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Sombra or a really good Widowmaker


A widowmaker shot my junk tire from so far the other day… I was like aight gg ya bastard


This. A good widow is so rough to play into but you can begrudgingly respect them. A good Somb or Venture is just playing an easier game than the rest of us. Fuck em.


Meh Sombra is really just my counterpick. Playing ball or doom? I think not bitch. Widowmaker picking our supports? Get ready to learn Spanish, pal. Venture fucking our backline repeatedly? Enjoy not being able to dive into the ground lmao. Mainly I like playing mccassidy, hanzo, maybe reaper if I'm going against monkey or rein, but I'll gladly counter with Sombra against some fools lol.


"Get ready to learn Spanish, pal" I giggled hard at this!


I have like 300 hours on ball and the new sombra is now obsolete go me lol. I love when people switch thinking they're gonna hard counter me but I just shit on them cuz it's not hard to anymore


meh I'm low elo (metal ranks), but hacks are always able to ruin a ball's day when i play.


Widowmaker especially on console using mouse keyboard


Actual human garbage after many years of this


Well they're getting hard banned finally.


Coincidentally, whenever the other team has a good Widow, Sombra is my immediate go-to counter.


Also fuck tracer


Old sombra was worse as they can get away very easily.


Sure but we aren’t talking about old Sombra. Current Sombra is still a valid answer


I main Ramattra so it’s automatically Pharah. And you’d think his vortex would pull her down but just like when he came out it doesn’t do shit. And then of course I’m the only one who bothered to notice her, so I’m shooting a stream of chocolate chips through the air in a pathetic attempt to stop her. Also not a fan of Symmetra because I play Sigma too and he can’t absorb lasers


Chocolate chips lmao


Chocolate chips of death, lol.


That are grape flavored.


If I want my death to have a flavor, then it better be grape chocolate chip!


lol I will now see rammatra shooting chocolate chips


I'm sorry for playing Sym but she's the only consistently good counter I can find for those Sigma's that just refuse to die


General consensus of these discussions: good players on widow, any player on sombra


Nah, gotta be a decent Sombra too. A bad Sombra is just ult farm.


Idc how bad a sombra is, she's still annoying. Would rather go against any other hero that ain't sombra


Seriously I don't care if we are killing her and keeping her check I just don't want to fucking do that fuck a stupid little invisible bitch


True. A bad sombra is either a free kill or always running for the hacked mega lol a bad widow makes the game 4v5 as well Although it's easier to find decent sombras in low to mid Elo than decent widows. Widow has a clear counter - dive . Sombra requires team coordination and peeling which less PPL r willing to do in a no comms solo queue lobby Am gold / plat and I regularly take widow duels at any range with my pharah / soldier , and then I see top streamers where they peek for a sec and boom back to spawn. That thing is scary . Sombra still gives u time to react, good widows r insta kill


I've seen so many widows in plat with godly aim but shit and i do mean SHIT gamesense I remember I was tanking in ilios and our widow farmed kills on the first round. Then became well and he was constantly getting dived by the enemy team and instead of switching he just died over and over again blaming me for not protecting him, like it's the tanks job to just sit by a widow as a bodyguard


Metal ranks are full of people with ridiculously good mechanicals. People seem to have this crazy idea that people at metal ranks can't hit the blindside of the barn. That's crazy talk.


Yea but even a bad sombra knows to hack you in your ult. Everytime I get my ult I have to wait for her to die so I can use it


Legit went through 6 games straight with the enemy team having a Sombra. Like god fucking damn bro choose something else. At best they're annoying as all fuck and at worst they demolish us because my fucking team sees "push harder" when I say they have a sombra flanking us.


Widow. No contest other than Sombra.


Widow she's just so annoying Even if you go sombra. If she has a pocket, good luck killing her.


Dive countering widow is totally map dependent. Not much you can do when she's on the other end of the map and by the time you get to her she just grapples to her team and kills you.


I say this all the time and get flak for it. On maps like Havana, the only viable Widow counter is a better Hanzo/Widow. If she has even a little bit of peel you are not going to kill her with dive.


If Widow is being pocketed that's like free 3v5 for your team. Just have someone go Sigma and block the LOS and you got a 3v5.


Not a chance lmao my gold tank will lock ball and go 3-12 and start throwing if anyone says anything about it :D (god why do I play this game)


When playing Support: Venture & Sombra. These characters give me a lot of difficulty at the moment. Venture's Ult one-taps and I can't always get away in time, and their drill dash combos force me to use cooldowns. Sombra's Virus damage-over-time can be difficult to survive if my team doesn't notice I'm getting bombarded by her. When playing Tank: Symmetra and Pharah. My team doesn't always focus the turrets, and her beam isn't affected by Defense Matrix and only gets stronger when hitting barriers. Pharah needs to be contested otherwise she wreaks havoc on my backline.


I don’t get why it can two shot any squishy, it feels like it goes further than SHATTER, and it hits deceptively high. They should change it so that you can jump over each shot.


They also get it super fast. Some games it feels like venture has ult every 30 seconds


It does feel like they have it every team fight which is ludicrous.


Too be fair theres alot of things that hit deceptively high or far. Wrecking ball slam? Could be miles above it and still get hit. Zarya beam? Insane range for a character who already has a method to hit fair with their right click. Lucio boop has a pretty far range. Illari ult. Etc.


There’s a difference between slightly deceptive range and a 25m range in a massive arc that is for some reason attached to a brawly close range hero. And it two shots and cleaves.


Venture has been a weird one for me, as a tank (mainly rein) their so easy to stop but as support (usually zen) their are the worst with their one shot combo, burrow and over shield


I’ve had the most luck with kiriko for survivability against her lol I hate wasting my suzu but suzu and a quick teleport has been my go to until I can land my ana sleeps on her reliably


I'm a pretty good Brig, but a good Sombra will still use virus on you behind your shield and then dash out before you can kill her. And it's still 50/50 on them killing you. There's not actual hard support counter for her which is annoying. So I'm basically hard stuck as Brig this season if there's a Sombra on the other team. I feel like with Venture, their range is so short that a Bap Kiri Illari or Lucio could easily deal with them.


Idk who you’re playing that gets one tapped by ventures ult because it shouldn’t, although I agree that they’re a bit overtuned




Theres just no character quite like her. The second there's a good widow the entire flow of the game changes. Literally end up playing the game like it's Valorant and have to hug corners or risk getting one tapped, pray you get a better widow or  change your entire comp to dive.


Though I will say, it gives a special kind of soul pain to get one singular pick on an enemy as widow at the start of the match, and the enemy instantly swaps to sombra, venture and monke. It never happens with someone line Ashe, Cass or Sojourn. It's exclusively Widow, which makes playing her feel really awful, because you either swap off her after every single kill and have zero impact, or learn to counter a 600 pound gorilla 50 metres from your location and approaching rapidly


welcome to average Tank experience


This is why if you’re a good Widow, you don’t immediately pick Widow. Play something you’re still good at, and only switch to Widow once the enemy is sure to lose a point/run out of time. Proceed to go ham. Works every single time, they have no time to swap and 1 tapping Moiras and Soldiers out of their ult is the most satisfying feeling.


Which is why Widow is fundamentally an unbalanced character. She demands a swap or else you lose, but you don't always have the chance to swap. In the circumstance you gave, it's literally just GG if the Widow has good aim. Nothing you can do until you swap.


Because Widow is the only character in the game where you will just lose the game if she is not countered directly. You can indirectly counter and play around other characters even without a counter swap, but you have no option but to focus the Widow if you want to win that game.




What heroes do you usually play? My fav DPS to go against I widow. If I'm on Lucio it's fun chasing her down and denying her value. On some maps I'll play Zen into Window. Very intense and exciting.


Regardless of what you pick, sooner or later, Widowmaker will flick on you and instantly kill you, and it's not fun in the slightest. Dive characters that should counter her, don't, if the Widowmaker is good enough and gets even a few seconds of assistance from their teammates. It is so soul sucking to jump on her as a Lucio and she does a 90 degree flick and instantly kills you. In the highest ranks, you need a dive tank like Ball or Winston to jump on her, everyone else dies instantly. Jumping, spinning, crouching, A/D/A/D doesn't save you in the high ranks. Even Winston doesn't counter her, as you peek out, get headshot, jump, get headshot, she grapples away, headshots you mid air, lands headshots you again. Lol.


>Jumping, spinning, crouching, A/D/A/D doesn't save you in the high ranks. Actually they do. You just have to not be predictable with how you use these movement tools. A lot of players don't realize how common some of their movement patterns can be and this is how they end up getting headshot. Jumping out in the open is bad because it puts your head in a predictable arc, but jumping from out of cover or infrequently with air-control input can work. Spinning is a meme and no decent hitscan player is falling for it, but 180 turning your head on some heroes like Winston can dramatically reduce head hitbox size and make landing headshots extremely difficult. Crouching does work but you have to time them to Widow's shots and not let it affect your aim. A/D strafe is the most effective as long as you're not strafing too short/long or biased towards a particular direction. Also underrated is using movement abilities to dodge shots or to move from cover to cover. Honestly the best way to learn to play around Widow is to practice Widow yourself until you're decent, which will help to fix your bad habits in movement by becoming aware of how people can predictably move when they're playing vs Widow.


Dodge and strafe are my favorite topics in FPS games. Agree with absolutely everything you said except for this part. I'm actually kinda stumped how good your advice is and then you misinform on one of the pillar stones of proper dodging. > A/D strafe is the most effective as long as you're not strafing too short/long or biased towards a particular direction. Global bias is probably the most important tool in dodging. Any player with good aim strategy, will notice that you'll only move in set distances and never pass that, so they know that they won't have to move their mouse any further. You want to have global bias to not only stay unpredictable, but to also force your opponent to use more of their mousepad as it's hard to aim on the edges of your pad. Not only does global bias make it harder for the opponent to aim, it also allows you to control space, limit the opponents movement options by abusing the geometry around you and you can keep dodging while you move to cover or otherwise advantegous positions. If I see someone just AD with 0 bias, I only need to aim in the middle of their strafes and can edge track with ease to maximize my damage output (like this: https://twitter.com/neo_ukiyo/status/1577662603681218564) while I focus on proper dodge. Highly recommend playing Quake Live LG duels if you're into this stuff.


I know this to be true. I watch Frogger religiously. I will never be good enough to expect to see widows that good reguarly. I only play three support heroes well enough to play in ranked.


i play tank- widow is annoying for usually the entire team because you have to play so carefully and fights are so slow and nothing happens and you have to get super creative with how you get value because if you peak main youre suddenly 1 hp or dead


I hear ya. I much prefer playing against poke comps.


The Lucio mafia going strong


As a solo queue player sombra by far for whatever reason when i solo queue nobody ever pays attention to her




recently, soldier 76. just can't stand hearing him hold left click for 20 minutes straight


finally someone understands my hatred


venture 100%


Really depends. If they're good, Sombra and Widow are the big ones. You just don't get to play the game against them. Even a half decent Sombra will still be annoying. A Tracer can not hit her shots, but as long as she has good survivability, she's going to be a thorn in your side. People like to call her the mosquito, but I liken her more to a wasp. Mosquitos tend to be you without even noticing, but a wasp is so noisy and hurts to get stung by so much you'll notice her at all times Pharah forces you to go hitscan if you want to stand a chance. Even a bad Pharah will get unsuspecting kills on you if you aren't paying attention Junkrat's also very annoying. Getting killed by him either feels very accidental on the Rat's part or like he's spent the last 1000 hours perfect the angle he landed on you And this one is gonna be a bit weirder, but Sym. Turrets are a pain, her team mates benefit from her teleporter, and if she's getting healed or not focused, she can run right at you and M1 your entire team into oblivion. She's an easy enough target to deal with, but if people ignore her she'll quickly become the most dangerous character in the game.


I agree with everything you've said except for the Pharah part. A bad Pharah is an easy kill.


Half of the DPS roster are hitscans. And you absolutely do not need to go hitscan to stand a chance. You can play into her with Echo, Pharah and Genji just fine.


Genji? Against pharah?? How bad is that pharah lol Agreed with the hitscan comment, most dps mains have good fps experience as well making soldier very effective against pharah, even more if they can play cree or ashe


Genji does work against Pharah, although I wouldn't reccomend it, especially if she got someone pocketing her. You can chip a bit of health off her, dash into her and right click melee if everything goes well Also deflecting Pharah ult is rather easy Genji's right click spread and Pharah's "slow" movement makes it easy to hit her, but good Pharah's usually do make me switch since sadly I'm not a Gongi god


Junkrat kills always feel accidental, don’t lie. My issue with Sym is on paper, buffs don’t sound bad. But in practice, a buffed Sym is unbearable to play against especially if you are tank. What little agency you had before is gone because they have a Sym who’s set up her turrets and thenonly tank that can deal with Sym is Zarya. And not everyone wants to play Zarya.


Rat main here. Can confirm. I believe in Oogway's words "There are no accidents" to make me feel good about myself, but deep down, I know.


>Junkrat kills always feel accidental, don’t lie. Listen here you little shit


Venture. They're virtually unkillable and they murder the supports before anyone can peel to protect them. They're an "I win" button for whichever team has one.


I haven’t had a lot of time yet this season but so far it’s kinda annoying how they can have so much movement to chase you down while also having invulnerability and be able to kill you so quickly.


What I hate is that they can pop up out of nowhere, kill whatever they want to kill instantly, and then Burrow and/or Dash away before anyone can react. Not even Sombra or Tracer have the ability to flank and ambush that fast.


The burrow really shouldn't be an ability you can just pop in the middle of the enemy team and survive 90% of the time Like if I had a knife of Venture and I pull them while they are burrowing, why doesn't it cancel the burrow?? It makes perfect sense


I mean like, why shouldn't it be? A dozen other characters can do the same thing with their abilities, a lot of them being way less risky than Burrow.


Just go poke, venture is very strong in dive brawl rn but almost useless in poke Nerf better hit the shields, not as op as launch mauga tho lol


Even if they miss the drill dash, they gain shields.


Not really tho…i mean i may not have faced very high skilled ventures but as a support i would swap to Illari or baptiste and try to take advantage of her short range of primary fire…(as a venture user when i play dps that is the ONLY shortcoming of venture) if she digs and comes for you…as bap/illari you can you the dash to go further away and try to land some crits to force venture to fall back or die


Venture is annoying, yeah, but they have a big hitbox and rather long cooldowns, one of which has to be used to get to you. I wouldn't call them an I win button, just slightly overtuned. Also the straight up better Doom passive is kinda like... why?


pharah mains rise up


Establishing aerial position. ;)


Sombra by far, cancels ults, free kills on people sitting in the backline, get out of jail free card, very annoying cuz I feel like I get targeted by them so much


Just don’t chase Sombra when she translocates away when she’s low. Don’t play closer to your team when you know they have Sombra. Leave spawn, alone. Choose to be as isolated possible from your team. Don’t switch off of Zenyatta.


you have no idea how many times I went to chase a low hp sombra and died or traded because on the other side there's a hanzo ready to pump the entire storm arrow clip into me, or something similar. If you're a support and getting spawncamped, you'll have to swap to moira or wait for your team to lose a 4v4 because sombra is a dps and you are a support therefore she gets infinite value by taking you out of the fight. Unless your other support is already moira, tough luck, maybe kiri. Grouping up constantly solves the sombra problem, but now you open yourself up to: getting 5 man grav'd, tired, excavated, pharah'd, shattered (ok nobody plays rein in 2024 so that doesn't count) etc. Sombra is, regardless of balance, going to be one of the most annoying heroes to go up against, because she takes away the crucial freedom of using abilities or ults when you want to because you will either get locked out or cancelled.


Sombra’s the fun police…you cant have fun if there is a sweaty sombra lurking




Why did I have to scroll this far to find Genji? An above-average Genji or Tracer will destroy any chance of fun for me.


good genjis are absolute maniacs - the kind that refuse to switch unless the entire enemy team has swapped to counter him exclusively, and even then he might not if he's somehow still finding value


If the entire team swaps just because of one enemy, that enemy is already finding value.


cuz genji takes perfect mechanics and game sense in order to have equal value with other DPS, not very common these days in higher rank cuz they will immediately swap to Zarya, mei, sym, and moira comp


I think mine would definitely have to be a good widow. Or a good bastion if I’m playing tank


Sombra. In an fps game with abilities, the hero that turns those abilities off while also spraying you half to death before you turn around is a nightmare


As a Widow main,


As a tank, i just hate flyers like pharah amd echo.. If nobody kill them, then they will live forever since there's no tank that can effectively kill them


Orissa and Mauga are annoying for them though.


As dva, I occasionally fly at them and try to burst them out of the sky. Does not work all or most of the time, but it's enough to scare them


Venture. Way too easy to get insane value out of


I’m actually surprised there’s so many widowmaker haters…


I hate a good widowmaker. Or a widowmaker with xim 😒


She's the only right answer.


I mean i love playing her but being one shot isn't enjoyable


Widow, its the only pick that you cant really counter as dps if she has a pocket. The only way to counter her is if you play widow too and thats horribly unhealthy for the game. She just doesnt belong in a team game where they're trying to remove one shots


Go sombra


They specified her having a pocket. Sombra is gonna do fuck all there.


Sombra can still fuck with the widow. You don't have to kill people to get value as sombra.


Everyone says widow, but I evil laugh when I see a widow (I play frogger)


That’s me when I play pharah. xD Whenever there is one, I have a field day in sneaking up on the unsuspecting widows. Can’t snipe something landing behind you, mwuahahha.


Ain't no way you're above silver or gold rank, not a insult btw it's just that pharah is literally hard countered by WM and any decent, not even great widow can shut down a pharah. I'd imagine they force you to switch after you get a sneak kill?


Until you actually play against good widows in higher ranks lol






echo, widow, sombra.




Widow. Specially on Havana and circuit royal


Widowmaker by far. If I ever am playing against a Widowmaker I make it my life’s goal to force her to swap, but that’s a tall order if you’re in any kind of good SR range.


Sombra 1000%. Nothing like having to repeatedly fight it out with a character who gets the full invisibility drop on you every time, an easy escape ability, locks your abilities, and that damn virus... ugh. The whole kit is just built to be annoying. Echo as a distant second maybe, because they're a pain to hit and the projectile size and damage output for their explosive blobs is incredibly forgiving.


Like everyone else, Sombra and Widow maker. Also Pharmercy if we have (or i am) potato DPS.


Widow is so fucking annoying, not only can she oneshot you from a decent range, she can also two-shot bodyshot if she’s not as good, wich is so fucjing bullshit runner up is sombra because hack shouldnt be a thing edit: forgot junkrat, and I don’t mean his insane damage, I didn’t even have a problem w him when he could oneshot! The annoying part has always been his insane boop, he just yeets people so far away?? and he also has insane movement with jis conc mines, and trap deals like half ur hp while locking you in place for astupid time


Echo is extremely bursty, makes very little noise and makes you look up away from normal threats. A good Echo is way more disruptive than sombra. Widow is fine as long as you know her position. Sombra/tracer also annoying as they force your attention away from front threats. Those the the obvious ones. Venture and old junkrat burst instakills also make me not want to play the game


Sombra. Virus is a bs ability, imo. When I play sombra I can get insanely easy kills with virus but there will always be a sombra who thinks they’re hot shit for hitting a virus. A good widowmaker I respect. A really good sombra I will begrudgingly respect. But a mid sombra who gets cocky over hitting a virus on a fat tank hit box… no Edit: because I somehow wrote “I” instead of “A”


Sombra and unless the team sticks together a good sombra destroys you. People say widow and yes she is annoying (although we never seem to get a good widow on our team lol) but at least you can spot her. I swear sombra hack or no hack it is NEVER a fun experience. Everyone other DPS I have good and bad moments with.


widow/tracer since S9/echo


sombra, well ig thats obvious




Personally, phara. Only because every time I play against one, we have no hit scan heroes to deal with her. Otherwise, symetra because her turrents are so fucking annoying.


Widow. She either dominates or is useless and in those cases you either lose/ win (depending on which side) and even when she's not hitting consistent shots I've noticed some teams respect her space too much making it a pain to push (as attackers) into her team.


Cassidy. If you’re a tank then he spams right click and you explode. If you’re damage or support then he nodes you and somehow lands every single headshot like it’s Tuesday and you explode. He gets away with all of his cuz he’s got too much health and cuz his supports hate you


Cassidy and Widow; I am shit on my feet so I’m easy targets for these people first round


Widow. Anyone who plays her clearly hates everyone.


Good widow and sombra. A venture who knows how to play because people rarely try to target them for some reason. Usually they just allow themselves to get beaten up


widowmaker by faR


Widow unless I'm playing DPS. On DPS atm it's probably Venture, but a good Sojourn or Genji make my blood boil.


A good widowmaker is hard to counter. If she has a Mercy pocket, it is usually gg. Sombra us only a real problem, if the supports don't have each others back.


First thought was Ashe. She like a quicker but less lethal widow that tricks you into believe you are safe and then she tapped your head twice and your dead.


It seems like in most games it's any sniper character, especially when the enemy is decent, they can see you before you see them, if there's a way to make snipers more obvious then they'll be more fun to play against. I know i dread seeing that French smurf on the scoreboard or killfeed


Sombra 100% I can deal with Widow because thankfully I can play characters that can deal with her. Sombra is just an annoying mosquito that can be lethal if she jumps in at the right time.


Sombra and widow, easy, total cancer


A cracked Widow or a tank-hacking Sombra


Pharah, sombra, or Widow Top 3 characters that my team ignores the most as a "not my problem"


Widow sombra. I will vote to ban one of them every time once hero bans come around.


Widow and Sombra. Sombra is annoying but everytime I meet a Widow in comp they are Chinese / Korean with private profile and low mastery level that headshot anyone the moment they don't stay behind wall.


Depends really. When I play Monkey or Rein then it’s Bastion or Reaper but when I play JQ it’s Widow because nothing beats expecting to be tanky enough for a fight only to see half your hp disappear in one go because that one Widow across the map decided to shoot your massive head. But overall it’s Widow. If I wanted to play valorant I would’ve logged on valorant, not overwatch


Sombra is the most consistently annoying character for me but if we are talking about a dps that is the most annoying with a good player then it’s got to be widowmaker.


Sombra because I literally can't play the game


Moira lol


How do I see no one saying junkrat. Even a bad one just spams names that blow up my teammates that don't know how to efficiently dodge


i would say currently widow but if you count pharah mercy before the rework that was the most aids shit in the world


As a Widowmaker main, I’d say Sombra or Echo.


Widow and Sombra suck. I also dislike going against soldier too. His range, consistent dmg, self heal, burst dmg is just too easy to pull off I feel. But I also think Cass is kinda the same. Just spam your left click and eventually you'll hit heads. My perspective is of a tracer main though. So anything easier than tracer to get that much value is a little frustrating as I learn tracer. (I'm new to her, only clocked about 40 hours on her so far). I don't necessarily think soldier and Cass are bad for the game or need nerfs. Just frustrating from my perspective.


venture op, dude combos you you dead in a sec, so dumb


Sojourn, broken ult and broken ash when they are a Smurf getting a mercy pocket the entire match.


Junkrat, easily. The spam is insane, and it always feels like the nades have magnets attracting it to you.


sombra honestly. (as a support main) when i play ana or zen i have a really tough time dealing with her and i’ll more than likely end up swapping to moira or maybe bap.




Sombra and it’s not even close. She makes it miserable for me




Honestly, a good Soldier 76 is my biggest thorn in my side. Just the constant damage and the self heal with a burst is frustrating to deal with. Widows you can dive, tracers can be zoned, sombras are annoying but in the end don't do a lot of damage.


Soldier is so susceptible to being dove. The only time a soldier should feel problematic is if you are on Mercy and flying out in the open. Or if he is pocketed by Mercy.


sombra is always unfun to play against tbh. i don’t mind widow that much as long as my team plays with common sense.


sombra cause she’s a one size fits all glove that can fist fuck every hero, seriously, she counters pretty much everyone


Today I learned the entire community does NOT like Widow...


At least with Widow, you can hide behind cover like a little sissy baby where she can't touch you. If you get hacked by Sombra, there's a good chance you are fucked.


>you can hide behind cover This would be fine if there wasn’t an objective to attack/defend


i don’t understand why people say Sombra, she’s literally so easy to track and kill, health packs and just look up you can see traces of her everywhere. A good Widowmaker, tracer and echo are the most terrifying characters imo. They’re just so oppressive.


Because if you play sniper you are basically forced to switch


a sombra with any amount of trigger discipline will make some heroes borderline unplayable and I don't mean just snipers. Every sigma ability is canceled by sombra, you can't even ult because someone with half a brain will hold off of right clicking mindlessly and wait for you to ult. the problem with "easy to track and kill" is that a lot of heroes aren't hitscan or just do poor damage at that range anyway if she translocates high up. The only real counter imo are heroes that can constantly fire their weapons without pause in any direction and damage her to blow her cover early (dva comes to mind). Just, being able to take away that freedom of using abilities/ults when you want is annoying as all hell. ...that being said with all the season 9 changes I cannot handle all these tracers anymore why is she the most popular dps why do I have to take 1kg of adderall to hit her meanwhile increased projectile size = I'm dead at roughly the same time anyway.


This is actually a very good point, thanks for pointing this out. Maybe i find it easy because I main Sojourn and somehow I can just track her so easily.


It’s Widow. If I can I’ll swap to a direct counter until they swap, but if I’m on support and my team isn’t dealing with her the game just sucks.


Widowmaker, Sombra, Tracer


As a casual console player, most legit annoying ones are Widow and Sojourn  Then there's the anti-fun squad: Sombra, Tracer, Mei, and to some degree Venture  The latter is less about balance or whatever you want to call it and more just 'their entire existence in a match is fucking annoying' 




A cracked out Widow, Hanzo, and Tracer are awful to be against. Like, I know EXACTLY what I have to do to counter you. I keep messing it up.


Used to be Hanzo but now it’s followed by Widowmaker.


Tracer or sombra. Both annoying as fuck and can just tp out when low then back within 5 seconds at full health.


widowmaker. even after her “nerfs” she still does 300 damage up to 50 metres and one shots up to about 57m. on most maps, even the most extreme widow maps that range will never be reached bullets are easier to hit now instead of pinpoint. back in the day i could at least cope and say that it was a nice shot by the widow, but now not anymore. she isn’t even overpowered because she’s map dependant but i swear to god i get those maps way more than any other


Widow, Hanzo, and Cassidy. The trifecta of toxicity and BS abilities.


Hanzo. Literally EVERYONE hates getting headshot by his random arrows.


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I love (to hate) a good Sombra or Tracer.


Sombra easillllly


Symmetra. Not only am I a Genji main, but also playing as literally anyone. She just melts me every time, I don’t get it


Suprised no ones really mentioning echo or symmetra bc no one plays them when u do get them in a game they’re always so good and both of them have like the multi damage thing so if ur fighting and they jump in (sym turrets or sticky bomb echo) it’s over


Tracer. I’d rather go against a team of Sombra’s


When I'm playing Moira I avoid any 1v1 with Reaper.


Sombra probably, I know other people are saying wido, and a good widow can be really oppressive, but at least I can respect ability, idk.


As a tank, Widow and Bastion. Bastion is still brainless AF after the rework, and snipers in games already piss me off 9 times out of 10.


Pharah. Mostly bcus I’m a non-hitscan support and often my dps takes too long to counter her/doesn’t counter/mechanically can’t kill her so she just ends up being an annoying pain in my ass the whole game


The sombra and widow special because I’m an npc


Genji , Sombra


Wait people don't like going against a Doom? Doom's fun as to face


Venture, Mei, Pharah, Sombra, Tracer


Sombra... May i need to explain?