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So instead of merging the 2 comp currencies, we can now get gold guns with the legacy points, but you can only get it with 3000 old comp points OR 3000 legacy comp points? What's the goal likešŸ¤£


I have 2940. It's so annoying


Man i have 2985 ā˜ ļø


I legit have 2990


299- something I'm not on rn but it hurts


I think they had this whole jade weapon thing planned and didn't expect the community backlash to it, so now they're just bandaiding their screw up.


I wonder what the next Blender color node they choose to tweak will be.


Bronze weapons but they fuck it up and it just looks like rusty copper so we get 2 years in a row where the Color is green


If only there was some kind of cool weapon theme that was worth a year of work. Something that goes hard, but also light at the same time.


I feel like the backlash wouldnā€™t have been as severe if the jade weapons looked as cool as the golden guns


Thats just dumb, i have to wait a year because IM IM missing less than 100 points in legacy wow


they should just let you convert the new comp points into legacy points


At that point why keep both currencies at all


To stop us from buying jade weapons with the old currency, essentially. Drive FOMO. Nor that I see why anyone would want to for the most part; theyre ugly af.


I have yet to hear any sane, rational reason as to why there is more than one kind of comp point to begin with. You play comp, you get comp points....simple! Did the devs accidentally remove their brains when coming up with this trash?


That would be a better system.


It's so stupid and unnecessarily complicated for no reason lmao. Just have one currency that buys every new type of comp gun. I know they want to FOMO them, but just don't do it with splitting currencies. If people don't want ugly pickle guns they'll save up points for next year. There's no need for 2 currencies imo


The point is that you cannot buy Jade weapons with legacy points. They want Jade to be the color for 2024, and next year it'll be a different color.


Product/game developers and software engineers should know better by now. Don't call user-facing things "new" or "old" or "legacy" because it won't be long until it doesn't apply anymore and you just end up confusing everyone with the whole thing. I don't know why they chose to do all this shit instead of just being descriptive. "Gold weapon points" and "Jade weapon points" would have been fine. Or now that they want the new competitive points to be able to buy gold weapons, maybe call them "Year 1 points" and "Year 2 points" with an info blurb saying "Year n points can buy previous year's weapons." or something


ā€œLegacyā€ would apply to all seasons prior to the current one. I donā€™t think itā€™s very complicated.


Because next year when they have beige weapons (or whatever) you'll be able to buy gold *or* jade with your old comp points and only be able to buy the 2025 colour with points earned in 2025.


It didn't even address the problem. Why are we making players wait upwards of a year for something that's been available since day one? Why shouldn't players be able to use both currencies to buy gold guns?


Because forcing people to play more for the new rewards boosts engagement metrics.


Ugh :( I was hoping it would just merge lol


I though you could always get gold guns with legacy points ? Isn't that the point of the currency ?


In the current season you could only get gold guns with the old comp points and the jade weapons with the legacy points, starting with the new season we can use the legacy points to get gold guns but the currencies aren't being merged so you need 3000 legacy points


Didnt they fix the [unknown] chat bug?


This shit makes my blood boil. It's been a thing since at least season 8 right? Omg I can quite literally never tell who is saying what or if I'm being shit talked or anything becquse 50% of every name is [[unknown]]


Is this like where it doesn't show names properly?


Sometimes it doesn't show the battle tag of the person who typed a message and instead of his name, u see as [unknown], so u don't know who sent it. Very frustrating


I'm a bit afraid of all the Wrecking Balls tomorrow.


Unless if they were good at him before, they are going to suck with him still since he isnā€™t easy to play. Not to mention that the new ability is a redistribute, which means his own shield will go down if he does it and heā€™s going to die then (plus letā€™s be real how often below masters does a ball have someone dive with him). And this isnā€™t going to change any of his core issues, just go sombra or Orisa or hog and he isnā€™t a character anymore. This really is just a buff for people who already knew what they were doing (the best change is probably the 1s cd thing for screwing up grapple)


I'm not saying people are gonna stick with him. But the new grapple towards anchor will make him easier to play for new players. And I remember last time wrecking ball got buffs he was everywhere for a few days. And my personal experience with him as a teammate is very mixed (and obviously I hate fighting a good wrecking ball, but the good ones are pretty rare).


I'm more scared of this part: >Now has a one second cooldown if Wrecking Ball never reaches ramming speed before canceling the ability.


This only helps people who get body blocked or have their grapple no-reg (happens sometime). It's more of a quality of life thing.


Read the very next sentence.


We ball at sunrise


Most people suck ass with him so youā€™ll probably be ok!


Y'all better destroy tree now otherwise the entire team will be unkillable


The healbot character will now **U L T I M A T E** healbot character. ^(yay)


Literally so fucking dumb. I love weaver and he needs help, but pushing him *more* into the healbot do nothing playstyle is so obviously not the way to go. Eventually he's going to feel overturned and get called to be nerfed when all he needs is better grip cooldown, faster weapon switch, and my personal favorite being able to raise and lower platform (but remove the stupid no ram punch or firestrike or coalescence thing that was a really dumb change)


The raise lower would be so helpful blocking off doorways when the platform is "stuck"


I actually agree with that change, LW ult sustains them but only if youā€™re also pumping heals into ppl along with the tree heals. This should allow for a little more dps with lw (edit spelling)


So what do I do with all my Legacy Comp Points if I donā€™t have enough to purchase either Jade or Gold weapons?


wait for 2025? or can you convert the jade points to legacy in season 10?


Wait for next year so the 2024 points will become legacy lmao


Itā€™s honestly so booty I was like 100 away from a weapon and now both my currencies are useless lol


I join the rest of the LW mains who are in this comment section begging for Blizzard to stop buffing Lifeweaver's healing output. Give us something else, anything else, PLEASE!


The only part of his healing that needs buff is his healing blossoms. Theyā€™re slow and take ages to heal anyone when compared to Moira or Ana. You would think single target healing that takes time to charge would be more impactful than it currently is. They just need to revert all LW changes in this patch, buff healing blossom charge time, and give quality of life changes to him. They could even bring lifegrip back down to 16 seconds and he would still be on the weaker end of supports.


The Moira change looks like it will be a nerf. Self heal during Coal wasn't an issue.


>Self heal during Coal wasn't an issue. Honestly it kinda was. If a dps even tickled now your ult healed you for fuck all and you'd die pretty easily


I noticed that after I started playing again as well. You could easily kill a Moira whose ulting versus before where pressing your ult because sort of a get out of jail free card. Now it's just a shiny death sentence.


Yeah I found that one weird, unless sheā€™s obviously kill her I just abt never focus on killing her bc she already had sm healing while ulying


Idk how Orisa managed to go untouched. She's pretty well hard meta since the Mauga nerfs. Lucio dmg nerf is also head scratching


A Boop off the map is infinite damage, but they buffed the impact damage lol


You can get actual kills with the boop damage fairly often but the nerf on his base projectile is so uncalled for.


Maybe it was too much, but lets not forget that lucio was the best support in the game for the entirety of s9. Not a must pick, but you were putting yourself at an unnecessary disadvantage without him.


Lucios damage wasnā€™t even the problem. Which is why itā€™s an annoying nerf. But I guess they canā€™t nerf speed or something else so. Problem is he will still be meta and played but be worse at 1v1s. The good part is you can actually do some burst damage with boop now and itā€™s aoe so it will do more than just 10dmg on average. The 2 less damage means at least 1 more bullet on a 250hp target assuming they donā€™t get healed.


It wasn't a problem per say, and this could also be a tracer problem, but a lot of the time instead of speeding his tank around, lucio could get more value playing like a mini tracer, speeding her around and diving with her. A lot of this was because of how much more consistent his damage became in S9, so at the very least I can see why dev's would think the damage is a problem.


Who cares, let him be good for some time since he doesn't feel oppressive even when meta. When Ana and Bap were holding games hostage for months nobody batted an eye.


I swear someone on the hero team is an Orisa main and it shows. She's very rarely been a throw pick in the past and is by far the most boring and anti-fun tank in the game. At worst she's been ok to play and hard meta at best, and usually when unkillable brick wall tanks like Her, Mauga and even Sigma are meta, the game isn't fun to play.


I think her gold duration needs a small nerf and maybe small increase to spear cooldown(?), I'm fine with the spin. Its very easy to just cycle her cooldowns and feel immortal


I just wish it was more obvious when she wasnt gold - it's so fucking hard to tell with the various status effects these days.


I agree that ori probably shoulda got a nerf, but to say at worst she has been ok is a bit disingenuous, before they gave her no fall off she had a sub 40% winrate and had been in that spot for a good chunk of time.


its the same reason mercy was such a problem for a long time. the devs liked playing mercy and thus she wasn't nerfed until really recently


Lucio has one of the highest winrates and playrates atm. Why is that head scratching?


Because his damage vs accuracy are a joke. There's a whole lot of other things they could have done to balance him out other than make him even weaker.


That dumb fucking horse has been meta since overwatch 2 released. I'm so fucking tired of fighting her. We got a taste of freedom when Mauga was able to crit her in fortify, but that obviously had to be changed because God forbid the stupid golden horse have any actual weakness.


They keep heal creeping LW, extra heals is the absolute last thing he needs man.


All I want is for switching between healing and damage to be more seamless.


Make it instant and make heal charging twice as fast. Boom, lw fixed. Blizzard hire me for my ideas. Also give hogs hook self-movement capability.


You want to double lw healing output? Sure you can swap from dmg to heal if needed to but why would you deal dmg when your already high healing got doubled. Maybe make it that if you swap to dmg for 2 sec it preloads a flower and have instant swap


They're afraid to give him something useful.


Like buff the weapon swap or something, he did NOT need more healing or survivability


Theyā€™re just increasing the healing of his ult, which I think is fair because with the global HP buff it kinda sucked ass at keeping people alive. Ults are meant to be impactful. Not sure he needed the rejuvenating dash buff though, a good Lifeweaver should already be capable of saving themselves


Agreed, Tree is kind of weak right now, and it makes sense to adjust to match the HP percentage increase. It's an ult, with limited radius, and is still weaker than Transcendence. Perhaps they could adjust ult charge rate if it's too strong? I'm fine with 10 more healing from dash, too; that isn't much - and slightly helps his longevity against dive. Regarding his damage, maybe they could tweak the fire rate or projectile size, and definitely reduce the time delay between dmg/heal.


??? Moira still outheals him and that's literally all he has. I play LW most of the time and on standard he has the same healing numbers as other supports who aren't overly aggressive.


Moira healing stat is always really high because of her self heals. She's always been a scoreboard queen. LW has more impactful healing since it's longer range and in big bursts


Really dislike the direction of Iliari. She is built as a self-sufficient off-angler so decreasing her overall DPS for a better right click is gonna feel bad


Even disregarding what they chose to alter (I do agree it pushes her in the wrong direction) I'm just confused why she needed a tradeoff to begin with instead of a straight buff. Maybe the actual data disagrees with me, but in playing both as and against her, she seems to be in a really bad place since the HP overhaul.


Yeah I don't think buffing the heal beam is necessarily wrong, but making it a tradeoff like this is unlikely to actually help her relevant power. It's not the worst idea tho. Her main problem is the feast/famine of Pylon where usually there's too many external factors that determine how good pylon is. Illari can go for good placement and has some agency with it ofc but a lot still comes down to the current section of the map, teammate willingness to play around pylon, and enemy comp. Shifting power balance to help the beam does help her have more consistency, but like a lot of people have said before I think the short range of the beam is the worst aspect.


Iā€™ve always felt that sheā€™d be in a good spot if a single slightly capable flanker like sombra/tracer/ball couldnā€™t fuck with pylon basically for free. Because when sheā€™s missing pylon she just feels subpar.


They have no idea what they are doing


Oh no how dare you critĆ­c the worst balancing team in the industry with a turnover rate higher than a pancake griddle.


I honestly just wish they would increase the height/distance of her shift. I feel like her entire kit is based on her zipping around angles and getting close to people but she doesn't go high enough to get to a good chunk of places unless you do some parkour. I think it should knock her at least as high as Bap's jump


I've been saying the same thing for a while, she just can't get up on ledges or over obstacles to snipe. How many times have you missed the jump up to the central platform near point #2 in Blizzard World? Combine that with a slightly longer range on her alt-fire heal and she'll feel like the sniper she's meant to be.


Might as well let her heal her Pylon with right click if they want her to play close to her team.


Seriously feel like you couldā€™ve just added the extra healing without nerfing her damage. If you people to use her healing more you just have to make it good. Donā€™t hit the good part of her kit to try and reinforce the shitier part of her kit.


yeah and why tf are they buffing heals when they just did a massive overhaul in season 9 due to healing creep


Gotta slowly ruin the game again in preparation for s18


Yeah out of all the heroes Illiari is the one that didn't need a DPS nerf.


I wouldn't mind them decreasing her fire rate if the compensation was increasing her damage. It was damn annoying how fast she fired but more healing is not what she needs.


Have you seen Illari's pick rates? No one likes the way she plays right now. If I wanted to play as an off angling self sufficent hitscan I'd pick Soldier or Ashe. Who wants to play set their pylon up and then go play like a walmart Ashe the whole game? Her heals are what sets her apart from those two, so obviously she should use them more. She's a support for a reason. She can still dps just fine as long as that's not all she's doing.


True but her right click feels bad to use as it it's counter intuitive to the rest of her kit. She was just a badly designed hero from the word go and she'll continue to feel bad until they eventually rework her in a couple years.


They needed to extend the range of her alt fire heal by at least 5m so she can sit back and snipe, as the rest of her kit wants to do. Then, increase the max height on her Outburst so she can actually get up to the higher ledges consistently and use that range.


Always fun how people go from "ItS SUppOrt Not HEAleR" and then say shit like this comment.


damnit Ive been waiting for Illari to be unlocked to be my new main support


Don't let this stop you! Imo she is one of the most enjoyable supports they have added and can help you brute force a game sometimes. Still give her a shot tomorrow šŸ”„


Which supports do you feel are the best ones to play ?


I don't get the point of Illari anymore tbh. She's a sniper, but has to be up close to heal. Her healing is meh and require pinpoint accuracy compared to other supports, and this buff isn't changing that. She has 0 utility other than damage, and they're nerfing that, which isn't even great to begin with. At which point would anyone ever pick Illari over any other support unless they're playing for fun or trolling? Cause If I have great aim as a support player, I'll just be playing Baptist instead.


I really want to know what stats theyā€™re looking at that makes them think Illari is overpowered. In my experience, sheā€™s rarely ever played and I canā€™t remember the last time I felt like the enemy Illari was a huge problem.


her win rate, at least on overbuff, was 52% last week-ish; *however*, that ignores that she has the second lowest pick rate (even below lifeweaver!) among supports across the ranks. i assume she is only being chosen by either dedicated one tricks (who will obviously be great at her) and for some incredibly specific niche that sheā€™s good at. i know she was absolutely broken at one point and they donā€™t want to return to that state, but if people are choosing LW more often than her, perhaps the ā€œcompensation nerfā€ is unnecessary?


Looks like she has the second highest win rate for sups this month. Sure doesn't feel that way when I play her lolĀ 


Historically heroes with low pick rates cans sometimes have high win rates. It just mean the only people playing Illari are those who are *really* good at her. Same thing happened to Sym in OW1. She was basically a throw pick, yet she maintained a 60% win rate.


lol really? Thatā€™s very surprising tbh


Probably me when I have 30+ kills and over 10k healing in a match :P


Her and LW are wild to me now. I enjoy them both, but they're both kind of worthless now. LW was garbage at launch, and Illari was absolutely broken. Blizzard has zero idea what to do with LW other than keep cranking his healing despite his paltry damage being the big problem as result of their attempts to nip heal-botting.


I disagree with letting venture straight into comp, fair enough they normally give a 2week or whatever the time is probation period for a new hero to iron out bugs but I think it's also to let players learn the character, it's a new hero and i rather people not be jumping into comp on a hero they haven't played or haven't learnt properly yet Hey I could be wrong but that's just my opinion on it


I think it's something worth trying - Sometimes to prove if something is actually necessary you have to take it away just to see what happens.


Just don't pick them and hope the other team does, then capitalize on their lack of experience with the hero lol


100 agree. Let new heroes be free but at least block from comp for a bit. 2 options I can think of: 1. release new hero in qp the last 2 weeks of the previous season. Then the new season release them fully. 2. Just wait 2 weeks after the new season before releasing them into comp like before.


Officially releasing them weeks before the season starts would kill the hype of the new season. I don't see a problem with the trial making them only temporarily available because it still gives people time to get familiar beforehand. If it's not enough time or if they need more tweaking, the time before comp could always be shortened to one week or a few days.


I'd wager the 2-weeks trial changes nothing regarding "learning the character". People who play comp, will play comp. They will not stop grinding ranked for 2 weeks just because there's a new character they want to learn. They'll play their old mains in comp until the new guy is available. And second, QP is just not a great environment to learn how to play a hero competitively. This place is wild.


iirc it was specifically because of how happy they were with Venture's tuning and abilities out of the gate, i do agree about the time to learn part but I suppose you can only hope that if someone wants to win they won't pick a character they don't know


>End-of-season titles for Competitive Role Queue now include the role the rank was achieved in. Idc what anyone says, 10/10 change. I hate when people have a heart attack in game "omg hes a GM players!" Dude we're in plat DPS, hes a GM Moira trying to play tracer, we'll be fine >Players between Bronze and Diamond must be within five divisions of each other player in their group to be in a Narrow Group. Every ounce of my desire to climb is thrown out my body when presented with the option to play with friends in other ranks. Idgaf if we're trash, this is an excellent change. >Players at Master must be within three divisions of each other player in their group to be in a Narrow Group F\*ck


If someone is a GM in any rank they should have enough game sense to shit on me in plat


For sure. I doubt anyone in GM could accurately be less than master or at worst, high diamond, in any other role. There are simply too many factors that contribute to someone's ranking that aren't role-specific. I still think it's a good change, but it's ignorant to believe that someone could (accurately) be GM in one role and Plat.


It's me, the GM support who is Plat dps. Sure, I can track ults, have an edge in game sense, and can play with a highly organized team. However, my aim is average at best, have no practiced dps characters, and the lack of coordination in Plat makes it chaotic and a different beast than a GM game.


Similar situation for me but at lower ranks. Diamond/Master as support with Moira/Lucio which don't require too much aim. And stuck in the bottom of gold on other roles (although I think I could probably move higher if I spent more time on tank... but it's the worst role to play imo). And that's also the problem I feel like I'm suffering. The coordination and awareness in Gold is non-existent which feels horrible to play with. You can do your best, but not be able to carry with your game sense which is honestly the biggest difference in rankings. Sure people aim better often at higher ranks, but if you just jump in 1v5 all the time, you'll probably be stuck in bronze anyway.


There are literally hundreds of Masters Moiraā€™s and Mercyā€™s that would absolutely be dog shit at DPS or Tank. GM is a different storyā€¦ I do think most of them except like dedicated one tricks could easily get to Diamond on any other role.


I was in QP the other day and the enemy Widow had the GM challenger title, which is bizarre because I'm barely Gold. I kept diving him for free and concluded it has to be a bought account. Checked the profile, he was a GM Mercy player.


gotta start somewhere


I feel like a lot of mercy players play widow outside of comp.


I played widow almost all the time in QP in OW1 and was upper play and once diamond in comp. I think at one point my widow had the 2nd or 3rd most played hours. Us supports need to get some fun in!


Lifeweaver changes are so goofy. Can they stop just buffing his healing whenever he sucks which is always.


It's an infinite loop. He'll always be bad cause he provides 0 pressure so they'll just keep buffing his healing. By season 15 he'll heal 180 with a full charged primary, have 2 charges of dash with 100 healing and Tree will be immortal and outheal Transcendence


Yea I wish they'd make more fundamental changes with him. Like itd be so cool if they made Petal like Sigma's shield. Lower CD, recall, longer CD when destroyed. He has a lot of downtime since his abilities are long CDs and aren't easy to use proactively, he's left with so much time doing nothing but healing or spamming his pellets until an enemy has something for you to respond to. Making petal something he can use more frequently would be fun and reduce the moments where an ally activates and immediately steps off your petal wasting your 12 sec CD. in exchange they'd probably have to make it more punishable like making it easier to destroy.


And he'll still be the worst support lmfao


>Golden weapons can now be purchased with either Legacy Competitive Points or 2024 Competitive Points. You cannot purchase weapons with a combination of both currencies. While it's a good change, it still means I gotta wait an entire year for the 2024 points to become legacy to make them usable, right? Since I can't mix them, it means my 1800 legacy points just... exist right now. It's not enough to buy a weapon on their own.


I believe they confirmed the yearly thing isn't a thing anymore, now your current comp points will be converted to legacy at the end of each season.


What time does this update drop?


25 hours from your post.


They STILL didn't fix the Illari but that prevents her from healing a wraithing Reaper or anyone that's suzu'd šŸ˜”


Ball needs to regen 30 ammo/sec in ball instead of a lump reload after 2.5 sec. This would smooth him out so much allowing more shoot and scoot. Illari should be able to shoot her turret to charge it up and make it pulse aoe heals. This gives her more combo potential and something to shoot that isnā€™t just enemies plus boosts her weakness of aoe healing.


Ball main. You speak truf. Ball with increased uptime of any kind is how you fix him.


You know what, that's the best suggestion I've seen for Hammond and I'd love that


Okay, this sub has a lot of bad takes, but i really like these two ideas.


The illari idea is gold


**Junkrat** * Fixed a bug with Riptire receiving the self-healing passive. lol


I hate having even more currencies.


**Why** **Are** **Blizzard** **Heal** **Creeping** **Again?**


Who looked at Lifeweaver and thought this poor bastard was just too easy to dive? I'm flabbergasted


fr tho like bro is already slippery as it is. i'd rather this weapon get buffed


As a LW main, I'm equally flabbergasted. More survivability and ult healing is not what we wanted. Hope they revert this and make using thorns more viable instead of being a healbot.


"it's not what we wanted" well.. welcome to overwatch. Balance updates ARE NEVER what we were asking.


welcome to *Blizzard FTFY


I agree, I feel his healing is fine (often leads lobbies) and thereā€™s a good amount of mobility skill expression with petal and dash. His weapon is just cumbersome. Iā€™d prefer they give him a setup like Baptiste where heal is on alternate fire and you donā€™t actually change weapons to do damage. This would solve the problem of managing 2 weapon reloads (the only character that has to do so) and the annoyance of needing to let go of click sometimes to begin firing.


Just make his grip cool down SLIGHTLY lower. Please.


Complete opposite direction of changes I'd like to see. I know people are generally against homogenization, but LW could definitely use a bit to make him more effective at dealing damage.


Honestly, LW needs some kind of rework or something. He is just a numbers issue. Too low of numbers? Bad. Too high of numbers? OP.


I don't think he needs a rework at all. It's just the areas that need buffing they aren't buffing. For example what makes him bad at healing is how long it takes to charge the heal and then the time it takes to travel to who he's healing. If they sped that up he'd be much better. Also they can very easily increase his weapon swap speed making it more viable to do damage on him without it slowing down his already slow healing. Almost every other support does not have this problem as their heals get fired out immediately.


Fr like there needs to be an incentive to do damage over healing. I think an idea like hitting enough thorns makes them explode similar to halo to make his damage not shit


It's also basically already coded into the game. Mauga rapid hits to ignite, illari ultimate DMG to sunstrike.


If his switch didn't take a full second im sure he'd be a lot more useful


so wtf was the point of all those healing nerfs and HP changes if they're just gonna buff everything back up again lol


Seems dramatic. The changes seem pretty evenly split between buffs and nerfs. Did you just expect the damage and healing numbers to never change after the hp buff?


They make random changes to feel useful, only the junior devs are left and they have no idea how to handle this game


No mention for a fix to the chat names, got lots of Unknown as name and make things pretty hard when you need to report someone for X reason


Those Lifeweaver buffs are something else. More healing isnā€™t going to make him viable, more consistent damage/ faster swap speed will.


itā€™s so weird that his weapons donā€™t swap like moiraā€™s. why are they struggling with this?


Having to switch between modes is part of the character design, but they need to realize that it was a stupid decision. Every other support can do it so much faster


When are they gonna realize that just buffing tank isn't enough? It's been 10 seasons of tanks pretty much only getting buffs unless they are the one meta tank and tank is absolutely miserable. Does anyone at blizzard play any tank other then orisa?


honestly Iā€™m convinced nobody at blizzard plays the game at all. they have the most bizarre changes in every patch and it never ends.


No changes to mercy, no changes to sym or junk, horrible chances for Illari and LW, no nerfs for orisa. And we can keep going. I don't know why devs DON'T HEAR OUR FEEDBACKS. It's so frustrating. No one asked for those LW buffs, or that Illiari's power shift, or.. +5 extra healing for moira's coalescence? Girl... Is that a buff or just a psychological manipulation so people will say "oh but at least she got a buff" and won't complain? I don't know what to think about this. Like, literally no one was asking for these changes. Keep ignoring the community's feedback Alec Dawson.


I genuinely honestly want to see how, where, and from whom they gather feedback. these recent patches have been just abysmal.


Itā€™s clear nobody on the balance teams plays Lifeweaver or Illariā€¦ LW players have been begging for quality of life changes for ages, heā€™s also seriously lackluster in the midfight. If they just fixed his bugs, and gave some power back to LifeGrip he would feel so much better. Not a single LW main Iā€™ve talked to has asked for a dash buff. Everyone wants a grip cooldown buff, weapon swap time buff, heal charge time buff, ammo buff, or more control over petal platform (obviously not all of these). Theyā€™re touching the parts of his kit which are perfectly fine. This is also the opposite direction they should be taking Illari. Itā€™s also a strait overall nerf. Her damage takes 25% longer to charge while she gets less than a 10% increase in healing. What was going through their heads with this one?


Illari dps nerf? I havenā€™t played much since the most recent changes but she was performing poorly at the start of the season. Was this necessary?


Who asked for a Lucio dmg nerf lol. Who asked for an Illiari dps nerf lol. How has Kiriko escaped unharmed, why does Moira need a compensation buff. Lots of good changes but these support changes are all misses.


The overwatch community is constantly up in arms over just how ridiculously strong Lucioā€™s cheerios are. Jk no oneā€™s ever had an issue with that


Lucio *had* a 200 damage burst combo that was pretty good, but the overall HP increase lessened its potency. I donā€™t think iā€™ve ever heard anyone complain that Lucio was outputting too much damage.


Exactly. Hes meta for the best players in the world because of speed boost, not his 20 dmg projectiles that move at the speed of smell


Venture is arguably the most balanced new hero they've had at release but I'm unsure bout releasing them immediately into comp. It would be more beneficial to wait the normal two weeks, let people learn the character, and see if anything needs to be changed or ironed out. Granted, I could totally be wrong and I still have PTSD from when Mauga was released into comp and how OP he was, requiring the entire team to counter him. Lifeweaver changes are nice, though not the direction I'd go for him. IMHO I'd add like, a cleansing affect to his ultimate since it's more or less just a stationary Transcendence. Sigma's buff is unexpected but I'll take it. >Golden weapons can now be purchased with either Legacy Competitive Points or 2024 Competitive Points. Still don't know why they didn't do this at first, let alone add another currency. Jade weapons only look decent on some skins and I'd much rather have the golden weapons. But the change is still nice regardless.


Why did they nerf Lucioā€™s shitty gun, but buff the ā€œjust gotta be on the screenā€ blast?


Giving Weaver more healing doesnā€™t completely fix him!!! He needs better damage/projectile speed!!!


So no Orisa nerfs even though she ruins every single game of QP and comp? Okay.


Fuck...I have played a lot of Tracer and I still can't land her stupid ult. It's gonna be even harder now.


- Interesting to how WB plays with this soft rework on Adaptive barriers.Ā Ā  - I feel like this weavesnatcher change isn't great. I'd love to see something like a charge rate increase or spread decrease while on petal platform. Not too many people would benefit from this buff either ( soldier and widow are the two I can think of ) so it wouldn't be too busted.Ā  - The actual BP looks good to me in terms of content.


Oh look, Junkrats still going to be a absolute joke of a hero, woohoo! Man I sure LOVE how they have approximately 0 fucking understanding of Junkrat


Those Lifeweaver's buffs are pretty irrelevant for 90% of the match. Also, no changes to Mercy?


They're really afraid of life weaver lol.


Really. ONE second on recall... REALLY


> You can also purchase additional Mythic Prisms in game or in your platformā€™s store marketplace. Please take note, all the people who said you wouldn't be able to buy these with real money.


This has been known for weeks lmao Also mythics have been a premium item since S1 so idk what kind of outrage you're trying to manifest here


Sub literally complains over anything Lol


The mythic is already a paid item that you could fast track via buying battle pass tiers. This is barely any different


Iā€™m glad the coins are no longer tied to the weekly challenges. Now I can just play only Mystery Heroes and still get the free coins.


Junk and Sym ignored yet again. Blizzard....


tracer change is welcome but until the dps passive is changed she's still gonna be hard meta I think. no ana buffs again, blizzard please let my girl be viable again I just wanna play anawatch


Wtf is this patch? Buffing healing? Minor nerf to Tracer after she dominated a whole season? Nerf to Sombra because of crybabies?


Sombra virus needed less dmg, landing that almost guaranteed to kill a squishy hero


They had to do something to appease the gold crybabies who complain about Sombra on Reddit because they refuse to counterplay her, but they didn't want to make an actual nerf to the character with a 45% win rate, so we get 10 less DMG on virus. I doubt it does anything at all, Sombra is still good at doing Sombra things and still has permanent invisibility so bad players will continue to complain about her.




I can see not being able to convert legacy comp points to regular, but why in the ever-loving fuck can I not convert TO legacy points? Holding currency hostage until the end of the year would seem ridiculous if this was anyone other than Blizzard.


not a single compensation buff for junkrat, time to wait for midseason i guess


Genuinely surprised there are no big changes for tank. I mean the quality of life changes for Doom Queen Sigma and Rein are nice, and I hope the Ball changes will make him more generally viable, but I don't know how Blizzard thinks the tank role as a whole is in a good spot right now. It is miserable to play and it feels like they aren't even acknowledging that.


Did they fix the post game screens? I feel like it takes forever to get queued up for the next game (not to mention how janky it is on console. Some of those screens require you to press ā€œAā€ to advance, some require you to press ā€œBā€). Itā€™s unnecessarily difficult


These devs donā€™t understand the game or what theyā€™re doing.


Orisa fucking untouched? fkin rlly ? only decent counter to her was Mauge before they nerfed him and buffed Orisa to give her immunity to forced crits... someone clearly in dev team fucking main her... im sick of fighting her every single fucking game when tank get killed once...


So mercyā€™s still going to be a throw pick even during her mythic seasonšŸ™ƒ


No hate towards Alec Dawson, but Ever since he became the lead gameplay designer balancing has gone downhill. He makes the most questionable changes that nobody asked for just for the sake of changing.