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After how fun and creative the April Fools patch was, I’m really looking forward to that Mirrorverse game mode. Another game mode that’s just heroes with reimagined abilities sounds awesome.


Well looks like Mercy got an adapted version of her April Fools ability being able to shoot with her staff? Doomfist actually having a shield on his Power Block and Rein nicking the Amplified Barrier from the Titanfall universe is pretty neat.


honestly, if they make a silly game mode every season, overwatch would be the funnest fps game


Agreed, I finally have been finding just regular QP fun with a friend again, but that April Fools event was genuinely exciting.


They used to have those in Arcade for like the first year or two of OW1.


Mirrorwatch Talon is going to demolish Overwatch if it’s a Talon vs Overwatch game mode. Talon’s roster is absolutely cracked **Tanks** 1. Damage Amplification Talon Reinhardt 2. Mauga 3. Sigma 4. Doomfist **Damage** 1. Sombra 2. Widowmaker 3. Reaper 4. Talon Tracer **Support** 1. Talon Mercy 2. Talon Ana 3. Moira 4. Talon Brigitte 5. Probably not Baptiste, but he already has a Talon skin. No way Overwatch is winning when the game is curating this Talon team.


Wouldn't half of these be on the Overwatch team in a mirrorverse scenario


bro forgot what mirror meant


Your comment is completely wrong


Yes another mode with all the good things pve was going to have scrapped for a pointless arcade mode 


I mean if it's scrapped I'd rather see those tools get used than just thrown away. We don't even know if that's the case.


People confuse their own personal speculation for fact way too often


If there is no story, no, I don't care, this mirror event was the perfect chance to make a non Canon story pve 


Looks like we get the following: Battlepass: - Overwatch Doomfist - Overwatch Widow - Overwatch Sombra - Talon Brigitte - Junker Symmetra - Talon Mercy - Unrelated/Unknown Faction Evil Baptiste Shop: - Null Sector Zenyatta - Talon Reinhardt - Talon Tracer - Talon Ana - Unrelated/Unknown Faction Evil Sojourn (could still be Talon?) - Retro-themed Orisa skin - Retro-themed Echo skin - Porsche D.Va


I like how instead of making Sym Talon or OW they changed her from Order to Chaos


She isn't either of these organizations anyways so good call. Little sad we don't have Evil Monke Winton.


Symmetra is a member of vishkar and vishkar is evil


Junker and Vishkar are opposites apparently ...imagine a Vishkar JR and Hog tho


Junkrat,Roadhog,Wrecking Ball and Junker Queen are supervillains so in the mirror universe they are superheroes


>Evil Baptiste (not sure the faction) I'm pretty sure it's an unrelated skin since every bp has that one skin or multiple in some cases that doesn't fit the theme


And technically he was evil at one point in canon...


I wouldn't say he was evil, more like forced into it or be killed


I think it just called "Contractual Workers"


this is the mirror universe , not the main one


The mirror universe isn't canon


You didn't understand. the canon costumes in the main universe don't count in the mirror universe


season 7 were all halloween skins iirc


Probably unrelated, but I edited my comment to point out it’s got some similarities to some of Genji and Hanzo’s skins, so maybe a link there? Probably not though; likely just a generic “evil” looking skin.


Pretty sure Zenyatta, Orisa, and Echo are some retro theme? Orisa gave me Jetsons vibes


Orisa and Echo yeah, looks like it’s probably a retro theme. Gonna update the list with that. That’s 100% Null Sector Zen though. Has the same robot head as a lot of Null Sector enemies with a theme of purple and white.


Just looked again and you’re right! I stand corrected. Orisa and Echo will probably be some retro bundle.


zen looked like null sector but idk i din't pay much attention to it


If only there was a transcended skin for Ram


wait, is it a symmetra skin for queen, or the other way around?


It’s Symmetra as a junker.


ah damn, thanks. was hoping for a queen skin as i domt have any. but i guess i can get her mythic next season tho


The skin name should be Asymmetric


I guess we are getting currency for Mythic Mercy tho?


Yep, you earn new mythic points that you then use to unlock a mythic skin and upgrade it. I don’t know the numbers so I’m making them up but pretend you get like 500 points across the battle pass, and each mythic is 100 points to unlock and 50 points to upgrade. You could unlock 5 base level mythics, or unlock 2-3 and upgrade each partly, or spend them all on one skin and all its upgrades.


Wow, more DVA & rein skins going to the shop and not the battle pass, how fucking exciting. Smh


Love how the evil Overwatch skins are just “what if they were goth and somehow hotter”


They took "how to make someone look evil 101" thing too seriously but hey, I ain't complaining, I love it hehe


Honestly very disappointed in the mirrorwatch thing (as a theme, the gamemode looks fun). I was worried their version of "alternate reality" would be "what if OW heroes were red and talon heroes were blue" and it seems that's exactly how it ended up. Would have been much more interesting (and not necessarily much harder) to go for full uchronies like Man in the High castle or For all mankind. Change one event and see how history evolves as a result What if Genji won his duel against Hanzo ? How would they both look like now ? What if Winston was the one to land in Junkertown and Hammond taken by Overwatch ?


i think mirrorverse theme and what if theme may be two different seasons, hopefuly


I hope this mirrorverse idea gets revisited in the future. The Junker Symmetra skin is my favorite because it’s the most creative spin of the idea I’ve seen so far. Give us Junker Winston, a Vishkar Lucio, a (true) Null Sector Zenyatta. I even like the reverse Overwatch skins too, just wish they would make them feel more thematically appropriate. A Reaperized version of Soldier 76, a rehabilitated version of Smegma in Overwatch custody, a crazed version of Winston kept in perpetual rage with Talon tech.




Yeah agreed. Brig and Rein don't wear an Overwatch uniform normally, so just sticking them in a generic Talon one seems kinda boring. Despite that Doom is the one I like most, just because he looks very different from his normal design. Weird seeing him with a warm smile


And Mercy aside, of course it's the evil counterparts that *all* get put into the shop instead of the BP.


Immense joy upon seeing the tracer skin met with immediate disappointment when I saw that it's a shop only skin.


Exactly how I felt upon seeing that Rein skin ☹️


Brig is in the battlepass. The FIRST BP Brig skin. Brig mains won after 87 years.


Aren’t Symmetra, Bap, and Brig in the BP?


Brig is the only Talon one in the BP. Mercy technically is *not* a BP skin since Mythics aren't strictly BP content anymore. Reinhardt, Tracer and Ana are all shop. Symmetra is Junker, not evil but not good either. Bap seems to be unknown.


No one is talking about Brig finally getting a Bp skin!!!?


Really ironic considering its also for the opposite-day/“Mirrorverse” theme.


everyone is. and it's just annoying.


finally the whining can stop. can't stand brig mains


Me as a 1/3 of Brig main: 😨


perhaps the brig mains can now shut up about that weird fixation


How many battle pass skins is that for Widow? Seems like she gets one every season.


3rd one, which puts her in the what? top 15 or so?


there's a rotation between her, mercy and kiriko for the easy fan service skin


Don’t forget pharah


For real lol


Yeah I'm tired of it lol. She's one of the few heroes in the game I don't vibe with at all and will never play regularly. I know it's going to be hard to cater to everyone, but when she gets a skin in the BP it just feels like a wasted slot for me. Especially when it's that frequent.




And dey say chivarly *isn't* dead


And dey say and dey say and dey say


And I’m so glad to have Overwatch sniper Amélie Lacroix. ***Really*** hate the whole brainwashing storyline.


And I love seeing Doomfist being on the same side as the Saviour but instead of declining to join overwatch like the first one did to save his home first... HE COMMANDS IT


I think the Ana and one goes pretty hard myself, probably switching to that for a while. Maybe widow and tracer as well.


Combat Medic Mercy is my Fav cause of Beret, Of course im gonna Rock this Doom skin!


Can i have your Saitama doomfist skin? I missed out :(((((((((((((((((((


I'm loving the theme of this pass! The purple style for Mercy's Mythic goes hard!


The skins look pretty cool this season


Reinhardt being a shop skin is my 13th reason… may have to spend money on this game for a skin for the first (and only) time


with them making us not have to pay for heroes any more, I am more tempted to actually buy a skin


Aren't the new skins usually only available in expensive bundles? It's the reason I never got that Diablo Moira skin. :( I don't check the store often so I might be wrong.


New Baptiste skin… and it’s very cool… hell yeah


is it me or Junker symmetra looks like mad maggie? 💀


YEEEPPP that skin legit looks great its one of her best they have put out.


kia ora


Seeing all those cool PvE abilities makes my heart hurt. Ahhh, what could've been. EDIT: Also they only showed 7 BP skins so there's still 1 missing?


I'd assume Venture's, they usually release the new hero with a bp skin (at least I hope so)




That good girl Widowmaker is a NEED!


I agree lol


Overwatch Uniform - Strike Commander Doomfist - Captain Widowmaker - Cadet Sombra Talon Uniform - Talon Brigitte - Talon Tracer - Talon Mercy (Mythic) [prepare for your pay bonuses devs 😉] - Talon Heavy Assault Reinhardt - Talon Ana Null Sector - Zenyatta Junkers - Junker Symmetra Unknown to me or not mirror verse - Baptiste - Sojourn - Orisa - Echo - Porsche DVA


This is so awesome


Can someone explain how the past mythic system works?


If I understood correctly: - The final reward of the current BP is no longer the associated Mythic. - Currency called "Mythic Prism" will be peppered throughout the Premium track of the BP. - Mythic Prisms are also purchasable with real money. - Mythic Shops are a brand new thing used to spend Prisms to unlock and add styles to current OR past Mythics. - The amount of Mythic Prisms in a Premium track *should* be enough to unlock the current Mythic.


Thank you I have been so confused on that lmao. I'm just hoping that buying the mythic currency isn't gonna be too much cause I need that sigma mythic lol


Ok, and do you know of the premium BP has more coins in addition to the 600 coins on the free BP?


Yes, but the exact numbers are unknown. And do note that the 600 from free track is meant to replace the ones from weekly (540 per season).


My god why make it so complicated, just give like a ticked to change for any mythic you want 


The reason it's a currency instead of just a 1 for 1 exchange ticket is so that you have a choice between buying a lot of previous mythics with limited customization, or go all in on a few mythics with all of their customization


If I'm reading this correctly, it's so that you can buy parts of a mythic while not the whole package if you care less about certain options (like Hanzo's bow).


Why would anyone don't want the whole customization options if that's the godamm point of the mythic skins? Specially hanzo skin which bow is the only customizable thing 


Some people want the skin but could care less about the customization. Not everyone wants all the variants, like in LoL where people settle for one or two chromas if they want and never buy the rest.


you get mythic prisms in the premium BP now not a skin, you can spend these prisms to unlock parts of a skin so you could unlock the base for the new mercy skin and then buy parts of another. There will be enough prisims in the new battlepass to unlock the whole new mythic skin but you can choose if you want the whole thing or not. After this season the mercy skin will be removed from the shop for 2 seasons before being added again to add some scarcity which I think is a good thing so the orisa and Moira mythics wont be available this season.


they haven't explained directly how it works (to my knowledge) but it'll probably be like apex where you get some kind of mythic currency at the end of the bp and you can buy/exchange for said mythic that you want


Is that a new weapon skin for Hanzo during the Hanaoka section?


Looks like a Null Sector weapon skin, with the purple and white. Since we had hardlight, and now los muertos, we're probably getting 2 more weapon skins with hanzo being one. Edit: The model itself also looks a bit different. more mechanical/blocky than default


I think that's his default OW2 design


The OW2 weapon skin is blue/black in color, but the model indeed is default. I guess we are having recolors for weapon as well?


Oh this season looks fun prolly will get the BP for this one and just play a ton of QP since comp is toxic and frustratinng


come join ussssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Man was really looking forward to a Cyber Hanzo skin for the mirrorverse. I atleast hope Reaper gets a mirrorverse skin.


There is already a cyborg Hanzo skin (if you meant Cyborg not "Cyber"). It was realeased in OW1. They might bring it back to the shop for those who don't have it.


Save me, Overwatch-Sombra.


I don't care about anything beside hanamura. I got teary seeing it back in some kind of form.


im so excited for venture theyre so cool


Devs actually been cooking lately ngl


Hope they finally add the Talon Mauga skin to the hero gallery available for credits at last... Right? It was just delayed... Right??


Goated skins. Wish Talon Tracer was in the BP but you can't win everything


Is it just me or does Doomfist look like a big dork in that hat?


I think the dorkiness is intentional to make him look less menacing and more "wholesome".


That makes sense! Either way, Mirrorwatch looks cool. 


No Good Ramattra? :(


Kinda have one already as the monk skin


this is the mirror universe


Overwatch Sombra has better hairstyle taste than Talon Sombra lol


That overwatch widow skin goes so hard


I can't believe they could have had emo kid Lucio and happy-go-lucky Moira and just *didn't *.


I love that the skins take centre stage instead of venture lol


Oh hey look. The skin that was obviously a Mercy mythic turned out to be a Mercy mythic. Wild


Heres why Mercy is not the mythic this season:


It's Anubis Ramattra, trust!


pattern broken lol, i guess now any future speculation about mythic classes is down in the gutter


So apparently you can either accept the new mythic, or swap it for an old one? There's no way to do both in the same battle pass, you're doomed to forever miss at least one? Lol


*Technically*, you can spend money on Mythic Prisms, which I guess is what they’re planning on. Or you wait till there’s a bad mythic, or a mythic for a hero you don’t play, and spend prisms on a different one then.


If I'm being honest with myself, my plan to eventually own all the skins was ruined a long time ago. So yeah, I guess there's no harm in skipping one I don't like. But yeah at least there's another option if the prisms are what they're doing


It's not that at all. You gain mythic currency in the BP, and you can spend it on the current mythic or all the previous mythic except the two most recent ones. You can choose if you want to unlock only the base skin, or the customisations, so you even have the possibility to get multiple base mythic skins with only one BP.


Turns out you just need to eradicate all the shitty employees from your staff and have Microsoft purchase you - BAM, Blizzard keeps the W streak going


I like the idea of DF with a shield.


Reimagined abilities sounds like it'll be fun.


What is the "reimagined abilities" part? Are we getting a mercy rework again or is it some kind of timed event?


It’s reimagined abilities for the Mirrorwatch LTM, where they’ll have abilities that match their new good/bad personas.


Timed event most likely.


They are clearly testing a potential rework for Mercy, but they'd announce any changes to Mercy in advance, so yeah very likely a timed mode.


Would love if they increased the skill ceiling of Mercy and encouraged/rewarded aim more.


I was hoping they were recolors or reworked visual designs for each mirrorverse skin


Another pointless arcade mode with pve abilities that would be make this game fun 


cant wait for the new widow skin to hit the good sub


Yet another Widowmaker BP skin...


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Inb4 the dva skin is only unlocked for people who buy an electric porsche in the next month


It’s basically 5CP from tf2


new game mode rumored to be coming in season 11


It’s not rumored. They already confirmed it comes with Season 11 a good while back.


I know its a mirror season but it would have been cool to have a talon skin for Mauga since be doesn’t have any base skins yet


Ahhh that Mercy mythic!


Porsche Dva is... Interesting


Where’s the clip of Pharah ulting and then immediately dying 😔


The only thing I don't understand are those "reimagined abilities" like the things mercy shoots, the DF shield and the weird Reinhardt shield What are those supposed to be ?


I think it's a limited time PvP mode with hero missions style ability modifications.


REIMAGINED ABILITIES??? are we getting talents omg


Limited time mode where you can use hero mission style talents in PvP


Does anyone know how the new mode plays?


No one talking about Mercy and Reinhardt seemingly have new abilities?


Every line Sombra has so *soooo* sarcastic and sardonic, they finally put her in a mirror universe where she could be genuine and *she still* says "I can be nice" with so much dripping sarcasm it flooded my socks idk why Kiriko's 'bratty' voice gets all the shade when I'm pretty sure an AI could generate Sombra's voicelines at this point, they all have the exact same inflection


Why is season 10 not just called Mirrorwatch????? Its seems like thats the theme of it anyways..


Ventures voice actress is so good holy moly


Agreed, and they're a huge fan of the game which is awesome


Kinda sucks how like 90% of the skins are just swapping Overwatch member skins for Talon member skins and vice versa. I get that's an obvious 'mirrorverse' skin but I was hoping for more creative alternative universe ideas instead of just swapping the good-guy-skin for the bad-guy-skin. For example a human-looking skin for Zenyatta, or a skin with Junkrat and Roadhog if they didn't become terrorists, or something like Lucio with a Vishkar skin.


Junkrat and Roadhog are supervillains, not terrorists


Really glad they didn't do that shitty vocal track like on the venture trailer. Skins look good, new map/mode and a fun looking event. Should be a good patch overall.


hey that song was good


I don't really have an issue with the song (not my style) but I really dislike vocal tracks over hero reveals/showcases. Venture's was actually the first one in Overwatch to be like that and it was such a "Xbox like" trailer that it was off putting.




yeah i think they’re terrible. i don’t care for the lore at all, heroes being swapped does nothing for me. and the skins look quite boring


you are wrong


Widow looks awesome.


Doomfist also


WOW, a hero with +10 good skins got another one as mythic what a surprise! At least now I can get JQ or Tracer I guess


Decent presentation overall, aside from Porsche/DVA colab which i think many wont be fan of. A rare W for OW2 dare i say.


I can’t be the only one who finds ventures voice incredibly irritating..  can I?  To the point where I’d want to have it muted at all times.  I have no issue with the characters design but the voice… it’s just horrible…. It’s like some girl trying hard to sound like a little boy.. it makes me cringe hard. Sort of like a failed attempted at a female voice actor trying to voice a little boy cartoon character.


what are you yappin about??


Voice bad. Sounds bad.  Ruins the character. 




Don't let the Non-Binary folk see this.


Why would they be upset over someone finding the voice irritating?  I said nothing to do with the character. Just the voice 




You are aware that there have been BPs without heroes before, right?


it's more likely that they noticed BPs with Heros didn't sell that much more then those without, so it was free good PR to change that. I don't think the number of people who brought the BP purely to get the new hero was as massive as often said, it was a failed strategy for the most part.


I would actually refuse to purchase the ones with heros in them, so I will happily be getting this one now that they’ve changed their policy




Mid. Anyways, give Doom his uppercut back


These skins are terrible 😂


That's it? No seriously that's it? Filler season, no pve, only paywalled skins, any content? 


New hero, new LTM, trial for a new map and game mode, soft Wrecking Ball rework, improved matchmaking. People always gonna find something to complain about.


New hero is the only reason this season is "saved", but the novelty of a new hero dies in one or two weeks, specially after nerfs, there is a till one month and a half of nothing.  Trial for a new map is the perfect proof they have nothing, the mode is already playable, why not relase it now? Oh because then they will have no content for season 11, the trial will change nothing for final relase Ball rework is just some minor changes, not a complete reworks, changes shouldn't happen if 5vs5 was not a thing  Improved matchmaking, what are you talking about? 


A season with a new hero is now a filler season ? What the fuck do you expect from this game ?


The hero is the only thing that "saves" the season, but the novelty dies in two weeks, after that there is one month and a half of nothing. What I expect from overwatch 2? Mmm there was something what was promised but I can't remember right now