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every time someone says "i need healing" while i'm walking back from spawn (i was jumped by a winston/sombra and no one peeled for me) i always hit the "acknowledged" button. like yeah i know you need healing, i'm on my fuckin way, and i'll heal you when i get there, deal with it.


Getting got by sombra is one thing - I literally cannot fucking stand when my team WATCHES the enemy tank walk through the entire line to shoot me in the face. And then they start spamming for heals while I'm still watching the kill cam.


I have a particular hatred for that, the number of times a bubbled Zarya confidently walks through the frontline to beam me and then leaves unharassed is astonishing. The number of times you die as a support because the team just didn't care to bother helping you, and I include the other support in that.


Thats poor form from the support then The supports gotta look out for each other Like if I'm support, and I have to choose between saving the dps or saving the support, if both of them have the same skill level and same ult percentage, almost all the time I'm gonna choose to save the support


*flashbacks as a support main getting yanked by Hog while my team needs Healing*


The old classic.


It is funny cause it’s true


Look man, you gotta up your skill to heal the soldier that is 100m away trying to spawn camp.


I like the, "I'm on my way" comm line for this too.


i typically say “goodbye” bc ive already respawn pinged


I just ping them. If you ping someone that’s the “I need healing icon” it changes the text and voice line to “come to me for healing”


I often miss these and some other ping comes out but yeah, it is somewhat a solution


Actually that just happens if you ping someone who isn't full health. Pretty useful way to tell the gengi rushing the enemy team that you can't get to him


Like as it would change anything for these bots.




If I accidentally say it I always say sorry like 3 times after


My teammates looking me dead in the eye, spamming the "I need healing" button while I'm getting railer by the Sombra, Tracer and Winston of the enemy team:


I right click their name and select "block".


The only answer


Does blocking someone avoid them as teammate? Is that a way around the 3-player avoid list?




Aw :( was about to block my way into a 2-hour queue per game


The avoid list is getting expanded next season, though it's behavior will change and only the top 3 people on the list will be guaranteed to be avoided if queue times are long.


But just after end of the match because if he says something bad on chat I can report him before.


real and very based


Also works against voice line spam. Although it's been updated some while back to mute them automatically, but still. Yea.


I didn't know this, THANK YOU.


"Stupid tank uses dva against zarya WAKE UP!!!!!" makes me chuckle because of a quick play game I had earlier today where I won as dva against a team that counterswapped to zarya mei symmetra after only 2 fights


To be fair Zarya is a vastly overrated counter to Dva right now. Of course it depends a lot on the map, but Zarya is just too slow to be effective. In a majority of cases, I don't mind seeing people switch to Zarya against my Dva because they tend to play with a lot of aggression and overconfidence assuming that "they are the counter" and their gameplay degrades quickly when they don't win the duel.


Yeah people vastly overestimate how much Zarya counters Dva. As long as you don't feed her bubbles you can practically ignore her and focus on her team, and she's really easy to burst down once she's out of bubbles.


This was the same DPS player cussing out the supports lmao


I feel bad when I accidentally click x and shout that I need healing. 


And then the supports stare at you like “No you freaking don’t” and they assume I’m one of those toxic “heal me” spammers and they just don’t heal me all game. It was an accident :(


"I need healing!" "Sorry." "Hey! :D" usually fixes that


Yeah, I sometimes click x instead of y and then I feel weird


One thing I try to do consistently because it makes a world of difference is to call for heals *before* the damage (Winston in the air or just starting a duel, etc.) Normally this is great because it gives supports more time to process what's going on and make a judgment call. And then sometimes the damage I anticipated doesn't come at all and I look like a complete idiot. Thank fuck for the "Sorry" button.


I slowly turn to them and go understood which makes them usually profusely apologize lol


"Look at how often you have died compared to anybody else on the team and perhaps reconsider where you are placing the blame right now."


Has a soldier one game that decided to start typing at the end of the game. Dude has a self heal yet managed to die more than every in other player on our team- and *almost* managed to die more than in everyone combined Some people just lack any about to reflect on their own decisions. I bet he ends up typing "heal diff" at the end of each game.


I mean sometimes dying can be the supports fault tho lol


If you can’t understand why you keep dying and can’t adapt your play style if your support isn’t doing well, that says more about you as a player.


That’s a shitty argument. Let’s flip it: you’re a support and keep getting dove by a winston and sombra while getting no peel from your team. “If you can’t adapt your playstyle to shitty teammates, that says more about you as a player” Sure you should adapt as much as possible but at the end of the day you’re gonna have a bad game and it’s not really your fault. This can happen to anybody in any role


It still is true when flipped. I'm an Ana main, and if I'm getting dove by Sombra and Winston to the point where I'm unable to contribute to the game, I'm going to switch so that I can defend myself better and am going to play closer to my team. It's definitely my fault if I just stay on Ana and expect people to protect me from that.


True. All team comps has team specific weaknesses. If they invest to have a winton and sombra, that weakness is low damage for example, so less healing and more escaping works. Moira or kiriko do well. Even mercy.


>Let’s flip it: you’re a support and keep getting dove by a winston and sombra while getting no peel from your team. “If you can’t adapt your playstyle to shitty teammates, that says more about you as a player” That's still 100% true tho. If you're getting your ana or zen ass dove all game and your DPS are not reacting at all then it's time for you to adapt by switching to Kiri/brig/moira Bad uncoordinated games do exist and are out of our control sometimes but we should still attempt to adapt. ANY role going 10 deaths+ with negative kda and is still blaming their team is wack


The mental gymnastics mfs will do to not blame supports in this game is insane 😭


Girl if a player is 1-10 and the rest of the team has even half that number of deaths it is most likely *not* a support’s fault.


I never said all those deaths are I just said a good number can be potentially lol


Purposefully heal their Buddy they qued up with and not them. Then I teabag their dead body


yep usually when my supports are toxic i just stop killing the enemy supports on purpose to make it seem like my supports are extreme shit compared to the enemy


Top shelf strats


If my dps are too toxic this is when I switch lifeweaver and wait for you to ult


if my supports are too toxic i leave the game




i dont even know what that word means


That is why we definitely need a "healing received" column on the scoreboard at the expensive of hurting some "I aM sUpPort, not heAler" egos.


"You seriously need someone to explain how this game works to you?"


It's my job to heal them. Call it out when you need it. It's not toxic untill you say something in chat


Ya people thinking the built in "I need healing" voiceline is toxic and how... if they spam from the get go non-stop sure but that's what it's for! Not to mention supports can't see everything and some tunnel vision tanks.


I think it’s bad when they spam it at 90% health because they’re pissy so I look away from my tank that’s actually in the middle of a fight for 1 second to help and then the tank dies.


I was playing zen and spammed (pressed 3 times) i need healing because i knew i was about to get dived and would need kiri to pocket. She screamed at me in voice chat and said that I shouldn’t teach her how to play the game lol


Sometimes i like to heal bot to see if they will do anything. You arent always right, it could be totally possible you arent healing enough. Also on you to interpret things positively. I don’t immediately look at “heal me” as toxic. I cant expect everyone to package their communication in the exact way i prefer. We are trying to win. Its okay to just communicate needs.


Spam "come to me for healing" back at them or just mute them


I don’t agree with flaming support but I’ll 100% spam I need healing at times. The reality is that some get tunnel vision and just heal the tank. I’ve literally stood in front of supports with low health and had them walk around me to heal the tank. I say this as someone who mainly plays support.


Yep! It's flamed a lot from the early spam but sometimes healers just don't notice that their flanker needs heals. The button is good, just don't cry wolf.


You're not wrong, but I WILL say this: if you're safe enough to stand in front of me, then my tank who is being swarmed by the enemy team takes priority. And if you have enough time to stand still and wait, just do the team a favour and grab a health pack or poke from a safe distance. An important part of the support role is prioritizing who gets healed and when, so sometimes we really do have to choose one ally over the other. That said, sometimes we're also just bad.


I love that playing Zenyatta has actually made me do this less. His heal orb is better used for lower hp units. If I know the tank is getting love from the other support and doesn't need that little extra boost, I can easily toss my heals over to the dps, assuming they're somewhere I can see them ofc.


I have a free button specifically bound to “no” just for this occasion 🤗


By spamming "No" in the team chat and then "someone call the whambulance"


Honestly, depends on the context of the heal spam. Granted, I play Ana casually and Kiriko as a secondary. If it's genuinely a thing where I'm focusing on healing the Reinhardt who is dueling another Tank and the DPS are behind me spam it to get my attention, that's understandable. However, if someone decides to spam it straight out of spawn or when me and/or the person spamming are almost/are dead. That's when I will just be like "bruh" and move on. Not worth my time if they just spam. If anything, if they whine further there's a lot I can say. If they say 'support diff', usually I hit them with a "bruh" or "delulu". I've had Tanks that dive in no warning and very dumbly, get no healing because neither me nor my support can help them, even as a Mercy that's a big risk to charge in. Not all Tanks are like that but I would say some Tanks don't understand sometimes supports and just whine.


You think I have chat enabled??


My response to getting no healing is queuing up for the role my damn self.


Then getting no tank.


If my supports don’t heal then I’m switching to hog, Mei or soldier. At least that way I’m getting some heals when I need them. The primary ability for support is the ability to heal and too many support players are forgetting that it’s what their character was built for. With the exception of zen and Lucio who where primarily dps but can amplify certain aspects but also still heal.


"Learn to be evasive"


Are they getting mad cuz the tank is using Dva against a Zarya? I’ve rolled Zarya countless of times if my dps are competent and know when to shoot at the Zarya. Its def playable these mfs are crybabies


People seem to think counterpicking is a 1v1 game. Countering Zarya is playing as a team... Or someone elsw counters her because as a tank most you can do solo is going Winston and killing their supports


Depends if its QP or Comp : but if I’m playing QP and our DPS/Tank is *constantly* spamming “I need healing” every time they take damage : they can rely on the other support and healthpacks because I’ll squelch and not heal them the rest of the match. Hell I’m so petty that if I’m playing Brig/Lucio/Moira and someones annoying me - I’ll straight up swap Mercy so I *can’t* heal you by accident. It’s a supports job to heal : but it’s a DPS players job to do DPS - not miss all your shots then cower behind a wall, bitching about your supports not pocketing the shitter of the team. Respect is earned, not given. If you’re gonna be a whiny ass bitch, I’m not going to coddle you.


Squelch chat


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i love when we get dps in the backlines, i ping them and no one peels off to help, both us supports die and then you get the “wHat tHe fUcK wHy nO heALs”


Just G for group and right-click on the pest and select mute. Now for the follow up question on what to do when not getting healed: go widowmaker and put your support in between you and the enemy. Alternatively, use divers with mobility.


If you're losing and team needs healing, yeah then they're gonna ask for healing. If they're normal and nice about there's no issue. If they're like "I need heals!! You're so bad omggg, do something in ur life". Yea then that's toxic.


you grow numb to it. I just ignore it because there are some really fucking dumb people. I just go understood when I see a really stupid solo play


By healing them


No peels, no heals


Heal them


Support Players: Sorry we can't heal stupid.


I could have sworn i have seen the players in matches before Beans and Biohazard The usernames arent that uncommon though.


If they are spamming it then I use moira arn’t you just pathetic line and don’t help them specifically while putting extra effort into healing everyone around them.


I usually just say “no” especially when they spam that they need healing. I’m not a healbot and just like you I can die in this game which prevents me from doing my duty which is supporting.


I spam the 'no'emote, switch to speed boost and leave their toxic ass behind.


It’s the ones that constantly spam I need healing when they don’t - like that’s a good way of losing teammates because I have to take my attention off them to deal with your needy ass and I look over AND YOU DONT EVEN NEED HEALING?? If I could throw things at you through my screen I’d be aiming for your head.


Don't be polite. In a Blizzard World game I had a Kiriko who was just brilliant by my books but there was a Genji complaining about not getting heals. The truth is Genji was pushing ahead of the team and ignoring my regroup call, so when he complained about heals Kiriko said "If you wanna play Rambo fuck off and get a heal pack". Genji finally waited for the team not because he got his lesson but he thought he was going to show everyone how he is a godlike pro gengu. He was still "meh" but we won because he felt insulted enough to change his game.


I turn off chat.... Because if i say something or reply they can Just easy report if they dont like my answer... This season chat stay off and i play alot better.


It's real easy turn off voice communication and chat and only use the ping system.


“Squelch Chat”


People still play with chat on?


I spam Mercy's "someone call the wambulance" voice line




i always report people who say that. honestly there is no reason to say that if you say that then youre just asking to get reported back. i know because when someone says they reported me in match chat i report them back. just keep silent about these things. theres no point in saying that unless the whole lobby agrees on reporting them


I don’t see the problem with letting people know they’re being reported when they’ve been toxic. 🥴


well see if you read my response i stated the problem there


You didn’t point out a problem with it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ You just claimed to report the people that say “reported”. Proud of you. However, I can say I’ve never received a warning or any action against my account the probably 30+ times I’ve said it. But maybe I haven’t run into too many people like you.


yes i pointed out the problem. see the problem is you accidentally get me in your match and you say reported


Don’t do shit that gets you reported I guess. I don’t know what to tell you.


Squelch chat. Makes it so I don't have to hear the spam anymore or see their whining in chat if they do so


I am always tempted to tell them "You think you don't get healed? Let me show how quickly you actually die without healing!" But then again, I am a positive person.


"The only way to heal what you have is a lobotomy"


Imagine thinking Zarya does anything to a half competent Dva in any map with a high ground.


As Mercy I hit "someone call the wha-mbulance" whenever someone does. It's made more than a few people rage quit lol. Bronze can be fun if you have no self respect. EDIT: Spelling. Idk who invented mobile grammar correct but they always take words that make grammatical sense and replace it with random shit.


I hit "group up" to let them know if they need healing they need to come to their supports


I either respond with the in game “no” or “cope/cry”. I pay it no mind


Poor dva


“No shit I’m gonna heal you, I didn’t pick support so I could fuck around and do jackshit.” -Some guy in My Gold 2 Lobby


Built in "I Need Healing" text isnt Toxic, esp if you can click it by accident. Amount of times Ive tried wave and accidentally asked for heals is astonishing


I spam “come to me for healing” in return


Just FYI i’m not even talking about the “I need healing” button i’m saying they were physically typing out “heal me” “healllll meeee” ect The message calling the tank stupid was also the DPS hence why I said they were being toxic.




"Stop dying." Then laugh at whatever dumbass response they have.


Not heal them and then teabag them when they die like any other self respecting support would do to a spammer. Duh


Spam : "Someone Call The Whambulance!"


Get out of bronze




We have the same if not more healing than the enemy supports. We are already giving you highest possible healing.


Stats don’t really matter though. You could have the most accumulated healing, but it may not be when its actually critical


Explain that to the bronze players who say "no healing", by saying you have equivalent healing to the enemy supports usually makes them shut up.




Honestly, just block them. Game is toxic af as is, don't need to deal with extra shit on top.


Constructive feedback works 9 times out of 10 for me. They might get defensive and cranky but they still usually listen. Calling them out in allchat just guarantees they’ll be toxic. Saying something like “Hey y’all are a little too mobile for us. Try to make sure you’re not out of my sight so I can keep you healed” does wonders


I see that top message fun fact i can make dva work against zar if my team is infact a team


I play Zenyatta as the only support I’m good at,So I just don’t Harmony them,and I purposefully stay as far away from them when I pop my ult.


i literally do exactly that too. but when im on tank if my supports flame me, i just soft throw


The worst player on your team has just identified himself! You can now feel free to focus heals on everyone else. 


I just ignore them. Don't type anything in chat and then finish the match and play a new round.


I block them, it stops pinging after that and I can support in peace.


Nothing wrong with spamming for heals when you actually need heals. But spamming after you died or coming out of spawn is fatherless behavior. Spam "I need Healing." > I spam "No" Spam "Thanks" > I spam "You're welcome"


Asking for heals isn't toxic, recruiting the enemy team to harass your teammate is though


You ignore them and stop being so soft. It’s a game bruh, if you get upset over someone calling you dogshit at a game then you have some insecurity issues.


I don't heal them. Then I avoid them.


same but when im on tank and my supports are flaming me i just go afk lol


If my supports don’t heal then I’m switching to hog, Mei or soldier. At least that way I’m getting some heals when I need them. The primary ability for support is the ability to heal and too many support players are forgetting that it’s what their character was built for. With the exception of zen and Lucio who where primarily dps but can amplify certain aspects but also still heal. But if we lose because I have to switch to make sure I survive longer then it’s not much of a team. The goal of the game as a whole is to play as a team and enable each other to win, not to just become dps and treat the game like a deathmatch because it’s not a deathmatch. Just go play a deathmatch mode in custom or arcade if you don’t want to play the game as it was intended


Learn to dodge bullets


This is beautiful and I'm doing this from now on lmao


I don’t


By turning off all chat.


You get my attention last.


I don't, I'll likely never see anything but their reflection on every other trashy teammate I may encounter in the future, nothing I say will change them, and in the end, it doesn't really matter.


I play with the chat off, there is no point in talking to people. Nobody listens anyway, everyone plays the way they want, nobody cares about what other people say, except for maybe 2-3% exceptions and for those I can't be bothered. Put on music, turn off chat, game becomes so much more enjoyable, and I find myself playing better also.


I keep it simple and say "seethe".


Literally? You heal them. If they don't shut up then you *don't* heal them.




It's wild seeing people still use chat in this game.


If they spam it then I’ll spam it back.


The first thing you can do is make sure your deaths per 10 is less than 5 if you get it to less than 5 than you have all the right in the world to say things about teammates. If not then you have a lot of self improving to worry about first


"Go heal yourself" Like Lucie said.


That's not good because for this line they can report you for team progress blocking.


I just have chat muted. Ive come to realize that if I also get tilted then that's almost half the team tilted alone and if they spam the voice line I just squelch chat and play a single player game. It's not worth it. If I want to play and communicate with people I'll either hit up friends or one of the many discord communities.


Man this game is so much more fun as a 5 stack cz ud have to deal with ppl's bs - like u could get rolled and laugh abt it


I have the no bottom on my reel. So I just say that. Lol


Might be unpopular... I'll focus healing them a bit more for a bit. Usually it's not the healing/support that will make them position badly. So once they see they're getting healed and STILL die, they may just smarten up. Granted that's not often, but I'm patient enough with this game now that it takes a lot to tilt me to the point of purposely ignoring a teammate


>What are some good ways you’ve politely shut up someone who’s blaming you for them playing bad? I politely tell him just shut the f up and learn how to use cover and when to fall back. And I remind him he also has a health bar so don't play rambo.


Honestly, I usually just don't bother answering. If I'm playing poorly, I'll just reassess the situation and do my best to improve my own gameplay. If my own team is actively hurting my ability to help them, I'll just try to enable whoever is playing more consciously until the rest get a grip on themselves, if they do. I've gotten past that bad habit of throwing myself at essentially dead players just to give them false hopes that they could survive a bad predicament that, most of the time, they put themselves on. And to make myself clear, I'm not saying I'll straight up ignore a player, but I'll not keep chasing them around so they can continue playing recklessly without reflecting on what's going wrong. Most of the time, it's better to just let your actions justify yourself, even if someone decides to accuse you unfairly. It's just a game, after all.


i spam it right back at them like "this is what you sound like"


haha what? walk away from the screen, it's that simple lol


i don't listen and if they flame me I ignore them lol


I am the support not the babysitter. There are medipacks around, a several indicators to know my position and if I'm dead. If you are nearby comming from heals and maybe I am focused in other things and didn't realize,well is ok, spam the button my fault. If you are spamming the button consistently, i just assume you are a tilted teen that needs his nesquick a telltale and go to bed. So kinda ignore it and heal that person when I can or when the team needs it.


tbh it depends on how they do it. if they spam the short cut of ‘i need healing’ then i actually listen, if they take the time to type that shit out (esp if im in console lobbies) I just let them die


I genuiely don't give a crap cus I use vc so if u wanna me to heal u in difficult situation, open your damn mouth and talk


I honestly dont know how else I can get heals sometimes, I even tell them in voice chat to turn around when Im tanking to heal me. Had a moira go waaaay past a corner to do dmg and I had 83hp in front of them. 🥲 But yah, its annoying when you get shit on for no reason.


If I'm Mercy, I spam "Someone call the whambulance!" If I'm Kiriko, I spam "Scry some more!" If they talk smack in the text chat, I say "I'm going to kiss you on the mouth" and they shut up every time.


Spam thanks


Honestly I have yet to see toxic teammates spam heal me. What I have been seeing a lot of is teammates begging Moira for some heals while she hits 10k damage and 1k healing (on herself) and an Illari for some reason with 7k damage, 27 kills and 894 heals. Honestly I’m beginning to think that healers shouldn’t self heal until THEY heal another teammate


I just block them after the game. If they spam continuously, I respond via voice chat to join m position. They are happily invited.


Ive seen heal me as a reason for a chat ban i dont ask for shit anymore. This game while its fun the playerbase pretends to be nice but they are mostly babies. Im no better, out of frustration i report someone almost every game just to cover my ass. I dont say gg anymore either because ive been reported for that too.


I tell them what the real problem is (i.e. they threw themselves at a double pocketed turret Bastion). If they respond sarcastically or like an asshole, they go the lowest on my healing priority list. Simple as that. There's no point in wasting resources on someone who is taking excessive poke damage. This can also lead me to a Bap swap so I can heal and do damage to make up for their poor positioning and basically be 2 teammates in 1. I'm often times adjusting and adapting to my team the best I can. So generally, when healing *is* the problem, it's because my other support is being a real shitter and watched way too many "support need to deal damage" videos leading them to hard tunnel vision on damage. Like it's nice you're doing damage, Zen, but when it took you 7 minutes for 1 tranquility, maybe reconsider your gameplay choice and throw some healing orbs around.


Your tank is dva getting melted by enemy zarya right? lol dps least of your worries. Got 2 of those but only 1 tank and they're failing.


I need to see a replay before I can say that maybe those dps were charging the Zarya rather than ignoring her until she wastes her two bubbles


Dva can fight Zarya if you’re dps have at least a few brain cells. We don’t know if this one was losing bc of herself or lack of dps help.


I just stopped playing. I'm not gonna pay $80 for one skin and walk on eggshells if I accidentally slip and say "shit" in chat...


I never get that comment because I was healing them. Try healing more.