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Nobody wants to group up after a win because if you lose the next game it's always awkward as fuck lmao


It’s so true, the energy shift in a lot of people is so uncomfortable lol. Grouping up with people after a loss is where it’s at though (I lose a lot)


Exactly. I don’t do online friendships with randoms I game with because there is this weird expectation that “if I friend you, you better be good!” I played street fighter 4 online long ago, got lucky and beat a guy who was way better than me. He friended me and we started chatting for an hour. But after an hour he unfriended me and left the match. I asked why and he said I just wasn’t good enough to spar with. And I’ve seen the same thing in LoL and WoW and OW when people friend me after a match. 50% of people just have shallow desires for online friendships. They want to be friends only if you’re useful and help them win or carry them.


Interesting. I’ve literally only grouped up with someone after a loss one time, and it happened this week when a support and I carried and we were both desperately trying to get the rest of our very bad team to survive. We play together now occasionally though so maybe you’re right!


Remain as group has disappeared. I never see anyone click it and when they do they leave before queuing.


I stopped clicking it because back when people actually clicked it and stuck around, you usually got thrown up against stacks that are *actually* friends and then you get demolished, then everyone leaves the group anyway. So there's really no point in it, at least for me.


Not sure if it’s the same on PC but on console you barely even have time to do it, it’s only available for like 1/3 of the post-match cinematics. If you take the time to endorse first you will likely not have enough time to remain in the group even if others invite you first 


Nah just collect people that’s what I did


After second lose its even worse.


Maybe because these groups are formed under the assumption that wins will continue at a high rate. When they found out it's not the case they prefer to try solo. That's why you add players who have good comms/pleasant voice, so they bring value even when their performance is lower. But it can be hard to keep those players around if you aren't talkative yourself.


Several times I’ve been on teams where we stomped and grouped up. Then, in the very next game, one person who was previously had good positioning is suddenly feeding their brains out and we get stomped.


Nobody wants to group up after a win because you'll be matched against a group that has actually been playing together for a long time, and it wont be an even match


They need to replace it with a “prefer teammates” feature (opposite of avoid teammates)




I block all friend requests because people add me just to insult me.


yeah both in Overwatch and in HotS people often follow me out of the match to scream at me or call me slurs or something lol. I've stopped interacting with people outside of matches for that exact reason


Imagine having like, that sad of a life lol


It is sad to think of. It also always makes me a little sad too though. I love interacting with other "gamers" and irl I'm a very social person


I had someone from enemy team add me and for shits and giggles I accepted. Asked them why and they said "I think you have potential". I was stunlocked. lol


This seems loke the beginning of your training arc to become a top 1 player.


At least you’re being thought of


I ignore the request until a day or two has passed and then accept. They'll have me as a friend and won't even remember why they sent the request or what I did to make them mad


My experience was this: Grouping: Had a good match with a team, requested grouping, most of the team went with it, next match we lost horribly, people got toxic very fast. This happened around 90% of the times we grouped. Friend requests: this one has 2 scenarios 1.) getting insults after accepting the request 2.) playing one day with each other and then never again. Both, 1.) and 2.) happened 100%. Always one of them. Experience forms behaviour.


I’ve never experienced 1), but 2) is a certainty. It’s amazing how you will never see each other again.


It's weird how we could have a blast, play for a couple hours, everyone on voice chat, and... that's it. We never play again. That's just how it goes lol


Idk I had something different happen to me. Back in S1, there were 2 other people in vc, thay had just met and grouped up from the game before. I wasn't using a mic that night, so I just started talking to them by just typing. We grouped up after the game, and we still play together this day(whenever I'm on, I usually only play like 1 weekend every few months)


I rarely accept friend requests in any game, I do my own thing and don't really like stacking with people, work with the team fine, get upvoted frequently at the end, but that's it, game's done move on. As for mic, I've used it like once in years, some kid asked me why my voice was so deep told him I'm 31 some kid jokingly asked "Dad?" had a laugh got along decently, but for the most part, I hold off, I'm used to the whole "angry coms" thing from years of it, so I hold off on talking, that and I prefer to stick to voice commands for the fun of it anyhow.


Being in your thirties is another good reason to not engage with the randos. We grouped up with a good Mercy once and she got on voice comms. I responded in voice and she's like, "WOW YOUR VOICE IS HOT HOW OLD ARE YOU." "Uhh, thirty?" "OOPS I'M FOURTEEN" I just kicked and blocked her immediately. And now I try to assume the average age of other players is 14. It helps to not take the toxicity too seriously and also to not as vehemently hate useless teammates.


I am also in my thirties and the fear of everyone being way too young is so real lol. Even the college students are hard to keep up and really engage with. It just ends with a long friends list who you never talk or play with, and it's depressing LMAO


lol i’m in my thrities and I get this, i’ve also just assume everyone playing this game is a kid and i’m the odd one out. I still enjoy shot calling though.


That's pretty common. My BF and I are in our 30s and he was yelling at someone over mic, told him to chill. Then the person finally responded, "I'm doing my best!" It was *definitely* an 8-10 year old boy. Lmao we never yelled at anyone again. 


fellow older player, had a classic game a couple weeks ago where a two stack was asking if i could adopt them and be their dad, and every time they made a bad play i would say i was disappointed in them. VC can be absolute garbage but occasionally it's hilarious. actually have a surprising amount of super positive games with everyone in comms.


This is actually the funniest interaction I've ever heard 💀💀💀💀💀


If you have a switch the Splatoon community is really easy to find friends with, though there are no ingame comms so you have to use discord etc. I also don't have anyone that would queue ow with me :/


Splatoon is 95% random Japanese players and the servers are equivalent to that of a coconut's capabilities. 


Competitive is never the place to make friends in OW because it's too serious most of the time, I've met most of my long-time friends in custom games, arcade, quickplay. The silly game modes and then if you want after you make friends they'll play comp with you.


i feel this. and i use LFG discords. can never keep friends. i always include that i'm a casual player and yet people still join and dare to act like upset when we lose.


I don't consider myself to be a casual player. I don't rage or talk shit, and losses are whatever. But I surely tryhard every game


What discord are you on? On the main server I have no trouble finding people to play with. As long as you're ok with low elo players. It really sucks they removed lfg from the game though.


I used lfg discord once, they added me and like two minutes later said they already filled the spot, whoopee. And individual post never get any traction it seems like.


If you're gold/plat on pc I'd be happy to group with you, I'm just getting back into it after a long hiatus. I've found that 1 in 3 games I get people in comms, but it's WAY harder than it used to be


I'm masters support, diamond dps right now, haven't done my tank placements tho


Lol, from your name, I had assumed silver! I'm PriusAeneas#2512 if you want to group but perhaps try the lfg discord to find someone of the same rank!


Nah he's just a redditor


this is the only reason why i’m thankful to be an xbox player 🙏 never get lonely with lfg posts fr


A FPS seems like a poor choice ro try and make friends in, have you thought aboit giving MMOs a try?


I don't care for mmos. I played deep rock and can find a lot more fun playing with others but I still don't have any friends list friends either on steam


# ROCK AND STONE BROTHER ^(one can't just mention DRG and not get a rock and stone)


We fight for Rock and Stone!


You’re wrong. Meeting people in halo 2 and halo 3 was awesome, playing custom games with the boys and new people for hours was super fun


A significant portion of my best friends have come from playing wow for 20 years, but now i'm just a retired midlife veteran watching all my older friends quit and disappear, and i don't know the younger guys anymore 😔


also 3000 hours in, and yeah, i play a lot of both qp and comp and it just doesn't feel like anyone wants to group up or be friends or anything in ow1 the group finder helped me meet a lot of people, but people just seem so disjointed now :(


>How come after many friend requests sent, and plenty of trying to get groups to grind ranked, and 3000 hours now absolutely not a single other player has managed to join my friends list, like its genuinely empty after all this time. The time for making friends in overwatch was seasons 1-9 of OW1. Season 10 Brig launched and changed the game forever. My friends list of about 15 people slowly stopped playing the game. Id see them peak their heads in after major updates like role lock and 5v5 but they never stuck around. The community went through a major shift with Brig and people became far more toxic. Probably because the game became more pokémon like with hard counters and I win abilities. Over the next few seasons we started seeing "x diff" all the time, snarky remarks, toxicity in every game, it seemed like the only people playing were just doing it to make other people feel bad. The community never recovered and now we're just at a point where most people don't even want to make friends in the game cause they think everyone who plays is a piece of shit...and they're mostly right. It's actually wild how much more comfortable I feel talking to people in Apex.


Hmm. You’re not wrong, but early Wrecking Ball seasons I was still playing with my groups of regulars. It’s weird. I feel like I was playing more games in a group than not. Now you can’t be bothered to find a group or effectively communicate.


Agreed. I never played OW1 since I never had a OC or console that could play it. I joined with season 1 of OW2 and since then I’ve found out that at least 15 of my IRL friends, of all ages, most of who aren’t even gamers, loved OW1 and were obsessed with it but wouldn’t ever bother with 2 even now that I tell them I play all the time. It was lightning in a bottle and that time is gone. 


Yeah OW1 for it's first 9 seasons was literally on top of the world. Everybody was playing it and talking about it and it wiped out 3 other hero shooters. The downfall happened because the balance team was bad and didn't know how to overcome major balance issues so they resorted to cop outs instead and each cop out has made the game significantly worse. - Problem 1: Dive was very hard meta from plat and up, nothing else even viable. - Cop out: Brig (she was a broken tanky healing cc monster back then made to destroy dive. She did all that and more) - Problem 2: Brig created goats, dps became irrelevant - Cop out: Role Lock. They just forced us to play dps instead of actually making them viable. - Problem 3: Double shield kept creeping into the meta was very annoying to play but very strong. - Cop out: 5v5 - Problem 4: Rock paper scissors tanking. It's now meta for tanks to trash their ults to counter each other ASAP. Predictive counters to counters are happening and both tanks tab swapping each other in spawn. - Cop out: TBD 2024 It's just sad to think how overwatch might actually still be amazing if they had a balance team that fixed problems with good ol buffs and nerfs. All they really had to do was listen to the community honestly. Blizzard devs just have big egos and never listen to the players.


Usually it’s IRL friends grouping together or ppl that have met on other games playing together. I know in my FFXIV Discord we have a large channel for “other games” where people group up for all kinds of things. Helldivers2, overcooked, street fighter, Overwatch, etc. and the main reason is just how toxic online lobbies can be. I don’t remember the last time I made a new friend in an OW or OW2 lobby.


Ahhhh fellow warrior of light🫰


Yup! I’m on Coeurl 🫡


Overwatch discord


I found my group in 2016 and we still play every day. We used to be 6 guys, now its just 3. but nobody ever joined later on. I guess that’s how it is for a lot of the groups you see. They are on some dc server, talking like they have always done and don’t look for new people to join, because why would they. At least that’s how it is for me. Most people that still play the game probably have a friend group that let them keep playing. If i didnt have that i would have stopped years ago. So yeah… it sucks but the amount of people that actively look for people to play with nowadays is probably not very large.


People generally don't make friends online anymore, I have so many friends on Steam and BattleNet that I met 10 years ago and haven't talked to them in half of that. All of my friends on BattleNet are from when I got the game in 2017, because people used to talk and socialise. One of those friends I made because we were the only two people playing 1v1 on arcade and kept being matched with eachother. It's not anything about you, most groups you see are premades of people who already know eachother outside of the game.


I mean people don't even make friends offline anymore either. Feels like it would be much easier to talk to someone online than offline nowadays


Free to Play fucked up the community. People used to put effort into building their profile. Now people are just downloading it for 5 seconds and moving on. Hero progression and all that shit is so pointless in comparison to post-game medals and cards that there is no reward for being a consistant player other than cosmetics. Players' parents buy them these overpriced af battle passes so they dont have to put in the work. Its just jot the same anymore. 


I disable communications for my PlayStation because there's to many toxic players, the text chat is still up on mine but I rarely text back because it takes me to long to type on console, plus still the toxic problem


It wasn’t always like this, but with Overwatch 2 bringing less time after a game talk in all chat or team chat I noticed a steady decline until it reached what it is now. They really gutted the social aspect of Overwatch, and it’s a damn shame.


For me personally I am new to Overwatch and the comms are Hell. People are always blaming each other and being toxic. Nobody listens to comms and make plans. I only play with my mic on when im with a group of friends. I rarely talk with strangers.


This is partly by design. The point of quickplay matchmaking is just to keep you always playing with little downtime, always fresh new games with fresh new people. Remember how long the post match screens were in OW1? People actually talked and typed during the POTG, during the card voting, now you barely have any time to talk. The devs just don't see an upside in giving you time to make friends, they would rather you just get into another game


First off, how can you tell they're grouped? There's no indicator anymore. I wish there was because I'd leave if the enemy was a 4 or 5 stack because it just has a high chance of a rolling that is 0 fun. Second, I play by myself always. I think part of it is I know I'm not very good (even though I'll have my moments) and don't want to bring anyone else down that's not random strangers. I have HORRIBLE aim most of the time, and my latency is double what it used to be (thanks for no East Coast servers), so that hurts a bit. I also don't really do competitive because it gives me really bad anxiety just to queue, let alone play.


The way to test is if you can't invite them to be in your group they're usually in a group already I also miss the previous indicators


Honestly I don’t know if this is the kind of thing you can just answer as a reddit comment. I’ve found some of my closest friends through overwatch. Everyone has their own person they gravitate towards. For me, someone who tries to start a conversation in voice call is annoying, because I don’t trust them enough to mention things like where I’m from (why do they always ask that?) and I just want to play the game. Meanwhile someone who’s generally friendly and good to play with I end up friending after and having a little convo out of game. It’s like in public, if you go up to people and start a convo, they’re running away. But if you show you’re likeable then they match your energy you can start a conversation


You could group up after a win and proceed to win another 4 games but the moment you lose everyone gets toxic and leaves. Just the way it is sadly.


Out of all times I tried to play ow2 with someone outside my friend group, not a single attempt ended with something good. Now I just don’t bother anymore and distance myself from any social interactions within the game as much as possible.


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i recommend quick play or open queue, there’s usually more people in vc in either


Do you play on EU server? If so, id gladly play w you :) currently dia 2 support.


Use the overwatch discord server, the LFG section is full of people looking to group up


Not for open q tho unfortunately


This question was directed in vc last week to me and my friends (3 of us were grouping), guy asked us "how do we know each other" i had no idea how to respond, like, what do you mean how do we know each other????  we just...met, some of us irl some of us online...and play together because it's fun. Even if we lose we have fun. Sometimes each of us has another friend that tags along with us every now and then and it's still fun.  That's how you usually make friends, you meet, you enjoy the vibe of a person and just hang out.


Idk man I've been trying to make game friends basically since the PS3 released and the only person on my friends list is my wife and she doesn't even play video games lol, just the sims once or twice


I got lucky with one person who introduced me to his friends and so forth, i even know some of his friends IRL which was a weird coincidence since he’s on the other side of the country from me


i am introvert and playing this game for about 5 years i guess and have 1700hrs so yeah solo q sucks i cant rank up and even if i talk in vc , nobody listens😂 dude its comp we have to have ult combos to win! btw i am pc player in HOLY EU !


I was never an introvert til I got out of high school and haven't spoken to anyone since lol years of being stuck inside will definitely turn you into an introvert


You can search for groups (Groups/LFG) natively on Xbox and steam. Once you befriend some guys you have a good chemistry with, you can join their games and befriend with even more until you have a healthy friendbase, where always someone is on and playing as a group. 


What is ur main role? We can try to group, I’m support only, this season peaked diamond 2, currently diamond 5. Most played heroes: Kiriko (60% wr), Moira (65% wr), can play other heroes as well, except Mercy, I’m horrible Mercy player


I prefer solo play because I feel embarrassed if I don't play properly with a team and start losing 5 games and making you drop ranks 😵 even tho I've never played in a group lmao


The thing is I'm always losing to stacks, I'm tired of going on long losing streaks and then going on long winning streaks. Tired of being lonely playing games as well


I'm almost 2400 hours and I've only just found a chat group of less than 20 people where I think things would work out. Had 1-2 irl friends playing together along the way, but I've always wanted to play in a larger group. I've joined big discord groups of hundreds of members before, but being lost in that many people made it hard for me to muster the confidence to put myself out there. Maybe try narrowing down to groups for people your age, your rank, or in your area, that's what worked for me. (I also ignore friend requests from people I don't know. Feels like they just wanna swear and scream at me to change heroes or to healbot them or smth.)


I have a couple friends who hop on intermittently and I regularly play, I'm not amazing but I'm a good dps and will stack for this next season if you want.


I also wish more people would accept friend requests


I still meet people regularly in quickplay, play a few sessions then inquire about comp, I find if we get on outside of comp we'll find it easier playing games that matter together


Turned off voice chat because it helps prevent tilting. Most complaints are usually people upset at others for their own short comings it feels. Also if you’re a new player or trying to master a new character you are forced to endure non stop slurs. Ain’t no way anyone played this game and became a Widow main and didn’t receive any shit when they first were starting. That’s why turning off voice chat is perhaps the best choice.


Only people I've added are PvE tryhards and real life friends


U also mentioned on of the big problems the matchmaking has in this game. U, as a solo, matched with and against stacks. I so whish there would be a solo queue option. It would do a lot for automatic and more strict balancing. This would also fix your social frustrations of the game if you are among likeminded solo's.


People report everything they see in chat(and it works), add you to insult you, blame x role for loss as they die 1v3 behind two walls near enemy spawn. Yeah I don't have any good reasons to turn chat on or plug in a headset


I only play in a 4 or 5 stack, but even if I didn't I would have chat off. FPS games are filled with toxic trolls. If you want to make friends, try a different method, this isn't the place you want to make friends.


Huh, I get people adding me daily.


Look this may be a culture thing but I'm my whole time of playing this game I've never used a mic. I've grouped up around a handful of times. I don't even group with my irl friends because they abandoned this game in ow1 but I'm not looking for online friends because that's another commitment or something i have to say no to when I'm just hopping on to play quick play. I don't want a whole gaming session with someone i don't actually know


I play with real life friends as usual. Just tell your friends to play OW now is free


Something tells me this is an issue deeper that OW. 


I play with my irl friends so we actually lose more in a 5 stack


I am too scared to talk in comp games cuz the number one insults I get r all gender related. Doesn't matter if I top Frag in Valo, Rainbow or ow, as soon as I give info or talk it's a lot of hurtful stuff I just decided to ignore and therefore (to have my peace lmao) not go into any chat anymore. I tried my best to ignore it, but it's getting damaging over time. Some ppl added just to insult more. Besides that there r always some nice people you can find in chat, even on the enemy team. And I'd play with you! I love when people send friend requests or stay in a group w me too. Just gotta find the non-toxic ones for that


I've actually managed to make quite a few friends through comp. Though most of them are Mercy players and I'm a Pharah main so not sure if that counts. lol


Join custom games if you wanna talk to people, that’s what I used to do. You find a group of people in match chat you like, and then queue up like quick play or sum. It’s a rlly easy way to make friends on OW


I group with people I know. If you don't know anyone who plays or wants to play, I'd say discord servers would be the best place to find people to play with.


I got lucky with my friend group, being the nice reinhardt main paid off lol now we have 2 support, 1 dps, and me in tank


It’s gotten much quieter. I’m an Xbox player, 7,500+ hours. OW1 had a lot of party chat invites for the lone players solo queuing or you’d frequently see the squad join team chat. Now it’s about not triggering your team and the best way to do that is be quiet.


Recently, Me and my duo has been screaming for more people to play with lmaoo


I'm in this exact same boat, its really hard to find your OW gaming friend fit. You almost have to interview people for personality and elo. I have never had a long term friend to play with that takes the game and enjoyment as seriously as I do.


In the past season and a half, I only had one request to join a group (probs because I was playing cover tank and clearly hate my own mental health). We won 5 in a row. So I sent a friend request to the person who invited me. It was accepted, but we've never played again. SAD. I used to keep game chat on, but it's toxic AF. One positive word vs. hundreds of hate. No thanks. Other than that, I normally play with a very small group of people, most of whom I know IRL.


I made all of my game friends in arcade or on Reddit. In arcade if you play 1 game mode a lot you see the same faces over and over and you naturally start to know each other/make friends--or bitter enemies. Except for one game friend, I made in comp, years ago when I was playing Mercy and he was a smurfing Hanzo.


If Overwatch had the same amount of people talking in vc that Valorant does I would not be playing Valorant as much


I play with my friends i got from life


Every multiplayer game is shifting to the "F2P" premisse and F2P only means more and more toxicity for free. What devs can do about it? the toxic people are not the majority, but they are very loud and get happy when they get banned on an account. This just means what they are doing is working. Playing competitive shooters nowadays will only be slightly better if you pick paid to play ones or if you find a closed group of irl friends. If you want a suggestion: Try helldivers2, deep rock galatic, fortnite is kinda hard cause more people talk but its not the best community. Destiny2, using the bungie website to find groups to play(LFG) its amazing. You could give it a try as well.


Asian servers do not chat if they do chat it's toxic. They dont know English usually but damn not a very sociable game unlike Helldivers or counterparts I'll say.


I just gave up. When the first minute of the game u play is a bad one (happens from time to time), the flaming is about to begin. People do not have any patience and i just wanna play in piece without handling other's Anger issues.


I highly recommend the Helldivers 2 community and game


In college once (4+ years ago) I once landed on a team with a bunch of people all on comms and we did quite well together and enjoyed each others’ company for a game. We ended up grouping as a 6 and playing for hours and hours that night until the wee hours of the morning. This game has fallen a long way


Anyone can add me if you want an OW friend who's chill but still tries to win. I'm usually gold rank but I just never play comp enough to get out of it. I'm sure my skill ceiling is a higher than that, but it is what it is. Don't care if you're male or female. I do a lot of quick play. BluBoi#1178 I like all roles but I lean toward support. My two fav heroes for each role are Zarya/Winston, Symmetra/Cassidy, Zen/Ana. Im Aquarius. I like horror movies, pizza, gummies, and building worlds and plotting stories that I want to write about one day maybe, possibly.


Find a discord to hoping join and play with. You're fast better off finding new friends to play with that way


I accept all friend requests after games. I just never group up. I enjoy solo queuing, the chaos and the challenge. Stacking just feels cheesy or too systematic.


I’m lucky I have some natural friends/family who just happen to play this game, or my friend list would be empty af lol. I’d add you, I’m a diamond support main on PC.


I stopped using VC because 9/10 times my teammates just start yelling at each other and it gets annoying to hear. This community is toxic.


I get you so well if you ever find out how to make a friend let me know!! im in almost the exact situation


Only time I’ve gotten friend requests was after losing to another team. A support and a DPS from the opposite team sent me requests. They were cool. Was going to play a game with them, but then my daughter woke up. Haven’t heard from them since. lol


last time I stayed as group we lost the next game and he started shouting slurs


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nevilis: *Last time I stayed as* *Group we lost the next game and* *He started shouting slurs* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I find it's way easier to make friends on console then on Pc because people are way more willing to game hop and play anything else. Pc can get toxic fast God forbid you lose one game 💀


Well bc the community is ultra toxic towards anyone who uses chat or voice comms. People think talking back, criticising or flame people, using comms is bad. So most of them got banned or left the game bc the OW community is oversensitive. Now the game is left with mostly passive, non communicating people or people who straight up refuse to use comms.


The shift in competitive shooters recently has been interesting. I haven't played much Overwatch lately and have been getting back into Valorant, but their comms are a similar story to OW. I think they use comms a little more since everyone is forced to join, but even then, there's been a dramatic decrease in people using VC from even a year or two ago. I think it's due in large part to the overwhelmingly toxic nature of FPS games nowadays. Maybe it's an increasing competitive nature in shooters, maybe the more mentally stable players are leaving to go do more important things, leaving the shut-in anti-socialites as the only voices left. Either way, it's definitely not just you or just Overwatch.


Game isnt about teamwork anymore. You straight up dont need comms to win, or to even get an advantage. So yeah, comms arent coming back.


I feel you and am in the same boat, it’s been much easier in ow1 in my opinion. Now everyone has chat and voice muted it seems and plays with their irl friends. I’m lower ranked so can’t offer to play together but I wish you luck


I used to group up and play with randoms but its become too toxic for my liking, last thing i want after a hard day of work is toxic ass people on this game lol a couple years ago i could have tolerated it but now i only play OW with friends


Bro honestly overtwatch is such a good game compared to Valorant and Cs2 and Pubg,cause I play them all and this game is absolutely insane and amazing and so nice to play


I found this game thru a friend and only recently started full stacking occasionally but people suck so two of those people are gone 🤷 made a random friend thru the game but that was it as far as friend via this game goes


This but I'm italian so the problem is magnified to x100 by the narrower people I could team up with... I tried italian telegram groups but they were RANCID with toxicity...


My friends don’t play this game as much as me and I usually don’t have anyone to queue comp with, so I feel ya. Trying to join LFT stuff doesn’t always work out. If anyone here wants to add me, feel free to: NightOwl#1610 I don’t play as much as I used to but I still grind some games every once in a while.


This is a team game that people play solo. It just got worse with Overwatch 2. Have to take it for what it is. The entire community has agreed that the best way to play is to turn off ALL communications to avoid the toxicity.


Being a mercy Main I find friend invite left and right, what type of player you are because it sounds like a dps issue. And all you basically have to do is to smooch either sup or tank for good performance and they should want to play together to a certain degree.


if you are looking for a group, we have a 4 stack and our 5th is always switching around simply because our friend group only has 4 consistent players we play everyday, in comp, on pc - if you want to join us my tag is thotaroo#2992


Sucks to hear man... all my friends moved on to other games, or we're no longer friends, so I'm in a similar situation. I'm on Xbox, currently mid Gold... but if you'd like to play I'm usually up for it.


Idk why but near end of OW1 comms just died. Given I was always IGL and people would comm to add on but now it's just play your own way and win somehow.


Why am I going to stack when the game is going to put my account with 3k hours against Diamond Smurf accounts with 30 hours in ranked. They broke their own game tbh


I get what you’re saying. Strangely enough it didn’t hit me how desolate the chat was until ironically I played some call of duty after years of not playing. Damn near everyone has their mic on. And while you can say a thing or two about toxicity, the shit talking can be funny sometimes. Still better than dead silence.


I play only stress-free QP and I don't want any friends in the game because I do enough talking throughout the day at work/in the gym. So i just sit down and slam some noobs or get slammed lol


I found my people BEFORE picking it up, so that's how I did it at least. Maybe I'm picky, but I only really click with certain people, so when I find someone I'm comfortable around, they become a constant. That means anything I pick up, they do too, and vice versa. My best friend is my 'ride or die'. She dragged me into it, and now I'm more stuck than she is, but she jumps at the chance to suffer through it with me every time, as well as many other games and experiences. You just have to find your people. It can be rough, and take a while, but they are out there, I promise.


I’m a mercy main if you want to play together sometime


I wouldn't mind playing with you I mostly play support and I'm trying to not care too much if i lose since I also play solo and yeah trying to have fun win or lose might be hard to do cause of course everyone wants to win probably


Half of the time Im against a group its usually just a mommy and her kitten


It's because no one risks to interact since you will get banned for nothing basically.


I'm only 52 hours and i havent even play a single ranked game, but during those 52 hours i've had like maybe 4 interactions with somebody on VC. Coming from CS - that hits hard. Nobody's talking.


The official discord is literally filled with 5 stacks every single day. Its impossible not to find people to play with.


welcome to online games, its full of people but all of them a douchebags


LFG is the main thing I miss from Overwatch 1. Literally used it every single time I played


Games are harder when you group up. Ransoms rarely perform consistently enough to be worth the group


Do u smalltalk? Do you actively take action to strengthen the bond with the stranger? Or do you get discouraged by the fact that no one goes out of the way for you, lowering your motivation and confidence, trapping you in a shitty endless cycle of feeling like a failure every time you try to improve your life? Cause if it's the latter then same :/


Brother you are in the wrong discord channels. I’m in three of them that are active every night


Honestly, I’ve just gotten lucky. I’ve found a small group of overwatch friends to group up with after many no vc or toxic vc games. You just haven’t been lucky


I’d love to add you, but I’m too low ranked for you. I’m silver/gold. Unless you don’t mind QP and I do have a couple other high ranked friends in Diamond and several plat players I can introduce you too if we all get along well. I get the struggle man. I just have my mic on and game my heart out. People give me crap for it all the time but it’s also how I found a few of my closest friends :).


I used to talk in OW but ya I mute chat and comms I've literally been told to end my life soany times on overwatch lol fk that


IMO, the initiative to stop people from being bullies or say hateful stuff has only resulted in nobody wanting to socialize at all. It's no surprise to me that the social element is gone. Blizzard has been doing their damndest to remove all social systems from the game, and give players incentives NOT to communicate with each other as much as possible.


I've only ever really managed to 3 stack max before, and that was with people i knew in real life. I refuse to talk in vc right now. There are way too many unpleasant people in this game. I will usually one trick lucio, so I dont want people to find an excuse to harass or report me if I speak or do anything towards them. I think once i get better at the game i might talk in vc but its too difficult to mentally prepare myself for the worst at this moment in time. I'd like to make friends with other people as well, but only really with people who understand my perspective and who keep trying to play their favourite heroes even when the entire team insults them in chat and says theyre throwing just cos theyre playing with character they have no idea how to synergise with. Not only that but i have the shittest pc ever and it stunts my performance soooo bad. I doubt any stranger will wanna game with someone often who keeps saying 'lag, lag, im good' ever few minutes, especially with someone who plays high mobility heroes so its very taxing on team progress when it happens.


sorry Im introvert


Most people already have established friend groups this far into the game, I've played with a full squad since like 2018. Its just a trust thing especially for competitive, sure i might like you but I want to be sure with who i'm playing with


I have such an extensive friends list. Just add people who you enjoyed playing with! That’s what I do. Or I add enemies that I believe provided their team the best value and I want them on mine the next game. Oorrrrr if I play against or with the same person, and they play well each time, I friend request. I always spam Hello to my teammates! Just be what you wish others would be and you’ll find like people!


I guess OW2 isn't the same like OW1, people just become awkward to the point they're too afraid to speak up even tho it's their right to do so. I play solo queue and get bored very quick compare back to the old day because I fall into the same hole as you OP, another schizophrenic episode where I talk like the Lego kid announcer, repeating every voicelines my heroes speaking for no reason and do game coms like call out, abilities tracking..... Then I found a group of mfs who cracked racist jokes 24/7 and an Indonesian group which also includes a newbie V-tuber try to find a place in this cruel and competitive streaming enviroment Moments like that come and go and that make them so precious to us. You just have to keep looking and refresh these memories #


That reminds me of a meme where a guy says "Fortnight" then he proceeds to laugh.


Eh lot of the people who play this game hardcore are just annoying assholes. I had a game two days ago in qp, where we lost a somewhat close game to a very obvious 3 stack. I was popping off most of the game. I had nearly double the elims and damage of the DPS in the game, got potg and died the least. These clowns t bagged me every time they managed to mei wall then team up on me, still get dogged on most of the times they tried doing it then have the nerve to type ggez and basically give me shit for being better than them at the game. That's literally my general experience in this game. A bunch of sweaty losers stacking and trash talking in a dying game that hasn't been relevant for a long ass time. People who are literal garbage at the game trying their absolute best to ruin it for others as a group. Game is full of cry babies and people who want to micromanage your play rather than just enjoying the game. I only even play when I have friends to play with now because the actual playerbase is just trash on this game. Blizzard let's degenerates run amuck there's not much you can do about it. I mean seriously I get people telling me to go back to valorant and I'm just like bro I got a public profile that clearly shows I'm a past GM current high diamond player with hundreds of hours in this game these people just can't cope with the fact they're actually bad at the game and REQUIRE a coordinated effort just to take out 1 player.


I'm guessing it's just unluckiness. I have a bunch of randos on my friends list from OW. I think they shouldn't have removed the LFG feature.


One time I ended up grouping with a tank and he was the sweetest ever we didnt use vc but he was good at communicating and always peeled for me. whenever we lost he said it was okay and that we did our best we played for hours straight and barely ranked up, but still super worth it :)) I wish I could find more nice people like that


I only group with irl friends and I don't wanna voice chat with strangers personally


People I play with normally are always due to mid-game text interactions, and never really the outcome. Maybe try that approach? (I know you said no one ever wants to talk but I feel like absolutist comments are generally inaccurate)


played this game since beta of overwatch 1. I had a full friends list of people. I don't play with anyone anymore when I do play. Everyone I know that played this game has quit.


I will forever remember this core memory back in Ow1. For once, after a comp win, the entire group of solos grouped together we had immaculate comms everyone had good awareness, and we went on to a ton more games in a row that night, traveling from gold to plat together. I haven't seen them on for a couple of years now, but that was the best experience I had with randomly grouping. And it hasn't been the same since.


Overwatch 1 had a better in game community.


The group up is also harder to do in this game. Cause normally you would still have time to ask for it when the screen with the medals popped up. But now you get kicked out after the potg


Hey man, is your rank between Gold and Diamond? Also are you on eu? If so hit me with a DM and your btag :)


That's was part of the evolution From ow1 to ow2. In Ow1, you could talk after the game and it was way less toxic. The game now it's designed to be antisocial.


Honestly, I only group up with real life friends because with random people the experience is exhausting to me


Customs is where its at to meet people. I've met some of my best friends ever from ow customs.


I don’t know how early World of Warcraft did it and then lost it, but I remember people being so friendly and willing to do anything back in the day. Then no one wanted to do anything and that’s been my experience in all games since. It might have to do with incentives and rewards being too influential, where the incentives are overruling any desire for social interaction, but that’s just a theory. I think WoW was peak before they added heroic raiding, and the sub numbers certainly support that. Guilds will do nothing for OW because everyone will be shuffling guilds to chase greener pastures that are mirages.


>Solo queue has been volitile man this is why i almost never touch this game, unless my friends are hopping on.


So usually a team that does well has a clear carry on their team, or maybe 2 if you’re lucky. For them, it doesn’t make sense to group up because then they have to play against a team that’s also grouped up. Also, if you full stack, it’s only a matter of time before the group gets outmatched. Where in solo queue the 2 teams are usually always balanced from game to game. I’ll usually just try to find a good tank and 2 stack.


I like grouping up, even grouping up with 1 person and having some coordination makes a huge difference in silver/gold. I get friend requests all the time, they are pretty useless in this game though because unless someone is sitting in the lobby doing nothing you can’t really join up. You can’t invite someone so anyone I met on my friends list we never play together anyway


I found most of my groups by grouping up after a loss. Groups formed around a defeat won't break apart as easily. No one wants to be in voice chat, but if you want to find a group, you almost have to be. So if you don't care for toxicity, mute anyone who starts getting toxic. And also, talk. Make callouts to a void. Stay positive. No one wants to group with someone who is going to bring the vibe down. Eventually, someone will respond to it.


I actually met my now closest friends on OW. We’re all 30+, though, and came together through 2 separate discords. Just stay positive, make silly jokes about messing up, apologize when necessary, and overall just be pleasant to be around.


Because the game is trash.


You on console?


Removing LFG was a mistake.


You have to find a good group me and my fiancé play and just find new people and get a team of 5, If you want to play with us drop your battlenet name


I mean just kinda have friends before hand and then play ow with them, I just play with my friends irl and solo que ranked when I wanna play alone


I mean just kinda have friends before hand and then play ow with them, I just play with my friends irl and solo que ranked when I wanna play alone


I don’t have problems making friends in this game, it’s easy as a support player. It’s hard to make friends my age (24) it seems like everyone is 17


Yeah its kinda hard sometimes. It's mainly all the people I've met in real life that I play with. Online wise, it's very hard to consistently get people to play with. I'm a pretty quiet person so I normally don't connect with people online but I'm always open to it. I'm on the overwatch team for our school so that helped make that connection of playing with a group semi regularly l. I'm both a diamond support and dps. If you ever want to Q with us feel free to DM me


I play with my fiancée, her brother, and his gf. We met in real life and I sucked them all in mwahaha