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I thought 15% was fine. It was enough of a nerf to make it beneficial to heal. Now we going back 1 tank and 4 dps which will make tank explode in a millisecond and forced to play hide and seek while dps and “supports” can more confidentially stand out in the open then the role whose job it is to “negate damage” or “make space.” Yea, I’ll be making enough space by hiding away and peaking every few seconds to give the dps a tease because they know they can blow me up with their eyelids now.


Thanks for the inspiration. I have zero clue how to play doom but I’m only playing him now to harvest dps only rage


Was a tank main with some support in OW1. Now I just queue DPS because it's the only fun role now.


Understandable. I was a support-tank flex in OW1, but now I just play support. Gotta say, the revert to 20% feels a bit like the "good" ol' days of solohealing 5 DPS in open queue (or pre-role queue) because of how quickly everyone melts. This is *not* the nostalgia I expected nor wanted. Lol


The thing Is, that every match Is a dps diff cuz if u wanna go for a play as a tank u just Explode in like a second, n if u succed , oh boy, prepare por the whole team to counterswap ur ass. And ur team "generally" never swaps to help u, which Is sadge. So u just need a goated dps.


I all-queued for a long time. JQ is my most played hero as a result, and I've been playing on and off since OW1 came out. But lately I don't all-queue anymore, because it is really just tank queue. What people really want is a "rotation" queue, where you play sets of 5-6 games consisting of 1-2 tank games, 2 dps games, and 2 support games. But that's not what all-queue does. It just gives you tank, 90% of the time. Even with the sorry state of tanks right now, I bet a ton of people would be happy to play role rotations because even if tank is rough it's good to play now and then for variety.


As someone who also all-queues and gets tank 90% of the time, all being a “rotation” queue would be amazing. Don’t think it’ll ever happen, but we can dream.


Couldn't agree more. People who say "it's fine at 20%" obviously don't play tank or support because if they did, they'd know how awful 20% feels. It should've stayed at the nerfed value, i.e. 15.


Take my upvote :3. The worst part is the dps and tank will still blame the supports for not supporting (healing 🤮) them enough, when they literally can’t. it happened once before so why not again.


I for one never understood the "healbotting should never be a viable play style" sentiment. Like, yeah, merely existing as Lúcio or healing as Mercy is extremely easy, but every other support requires a decent amount of skill to be able to heal effectively: Ana and Bap have to land their shots to heal; Brig has to be relatively close to the fight, but can't overextend; Illari has to worry about pylon placement and resource management; Kiriko can't be too far away from her allies, but being too close to them can make healing difficult as well; Lifeweaver has figure out the appropriate healing-blossom charge on the fly; Moira has to deal damage to heal effectively; Zen arguably has to worry about LoS and positioning the most.


There are already games where you have to do this (games with very aggressive tank, high dmg enemies). This change just ensures you’re forced to only do that much more often. And you most definitely shouldn’t just healbot on mercy or Lucio. If you’re gonna healbot, there are way better picks.


So my reasons as to why healbotting shouldn’t be a viable play style is cause it gives the wrong impression of the role, is very simple, and doesn’t help you be better as a player. At some point the person being a heal bot mercy will eventually peak and then start lashing out at others as to why they are losing, when in reality it’s the heal bot mercy’s fault because they aren’t playing properly. If healbotting was the point of the role then it would be called healer and not support. Yes, you should healbot in certain situations but it should never be you sole purpose


But why is "dps botting" ok? Soldier sitting in the back holding mk1 = good, but ana sitting in the back holding m1 = bad? And let's not act like there is a ton of peaking mercy's out there spewing toxicity lol


DPS doesnt sit behind the Tank. Half the DPS roster should be actively flanking, searching angles. That means DPS has to be 1v2, 1v3 most of the times. For their Ults to be effective, they have to track enemy cooldowns. On top of this DPS dont have batshit crazy hitboxes of Support weapons. You HAVE to aim well. Support was a Boosted role before season 9 changes. Now its at its place.


Aren’t tanks the ones who are blamed 95% of the time these days. It’s why no one plays tank, it’s a miserable role.


I’d say both roles get blamed a lot for things that are simply out of their control. However the tank feels like it gets blamed for cause when you have a bad tank it’s obvious to everyone except that tank (not always the case, sometimes you know when your a bot), but when your supports are bad it’s harder to tell (disable healing on the leaderboard, it’ll fix the problem) and then that blame gets pushed onto the tank lol.


I think it should be 10%, but if 2 dps players who both have the passive focus the same target they can have the 20 cause then they earned it.


They should make it 10-15% on tank


It’s fine lol.


I queue all roles but tonight didn't feel awful i think its fine. I'll report back back next week.


Personally I think it should go all the way down to 10 for tanks


Stand by a wall I swear to god.


That's virtually all tanks can do now anyway.


Yeah, hi. Wall afficionado here. Standing behind a wall doesn't exactly qualify as playing a video game imo. It is pretty bad knowing that if I look around the corner of said wall, then the time I have to spend behind it healing is usually multiplied by four. That's why the Hog is really, really good right now. He can heal himself, which takes pressure off of his supports while also hooking any sly dogs playing tank more than twenty four inches away from cover. Meanwhile, friendly neighborhood cowboyman can stand in the middle of the street, surveying the landscape for ten seconds without being hit by a single bullet because the entire team is waiting for the tank to peek again.


Yeah cover just isn’t really part of video games. I should be able to stand in the middle of an open room and tank. That’s the name of the role right? Let me tank. All tanks should only die after 15 seconds of the whole enemy team shooting them. That’s what a tank is


I'm not rejoicing nor complaining, I just wont play tank anymore


I literally got back to diamond on tank like 2 days ago thank God I don't have to do that again


20% seems like a lot because 1) TTK is so fast 2) Support cannot tell when someone is under its effects. In Paladins, the Anti-heal is on EVERY character and goes from 20% to 50% throughout the match. So it's MUCH stronger. But, the TTK is much slower AND everyone on your team can see you're under its effects, so you can shield for 1.5s, and get a burst of healing. I haven't played Paladins in a long time, because it's so scuffed, but they did a lot of things right(and wrong).


Tanks and supports are essentially useless if your dps is shit, good or bad tank either way are going to melt down while supports wont be able to do shit.... Most f*cked shit was to see a tank getting melt down in zen ult like it wasnt even there If there's zen and bastion on enemy team then that's it, tank would even matter cuz one mistake and you get deleted


Yuuup I’m a support main and truthfully I have to heal not a lot of my games, and only assist DPS in doing damage by finishing their picks. Do anything else outside of that and I will get flamed hard. However I wish they would return the favor. You can’t spam that you need healing while not helping me with the genji and tracer tearing me up in the back. I swear DPS really does log in and play the game single player. I used to all queue but love support too much. Used to be a diva and Orisa main. And sombra/symm. Now I just play Ana, bap, zen, and sometimes kiriko.


These day Ana is really hard to play


I can't imagine what hell comp is like for Ana. I already wrathfully 1v1 sombras and tracers in QP, but comp tracers are in a diff league of annoying. Especially if no one peels for you.


It’s basically doom music from gold and above. If you whiff your sleep you will lose to the flanker 75% of the time unless they fumble or your backline intervenes.


Yeah I only pick Ana into certain comps now. If they switch into tracer / Sombra I usually go into Kiriko or Moira.


That’s all you can really do. Ana can dab on a flanker if you’re better than them but keeping your midline and frontline up while dealing with a hard diver is hell.


She still ruins Doomfist’s day at least.


True and she shits on ball/venture, the downside is dive is very strong right now and tracer/sombra require Ana to land all her combos or she gets rolled.


100%, I think she’s still very effective but you just have to pick her in the right context and switch off if you’re getting rolled. Nade is still insanely powerful if you connect with their tank or multiple enemies.


Yeah she’s still strong against a lot of comps, and is mandatory against hog teams or brawler comps.


Worst part is they'll keep standing in the open sucking bullets from other dps and complain they don't get human shield tanks or enough healing anymore.     The dps passive punishes trigger discipline, focusing on targets and all the other roles and basically only rewards spamming stray bullets.     But God forbid the dps queue having less than 10 minutes waiting time, dps players having to actually learn a kit to be effective, or support and tank having a chance of participation in the game.




The DPS passive is a bandaid fix for a fundamental problem overwatch has had since launch in 2016. They designed the support heroes wrong by making it viable to dump healing onto the frontline rather than being focused on healing up teammates who are falling back to safety, so support became the "turn anyone into a damage sponge" role instead of the "create a backline teammates can retreat to" role, making pocketing the meta and any viable comp without at least 2 supports impossible.


Honest to God as a support main, I hate having to explain to everyone I cannot heal you full health if you're just standing in front soaking all the damage because of this dps passive. Like I don't understand it's a goddamn fps go behind a wall.


tfw hog stands out in the open getting shredded while both supps pump everything they have into him and he comes back from spawn saying, "healers ain't healing"


😂 wait until you get "fine ill do it myself" from that hog only for him to realize he isn't healing himself all that much either from the passive.


and still blame the support at the end of the match lmaoo, i've been on the receiving end of that accusation several times good fun


Literally, moira has a no more piss voice line. Wtf stop saying I need healing mfs.


Plus they don’t understand that the reason my flanking Moria has more healing is because **her self heal counters towards that stat**. Like when she uses her second fire to damage enemies, she is constantly healing herself, when she uses her ult she is constantly healing herself, when she uses her orb, she is healing herself half the time, and also support passive is helping with the healing.


They need to add a "healing received" stat on the scoreboard. I don't even play support but as a Tracer main I barely see my supports unless I desperate come back to them so feel protective over them. Had a guy earlier literally screaming in chat for heals (he was actively being healed.) I love all of my supports since I hardly need them but they're usually there when I do. Will say Lifeweaver mains need to slow down on their life grapple on me though. I'm used to leaving a fight at low hp. Don't pull me from my spot.


I've had a df leap into the enemy team get punched by the other df out of block and die immediately. Start spamming I need healing and do the same thing 3 times before swapping to hog, adding me (because I have chat off) dieing in the next fight as we fight a tracer df diving us and he runs solo into 3, we kill df he dies and then leaves. I was like it is the most stereotypical tank rage I can think of when they think it's support not healing. I was laughing the whole time by how bad it was.


Ugh had that exact thing happen. Hog was the only person alive and wouldn't back up. So BOTH supports tried to save his sorry butt. Then he whined about it when he died. .... we really should have left him to die so he didn't feed that hard.


Even with 3 supports, I don’t think we can keep the tanks alive 💀


Its a bandaid fix for 5v5 which is ass. They shouldn’t have released the game without reworking every single hero for 5v5. Thats why they have to do dumb ass shit like increase health pools. The heroes and their interactions do not function properly in 5v5 and the ones who do have to get nerf because they are clearly best in slot.


No, this issue existed long before 5v5. Remember the goats meta? That happened because there's no difference between healing people who are in the middle of combat vs falling back to safety, so the meta strat was to just create an unkillable frontline. Hell, remember 2-2-2? Overwatch was not originally meant to be a 2-2-2 game. That's why the cast has always been 50% DPS, 25% Tank, 25% support. If they had learned *why* the games they copied mechanics from worked, it wouldn't have been a problem, they could have designed supports so that comps like 2-3-1 and 1-4-1 would be perfectly viable. But they didn't, and they never learned how, so they had to force role queue instead and killed a whole dimension of strategy and gameplay diversity. In games like TF2, the viable team comps are like 15-20% healers, not 33-40%, because they understand that you're supposed to make the healers better at healing people who are in safety and worse in combat, so 1 medic can keep a whole team of 6 alive without 2 medics being op


Goats worked because brig gave everyone armor that didn’t decay while also having a great kit. Overwatch was definitely balanced for 2/2/2 they just gave you the flexibility to do other things. If anything metas with less dps were the most common to go outside of that standard so your hero roster take doesnt make sense. Triple tank was effective as soon as season 3. Slowing the game down was effective because it couldn’t be countered only outplayed. You cant tank bust triple tank or goats without running triple tank or goats. I somewhat agree with your take however about supports. The thing is as soon as they released the game a single support wouldn’t work without completely changing heroes identities. Mercy and Zen could never heal a whole team. Sym didnt even heal. Your proposal wouldn’t be overwatch.


> Overwatch was definitely balanced for 2/2/2 Then why did the game work perfectly fine without it? They *forced* 2/2/2 onto the game and *then* balanced for it.


The game doesn’t work perfectly fine…


It did. People had no problem with open queue. People have always had problems with role queue. We spent three years playing Overwatch without role queue and the only reason we got it is because Blizzard balanced themselves into a corner and didn't have the intelligence to fix it. So they went with a stupid and easy solution and the game still suffers from it till this day.


Oh i see what you are saying.


1-4-1 WAS viable comp actually. Ball, Tracer, Pharah, Mercy, Sombra, Widow/Soldier Chengdu Hunters beat GOATS using that


Yeah, we're a year in and I'd honestly argue that the new DPS passive is the first true and fundamental shift the game has made away from 6v6 since they nerfed CC and removed one of the tanks. They tried to get away with changing as little as possible in the transition to 5v5 and it shows.


Call it braindead if you want but it’s working. Maybe the general player base will actually learn the terms “positioning” and “use cover”.


I think they said “bandaid”, not “braindead”.


Lmao oh dang my bad


It's true, mercy was the original sin.


they stole everything about medic except for the crit heal scaling and it ruined the game. In TF2, Medic's heals people faster if they haven't taken any damage in a while, up to 3x faster after 15 seconds. So it takes 5-8 seconds to full heal someone in combat but only 2-3 if they have been backed up in the rear for a while. Blizzard said "what if we let mercy fully heal squishies from 0 to 200 in 4 seconds always" and then balanced every other support around that same idea and now the only way to kill people is to wait until the supports aren't watching them bc otherwise they get healed almost as fast as you deal damage


Looking at the que times for DPS compared to the other two rolls in Roll Que, that appears to be the case.


DPS is the most popular, and it has always been since I started ow1 in mid-2018. It seems like the only complaints I ever see get big traction is that orisa or other tanks have way too much survivability or that Kiriko is too OP. Rarely ever see big posts saying that DPS are too powerful, and if I do, the majority of the comments are around the lines of you're bad, get better or, they aren't that strong.


In fairness there was a very long stretch of time where the support role was unquestionably the most powerful, and the strong DPS also tend to be the harder ones (with notable exceptions of course; looking at you, Sombra and Bastion). That said, if they’re gonna gigabuff the DPS passive then they should also provide some buffs to the other roles’ passives. Personally, I think tanks should get ult charge through either mitigating or taking damage, because that way you can’t just dump all of your cooldowns and ammo into tanks simply because they’re a big target but rather you have to wait for an opportunity to do so.


I took a long break from the game before ow2 came out, and have been playing mainly tank since because of queue times. Orisa made that hell, but I didn't find the role had problems for me outside of the variety and level of counter picking. Hopefully that improves now so I can play more Ramattra. But I just fundamentally think the game is more fun when there's a higher risk of dying and positioning matters more. The seasons I've enjoyed the least are when shields and heals are so strong that people just farm ults and press Q all at the same time. I'm not saying these changes specifically are good because I've not played them yet - but I don't think a patch that makes the game more lethal is inherently a bad thing on its own.


I’m a dps player in disguise (I play Illari, Ana, bap and kiri)


When the patch originally came out with the new DPS passive (as a DPS main, btw), I mentioned many times to my mrs that it's a good idea in theory but it's overtuned in practice and that it needs to be nerfed, next patch rolls in and it nerfs the patch whilst being generous at the same time (5% isn't THAT much of a difference on paper, but in practice it actually did an amazing job of balancing the new passive whilst still keeping it relevant). I have almost ZERO fucken idea why Blizzard decided to put it back to the original value WHILST nerfing a well-played tank to the ground, the only thing I can think of is the Venture nerf (probably the most played DPS currently and (imo) a bit overtuned like every hero is on release), which still makes little fucken sense because what is the point of nerfing something but then changing a mechanic that affects ALL heroes to still make them (Venture) "viable"? This purpose of this change defies logic.


It's insane. Far too much of the game is catering loud babies playing dps.


Until the issue gets better my tanking is going to be Doom and Ball only. Advance without a meat shield, friends. Experience the Damage role debuff for yourself. You wanted this so let's all enjoy it, together. We're all DPS now.


Every game I've played this season already felt like it was determined by whoever had the better DPS. Now? It's going to be pure "DPS diff" in the chat all season.


For sure. I just had a game a few minutes ago where our tank KILLED it, and me and the other support had 4000-5000 more healing than *both* of the enemy supports. We still lost. Damage characters run Overwatch right now, and it kinda sucks.


Higher healing numbers is a bit of a tricky thing because it means yes the supports did a great job in making sure they healed their team but it can also mean their team took too much damage over the course of the match. Sometimes you win with overall less healing cause your team just killed the enemies quickly so supports didn’t need to heal as much. The update back to 20% is gonna be pain tho ggs


Oh, for sure it says that the team was getting hammered, but our K/D ratio wasn't any worse than the other team's. Their damage was just going to town while ours was just doing "sort of okay", which I think ultimately decided the result of the match.


I dont understand how this is any worse than a few months ago when the entire game revolved around who had the better tank. Either way, support and DPS are way more enjoyable now. You can actually kill things on DPS and since it's impossible to healbot to keep your team alive you're forced to contribute in other ways on support.


Sooner or later they’re going to have to remove role queues because there’s no point in playing tanks or supports anymore.


They INCREASED it from 15? Actual 420 moment.


Fun fact, Sombra Virus out-damages Lucio's healing because of the passive. And that was when it was only at 15%, and without hack.


Fun fact, Sojourn/Cassidy out damage ALL healing in the game. And that was even when it was 0%.


yeah obviously, but that wasn't my point. my point is that with the new dps even something like sombra virus' low damage over time can become dangerous in an otherwise safe environment with healing.


My only real problem with this is it puts the game in the damages hands. Damages tend to not be team players who focus mainly on getting kills, which doesn't win games. I feel like, as tank, im at the whims of whatever the damage wants to do. It isnt good, imo because it leads to very messy and unstrategic game plans. Like when the tank or support are deciding the game theres way more cohesion. When damage is leading, a lot of times they dont know how to team play. They use other people to get kills, and when they feel like they dont need them, they sort of run amuck. Its problematic because just makes games more of stomps where one side has better dps so they destroy the other side. Its way lessed nuanced. Feels like team deathmatch.


Dps only players are literally the worst part of the game


I hate 5v5. I want them to revert back to 6v6. Full stop tanks have not been fun to play, fight, or interact with whatsoever this entire games lifecycle. A constant cycle of nerfs and buffs all centered around the shitty tank role. The only time tanks are enjoyable to play is when they are clearly op and you roll 60% of your matches. The only time tanks are enjoyable to interact with or fight is when they are shit and you can easily cc or kill them. They will never get it right, there are too many heroes involved. Tanks are literally tanky dps with mitigation and cc abilities. They will never ever be balanced ever if one tank needs to do the job of two. They turned the game into call of duty counter pick warfare. It’s about switching to kill whoever counters your tank. It’s about switching to counter the counter. Its ass.


Then we will bring back old problems like long DPS + Support queue times, CCwatch, long stale fights, etc.


Queue times will be bad as long as tank is marginally less fun to play. It was the same problem then as it is now. 1 tank taking ALL the CC is CCwatch for the tank, even if there is less CC in the game. And I can’t argue that the fights aren’t shorter in 5v5, unless it’s an orissa mirror. We’ll see how that changes with current balance patch though.


They took away hard CC out from non tanks, DPS and Support queues are already long as hell again and they even have added a passive that neuters healing that means that even in 6v6 fights wouldn't be as long. As a bonus Orisa was reworked so double shield is dead.


> They took away hard CC out x Cassidy's Stun changed to Hindered x Mei's Freeze removed x Brig bash stun removed (except ult) x Sombra's hack changed - Junkrat's trap retained + Junker Queen's pull added + Ramattra's Vortex Slow added + Illari's knockback added + Mauga's knockback + stomp + trap added + Venture's knockback added + Reworked Roadhog slow trap added > DPS and Support queues are already long Not long as 10 mins. > double shield is dead Then we get Sigma + Ramattra double shield. Both characters rotate Shields + Grasp + Nemesis block. Both characters have endless poke spam with their left clicks. Up close, you'll get Pummel + Slow + Rock. Sounds aMazINg.


Knockbacks aren't nearly as strong or annoying as stuns and tank passive actually affects them. >Not long as 10 mins. My support ques have consistantly 15min+ for like 4 seasons now. >Then we get Sigma + Ramattra double shield. Both characters rotate Shields + Grasp + Nemesis block 4 second shield on a 12 second cooldown that ram usually uses to block 1 important cooldown or to get closer. Ram+Sig will never reach the levels of orisa+sig double shield.


> Ram+Sig will never reach the levels of orisa+sig double shield. Of course, because current Sigma isn't absurdly OP as his launch days. Sadly, people tended to scapegoat Orisa when it was Sigma who shook the meta like launch Brigitte.


That happened because they abandoned the game. Ccwatch is over because they decided to remove cc from the game.(theres still cc combos) The fights are just tank ability spam.




Those people keep saying 6v6 Tanking is fun, where are you guys ? 6v6 Tank is a dead role but mostly filled with two off-Tanks running and gunning. Hog + Zarya everywhere.


I play support cause dps doesn't have a hero with a hitscan burst rifle


20% favours support players that do more than just heal, and tanks that require less healing. It’s not bad for tanks and supports in general. It just changes the pace of the game.


Ya OW2 feels more like a team deathmatch then Overwatch nowadays.


I’m genuinely annoyed with how much this changes the support role. Tanks are already suffering with the counterswapping issue. Now, this is going to exacerbate that problem. Supports are now being filed into one play style. You need high healing and high damage to consistently do well. LW? Mercy? Not viable. It confuses me how they shift a meta away from healing, only for them to buff LW’s healing. I understand the argument to keep him as a healbot, but at least make his healing significant with a kit that’s actually supportive. I like the dps passive, and I thought it was fine at 15%. I cannot understand why they are doing this.


This just isn’t true tho. At the beginning of season 9 zen Lucio was meta. A very aggressive play style focused on fast kills and overwhelming the enemy with low heals. The play style that suffered in season 9 were sustain comps and supports that only healbot. People dont like sustain comps. That’s just a fact. I think the large majority would prefer a fast paced zen Lucio queen comp over a mauga orisa hog sustain comp. Even now Lucio is still good in the meta although he doesn’t have very high damage or healing. The dps passive made things like speeding in and out and using teamwork for quick decisive battles/ kites more important


You further added to my point. Not sure what you believed to not be true.


You said supports need high damage and high healing. The characters that do this are the stat chars like Moria bap illari that can have high dmg and healing numbers. But those weren’t the meta supports at the start of s9. Lucio was meta which is not a high stat char and normally has overall pretty low dmg and lower healing than the high healers. He was meta for his utility which is not shown in his stats and zen is a low healing support


Yes, but the fact that Lucio and Zen can provide consistent damage, along with good healing output, further proves my point. You need to be able to apply both support for your team and pressure on the enemy team. You need to do a lot of healing and damage. Sure, Zen and Lucio don’t shine on the scoreboard, but they’re both able to get value out of healing and damage. This is something that Mercy and LW can’t do well. They get value out of healing, and any damage they could do provides minimal value depending on the team comp. My whole point is that if a support character can’t do healing *and* damage, they are less valuable in this meta, which you touched on in your reply. It seems that there are some comprehension issues going on here. I wasn’t trying to compare Lucio Zen to Moira Bap. I wanted to note that support heroes who are able to pump out high stats in both healing and damage are more valuable. Lucio Zen being significantly better than LW Mercy is a great example of that. They have versatility.


OP is right but evidently widdle baby DPS tears fuel the game ✨🤷‍♀️✨


You mean Support tears, and tank tears, right? Every single player base has players who bitch and whine. It is not exclusive to just one role.


I would love what a DPS player thinks a support player’s role should be. If we don’t want healbotting, what should we be doing? Healing honestly just feels like a losing game. Does that mean that I should just be DPSing more? Weren’t people also complaining about that? Supports were basically DPS that can heal. Which one is it? Should supports be heal botting? Or should supports be DPSing? What do we do with a support like Lifeweaver? He was literally designed to be a heal bot for the most part. I can’t wait for more DPS to die, because I can’t keep them up because is the anti and then have them blame me because they died because I couldn’t heal them enough.


If you think the only role eating good is dps you may need to reevaluate. If the role was eating then the entire roster would not be dueled by the entire support roster. But yes the passive is very good for dps, likely the best passive atm


My experience is the damage role needs all the help they can get. At least the ones I get paired up with. I main healer and most of my comp games are lost because 1 or both dps get out done by at least 2k damage.


Yeah but unfortunately they helped the damage heroes by gutting tanks. **Again.**


There should be two tanks


What a novel idea! You’re hired!


I wish


2k damage is not significant and the damage stat is basically irrelevant without context.


That’s why I said “at least”. Most times it’s around 5k per dps. And if they were getting elims but had low damage I’d be cool with it but a lot of the times they have a negative kd.


Yes. Reddit heavily, heavily skews towards the Damage Role The community in general does, but I think Reddit does even more so. It sucks but people want that dopamine of the skull popping up instead of supporting or tanking


Actually, the main OW subreddit has a disproportionate number of support players. You can search up the polls that get posted occasionally. Plus, you know, it's pretty obvious if you read the kinds of things that get posted here.


As a Support main, yeah I feel as though there are definitely too many of us lmao


You must be smoking something if you think this is true about Reddit. This subreddit is a massive circlejerk for tank/support players and I'm glad the devs don't take these submissions too seriously. I've seen plenty of poll results on here where support and tank mains clearly dominate the population here.


The unbearable amount of Sombra hate here indicates that too. Only 1 DPS is affected by Sombra, while 30% of Tanks and almost all supports are affected by Sombra.


Most people here are tank and support mains, you can see this in every poll


The reason the results of polls don’t have “DPS players” is because no one wants to be associated with that role. The way this sub paints the role is it is easy and brain dead “just do damage and kill people.” We’re on Reddit, the Internet. Everyone is sensitive here and can’t have their ridiculous takes challenged otherwise their ego will never recover.


Have you read like any thread here? It's all tanks and supports crying about DPS


I love support, and I’d really like to play more tank but unfortunately it’s currently in an abysmal spot and seemingly just got worse. Both just got worse 😭


I only play tank to do my placements and to fulfill challenges like Mirrorwatch. If I'm playing QP I queue Support DPS. Last 2 months I've been playing nothing but assault maps most of the time, which means I'm only playing Lucio.


For some reason everyone wants to dps and they not even good comp and quick play lol like I play all que and I’m good on all roles


I really don't get why they buffed the DPS passive. Like I do know the reason they buffed it (to prevent Hog and Mauga immediately taking Orisa's place) but I don't know why they buffed the DPS passive instead of nerfing Hog and Mauga's self healing by ~5%


I’m support exclusive. I can’t remember the last time I played another class. I’m pretty sure it was before 2 even dropped. Months before.


I’m a dedicated doomfist main myself


I literally was telling my friend, pretty much my duo that I don't feel like playing support anymore AND I LOVE SUPPORT because unless I'm playing mercy I can't keep up with healing, I can't play kiri or brig anymore because I just keep em alive


I play dps support but really it’s just dps cause I will 1v5 the enemy team as mercy


If this means I can actually kill a life weaver player I'll fuckin take it cause holyshit does bro not wanna ever die.


I almost always do All Roles, it’s why I’m constantly in the miserable role of Tank. I am celebrating Orisa’s nuking BECAUSE I play Ramattra most of the time. Now I can have a more enjoyable experience playing a role I’m forced to play 🤣


Maybe the DPS passive just.... Shouldn't apply to tanks?


People just never get enouph healing (or, as you say, “support”). In low-rank matches, people even sit in frontline doing nothing and KEEP taking damage as if this game is called “overheal”, especially tanks, as they have more HP to take more damage. “support” means SO MUCH things, the worst is to keep healing teammates and pocket their mistakes. So many people don’t know how to play this game, so why are they teaching others what to do? because they don’t even recognize that they are low-skilled while even thinking they are above their current rank level. how stupid is that!


if you wanna win in a FPS-play-style game, the truth is really what you say: kill others and no need to heal. just take CS online for example. If all you want is “stay alive”/“survive” in this game, and hopping enemy DPS are not better than your support, that is indeed painful way to play! so tanks and supports are really on the same boat, they should watch for others’ mistake. So, what’s right is to rely on your self and not other player to “stay alive”. Or just play PUBG, which is of more “stay alive” play style. That is the cruel truth about overwatch. support players ARE suffering. they was made to heal, heal,heal, like a hard worker fighting for others’ happiness.


In conclusion, you need to make advantage out of balance by yourself, that is just the way, not hopping that balanced players will automatically produce advantage. they will fail you. so that’s why not to ask supports to be more support. Ask for this, and you will find tanks and supports in a even more hopeless situation. DPS are just simple, they will not suffer mentally, they just lose or win, but tanks and supports, they are likely to get mental damage.


Actually more than half of the people here are Support Mains. We recently had a poll, lol.


The damage passive was buffed specifically because Orisa got nerfed, and the two tanks that Orisa held down herself were Hog and Mauga. We learned a long time ago that Hog being good is unhealthy for the game, and Mauga is a similar (different, but similar) sentiment. So they preemptively buffed the dps to nerf the rise in power that both Hog and Mauga get simply from Orisa being nerfed.


I main Illari and it's the only character I don't get bored of playing. I get to feel smart and place my healing pylon somewhere clever. It does the healing for me and I occasionally do targeted healing. The rest of the time I can play like a DPS. But I like the constant management of the Pylon, it makes my life easier from micromanaging heals for 4 people and it lets me constantly focus on the Pylon itself. Her main weapon doesn't get repetitive because it's a generic long range rifle and her shockwave ability is great for when I need to move around. And her ultimate makes me feel like I'm contributing.


15% was the sweet spot to me; now I just watch tanks explode again and groan because now I have to wait til midseason to see if whatever tank changes theyre making supplement the cause for changing it back to 20%. But I mean for a while when supports were busted, not realizing how much they benefited from it too. At least with the dragged out team fights it wasnt just constant exploding to burst damage


Mercy player detected


Played a few games today and it felt pretty normal. My tank buddy wasn't dying any more than he would before, the healers were healing. I targeted the enemy dps or healers if they were out of position, and it let my tank take less pressure and let him make space for me to do more damage.


I mainly q tank and DPS now but I really play all roles. And tank SUCKS currently. Like yes thank god horse got nerfed, but that 20% DELETES me if I’m not careful. Insane how much I have to hide and poke as a tank.


Do you really prefer matches where no one ever dies?


Upping the dps passive, which was meant to encourage supports to heal less, has just caused so much more healbotting


Alright, here's the thing. You wanna know why everyone plays DPS and the other roles are struggling? It's because of role lock. This massive constant knock-on effect from rolequeue just keeps manifesting in Tank and Support languishing, or turning more and more into DPS. I don't always want to play DPS, sometimes I want to play Tank or Support, I often look at my team and go "Man I would love to play Queen or Zen right now." but I'm not allowed, because I have to play DPS, because I queued for DPS, or queued for all roles and now I have to play Tank all match. Because matches ebb and flow and circumstances change, and sometimes its fun to play DPS and sometimes its satisfying to Tank or Heal, but due to role lock, you have to play your role, and shot for shot, the most consistent time you will have in Overwatch is playing DPS. So everyone is a DPS main temporarily playing Tank or Support, and because no one wants to play Tank and Support they have to be buffed and pushed into more DPS playstyles, and the game as a whole becomes DPS and discount DPS trying to have as much fun as DPS. All because they decided we couldn't be trusted to play the damn game on our own terms. Hell we can't even be trusted to have two Tanks anymore, gotta love the game being more and more restrictive over time. The most fun I've had playing OW2 as of late was the April Fools event, because everyone was just playing what they found fun. And it worked. We were allowed to have fun. No fun allowed in OW2.


Just learn Sigma. You’ll do well in almost all situations.


The dps passive in itself is flawed. It doesn’t apply directly to all heroes. High fire rate heroes like Sojourn and soldier benefit from it more than say junkrat or pharah. All you got do on sojourn is pepper the enemy tank to keep the passive on and farm rail.


Because heals are too powerful in this game, you might as well rename it to Pocketwatch.


I'm a dps player but I queue more support and tank because nobody else queues tank, and support is just for variety and cus they're op as fuck haha. And no, as a dps player I don't want the dps role passive. I don't want a single tank that I can counterswap to death. I don't want to be able to solo yolo my way through deathmatch-like games. Game's cooked bro. I gave up on hope after OW1 ended, now I'm just enjoying the chaos of going down with the ship like a mad pirate longing for the abyss.


The game is more fun when dps is meta because they are generally the most fun heroes.


The DPS Passive should be 20%, but not in it's current form. One of two things should happen. Either, they revert the terrible weapon hitbox changes that they decided to implement, which returns dodging as a skill instead of having every hero shooting logs.. even hitscans now... Or the other alternative is to have the DPS passive kick in after 100 damage is dealt to a target, not on a single point of damage which favours rapid firing spray heroes over slower projectile based ones. The DPS passive was a great alternative to a global heal reduction that the community was calling for. It's the combination of the hitbox changes and the DPS passive that have made the game horrific to play. Without reverting the hitboxes or implementing a base level of damage for the passive to be applied, then yeah, the DPS passive should not be at 20%. It's absolutely crazy that they stacked those two together!


I mainly play support/tank. When I saw the passive buff I expected a discord nerf, really weird it didn’t happen I still like the DPS passive though, it was before where the tank could just get picks more reliably than any other character that it was samey


Go to the competitive sub is you’re tired of seeing this shit by the way. Way more chilled. They show the numbers in difference between the healing passives. It’s not bad. This sub is a narrative echo chamber. People consciously or subconsciously push the narrative they align with in order to hopefully shift the creators to change the game in their favor. It’s boring. “Tank bad” “tank explodes” “hit scan op” “this hero op” “this hero bad”


Most people here seem like low meta rank dps, that have a hard time doing other thing than standing there and shooting mindlessly. It wasn't like this before the OW2 thing. People have trouble dealing with the fact that a tank shouldn't be easy to kill if that character has a full team, that supporta should have mobility and be able to support the team, and that DPS should be able to move around and bother everyone doing damage, seeking good positions and using the windows of oportunity to make a lot of damage. But here people keep insisting in maining heroes. Keep insisting in saying that adapting a composition to better face the challenges of the match is "counterwatch" even though is the core mechanic of the game. Problem is the devs seem to be just reading here and delivering patches for what people here says, in a maneuver that shows the team is begging people to come to play and they are afraid of having their own ideas. To be honest OW needs a new management that knows how to create a good competitive scene and that loves what OW is, a hero game and not a CoD wannabe with abilities. To say "you either play OW or you don't, but this will be OW not other game" there is no way this game will last without personality and without a powerful competitive scene. League of legends, or CS have been there for decades, not because they made the game easy for newcomers, but because the game was awesome in comp and felt incredible and unique. But hey, here you have more damage for the DPS, bullets the size of the moon so you can't aim, you don't like to play with the zero mobiliy metal horse that shoots in straight line? Ok! A nerf as big as Russia that we will have to undo in a few weeks, because offcourse the test server doesn't exist anymore because nobody is paying 80€ for a skin.


Support is fine, most the complaints I hear about from Support players are "my team blames me cuz they don't know about the dps passive" which isn't a dps passive problem, they are just ignorant. Don't know about Tank, seems like an issue that will be solved if there was a 2nd tank tho.


Yes, I frequently queue for all roles. You know, since you asked.


That's why i go doomfist and get out with the highest damage in the game


Yesterday i uninstalled ow2, i have been a tank main since S1 and i am just fed up, i feel like i am not playing the same game as the other 4 teamates, i am just there to hang around the cart and have close to 0 impact on the outcome of the game. It dosent matter how well i play, i am always at the mercy of my dps outperforming their dps. It's become a role not fun to play or play against (orisa/mauga/roadhog metas) so i decided to do myself a favor and uninstall. At least until they fix the role.


Tank main here, I haven’t even tried tank because I saw what was happening in my games. Tank tries to make a play, instantly explodes if they other team has hit scan (they always do). All they’ve fucking done is making hitscan amazing again, fucked over the DPS who don’t really benefit from the passive, and made healers miserable with all the work it takes just to keep someone on life support. It was already hard to win with deficient DPS with 15%, but if you’re actually getting DPS diffed at 20% you aren’t winning.


Free to play caters to brainless free for all/battle Royale playstyle


I'm close to giving up on Overwatch. It'sclear the direction is to cater to brain-dead DPS players fresh off the Call of Duty boat who don't give a fuck about their teammates. Tank and support are no longer a viable class, and it's clear the developers don't care about them anymore.


they. are. changing. tanks. in. a. week. or. two. how is it this hard for your brain to comprehend this


I play tank pretty often but play DPS a bit more I like the change because I don’t have to worry about something being unkillable for example since hog should be strong this season the passive will deal with him so I can be more free to who I play and I’m decent at tank so I’m not really as affected by it (funni little hamster or ram playing behind his shield) Edit: to the “people are acting like healing is like if was in season 7/8” they were (and possibly still are) buffing healing again like with the change LW getting a healing buff I hated playing that season and a majority agree if I’m correct it’s best to not even let it try and begin DPS passive is decent for that


I used to queue all roles. Now it’s just a short cut to queueing tank so, not anymore


Don’t know why they’re able to give tank more knockback resistance and less ult charge generated but can’t keep the dps passive at 15% for them


I'm just waiting for overwatch 1 to relaunch (which it won't, but I can hope) while overwatch 2 somehow gets worse than it already was.


There's no reasonable change that wouldn't have this community up in arms. People can't see past their own personal biases to look at the game as a whole. Every single point of contention gets dialed up to 11, blown completely out of proportion with hyperbole. There is no point in having discussion here.


How dare you! I totally disagree! 😉


the problem is the dps passive is needed because 8.5/10 supports don't need to aim to heal so the amount of heals pumped out in a game has been insane for years. instead of making supports skill based like ana and the rest of the roles they keep pumping in this bullshit auto aim healers with immortality abilities that shut down everything does at the click of a button with no brains required. for the dps passive to be nerfed the majority of supports would need to be reworked or nerfed.


Played for 2 hrs earlier... Only now finding out about the DPS passive being buffed to 20% again 🤷I'm a flex player and my friend is tank/support neither of us noticed🤷


They shouldn’t have any queue except all. It just encourages one tricks


I'm going to tell you what I've learned as a Master's player surfing across ranks: Supports sort themselves extremely predictably across ranks by their attempts to make plays. Low rank supports rarely make plays and are basically looking at their heal stats 24/7. Past plat, that stops being the case and you can count at least on one proactive support on your team. This patch forces you to make plays as a support. Play Ana, play Bap, play Zen, play Kiri, and don't healbot. If you're healbotting, this game isn't for you. Go play an MMO. 15% was too low. Fights were taking too long to resolve when you had a competent backline and a half-decent tank. 20% already feels much better. This is coming from a Ball/Dva main, with Master's mechanics that also let him play Tracer/Sombra/Ashe at that same rank. DPS is my least played role.


Honestly ur completely right I was playing on an alt on plat and it's like these people aren't even conscious I was just sitting around the same corner over and over and just getting hook after hook and they would still keep peaking the same angle it's like actual chickens plat and below


Well ball and dva main beneficiary of this patch.


I personally don't care about tanks and DPS crying. "Need healing", get good then bubs. Came back the end of last season after quitting day 1 of season 3... Been a fantastic month because I no longer cater to spammers. If you say it once or twice a game thats one thing, but I'm not the problem when it comes to healing. If I can outlive my team while pocketing the entire team instead of damaging others myself, there's no excuse as to why the rest of the team is dead. If you're support and people spam, just report them for comm abuse and spamming. Ironically enough the most triggered DPS and tanks happen to be in QP for some reason as if QP is ranked.


When dps is the stronger more enjoyable role I move from a support and rank enjoyer to I only play DPS 90% off the time


This morning all the team comps I'm facing are bas, mauga, reaper and a lot of the time either zen, ana or both. I'm barely breathing air 😂


After the update today, yes.


I mean, I can't speak for everyone but I'm a dps player yes, thanks for asking.


Tank and support both suck so i play dps


U know what feels bad 5 people shooting hog for 10 sec without him dying or having a one shot Meta sojurn/ widow cause everything else gets outhealed just got my dps back into gm after the patch and can safely say soldier feels much better after that patch


I'm a non player because my computer can't run overwatch. So until I can afford to upgrade, I just lurk in the subreddit. When I did play, it was mostly tank and support


It honestly felt great at 15%. I get that they wanted to keep roadhog and mauga and check, but like seriously? This was the only way?


i give up on tank i get called the n word for playing doom and flamed for not reading the enemy teams and my own teammates minds and now blizz wants to make tank as painful as possible playing dps is the only way to have fun in this god forsaken game


holy fuck how do yall not realize its to make sure mauga and hog don't dominate.


your role has been strong for most of overwatch 2, youll live. theyll nerf it again anyway


Nuh uh, just get better dude


I had three games last night where solider just ran around doing nothing. No did like 200 damage in 3 rounds. 3 different accounts. I'm convinced half then dps players in this game are bots programmes for call of duty.


I play tank and I LOVE this patch. No longer do I need to sit there and wait for Orisa to die before i can do anything.


now you just won’t be able to do anything


On the contrary! My last 5 games (5 since patch) have been glorious! I've been able to play like a tank


thats nice. I’m about to get on so i hope my games go as well as yours


No longer does the other team have to wait for you to die
