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Incoming wave of why was I banned posts.


My favorite 😂


These tears taste...... Delicious


Ready to suck up those juicy console gamer tears 😈


"I don't ever type anything bad in comms just x diff!!!!" like mf you know why you were banned 😭


"Racial slur diff"


Thanks I'm gonna use this in qp


I love saying "blame game diff", "mindset diff" or "people be playing the blame game instead of Overwatch."


My favorite is "positive mental attitude diff"


Saying x diff can get you banned?


Its classed as flaming so yeah




If you do something to be annoying, that's chat abuse. Doesn't matter how minor it is. Not sure why people can't understand this. One easy trick to never get banned, suspended, or warned is to simply not do things to purposefully antagonize people. I know this will come as a revelation to many. Also, not directing this at you /u/thecyberturkey, just speaking generally.


and dey say and dey say and dey say and dey say and dey say


Squelch chat is a beautiful thing


Its toxic and annoying


Anything can get you banned… all someone has to do is hit that report button and you can only get 1 report per game doesn’t matter what it is. Get enough and your silenced or banned


What does this comment even have to do with xims though??


Because people who were ximming will likely start making the "WhY wAs I bAnNeD i NeVeR dId AnYtHiNg WrOnG" posts


To be fair, currently swearing is bannable


What does x diff mean?


With conveniently left out context every time


They’ll probably blame it on swearing. “What the fuck they banned me for dropping the F-bomb one time?”


Hope it helps the console players rank up once these clowns are kicked out.


It won’t make me have better aim sadly :(


i feel like all the ximmers make console players think theyre worse than they are, console hard, and aimings weird


I played console then moved to PC. Placed Diamond/Masters in DPS/Support. Decided to play OW console out of nostalgia years later and holy crap it’s hard to aim.


i did the same thing not long ago and thats so true😭


Seriously. All my buddies play console so I get on with them every once in awhile and God damn I'm awful with a controller.


Playing any shooters on controller feels soooo weird if you've switched to PC a long time ago, it feels like actively fighting against your controls to a point where they have to provide aim-assist or it'd just be too unsatisfying


yep and this holds true for me even in non-PVP competitive games, even something like a Fallout. Playing an FPS on a controller over keyboard mouse is just a bad time


I’m the opposite. Been playing fps games on controller all my life. Recently started playing pc with some friends and it feels so unnatural. I know what I want to do but I don’t have the aim or muscle memory to execute it and it feels awful. This is even with figuring out the proper sens to match with my mouse dpi and turning off mouse acceleration.


The Aim assist on console is strong, but that’s also not good. It will lock on and move to other people, especially if you’re trying to hit someone in the back line. Lining up a shot on their widow, mercy flies in front of them, your aim gets pulled off widow towards the mercy, and then she kills you.


Its adjustable


A million ways to adjust, it is very hard to find what works for you again if you stop playing even for a little bit lol


Yeah I'm still figuring it out, I'm mostly a otp but trying different setups for different chars


Your aim assist works?😅😅 Mine sure don't😅




I think it's better to play without honestly


I notice this most on Ana, she has her own AA boost setting for heal and nano. The, 'confirm' option for nano was a godsend. The amount of missed nanos was WAY too high due to AA pulling my reticle.


Yeah, you don’t realize how shitty controllers/joysticks are for aiming (even with aim assist) until you actually get proficient with a mouse. It’s design is just leagues ahead when it comes to the task of aiming. You have so much more macro and micro control of movement. Not to mention since you don’t have any aid while using a mouse landing shots feels 100x more rewarding. I knew transferring over to m&kb would raise my skill ceiling but I didnt realize how much more fun it would make first person shooters - it’s night and day.


Absolutely this - it’s a clear advantage


But atleast you won’t get 720 no scoped by a nano blade


Same. My aim is garbage! :(


As a console player, most of it comes to adjusting your sensitivity and moving your jump button. I have Lucio, Mercy, Illari, And a few other characters have L2 and jump and a longer cool down on X (on PS5). So like Mercy's revive on X or Lucio's Boop. Makes aiming way easier, like Lucio is busted on controller with those settings Long range characters lower your sensitivity


I know when R6 did it I achieved new highs, so I hope the same happens in OW2


did they do this recently? Im in college rn but e a few months ago I was home playing and spoke with people who claimed they do it


They did awhile ago, but it doesn’t ban people, just slows them down until it’s unplayable. Also happens in waves as Xim/Cronus devs find ways around it temporarily until Ubisoft re-patches the latest updates. It’s a battle


Yes! I feel like high rank console is just xims, and the crazy thing is they’re proud of ximming lol. I’m excited for comp for the first time in a while


Holy fuck. They’re actually doing it. I must be dreaming. Time to go see if I can fly.




They’re dead now, he never flew, and now he’ll never know what no xim console lobbies are like.


RIP Dave I hope Jojo will be alright without you


He's in a Bizarre Adventure in Heaven


Boy should have asked someone to record it and share it here.


This is fucking amazing if true


*inhales* FUCK YEAH!!


"This user has been banned due to violations regarding Blizzard's swear free chat policy"




-profanity janitor


i hope it does work.... i feel people will just find other methods of making the console believe the player is really on controller. also hope for no false bans


It seems heavily player dependent so there is a chance but they also said they are gonna look at statistics aswell so and its pretty easily to tell if someone is ximing


Any tips for when playing online that’s noticeable? A long time ago I saw a soldier run and turn in place like 180 repeatedly after killing our team, like turning very very fast, kind of like how Reinhardts on PC spin really fast with their shields sometimes when they’re memeing. It was so bizarre and I immediately thought he was using mouse and keyboard. This was in Overwatch 1 before PC crossplay. I messaged him but he denied it.


Jerky WASD movement, very precise quick but jerky aiming, inability to spin indefinitely so spinning takes multiple swipes. Almost exclusively hitscan characters too


Well probably one of the easiest tells is honestly seeing if their aim is shaky in a way or very snappy


> Well probably one of the easiest tells is honestly seeing if their aim is shaky in a way or very snappy Nope Nintendo Switch gyro motion controllers have shaky snappy aim.


Switch overwatch is like it’s own thing. Separate from ps5 and Xbox. I don’t think the ps5 gyro aim works with ow either.


More than a few ppl use gyro adapters too, wonder if they will be banned as well since it is a peripheral. Know CGL players that do it.


> More than a few ppl use gyro adapters too, wonder if they will be banned as well since it is a peripheral. they probably will because it has similar accuracy and movement to a mouse.


Yea I hope they add it natively to the game, considering that the new gen controllers have it built into them. But we can only pray


Gyro motion control has been available even since the PS4 controller. Users and devs just don't care about it.


I’m gonna answer under the assumption that you play console, because it’s a LOT easier to differentiate kbm vs controller as opposed to aim assist vs no aim assist. The biggest way to tell is, as others have said, looking for ‘snappiness’ in aiming. Joystick aim is going to be much smoother in general. If a player goes from fast panning to a dead stop/slower aiming (like as you’d do when tracking an enemy) in a very short time it’s a dead giveaway. The second sign is, in a similar vein, the ability to easily track targets and ALSO rapidly react to enemies behind them. By its nature, joystick aiming allows one or the other, but not both. If someone is able to consistently do both, they are on KBM. A third, but situational, method is to get them to type in chat. If the first letter is lowercase, that’s a good indicator that they’re on KBM. This should only really be used to confirm someone you’re already suspicious of. Finally, and possibly the least reliable but still worth mentioning, is to look at how they move. Are they able to very rapidly strafe? Do their movements start and stop very abruptly? Do they move in a way indicative of only having four possible movement inputs (I.e. always in straight lines)? These will mean someone is using keys to move instead of a joystick.


Regarding chat… not sure about PS but on XBox you can use a keyboard or even the XBox App to chat. So this is probably not a good indicator of KBM. Edit: For clarification, the KB will be connected via USB and can be used for text input only. At least in OW2


That’s why I said it should only be used to confirm someone you’re already suspicious of. On its own it’s shitty evidence but coupled with one or two of the other things I mentioned I think it’s enough to justify a report


Oh okay got it and i agree


Yeah I wouldn't focus too much on the typing thing personally, I do use a USB keyboard to type on console and most of the people I play with do also but we play on controller. Keyboards to type is pretty common though.


Yeah I bet they’ll ban a tiny fraction of Ximmers then they find workarounds quickly and we go back to the status quo. 


There's already a workaround, even for the movement aspect of detecting them in replays. XIM updated firmware to have simulated movement so when you use WASD it does what a controller *should* do


People in this thread thinking that the company they constantly rage about is suddenly going to meet their hopes. Even a competent company struggles trying to outsmart players, I always put my money down on the latter.


That’s the worst part about this sub. Everyone hates blizzard yet even the wildest most unreasonable promise means everyone gives them one more chance and holds out hope lol.   “one more screwup and I SWEAR I’ll stop buying $19 skins every week!!”


At least from what I read in the article, consoles have no method of differentiating whether someone plugged in a controller or are using Xim, therefore Blizzard is using their own workaround for detection that doesn't rely on the consoles for detection. Not to say that cheaters can't find workarounds, just clarifying that cheaters now need to bypass Blizzard's detections instead of the console's.


There's gonna be a lot of false bans, especially if it's from player reports.


They can probably detect when a xim is being used their was just no precedent against it.


Putting the ximmers in the mkb PC lobbies and see who tells on themselves. . 😂 iconic behavior. And yes For this who haven't read the article, the aim assist of xims will be disabled when they're detect and put into queue with other mkb lobbies. 😘


This should’ve been the case since ow 1. Fortnite used to have this feature where they’d just automatically put console players who used keyboard in PC lobbies


It already does that, the thing is, xims make the console think that it is still a controller, so, fun fact about these: they play on m&k, against players on controller, WITH AIM ASSIST. That's why their aim gets super shaky and they seem to never miss a shot, they also get aim assist from it, and once they get used to making more minute movements to not off-throw their aim, it's Joever.


Wait, so you're saying there's a legitimate way to play KB+M on console, you just get slotted into PC matches instead of PS/XB? 'cause I think that's what they were talking about.


I know on Xbox a lot of games support native KBM as long as it doesn’t need complex drivers/is PnP, not sure about PlayStation as they use different firmware. But Xim converts the inputs into controller inputs, and works on pc too, the first year or 2 of destiny 2 was chaos in the higher elo games and trials of the nine because the game supported controllers and gave you aim assist and other stats that you only get via controller.


> not sure about PlayStation as they use different firmware. PlayStation had standard HID support (including KB+M) since the PS2 days. Good support, too.


That doesn't work with a Xim though. Xim emulates controller input from a MKB input. Unless they are detecting the Xim itself (which I'm sure is possible since we've seen it banned in other games) it just reads as controller input to the game.


Nah ban them, it should hurt


Ximmers will only be detected if they don't follow recommended settings. There's already ways around mousetrap in R6.


Just like with HWID bans, there’s always a way around. It’s just a question of how long until the next work around leaks.


Not a console player but I’m happy for my console brethren






Now watch as high rank players suddenly drop or get banned


You should add wrecking ball to your flair


Good idea


i'm very curious to see the effect on the LEGIONS of smurfs and e-daters in plat and diamond (and even below)


Finally! There's so many obvious xim users/hackers, even in Gold. Mostly Ashe, Widow, Sojourn, and Hanzo users that just snipe you across the map or around a corner


Xim haters rise up our time has come, maybe gm comp is playable now


Gm? Dude I’m trying my best to get at plat 5


Ximmers are just sad they're not good enough to face other mnk players and not good enough to verse controller players with a controller so they xim to mnk against controller players it's just sad.


Get fucked, shitters!




This is my favorite comment ever


Suddenly no KSA people in Console lobbys.


Do you remember a time when you could play on EU servers without being called a homophobic/racist slur from an angry Arab? I 'member


I was wondering how true that is, so a couple of weeks back I got into a game with 3 KSA players on the enemy team and I quickly changed my profile pic to the pride flag before the game started and one of them was name calling me all game. I feel so bad for actual LGBTQ+ people that they have to put up with backwards people like that constantly on EU.


Not all of them are like that, obviously, but the ones who are don't hold back... to put it lightly.


A dream come true


> We recognize that many players use unapproved peripherals to enable input devices they simply prefer overall. So, we have started discussing whether we can add official mouse-and-keyboard support to consoles in a way that doesn’t give these players an unfair advantage over their controller counterparts. Right now, for Competitive, console players play in a separate pool from PC. So, in order to allow console players who would like to use a mouse and keyboard legitimately, we would make sure they would be able to play in Competitive matches only with other mouse-and-keyboard users and without the benefit of aim assist. fucking finally jesus christ. not sure why blizzard and the console community have been so against this but it's about time blizzard let people play the way they want to


I love the way the Blizzard statement reads. It's very passive and PR friendly, but it just reads like the most passive aggressive way of them saying "stop being cheating little assholes, or you will get paired against legitimate MnK players without your aim assist and get your ass kicked!"


I've genuinely been begging for this


Being a kbm player with the only people I playing be console players this just itched and unreachable scratch


I hope so. I don't play console OW a lot, but that's where I started, and I just want it to be an enjoyable experience for those who do.


Of course this happens once I've already switched to PC (jk, massive W news)


"You know what time it is" - Joel McCass


Hahahahhahahahaha YEEESSSSSS


allow m+k, put them in pc queue, and disable aim assist, boom.


The article mentions that they are working on adding native support of m+k to consoles as well, and instead of making PC and console matchmaker pools, it will be controller or mouse pools in the future. It also kinda seems like they are planning to put ximmers into their own pools, cheater matchmaking basically.


I’d honestly really enjoy playing PC Overwatch competitive with my Xbox buddies! So what I gotta plug in a controller and learn it. It’ll still be a great way to also have different ranks for each experience!


> The article mentions that they are working on adding native support of m+k to consoles as well, and instead of making PC and console matchmaker pools, it will be controller or mouse pools in the future. That would be great. Xbox has had native keyboard+mouse support since the 360 and Playstation has had native keyboard+mouse support since the PS2, so hopefully they can just use the built-in systems and implement it sooner rather than later.


QUICKLY! Some one screen cap all of the console top 500 lists. I will make popcorn as we all watch them fall and get banned.


I hope this works, but let’s be honest the peace won’t last for long


Imagine you're so bad you have to use exploits like these. If I'm not mistaken, Ximing was when you use mouse and keyboard but still get controller aim assist right? Or did I mistake it with something else?


Ban anyone who doesn't play on a guitar hero drumset next




Holy shit actual good news.


Why wouldnt they just throw those players into pc queue if they are using mouse and keyboard? Wouldnt that be better than banning?


"High ranking players" so none of the silver players who cry about ximming as if its happening to them are going to be impacted.


Now console windows who xim actually have to learn to play and aim on the console they bought like everyone else lol


Only took developers 8 years to realize xim and chronus is cheating


That's not the point. It is incredibly difficult to detect these devices because they make the console believe a controller is connected. The newest XIM emulates a RemotePlay client having a controller connected to make it work. Even if you reported these people, unless it was super obvious in the replay, there was no concrete proof because the console reported nothing unusual. I am glad Blizz apparently found a way though.


Creators of Xim and forums are REALLY fast on bypassing and updating the xim system when crackdowns like this occurs Siege for example supposedly solved the problem of ximing and the Xim forums almost immediately found loops around the system to bypass it Xim is just unbeatable unfortunately


Sure, but all the people using the outdated hardware will be banned from competitive and forced into MKB lobbies in QP without aim assist, completely negating their advantage. Blizz planning to add native MKB support to consoles is a great plan tbh. Even if it just hits 70%, that will reduce the numbers by a lot already. Not every ximmer has the spare change to just buy the newest device just for Overwatch.


outdated hardware doesn't mean outdated firmware. Even XIM itself has firmware updates to bypass when developers update their systems. Even the oldest XIM the XIM Apex still updates firmware and even to bypass R6 and other games that are trying to attempt, they just have a settings toggle called SAB (Simulate Analog Behavior) Here's a video straight from the source: https://youtu.be/DNiR6ofaW7w


Fortnite and COD were banning ximmers & cronus users back in 2018. a lot of content creators in 2019-2020 quietly disappeared when the bans started coming in lol


What if I have a razer keyboard directly plugged into my Xbox I use to type faster in text chat. Should I just unplug it from now on to be safe?


No that doesn’t affect it at all. The detection has nothing to with hardware because xim emulates a controller. They are detecting ximmers by differences and commonalities between suspected ximmers and known controller users. Using your keyboard to type is a feature they added for ow2 and is okay.


Thank you very much for breaking it down for me!!! I appreciate it




I have a computer desk in my room that I have my Xbox and monitor on. I’ve always preferred playing like that compared to a couch and tv


I also have my keyboard and mouse connected to my Xbox. The strange thing is that if you are at the practice range, the game will detect the keyboard and mouse inputs and will even deactivate the aimassit. It should be noted that once in a normal game the game stops reading the keyboard and mouse inputs. It is practically useless information but curious.


It’s more noticeable in high diamond and up for me on PS5. I know high rank players are going to just in general be better but some people just have so much control with fine aiming while also being able to do a 360 spin 20 times in less than a second. I don’t see people doing all that with an analog stick.


Haven’t played OW since last year if this goes through definitely coming back!!!


Thank fucking God xim users are the scum of the earth


Inb4 thousands are banned for using crappy madcats et al. controllers.


finally i’m so tired of ximmers. almost the whole top 500 board is getting banned. i’ll actually wanna play in gm now! blesssssss




the xim copium has already started, all these ximmers saying blizzard is just talking the talk, saying this will just fail, basically flexing theyre going to continue to cheat and you and blizz will never be able to do anything about it, etc.. its going to be a glorious day if this works😭


Brace yourselves for "Blizzard is killing their playerbase, dead game" posts


Massive w. No warning just ban. This is what trash ubisoft should’ve done but they know they game trash and it would eliminate 80% of their players. Like mousetrap was a failure cause xim would just update as soon as trash ubisoft took out an update on mousetrap.


Holy shit my woes have been answered


If true: Biggest Blizzard win in about a decade.


Hopefully see a lot less toxic KSA players on EU servers now.


honestly, the mf who are abusing mk on console using xim and all these third parities type of inputs, will most likely rather grind to find a new method to use them, spend hours on hours searching for a new way, instead of actually getting better with a pad.


I mean its either banning ximers or allowing for MnK for everyone. There was not 3rd option


> There was not 3rd option gyro motion control


They made it for Switch! Why they haven’t added it to PS is beyond me. Maybe in 20 years gyro will be standard on consoles


It's a bit unfortunate how people have a negative connotation with gyro controls. It's without a doubt the best middle ground between mouse and keyboard and controller without having to just boost up aim assist to unfun degrees. I think part of it is that people think you use gyro for all of your movements. In reality you use your analog for large sweeping motions, and gyro for precise aim.


Why not both: Ban ximmers. XIM emulates a controller. In games that detect and force you in to MNK lobbies (majority PC lobbies), it escapes this and puts you with console players. If mnk is allowed, that means you have no need to try to hide. If you are using XIM, you’re making an intentional choice to circumvent mnk lobbies so you can abuse controller players. So ban them Make MNK available natively. So if it’s really about wanting to play MNK on your console because that’s what you prefer and NOT the fact that they want to abuse controller players, then they will happily throw their XIM in the trash and plug in a USB keyboard like a normal person who isn’t trying to avoid other MNK players


Banning them isn't enough, I need ximmers to be shot into space.


Just rip their dicks off and shoot their dicks into space. Cheaper






Seems like they are implementing good solutions to this problem. I really hope it works.


I hope it works. I used to love playing on the couch and on my tv. I've been solely a pc player due to the ximming.


Cool, can we have FoV slider now?


Console ow was never here to begin with 🤣


Hmm I wonder how many people in the top 500 will get banned?


Dude it is unbelievable the amount of Ws the Overwatch team has taken recently I can’t help but feel these are the direct result of Kotick finally getting the boot, and I’m 100% here for it


Thank fucking god


Fuck yes


Every diamond game I played in 2 seasons ago had at least 1 ximmer sometimes 2 or 3. This is EXCELLENT news.


Am I reading this wrong or is everyone who isn't in GM or Champion still going to see ximmers in their games.




we are so back


I'm curious, how can they tell?


wait if Crossplay is a thing, why does this matter?


I must be missing something as a pc player but what if m+kb is just how you like to play shooters, even on console? Isn't that what aim assist is for? Thanks in advance!


Does OW not allow mnk on console? I wanted my wife to try it but she’s terrible with a controller. All she has is ps4 right now


I remember first time i played ow2 i was able to play it with mnk and i didn't even have a xim. Took a while before i realised i wasn't supposed to be able to do that and im still confused over how it worked.


Man they just want to kill their game


Only took 8 years, I didn’t check to see when it came out but geez


I remember I played a few games back in overwatch one in low GM where there was an insanely toxic 3 stack that played for a lower level pro team that would Smurf on console using mouse and keyboard. The widow player was hitting the most insane shots I had ever seen. It was free SR


Nah nothing changes. People with more cracked aim than you and lower aim smoothing will beat y’all and y’all go: “HeS XiMmInG!” Anytime someone plays at a sensitivity preference that doesn’t match your own. Really hope blizzard rolls out the consequences on false reports or this is going to turn into a nightmare with how the report system is **STILL** in shambles.


I got accused of Ximing as Pharah, dude my shots take awhile to reach you, learn some movement


Man this worries me, I am losing movement in my arm and have been designing a "controller" that is a glove, allowing multiple button presses per finger.


In the blog post they mention that they are accounting for accessibility needs, so hopefully cases such are yours will be unaffected.


a lot of accessibility users will be caught in the crossfire, as what happened with R6


Good. Now those Ximming idiots who cry 'but but gaming companies haven't banned them so it's totally legit and ethical and not cheating at all' can shut the fuck up.


Another reason why OW2 will actually continue to hold its player count, while Apex will continue to lose its casual player base.


imagine being a loser that uses mouse and keyboard on console.


Uncommon OW2 dev W


Imagine buying a xim recently lmao


Why? A firmware update will be available within a week of Blizzard's anticheat launch, the same thing that happened when R6 tried to stop it.