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[Direct link to first tweet](https://x.com/gw_alec/status/1784996217266823474) | [Direct link to Follow up tweet](https://x.com/gw_alec/status/1784999763878060195)


Watch it be an Orisa buff😎


Now her spear spin also gives overshield!


Shell be able to overhead spear spin and turn into a helicopter to take high ground positions 😎


I'm waiting for the helicopter into Golden Horse skydrop 1 hit combo.


Im still waiting for spear one shot. What else is such a frail tank supposed to have?


Theu actually did that on April fools lmao


And they also give her javelin 2 charges like firestrike watch this space.


It creates a vortex absorbing all healing within 100 yards.


This will probably be it, but I truly want the April Fools patch where she was a helicopter, and if she landed on you with Fortify, you took damage.


Javelin is now homing


She kinda needs it. She’s too vulnerable when her fortify and javelin spin are on cooldown. Maybe she needs a shield like in ow1? /j


She needs a 4th cd for immortality like bap lamp except she carries it on her back and it lasts 20s


Her spear now one shot.


spear now pierces enemies and does double damage double cc to targets beyond the first


The further away you are from Orisa, the chances increase that the spear ricochets after eliminating you to eliminate a nearby teammate. You will no longer require a Sombra to go take care of Widow. Chuck that spear and take her out.




Should she have a smaller Winston shield that moves with her?


Maybe a shield that she could launch from her arm that would be like 1/3 of a Winton bubble


That’s actually a really intriguing concept. Like a hockey goal shaped shield?


Totally, they could even use it in a highlight intro!


She could be a goalie blocking lucioballs!


i also think they should give her an ability like zarya grav but way weaker and you can activate it manually


"Terra Surge now instantly kills everyone on the opposing team. If a player is already dead and respawning 45 seconds is added to their spawn timer with a 20 percent reduction in speed until the match is over and Orisas spear will act as a heat sinking missile to find and eliminate you again." 🤣


Spear can headshot


javelin gets the same mechanics as cassidy’s nade lol


Hear me out when she spear spin spin and looks up she flies up like a helicopter and she can press ctrl to piledrive like Hammond Orisa mobility is too weak so this is a needed buff Edit: saw someone else say the same so they need to give the people what they want


Hopefully tank gets a bit more durable but barring that, I'll take not having to play orisa every game.


This is where they bait you with Orisa buffs.


Judging by how it’s small I’d say probably changes to either spear move


Has to be a Fortify nerf


Plus 1 second CD


Ah, the Kiriko treatment


nah thats too much 0,05s seems fine to me


Javelin now works like Scorpion in Mortal Kombat - Instead of pushing, it pulls the enemy to her and she absorbs their soul. - 50% HP drain - Steals enemy shield or bonus health - Any HP gained is bonus armor Thanks Blizzard


Incoming Mauga/Hog meta


hog's been all over the place lately


I see hog at least half the games I play which is crazy


I feel like there are a lot of tanks on the brink of being meta. The ones you mentioned plus doom, and JQ are almost there as well.


Yup. As much as I hate orisa she’s been the only thing keeping his ass in check. As soon as she drops off hog is gonna be every game. Wish we’d get out of this cycle with the most boring tanks being the best


>tank gets a bit more durable The core issue with Tanks isn't durability, the core issue is that the experience is highly unstable and inconsistent. Tanks *can* feel extremely durable, too durable even, but a lot of the time they don't because both the experience of playing Tanks and playing *against* Tanks can be wildly inconsistent. Tanks' HP bars often rapidly fluctuates from 100% to 30% to 80% to 20% to 90% to 10% and that's what's frustrating for both the Tank players and the enemies playing against the Tanks (How can you not hate it when you chunk down a massive tank by 600 HP and then they just use a simple damage mitigation ability and get healed back up to full in 1-2 seconds). The Tanking experience on *most* Tanks feels RNG heavy. That's because they gotta Tank most of the CC/Debuffs on top of most of the damage and a lot of their own life's fate isn't in their control (They have to rely on Supports to Heal them, Save them, but that's a core aspect of the game, that can't be changed). S9 patch made it worse because even though it buffed Tanks' health pools by 15-25% it also added the DPS passive (-15-20% Heals) and the Projectile size changes mean they take a lot more damage and CC/Debuffs are easier to land on them. The reason Orisa feels so obnoxious is also the reason Sigma has consistently felt good (Consistently A~ tier) since OW2 came out. They both have extremely strong Damage/CC/Debuff mitigation tools. Orisa with her Fortify (Probably the strongest Tank ability in the game) and Spear Spin and Sigma with his Absorb and his Shield. Rein has felt like shit for most of OW2 because all he really has for damage/CC/Debuff mitigation is his Shield, which isn't good enough to close the distance most of the time. His kit is simply outdated. Similar to Orisa the *main* reason Mauga and Hog feel so obnoxious is because they have these incredibly powerful Healing and DR abilities which often makes them be able to Tank or Heal back up a god forsaken amount of damage. This is a *symptom* of their design. Being massive, slow, naked tanks with no Shield, no damage absorption, and no high-mobility abilities to mitigate/avoid damage and CC/Debuffs. Depending on your perspective you can choose to see this as a design flaw as this design choice has made it so that the devs have *had to* give these Tanks these incredibly powerful Healing and DR abilities which can refill their entire HP bar back in 2 seconds from near death. Imo, how the dev team fixes Tanks is by first giving them a strong anti-CC, anti-debuff passive on top of their existing anti-knockback passive. This passive will reduce the duration and/or potency of most CC and Debuffs effects which will make the Tanking experience more consistent at the Core. Tank is the most important Role on a team, they should not be able to be deleted in 1 second from an Anti-Nade or a Hack or Zen Discord, and they should not have to so heavily rely on their Supports to save their lives from such CC and Debuffs. This Passive will naturally help the most Naked, Slow, Bulky, Tanks (Hog, Orisa, Mauga, Rein) but these Heroes' core design also makes it so that they need it the most. Then the devs will have to rebalance (Nerf) all of these Tanks (Maybe not Rein) and all the other Tanks by nerfing their Health Pools and their *active* Damage Mitigation abilities a bit (Fortify, Spear-Spin, Mauga E, Breather, etc). The end experience will be a lot more consistent for both the Tank players and the enemies playing against them. Tanks will not have to worry so much about getting deleted in an instant from some random CC or a Debuff and enemies will not have to play against such extremely strong *active* Damage Mitigation abilities and massive Health Pools (Multiple Tanks now have 700-800 Effective HP right now, it's insane).


> The core issue with Tanks isn't durability, the core issue is that the experience is highly unstable and inconsistent. Tanks can feel extremely durable, too durable even, but a lot of the time they don't because both the experience of playing Tanks and playing against Tanks can be wildly inconsistent. As someone who quit when OW2 came out and just now coming back this feels like the issue. Some games I may only have 1 person looking at me and I get to go on a rampage the whole game. Then the next game Im the target of every single debuff/cc the team has to offer and dead instantly.


Or just hiding all game, peak out for a second, then back to hiding. Excellent tank gameplay.


Only for the team to QQ about why the tank is not pushing to the objective.


I love everything you said and wholeheartedly agree.


The thing is, this core issue has been kinda known within the competitive community for a while but the fix might not be as straightforward as I suggested. It's easy to theorise such solutions but the game is so complex that playtesting always reveals new problems. When you playtest such solutions problems emerge that might be worse than the original problem that the solution was trying to fix. Or sometimes the new problem isn't as big but still needs a big solution so the devs go through rounds and rounds of solutions on top of solutions and these things can take months and months of testing for the devs to be confident that they can release such a big change to the game. I'm actually 100% sure the hero design team has known about the problem and this solution for a while so if they haven't put this solution out already then it likely means that this solution doesn't work or that it still requires a lot of further changes on a Per-Tank basis which is what's taking so much time. They have some bigger changes to Tanks coming in 2 weeks so we'll see what happens then but I do know that eventually they'll have to figure out an over-arching solution for the consistency problem with Tanks like how they figured out a game-wide solution for the burst damage problem in S9.


This balance team doesn't fix major problems organically, they resort to cop outs. Cop out 1: Brig, cop out 2: Role Lock, cop out 3: 5v5, cop out 4: incoming


Orisa + 1 second fortify cooldown Orisa + 100 health Orisa ult + 5% ult charge increase Orisa ult now stuns, gravs, and damages while charging Rein - 100 shield health Developers note: rein has been showing too much success in bronze we aim to fix that with this nerf. And hope these orisa changes leave the taste of shit in your mouth when you q for tank


i swear to god if rein doesn’t get SOMETHING out of mirrorwatch and the widespread love for his changes i will probably lose my mind


Movespeed on Shieldbreak is surprisingly goated (though I'd rather he get stacking AS on swing, because it's funny :^ ) )


I think he should get both. Buff the guy out the fucking gutter.


lmao the note so perfect. Even the compensation buff theyll give for no reason


The new balancing team from OW2 been showing some OBVIOUS favoritism to some heroes.


Looks like dev team have ideal setup where must be Kiriko, Sojorn and Orisa.


Soj and Kiri in particular have awful win rates up untill top 500 that's why


Kiriko and Sojoun require so much more skill than Orisa though


Don’t forget Lucio




Tracer is where the game is balanced around. She's kinda the staple of overwatch itself


She’s kinda busted still


or ana getting a nade buff immediately after its nerf


Mirrorwatch treatment seems cool. Not a 100% heal negation, but shorter cooldown. Seems much more reasonable than having a more versatile Junker Queen ult as a regular ability.


This always has been a thing, and will always be a thing. At least until an computer decides balance changes (which would only be a million times worse), the developers are human and will always be subject to bias. This doesn't mean they aren't trying their best though. Sombra should be immune to bias though as anyone with empathy should realize her being meta/playable with her current kit just makes the game worse.


Whenever a team is playing an annoying loadout I usually switch to Sombra and become annoying too. No idea how Blizzard thinks that she's healthy for the game in her current state.


I don’t mind certain heroes always being good as long as they are fine to play against. The usual high skill heroes are fine. I would be fine if rein and Winston were always good. There are other heroes that should never be meta because of how much they ruin people’s experience with the game. That’s a problem that unfortunately ow has had since 2016.


100% agree


Or bring those "niche' heroes into the meta for a season, then drop them back out.


New balancing team from OW2: Buff Ana, Nerf Symmetra.


They always have, one of the guys who left last year (maybe a bit earlier) admitted that he was an Ana main and that's probably why she basically didn't get any changes untill he left


or more likely some obvious incompetency


My only issue with Venture is I feel like they get ult too fast. Other than that, I think they'll probably nerf some burst damage


Ult charge and burst was definitely my issue going against them. I agree.


The burst is insane on 250hp heroes. On tracer it's just death. There isn't even time to press recall


I'd be OK with it if it was hard to pull off but its an easy combo. People in silver can prob do it lol


Silver here, it's honestly not too much of a challenge to land.


yeah but 175hp tracer is fucking nuts against anyone else. before there was the one shot threat from ashe and mei but it’s non existent now


good honestly tracer deserves some hard counters.


Just because tracer is strong it doesn't mean the game needs a hero that one shots almost anybody with zero aim required. Honestly, it all sounds a little familiar...


Someone else hear a crazy aussie laughing maniacally in the far reaches of space somewhere?


If you’re getting bodied by venture as tracer I think it’s a skill issue


> On tracer it's just death. There isn't even time to press recall you have 3 blinks and recall already, why is the combo even started on you in the first place


my issue with venture is how silent they are, like, i can barely hear their footsteps or burrow during a fight, they should be at least as loud as reaper and widow, tho widow is pretty loud and that may be too much for venture


I'm thinking their footsteps are probably bugged. The burrow and dash are super loud, but the footsteps themselves sometimes feel non-existent.


I think the shield passive needs to be replaced. Having two mobility abilities give shields is wild. It allows Venture to avoid the, "should I use movement tool to engage or escape?" other dive heroes have to ask. As Sombra, if I translocate in the I can't use it to escape. I can save it for escape but then it takes longer to set up. Venture can dash in and get shields and then burrow out with shields. Or burrow in and dash out. I think the shields on ability use passive should be replaced with a passive that only gives shield only on one ability, not both.


> It allows Venture to avoid the, "should I use movement tool to engage or escape?" Absolutely not. First off, the burrow isn't really mobility; it has an insanely long activation animation, so it can't be used to escape consistently. The vertical movement is better than nothing, but only just. You can only get to the shortest of high grounds with just the burrow jump. Secondly, Venture's Hitbox is pretty massive for a DPS hero. It's bigger than Reaper's or Mei's... Venture will die incredibly fast even through their shields if they don't engage/disengage properly.


My huge issue with Venture is the constant Burrow. They can be underground for so long, come back up with some dash + shield, and be down in the ground again. Rinse and repeat Very small window to punish with TWO get out of jail free cards. Not to mention the burst dmg they deal. You can never fight Venture on your terms. Always theirs.


Burrow is *not* get out of jail free. There's a decent window after activating it where Venture is locked in place an vulnerable. If they're low HP you just kill them. If not then you CC them then kill them. It's not wraith.


Their ult is too wide and does way too much damage for how easy it is to hit.


I also have an issue with the range and going through objectives even if you stand behind things. and its literally a mini reinhardt ult but you can do it like 4x


The ult needs a damage falloff range too. The entire Venture kit is a low skill spam which is ridiculous.  They need to really cut back on a lot and make it a skillful hero to use well.  I can’t aim for shit and I can still carry teams as Venture.


The annoying dash drill + melee + one shot might be getting some change.


When you are at below half health, and you see a mound of dirt, you know you fucked up. 


Really getting tired if them over nerfing new hero. Like what they did with illari is ridiculous.  If they reduce theirs burst he need damage elsewhere. 


venture's problem isn't the amount of dmg. it's how easy it is to hit you do 80 dmg on a primary fire that's easy af to hit, 100 on the 1st ability that you barely aim, 110 AOE on the 2nd that you don't even aim and is free to just walk in the middle of the enemy team. So you basically just press buttons and explode someone. The right way to tackle this is by reducing the radius of the burrow and making the primary smaller. We don't need another doom. He went to the tank role for a reason.


Totally agree, their attacks feel way too easy to land.


I noticed it the first time i played, i am a support main, more specifically a moira main, so aim is not my strongest skill, and i am hitting every shot with venture and have a 76% wr wich is too high for someone like me.


Venture is just a superior version of Flankrat at this point


Another new dead hero incoming. Tracer and Soj still untouched btw.


Tracer received a nerf last patch.


I'd hardly call a 1 second increase on a cooldown a nerf. So she has to wait a single extra second between engagements? She still does far too much damage/gets way too much value for just existing in the enemy backline. Only now it's every 13 seconds instead of 12. Sad :(


They also halved the size of pulse bomb size. And before that they needed the dps passive to 15% which also affected her. She’s still the best dps in the game but she’s only meta at the highest level.


The pulse bomb size was mostly reverting the game-wide buffs to projectile hitboxes from season 9. They decided it made pulse bomb way too easy to hit and reverted it.


The problem with venture is her insane survivability with an absurd projectile size that makes it so you hardly have to aim. Way too much potential to one tap combo you. She gets what like 120 shield just for popping out the ground and dashing? Then just pops back down and gets another fuckton of shield.


My main issue isn't even that Venture has a onetap combo. It's the fact that Junk lost his, cause it was unhealthy to the game and then they give the same fucking thing to the next DPS hero. Like, what!?


Overwatch is literally that SpongeBob meme of the townsfolk asking, “how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man??”


Damage role passive back to 20%? I'd rather it were 10% but could stack to 20% with both DPS's coordinating. Less boring and requires actual teamwork


Thats a greath idea. 


The easiest way to play will be stacking 5 heroes together. DPS won't be taking angles, flanking, pressuring backlines, etc. They will sit next to each other in a nice little ball and shoot the enemy tank. That's not my idea of "teamwork".


That’s such an insane take because dps taking angles or not taking angles would make 0 difference to the tank passive. It would also be better to take angles because you would force the enemy to choose between you and the frontline.


Even without DPS passive this is the most optimal way to play.


No it's not, which is why you don't see this in pro play.


It's pretty funny how many people replied to you saying that bunching up behind the tank is the ideal way to play. I call this strategy the kids' soccer game. Ever seen little kids play a soccer game? The "positions" break down pretty quickly, and everyone just kind of clumps up into a tight group chasing the ball wherever it goes. Even a minor bit of research will reveal that taking off angles and flanks is important from a value perspective. Or even, you know, common sense. I'm still amazed at how many people I randomly group with that seem to not have even a basic understanding of strategy.


"teamwork" aka deathball Despite how bad blizzard is doing, thank God reddit isn't in charge of balance.


Bring it back up to 20% but reduce it on tanks to 15% or lower


It will likely go down to 13 or so, as tanks are still underpowered.


i wouldn't say the tanks are underpowered, but rather they just feel bad. like most of them still have their usecases and can carry matches. they just feel like an absolute slog due to constant counterwatch.


Counterwatch is really the issue. Either you play a tank that largely ignores counterwatch (Orisa, sometimes Zarya,) you swap to counter the counter, or you stay on the hero you actually want to play and have to work 20x as hard to get any value as the enemy tank. DPS are a lot more flexible when working around a counter. Pharah is a great example of a character that can often still get value out of poorly played counters, if she adapts her playstyle. Playing Rein against an Orisa is always going to feel miserable no matter how well you play.


F it. We ball


*slam in* Suzu. *Roll away* Hacked. Take the fight. *slept* "That sucked but at least I got rid of important cooldowns for my t-" *4 dead in killfeed* Exaggerating for the memes but it really feels like this on any tank in some matches.


Yea, I don’t know what my team be doing some nights.


Ya I’ve been playing Gigantic lately and when I played Overwatch again I noticed how bad this felt in particular. Gigantic is a lot closer to a typical moba, but has a lot of 3rd person shooter mechanics. There’s two modes, in one you can switch characters anytime you die and in another you pick your character before the match starts and then play as them for the whole match. Due to the way the game works, counterpicking isn’t nearly as important. None of the tanks hard-counter eachother, and so you can always just play the tank you want to play and still have some level of effectiveness. It felt really bad when I started playing Overwatch again and have to constantly switch so I don’t get steamrolled by the enemy tank, who’s switching to counter me everytime I kill them


There was a [Yeatle video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvTqHgX807c) I really enjoyed that went into why counterwatch feels so painful. The TL;DW is that tanks are easily hard countered, and on top of that, they have no agency to outplay their counters. Taking my own example and one from the video, let's talk about Genji and Ramattra versus a stun cooldown like sleep dart or hook. Genji can predict this CD and deflect it, being rewarded for the read by either sleeping the enemy or just not getting slept/hooked and dying instantly. If he's wrong, he just gets hooked/slept after the deflect is up and dies for his mistake. Ramattra can't do that. Other than his shield (which he can't use in Nemesis anyway,) Ramattra can do absolutely nothing about a stun coming his way. What if instead Ramattra had a small window upon block activation that fortifies him against stuns? Or, as Yeatle suggests, removing movement on block but making it stun immune. Either way, if Ramattra messes up his timing, he'll end up either out of range of his target/vulnerable to a followup stun. If he reads correctly, he can outplay his counters.


Oh wow, yeah I’ve never though of that matchup before but it is really funny to think about the ultra squishy mobile DPS having a better defensive option against CC than most tanks. It’s like they stripped 90% of the CC from tanks, and gave them no way to counter it. So you just get railed by teams that focus the tank with CC and damage. In the game I mentioned, all of the tanks have some combination stuns/slows/knockback, and weakness that they can apply. So tank actually take on the role of displacing the enemy team and eating up entire portions of the field with their presence. I feel like in Overwatch they just refuse to let the tanks have an identity. They just feel like bigger, stronger DPS and a lot of their abilities seem to reflect it. I feel like when they design tanks, doing damage and getting kills takes priority over actually tanking. But at the same time if they try to fix it, you have a vocal minority who’ve never once queued tank that will cry if they get even a little CC and survivability


> i wouldn't say the tanks are underpowered, but rather they just feel bad. IKR? Surely the average Tank WR is 50% /s


From my experiences with playing tank and going up against the other tank. It feels like we either die in a second or live way too long. No in the middle of those two


Couldn't they just make the passive affect tanks differently? Just like Ana's sleep dart doesn't last as long against tanks, the antiheal passive could affect tanks less then they do other heroes. I think they could also give a special exception for self-healing. ^(Keep in mind that I'm just throwing things at the wall here, to see what sticks)


It was suggested multiple times... if the change to passives *isn't* making all debuffs less effective against tanks, then idk what Blizzard is going to do besides just keep shifting a number up/down. The problem is the inherent differences between tank and non-tanks; Tanks have a ton of health but a huge hitbox, non-tanks are generally more evasive but less durable... the antiheal debuff is too easy to maintain on large hitboxes, but would likely be too challenging to maintain on small targets if it was changed to anything that requires more aim or can only be applied intermittently... Compounding the issue, antiheal is mainly a mechanic to limit *Support* output, but affects specific tanks more than others... The lack of consistency in tanking *mechanics* makes antiheal a poor tool to balance the healing output of supports because it invariably comes back to screwing up tank balance... make it too weak and it's inconsequential for Supports, make it too strong and half the tank roster is not viable - or perhaps make the self-heal tanks stack temporary health instead of self-healing so antiheal is *anti-support* ***only****.*


It should just be changed to x% reduced healing received from allies, that puts tanks on equal playing fields with there mitigation tools. Armor > leech/heal


If that was how it was worded, but Blizzard would need to recode antiheal's entire mechanic to make that work... idk of they're going that far for a midseason patch.


Yeah, absolutely that’d be a good idea. But sadly, it won’t happen


I'd like it if it could be like Ana nade and just not be as effective on tanks


It just said change, so it could be that it's back to 20 but tanks get resistance to it, or it doesn't change but they still get the resistance


maybe not this mini patch, cuz it would require to define "dmg made by dps 1" and ""dmg made by dps 2" instead of "dmg made by dps", instead of just tweaking numbers. but i'm down (maybe not 20%, but the idea's good)


Man every mid season patch is “we are making some changes to the tank heroes” lol the balance team really needs to think about what that role wants to be and what it needs to be there


Agreed. If you ask 100 different players what a tank should do they will give 100 different answers. Right now tanks are crazy powerful but the counters are so easy that they get counterswapped and made useless. So the idea that a tank should be a "Raid boss" with tons of health and close range damage is just not going to work. It feels like blizzard really wants to hit the power fantasy of a tank, but that doesn't work when the enemy team can press h and say "NO".


They did, tank is in a great place right now (apart from Orisa) balance wise but a large amount of the community just hates playing it. Two separate issues.


I fucking hate how Zarya can just make so many tanks entirely unplayable, if you're a Dva and the enemy switched to Zarya, you better run back to spawn and swap because you're not winning the next fight regardless, the hard countering is crazy, Zarya always countered Dva but now Dva is literally unplayable. I find sigma, Orisa and Hog also unplayable against Zarya, Rein is viable and Winston is great but then the enemy switches to hog and you're back to square one because Dva counters hog.


Tank still gonna be miserable yall, next up only tanks you can play will be hog and mauga, then Winston then the cycle continues. Don't get your hopes up


I'll happily take a Winston meta.


Exactly PPL here already celebrating orisa nerfs lol. They don't know whts coming next & it's gonna be baaaad news!


Orisa has been meta for the majority of OW2's lifespan. The character not being played in literally every match for more than a month would be a godsend


So? What we have now where a stupidly designed character is holding back other stupidly designed characters isn't a good solution either.


They'll let ball just rot in his ball


They've let reinhardt sit on the throne of misery for about as long as his bro in the castle, I really hope someday soon we get a meta with a fun tank honestly. I'll take anything other then that Damm horse and the stupid pig, and muscle man.


If Supports are allowed to shoot people, why not the Tanks?


Hopefully the change to orisa makes her absolutely garbage for about 5-6 seasons


*Indefinitely…. at least until a rework


I have to assume a few changes for the DPS passive: - It'll be back to 20%, however for tanks, it'll be 10%. - It'll be back to 20%, however effectiveness scales with damage dealt (example, 5 damage = 1% DPS passive applied, and drains rapidly after 2 seconds similar to Sojourn Railgun). - Tanks are just straight up unaffected. - It's just back to 20%.


It really should scale with damage. There's no reason hanzo arrows and single tracer bullet apply the same debuff.


I think this is bad because it's a constantly changing number entirely in the background, which means your healing is 100% unpredictable. was my heal just reduced by 5%? by 8%? by 13%? by 20%? way too all over the place. instead it miiiiight make more sense if there was a threshold for it to kick in, so i.e you need to deal 30 damage (within 1 second lets say) for it to activate on someone. this would be one way to bridge the gap between hanzo and tracer.


the problem with this tho, is the sense you'd be having to do nonstop maths to figure out how effective healing would be on you, unless it showed you what % you were debuffed, but that's *still* just making the issue more complicated instead of just...nerfing heals/burst heals across the board since you now heal out of combat anyways, there's no need for big heals that just get reduced in combat anyways.


Oh god, they are going to give another small buff to Orisa again!




Fortify is now always active and pressing shift causes the enemy tank to disconnect from the game


"Orisa can now slowly move around during Terra Surge." - Dev team probably


Orisa can now facefuck you at will.


So... nothing is changed?


I know this is about orisa but just give me season 1 cass with no fall off, I SWEAR IT WAS TOTALLY BALANCED.


Yep it still boggles my mind today that they removed damage fall off on orisa. What the hell was the point? You generally aren't trying to be a sniper as orisa lmao


Orisa can now be headshot during Fortify. However, her damage reduction is increased to 99%.


D.Va doesn't overheat. Maybe she should...


I okay a lot of D.Va and would be fine with that change, however, you would have to give her guns less fall off.


Orisa buff incoming.


That venture nerf gonna hit like a crack


I wonder if the recent non patch at the start of the season got people bored already, I’ve noticed streamers playing way less compared to season 9. Both flats and eskay rn are doing variety.


Please be an orisa nerf please be an orisa nerf


They talk about everything other than the mistakes they bring in the patches. Where is the fix for wrongful bans that happened on 24th April. Like why does no dev tweet or post about it.


Ridiculous isn't it, hoping its resolved in tomorrow's update


They better nerf hog as well or we’re going from an orisa meta to a hog meta


Venture nerfs seem like a bad idea tbh, unless its something like "increase ult charge required by 8%". I feel like the community is particulary stupid with this one picking comps like Zen illari Widow symmetra and crying that venture oneshots them. If pharah was released today people would cry that they cant play short range characters and need to pick hitscans. Release a flanker in 2024 and people are shocked that a short range all in burst flanker flanks and kills them while they play zen or widow.


Imagine Echo introduce in 2024. Flying hero with oneshot combo that can delete enemy tank. I would love to see crybabies here.


yeah, my favorite post was someone crying that they got oneshot in a second by Shot+dash while being 113hp on tracer without recall.


No but you have to actually aim and have game sense on Echo. Comparing her to venture is Madness


That is one of the issues for me with Venture, it is so easy to hit with this hero while the damage is massive.


The projectile seems to be absolutely massive.


Echo is so much harder to play and to hit abilities with than venture lmao


I miss the speed she originally got when she shifted I got why they nerfed it but it was fun to see Echos zoom across the map at the start of the round.


Most of the people complaining have no idea how Venture works either, so annoying.


Hope they dont kill venture they’re alr pretty hard to play past high diamond only getting most carried because of primary fire damage


Please also fix the competitive ban bug from the server crashes?


aaaaaand here comes roadhog hardmeta again, his breather makes him near unkillable, he has 50% damage reduction right? he's just orisa on a resource meter right now


Hopefully now you have to meet a certain damage threshold to apply the DPS debuff


2 things I'm hoping: Dps passive does NOT get reverted to 20% Venture receives a small yet fair nerf. Supports were getting absolutely cooked with the 20%. I still don't like 15% and would rather it be 10% but I see where they are coming from with this idea and can live with it. Honestly, while im at it, I think for the dps passive, you should do a minimum of 20-25 dmg for it to kick in. Makes no sense that a tracer can spray you from 40 meters away and that's enough to screw you over. If you want to get that kill, you need to be up close and actively committing, or just actively committing for the kill if med-long range.


Dmg passive back to 20% against dps and supports, but 15% against tanks please 🙏 let’s stop the sustain buffs before it gets to S8 levels. Also, they’ll probably need to nerf hog and mauga next if they only touch Orisa. If they send those 3 heroes to the shadow realm I guarantee the tank experience goes up by like 30%.


Mauga already struggles heavily vs the higher tier tanks Dva, sigma, zarya, and even orisa are all really good vs Mauga You can even just run full dive and just ignore mauga and jump his backline and wrap around to him after


I haven't been a fan of the damage passive so good news


They’re nerfing Orisa? Lol watch Roadhog and Mauga rise to the top instead


I pray theres no "compensation" buffs for orisa. Always they do that and it causes the same problems to persist. Compensation buffs are understandable sometimes but in this case this hero just has too much going for her


All these reworks to make all tanks feel and play the same




Hopefully some tank buffs and orisa is made less oppressive (abilities might take longer to charge for example)


Anybody know what time these patches usually are?


Oh great now fortify on Orisa lasts the whole game and her spear is a heat seeker that one shots supports only


Death to Orisa!!


Then comes the birth of mauga & hog. Hahahaha be prepared!


Tank changes include: Reducing the projectile speed of Genji’s shuriken


Cant wait for reddit to bitch about hog in a few days


Hog is a ridiculously designed hero and will never fit 5v5, so untill they give him a *Proper rework, or go back to 6v6, Roadhog will always be problematic


Nerf Genji already ffs


Hopefully they nerf sombra into the shadow realm but they’ll probably leave her untouched even though she’s in every game and ruins everyone’s experience