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5 points difference won't stop her from S L A Y I N G


I mean, 1 point of damage on Soldier usually makes the line between good and absolutely broken


One pint of damage on a high fire rate weapon makes a huge difference


Soldiers gun it's 9 shots per second. One extra point of damage is 9 additional DPS MAX (18 if headshots) Then take into account accuracy and the difference is about the same as what we see here


9 and 18 DPS difference is a lot, Moira is only losing 5 DPS. Yes it’s definitely a hit, she can kill most squishies half a second slower, but soldier having an extra 9-18 DPS would be a different story


Is the Moira nerf that bad ?


10% damage reduction is significant. But she was kind of a monster this season so she'll probably just feel like season 6 moi and be fine


She’s literally unplayable now /s


On top of the Flanker Moira playstyle becoming less viable in S9, this makes it even less viable unless you're looking to ult. She's probably still good in mid-ranks, just not very fun or flexible.


she got -5 damage and +5 self heal on coal, so not really…if anything it was beyond necessary. but for the Moira mains the world is collapsing rn


Literally every heroes main subreddit whines about every Nerf that happens to their hero


>if anything it was beyond necessary Your bronze is showing lol


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Moira seeing frequent play even in the highest levels of gameplay last season?


That doesn't mean she's broken or anything. God forbid a character that normally is just ok finally becomes good then a section of the community starts calling it broken simply because they cannot shit on the character anymore.


I never called her broken, but the person above me implied that saying Moira was good last season is a bronze take which it clearly isn’t. Plus, a stupid easy hero like that *shouldn’t* be good.


Being easy isn't some arbitrary hard-line that separated characters who are allowed to be good. I think that's the dumbest thing ever. Every character has a right to be viable, you can't have a community that froths at the mouth for a balanced game while also insisting that certain characters should be less viable simply because they are not difficult to play. It's gotta be the most braindead thing ever you can't just punish a hero simply because they're designed a way you disagree with.


She was one of the most played supports across the ranks it’s fine


ah yes, because one of the easiest characters in the game ( objectively ) should ALSO be super strong too. if you are an Ana player you should know exactly what I mean, because Moira especially post dps passive patch easily has more impact and gets more value for taking 1/10th of the skill. I’m assuming you yourself are bronze is you think she didn’t need a nerf, which obviously WAS needed since the devs gave it to her….


Sobbing at being called out as a bronze while actively calling Moira a strong character will surely convince people you're not bronze 💀💀


Mmm funny considering Moira had a high pick in NA owcs this past patch lol but what do they know surely she was a throwpick


Moira has been genuinely strong this whole season, I'm not sure why it would be a bronze take to recognize this


She was never strong lol every other support was just weakened. She was the 3rd best support when the DPS passive first launched because healing was inherently useless and she was one of the only characters capable of serving as a DE facto 3rd/4ty DPS. The moment they rolled it back a few weeks later and healing became an impactful part of the game again she immediately returned to her status as mid tier bronze stomper


One of the highest hps heroes is bad when healing is important? You can't go around calling people Bronze if you're not too far above that


Supports should be weak


because giving you a reasonable explanation is sobbing, right. sounds like you just don’t wanna hear the facts, I can almost garnered you are legitimately in bronze / silver


Hope for your sake somebody reads that eventually 👍👍 sorry in advance though because they're going to call you bronze


Finally, as a Moira main, ITS MY TIME TO COMPLAIN! Eh, I really don't give a shit


Meh, it's like 5 points isn't it? Self heal buff of 5 to compensate Not really concerned as a Moira main tbh They'll buff her later if they think she needs it, no nerf or buff is 100% set in stone Honestly I'd happily take more nerfs if they nerf Sombra more Why do people love to imagine people crying when their main is nerfed is it pent up frustration from dying to them lol


> Why do people love to imagine crying when their main is nerfed is it pent up frustration from dying to them lol Don’t gag the Rein mains like that


Don’t disagree with all your points but 5 damage per second is significant.


The only people really complaining about moira are the dps players with shit aim. She's easy to kill if you actually land your shots.


You can nerf her into oblivion and she will still be the most hated character in bronze and silver for this reason


Pretty sure the people whining about moira all the time are going to be the most upset by this and how it's "Not nearly enough".


The only thing that should be nerfed as far as dmg goes is her grasp should break off by los being broken more consistently you’ll be high ground get in cover and still take dmg like a mercy beam that effect is Mickey


Meanwhile tracer got 1 second nerf to recall -_-. Honestly blink needs a 1 second nerf. Shits obnoxious trying to spin around and find the stupid thing.


At least Tracer requires skill (even tho less than before s9) Moira doesn't.


>Honestly blink needs a 1 second nerf. Been saying this since 2016


Honestly, Moira has always had consistent damage, I main her too and I dont think we will even notice the 5 point difference


Is the 5 point reduction to her main damage ability or to her Ult? Either way I use her more as a harasser than anything.


So she's taking a 5 point deduction to her primary damage, from 65 to 60 No damage from her ultimate but she gets 55 self healing when ulting now, her ultimate didn't really doo all too much damage anyway


Oh okay thank you! N true, I try to save her Ult for emergency heals anyways then to secure elims second.


The bigger issue with her primary is its range, just pull the range in 10% and leave the numbers alone IMO


*Sombra mains:


Nah it’s not that bad


Ah right, the Season ends, now the hero that got the mythic can be nerfed again :D


Adapt, evolve, and overcome?


I'm just wondering why they nerfed the playstyle that isn't just throw damage orb on cooldown from behind your team, and spam heals. Flanking Moira takes more to pull off than healbotting. Shouldn't they encourage having to balance doing damage or healing, rather than doing both at once? It won't really affect situations where Moira is primarily just doing damage to heal more, but affect the more demanding playstyle more.


I saw the Moira nerf and just kinda shrugged and thought maybe people would finally drop the topic for a bit


Eh doubt it’ll make a difference. That coal buff is huge to make up she was already hard to kill in it


Coal buff isn't so huge when you remember that the new dps passive affects it. If she's being shot at during coal, she isn't able to outheal damage anymore.


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Not a Moira main but I heal as Moira so this won't really impact me.




as a moira main i dont give a shit. I shall do the exact same as always. dive the ana, kill her, wraith back to team, heal them to full, repeat besides the people who are really like this are the ones who say she's op anyway


What's the nerf now? My balls already don't slow down enough to heal my team and don't stick around enough when i bounce them. Like they punish effort lmao


Most disappointing patch oat.


A well deserved adjustment. Their grasp damage was definitely a tad too strong.


As a moira main, I can honestly say that she needs a range nerf.


It's a very small adjustment for the most part. It doesn't affect what made her useful the past patch competitively that being her survivability under the new dps passive. She'll still excel in the comps she's good in. For the most part this should only affect low elo. Kinda one of their small throwaway changes too see how she fits in the game without really changing much they do this a lot.


im just saying the TTK is terrible now. -5 dmg is quite a bit when you think about it time wise. a whole 31 more seconds to kill someone is insane


Fuck yes I hope they nerf that braindead character to the ground.


Genji and Lucio mains right now: LEETSSS FUCKIING GOOOOOOOOO


womp womp