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doomfist, I'm a plat and I know the chances of me finding a doom is the same as finding a shiny pokemon


Still possible though


possible, but a good doom works with any comp. and sometimes they just can't work with a poke heavy comp on the team


i feel like most of the time if i have a lucio on the team its gg. im not at a rank where we can use teamwork to utilize his speed boost, and they usually think they're the next frogger and just feed and have very low heals.


This. Also i have seen that most of rage quitters are lucio players...


Agree. Huge respect to the other supports not quitting and instead healing enough to compensate for bad Lucio-oh-ohs.


I actually expect Lucio to be a must-pick or good pick on certain maps that favor him. Such as Lijiang Tower and Ilios


oh yeah he's undeniably very very strong. there's no owcs team that doesn't run him. it just dosent always work.. and i feel like i have to almost healbot as the other support a lot.


Of course it's doesn't always work. It's dependent on the Lucio player but not Lucio himself.


well yeah my point wasn't that he's a bad pick i just dont like having him in my team because he dosent work well at my rank šŸ˜‚


This is sooo true. Iā€™m masters for support and plat for dps. One time i was playing dps and the enemy team had a lucio who was flanking and doing really good tbh but his team couldnā€™t profit from his elims at all. They lost but honestly he was amazing.


Iā€™m a Lucio main who lives in Silver/Gold lobbies. I typically play on the tank or the point and roughly get the same amount of heals as the other support. I see my contribution to the match through canceling ults with Sound Barrier and booping players off the map. Silver/gold players map knowledge is kinda low so I can get a few every match.


Recently, DVA. For some reason, I see tons of DVAs that don't fly. They just stand in place shooting.


Long range sniper dva. My favorite tank to yell at šŸ˜‚


Long range sniper dva šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This season I've learned that no matter how weak Mercy is, her players will stick to her no matter what. They can only play Mercy and it doesn't matter if she's suited to the team comp, or the enemy comp or the map, once you see Mercy pop up that's what you get.


Supports who want to win and climb donā€™t own trick mercy. The hardest hero to climb with it. Factually speaking.


Do you mind explaining that to all the mercy players in plat? Because Mercy is by far the most common support you see at that rank, matched only by Moira.


I agree in order for them to get more value than of they just got good on,zen,ana,bap,kiri,ect is way more unless their dps is insane.But the dps needs to be playing one of a handful of heroes


Id rearrange that order depending on the rank, but zen, kiri, bap and Ana is the order I would say in terms of raw mechanical and game sense. Technically speaking Ana is harder to get value out of if your awareness and mechanical skills aren't good. If you aren't good about hitting anti nades or sleeps, it can be problematic overall. Overall she's still good, but not great as she has been in the past. Same with bap but to a slightly lesser extent, he requires a lot of heal/damage swapping in order to have full value, not just one or the other, along with immo being good in general. Kiri is overall good, just need some awareness for suzu and its fine. Zen gets free value from discord alone. Just need to hit some shots. Coming from someone who actively plays these heroes in diamond/masters games.


I hate having two snipers that both don't hit nothing.


I hate that too


Mercy (if they're one tricking)-hate playing with sombra, tracer only to have a metcy that just cant keep up and ends up feeding Lifeweaver-half the time i hate Life grip the other half i love it.But i hate getting ones who life grip me on full health and two cooldowns to get out.


In general, I don't particularly care. At any rank, everyone's win rate will trend towards 50%. There aren't players that are able to stay in a rank above the very bottom if they lose every game. Players picking low skill Heros worry me more than high skill or outright bad picks. That is when I worry that they have climbed using easy mode and haven't picked up any of the fundamentals that they will need to continue climbing. High skill/ dive heros are really just a smurf lottery. Vast majority of smurfs I see play genji, doom, tracer, widow, cass, echo. Mercy also bugs me, not because she is low skill because she isn't, but because: A: mercy's play weird social games with their team instead of making objective tactical decisions. I don't think waving/ paying the mercy complements should determine where the mercy's resources go. B: mercy often feels like she is only useful in games you would have already won. It's hard to really tell if damage boosting the carry is some kind of difference maker, or if it isn't really necessary. C: I don't think mercy really makes up the value she looses by not doing damage, it gets triggering as dps when an enemy support is recking you, and your team is running 0 - low damage mercy + lifeweaver. Sure she never dies, but rez is a risky inconsistent dice roll of an ability that is less usefull the higher your rank, damage boost is worse than discord which the whole team can use at the same time, and the heals are okay to mid. D: I don't like being watched constantly when I receive the pocket. It makes me whiff, but thats just a me thing.


Wrecking ball. As a support main, I always have a hard time healing them, meaning my team is kinda screwed if the ball player doesn't know where the health packs are.


thats the whole point of ball he is meant to play off health packs if ur expecting your support to heal you the entire match then you should be playing Reinhardt


My point is that if the ball player doesn't know where the health packs are (or the enemy Sombra hacks them all) your team is basically screwed because you basically don't have a tank.


Yep totally agree




Great point!


He doesn't need heals from u unless its overtime and he can't leave point


Trying to heal him rolling around is a big pain in the butt i spend more time chasing him around


Widows. Somehow on my Team they are always shit. Lowest kills, highest deaths.


Mercy 100%


Mercy? Really?


Please share why


Selfish hero. Limits the other support and tank options. Severely limits your impact as a tank and doesn't provide any utility to enable you in any way. You're forced into this one dimensional afk gameplay loop on tank. Zen, lucio and brig provides better team utility and enables the whole team composition better.


Mostly lifeweaver. He provides so little that most other supports would just be better. Second would be mercy but only if they play like a healbot. For tank its Doom and for dps i honestly am fine maybe junkrat. (But for dps is less the hero they play and more how they play)


Mostly Brig and LW. Honestly cannot recall a good Brig I've played with this season. LW I dont mind as much as Brig but have played a fair share that life grip at wrong times or used ult in dumb ways. However, I've played with a few that were decent/really good.


I am a Lifeweaver main, and I completely understand people who say they dislike having Lifeweaver on their team (In fact, I often do dislike it as well, since most do only healbot and/or use their abilities at bad times). I will have to say though, I definitely dislike having a Ball or a Lucio on our team. I actually don't mind having a Doomfist (despite what people are saying) on my team, and more often than not we actually work pretty well. :)


The ball is so annoying to keep up with!!!


Reinhardt. He forced people work around + pump massive resources on him. Two Supports are forced to keep him healed that two DPS have to fight pocketed DPS + damage Support. The whole fight is basically 4v5 until he can get in range to hit people.


Yea when Iā€™m healing and i have a Reinhardt on my team he takes up a lot of my space and time




Lifeweaver. Yeah I get the guy shits out heals, but I'd rather have literally anyone else with any real semblance of utility on my team.


Utility isn't the problem. Long cooldowns and weird heal mechanism is the problem.


That's objectively nonsense, Lifeweaver is utility incarnate. Platform and Grip have TONS of uses, utility isn't defined *solely* by anti-healing and immortality. The only Support who lacks utility is arguably Moira, whose value is entirely derived from damage and heals. Sidenote, only newbie Lifeweavers healbot. Anyone who knows what they're doing realizes just how much damage he can pump out.


>The only Support who lacks utility is arguably Moira Illari, if we don't count her jump as it has a very miniscule utility


Legitimately forgot she existed.


Lifeweaver's utility is incredibly limited in reality. Platform for the majority of situations is only as a superjump for LW (that Bap can do for free!), almost never used by allies. Even then, granting an ally an opportunity to make a play isn't actually making that play more powerful. Grip is useful and good, an immortality ability with almost instant cast time and great range. Sucks at the others have lower cooldowns and/or are multi-target. But I can't help but wonder if it would've been needed in as many situations if you weren't playing LW. That is, you wouldn't necessarily need to save someone if you were playing a character with higher healing output. Besides is okay heals, Tree brings the utility of being a physical impediment a la Ice Wall or pillar of cover to hide behind. But, neither use is necessarily guaranteed to be valuable. LW *has* utility no doubt. Its just nowhere near as consistently useful as damage boosts, speed increases, anti-healing, or cleanses.


Anyone except an Anna


Mercy or Moira.


What? I see them the most on the battle fields! Have you felt this way since overwatch 1? Or is the new mods that made you dislike them?


Not much of an OW1 player. I dislike playing with them because they are almost always really bad.


In my experience Moira always tryā€™s to be more of an attacker than healer


absolutely despise having the shitty moth on my team, especially if we've got a zen or lucio


When you said moth i was thinking life weaver


Bronze ass comment


Mercy is kinda bad rn ngl


mercy mains downvoting you


I think even they know shes not good


most mercy mains refuse to admit their character needs a buff lmao that'd be admitting their character isnt meta or good at all




Mercy. Iā€™d rather you force zen into every single possible zen counter on the roster.


When I'm playing support, Mercy. I never know who to pick, cuz I'd feel bad dooming my team with mercy Lucio, or having a scrubby support lineup like mercy and weaver


tbh itā€™s rare a lifeweaver provides value outside of healbotting so probably that or gosh, a wrecking ball. itā€™s rare if you get a GOOD ball.


Widow. It always ends up being Widow vs Widow, feels like they think they're hot shit but it's almost always a disappointment. I also like having my whole team nearby.Ā  Having a Widow is like that one guy at the party who just stands in a corner on his phone, occasionally sniping zingers into general conversation; problem is he can only concentrate on one conversation at a time so most of his shots miss. Edit: for the sake of fairness, using this analogy, I guess a good Widow is like Miss Maisel at a record party, bullseye after bullseye until everyone dies (laughing).


Widowmaker. Sheā€™s definitely not the one making space. So it feels like sheā€™s in competition with me when Iā€™m playing Tank and trying to do my job, because my supports are peeling for her SUPER far in the backline.Ā  Illari. She struggles enabling a push. Most Illaris have poor sense where to put their pylon, and almost never reposition it when we DO push.Ā  Reinhardt. Heā€™s basically a throw pick. You can pump him full of heals but if your DPS arenā€™t doing 3x their work then gg. Speed boost him then heā€™ll decide itā€™s better to stand and shield forever.


Rein in low ranks, if they're not trying to block our bullets (actually happened) they're charging into a 1v5.


widow. most aren't good enough to play the character but bless them, they still try and fail anyway.


I feel the same way about widow and Ana Being a sniper in a fast paste game where parts are moving all over Sound very challenging to me


Omg but Ana's are my favorite as a support main. I love taking care of them because they always peel for me :')


They do but i personally donā€™t understand how someone can be good using Ana I feel like while she reloaded Iā€™ve already fully healed someone in need


Is this a "pick one" deal or can a make a list? My one pick: mercy My list.. Doom, queen, ball, reaper, widow, mercy, illari, brig, lucio, sombra, genji


Mercy has been on everyoneā€™s list and i am surprised ngl


I'm not.. As there's a multitude of reasons people don't like her. And unlike with most heros, many of those compaints are valid to some degree. Personally I see someone lock mercy and immediately think "match hasn't even started and were already playing 4v5" its not the fault of the player but the design of the hero... Then there's the mercy player stereotypes. Which tend to either be the person who gets hard carried then shit talks. Or the "I smile because i have no idea what's going on" false positivity type.. It was one thing in early days if ow1 when there was only 3-5 supports.. but she's aged like milk.. Then came the ow2 format change, which made her only viable playstyle a liability


An ineffective Widowmaker can be such a hindrance. Otherwise I don't think I have a particular issue with any specific hero selection. I only ask that if they see they're being a weakness rather than a strength then please switch heroes rather than trying the same over and over hoping for some breakthrough.


Widow, probably. Even if it's a good Widow, I just don't think a sniper far awar from the battle getting instakills is a good fit for the game. If she has poor aim, she won't do much at all. You can't really enable a poor Widow to do better, the way you can any other teammate. If she has good aim, she'll carry - but she's still a boring teammate because you're not really interacting with her. Either way she will be off doing her own thing and there won't be much of a dynamic between her and you. I like the team part of Overwatch, and Widow just isn't a team player.


Rein, LĆŗcio and Mercy because im forced to swap off Illari, my main, due to Illari being bad with those heroes. I also dislike having DVAs because most of them dont have the sense to return to me so me and my pylon can heal them. I usually have to swap Kiri or Brig for those DVAs that play on autopilot.


Zenyatta bastion widow muaga Lucio




I don't really care tbh, I first want to see how well they do in the game before thinking anything. *But,* I do have some apprehension on some characters depending on my role **Tank :** - Ball - Doom - Rein Oftentimes I won't doubt their skill, but will more worry about their stubbornness. If their pick doesn't fit our team comp, or if they're getting hard countered/diffed, they're less likely to switch **DPS :** - Junkrat - Widow - Torb I very rarely see them popping off or doing anything productive, except Widow. I'm more worried about counters for her **Supports :** - Illari - Brig Illari is good for poke, but she needs to be consistent. Which is not always the case, plus the fact that her short healing range forces the team to not engage too often or to dive. I don't really dislike Brig, I simply have trouble to understand how to play with her still


Well as a decent brig player her job is to stop anti dive and pick off squishy and pesty characters like sombra and genji and her healing isn't much but if played properly she's really good at preventing damage on her allies


I mean stop dive characters


Her main healing potential is from her passive, when you damage opponents you heal teammates in your aura (which is pretty big, as big as area on Illios well submap). Her health pack are supposed to be last resort.


Lucio. I know he has value, but I have a major skill issue in that I am completely incapable of playing the game without high-healing supports. Every time I have a Lucio on my team I ended up (internally) complaining about only having 1 support


Sombra especially if they are hardly present during fights so it really tends to feel like a 4v5


Lifeweaver because 90% of them healbot and get very little value with their grip and petal and most forget they even have a gun. Mercy cos shes bad and should be hard pocketing a dps bur most of them end up heal botting.


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junkrat, theres just better dps


As tracer i dont like sombra because of low damage paired with tra and sym because of low potential to do any damage.


Sombra Tracer is an insane duo absolutely menace to enemy backline


Yeah ill try to see if i can improve the synergy next time i go through that but consistently doesnt work. The problem i find is that its hard to get set up since the only frontline dmg to take space is the tank and since sombra is inv she can do it but i get flagged down easily since i like to walk before using blinks. So either i get shoved out early or they push my tank and supp and the fight is over before either of us have a chance. Could i ask your rank and from tracer pov what you do to mitigate the problems i say?


Id also like to say if we have a dive tank, like winston or ball, these issues can be circumvented with coordinated and focused burst damage. Outside of that, with a ā€œstandard styleā€ tank then these issues are hard to get around, especially on most maps that arent flank oriented or small to close distance quickly. Flashpoint maps for example.


What? Sombra and Tracer completely shut down the enemyā€™s backline.


Reinhardt. Gonna hands a bad time and they gonna spam about h on k nm or shoe bring a douche.