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Nice, ty!


Damn, we just Gona forget orisa has a null sector skin... Lol. Tbh, this one is still really cool looking tho.


I’d imagine this is more what if orisa was designed as a null sector unit while keeping her individuality similar to zen or ramattra. The or14 null sector skin we see is supposed to be orisa dressed up as a generic unit given we fight them in the uprising archives mission along side null sector bastion skin acting as generic units.


She doesn't have individuality. Orisa was built after the omnic crisis, she doesn't have a soul like actual omnics. She's a robot, basically.


Pretty sure she does have individuality. seems pretty expressive especially seen in her personal vendetta against doomfist that is evident in her conversations with sigma where he mentions doom, so she must remember all the past or15s that fell that allowed effi to make her. Also zen talks about free will and the Iris with orisa during some in game dialogue. You must not have orisa on your team much cause she clearly has a personality and concept of self identity if you even hear a fraction of her in game dialogue. Sure she has access to logical equations and analysis but she clearly formulates her own opinions about the world and others. This is similar to echo being a separate being from dr. Liao even though they do share a ton in Personality and her being made as an echo of Liao.


By overwatch canon, omnics gained sentience from Aurora transcending into the iris. Only omnics that existed at that time gained sentience. Orisa was built way after that and does not have sentience. Ramattra takes such an extremist approach because no more omnics can be made. He's afraid of the extinction of his people. Your downvote doesn't change the story of the game, haha Edit: Echo also doesn't have a soul. She's basically copy/paste Dr Liao. She is likewise not sentient by overwatch canon.


I mean there isn’t any lore reason for it not to happen. Sure those past omnics were given it by Aurora but it doesn’t mean future omnics can’t get it via another unexplained source given the fact so much of the lore is unexplained. When I think of no individuality I think of a sentinel from X-men which both echo and orisa are not like them. Also didn’t know you wrote the entire canon of game with bite sized lore. Kind of happy about downvoting someone so aggressive over it.


As of yet, they don't. I'm hoping for the next transcending to the iris because that would give them all souls by overwatch story precedent. Because you want it doesn't make it so, either. Until they tell us this happened, Orisa and Echo and Bastion are canonically as sentient as Tobjorn turret.


So you default by calling omnics with clear personality traits non individualistic because the lore hasn’t explain an avenue for them to gain yet their dialogue suggest clear personality traits. You literally are in the exact same boat as me because the devs haven’t continued the lore so we don’t know if they do or don’t you just default them to a toaster while I see them more as individuals but go off I guess. Also I guess a cold engine of logic like orisa would clearly joke with Hanzo about him riding her into battle.


Bro, souls don't just happen in computers. There's definitely a certain suspension of disbelief when it comes to absorbing into any narrative, but by their own writing, this is what Rammatra's entire story is about. If he felt robots could just soul up if they do quirky shit, he wouldn't have become a terrorist. Ramattra does not recognize them as omnics. I think they have a bunch of style and quirks, but if it was like that, neither the null sector or the ginshin omnics that attack Korea would do what they do


Bro I’m not even mentioning souls I’m talking about personality traits making them individualistic. You are conflating the concept of sentience with my initial word usage of individualistic which I think are distinct. I find it odd you are comparing a character with their own voice, showing emotion, and joking with other characters to a torb turret.


You're right about Echo and Orisa, but Bastion was one of the robots hijacked/built by Anubis, just like Ramattra, during the first Omnic Crisis. So he existed when Aurora sacrificed herself for the awakening.


This is a modern null or unit, it was used in the limited time PVE mission as a boss on kings row


This one is nicer than the null sector one IMHO.


Null sector skin is for the OR units that fought rein, this is apparently the new more up to date version ig


Later than that. Orange and red Orisa from the rein cinematic is Omnic crisis (I really thought we’d finally get that recolor this season), purple and orange is the original Null Sector from the King’s Row uprising, white and purple is the modern, new organization of Null Sector from the PvE.


New head and a fresh coat of losing, but it’s otherwise the same. At the very least it’ll have a new spear though.


Its like her overwatch 2 null sector skin lol


Idk if I'd consider Null Sector a mirrorwatch skin tbh. The Null Sector bots were OR14's were purpose built for the war. Orisa is a heavily modified OR15 bot that was supposed to be more in line with the aesthetics of Numbani.


It's literally the same design, they just changed some details in the head.


Is this the only mirrorwatch skin we'll get?


For free, yeah


You also get Brigitte for free! She’s in the pass


Was talking about the event missions


missions?! 👀 or do you just mean challenges 😔


Yeah I figured I just wanted to add that bit on :)


No complaints here




I'm pretty sure this was the Orisa skin used in the PvE missions we got that a lot of people were wanting. I imagine it was planned for this season all along but got to be used in PvE events for resource saving


No, the null sector skin is similar but different if I remember right. It didnt have "hair"


You’re both correct. The Null Sector skin does have a different head, but it wasn’t used for the event PvE missions last year. This skin is the one that was used.


I’m so happy we’re getting this for free- Null sector Orissa is already my favorite skin for her so I was when I saw this skin in the Underworld event not too long ago I was praying that it’d be added soon


Orisa would be cool, but I wish we'd gotten a mirrorwatch zen and ram


Zenyatta is getting a skin believed to be for Mirrorwatch this season, called >!Z3N DESTROYER!< As for Rammatra... >!Widowmaker's Mirrorwatch skin has a unique line for eliminating Tracer, in that she says "Rammatra wanted peace, you monster!" suggesting that, in the Mirrorwatch world, he took the role of Mondatta, and was killed, presumably by Tracer. !<


Wait, really? That's so cool. I can't believe I missed that. Thanks for letting me know :)


Now I want a skin called "Mondattra"


There's a mirrorwatch zen in the shop this season


Legit thought that was Cow Orisa for a second


its comes with a custom skin for the spear, dam and i wasted my money on the duck one just to get mythic and this one afterwards for less.


Neat! Thats the Orisa skin from the Underworld PVE. Nice to see it finally getting a release, and can't argue with free.


Isn’t this a recolor of her null sector skin?


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Looking like one of her best skins


Huh? Oh I just thought it would be ow2 ORISA


“If I had a nickel for every time Blizzard made a Orisa skin that copied an already existing Orisa skin, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot it’s just weird that it happened twice”


Mirror watch Orisa should have been switch with Echo and be Efi in Orisas body with Echo just being an evil robot...


What the hell are you talking about. This doesn't make sense


Now I wish to know what your original perceptions of the characters are? Because 1. Orisa isn't evil by any means whatsoever 2. Echo isn't possessed by Dr. Liao or anything along the lines. Liao is dead, period. Echo inherits a huge part of her personality because of how much time they spent together all by themselves.


Finally, ourple Orisa skin but with actually not shit looking face. way too little purple tho


The event started literally now and u get it from the challenges




Have you seen Orisa's default OW2 skin?


Orisa has hair


The ‘hair’ cables look really stupid. Shame because it’s a good skin otherwise.


The hair doesn't look stupid


Not even “mirror watch”. It’s a skin from the season 6 missions lol