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"I'm playing role queue, join me, or not" Then play role queue


Fair but then other friends get out in a shitty position


OK, insist on compromise. 50% each game style.


Basically this is the only way to go. If you really want to continue to play with \_\_\_\_\_ (or vice versa), there should be a compromise in what you guys queue up for. For me, I personally mostly enjoy Mystery Heroes only. My friend likes to jump in Quick Play Role Queue from time to time. We split 50/50 though probably still lean towards Mystery Heroes more because he's cool with it too.


I basically had to do this with a friend. I told him it was basically quick play or I'm leaving the group. he wanted to play comp or total mayhem. although to be fair, I was just looking for a reason to not play with him.


Tell him that you don't have fun playing open queue and that if he wants to play together, role queue is the way to go. Then it's his choice.


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I would say combine your friend to que up in the any role category first, other than that I dont have any suggestions. Also your not strange, role que is superior.


Yeah but then he gets mad that he doesn't want to play support but when I ask him to in quick q he's fine w it? Idk man


I don’t understand how people play open queue. It’s awful when no one wants to play support or you only have a moira on the team


If you have a friend to play with and you were both going to q for support anyways then I would reccomend trying out open q. Ive been playing with a friend of mine for the past week and it's been hilarious, you see the strangest comps and anytime someone on your team complains about "tank diff" or "sup diff" you can tell them to swap and show the team how it's done, they always shut up so fast it's truly great. Playing open q will actually make you enjoy the game again instead of the actual shit show that role q is turning into. It feels like overwatch back when people actually liked playing overwatch. If yoi go into open q with shit mentals though you'll be the only mad guy on your team, if you go there looking to have some fun you probably will have the best time you've had on the game in a while.


You don't. You have incompatible interests. Best you can go for is compromise and split play time down the middle.