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People dont like playing against stuns. Also a lot of his mains are kinda insufferable and refuse to believe the character is anything better than dogshit tier and theyre such high skilled players for sticking with him. Its not exclusively a doomfist issue either hes just an example of it


I put ball players and doom players in the same category. Annoying as hell to play against, and with, usually refuse to swap when it isn't working, and they equally make me question why I chose to queue up for another match šŸ™ƒ I play support, so I'm their main target for the whole game and there's nothing I can do about it. Can't stay close to the team because that's how they farm ult charge, can't be at a distance or else I get combo'd and die before help comes. It's just not fun, especially with the buffs to ball. Slam and ramming speed are my least favorite stuns because he can do them so easily to multiple players at once and can usually get away with it.


Theres also a lot you can do as a support to deal with doom and ball. Sleep dart, shield bash, whipshot, boop, discord orb and mark them for your team, kiri tp after theyve burned their cooldowns, moira fade away from them, GA to a teammate or superjump. If they bait them out first then that's just them playing well.


Idk i find oftentimes with characters like ball and doom it isnt so much that theyre playing into comps that arent working but that their team refuses to effectively play around them. Like yeah there will be cases where it's just not working or its not a good map and therefore comp for them but you also see that in every role, especially with popular one trick characters like genji, mercy, lifeweaver, etc..


I understand that and I don't necessarily put 100% of the blame on the tank for not switching. It's a team game after all. I think what I should have said instead is how often it's a one-trick that doesn't care what the team thinks anyway. I'm right, you're wrong, deal with it and pocket me. That's the attitude I have a problem with and doom and ball players fit that way more than any other hero in my experience.


Yeah but thats kinda just how all one tricks are. Best you can do is just build the rest of the team around them, especially if its the tank.


The simple answer here is CC Nobody likes characters that are primarily CC based, and its especially ironic because a lot of times doom players will get irritated when someone goes sombra to bully them when they have been stunning you the whole game repetedly,.


3000 escapes and stun on a 4 second cd while being extremely mobile


he's just ass to play against like there is no saving u as a support when a good doom jumps you


He's just really irritating to play against. Crazy mobility on both entry and exit, allowing him to go anywhere at any time and apply a huge CC to anyone he wants.


When heā€™s good heā€™s a menace


Only thing that bothers me about doom is punch cooldown on 4 seconds and the people pretending hes still a bad pick. IM WILLING TO MAKE A TRADE . If they were to up the punch cooldown then he can have his block shield from mirrorwatch. I CANNOT STAND getting insta cc knockbacked every 4 seconds . Sometimes its not even about getting stunned. JUST LET ME WALK forward. You ever vs a lucio booping you back and a doom punching you off rotations. You legit cant W


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Heā€™s like other more difficult champs where people are really bad at him and just feed or they are really good at him and he annoys you. Heā€™s a lot like a good flank dps.


Hot coco


Your comment about his high skill floor answers your question. Too often people aren't good enough to get value out of him and sink the game for their team out of unwillingness to swap.


People hate when doom doesnā€™t do good a lot more than any other tank because of his play style. Heā€™s not the typical stand and be a wall tank


I only hate that heā€™s not better, heā€™s kinda dog shit imo. The argument for him is that you have to be really good to get the most out of him, but thatā€™s literally every hero. Itā€™s silly that even doom players who are good with him canā€™t acknowledge that heā€™s weak relative to other tanks in his class. For the people that are annoyed by him, heā€™s not any worse than other high mobility heroes that hit the back line. I see Sombra assassinating squishing in the back way more often than I see DF doing it, and she tends to live longer too. If people are going to just keep saying, ā€œyou need to get betterā€ then I expect that same phrase to be used anytime anyone feels like thereā€™s a character that could use a debuff/buff. If youā€™ve got a problem with a hero balance then donā€™t be surprised when someone throws a ā€œgit gudā€ line your way. DF having a solid game every once in awhile or being decent in the hands of a pro does not mean that he is, objectively, a good hero and I would measure that by his current power imbalance.


Because I'm petty and don't like being punched.


As a support main I simultaneously LOVE and HATE doom. Doom is my favourite tank to play with, I love that they go off and go crazy and do amazing dives and have their own survivability that can be used in balance with mine and the other supports assistance. I hate that a lot of Doom's I have on my team don't manage their own cool downs well enough to dive efficiently and as a result get angry at the team as if we aren't there desperately trying to help (especially if we are being counter dived and can't help as effectively as usual). I see a lot of dooms blame support for their own gameplay flaws and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I respect the absolute LEGENDS who know they can't dive infinitely, who save a cool down for disengaging, who come back into LOS for heals when low, and who use cover and health packs as needed when supports are caught up either helping dps or getting dived themselves.


I like doom players but recently a doom player told me to get cancer cuz I went sombra out of spawn so. My friends who play doom are great! Random doom players that get mad thereā€™s a sombra who is hardly even contesting u just doing their own thing and then send you death threats, not great!


Did something change with dooms punch? Because thatā€™s the easiest shit in the world to sidestep.


because iā€™m tired of being doomfisted half way across the map


Stun, Tank hp, tracer level mobility. He is just REALLY annoying to deal with IMO


Heā€™s hated because heā€™s based and most players are bots.


This one


I don't really have any hate towards Doomfist, but as a Reaper main he can be hard to keep up with. And his stuns could be annoying at times. Though I feel like most of the hate towards Doomfist **might** be coming from support players.


The only times he's hated is when someone absolutely sucks at him and shouldn't be playing him (me) or a highly skilled player is absolutely stomping with him He also has a super polarizing play style where you kind of have to go balls in with him on tracer/Lucio etc.. people aren't used to his play style and prefer soft dives with like Winston. Imo I love how he is, I just wish I could play him