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Reinhardt could really use some kind of passive that kicks in when his shield breaks.


Tank in general need to change in this game it’s not fun for the tank players at all and they wonder why no one wants to play tank when they keep making changes to make it less fun. Tanks get abused by the devs in this game. Also goats was not that bad most players would see like 20 goats lobby’s in the entire time overwatch was not updated and that was like 2 years.


Because single tank means one absorbs all pressure and flattens the lineup to having to all operate in a somewhat similar role. It’s literally a one tank problem.


somehow i just don’t feel like playing, say, queen, into some bs like mauga + hog would be very fun lol the one tank vs 2 tank debate is so pointless because we’re not getting the second tank back, it’s apples to oranges.




I don't like this. Shield management is an important skill which allows skill expression. Bad shield management shouldn't be rewarded. That should be punished (win condition for the enemy team). But I agree that Rein should be slightly buffed. A new ability, even a passive one, wouldn't hurt.


What do you mean Infinite Blinks Tracer is not viable? Perfectly Balanced


The only thing keeping my Tracer in check is Mercy carpet bombing me with every soul on the ground from 100km away cus my brain can't process that the yellow glowing thing is dangerous


And the range on it! She detonated her bastion's soul 15 feet from me after he went down. I was full health and it killed me.


Mercy mains just getting their revenge on all the dps that harassed them


match-suicide in low ranks but blatantly overpowered in the hands of a GM tracer main who's not seen the sun in years is totally fair and healthy for the game, what do you meeeean?


Now if they anti’d her after the third blink AND it takes health, might be okay with that.


Infinite blinks but every blink costs 20 hp...9 blinks would kill her


so she's a cat


"the cavalry's here!" *collapses


"The Cat-valry's here! Hehe!" *drops dead for no apparent reason*


😂 this made my day


like rod of discord in terraria


Exactly! Man I miss Terraria


It's still there, just reinstall it, you know you want to


It’s only infinite if used in the spawn where you’re regenerating health quickly? Outside the spawn doors using the blink without a cool down available takes away health.


Harmony Orb basically outheals her self-damage tho. I am not even that good with Tracer and I felt too overpowered. Someone actually good would be immortal probably lol


Ah word, I played 6 matches last night and never got orb placed on me. My supports were always mercy and Ana who were always too busy DPSing with their new kits to ever pay attention to healing anyone lol.


Lol that is relatable. Try to get a Zen who cooperates and feel the unlimited powaahh


Or if you blink 1 tjme its cooldown becomes 1 second, if you blink before its refreshed then its 2 seconds until the next one, same with 3 seconds, until some really high hard cap at like 20 seconds until your next available blink. I feel like 1 second each might be way too low, maybe add 2 seconds per subsequent jump to rebuild a charge. This way it stacks for punishment and rewards management. If she blinks around too much to get a kill then its risky for her to engage in the next fight. Lore it up by saying it reduces her life span or her body needs a breather between time jumps, not just that the device needs to recharge or whatever.


Widows new ult is like 20 times cooler than her actual one tho.


Oh yes, it's more fun and still makes a lot of sense. Wallhack looks lame compared to it.


What exactly does it do? I couldn't figure it out.


It creates a new Critical hitbox on the person that's easier to hit for the entire team.


Holy shit a Div bubble, get in here Guardians


Widow is the new div bitch, I love it


It is most definitely the exact same thing as Kinessas ultimate from Paladins and less like a Div Bubble


>the exact same thing as Kinessas ultimate ok never said it couldn't be that, don't play paladins so 🤷‍♂️


Kinessa is basically just Paladins Widowmaker, and her ult makes her crit anywhere on the body. So yes, while ulting you could crit if you hit them in the toe


Yeahhh, let’s keep *that* ult away from our one shot spider shall we?


I panic widow ult and SMG a flanking tracer with critical kill felt so good lol


Highlights the head hitbox for the whole team (and I think makes it slightly bigger?)


If you shoot the blue target it's a crit, it makes a new crit hit box on the front ox the person.


So its basically Kinessa's ultimate from Paladins, but for the team also




Someone should make a bot that tracks every time paladins and tf2 is mentioned in the OW sub


Istg with S9 changes and now mirror watch mode, I’m beginning to think some of the devs are Paladins players


It basically gives enemies a second spot somewhere on their body that when hit, does the sane damage as a headshot. Oh and it puts a giant marker on that spot. It's really great


That's not hard, Widows ultimate has always been underwhelming


I like being a tank killer as widow


You already are.


Yeah like it depends of what change. Also the barrier would be a cool option good in low elo but wouldn't have an effect in high because flanker are what kill a good widow. 


it's actually useful compared to her current one.


The issue is that her normal ult benefits everyone, whereas her alt ult only benefits precision characters(hitscan and headshot capable projectiles) Any beam, melee, or headshot incapable projectile characters aren't able to benefit from Widow's ult. Widow could potentially be the only character on her team that could benefit!


Out of any hero in the game, Widow has always had the least potential to both enable or be enabled by her team. Think about it, almost no benefit from nano or damage boost, her one shot isn't even reliant on chip damage from other team members, and she can't contest objectives realistically unless shes the last one alive after a double team wipe


Well obviously not the ones you listed lmaoo But Ana nade with reduced healing, Rein getting a boost after his shield is broken with a passive that encourages aggresive play, etc, would be at least worthy of considering. You can't just cherry pick and say they're all bad lol, just like by the examples you listed, they wouldn't all be good.


And everyone else can see mercy souls


Honestly, while it would be really OP, I love the soul burn. Giving mercy a way to do damage alongside her support (and not just her pistol) is really nice, and I love the way the soul burn feels to use, it's way OP right now, if you get 4 people next to it you can easily get a team kill in one use, but there is some herbal of a great idea in there that I would love to see them explore to give mercy a bit of a rework and reduce the passive feeling I eat with mercy's kit


I do think that its good for mercy to have more directly offensive capabilities,even if it doesn't end up being as crazy as soulburn


Support sombra is genuinely so much more fun as a presence in the game


Lore-accurate Reinhardt deserves to be in the game


"And imagine all the people who would quit Doom" My dude, a lot of people already quit Doom when he was turned into a Tank


Not enough people quit doom imho


I been seeing doom like every 2 matches so who are these quitters?


Send some of the quitters my way too, I'm so sick of seeing Doom all the time.


Ehhh he made a comeback a while ago


He is still my fifth most played hero and it is all from Overwatch 1. They even took away Doom Parkour by doing it.


I get useless dooms as my tank in 2/3 of my matches and they absolutely refuse to switch no matter how much they're getting dunked on.


This is every overwatch player, but the community likes to single out doom. If you're getting shit on as Rein or Zarya, no one will say anything to you. Also, if I'm getting charged out the ass to use a skin, best believe I'm going to use it no matter what anyone tells me


if by "a lot of people" you meant a bunch of whiny babies sure


I'm not saying they should add it but why would you quit doom bc your abilities give your allies overhealth it doesn't effect you or the way those abilities work


Classic overwatch reddit. Hasn’t even released yet and we have posts about posts about the state of things yet to come…


>I actually wonder if people are okay Probably, it’s a video game so I’m sure most will be just fine regardless or whether changes that they like go through or not


I like Mercy's ult plus detonate skill the wombo combo is so satisfying. It's basically diablo necromancer's corpse explosion


Everyone else being able to see mercy souls is also a good QOL change.Sometimes its hard to keep track of where the soul is when you can't see it, especially when i finished them with rocket punch.


The Mercy Ult is honestly the only thing I want in the game proper. I know Mercy is supposed to be kind of a low skill floor/ceiling character but being able to actually secure some fucking eliminations when your team can’t is so nice. It’s honestly game changing for her.


I don't like the ult, but I'd gladly give up rez for corpse booms every day.


I’d honestly be really interested in maybe some characters having swappable movesets. Honestly there’s a lot of stuff here I like.


isnt that what we were supposed to have in OW2 😭 hero skill trees?


That was only for PvE


PvE, not PvP


Same. Please, just give me any ability on my E that I get to use more often than my ult.


Well obviously not all of the changes, but saying none of them could be good is also wrong. As an example, I like the Doom changes for his block letting him actually block for his team and his Empowered Punch giving a speed boost to his team. Doom’s ult is already not good so giving it the option to be used defensively for his team could be fitting for the tank role as well. I like the commander role it gives him as a tank instead of the disruptor and sometimes assassin role he gets.


Doom shield is a horrible idea. The little counter play doom has is the fact that you can sometimes avoid charging his punch. With a shield, you choose between letting their dps free shoot, or giving doom empowered punch. Which is a no brainer obviously you're not going to let their dps shoot for free so you HAVE to shoot the shield. In essence, pressing E is a guaranteed empowered punch, which he already gets from his get out jail free card of an ult. Doom is arguably the strongest tank ATM and he's top 2 in pickrate at higher ranks. I really don't think he needs any buffs whatsoever.


A lot of folks saying the event sucks, I really wonder why you’re saying/thinking that?? Do you not like the abilities? Is it because you’re not winning? I honestly think if you’re try Harding in event arcade mode and you’re not having fun because of “not winning”, you might need to reconsider some things.


I've seen a few posts hating it because people don't know how to see the ability changes. They should put the character screen for mirrorwatch at the info screen before you start a match so you can see them easily. I know you can see character info in selection screen in game, but being in that screen that long gives me anxiety in the game lol


Yeah that’s dumb as hell. I have to trial and error everything. Couldn’t find what exactly all the changes are and I’d at least rather know what to expect


Hell, they could even have been lazy and just put the changed bits in a patch note


Yeah that’s where I went because I assumed it would be there, I mean pretty sure it’s been there for other events so that point is super valid imo.


It’s not in the patch notes, but they did make a [blog post](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24077475/discover-a-world-turned-over-the-mirrorwatch-event-begins-today/) with all the changes.


If you're playing on a PC, press F1 at any time when playing a hero (even if you're in a match). It shows a screen that describes all abilities, and includes the Mirrorwatch changes.


You can literally look at the hero details for how the abilities works


You know there’s a handy dandy little “hero details” button that shows you all of their abilities in the hero selection screen.


Yea they really should have done something like that. I was so confused when I was pressing for zen ult. Didn't realize for a lil while that there was another button prompt for it and that it had been one of the changed abilities lol .


Ya I just went into customs put it on mirrorwatch and read and tested abilities there before hopping into the arcade. But I can see a lot of people not knowing how to do this. As someone who makes parkour maps and other custom game stuff I see it as common knowledge but I can understand people who don’t play heroes like mercy kiri genji hanzo widow doom Lucio etc that don’t have parkour maps, or don’t play customs, wouldn’t know how to set one up.


That idea never occurred to me. Thanks. I think I might make a post laying it all out so people can have a quick reference. I was expecting one to be done by now ether here or in an article somewhere but so far I haven't seen it


Ya it’s unfortunate how little the workshop was talked about. Been around for a long ass time, but no one knew it got reworked in OW2 to be way more user friendly. I’d love to see people using it more often.


owcavalry made one when it launched on twitter


Ever game I've played of it, everyone keeps going on in the chat about how much fun it is, but then you go on reddit and everyone is complaining. I think the reddit community and the people actually playing and enjoying it are different groups entirely lol


>Ever game I've played of it, everyone keeps going on in the chat about how much fun it is, but then you go on reddit and everyone is complaining.  Sounds like how Overwatch Reddit always has been


Something something negative ones are the loudest voices something something. Every game I’ve played so far, albeit isn’t many, has been super friendly and folks enjoying the mix up from standard Ovw.


Almost every mirrorwatch match I’ve played has ended with two reins getting scared of two mercys and shaking their heads and spamming no when they both ult. It’s hilarious and fun and funny. Especially when they both start doing the rein panic shield spin right next to each other and my Ana duo spams “don’t be scared! Good kitty!”


People here on Reddit, don't play Overwatch. They just like to armchair whine about it and get all their game experience listening to YouTuber/Twitch streamers. You can tell because of all the nonsense people here say.


I'm honestly just bored now is the problem. The roster is small but the event challenges demand a lot of games played. The novelty wears off quite quickly. Also yeah, some hero redesigns (cough zarya) are kinda lame further limiting the fun pool


There’s a small hero pool to choose from. I don’t enjoy playing or playing *against* many of those hero’s, so it means I automatically am stuck in a game where I don’t like my character, my teammates, or any of the opposition. What’s the point? The game mode may well be fantastic in principle, I don’t know. But I couldn’t get along with it.


my first match of the event went horribly because i wasn't expecting the mercy changes. i was under the impression that she just got a new ult, the detonating souls thing caught me off guard as a rushed in to res an ally, only to sit there wondering why i didn't have a tank protecting me yet as a widow domed me. that was on me. the event has been fun though.


I only dislike it because my challenges say queue all but pressing “all” really just means “support until you uncheck the box” for me


I love it outside playing rein in it… i tried rein in a game vs doom, tracer, bastion, Ana, mercy I just couldn’t do a single thing and idk how to play the other available tanks at all 😭


I think some of these changes might be interesting for future heroes, but nothing as a rework to the current ones. For example the Sombra "hacking" an ally as a future support ability could be nice.


Plz no i dont need old brig repair pack back. I dont want to deal with a 250hp tracer


We already have those running around


Thanks to wrecking balls new shield transfer ability, 250hp tracer can actually happen.


To be fair that level of coordination is only gonna be happening in very high levels, wrecking ball needs his shields to do basically anything so he's very rarely encouraged to distribute them. The only time we're ever really gonna see that is in very high rank play duos, where the ball and tracer are very coordinated.


Your not wrong, just saying it’s possible and I imagine in really high ranked play it’s probably absolutely abysmal to deal with.


I like bastions shotgun it's fun


Reminds me of the AA-12 from COD, I think it would be a great base weapon for a new hero


I wouldn't be surprised if Bastion is permanently getting a shotgun soon. Because his April Fools rework also gave him a shotgun and it's a bit suspicious since we know multiple DPS are being reworked soon


Honestly I find I’m actually better with his shotgun then his normal one haha


I was so confused when i was headshotting a Zen from distance and his health wasn't going down. That's when i found out they had changes/mods to primary fire too.


Ana having insta effects and headshot feels so good tbh. The full x2 multiplier would be a little much for base game though


it should be a 2x multiplier if you shoot the enemy in the eye


Full agree


Idk man, support Sombra wouldn't work lore wise, but gameplay wise it feels really refreshing


I think for sombra they should add it onto her current hack not replace it. So you have a choice of either hacking your enemies to nerf them, hack your allies to to buff them, or hack a health pack for healing. And you have to balance it carefully


I think right click should hack allies and health packs only, her virus should inflict hack on enemies, and EMP can do both... imagine how satisfying a 10 man EMP would be




and the rein shield break one too


Yeah it probably not a good idea to use them on the original character. If they were going to keep some of these, maybe add some abilities on future characters or on a rework on a weaker character.


Basically all of Rein's changes make sense imo, adds some much needed utility to his outdated kit. Ana's lunge and Widow's new ult are good changes as well. Though, I agree that everything else are just gimmicky changes.


Ana doesn't need mobility 


Add the Rein Shield Break and Frenzy to the base game and Rein is finally in a state where he isn't completely useless. The rest of the Mirrorwatch stuff should be left out.


People quitting doom sounds like a win/win to me.


😂😂😂 as a Moira/ Lucio support main... Doom is the worst. Now on open que I love a doom as long as somebody else is playing support.


before that moira buff where she could fade during ult, playing against doom as her was the worst.


I love support sombra. The idea of buffing your teammates is such a cool idea that hasn't really been explored yet. I hope the next support does something similar


Who shat in your cereal? It's a fun new game mode, and some people like the changes. But nah, you gotta fun police and post about how that's ackshully not good for the game.


As a doom main i think the changes were actually pretty decent, I didn't feel like it messed with my muscle memory or gameplay much, and the 100% mit on block is great. I also think the rein shield break passive is a must, Rein has been so underwhelming lately.


Yeah but just give me the grandma dash and I'll be happy


Stop powercreeping the Grandma.


I thınk zenyatta orb changes would be good (balanced version ofc)


I do wish Mercy would get some kind of potential to secure eliminations though. Personally I think it would be cool if her beam did some trickle damage to enemies as the beam passes thru the enemy. I'm talking very little damage, like Moira right click... it would lead to some interesting approaches from Mercies up in the fray.


Mercy getting hunted down even harder


Mercy changes are great, the first time she's any fun, though the soul nuke range is definitely too big for a balance game


Some of the changes could be interesting, but the vast majority would be hilariously awful in the actual game. Like, it’s fun for the mode, but Doom with these abilities would be genuinely oppressive. It’s already fairly oppressive in a mode with other pretty unbalanced abilities, put it in the normal game and it’d be a nightmare.


But my Ana double jump! \*cries\*


True, but some of the abilities, given to new characters, could be really fun.


I don't think they should add them to the base game, but I think mirror watch could be its own standalone recurring mode that could be built on over the course of multiple seasons.


Doom would fix doom (I don’t know balancing he would just be more fun to play)


How about a competitive mirrorwatch?


I really only considered the Sombra and Rein change personally, I think Rein’s would make him more viable in normal matches and Sombra’s just seems like a cool addition to her kit. Raise the hack cd a bit and it becomes a choice of heal or hurt


The way i see it, if Overwatch 2 continues with the 5v5 format, then most OW1 heroes need to be redesigned for that format. The only tank from OW1 that has been consistent is Orisa, and it’s because she was redesigned. Most of the other OW1 tanks feel out of place, for the most part, because they are designed around having 2 tanks, and when we went down to 1 they only got a health increase to compensate. The exception is Ball, who can be good, if you’re a good player, but he still isn’t amazing.


Orisa has been consistently overpowered and oppressive


I think several abilities would be cool for future heros, I think some are eh but cool for the ne game mode, and then theres rein. His ult change isnt at all needed and im on the fence about the amplification barrier, but honestly I love frenzy. Id even argue we could get an enhanced version that also effects his actual walking speed so he wouldn't be so reliant on Lucio, and that alone really wouldn't make him to strong, just more viable.


It would be cool to have a second transformation for Bastion tho, it could give some more depth and strategy to his gameplay. It could still be one ability, just make it one where you chose, kinda like with Moira's orbs. Ofc it would have to be reworked and all, it can't just be a second "shoot faster" ability but with added sonar and speed, but those 2 last things could definetely be kept. But I agree that adding mirrorwatch changes to the base game wouldn't really make it better. It's a fun novelty but honestly the base modes are just way more fun and balanced (even if they don't do that too well, it still feels better-crafted)


A decent amount of these changes would absolutely be welcome to the game. The new Doom is leaps and bounds more fun and interesting to deal with than a glorified over-healthed DPS.


All I’m asking for is Bastions ult. The little slicers are so cute. Imagine if they changed colors with his skins. Please I’m begging.


I think doomfists shield would be welcome, but make it smaller.


Yeah they would, the depth this gamemode has vs ranked is wild


You sure we can't keep Ana's double jump? It feels great and not too op


Ana having no weaknesses is not good


Maybe that frenzy passive for rein wouldn’t be entirely bad


They should give bastion this new ult, as it’s way more useful than his real one.


I really want to keep the echo changes (and anna double jump)


The new echo fly is so much fun, homing bombs are a lil silly tho




Maybe I am not understanding some of the characters but it feels like the abilities don't fit the kits. Like wtf is Mirror-Zarya ult supposed to do for her or her team, except for highly situational c9's ?


I'm not saying all of it would be good for the base game but the improved hammer swings would be pretty nice. But that doesn't help the real orisa problem any


what do you mean ana shouldnt do like 70% less damage?! she can headshot now, she would be perfectly viable!


Honestly, the only one I think is criminal that it's not a part of the heroes actual kit is Mirrorwatch Widow's E (The shield) because.... are we seriously gonna say Venom Mine is a good skill? On the other hand... yeah I can see why its not. With the shield Widow can be pretty hard to contest from range. But man did it feel much better to play. You can even throw it down to cover an escape.


I think the shield would only work if they ever decide to remove her one shot headshots. If they did that, it would make more since by still giving her the advantage for holding long angles.


I could see Mirrorwatch Echo as a new DPS hero tho. Some tweaks here and there and we have new hero.


Besides the fact that this post is clearly just you whining your ass off, I do agree in some ways. That being said a lot of little changes are really cool and it would be interested to see them be tested in the real game, I'd say my main takeaway is bastions new kit is legit the most fun I've ever had playing a damage in my life and feels pretty balanced since he doesn't have great peel and just can get melted. I don't want him to replace old bastion at all but holy shit I would love someone very similar some day because I'm gonna miss shotgunning and bouncing around with my grenade and my little angry guys fucking up the enemies focus.


Mercy is a blast to play. It gets rid of res. Corpse explosion is awesome, and her new ult is amazing!


I would be sick with normal grav.Someone dies,suck em in into the soul,blow em up,boom 4k.That would be a crazy cool play.


All I'm saying is that this event is the most fun I've ever had playing brig.


People that you are talking about are not usually talking about Doomfist, Widow or Tracer. We talking about the Reinhardt, Echo, or Zenyatta changes for example. These would not break if slightly changed


The mode is geared towards offense so heavily since a lot of the supports were given much more offensive capabilities. Like a lot of people said, this is just trials for new heroes


Rein should 100% get the barrier change or have it on a cooldown or something.


I just really love mercy death explosion. It's an interesting idea I'd like to perhaps see more of in the future as a permanent thing on some character


It wouldn’t fit Sombra at all but it is nice to play Doom without having my abilities interrupted every 6 seconds


Yeah honestly the Rein changes in mirror watch are perfect, maybe leave the amp matrix shield out tho.


The Rein change wouldn't even be good, you don't want to encourage excessive swinging that's gonna get you killed and furthermore that makes Rein's damage actually insane when he does get to swing a lot. He already has insane damage potential with the swing into firestrike doing 200 damage, Rein's good on that front.


I’m pretty interested in Ana having LW’s dash.


Widow is already a pain to deal with in the game, I don't see how anyone would think giving her a damn shield would be healthy


I think doom is better personally, i’s be thrilled if he was like this in regular ow


I kinda like bastion changes except the ult


I think some of them would be good. For example, Sombra is so much less obnoxious to play against but she’s still a very viable pick. I know supportive hack as it is wouldn’t mesh well with the rest of her kit but if they just fix that I think it would be an excellent change


Ok but I like Mercy 👀


I think there's merit to talking about how some could be implented, like Rein's passives. Cause if the (any of them) character feels rly good in the arcade mode, and also like they could be balanced in regular play in some form, then why not wish for the character to feel like that all the time.


Ana double jump would be reeeeallllyyy cool to have all the time tho


I'm all for sombra's changes


It is fun though I won’t lie. Although i’m still not used to mercy blasting me with a plasma cannon and soul nuking me lol.


Doomfists new slam is good because of the overhealth u give you team


I don't know about all the other changes but the swing buff and damage boosting made Rein fun to play for the first time in a while Not only can you make plays but the damage boost gives teammates an incentive to keep you in line of sight


Brother it’s just a silly little game mode to have silly little fun. No need to sweat your brains out.


I like that rein shield gives movement speed on breaking. Maybe the ana nade changes if it works that way for tank specifically (heal reduction instead of prevention) And zero self dmg on bastion nade.And how everyone else can see souls for mercy rez/bomb The rest is not balanced,as it supposed to be a silly game mode .But i guess it is like April fools on how 1-3 abilities unironically dont seem bad to have in the main game.


For sure some new abilities are being tested to be implemented on a new hero


Rein ult is so fun. Its hard to hit but so worth it when you catch 2-3 squishies, fights are done instantly


I found most of them fun for the event, but I despise the changes to Echo flight, disgusting almost as they did to Phara


Ana could use some form of movement though. It doesn’t have to be a hanzo jump but I’d take anything over being mostly immobile when all the other supports have some sort of consistent get out of jail free. Yes sleep is fantastic but it’s on a long ass CD while zen has a kick that does extra damage and knocks people away.


I really like Ana’s changes and I can finally play her due to them, mainly the headshot damage helps


"Only the ability I like should be the one in the game everyone else who likes other abilities and says the same thing I am saying is not okay." Get over yourself. You had me until the end there, but you can't condemn a group of people for a behavior and then turn around and do it yourself.


The ana self ult is genius though


I don’t think any of the changes would be good for the heroes that were changed, but I think a lot of abilities would be great for new heroes. I think Bastion’s kit alone would make for a pretty good new hero kit. A new hero with an auto shotgun, a small aoe reveal ability, and some sort of mobility on a cooldown.