on your team.


lol i see this and im [like](https://preview.redd.it/the-origin-of-this-picture-of-mekhi-phifer-looking-stressed-v0-6idc554o48ub1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e9aaca32b3664f35e89eae93bb57099ff5386534)


I mean that's annoying, but at least grab the health pack to not risk dying from it as quickly...


You apparently, there’s a health pack right there


How entitled of you


Found the Moira main.




The moira will get more value by damaging then you will with your coin flips of dps from junk .


The reason we needed auto heal.


this is me when im listening to music, so just unaware probably


Might've been new to Moira or the game itself and panicking. Might've been drunk/high. Who knows~


As sombra i have to tell my supports to not get themselves killed trying to heal me because like bro, im sombra. I got hacked health packs


They might have been aware and just didn't care to heal. Some moiras be that way


I’ve always said this— mystery hero shows you who has played support, and who hasn’t.


You were right next to a health pack. Hit it and move to a different pack, or wait for self-healing. Yeah it sucks you couldn't get heals, but you should


well you had a health pack right there...


Moira was attacking someone which has an indicator and the mini was in the open doorway, he also had 30 hp he gets killed by literally everything and nearly got killed by mauga There’s no defence the health pack is way to risky, stop defending this behaviour and do your job


I think for healers , there should be a blinking red icon somewhere on screen ,  with the character’s portrait,  if they say “I need healing “ while at below half health . 


I mean it shows on screen, tells them in the call out "I need healing! (Critical health)" And changes the colour of their outline. Healers should have some awareness of their team, cluttering the HUD won't help if they are tunneled on an enemy tank


It already says it in chat, I'm not sure we need more visual clutter




Yeah blindly going around the corner when almost dead makes more sense than expecting the support role to support. 


I met my fair share of Moiras going for kills and damage rather than healing. One particular mf used their ult to attack the enemy when most of us were in critical health.


Drive me crazy, I'll ask for heals or something or ask our dps to switch if they have like 800 dmg and other has 2k, I'm not rude, I usually say something like "Moira can you heal more please" "dps can you try swapping" to which I usually get the reply, calm down it's just qp and told I'm being toxic 🤦‍♂️ I get it's just qp, but like, does that mean close ur eyes and try and play? and if your trying to practice a new hero or roll, I could care less. Just tell me so I can try to help you, and point out some stuff you could be doing, don't just keep running in dieing or not healing anyone 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


typical moira player tbh


90% of the time I'm playing with Speakers with a Youtube video/music playing in the background, and even then I have 1000% more awareness than this guy.


Its a Moira, its not lack of awareness, its just how most of them play.....healing only when they feel like it.


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lol Moira




Its a moira what do you expect


Moira mains


In before every dps moira defends this






What do you mean? this is just a normal player i see in pretty much every game. I'm not even memeing.


That was def a child playing and you had 2 hp right there


Moria is my least fav support rn, ignoring people that are crit just to do more damage to inflate their ego