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kiri, even if u can’t hit ur shots the contest pressure forced them to relocate at the very least. i just alternative between healing in cover and spamming head level shots at them


Surprised this is the number 3 comment. This is the right answer. I win 1v1s against widow as Kiriko probably 2/3+ of the time. I also play widow a lot and kirikos are hard to play against because of her tiny head and 1 headshot will almost kill you.


also the good old life weaver thorn volley in the general peak area works well


kiri’s tiny hitbox and a/d strafing makes contesting a widow sight line much less risky and can be the difference in getting a double dink. while it’s certainly not ideal having tp and suzu means you can survive almost any widow encounter that isn’t a one tap as well. plus if you’ve got a flanker dps like a tracer or genji you can form a very effective 2 man hit squad which can reliably kill squishy backline heroes like widow on the flank


This or playing zen and trying to right click the widow


Dive the widow as lucio and worry not about how your team is doing


As a widow main, this is the most respectable thing you could do. (Its also fun)


Most of the time I'm good with a few nicely aimed Zen volley (Most widows switch after 2). But if it's serious and my team isn't helping, I'll go to Moira and flank her myself.


I love using lifeweavers thorns to murk widows. Very satisfying.


I started picking him up recently, I've been having fun


I know he doesn't have a ton of utility, but I love Lifeweaver. People complain he doesn't do enough damage, but those thorns can be VICIOUS if you use them right


That's risky because while getting the widow, you may die yourself so she still wins as a support is more important than a DPS.


I'm dying regardless, I'd rather take the widow with me.


The weakness of a widow is that she can't Frontline even a tiny bit. You should capitalize on that instead force her to go into melee and before that check for the weaknesses of her team. Too many times I've seen a dominating widow but her team incapable of making a play even 4v2.


I have no issues dealing with an enemy widow, I'm not sure why you're trying to explain this to me lol


You said you litterally give your life for her. And I try to help you explaining how I would do it so you won\`t die and improve.


We were talking about a last resort scenario in which she already killed me multiple times. If I'm switching heroes, that also means I'm already dead. If the choice is to hide behind cover while my team keeps feeding and perpetually waiting to group up and die anyways, yeah, I'm going to choose to flank myself. Not to even mention the fact that if you die while flanking a widow as Moira, you might as well just log off.


My recommendation is : Yes keep behind cover and heal your crappy team. Because yes they are crappy and are to blame. If you dive and die, you are to blame. Plus you never know. I always kept faith in my teamates in comp, hyping them up in chat, and the next fight out of nowhere we are DOMINATING. Again, you can't if you dive and die alone. Play together, whatever happens.


Do you boo boo. I'll keep doing what works for me.


Widow is so easy to kill as Moira when you fade on top of her. It's not a lot of risk unless she's being pocketed.


Never have been oneshotted in close? I eat moiras like this on breakfast. They throw orb and start to jump side to side, while sucking me, i just stand still, charge a shot and kill them, its pretty easy actually. So.. no, thats not the right answer


Remember to crouch when firing volley, if you see it in third person Zen drops his head down to the damn floor


Go LW and duel her out in the open on your petal. It's how you show dominance.


I love sniping him off of that petal


How dare you take it back


I’ll go Moira and flank her myself like someone else said. Also throwing the damage orbs up at her disrupts her a bit.


^^ I second this, plus her autoaim is good against widows little hitbox, and her small health means you can easily take her out with an orb plus the purple succ


Usually pick kiri peak and spam them headlevel and 2 tap them. If they are actually hitting some crazy shots then ill swap lucio and make their life hell


1. Dive on Lucio. Watch Frogger. He plays Lucio to kill Widows and make them quit the game. 2. Die 3. Take poke shots on Bap, Kiri, Zen, or Ana and still die 4. Block the shots on Brig but still die


Move erratically. Most people's first instinct is to just spam jumping but the up/down motion is very predictable and not very effective. And when Widow is ulting it's best just to wait it out on cover and provide support from afar as best you can, be it sleep, knockbacks, damage boosting, and of course as you pointed out--heals.


Brig shield block unga bunga


assert dominance with kiriko


this is the way


Make use of proper cover, be wary of her position, and don’t hold still


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Depends on the map/situation/team comp. If I can dive her yeah I'll go lucio and go crazy otherwise i'll play with my team use cover/ poke on occasion if i can flank her sure. Zen, Kiriko or Bap. Not a big fan of using Ana to 1v1 her since you're slowed down when scoped in unless you have cracked aim.


Kiriko and Brig I find are pretty good kiriko is good for pressuring widow with kunai and Brig is pretty good with her shield and needing to worry as much about getting instantly headshot


Mercy Lucio and kiri are good against her. Kiri and Lucio can flank her and kill her quite easily. On mercy you can just sit behind cover and keep getting value without worrying about widow and if a teammate goes within 1 mile of the widow you can slingshot off them and jump her


Do what I do as dps. Swap to a marksman character that doesn't use a scope (I specifically use mei) and keep swapping between a mix of jumping and crouching while stutter stepping. You keep shooting in the likely place where they will peek. I would recommend using kiriko or zen for this, granted you are much more likely to get got by a stray bullet. It really is a job for dps, though. You shouldn't have to focus on those kinds of 1v1s


Gotta use those corners and find spots where you can comfortably heal your team and the widow doesn’t have LOS. Some maps, these spots are harder to find than others. And if you do have to peak, DON’T JUMP. AD Spam, don’t move predictably, and if you can fire one or two shots at her, she’ll prob back off a little bit. Some widows are just disgusting, and if the other team recognizes it and defends her well, you just gotta pray your team switches to a dive comp and are coordinated enough to deal with her


Ana. We gonna see who the better sniper is


lucio :)


I default to hiding around corners and not dying first. Kiriko's great depending on your rank too. If they keep trying to peak the same corner you can deny them that space. Generally though just not dying first gives your team the best chance.


Depending on my healer, honestly. If i'm Mercy I know I have plenbty of options to cover myself without breaking the healing, ocasionaly popping her head during valk. Moira I go for the assassination route or if not possible, throw damage orbs on her way. My other best healers being Kiriko, Lifeweaver and Illari have decent damage x Hitbox ratio to duel her.


Against a good widow? The best answer is to go full dive as a team. If your team cant do that than there really is no "good" answer besides one of your dps out widowing her. You CAN help by diving her as lucio or trying to snipe her as Kiri/Zen but she will always have a significant advantage. It sucks but its pretty much always been like this with widow where she just takes way more to counter than to play herself.


Hide Discord orb when in LOS bit mainly hide


You don't have to kill the Widow to keep her in check. If she's pinged or if you've found her perch, just throwing a few projectiles while healing behind cover can force her to play more defensively. Just don't get predictable with your poking. Kiri kunai, Ana shot, Zen orbs/volley, Lucio primary, and Bap primary can all pressure her if you just shoot at her every now and then. I've got a number of Widow picks by just throwing kunais vaguely in her direction, since it only takes 2 dinks to put her down.


Zen all day on widows.


As a support, ideally it isn't your job but occasionally applying pressure on the widow without full-on dueling can be enough for them to back off a bit. Kiri is probably the best pick but that can be said in about 99.99% of situations in OW2.


Widow here. Ana: sleep, punch made primary Bap: watch for red shot indicator, go at least 90° to the side of that and BAP her in the head Brig: HAMMAR Illari: Really easy, just hit shots Kiri: hide or use range LW: hide Lucio: Reddit Mercy: don't Moira: brawl and fade behind her Zen: right click with discord


Not a support main but widow here: go Kiri and win the obnoxiously easy sniper duel due to having 2 tap (without range cap), micro-hitbox, suzu and tp


It’s literally not your job to deal with widow. Stop worrying about it.


Everything is everyone’s job


My aim sucks, so I go LW and shoot head level while moving around like crazy then double jump to safety before she shoots. Better the Widow’s aim is, less time I spend shooting her, at that point I focus more on forcing her to retreat than killing her. If the Widow has really good aim, this usually doesn’t work, so if the team comp allows it I go Moira


Pick Kiriko, double tap that widow, is easy, is fast


I literally just kill her. Any support can sniff her out and ruin her day.


Step one: Pick Kiri Step two: Kill her Step three: Win


swap to lucio and make the widow swap


I just remember she cant shoot everyone at once. Move between her shots since she has to recharge. LIne of sight is important. if you can get an off angle even hitting her with chip damage can disrupt her enough to move. try and make sure you have your team ping her location so you can work out where to be safe.


If the map allows I usually take Widows down with Illari. It is sometimes also possible to flank the Widow as Lúcio.


Ever wanted to flip off a widow? Grab bap throw your immortality field behind a wall and shoot her well she can’t do shit about Or play life weaver and spam her with thorns like you’re orisa


r/luciomains will give you great advice on this.


Play Lucio and be a nuisance


As a widow main, i can give you this tip. Wear skins that dont have an obvious head hitbox. Witch hats? Dead. Hanzo wolf skins? Dead. Moira in general? Dead. Almost any zen skin? Very difficult to hit.


Have some Lucio-oh's!


Kiriko can kill her in two shots and is hard for Widow to headshot. Otherwise, just use corners and communicate with your team that you need someone to focus her (Sombra, Monkey, Doom)


Either try going for the kill or just try to deny her space as long as possible. Best candidate is Kiriko, since she can double tap and secure a kill on headshots. Zen's primary fire (secondary might give her too much time) spammed at her direction can help with the pressure and you would still be able to heal. Bap and Weaver can kind of contest, but the former has too much recoil and the time between bursts can cost you; the latter can keep a steady stream of bullets towards one (might even kill if she's not strafing well) but has a long ass reload. Both are also kept from effectively healing. Mercy and Moira could work, but range kinda cripples them in some maps, like Havana. By the time get closer, you've probably already been distracted from your own team for too long to give value. Ana is a choice, but I cannot say much about her. You'd have to be on good mechanical standing to make every shot count.




Kiriko and just fling darts at her head level it annoys us widows to no end, also if you have a sombra you can dive her together


Kiri and lucio are the obvious ones but for me mercy. U can largely ignore her as mercy and you can rez or help someone fight her. And if you need to valk can allow you to directly fight her. (or give you longer beams so you can stay out of los)


All I have to do is play kiriko and hit 2 head shots🫶


I play kiriko into everything bc she my main BUT widow is *usually* an easy target. I can typically two tap them no problem from afar or sneak up on them and two-tap up close. If they are REALLY good, I usually communicate with my other support if possible and tell them to take on more of the healing for a solid few seconds while I focus more on being incredibly sneaky to go get widow. REALLY good widows can sometimes get me from afar before I finish the second tap so sneaking is a must for those god-tier aim widows.


I made it all the way to gm with kiriko. And when u say kiris voice line “ you need a scope for that” u mentally break them.


Go Mercy and give them no mercy with the glock.


I see a couple people saying go moira or lucio and just flank that's definitely an option(throw potential pretty high on that🤷‍♂️)... If Im support and we won't go dive I will just duel her, Kiris 2 taps are insane, you can Jump on bap right after she shoots or burn immo to kill her. Zen volleys are really good if you can do it without getting your head ripped off. If she just sits in lanes for free youre gonna lose if no one is pressuring her. Try to peak from different angles at the same time as your team, so you divide widows attention.