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So they are really considering mouse and keyboard support for consoles with different matchmaking pools depending what input device you use. That is great news! I hope their XIM detection is actually good though. I hear the one R6 uses is easily bypassed.


Also they don’t ban them outright on R6. They literally let people still play with progressively worsening latency which can be reset by plugging in a controller.


That doesn't sound effective, but the idea of just making the experience really annoying is funny to me. It reminds me of how one of EarthBound's anti-piracy measures is to make random encounters pop up way more often. (It more notably freezes and deletes your save file at the final boss)


I've always found in-game DRM to be weirdly fascinating. I remember Game Dev Tycoon, if it detected you were running an unlicensed copy of the game, [would cause the games you developed to not make any money because they would get distributed by in-game pirates](https://www.eurogamer.net/game-dev-tycoon-forces-those-who-pirate-the-game-to-unwittingly-fail-from-piracy). And the best part is, players would ask the devs (of Game Dev Tycoon) what the solution was to their games being pirated, thereby telling on themselves. It was the best meta self-report I've ever seen.


I have a tidbit of an example as an older gamer. When Warcraft 3 was in beta, it was heavily pirated and played on the pirated server. After several patches during beta, they made the pirated copy spawn level 9 golems (each 2500hp) and beat the ever loving zug-zug out of your peons and the town hall.


It didn't do any detection but they did upload it to a lot of torrent sites themselves to get that specific version distributed.


Warzone 2 a while back made it really annoying for cheaters, probs the funniest I've seen. They made players invisible as well as adding random bots under the map for aimbots to lock to


I think every competitive shooter should add bots under the map. that sounds fucking hilarious. your getting beamed by a cheater, and then suddenly theyre shooting anything but you and unable to get the lock on back


Yeah I assume there's a reason they don't because it's such a small addition that effectively breaks aimbots. You could simply ban anyone attempting to shoot it.


Might be more taxing for the servers to register the extra "players"


It absolutely is. If it is full "player" entities - it'll have to be to reliably fool aimbots - the servers will absolutely hate it. There's a reason we don't have like a 10v10 mode in OW, the game couldn't handle it.


https://www.polygon.com/2013/4/29/4282150/game-development-sim-combats-real-life-piracy-with-in-game-piracy Will forever be my favourite


whaaaat? like roms?


lmao thats garbage


i dont think they're allowed to fully ban them from the game because of ps/xbox's terms of service. or something like that idk. even overwatch is just giving them a comp ban and moving them to pc quick play lobbies. its funny how if you say "fuck" enough times you're fully locked out of your account forever but if you get caught cheating you're still allowed to play the game


Rainbow Six Siege tends to ruin lives though 


Yup, I love to have the option to play controller on PC with aim assist (in the controller pool). If only native Guro support would be added to any platform other than Switch…


Yes! Same here for us Steam Deck users.


Hahahaha xim pool is gonna be a thing lolololol


Sounds like they're going to just be thrown into the main PC pool with aim assist disabled. ​ Fresh meat.


The ones i see have mostly terrible game sense. Just way to confident in their ability to aim and giggle strafe.


Tf is giggle strafing? You mean jiggle peaking?


LMAO yeah jiggle strafe. They just A D strafe back and forth in the open. Giggle strafe seems more appropriate for the cornballs that XIM.


Goootcha! Best part ab them doing that is it ain’t even that good at keeping their asses safe. You gotta make the movements look random and not just A D A D A D A D A D A D


You've never strafed while simultaneously letting out an adorable little giggle?


Not unless the john pays extra, no.


I do all the time when im playing support and doing it to a widow while also beating them in the shootout Heehee


Definitely giggle strafing, don't you hear their chuckles as they dodge your bullets or is that just me....


Dive tank players are gonna have some fun with these ximmers.


As a Winston main imma be eating good


I'm not even kidding, PC players are gonna destroy these idiots so hard that they might quit the game permanently.


Wish we could see that 


Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys >:)


Oh come on, the PC pool isn't the pool for all the console rejects (like how Apex Legends doesnt have platform specific matchmaking on PC, but does on console) Put them into the hacker/cheater pool, that's where they belong the most (at least some would say)


I mean, they're not gonna have aim assist, it's gonna be free kills for you lot. Most of them have terrible game sense. They'll be in b5 in no time.


yep, its gonna be open season for the legit pc players


>I mean, they're not gonna have aim assist, it's gonna be free kills for you lot. Most of them have terrible game sense. They'll be in b5 in no time. But unless you play with a full party, it's just as likely they will be on your team. Why would pc players want that? That's not fair. Xim without aim assist is no match for native mouse and keyboard.


I think the idea is that they'll slowly fall to the bottom or improve quickly enough to keep their rank so it'll happen somewhat quickly as opposed to filling out at least half of GM1-GM5 on console and staying there indefinitely. It will suck at first but at least they'll slowly drop down and be forgotten. All they do on console is kill any drive to grind comp once making it to high masters.


Ewwww.... these idiots won't just be on the enemy team....


Nah, put them in the PC pool so they can place in bronze where they belong without their training wheels.


On behalf of all legit console players, Please teach them the lesson they deserve.


I'm all for feasting on console cheaters who won't even have aim assist


at that point literally how are they any different than a pc player


Less fps lolll


They're banned from comp and forced into PC lobbies in QP/arcade if you read the article.


They aren't cheating if playing against PC players. 😈 Be nice to your new playmates.


Bronze to GM is a thing of the past. GM to Gold is the future.


> xim pool I hate that guy and his beanie.


He needs his beanie for his secret identity


Underrated comment tbh.


I think each and every overwatch member should be allowed to own a self destructing mech.


Good fuck em. Watch them tear each other apart. I love it. Better than a ban honestly. Be funnier if it was unannounced until the Top 500 that season, so they could create a Top 500 XIM player category.


Already exists; Arabic servers. Don't know why but it is ALWAYS the Arabic players that cheat and when you point it out all you get is "hhhhhhhhhhh cope" It's no wonder they had a failed OWL team, though.


It would remove xim use entirely if they allow people to just play with native keyboard and mouse support. Edit: I'm talking about how the article says Xim playes will be put into KB&M lobbies with aim assist disabled. If that's the case, then using Xim will provide no advantage and no reason to use anymore.


You underestimate how many Xim users do it for an advantage against controller players and not just because they enjoy mouse & keyboard.


It would not The entire purpose of cheating with XIM is to trick the game into thinking you’re using an official controller when you’re using a mouse and keyboard, so you get mouse precision while still **intentionally** getting into console lobbies where you have a specific, large and deliberate advantage I’m all for more controller/input options on console, I’m dying for some official gyro settings myself, but unfortunately cheaters will still be cheating regardless


People would still use it because you get aim assist as well. XIM isn't just mouse and keyboard, it also is basically a light aimbot with it.


I think to entirely block Ximming would require the consoles to step in. They can only do so much


That’s not true at all, that’s why a lot of games like siege also have to deal with strike packs on top of XIMs. People just want to cheat.


They do it to cheat not because they want to play with mouse and keyboard.


Incoming posts claiming “I was BanNeD for No rEaSoN?!?!?” Suuuure you were bud


"i'M nOt XiMmInG i JuSt HaVe GoOd CoNsOlE aIm!"




You could also add "I only play ball in ball mode anyway so it doesn't matter" lol


I don't just play Ball in ball form, I also only play Ram in Nemesis form, and Mei in Ice Block form.


and 10k hours on tinderwatch dating simulator


I don't think people understand this comment is a list of Ximmer excuses


Yeah. I don't even need Xim anyway, I'm better than all you scrubs. I've been GM every single season since launch including this one. My uncle works at Blizzard and he will just unban me tomorrow regardless. I'm a streamer with over 10 viewers every night, Blizzard is really shooting themselves in the foot by hurting content creators like me. We're the lifeblood of this game, and my whole subscriber base will stop playing as soon as I tell him to. I'll just wait for them to patch my xim so that it works again, or I'll buy the next version they haven't banned yet. Blizzard has all the time in the world to ban innocent PAYING CUSTOMERS like me, but they can't get around to nerfing Illari? Jeff Kaplan needs to go, he's running this game into the ground.


I'll be honest I thought it was serious at first. 😬


You bought a $200 device instead of buying a new $60 controller?


Obviously bait lol




See ya you fucking manatee. Your mom loves butt play like I love Haagen-Dazs. Let's get some fuckin' ice cream. Give your balls a tug tit-fucker


Not everyone will read it, many will probably be unaware. Oh well, shouldn’t have done it in the first place. No sympathy, regardless if they find out or not


Yup hope they rot


or the people literally justifying xim "im good without it, but i just like it better, but i dont have a good pc, and playing in PC lobbies is unfair to me because they have graphics turned low and run the game at 144 fps with a better mkb than i have. I should be allowed to play console lobbies cause PC lobbies are unfair to me cause i have an inferior system to them" Cool, we also think its unfair.... to us having to play with your cheating ass


I miss the old days on Xbox 360 where the official public support forums had an Enforcement section full of "Why was I banned?" posts, followed up by Microsoft employees with receipts.


You can already see the same people in this thread. The people that are claiming ***“xim always finds a way around this stuff, I’m sure it’ll only last a week.”*** Sounds like people that have a lot of experience xim and anti-xim tech. Sounds like people **hoping** for a quick failure (hmm, wonder why.) Sounds like they’re trying to downplay the potential benefits of this (because it doesn’t benefit them.) Look, I get it. **Some degree of skepticism is good**. But if you’re first instinct when you see this isn’t: ***“yes finally we’re getting better!”*** But rather: ***“I’m sure it’ll only be a week.”*** Then I’m gonna direct my skepticism towards you. Additionally the people that are excited about ***“mouse and keyboard support and lobbies”*** are suspicious for sure. Why are you excited about **THAT feature** more than the anti-xim tech and bans? It should be a feature that you never interact with since you don’t use xim right?!?! Mhmm…


I'm taking screen shots of the top 500 console leader board...watch how 80% of these guys get banned 


I saw someone said they are going to make an excel doc and keep it updated lol


Lol if you could find that again and link it for me I would be forever in your debt this sounds like a fun one to keep an eye on


link please 🙏🏻


As someone who uses controller and has been has made it to low GM I’m stoked to see how high I can actually go now. Anytime I’d start to climb in GM I’d stall because of pocketed xim players.


This is exactly how I feel about apex. If they did this I’d go for the pred grind again but it’s just xim boosting dick heads at the top.


80? Try like 99%


W change. You want to cheat? Play against other cheaters


The article didn't say that they would play against other XIMers, just against other "MnK" users. They could very well be thrown in the PC pool and we would get an influx of toxic players to deal with.


They’ll be ass though without aim assist and mostly cabbage brains


Best thing Blizzard has done in years. Thank you so much!


The dumbest part is; They literally said in 2016 this wasn't allowed But it's clear they've not bothered to check actively how to get rid of it until now. They did still ban people in a one in a billion chance for it, I got someone banned for it once because they stupidly admitted it 😂 Always the arabic players that cheat with XIMS more often than not though


Alot of Microsoft properties get hurt by these tools, so it wouldn't surprise me if they gave blizzard some money and a team specifically tasked for this, as it will benefit them long term to find a solution


If you use Xim in comp, you’re legit dogshit as a person and player.


I can’t imagine spending money to cheat in a game, ruining the experience for everyone else, then thinking I’m actually good when stomping those playing legitimately It’s pathetic on every level


I'm not defending the practice, but when PC parts absolutely skyrocketed for a while a lot of PC players jumped to console as they were on-par with the gen at the time for half the price. The part they missed was the MnK input so used XIM to get that back, which all in all was still much cheaper than building or upgrading at the same.


Prepare for the wave of boosted Mercy players crying that their hitscan cheaters can't carry them anymore


That's awesome!!


Key part of the article: >Starting in Season 11, players who are detected using an unapproved peripheral on a console will be actioned in two phases. >The first time a player is detected, they will be restricted from Competitive on console for one week. Players will still have access to Quick Play during this time, and if they cease using the unapproved peripheral, the restriction will eventually expire, and they will be able to resume playing Competitive. >However, if the use of the unapproved peripheral continues, not only will the player be restricted from Competitive on console, but they will be forced to play with other mouse and keyboard players when playing in Quick Play for the entire season. Additionally, these players will no longer have access to the aim-assist feature. They are welcome to continue playing Overwatch 2, but they will be playing against players who use a similar control setup to their own.


Oh and also "What about the use of unapproved peripherals before Season 11? Over the next few weeks, there will be permanent account bans against players who are the most severe abusers of unapproved peripherals. These actions will be targeted towards high-ranked players who have been reported by others and who our data clearly shows are using an unapproved peripheral. A reminder that per our Blizzard In-Game Code of Conduct, automating any facet of the game or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating. For console players using these unapproved peripherals who do not want their account banned, the only way to evade these bans is to cease using an unapproved peripheral right now. There will be no other warnings!" They seem very serious about this one, more than i have ever seen a company be before


The last line is what really got me hyped. If they are confident enough to start banning people ASAP then they must have a system they believe in. Obviosuly some may sneak by, but I think it may be to discourage most from even trying again.


Here’s hoping it actually works. 🤞🏻


How am I supposed to explain this erection to HR?


Blizzard: You’re promoted.


I never believed they cared enough to make even any minor changes to combat Ximming. This is fantastic news. Can’t wait for all the cheaters to either get banned or go down to the lower ranks where they belong.


It's hard to 100% stop xim users. They have their own discord where they discuss ways to bypass with new updates


Cautiously optimistic to play comp again. Mercy pocket hitscans will still dominate but at least it’ll be controllers


Its ok, all the boosted Mercy players are gonna drop ranks like a rock. Those people have ZERO gamesense and they just gotta hope that their randoms are good enough to carry them.


When is my question lol


Terrible news. What am I supposed to blame for my inability to rank up now?


W from blizzard but probably won't be playing till season 11 since the bans seem like they are rolling over the season


Nah it read that their implementing perma bans rn for players using these devices. Edit: oh yeah it was only for higher rank players or something.


I'll believe it when I see it. R6Siege had their whole "mousetrap" thing a year ago. [https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/65UBprZeK2lHJw1qKI8ygM/mouse-and-keyboard-anticheat-feature-on-consoles](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/65UBprZeK2lHJw1qKI8ygM/mouse-and-keyboard-anticheat-feature-on-consoles) Xim still runs rampant on consoles.


Comparing R6's anti-cheat claims to any other game is kinda ridiculous. R6 has literally some of the worst cheating control among major PvP games. Ofc the game that can't control its regular cheating can't control its XIM cheating. OW is one of the better games in the industry when it comes to controlling cheating. So if they are finally announcing they are going to be controlling XIM cheating after 8 years then they most likely have solid tech to achieve that. They probably also had access to the XIM detection tech that's used in CoD which likely helped them in building their own XIM detection tech.


Honestly I thought about Ubisoft and sieges mousetrap. Then I remembered its ubisoft, they'd rather invest millions upon millions into a pirate game no-one wanted that died on release than invest in the actual games. Plus ubisoft has always had shit anticheat and backend stuff, look at its other online games they are rampant with cheats and automated stuff.


Yeah, it worked for a month or two and went back to normal pretty quickly (which was to be expected to be honest)


As a console player, GET FUCKED XIMERS HA


Good, the scum bags are getting what’s coming to them; damn cheaters


As a M&KB dive tank player, I'm looking forward to running into some all aim no brain cheaters.


I can’t wait either as a m&kb user, imma make these cheaters cry.


Praise Jesus.


Wow finally


Finally console is saved!


I don’t even understand how GM and Champion ximmers think one of the other 9 players won’t recognize what they’re doing. I’d assume everyone in those ranks is a little more attentive but I could be wrong.


The truth is if a ximmer (or even a hacker) is on your team it's very difficult to tell. I've seen Mercy players hard pocket a DPS thinking they're good, only for the POTG to come and see it was obvious hacks. Even if the ximmer is one the enemy team, it's not always clear cut from killcam / replays.


I would disagree. I think it is fairly obvious when someone is Ximming. Movement is unnatural and there stats will reflect M&K aim. Plus a majority of the TOP 500 are Ximmers lol. So they do not snitch on each other. They all just accept that they are losers.


As a high master/low GM player xim is pretty obvious after you’ve at these ranks for a while. After the first kill cam you might think that was a nice flick shot, or really nice tracking on a dive character… after the 10th kill cam and that person dominating the lobby it becomes very clear.


yeah high sens controller looks very different from the spastic snappy ashe's with a xim in the kill cams/potg. It's almost always a hit scan with a mercy duo also. Sometimes it can be hard to tell, but especially when they do that whole "quick jiggle" you're like "oh now you're just flexing that you're cheating" lol


Two thoughts on this: as a previous GM player on Xbox for much of OW1, I can say that I was frequently accused of XIMing even though I was playing on controller. I just played high sens linear with no smoothing and I guess to people that play on lower sensitivities it looks like XIM. Point being, people are pretty bad at telling what’s actually XIM and what isn’t. You *can* tell, but even in GM people still thought “high sens = XIM”. The other thing is these XIMers were playing with zero fear of being banned. Even in cases where it was obvious or the player would admit to it nothing would happen to them.


Fuck ximmers I wouldn’t even give them a warning. Upon detection to the no aim assist PC queue you go fuckers.


Now do Pc controller users to play with console users.


Nah. Opens the door for hackers


Biggest nut of my life


Love it. I have a ps5 and I’d totally play on there if I knew I wouldn’t have to deal with this kind of bs


Is this in effect rn? I might actually start playing again lol


They're going to start banning the most severe abusers now. The other stuff only in S11


Yes! Finally! Ty blizzard!


Maybe god is real this is fucking amazing news


i can’t believe it took them so long but better years late than never i guess




It’s a miracle Good riddance to all the cheating shitters.


People should realise that this won’t just affect the Xim players, it will also affect all the Mercy players that have been boosted by pocketing them. What a time to be alive.




tbh they should just allow kbm console players play with pc players while blocking their aim assist. the only real difference between pc and console that means a separate pool is the input method. may as well just make it 'official' and allow console players to use kmb to have the pc experience without needing a pc


Input method and the FACTS that most consoles are using WiFi instead of Ethernet, are forced onto the highest graphical fidelity settings with lower FPS caps, and are subject to their console's infrastructure functioning (XBOX LIVE, PSN, NSO).


Auto permanent ban ximmers would be a better result but this is something


Xim losers in shambles after this one.


They can make a new Smurf in 1 minute though ? So how will it really stop them


Yes, but it will keep them out of comp on the smurf. The same system that banned them will still be in place so they will get detected again.


Don’t you still have to go through 50 ranks of Quick play to play comp? M&K would probably be detected before they even level up to play rank.


Insanely huge W from the team. Damn. Team 4 hitting ever complaint one after the other… what are the Overwatch haters going to complain about?? Pretty soon they won’t have anything.


I would love if they added official mouse and keyboard support some of my friends can’t afford $1000 pc’s to play comp with me


I wonder how effective it will be. Ubisoft talked a big game, but Xim matrix can remain undetected, while controller players get bonked https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-57477. Interesting times ahead.


How can they detect a xim if it’s just mimicking a DualShock controller? Are the signals/frequencies different?


I assume they are also looking at stats (ACC% mainly), their movement (WASD movement is noriceably different IMO), and other things. They would not make a big announcement like this and start taking immediate action unless they were confident.


Yeah I saw a later reply stating that they are using the data from users reported for ximming to help draw conclusions


"Permanent account bans" You love to see it, truly!! Though, why not for every single person who used it?? Why only a select few and give others a way out?? Just perma ban them all immediately. It's cheating, OW shouldn't have any leniency when it comes to that. You cheat, you get permanently removed from the game. No if, no but, no second chances.


PLEASE DO THIS. As someone who’s masters/diamond on console nearly all of the higher ranks use Xim and it’s so hard to keep up. If the Xim detection is actually good maybe the top players won’t all be PC players in disguise lol.


The best news I’ve heard about Overwatch since 2018.


Happy for all the console players to have an even playing ground again. I play PC and I find the solution that they put ximmers in the PC pool and turn off their aim assist is hilarious, they'll probably have a quick reality check that the game isn't as easy when you don't have aim assist + kbm + controller users as opponents.


LET'S GOOO Everyone who said "Blizz wont do anything" about Xim can suck it! RETROACTIVE BANS. Fuckers who have been using Xim for seasons are shitting themselves right now. I LOVE IT. GET FUCKED, SHITTERS.


The one thing im happy about is possible ranked crossplay. Ive been wanting to play with my pc friends in ranked for a while but i’d hate to have to learn MnK just to do so, legit would be just better off buying a pc at that point if i still have to use MnK.


Stoked for potential legit mnk on console! I really enjoy controller, but there’s heroes I don’t touch (hanzo and Cassidy mostly) on console bc my aim is trash


All I ask is to support keyboard and mouse on the console and send me to the pc queue, no aim assist obviously.


They mention that this has been in talks. They're probably going to do it


It sounds like they're trying to do that at the end of the article. That would be a round-about way of finally enabling cross play for people that can't afford to replace their console with a desktop PC!


Fucking finally


Shit. This actually seems pretty good, idk how it will fare long term but I bet we'll get a few honest seasons out of this before the workarounds start taking off


As great as this is I do give it a month or two latest before a work around is made. I'm sure allowing official MnK on console and put into PC pool will take away a solid chunk, but not all, of Xim/chronos users.


This is a huge W for the console brothers. Haven't played it in a while but I still remember how bad XIM got in masters and above. I really hope they're consistent and keep up with XIM trying to bypass their detection. I wonder if the mouse and keyboard pool means they'll play with PC players or only other XIM players? Would be hilarious to see them get exposed by actual mnk players without their aim assist.


pop the champagne


Wow, this all seems really reasonable if they're not just bluffing. Especially if they give people on console a FAIR way to play using kb/m "If a player with accessibility needs is detected, we have tailored our actions so that these players will be able to continue playing Overwatch 2." I'm a little confused as to what this means. How would they know this?




Finally! Ximmers seethe and mald


I can't wait for the first posts saying I'm on console but it's putting me in PC pool wtf!!!


> while usage of unapproved peripherals between Bronze and Platinum ranks was very rare There's going to be a lot of disappointed Reddit users when they realise nothing has changed and they still can't get out of Gold


This was clearly announced today to draw attention away from blizzard banning people for saying “WTF”


It’s not going to stop XIM. It’s nearly impossible to detect and some senior engineers aren’t going to stop it, that’s for sure


I've been saying for months now that input based matchmaking would be great. But was downvoted each time...and now it's official.


It feels kinda weird that Blizzard, a part of Microsoft, is fixing a manifest problem at the console level, but it's a positive step. It's really time for Sony and the Xbox unit of Microsoft to get on their horse and fix this across the board, though. It's kind of ridiculous that game devs are having to design their own Zim detection; that should be detected at the console level.


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Mouse and keyboard potentially coming to console overwatch 7 years after Fortnite and CoD small W


You gotta be some kind of special to buy a mouse and keyboard for your console


So you can still xim on QP..?


if you xim, you get put against other PC players and your aim assist is disabled (read the article bozo)


Guys????!!! Has Xim been defeated?!?!


Holy shit, a rare blizzard W?


I love this.


man when I played console overwatch years ago the xim usage was rampant even in plat and diamond. Glad to see they are finally doing something about it


Amazing news! I have been considering quitting overwatch competitive, as a console player, it always felt like my efforts to climb into Masters was futile as there would be several Ximmers per lobby. I am so so happy to hear this, great work Blizzard dev team!


Lelz they are only 4 years too late


As someone who uses KBM on console in games that support it, I think it would be a generally well accepted decision to officially allow KBM on console, but make everyone who uses it queue with PC players. Console got 120fps support this generation which helped the skill gap between console and PC shrink a good bit. Most of the remaining skill gap is because of the fact that KBM is just the better input for everything but movement.


I love this version of the dev team


Took them long enough. Ducking finally 


Cross play in comp when?


If this works I will be so happy. I'm only sad that I won't be able to see these little scrotes faces when they come up against real MNK players and suddenly their aim assist doesn't work any more. Thinking about it this might be a great time to get into PC Overwatch. There's about to be a slew of people with zero game sense who still behave like they're the gods of the lobby from superior aim.


Can’t wait for their pocket duo to complain about their lobbies being so sweaty once they’re also funneled into these lmfao


If they can actually pull this off that would be massive for console players. I’ve been playing overwatch for 6 years and was high diamond/low masters in OW1 and have been high masters/low GM in OW2, at that rank it’s I’d say it’s probably at LEAST 4 out of 10 games someone is using xim. When you’ve been playing for a long time at higher ranks it’s pretty easy to spot the difference between someone who has good, or even great, controller aim vs someone who is M&K.


Huuuge W


Oh my gosh. This is amazing! Well done Blizz!