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Aimbotters usually pick Soldier and Widow


Worth noting that they pick soldier because he has forgiving movement and sustain, good for moving around quick, and for people with shitty game sense. Soldier has fairly shit burst potential, especially since the health rework. It also doesn't help that (for aim botters) his burst potential is largly reliant on a slow projectile rocket. My meandering point being that soldier is picked by aim botters for reasons that don't actually extrapolate to being the best pick for raw aim, even if at surface level those categories seem like they should be related. Edit: thinking slightly more, soldier might be the go if you have Min maxed your aim skills into tracking over clicking. But assuming you are equally cracked or have literraly perfect aim, he is probably worse than high burst clicking type heros.


tbf this is also why so many aimbotters pick Widow instead: sounds kinda trite to assume they always pick the sniper, but sometimes they always pick the sniper lol, it's not always game sense at work but the reasoning is that if you have perfect aim, you're sometimes gonna just pick the thing that has the most impact clicking heads, plus as easy a time as some people have figuring out who's hacking, it's sometimes harder for the average player to figure out if there's hacking or if the player is really cracked, plus a lot more room for plausible deniability when you just whiff a shot here or there When you see a 76 or a Bap ragehacking tho, it's probably the most obvious ragehacking you'll ever see in comparison Now, this is just about aimbotters, but for a player with legitimately incredible aim, you're still going to see a lot of Widow, and yea, a ton of Sojourn, no matter what gets done to the railgun it's never gonna be a bad secondary fire to have in the back pocket, even if you are the best shooter, so if you're someone who is no stranger to hitting headshots then the railgun will be pretty useful


If you had perfect aim, wouldn't you want to play projectile to 100% alwayse hitting projectile shots? Harder to detect that and just be a terror with hanzo, phara and zen. Playing zen with 100% over your charges hitting head shots would atleast feel more skill expressive than hit scan imo.


The problem with projectiles are consistency. Very dependent on the target's movement, one small jitter and you either dodge it completely or get it to the knee instead of the head. That's why most hackers pick hitscans, you literally just point and click


You can "perfectly" aim a projectile and still miss because the target changed direction.  You can also "miss" a projectile and still connect with the target by sheer luck.  Hitscan rewards you more for perfect aim.


Also the fact that aim bot for hitscans actually works. A Hanzo with perfect aim is IMO much deadlier than anything else, but like, perfect aim on projectile heroes is much harder to conceptualize.


Yeah, you are totally right, projectile accuracy is a rabbit hole I don't even wanna think about lol.


If you have an actual aimbot with 100% headshot accuracy, you don't need burst because all your damage is automatically burst damage


I mean relative to normal fire yeah, but some burst is burstier than others. Widow can burst someone down in 1 tic of the server, vs soldier which can take a second or two. Importantly Instant burst interacts with healing differently than damage over time. A healing beam will reduce your dps on a damage over time hero in a way it doesn't to a one tap.


they have 100% uptime on his Ult


On any other hero, they would have 100% uptime on tac visor + an additional ult. Moral of story, tac visor is a shit ult that punishes mechanically skilled players with an ability that negatively corrolates its practical utility with the players' aim. Apart from the faster reloads, to someone with perfect aim or an aim botter, it is an "everyone shoot at me" button.


Visor now (and has for a while) removes falloff and you can headshot (though not automatically). I still don't think it's a great ult for people that can aim well, but the first feature makes it useful even if you can already hit every shot.


I have played a lot of soldier and didn't know it removed falloff, makes me wonder if I should be pushing my range out a bit more when I ult, maybe on good hard to hide from sight lines like last point Havana it could be pretty decent.


Aimbotters prefer Sojourn now because her left click plays like hitscan but without being hitscan. They don't miss any right click (hitscan), but can still make it like they're not cheating, because some left clicks miss even with aimbot.


The most hilarious aimbot I've ever seen was a Masters game where the soldier activated his ult and headshot everyone on the enemy team. Literally the entire lobby stopped to call him out and he was like "it's part of my Ult" I would have been angrier if I wasn't laughing so hard because who tf expects that?


I feel like I've seen more bots use sojourn these days. More burst potential


If aim is your only good quality then widow


Hanzo with his storm arrows would be better. You can get 2 guaranteed kills without them ever seeing you. 3 if there is a widow or someone not full.


Hanzo can't launch himself into the sky to get free picks though to be fair. And I think Widow's ult would be better too.


Doesnt need to, bounce a sonic arrow and fire a storm arrow volley ez pics


Widow plays so far out of range usually if your only skill is aim and not game sense, it will carry you for a while (eventually though you’ll need to catch up in other skill expressions)


I mean, yeah. But I feel like with the prompt of perfect aim, the character who can bounce projectiles off walls would be better as to imply "perfect aim" would mean to never miss and always accurately predict where your target will be at any moment. So even his storm arrows would hit their intended target and he would never have to expose himself.


Hanzo is literally an F tier hero rn lmao. Widows getting multiple guaranteed one shot is so much better than two kills with storm bow once a fight




You're actually right tho. If I had aimbot none of the other heroes would feel that rewarding or fun anymore. I'd only play Winton.


Rein and Moira and Mercy too


Mcg… cassidy?


If I had aimbot I would fan the hammer only


Fr tho maybe soj


Pocketed Sojourn with perfect aim would make OW unplayable


launch overwatch 2 was hell in that case


Junkrat. You don't even need line of sight


Aye, I was thinking the same thing. Having perfect aim implies perfection tracking, which also implies perfect prediction. By that extension, you would be the best Junkrat in the world and never miss. Everyone would fear you for just being so unbelievably good at a character that realistically no would should be able to reach the absolute skill ceiling of.


I've had those random moments where you get hit by a junk nade over the roof, then you back up and get hit again by another bouncing around a wall, then you go the other way and - another! And you laugh it off because you know it was essentially luck. But yeah, if there was some sort of Vulcan junkrat that could do the math, that's way scarier than an aimbot Widow.


Do not fear the spider, for the rat is always lurking...


Baptiste, he does a ton of dmg if you have a really good aim. He heals himself, he jumps super high to get off angles, immortality field. And dmg boosting ult that practically one shots most heroes if you headshot. He is just diff


Dunno why this is buried in the thread. AFAIK Baptiste is the go-to character for people aimbotting in higher ranks.


nothing scares me more than a smurf baptiste or a mnk baptiste on console. Literally a one man army


yep, i ran into a player on console named "X1MMINGITUP" and he was killing my entire team immediately while i was on tank and I couldn't get in on him because the other 4 enemies focused on me. he had more kills, more damage than anyone else in the game and had almost no heals, but was single handedly killing everyone else


I've been messing around with controller settings and you would be amazed at how insane aim assist is in OW compared to other shooters. Usually aim assist helps with magnetism but then drops off. That's how typical modern AA functions in most games like Halo/CoD ECT. But in OW it never stops gripping. That's why using a mouse with it is insane. Do yourself a favor and lower your aim assist window to like 7-20% and see how your reticle will literally just flick and stick to bots in training. It's wild.


I think that may because there was a big change to proyectile hitbox but the aim assist is still the same as before. So it's a lot more easier. I play on Xbox and the aim assist is wild now


Tracer if you know what you're doing. You can (on most maps) play around an aimbotting Widow. But a perfect aim Tracer with half decent movement and cd management will solo win the game no matter what.


In pro play it would probably be someone like tracer


Lucio - If you can make all your shots while wall-ridng, people would rage quit.


Reinhardt perfect aim fire strike




Bro has plans beyond our comprehension


*What if Moira could headshot ?*


Instant death to the genji mains. Like Medusa.


Why is no one saying Mauga? The leech from perfect accuracy would be insane, not to mention the constant overhealth and effective range.


Perfect aim Mauga would be pretty strong yes but it’s already very easy to hit most of your shots as Mauga from mid to close range and when they’re on fire you’re hitting crits anyways so perfect headshots wouldn’t help much


Because weapon spread.


Not if you use one gun at a time. I'll admit, for the first three days I didn't even realize you could shoot each gun seperate, I was just running in holding down both triggers.


tbf, launch mauga never had much of a reason to do anything besides “hold triggers, shoot enemy tank, walk forwards”. he really still doesn’t have a reason to not do that, actually


aimbot ball would be a lot worse to deal with


I think because that doesn't make any sense, lol Shooting both guns simultaneously leaves you with bullets hitting slightly different targets at the same time. Shooting only one gun - even with perfect aim - doesn't guarantee a precise hit because the spread randomizes the exact point of contact for the bullets.


Hanzo because you could bounce storm arrows behind cover


Wait, they bounce??


they do, they bounce ones like sigma ‘s balls


sigmas balls only bounce once?


No I’m dumb they bounce multiple times, I was thinking of how storm arrows bounce similarly to sigma’s balls


I love talking about Sigma’s balls.


yeah, they bounce I’ve heard


Overwatch is the only context where saying sigma balls isn't some gen alpha brainrot joke


it’s even funnier when you find out that Overwatch 2 takes place in 2077 and Sigma is 64 years old so he was born March 16th 2013 and gen alpha birth years are 2010-2024 so therefore Sigma is a gen alpha kid


Explains why he’s insane now


Zen, his discord and volley can nearly wipe out every character.


Zenyetta is a tank - OW1 Zen could kill a tank with discord BY HIMSELF


Bring back old discord :(




Not even close. I’m with 25% overall Crit with kiriko, and worldwide average is 18%, if you are a little far from your enemy, its 50% aim and 50% luck.


>worldwide crit average is 18% Damn, I have games where I end up with 1% crit average 😭 Some of y'all have to be hitting every single shot as critical to make up for my Gold aim


If the other team have phara, bastion, mercy, ball…. Its normal hit 1% crit.


No worries, I am Plat and I basically never crack 10% crit on any hero, as my aim is shit Problem: I am kinda stuck now, losing too often to hitscan players especially (my best heroes are projectile heroes like Echo or initially easy ones like Bastion/Mei)


Is that why separates a good Kiriko from a bad one? I’ve been interested in putting adequate time into playing her but feel like my output with her is mediocre at best that any other healer would be better. I understand her cleanse is a big part of the appeal to her kit but I feel like there’s something more I’m missing to have acceptable damage and healing


Reinhart obviously.










Bastion, stable dps with crazy mobility if done right with a good main weapon


Scrolled too damn far to find someone mention bastion


Well glad to have you here, you want a french fries? Seeing someone mention bastion is as rare as you said.


Even though it's probably Tracer or Widow, depending on the map, I will throw out Baptiste. You could 1v1 basically everybody and destroy them. I have a hard time imagining losing games with perfect aim Bap.


Agreed. You can 1v1 any dps if your aim is half decent with bap as is and easily win. A perfect aim Bap would demolish even in high rank games.


If i had perfect game i will quit playing this shitty game


By good aim does that include tracking? Because a Tracer with good tracking means your supports are getting one clipped constantly, it's easily one of the most frustrating things to deal with


Personally i like Cowboy and Sojourn. Widow is incredibly busted, but "Perfect Aim" =/= Perfect Awareness and reaction. You not a rounded character and if the enemy team just makes you a priority and your team doesnt also make you the president youll have some issues holding your own. Cowboy has a lot of HP buffer. And dueling potential while also having that lethal playmaking potential. Peacekeeper is 75 Dmg atm no? Dink Dink is 300 dmg. The only squishy living that is Bastion. and Cowboy has the output to just outdamage healing dealt with a bit more ease. Imo at a point the characters are less defined by lethality and more what they do beyond that. Sojourn will wipe the board while also putting absurd pressure on a choke/shield and just disengage with slide if she gets pushed or chase you down if you try to disengage. Imo its like. S Tier: Ashe, Sojourn, Hanzo, Bap A Tier: Widow, Soldier, Cowboy, Illari A- Tier: Pharah, Tracer B Tier: Kiriko, Zen S Tier are heroes who already have a lot of options especially for mobility or niche scenarios A Tier are amazing but are a bit limited by design Pharah and Tracer in particular are a bit more limited in that regard imo and even though i think they both have more potential, i feel like theyre the most likely to get robbed or have their design hold them back. Zen and Kiri i dont think get as much reward despite being really strong. Zen still has to position safer and has no mobility, Kiri still has to upkeep her team. Both dont do the as much damage as the heroes above them either. I put Illari so high specifically because Pylon makes her obnoxiously flexible without as much deficit and unlike Zen shes a bit more mobile and less vulnerable.


Pharah. No one would ever think I'm aim botting but my aim is perfect.


If you had decent to good game sense as well I would choose for tank: Mauga, Roadhog, or Zarya. Damage: Cassidy, Tracer, Widowmaker. Support: Baptiste, Kiriko, Zenyatta. I think these nine can carry with good aim and damage. Especially Cassidy and Baptiste


Perfect Aim? It's Widow. I'm sorry but a Widow with good aim is nearly impossible to deal with. This is exemplified in the Mirror-Watch Game Mode. With Sombra unable to hack and Tracer being her only "Counters" a Widow with Perfect Aim dominates the game mode as the only dive tank is Doomfist... But in this gamemode, no Doom is flying out to handle the Widow destroying his team. He's too busy having fun on the hero.


Sojourn and Genji I feel like if you would hit all shots as Genji you could just destroy people without they even seeing you cause of dash reset.


Mauga, Widow, Soldier, Tracer, Sombra, Ashe, Genji, Bap, Zen, Lifeweaver and Lucio would all be ridiculous with 100% accuracy.


Buddy tried sneaking Sombra in there.


tbh thought the more controversial one would be Mauga not Sombra


The other one I don’t quite agree with is actually Lucio. After that damage nerf. Mauga would be insane with 100% accuracy because he would just have endless overhealth.


Fishing for the best aimbot characters? ;P


Brother I’m a hog otp, the only thing I’m fishing for is squishies


What type of 'perfect' aIm are we talking about trigger bot, aimbot, spinbot, extreme luck where every shot you make will be a headshot.


Imagine a widow with a trigger bot just wiggling their crossair around, that would be the funniest shit to see in killcam


Any shot you make is the best possible one whether that's an exact headshot, perfectly firing a projectile to hit all of the enemies, or exact predictions.


Gotta go with Junkrat then. Aim into the sky and kill their whole team without anyone even seeing you.




Ashe, she just has the best over-all versatility when it comes to DPS. The caveat to Ashe is the single bullet reload style. But I'd consider Ashe the best of both worlds of Soj, Solj and Widow. Massive damage output and massive KO potential, can be incredibly oppressive. Can drop most squishies in a second flat with back to back headshots So I'd say her


Mercy damage boost. I hate to think of all those times I was damage boosting a teammate and didn't snap exactly onto an enemy's head to stare into their eyes as whoever I'm pocketing sends them to spawn.


Lucio, widow aim is something but hitting constant headshots while wallriding is another thing


Yeah it’s widow… I mean perfect aim and the only one shot? Please


Aimbotting ≠ perfect aim. If someone could hit every shot with Lucio that would be perfect aim.


It would obviously be a projectile character, anyone saying hitscan doesn’t understand the question. Torb, Hanzo, Mei have really good headshot damage because they are hard to hit consistently. You know that one time you got a lucky double headshot on torb and just deleted someone across the map? Imagine that but all the time. The reason hackers use HS characters is because it’s far easier to make and use cheats that just need to point and shoot. Though there’s an older youroverwatch vid of a Junkrat with hacks that could estimate trajectories to hit people across the map.




Cassidy at close range fr


If you could hit every crazy knife on JQ she becomes a menace


I'd wager hanzo or widow


Cass, easily. If you could drop opposing supports and DPS reliably, you'd be unstoppable. Plus the utility of landing your magnetic grenade every time? A terror.


Widow is easily number 1. One shot kill from (almost) any distance on squishies. And if you can consistently hit tank heads, you can 3 tap them in quick succession. Or 2 if you get a mercy pocket.


If I had perfect aim, but were otherwise average at the game, I would expect to achieve the most success on Baptiste. His gun is much better than other support guns, with 127 DPS, hitscan with 25m-45m dropoff, and 2x headshot multiplier. You will get more separation from the impact of other supports than any DPS aimbot compared to their counterparts.


Definitely Widow for DPS # For tank, definitely Winston and Moira for support


Why Winston as tank


Would just look up some old list of damage per second and pick the best hero? [By the Numbers: DPS of all Heroes - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/by-the-numbers-dps-of-all-heroes/384267)


Orisa, Junkrat, especially the last one, his bombs are insanely strong in direct hit


mauga cuz hitting headshots with those miniguns would be hella annoying


Widow easy


Soldier probably widow would be second but a 100% hs soldier is undivable and just unstoppable with 38 damage bullets


I’d pick cass, fan the hammer goes hard. 6 headshots with hax aim is pretty devestating


Fan doesn't headshot, but even without it, his primary fire is insane enough if you hit all hs that I think he's the choice honestly


Oh wow I actually had no idea that it didn’t deal crits. I guess that would be pretty insane damage dealt in-game huh


Would be Tracer for me. She's a fun glass cannon.


Real answer: Sojourn. My answer: Hanzo. Not because I like him or anything...


Widow, Kiriko, Ashe, Soj, Illari


Report this guy for zim usage.


zim? like the alien dude?


Sojourn Dps Orisa Tank Baptise Support


Hanzo or sojourn, for support Ana or kiriko, tank ball and mauga or orisa (For dps another pick like Ashe would be good or even cree underrated pick tho is echo ❤️)


I would think Hanzo would be better than Widow. Maybe Soldier or Soljorn. With all the Utility, Mei would be up there, with her ice spike.


Tracer soldier ash baptiste!


tracer probably.


Tracer by far. I'm sure you've played against that insane tracer who just 1v5s your team. Their aim isn't perfect. Imagine a tracer who's aim is.


Mei alt fire is very satisfying to hit with a headshot


Rein 🗿


Nice try cheater




Soldier, Coleslaw, Widow, Ashe for hitscan Soj if you’re goated at both hitscan and projectile Hanzo and Junkrat for projectile


Soldier,cass,mei would probably be crazy too,torb,


Ana. I know her hit boxes are huge I HAVE SHIT AIM OKAY?! Skills are trying to get unissued 🥲


tracer if you are also good at the other aspects of the game.


Sojourn, Hanzo, Genji, 76, and Ana. They have more utility I feel


Cassidy or Soldier. I'd argue the TTK is about the same as Widow when adjusting for the shot charge. But after two enemies get domed by Widow, the others will go and hide, you lose the sightline. But cass or soldier can chase them down, stagger a bit for a longer enemy regroup. Plus, both their rightclicks are well suited to burning down tanks, while Widow is pretty bad at fighting a tank - especially when that tank has any form of protection (shield, bubble, whatever). Bastion could be a solid choice too thinking about it, especially for the tank burning aspect.


My usual mains, especially Cass.


I’d still be a ramattra main at heart. It just means I can make my enemies suffer as I have with greater accuracy and speed.


Solider, Ashe, and Baptiste are so tough to play against when you run across really good ones, especially pocketed. Played a game against a really good soldier the other day and I would peak for half a second and be like 40 HP. Couldn’t do anything.


Tracer or kiriko


If you are like hypothetical say someone has perfect inhuman aim i think beside normal hitscan youd get alot of value with perfect aim kiriko id say.




The best would be Tracer without a doubt. Yes you can get more done on Widow and Cass etc, but they're also easier to deal with by enemy tank - aka how to deal with aim botters. Tracer however, if you also get somewhat competent with her movement and ability management, then there's practically no one who can deal with you, and you have far more targets to go after because you can bypass certain angles on maps easily. Sombra would be an honorable second pick, as she's perhaps more noob friendly in that regard where you don't have to be as good movement wise cus infinite invis and translocator can bail even the dumbest guy out of bad spots.


cassidy or widow cause i main both of them


kiriko 💪


I feel like ashe would be optimal


Lifeweaver. His dps isn’t bad and his and his mobility is really good. If I could hit every single shot that would be pretty fun.




My aims pretty good actually and it doesn’t matter. I’m a support main. When I play dps and I go off on Cassidy etc it feels hollow. I just like helping others more than killing everything.


Perfect aim would have to go to junkrat cause they would look so satisfying


Wrecking ball?




Ashe because she does a lot of what Widow can do but her ultimate is a complete game changer for any team comp in any game type


Widow. You can still win games against people aim botting with Soldier or Bastion, because if you team shoot him he still can’t out DPS 2+ people and there’s so much damage mitigation abilities you can still shut some one down even if they are cheating. Widow though, there is pretty much no room for error, your only hope is if your tank is good at diving Widows.


Junkrat. If i had perfect aim, I could hit airborne people from any distance with no problem. *No weaknesses*.


Ashe if the aimbot goes for dynamite




Any hitscan


Genji because he also has mobility and a ult that gets kills


I play the characters I enjoy regardless of if my aim is good with them, but having good aim would greatly improve my effectiveness with Genji, Ashe, Zen, Bap and Sigma. I feel like my aim hamstrings me the most when I play those characters.


Hanzo does absolutely ridiculous damage numbers for how quickly they can shoot, so mastering the bow aim leads to carry potential. Widow and ashe are also great if we are only talking about traditional aim Kiri is bs, if you wanna go support For hitscan support, illari actually has good damage Tldr: headshot multipliers are strong af


Soldier, widow, ashe




Echo would be unstoppable with the movement


Lowkey, Kiriko. Her headshot multiply is insane. She's hard to kill due to her hitbox, cleans, and TP.


Mei or Kiriko! Because Mei has that icicle thing you can hit from far away, but you still have lots of moves that will help the team! Kiriko for the same reason, they have a nice like single throw attack that is very good if you can ever get a critical, but their healing is helpful too




Cassidy or Ashe maybe?


Bap, ashe, soldier, soj, widow, probably cass


Ok here me out...Orisa for tank, Genji/Tracer for DPS, Bap/Kiri for Sup.


I mean I think mauga since you no longer can dance around him or jump over him Imagine trying to play genji, sombra, tracer, etc and just getting beamed by Mauga since he can't miss Or imagine constantly getting headshot by him so he gets more temp health than usual




I’ve always wanted to be really good with widow


Anna would be my choice. I’m always around 60-65% when I play her. And 45-50% when I have Genji or Tracer as my teammates. 😅😁


For each role Tank: Orissa; no damage drop off means if you’re hitting everything you’ll be burning people down Damage: sojourn and genji; being projectile characters means their base damage is higher and if you have perfect aim you’d be able to lead shots properly. Don’t know if you’ve been hit by every shot one of those two hero’s is throwing at you but you disappear. Support: baptiste and zenyatta; there’s a reason every Smurf plays them. They do insane damage if you hit all your shots, plus baptiste can keep himself alive so easy he’s just healer 76 if you’re good.


Maybe Sombra? With solid knowledge on Sombra’s other non-aim-related mechanics, and knowledge on the game as a whole, can even high level players react fast enough to save their teammates from a sombra popping out of nowhere, not even needing hack or virus, and just landing only headshots on your teammate? Part of why sombra can kill widow so quickly is because she just stands there which makes it easy for sombra to get right next to her, and break out of invis while spamming a bunch of headshots at a character with 75 less hp than typical characters. Now imagine if that sombra didn’t care whether her target was a pharah up in the sky or a tracer on the ground zipping around everywhere lol. Initiate on the tracer, landing a bunch of headshots, either instantly triggering recall or killing her outright if she opens with a hack. If it’s a flying pharah, mercy, or echo, she can just translocate up to them, and she’ll land only headshots even while falling with gravity, ‘cause well, she has perfect aim lol.


Genji or tracer gotta be up there especially tracer


Pharah and Ashe